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?a Rota-Baxter Algebra?

W H A T I S . . .

Li Guo

A Rota-Baxter algebra, also called a Baxter alge- in A to the P sequence of partial sums (0, a1 , a1 +
bra, is an associative algebra with a linear operator a2 , · · · , k<n ak , · · · ). Then it is easy to check that
that generalizes the algebra of continuous func- P is a Rota-Baxter operator of weight 1.
tions with the integral operator. More precisely, Despite its natural connection with integral
for a given commutative ring k and λ ∈ k, a analysis, the Rota-Baxter algebra was not intro-
Rota-Baxter k-algebra (of weight λ) is a k-algebra duced as an abstraction of integral analysis, as
R together with a k-linear map P : R → R such that in the well-known differential case, but was intro-
(1) P (x)P (y) = P (P (x)y) + P (xP (y)) + λP (xy) duced in 1960 by Glenn Baxter [1] in his proba-
bility study of fluctuation theory, in particular the
for all x, y ∈ R. Such a linear operator is called a
Spitzer identity with the algebraic formulation
Rota-Baxter operator (of weight λ). Note that the
relation (1) still makes sense when the associa- (2) b = exp(−P (log(1 − ax)))
tive algebra R is replaced by a k-module with a
for the solution of the fixed point equation
bilinear binary operation, such as the Lie bracket.
Despite its simple form, the Rota-Baxter operator b = 1 + P (bax)
has appeared in a wide range of areas in pure and
applied mathematics, providing a unified frame- in the power series ring A[[x]], where (A, P ) is
work to study these different areas. Advances in any commutative Rota-Baxter algebra of weight
one of these areas often stimulated developments −1. It was then studied in the 1960s and 1970s by
in Rota-Baxter algebra, which, in turn, inspired Cartier and the school of Rota [3] in connection
progress in other related areas. with combinatorics. For example, they showed that
Let R be the R-algebra of continuous functions the well-known Waring’s formula,
on R and P the integral operator sending R x a func-

tion f (x) in R to the function P (f )(x) := 0 f (t) dt.
exp − (−1)k pk (x1 , . . . , xm )t k /k
Then the integration by parts formula k=1
Zx ∞
P (f )′ (t)P (g)(t)d t = en (x1 , . . . , xm )t n , ∀ m ≥ 1
Zx n=0

= P (f )(x)P (g)(x) − P (f )(t)P (g)′ (t)dt between the power sum symmetric functions
pk (x1 , · · · , xm ) and the elementary symmetric
is just (1) with λ = 0. functions en (x1 , · · · , xm ), is equivalent to Spitzer’s
In the discrete context, consider the algebra of identity in a free Rota-Baxter algebra.
sequences in a k-algebra A, with componentwise In part to acknowledge Rota’s contribution in
addition and multiplication. Define an operator Rota-Baxter algebra and in part to distinguish this
P that sends a sequence (a1 , a2 , a3 , · · · , an , · · · )
algebraic structure from the well-known Yang-
Li Guo is professor of mathematics at Rutgers Universi- Baxter equation, named after the distinguished
ty, Newark. His email address is physicists, the term Rota-Baxter algebra has been
The author was partially supported by NSF grant DMS used recently in place of Baxter algebra. Quite
0505643. remarkably, even though the two Baxters are not

1436 Notices of the AMS Volume 56, Number 11

related genealogically, they are mathematically— Kreimer on renormalization of Feynman integrals
the operator form of a skew-symmetric solution of has been adapted to study divergent multiple zeta
the classical Yang-Baxter equation in a Lie algebra values.
is just a Rota-Baxter operator of weight zero on In the middle 1990s Loday introduced an op-
this Lie algebra. An analogous relationship has erad called dendriform dialgebra with motivation
been established for associative algebras through from algebraic K-theory. This operad has two
the work of Aguiar and several other authors. binary operations, ≺ and ≻, that satisfy certain
Another connection of Rota-Baxter algebra with relations so that the binary operator
mathematical physics was found in the seminal (3) x ⋆ y := x ≺ y + x ≻ y
work of Connes and Kreimer in the late 1990s
in their Hopf algebra approach to renormaliza- is associative. Aguiar showed that for a Rota-Baxter
tion of quantum field theory. There divergent algebra (R, P ) of weight 0, the binary operations
Feynman integrals, through dimensional regular- x ≺P y = xP (y) and x ≻P y = P (x)y define a den-
ization, acquire Laurent series expansions in the driform dialgebra structure on R, giving rise to a
Laurent series ring C[ε−1 , ε]], which gives back functor from the category of Rota-Baxter algebras
the divergent integrals when ε = 0. The splitting of weight 0 to the category of dendriform dialge-
of C[ε−1 , ε]] as a vector space direct sum of the bras analogous to the functor from the category
two subrings C[[ε]] and ε−1 C[ε−1 ] means that the of associative algebras to the category of Lie alge-
projection C[ε−1 , ε]] → ε−1 C[ε−1 ] is a Rota-Baxter bras. Further investigation of this analog led to the
operator of weight −1. This operator and the Hopf study of the adjoint functor that assigns a den-
algebra structure on the Feynman diagrams uncov- driform dialgebra to its enveloping Rota-Baxter
ered by Connes and Kreimer allowed them to give algebra. As in the case of enveloping (associa-
an algebraic formulation for the BPHZ process of tive) algebras of Lie algebras obtained from free
QFT renormalization, which is named after Bogoli- associative algebras, the enveloping Rota-Baxter
ubov, Parasiuk, Hepp, and Zimmermann for their algebras are obtained from free noncommutative
work in the 1950s and 1960s. In particular, the Rota-Baxter algebras. These free Rota-Baxter al-
algebraic Birkhoff decomposition of Connes and gebras carry natural combinatorial structures of
Kreimer decomposes a regularized Feynman rule trees and Motzkin paths.
into the renormalized part and the counterterm. A large part of the theoretical study of Rota-
Quite unexpectedly, the algebraic Birkhoff de- Baxter algebras can be summarized in the follow-
composition can be naturally derived from the ing relationship diagram:
generalization of a factorization theorem for Rota- Rota-Baxter Dendriform
o /
Baxter algebras whose original form was discov- operator operad
ered by Atkinson in 1963 and was independently fMMM q8
established for Lie algebras as a fundamental
MMM qqqqq
theorem of integrable systems by Reyman and M& qx qq
Semenov-Tian-Shansky in 1979. This generaliza- Mixable shuffle
tion of the Atkinson factorization theorem al- product
so implies the factorization theorem of Barron,
As it turns out, the dendriform dialgebra is just
Huang, and Lepowsky in vertex operator algebras;
the first case of a class of closely related operads
the even-odd decomposition of Aguiar, Bergeron,
that share the property of “splitting of associativi-
and Sottile in combinatorial Hopf algebras; and
ty”, as in (3). Also, there are several operators, such
the Lie algebra polar decomposition of Zanna et
as the averaging operator and Nijenhuis operator,
al. in matrix exponentials of ODEs.
resembling the Rota-Baxter operator, particular-
Free commutative Rota-Baxter algebras were
ly in their special form of products. The study
first constructed by Rota and Cartier in the 1970s.
of these three classes of objects should great-
A third construction was later obtained in terms
ly enrich our understanding of these operators,
of the mixable shuffle product that includes both
operads, and products.
the shuffle product from iterated integrals and
its discrete analogue of quasi-shuffle product of
Hoffman. The latter two products play a promi-
[1] G. Baxter, An analytic problem whose solution fol-
nent role in the study of multiple zeta values,
lows from a simple algebraic identity, Pacific J. Math.
where stuffle instead of quasi-shuffle had been 10 (1960), 731–42.
used. For example, it is conjectured that all al- [2] L. Guo,
gebraic relations among multiple zeta values can rba.html.
be derived by intertwining the shuffle and stuffle [3] G.-C. Rota, Baxter algebras and combinatorial iden-
relations among these values that come from their tities. I, II, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 75 (1969), 325–9,
definition as iterated sums and from their inte- 330–4.
gral representations shown by Kontsevich. More
recently, the algebraic framework of Connes and

December 2009 Notices of the AMS 1437

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