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In the following composition, i will summarize one of the books that changed my point of view

forever: “The subtle art of not giving a fuck”, by Mark Manson.

El título pretende ir en contra de la corriente de autoayuda más común, no se trata de cumplir

todas las metas que nos propongamos sino de identificar cuáles son las que queremos y qué
estamos dispuestos a renunciar para ello.

Se divide en una serie de capítulos pensamientos o formas de actuar que, a priori, irían en
contra de la corriente habitual de pensamiento, desde el principio, se plantea que la pursuit of
a positive experience becomes indeed a negative one and viceversa.

1. DON’T TRY. Undermine our expectations about negative and positive experiences

2. HAPPINESS IS A PROBLEM. Undermine our expectations about negative and positive

emotions. As serial killers might find happiness by murdering, it doesn’t mean they should do
it. Happiness comes from solving problems that we may enjoy having. What am I willing to
struggle for?

3. YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL. The author defends the fact that people are being trated as if every
single one of us could achieve greatness is nothing but growing our ego, accepting the bland
and mundane truths of life such as the fact that our actions actually don’t matter that much in
the grand scheme of things.

4. THE VALUE OF SUFFERING. What is worth sacrificing for? As an illustration, a japanese

soldier continued fighting till seventies, Hiroo Onada, it does not matter how good you are if
you have the wrong value/goal. As for good values, the author quotes that they should be
reality-based, socially constructive, immediate and controllable. As an illustration, honesty
would be a good value.

5. YOU ARE ALWAYS CHOOSING. in these terms, it is essential that responsibility be separated
from fault, Our perception of the world is a continuous decision that is being made, even
though something is not our fault, the thing we are choosing from moment to moment is how
value each experience. As soon as we realize it, we may both tolerate pain better and do

6. YOU’RE WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING (AND SO AM I). Growth and evolution prove to us that
things that we believed as total truth in the past may be seen ridiculous nowadays, and so will
happen to actual beliefs. Therefore, the benefits of becoming less certain of yourself opens up
room for dialogue with people and space to learn and improve.

7. FAILURE IS THE WAY FORWARD. The author remembers how his math teacher encouraged
him to rewrite the problems in orther to comprehend them better, later on, he escaped from
panic situations just by doing a small act in the first place, for example: in order to avoid social
anxiety, he walked through the person till he reached this person and, to prevent from
awkwardness, he started speaking

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