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140 Great Is Thy Faithfulness

1. Great is thy faith ful ness, O God my Fa ther; there is no

2. Sum mer and win ter and spring time and har vest, sun, moon, and
3. Par don for sin and a peace that en dur eth, thine own dear

shad ow of turn ing with thee; thou chang est not, thy com
stars in their cours es a bove join with all na ture in
pres ence to cheer and to guide; strength for to day and bright

pas sions, they fail not; as thou hast been, thou for ev er wilt be.
man i fold wit ness to thy great faith ful ness, mer cy, and love.
hope for to mor row, bless ings all mine, with ten thou sand be side!


Great is thy faith ful ness! Great is thy faith ful ness! Morn ing by

morn ing new mer cies I see; all I have need ed thy

WORDS: Thomas O. Chisholm, 1923 (Lam. 3:22-23) FAITHFULNESS

MUSIC: William M. Runyan, 1923 11 10.11 10 with Refrain

hand hath pro vid ed; great is thy faith ful ness, Lord, un to me!

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