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POINTS TO PONDER idiomatic Expressions - Part! and tl ‘Two-Word Verbs - Parti and tt ba ec ea Bc i Quesy 7 re * . Ques¢ ‘ * ADVANCE 1 INSTITUTO DE IDIOMAS YAzIGI S/c Presidéncia: Fernando H. Silva CENTRO DE LINGUISTICA APLICADA = Diregao: Lynn Mario T. Menezes de Souza AUTORES DO QUEST 1 aes Lynn Mario T. Menezes de Souza Maria da Gl6ria Costa Cunha Gil _ Mario Utimati 4 ss j Projeto Gratico Original: Selene Beatriz de Oliveira Cruz i Assistonte de Producao: Enir Martins Ferreira stracdes do Miolo: Jun Yohoyama, Vaiter Harasaki e Mauro Kazuo Sato 7 ustracdo de Capa: Sérgio Sdrous ‘ Impresso nas graficas da Difusao Nacional do Livro * *ESTE VOLUME E PARTE INTEGRANTE DO LIVRO QUEST 1 r = Editado e publicado pela DIFUSAO NACIONAL DO LIVRO, EDITORA E IMPORTADORA LTDA. Av. 9 de Julho, 3166 - CEP 01406 - Sao Paulo - SP margo/88 POINTS TO PONDER Idiomatic Expressions Part | . Read: a, Rea eh 7 : * come to terms with o (try to accept something which you have difficulty in accepting) It took Paulo a long time to come to terms with the fact that his parents were getting a divorce. ‘+ make ends meet (to have enough money to pay your bills; to earn what it costs to live) Both husband and wife had to work hard to make ends meet. * play the devil with (to cause confusion in; damage) Regina's unexpected visit played the devil with our plans to travel. + to run out of (to come to an end) It took me more time than | expected to go to the beach. | forgot to fill up the tank and | ran out of gas on the way. * scare to death (to be very much afraid) She had to go to Salvador by car because she is scared to death of fiying, ei QUEST 1 1 YAZIGI * go in for (try to do; take part in) Most people don't go in for rough games. Maria doesn’t cook very well. That's why she goes in for simple meals. at first sight (when first seen; without careful study) At first sight the offer looked good but after studying it we found things we couldn't accept. * cry over spiit cs « {to cry or complain about something that has already happened) There's no use crying over spilt milk: we have lost the game. * keep one’s head (to stay calm when there is trouble or danger) When he noticed the man had a gun he kept and tried to talk to him. stun a blind eye to {ignore something; pretend not to see it) The police turned a blind eye to the widespread gambling in town. b. Complete the sentences below with the appropriate expression: + Abts) sich) the problem seemed insoluble. ‘* Many students were cheating in the exam but the teacher Juss). Wa! au Je it, * After Paulo crashed his father's car, his mother told him there was no use cain = y * He invited us to play cards with them but | refused the invitation. | don’t a games. * Maria Pia was once a millionaire and she can't 1 + being poor. * The crash seemed inevitable, but luckily the pilot Luu} bs iad and brought the aircraft to ground safely. ‘* The Souzas found it very difficult to Ms v.45) after the birth of the new baby. * When she was in the middle of baking the cake, she noticed that she had amu) of___sugar. * The frost plod cs) \)) with the erops. : "¢ On the day of my driving test | was _acastal. \s \s/\_ | really don't know how | managed to pass. yAzIGI 2 QUEST 4 Idiomatic Expressions Part I Read the sentences below and discuss with your teacher the expressions you find unfai © at hand ' (easy to reach) When Paula does her work, she always keeps a dictionary at hand, ‘* down in the dumps (sad or discouraged; gloomy) All of the people were down in the dumps when they heard that their team had lost. * for good } (permanently, forever) As he lost the elections for Governor, he decided to leave politcs for good. ) have to do with " (to be on the subject of, to be connected with) The book has to do with the industrial development in the Third World countries. Ae ** beat around the bush (talk around the point instead of coming directly to the subject) We would understand you better if you said exactly what you meant, instead of beating around the bush. * eat one’s cake and have it (have both when you must choose one of two things) Roberto can’t make up his mind whether to go to college or get a job. He can't eat his cake and have it. * take for granted (uy (to suppose or understand to be true) aa | took it for granted that you would want to see the show, so | bought you a ticket. ‘* make sense -~, (to be something you can understand or explain) We didn’t understand the explanation in the book: the sentences didn’t make sense. * see eye to eye (to agree fully, hold exactly the same opinion) Marcia's parents didn’t see eye to eye on where she should go for her vacation, * bone of contention f (something to fight over; a reason for quarrels) The use of the car was a bone of contention between Jodo and his father. QUEST 1 3 - YAZIGI ~ iad Supply the English equivalents for the expressions in Portuguese below. 1 Moria ande mite denrimida1 She broke up with her boytrend Marcie. WAP don. i pa 1 [Ey 90 tenho um catélogo ‘let cd, mo, 30 I check it ate. Von) Shout o Vt GD Nand, C phot 1 We thought hed come jst for 3 visit but [ele gecialy (car ere sempre] | Jo decides 3 Jor aod I don't know why Paulo - the new employee - attended the Board Melting, [Ele ndo tem nada a ver como projetol Bhs deom > hawt D de Wide Nae Rxgesvnerb quel you-te gong to eae Dew Joke jor 1 Maria wants to travel with her friends on the weekend and go to Caetand's show on Saturday ier, aBgobiar € chupar cana ao mesmo tempol) Aunielixou sd . ie Weta Jo sa) Der 1 (A preestorasupds al al the students had undesiood whet abe exis Me Jeodor Jockdhe 1 The boundary nm bette the to fame was fm pono de aio ene onl faxndion | a Morne aly, on Sal 330 J 1 [O,crime tom 9 ver com| the drug traffic in Latin Americe. \ dyn. gree, ole Lib, Snel Jim Dh Now Rat’che got atGrcal, ahd wants to mance 2 bigger apartment. oe 130 fer sentido '® Pedro and his brother always {t8m a mesma opinibo} oo 2Up = t: ‘stand talking to Dr. a vee fala muito mas nao 6 objetivo.) \ no drake onowreh Whe Ssudh yAziGl 4 QUEST 1 POINTS TO PONDER a chen rele Seer ene Tvo-word HOE everbs one oe Shee Ss oe pe eee ce ee eee Shizc oemeeeee Ree enlaces: See eee Read: fe ee i iki 2 a 1m She turned off the radio and lett | have to look up his telephone number. She's getting over a terrible cold. As she was going to a reception, she put on her evening gown. The expressions in_bold above are two-word verbs, that is, verbs combined with other words, generally a preposition. The meaning of these verbs is often campletely different from the meaning of the component parts. These combinations may be divided into 2 groups: those whose components always remain together in the sentence (inseparable combinations) and those whose components can be separated (separable combinations). 2. inseparable Combinations IX Two-word verbs without objects ere elways inseparable. ex.: She gets up at 6:00 every day. FT Some two-word verbs with objects cannot be separated at all. ex:: [ran into Claudia at the Shopping Center. Paulo is not coming. He hasn't got over his cold yet. FX Others can be separated but their meaning changes. ex.: The secretary got the letter off this morning. (sent) ‘ The plane didn't get off on time. (leave) 3. separable Combinations IE The object of @ two-word verb may occur either after the verb or between its two parts, ex.: Will you please turn down the TV? Will you please turn the TV down? YE If the object of a two-word verb is a pronoun, it must occur between the parts of the verb, ex: The TV is too loud. Will you please turn it down? The doctor advised him to stop smoking so he decided to give it up. QUEST 1 e YAZIGI 4. Here are some inseparable two-word verbs. Read the senten: teacher the expressions you are not familiar with. 1ces below and discuss with your jet along - to live/work together in a friendly way. ex.: We can’t accept the Martins’ invitation for the weekend. Our children don’t get along well. * to come off - to take place, to happen >> ex.: After being postponed twice, the show finally came off last Saturday. * to look on - to be an observer, to watch without taking part. ex. Everybody was helping but Pedro just looked on. * to get away with - to do something wrong without being punished. ex.: Although he had killed his wife, he got away with it * to come across - to find by chance nce dwan, ) ex.: When looking for some documents, she came across an old dress which belonged to her grandmother. * to get about - to move, circulate ex.: What is the best way to get about S. Paulo - by ‘car or bus? ex. * to come around - to change one’s ideas, as in an argument. # At first he didn’t like the plans, but now he’s ‘coming around. 5. Now read the sentences below - in which separable two-word verbs appear and discuss with Your teacher the ones which are unfamiliar to you. * to break up - to.come to an end/to put an end to, especially by separation ex.: The police broke up the farm laborers’ meeting. The party was very exciting. It broke up at 4:00 in the morning. * to get across - to make understood ©) Sh ccossGnilex.: The teacher tried hard but the students couldn't get the idea across. + to look up - to find ex.: The students had to look up all the new words in the dictionary. There were many new words. All of the students had to look them up. QUEST 1 to put off - to postpone ex.: The company put off the flight because of the bad weather. * to take on - to assume responsibility ex.: Pedro is always taking on more than he can do. * to bring about - to cause, produce, lead to ple ex.: Inflation has brought about lots of problems. © to make up - to invent ex.: She made up a story but she didn’t manage to fool her boss. * to clear up - to make plain or clear, explain, solve ex.: The police didn’t accept the boys’ story. They'll have to clear it up. * I don't know her telephone number. | have to find i + Paulo and Sivia can't ‘separatir s Tce + As Socrates hed @ broken leg, he just watched the game. eae © t in the telephone book. wily way anymore. They are * Although Marcia is very intelligent it is very * Bad working conditions and low salaries caused the strike. erie) ed without being punished. tas loys ha * Mariana was worried about the arrangements for thé wedding but in the end everything happened as expected. Carns Ob i ‘If you find’thy book while you are cleaning up, please let me know. Serve ansoae * Pedro is very quick at inventing excuses. ‘* He was accused of forging checks but he * The police tried to solve the crime by calling everyone to testify. laa dvi * The rain made it difficult for people to eixoylate: the traffic was completely jammed. * André changed his idegs when he came to know the whole story. ‘+ They decided to postpone the meeting until after the holidays. * A task ike this should riot be assumed without planning, Ayes * Regina is moving from her mother-in-law's apartment. They can’t live together in a ee set * When does the exhibition take place? come ob ‘+ The old man invented stories to anise the children. omega uh, QUEST 1 7 YAzIGI = Sore 1. . Look up these expressions in the dictionary and find out 2) whether the verbs below are separable (S) or inseparable (I) b) the meaning of the verbs [9 ] to take over sessile, [5 ] to make up one’s mind > °) [4] to come about y:., [5] to bring up Ye lice [&1 to call off 2, ...) (7 J to get around soc. [01 to get over sori suipnar [61 to give up dus. [5 ] to run into «cor ng (#1 to show up} oppinn. ab [s ] to bring on oa [51 t0 look up to 30 ,o.co0) [41 to get even with It's a waste of money buying clothes at shopping centers. You find the same kind of clothes at lower prices downtown, t ¥ y > | had difficulty finding a good hotel in Campo Lindo. Most of them are fully booked at this time of the year. > It's,no good asking Marcia to type these letters. She doesn't know how to type. Rar es > I spent hours ‘trying to get in touch with Dr. Rodrigo. > She wasted a lot of time buying things she doesn't need. ‘spend/waste (time)... are followed by V-ing. ©. Analyse the sentences below and point out the other expressions which require the use of Ving: QUEST 1 a YAZIGI YAZIGI «ino vale 28 a5 ote me ras a mo +s {Ela levou hor ume PPLE oly Set oa na gastarl money On that coat. tt “goesr't fit well: 4, Supply the English equivalent for the expressionsisentence® in « {E inoti reclamarl Bane og) complonee 1p, omer ine ewspapers 1000Y There's nothing new Word Dod ), SAH Fook + {vale, apne '2rl ‘the new, book BY Garcia N ‘Marquez. y are cas 121 Ju nde} fo get 2 taxi ee Sneha sy a taxi nowadeys: The raftic hardly moves: oe eae «+ {Ela perdeu tempo of se ‘are entender a > a rime 8 1s {Ble nao teve *rniculdade em eneontsa *cxets for the shows Syndi-o onainay Sue 21+ oF le nth, Lem hse « {€ inatil ‘preocupar-sel rere nothing You C2" "so about it. 10 « [Ngo hé razdo om acral rahe eS if you dont need the money: portuguese: QUEST 1 POINTS TO PONDER False Cognates fe 1. Read the words below and classify them according 18, these labels: 2. cognates (words which have similar spellings end similar meanings both in English and Portuguese) b. false cognatés (Words which have similar spellings both inEnglish and in Portuguese but different meanings) {repair TF {61 liquor CSB neo buen) 221 copies [eT telegram [2"] possible (1 cigar B [0] natural [=] experience L.o-lumusic, a {1 calege } za. Look up in the dictionary and discuss with your teacher the meanings of the words in bold in the context of the sentences below: ; * Dilson was appointed director. * Pedro is studying hard. He wants to go to college. ‘I'm sure you'll make it clear to him there is no compror ‘* The film was hysterical. | couldn't help laughing. £0¥»y ‘= They don't serve liquor to minors in that restaurant. 2° > * After he tried to commit suicide, his family decided to send him to an institution. > o> ‘* The government set a date so that all the new voters could register. -” " ‘© Indcio won the elections in the Labor Union. QUEST 1 "1 YAZIGI . Read the sentences below and choose the best equivalent to the words in bold: ¢ It transpired that the man she married was a bigamist. 2. transpirou b, espalharam + soube-se * The house is in good repair a. precisa de um bom reparo %6 esté em bom estado i ¢. esté em reparo 1 © | went straight home after work. a. estreito b. liso +. direto * Joo is saving money so that he can travel at the end of the year. a. salvando b. saldando dividas -R economizando * By acting like that he showed how callous he was to the living conditions of the poor. 1 insensivel b. calejado c. mau ‘* He likes to smoke cigars after meals. a. cigarros b. cigarrilhas x charutos Maria proved to be a very goodjsgbretary. That's why she's in charge of the clerical work in the office. a. trabalho clerical *Rctrabalho de secretaria. c. atividades religiosas * They had an argument about the maid’s salary. ‘a. argumento ‘gr discuss4o opinigo ‘+ Thousands of copies of Look Magazine were sold thi a. volumes b. cépias x exemplares ‘* She went to the library to read some books. She has to do research ‘on UFOs. i ‘® biblioteca b. livraria ©. papelaria ‘+ He subscribes to all kinds of Psychoanalysis journals. a. jornais Jp revistas ‘e. panfletos ‘* She's been reading too many novels lately. a, romances policiais romances c. novelas ‘* The policy of the new director is to create more jobs, | a. poticia | b. politicagem Ppolitica AURA SATO 3. a. Read the definitions of the words below: convicted [of]: to be considered guilty of a crime in a court of law, prejudice: preference or inclination that inhibits ‘impartial judgement. ‘arrow scope; provincial recofd: to write down so that it will be known, foundation: the basis fon which a thing stands or is supported liquidation: end of business for a company when it is, tunable to pay its debts. pedestrian: not interesting for unusual; lacking in support: provide money Se for a perggn to live on. b. Complete the sentences below with the words in 3a. * Volkswagen's Fe in S. Bernardo is one of the biggest in Brazil. * You can find the 2. of Freud's theory in this book. * After her husband's death Maria decided to look for a job. Now she has her whole family to Jo Woes '* The neighbour was = of murder. + The company hs gone to igi.) = due tot admincvator’ misma ‘+ Pedro has such 2. ‘the world. ititudes.He thinks Brazilian movies are the best in \ + He has a_burichico against women drivers. * The witnesses’ testimonies were —agowitel, by the police YAzIGI 14 QUEST 1 points to ponvern APOSTROPHE S and OF... 1. the ‘s is usea: a) when the first noun is @ person or an animal 4 Mr. Neves’s daughter ‘A. the policeman’s hat A the dog's tail a the manager's office - b) with places (journalistic style) A Brazil's largest city ‘A the world’s population A the city’s new park ) after a singular noun A Paulo's motorcycle A Mr. Cardoso’s house 4 my brother's girlfriend d) after more than one noun 4 Regina and Fabio's wedding ‘4 Mr. and Mrs. Souza’s children e) without a following noun ‘4 We went to Regina's last Friday (= Regina's house) f) with time words ‘A He was not present at yesterday's meeting, ‘A Have you read today's papers? A I think she'll only miss Monday's classes. 4 Tomorrow's show has been canceled. 2. We normally use of with things A the door of the room ‘A the beginning of the story A the title of the book QUEST 1 15 YAzIGI 3. either ‘S oF of can be used when the first noun is an organization . ‘A the government's. decision or the decision of the government. ‘the company’s success or the success of the company. 4. With plurals we only use ’ A the boys little dog ‘A the Pereiras’ house 5. Note that we mey use either 'S or * with names that end in 8 4 James’ office/James's office A Carlos’ job/Carlos's job .. supply the English equivalent for the Portuguese expressions below: * For a long time he was the [embaixador do Méxicol in France. Macc a, arrsons * Even the most venerable lescritores da América Latina] have ventured into the political arena dim Smee n * Wilh, of te * Jorge Luis Borges publicly condemned the on Idos dissidentes politicos de sue nacéol ge DSK pied ides geben * Thousands of copies of [“One Hundred Years” de Garcia Marquez] were sold not only pict Mangus 105 Seivodaud in Latin America but also in Europe and in the States. t * The [diretor do centro de literatura] was impressed by the interest that has been aroused by ili ie se Aneicn aa The edn of Barahure n, dusclowy e ee enedaww ah exnro de dusdion aly Me luc| ‘* Thousands of people eae {no maior eso industrial do pages! ¥ ssicela Day nad nal cede eA Bras do de era, da fri has fet sf lately. 3 Bgaainne’ «the need SP WEEE [a ecoHomia da Nicarégual explains {a ansiedade dos ee BOA seemed Sarhndon 2 Gry Sandinistas] to restart talks with the US. YAZIGI 16 QUEST 1 ie 8 POINTS TO PONDER Adjectives: word order 1. a. Analyse the position of the adjectives in the sentences below: ‘4 Marcia lives in a nice new apartment. ‘4 In the dining room there is a beautiful large round marble table. b. The adjectives new, large, round, marble are fact adjectives, that is, they give us objective information about something. Adjectives like nice and beautiful are opinion adjectives, that is,they express what one thinks-of something. Opinion adjectives usually come before fact adjectives. Example: @ delicious hot sandwich a nige young lady a comfortable big car 2. 2. Read the sentences below and analyse the position of the fact adjectives: Example: The star has big blue eyes. They danced to an old Russian song, They have a large marble table. Paulo was wearing an old cotton shirt. QUEST 1 7 . Two or more fact adjectives in a sentence usually come in this order: wi made of? Pees eel |e Sn a x See Se 3. a. Read the sentences below and analyse the position of the adjectives of size/length and shape/width: 4 The new secretary is a fall thin gir ‘4 The taxi driver drove us through a long wide avenue, ‘& We met Dr. Martins. He's a short fat man. ‘4 She redecorated the oom with a large round table. b. Adjectives of size/length (big, small, long, tall, short etc.) usually go before adjectives of shape/width (fat, thin, slim, round, wide etc.) 4. Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct posit Example: shoes (plastic/black) black plastic shoes * an apartment (new/large) 5 « Slay. * a girl (tal/blonde) .. }.,\) * 2 film (Brazilian/old) * a house (modern/big) * a car (white/old) * hair (beautiful/curly) * a painting (Swiss/primitive) * 2 dress (long/silk) * a table (wooden/large/round) > @ Saree 2 TV set (large/black and white) * a dictionary (idiomatic expression/green) YAzIGI 18 QUEST 1 _e—S———— pots 10 ponven Verb + preposition + V-ing Read the following sentences carefully: She succeded in the examination. Pedro insisted on his correctness. ! don't feel like a big meal today. Marcia apologized for the mistake. b. The structure of the verbs above is @@® When the object is another verb, this verb ends in -ing Example: 4 The government succeeded in implanting the new economic plan 4. I don't feel like going out todey. 4 Pedro insisted on paying the bill. 4 Vivian apologized for being late. ¢ Here are some of the verbs which have the structure Verb + preposition + object: apologize for feel like approve of insist on decide against look forward to disapprove of succeed in dream of think aboutiof QUEST 1 19 YAZIGI d. Observe that some of the verbs above can also use the structure 1c & & Example A The directors insisted on his accepting the job 4. We're looking forward to Ellen visiting us. 2. a. Now note the structure of the verbs in the examples below: 44 They accused Oswald of killing Kennedy. 4 | congratulated Peter for getting the job. 4 They suspected the Frenchman of being a spy. | prevented him from signing his resignation. b. The structure of the verbs above is Co) Co) Ge) Conn) Now read the sentences below and supply their English equivalents: * Alberto insity em nos lever go aeroport, Sache a ie on inci) + Esto pensando om frau curd de compdtarsa LBikenlon! dai compwlinay courae ier a Jone, Jirst Was anally Y sisctiel tel * Ogaden lb pormam ate laa for case até tiga = vt tenho Phin “rn hay por enois de ‘muito sar 1nés finalmente conseguimos alugar um ue ease . 4. ae acusado o pegesceay crime. Us. aceuneeh of onto : rei ro si esc se por nao | 'g hacia es eterna ie Mdeoraia,. : Ea Sites “* ‘se oe ees tw Me 2 Ben gpuey Yo Sb 4aah . tes Trice ue oo eu ficasse na casa . aesere sohhou em ser uma artista famosa. YAZIGI 20 QUEST 1 POINTS TO PONDER Like/As Sis, ie, 1. a. Read the sentences below and find out when like or as mean: the same asisimilar to b. for example c. in the function of [1 Mariana looks like her mother. > #47 « [é ] Fernanda Torres was outstandifig as Desdemona. > fing /@e] | can’t stand people like Paulo. He's always flattering everybody. 1 When Jodo was in the States he worked as a waiter. 4.1 He never listens to anybody. Talking to him is like talking to a wall. ©] We don't have a maid, so we use the maid's room as an office. ©] Why do you always talk about boring things like your job? ise ] The word was used as a preposition in the sentence. aw ] The old man behaved like a child. = ] The young girl was hired as a receptionist. » | Silvia can’t cook like me. s <1 A a t t [ [ [ [ t As your doctor | advise you to rest. ss ae | Pa Maria likes to do many things like sewing, mbroidering, knitting etc. QUEST 1 ai yAzIGI anil, b. Note that although both like and as may be used before nouns/pronouns in the simpler types of comparisons, there is some difference in meaning: Example: I worked as a slave = | was a slave. I worked like a slave = | worked very hard. «. If the noun/pronoun is followed immediately by a verb, ie,, if there is a clause of comparison, as should be used. Example: McEnroe played very well as he did in other games. YAZIGI 22 QUEST 1 Complete the sentences below. Use like or as: *Paulo's idea seemed the best. So we decided to do if) _1 ‘he suggested. *She never knows what to do in situations ic this. “Sandra is a very good swimmer. She swims iva fish, (4 ‘He still walks 4 kilometers a dey__Q.@ __(ha)has always used to do. He's forty but sometimes he behaves iis ___a teenager. *Your English is very good. | wish | could speak 115 you. ‘She had a part-time job sometime ago___4s a tour guide. This wine is no good. It tastes __1 1 ___ vinegar. *Paulo goes to the university in the evening and works during the day, most people do nowadays. * Ns | said, thet area will become a park. The store didn't refund us a> we expected. I'll meet you at the snackbar on the comer,___05 "usual. st've never faced a situation _Li

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