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Transformational Coach, Business Mentor,
Shamanic Healer, Spiritual Teacher
2021 Edition

I originally wrote this book back in 2017 when I lived in Bali.

Although many things have changed in my life - including moving
countries, leaving relationships and going through a massive dark
night of the soul in 2020 - the principles of this book remain valid,
powerful and timeless.

Thank you for reading this book and answering your soul’s calling
to grow and expand. I hope this is only the beginning of our jour-
ney together.
Table of Contents
Read this before your start  5

1. It’s your body that’s on the journey, not your soul 8

2. There’s a good reason you haven’t achieved what you

wanted. And that reason is your identity 19

3. Obstacles and “bad” conditioning are your training to

become who you’ve meant to be 24

What’s next for you 28

About Osha Key 31

Read Before You Start


“You’re always one decision away from a totally different
life.” – Mark Batterson

n one cold winter day, about nine years ago, I sat in
a Starbucks café, in a comfortable armchair, next to my
newly-met boyfriend whom I was head over heels with.
While sipping on some overly sweet and spicy chai latte from a huge
mug, I crafted my “dream life”.

Inspired by my boyfriend’s suggestion, I described my ideal day on

a piece of paper; everything from the moment I wake up until I
go to bed. I can clearly remember how I envisioned running my
own business, taking inspired action and working on the things that
matter. I could see myself living in a place with beautiful weather
all year-long; there was lots of greenery, and I was surrounded by
nature. I didn’t know what that place would be at a time, yet I could
clearly visualise it and sensed the vibe of it. I also saw myself having
an extraordinary social life, fantastic relationship, and perfect health.

Now as I’m writing this, I’m sat in an outdoor office in Bali, where
I’m co-working with my soul sister friend and coach. As I lift my
eyes up from the screen, I see loads of palm trees, a turquoise swim-
ming pool and I can feel a soft, pleasant breeze touching my skin. I
run my coaching business which is in total alignment with my soul:
I help women rediscover their worth and transform their lives. I’m
in a loving relationship, with the same man that sat with me nine
years ago at Starbucks, when I was dreaming about my future life,
which at a time looked so unrealistic, so unfamiliar, strange and even

[  5  ]
Read Before You Start


I also need to mention that back then my health was not on point at
all. In fact, all that sugar in chai lattes, five daily cups of coffee, candy
bars I smashed for energy at work, countless number of glasses (and
bottles) of wine on weekends, plus other foods and drinks I used
to numb myself with, combined to make me fat, sick and totally
exhausted. While becoming so overweight and unhealthy caused
me a lot of pain at the time, it inspired not only my complete life-
style shift, but also my fascination with human potential, the driving
forces behind our actions, and the overall subject of transformation.

Today as I sit here, seeing the palm trees at the corner of my eyes, I
feel in tune and very connected with my body, I’m almost 40 pounds
lighter, and my skin looks younger than nine years ago. Or at least
that’s what people say when they see my “before” photos.

I’m not saying this to brag about my life. I’m sharing this to show you
what is possible for YOU. When you apply the right tools and put
certain concepts into action, you can entirely transform your body,
relationships, career, and your overall life. What happened to me was
not a fluke. I did specific things and was absolutely deliberate about
it. No, I’m not just talking about changing my diet, getting coaching
clients or learning specific skills. I talk about way deeper layers of
transformation, which I’m going to reveal in this guidebook, so you
can apply them and revolutionise your life too!

What’s also important to mention before we dive right into the

content, is that my journey wasn’t a piece of cake. Well, literally speak-
ing, there was a lot of cake (usually some chocolaty variety) involved.
But what I mean here is that I’ve experienced a lot of deep rejection,
reliving my past wounds, hitting the wall every time I wanted to shift
my patterns and face planting after trying to reach for my dreams.
I’m sharing this because a lot of things I’ve struggled with and finally
overcame are common experiences that many of my clients have also
gone through. If you’ve ever felt not good enough, compared your-
self to other people’s successes or body shapes, numbed yourself with

[  6  ]
Read Before You Start

food, booze, shopping, sex, binge-watching Netflix, etc., then you’ll

get a lot from this guidebook.

Before we get into this, I must warn you that some information I’m
about to share might seem strange, unconventional (even for the
people who are into self-development) and may even trigger you.
However, if you’re truly serious about the change, you must stretch
your comfort zone and open up to new concepts. What you knew
and acted upon up until now, brought you to where you are right
in this moment, which is a perfect place for you to be. How do you
know if it’s a perfect place for you to be? Well, if you’re already there,
that’s precisely where you’re supposed to be.

So where do you go next? If you were called to read this guidebook,

it means something is waiting for you in the next chapters. Curious
to learn what that is? Me too. So let’s dive into it.

[  7  ]

When we’re awake in our bodies and sense, the world comes
alive. Wisdom, creativity, and love are discovered as we relax
and awaken through our bodies.” - Tara Brach
It’s Your Body That’s On The Journey, Not Your Soul

ave you seen this famous quote by C.S. Lewis: “You
don’t have a soul. You’re a soul. You have a body”?

In fact, he never said it. It may be hard to believe it, but not every-
thing on the Internet is true (yes, I am being sarcastic here, wink
wink). Apart from being misattributed, there’s another problem with
this quote – it’s most likely incorrect, and more importantly, while
it may sound cool, instagrammable and wise, it’s not helpful at all.

The problem with the idea that you’re not your body is that it neglects
your physical form and creates more problems than provides solu-
tions. Especially for women.

Everybody is on a different path, and very often men’s and women’s

life lessons differ. For some people, detaching from their bodies may
be a helpful practice and serves well on their journeys. However, for
most women, it’s terrible. Due to our past wounds, thousands of
years of patriarchy, fighting or denying the feminine power in subtle
and violent ways, as well as neglecting women’s rights, we’re carrying
so many collective memories and unhealed traumas. This time on
Earth is the time when a lot of these memories are being reawak-
ened in order to be healed.

This reawakening often starts in our bodies. Past traumas, memo-

ries and wounds come to the surface, and because we don’t know
how to deal with them, we tend to numb, escape, and neglect. This
creates more hurt, suffering and, if left unchecked, it often manifests
as physical symptoms like tiredness, stress, overwhelm, low immune
system or even severe illness.

Therefore, tuning into the body, connecting with it, fully experienc-
ing all the emotions and sensations is the fastest and most effective
way to heal and process it all. So we need to start with recognising
where we’ve been neglecting ourselves and start the transformation
from there.

[ 9 ]
It’s Your Body That’s On The Journey, Not Your Soul


From my experience as a coach, as well as my own journey, I’ve seen

several sneaky ways how we, women, tend to neglect our bodies.

Read about all the six sneaky ways how we do it, even if you don’t
think it applies to you based on the title. Most of us use a combina-
tion of all these “strategies”, even though they’re very subtle. In fact,
I used all six.

1) You abandon or punish your body out of ignorance

It happens before you become aware of the health and energetic

consequences of your lifestyle choices.

Before my awakening journey began, I used to neglect my body

through unhealthy habits like smoking, eating junk food, getting
myself into a “sugar coma”, and drinking so much coffee that caffeine
probably became a dominant component of my blood composition.
I also drank wine every weekend. A lot of wine. I wasn’t counting in
glasses but bottles. On top of that, I didn’t exercise at all. Of course,
I walked from my office to the tube station, had sex every night
(there’s always that extra reserve of energy saved for sex when you’re
in the first year of your relationship) and did other regular activities.
But when it came to deliberate exercise, the only sport I did was
chewing and lifting the spoon to my mouth.

It led me to becoming overweight to the point where I had an

unbearable backache and felt tired most of the time. My immune
system was as strong as a kitten trying to fight dragons, and there
were a lot of “dragons” to fight – infections, viruses and stress. I got
very sick and frustrated with myself.

Although I didn’t put two and two together at the time, now I know
it was my best attempt to deal with an overwhelming responsibility
that adult life has suddenly imposed on me. Plus, I was hideously

[ 10 ]
It’s Your Body That’s On The Journey, Not Your Soul

unfulfilled with my work and life, so I tried to overcompensate by

seeking surface-level pleasure and release. But these things never
work long term, as I painfully learned.

There’s a silver lining though. All this body neglect led me to so

much pain and eventually an awakening which made me change my
ways. I quit my job, left the city life, moved to a small tropical island
with no cars or roads. Although I did move to another city and even
worked in the corporate world again, my life has never been the
same ever since that awakening.

If you’re reading this guidebook, you’re probably either past this

stage or about to be done with it. Once you have the awareness about
what you’re doing to your body, you cannot stay “asleep”, living in the
oblivion. Use this opportunity to ask yourself, how you’ve been aban-
doning or punishing yourself out of ignorance? Then send love and
compassion to that past version of you – she didn’t know any better
and was doing the best she could at the time.

2) Your body is not good enough, so you try to fix it

Only 4% of women consider themselves beautiful. According to

surveys, young girls are more afraid of being fat than getting cancer,
experiencing nuclear war or losing both of their parents.

In one UK study, six out of ten girls said they would be happier if
they were skinnier. More than 90 percent of high school junior and
senior women diet regularly, even though only 10 to 15 percent are
considered overweight according to standard height-weight charts.

Clearly, there’s an epidemic of body non-acceptance. And it often

manifests in very subtle ways of trying to improve ourselves, go on
another diet, get another procedure to make the skin look more
youthful, eat super clean, push ourselves in the gym, etc. Not that
any of these things are bad; in fact, eating clean, exercising and other
self-care practices are what I love, practice and teach. But it all comes

[ 11 ]
It’s Your Body That’s On The Journey, Not Your Soul

down to intention.

For years I disliked certain parts of my body. While I felt I truly

loved myself, I still struggled with unconditional self-acceptance.
Until it just clicked and finally I felt free and absolutely in love with
my imperfect body. Yes, I have cellulite, and my stomach isn’t flat
most of the time (especially after a massive veggie bowl I love to eat).
My boobs are not perfect, my hair is flat, my skin pores are larger
than I’d like and I’m pale even though I live on a tropical island. And
so I criticized myself for years for all these imperfections and tried
to fix them because I thought “Well, if only I can get skinnier, get
rid of cellulite, always have a perfect blow-dry, get a tan, somehow
make my arms thin and the pores disappear, well then I’ll be sooooo
worthy of love, success and happiness. Sounds great, except it’s not
true. And it was a perfect strategy for neglecting my body.

There will always be something that is not perfect about your body.
Trust me, even supermodels have insecurities. You may not believe
me and think “Oh well, sounds good on paper and I intellectually
understand it, but whenever I try to accept myself as I am, I feel like
a fraud because I really don’t like certain parts of myself.” You may
think self-acceptance is only for those beautiful perfect girls and not
for someone who’s flawed. If you’re like I was in the past, you may
be consumed with plans to fix all your flaws and thinking that once
you’re slim enough, your skin is smooth enough, cellulite is gone,
your wardrobe is new and fashionable, then you’ll be able to accept
yourself and be a perfect role model of self-love.

That’s what I used to think in the past but my attitude towards

myself has shifted entirely, and I feel I’ve cracked the code. I know
this is possible for you, too. However, it’s not enough just to under-
stand it intellectually, and you can’t just engineer this self-acceptance
suddenly landing on you, but you can definitely set the conditions
for it, so one moment it finally clicks, and your life is never same
again. That’s what I do for my clients.

What is the intention behind your self-care practices, body goals

[ 12 ]
It’s Your Body That’s On The Journey, Not Your Soul

and resolutions? Are you trying to fix the parts of you that you can’t
accept? Are you listening to your body and what it truly needs or are
you trying to change it in the hope of being more worthy of love,
success and happiness?

3) You neglect your body because it’s vain and superficial

When it comes to my experience, this whole belief that “You are not
your body, you’re a soul” created more trouble than it helped.

After neglecting my body with unhealthy choices, I finally changed

my lifestyle, healed myself and got into amazing shape. But then I
got onto my spiritual journey and adopted a belief that I’m not my
body and I should detach from it, and that all the physical needs
and desires were creating the suffering. All it did to me, was made
me neglect my precious vessel again, put me in denial, made me feel
guilty when my body was announcing its needs (or even screaming
its needs at me when I wasn’t listening).

What did it look like? I adopted a belief that my interest in a healthy

lifestyle was an obsession and it was “too much attachment”. At the
same time, I had a contradicting desire to be super healthy and fit.
And let me tell you, whenever you have conflicting beliefs or wishes,
it feels like you’re trying to run for your life, but you’re running in
water or some clumpy oil. In other words, it’s painful, unproductive
and it sucks.

But then I shifted my perception, and my whole life transformed. I

realised that fully dropping into the body, feeling all the feelings and
paying full undivided attention to the body is where the real trans-
formation happens.

I also clearly saw that while an aspect of me is eternal (some call it

spirit, soul, or higher self ), the actual “thing” that goes through life
is my body. Think about it – what is born at birth and what dies at
death? It’s the body.

[ 13 ]
It’s Your Body That’s On The Journey, Not Your Soul

No, I’m not saying that the physical form is all there is and that your
soul doesn’t exist or doesn’t matter. That’s not what I mean at all.
Your soul matters. However, it’s already infinite, vast, perfect and has
unlimited potential. All it wants is to experience itself and express
that potential through the journey of the body. So your body is the
one who’s going through life. And your true essence, or spirit, or soul
or a higher self is like a spirit guide to your body. It already has all
the wisdom and knowledge, and gently guides you through life and
its challenges. That’s what we refer to as intuition, synchronicities or
“signs from the Universe”.

How do I know it’s true? Of course, there’s no way to prove it scien-

tifically. Not that I’m even willing to try to do it. But this belief has
totally changed how I see my reality, and it has revolutionised my
life, in such a way that you don’t understand its significance at the
time: it’s very subtle and slow, but then one day you realise your
whole perception has changed.

If you think, “Oh, it’s not me, I don’t think focusing on the body is
superficial”, you may want to look a bit deeper as this belief often
lurks somewhere in the dark corner of the subconscious, quietly
sabotaging your efforts to get healthier and fitter.

Can you think of a time when you rebelled against vanity? Can you
observe the subtle ways you refuse to take care of your body because
maybe you resent the idea that you should look a certain way?

4) You feel guilty when it comes to focusing on self-care

Are you one of the many women who struggle with guilt when it
comes to self-care? Do you feel this subtle anxiety when you invest
time, money and attention in your body? Whether it’s changing your
diet, spending more money on groceries and more time on cooking,

[ 14 ]
It’s Your Body That’s On The Journey, Not Your Soul

getting a gym membership or prioritising your exercise schedule

over other activities, saying no to social events or other obligations,
so you can do what you know is best for you? If you ever acted upon
this feeling of guilt, you’ve neglected your body and its needs.

Sometimes this guilt-driven neglect is subtle and not even conscious.

Even if you still choose self-care but do it with the feeling of guilt in
the background, i.e. doing the right action with the wrong intention,
you will not get the result that you wanted.

Also, when you neglect yourself, you’re showing others an example

of how you should be treated. What kind of standard do you want
to set? When you prioritise and love yourself and your body, the
outside world will reflect it back at you.

Furthermore, we become role models to those around us, especially

to the ones we love, showing how they should take care of them-
selves. If you’re always guilty and are neglecting yourself, then this
becomes a silent message you’re sending to others about how they
should treat themselves? Remember the cliché “be the change you
want to see in the world”? Clichés are clichés for a reason – they’re
often true. So go ahead and treat yourself the way you’d treat some-
one you love the most in the world. I know, it’s uncomfortable, but
again, no change has been made staying in the comfort zone.

5) You get lost in the narrative of life

Sometimes you reach a state where you’ve been through the heal-
ing journey, done all the juicing, yoga, read the books, attended the
seminars, did the courses, practised self-love. You had your self-care
game nailed down.

But then… You get overwhelmed and sucked into the narrative of life
or other people’s agendas, so you lose the plot. Maybe that manifests

[ 15 ]
It’s Your Body That’s On The Journey, Not Your Soul

as you eating the foods that you haven’t touched for years, maybe
eating just a bit more chocolate than usual or perhaps even throw-
ing your hands up in the air and going back to your old-and-so-fa-
miliar unhealthy ways. You get so busy, stressed out or completely
consumed by some situation in your life that you frustratingly aban-
don yourself without even realising it. Or maybe you do realise it,
you can clearly see what you’re doing (e.g. pizza in your hands is an
obvious hint), but you can’t stop it. You may think all you need to
do is get back on track with your self-care routine, but really it’s not
about self-care; you need to look at a bigger picture. Maybe your
relationship is falling apart, maybe you’re unfulfilled with your work,
or maybe you’re dealing with some crisis in your life. No wonder
your self-care is not on point.

I’ve been there, done that. I’ve also beaten myself up for it. It didn’t
work, only made me feel worse and made me want to numb myself
more. There are better and more effective ways to deal with it, which
is stopping neglecting your body and fully dropping into it. Allow
yourself to feel everything that arises, and surrender. It will not kill
you, only get you to the other side of suffering.

Have you lost touch with yourself because other areas of life required
too much attention? Or have you got so overwhelmed that you coped
by going on autopilot and reverting to your old habits? The path
back home is through surrender, not the forced actions of self-care.

6) Collective memories and wounds of billions of women that

lived before us

There’s also a deeper reason why so many of us, women, are so

disconnected from our bodies. Since the early age, we get told to
tame our wild nature, to be “good girls”, be “normal” and not stand
out. Some of us rebel against it, some obey the collective cultural
norms. Either way, it affects us. Plus, thousands of years of neglect,

[ 16 ]
It’s Your Body That’s On The Journey, Not Your Soul

shaming, being conditioned and suppressed have created energetic

imprints of resentment, shame and powerlessness in the collective
consciousness of women.

In the recent years, the shift has been happening, that’s why a lot of
issues are rising to the surface – so that they can get cleared. That’s
why perhaps you’ve been experiencing something unusual – either
a deep longing for something more, to be more connected, to feel
freer. Maybe you’ve been feeling the pain of the wounds of billions
of women that were suppressed and lived before us. It’s our genera-
tion’s work to bring it up, and then clear out those energetic imprints
and cellular memories of victimhood, abandonment, and neglect for
all. As we’re all interconnected, whatever we clear in ourselves, we
lighten up the load for the rest of the collective.

It’s our job to do what endless lineages and generations had no

consciousness to do, which is to be the love for themselves that they
can’t force or manipulate others to give to them. And it all starts
when we stop abandoning ourselves, step into our power and feel
free in our bodies.


It’s vital to recognise your body’s significance, respect it and give it

proper care and attention. To feed it the best food possible, provide
it with love and appreciation. To not ignore any feelings, emotions
and sensations that come up. Love everything that arises and don’t
push anything away.

When you start paying full attention to your body, truly, fully and
wholeheartedly tuning in, everything starts falling into alignment.
Once you acknowledge and meet your body’s needs and embrace
your body and love it wholeheartedly, you start healing and acceler-
ating your evolution.

[ 17 ]
It’s Your Body That’s On The Journey, Not Your Soul


Here’s an exercise to help you on your journey to stop neglecting

your body:

First of all, get in tune with your body and relax. I find taking a
bubble bath or long hot shower very useful. You can also make your-
self a nice cup of tea, light up some incense or a candle, put on some
soothing music. Meditate for at least a few minutes. There are no
rules how you should do it, but the whole point is to get out of your
head and into your body.

Then, take a pen and a piece of paper and write a letter from your
body to yourself. Imagine as if your body is talking to you. What
does it want to say? Maybe it’s super frustrated with you and your
behaviour towards it. Let it all out. Let it rant if it needs to. Don’t
stop it, don’t try to be positive here. Once it stops ranting, it will
thank you for listening and will express its needs. What are your
body’s needs? How can you start meeting them?

Don’t skip this exercise and don’t try to just do it in your head. It will
not work. You need to write it all on a piece of paper.

[ 18 ]
Close your eyes and imagine the best version of you possi-
ble. That’s who you really are. Let go of any part of you that
doesn’t believe it”. – C. Assaad
There’s A Good Reason You Haven’t Achieved What You Wanted.

hen people try to change, they often rely on chang-
ing their actions/behaviour, which is actually the worst
thing when you want to transform. Because it requires
willpower, and as many scientific studies in the last decade have
shown, willpower is a limited resource. Once we run out of it, we tend
to go back to our default behaviours and revert to our “old selves”.

There’s another, easier way to change things, which is changing

the emotional state. Once you get excited and pumped up, you get
inspired to make better choices, and it feels good. For example, once
you get motivated to get in shape, going to the gym is fun.

However, you can’t rely on your emotional state as it’s too unpre-
dictable, unstable and transient. If excitement and a good emotional
state is not your “default setting”, it will wear out, and then you go
back to your comfort zone and familiar habits. And you can’t change
your life operating from your comfort zone and repeating the same
old behaviour.

In order to grow, you need to stretch that comfort zone. If you do the
same things, you get the same results. So you need to take different
action if you want a different outcome. But how do you do it? As
just discussed, trying to force yourself doesn’t work for the long haul.
Also, you can’t just rely on emotions, unless you’ve truly mastered
them and can switch it on and off on demand. But to be honest,
we’re humans, and I’m yet to meet someone who has absolutely
mastered their emotions.

So you can’t achieve what you want doing the same things and being
the same person that you are. The most effective way to transform
your body and life is to change your identity. To become a person
who is already experiencing your desired reality and who is aligned
with it. In other words, we create the transformation not by doing
but by being.

It may sound either too simple or too strange, but when you get
aligned with the version of you who has already achieved what you

[ 20 ]
There’s A Good Reason You Haven’t Achieved What You Wanted.

want to achieve, it’s only a matter of time before it manifests in your

reality. I’m not talking about it from a theoretical perspective; this is
how I made massive shifts in my own life. For example, I focused on
shifting my identity, and as a result, I dropped more than 15 pounds
in two weeks. I focused on becoming an abundant person, and so
the new business offers and clients started coming my way. When I
choose to be in a reality where I’m a focused, successful, creative and
incredibly impactful coach, my work flows with ease, and I create
phenomenal results for my clients without grinding, pushing or
trying to force anything.

So here’s the biggest secret - the real transformation happens when

you shift your identity. You can’t grind yourself into a life that you
love. You can’t punish yourself and think that eventually it will work
and you will get what you want. In order to have the life that you
love and the body that you’re comfortable in and proud of, you need
to love yourself to it.

Do you want to be a millionaire? You need to embody the traits and

behaviours of the person who has millions in their bank account.
Want to have a fit, healthy body? Make choices as a person who
already has that. Want to attract a perfect relationship and a loving,
respectful partner? Look at your relationship with yourself and
choose to be the most loving and respectful person towards yourself.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m not trying to disregard the importance of

action. For example, this guidebook didn’t write by itself. It took
action, focus and determination. However, once you choose to be in
a reality where creativity flows, and inspiration is abundant, you take
action effortlessly, and the process is enjoyable.

Changing my identity has been the fastest, most efficient and most
pleasurable way to create my life. My life may not be perfect, but it’s
pretty damn epic. I’ve been location independent since 2012 and have
been living mostly on tropical islands ever since. I’ve got a phenom-
enal community of like-minded people and some epic soul sister
friendships. I’ve been with my partner for over nine years, and we’ve

[ 21 ]
There’s A Good Reason You Haven’t Achieved What You Wanted.

had an absolutely amazing connection, growth and time together.

I’m healthy, vibrant and am proud of my body, even though some
would consider it imperfect. I sometimes want to pinch myself when
I think of the life I’ve created for myself! It’s downright magnifi-
cent and gorgeous. And most importantly – I live according to my
purpose and in alignment with my mission and calling in life. I love
my work – I get to be creative and work with extraordinary women

None of it happened by accident. I deliberately visualised and mani-

fested it. The fastest growth and the most beautiful shifts occurred
when I changed my identity and the core fundamental things within
me. As a result, the outside world, which is a massive mirror, adjusted
to reflect who I was.

I know this is unquestionably possible for you too. Do the exercise

below to start crafting your own identity and life. You’re the creator
of your reality, and it’s time to start writing your own life story.


Close your eyes and imagine yourself ten years from now, as if every-
thing has turned out to be precisely as you wanted. Visualise that
version of you. Then take a pen and a piece of paper, and answer
these questions:

1. How does your ideal future self look like?

2. What kind of energy does she embody? How does she
carry herself?
3. What does she think about herself? What kind of relationship
does she have with herself?
4. What is her self love, self-care, self-talk like?
5. How does she make other people feel? What are her relation-
ships like?
6. What’s her relationship with money?
7. How does she spend her time?

[ 22 ]
There’s A Good Reason You Haven’t Achieved What You Wanted.

Once you’re done with the exercise, visualise her again. Close your
eyes and meditate on it. Imagine with all your being that you already
are that person – the wisdom, power, poise, beauty, peace or whatever
qualities she embodies, imagine that you already have all of that.

Now go out and live it. Act as if you are her. Whenever you need to
make a decision, big or small, ask yourself “What would that perfect
version of me choose in this situation?”

For some, this one exercise may be enough to shift the identity. For
others, it will be just a little taster. Either way, you will start experi-
encing subtle or massive shifts. Enjoy.

[ 23 ]
The impediment to action advances action. What stands in
the way becomes the way.” – Marcus Aurelius
Obstacles And “Bad” Conditioning

ardships often prepare an ordinary person for an
extraordinary destiny. For years, I was resentful towards
some people and events in my past, but when I look back, I
realise that they made me who I am today.

Some of my biggest life struggles were caused by me rejecting my

body and not being able to accept who I was. After I broke up with
my first boyfriend, he told me the most horrible things about my
breasts, butt, belly and arms. He said no one would ever love me
with a body like this. He was my first love, the first guy I ever slept
with, and I was so open and honest with him that I told about all
my insecurities, fears and flaws. I knew he deliberately targeted my
most vulnerable areas in an attempt to hurt me because he was hurt
himself. But even though he apologised soon after, his words stuck
with me for more than a decade.

That same year a guy friend just randomly sneaked from behind
when I was sat at my computer, grabbed my breasts (I wasn’t wearing
a bra) and then laughed in front of other friends about how small
my boobs were. He didn’t mean to upset me; he was just being silly
and teasing. But it totally traumatised me and made me swear I’d
never ever go without a bra in my life. I thought I was uniquely
flawed and no man would ever love me until I became perfect. This
was a terrible mindset to live with.

Since I can remember myself, I always used to judge my body. There

were dozens of things I didn’t like and felt I needed to fix in order
to be loveable and worthy of the things I wanted to have and do. I
didn’t fully like any of my body parts: boobs, butt, stomach, arms,
legs, skin, hair, nose, neck. Even the parts that I did like – like my
eyes and lips – I’d still look for imperfections in them, and then
spend time and energy wishing they were different.

It was my impediment and the biggest obstacle to my happiness.

Ironically, that’s what drove me to my spiritual journey, made me
dig deeper and eventually led to a series of awakenings. Other
traumas like abandonment, rejection and always feeling like there

[ 25 ]
Obstacles And “Bad” Conditioning

was something wrong with me, also motivated me to look within.

I finally let go of these hindrances and pains, and in the process
they made me a lot wiser and a more compassionate, intuitive and
empathic person. Had I not gone through these struggles, I would
not be as effective coach to my clients as I am now, since I can relate,
understand and make them feel safe and seen. As Marcus Aurelius
wrote, “what stands in the way becomes the way”. All the pain that
I caused myself by not accepting my body has become a way back
home to myself and also put me on a mission to help other women
achieve unconditional self-love and self-acceptance.

What has been your biggest struggle or pain in life? What lessons
has it taught you? Would you be a different person if you haven’t
gone through it? How did your experiences set up your journey?

You may not see this perspective when you’re in the middle of the
agony, but whatever you’re going through, is teaching you a lesson.
The purpose of it is not to punish, test or mock you. The Universe is
not that cruel. The purpose of it is to help you evolve and become the
person you’re meant to be. It’s your training ground, and it’s up to you
whether you choose to accept those lessons. You may ignore them,
but they will keep coming up again and again. Perhaps you’ve already
noticed that if you try to avoid something, it “screams” louder and
louder. For example, if you neglect your health, you feel more tired,
stiff and sluggish in your body, and if you ignore it long enough, you
may get seriously injured or ill. That’s why, in my opinion, it’s best
to face whatever challenges and triggers you’re experiencing, unravel
them, go through all the painful emotions that they generate, accept
the insights and wisdom they teach you and come through to the
other side. When you get committed to facing whatever arises, you
move through your journey and evolve very quickly.

It also applies to any “negative” beliefs or programming that you

adopted in the past. For example, due to some events in my early
childhood, I used to be terrified of rejection. Whenever I’d feel even
a slight possibility of being rejected, I’d feel mortified and feel like
my heart was bursting into a million pieces. However, life sent me

[ 26 ]
Obstacles And “Bad” Conditioning

lots of rejection, and by going through it, I had some of my most

profound awakenings and realisations. As Rumi said, “the cure for
pain is in the pain”.

Changing my beliefs, reprogramming my conditioning and rewiring

my brain has taught me so many lessons: that reality is flexible, it
can be renegotiated, nothing is set in stone, and we can be as free
as we allow ourselves to be. I also want you to know that it’s totally
possible to change all your conditioning and as a result transform
your entire reality. I know it not only because I’ve done it myself
but I’ve also helped many women let go of their past traumas, shift
their beliefs, rekindle the connection with themselves, tap into their
potential and rediscover their worth. It wouldn’t have been possible
without these obstacles that once stood in the way but then became
the driving force towards their greatness.


It’s time to reframe these obstacles and see them for what they are,
which is a driving force and accelerator to your evolution. Get your
pen and journal out, set an intention to see it differently and brain-
storm on paper:

1. List 3-5 biggest challenges, traumas or other obstacles in your

life. Think of the different events, people and situations in your
life that hurt you in the past.
2. How did these hindrances make you wiser, better, more compas-
sionate, gentler?
3. If you didn’t have these challenges, what would life be like?
Would you still be operating on the same level you were at ten
or more years ago?
4. Write a list of the things you’re grateful for because of
these challenges.
5. How do you feel now as you look at these events, people and
situations differently?

[ 27 ]

To love yourself right now, just as you are, is to give yourself

heaven. Don’t wait until you die. If you wait, you die now. If
you love, you live now.” - Alan Cohen
What’s Next For You

o matter where you are in life, you’re exactly where
you need to be. And it’s up to you where you go from there.
If you want to evolve faster rather than slower in this life, I
invite you to be radically honest with yourself, tune into your body,
listen to your intuition, face and reframe the obstacles in your life,
and shift your identity to become the woman you were always meant
to be.

One of the most powerful tipping points in my journey was my trip

to India in 2012. I met my teacher who not only taught me energy
healing and other life-changing practices but also coached me. In
one of the sessions, he gave me an insight that genuinely changed
my life and made me realise how I was holding myself back. Now I
do exactly the same for my clients. I developed a gift to see some-
one’s patterns and deep unresolved issues after just several minutes
of interacting with them. Then, I guide them to take the necessary
steps for their journey to unconditional self-love, self-acceptance,
and freedom.

I offer private coaching, group coaching, energy healing and busi-

ness mentorship. It is my gift to see my clients’ potential and help
them unlock the secrets of their universe, so they can live their most
expansive, joyful and liberated lives.

If the idea of this path excites you and you feel this is exactly what
you need for your next step of evolution, contact me to learn more
about how I could help you.

Is your body saying YES to this? Contact me, and we’ll take it from

I’d love to thank you for reading this guidebook, and whether we
continue working in the future or not, I wish you all the best and
want to say that whatever you dream about, it is possible for you. You
can have a life beyond your wildest dreams if you commit to yourself
and decide to follow your heart and your truth. Life’s too short and

[ 29 ]
What’s Next For You

too magnificent to live only half-awake. You deserve to Live with a

capital L.

[ 30 ]
About Osha Key


Osha Key is a transformation coach, business mentor, shamanic healer,
author,speaker and founder of the KEY Method.Osha helps ambitious
people master their next level in business, life and beyond by aligning
the soul, body and mind to a new desired reality. This alignment opens
the door to a world of infinite potential, fulfillment and abundance.

Having spent her life living all over the world, Osha’s teachings
bring together concepts from western psychology, eastern philoso-
phy, shamanism and even tantra.


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