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Ne] elmsy sto ce oe eee ees ee eee as en eee ee ee ee eee ee ence ee Ce Ce eee eC ee er ee ee fee ee ete or eee a ee eee ees or ee ee eer eres ee ce eee oy ee eed een ese are een nee ee REPLACE() ~ replaces all occurrences of a specified string with ‘nother string Ce en eee etary ee ee ed fee ee ees coeenes (CURDATE() ~ returns the current date CCURTINE() ~ returns the current ‘ine ar ete ee eer eee DO ee Do ee ee DATEPART() - extracts a specified part of @ dote/tine value Ce ee ets Se td Ce en et ero Soe et eee ees eens Ceo Cen ete ee eee ete Sear er enn er eee ey St enn ener cree ee ee eee Cee a eee ees coeeses cen ee een Stee ee ess er erst Ne ee ek eC coe cd ree an ees Ce en eet css acc re os eee ere Ce ee eC Cee ne the First table being paired with each cow from the second table ee eC asco Ore eo en eae cSt d INTERSECT ~ returns rows that are present in the results of two or ee en end ee ee ee ees evernees See ee ee eas ood eo oe end ered WHERE ~ specifies which rows to retrieve based on certain conditions eed ee ee ee ene ce) Po eee ee ed HAVING ~ Filters groups based on a specified condition within the Sd Seon cere Se ee eee eee ns ees eee ees TRUNCATE TABLE - removes alll rons from a table Cee een er Cee es ee eee aed Cee eee eases Sea ee eee See eee ee eee er ees See eee Cag eo eee enh cree stray eee SCR meee Corea eee ete teeec cots This type of join automatically matches rows ee eee eres Core ue a) Ce See eg ora ee eek Sea tene st et ee Cee ee ee etc es faveeesty Right Outer Join with Exclusion ety See eee Se ee eee Ce es ace Se cn ocean eae eee ecto rere on cere ees een This type of join allows you to apply a table- Pees ints nec Esc Tr Gin em anise ter eck eens Ce Poon eee ee Ce Cee Pete ee enc eee Fo ae end table that do not have a match in the right table, Cee eee Oe Pca opens Ce eee Cee ene eens aCe ea Po See ees etn s ee teees iors eee ee eee eee CC Recs Sg ec eee NS ne eee Cece Cree or iy ee ean This query will return rows from all three tables that have matching values in the joined columns. It will first join tablet and table2 based on the Se ecu aee ad Preece Patan Come Cmte ck eS ke ote temr st kayy LEFT JOIN table3 oN table?.col3 = table3.col4; es a Oe ee ae Roe cna Poe ae ee Pe ee cee ne ee oc ests etme) Pn) | 5000 | 2670-01-01, ec oes | 75600 | 20 Ce ce Pr eens cae ee a reese aia cee ed Pan oe ec ed Par cee Ded rary ons | 4000 oar es coe ee) oan ee eed Par) a card ore erased oar ee ee ed ae ee eed) eee erate ac a ec) a a) ee) eee ce Coy Cy ree ore ee es Fe ee eS sorted by salary in descending order. ae Ce ened Se ee ee ee as eee ng ee een re eee en ces Se ee eee ees ees See ee or) Ce ee ae cre en mStar. ory eo Cr ere eee ere ed See a eee oe eI ec) Se CLE ee eo oo a eo Pee Reon ht eon ee ena rea ee eee coal ‘6-Retrieve the name, product, and sale amount for all sales in the sales table that ‘occurred between June 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020. Pa ee roe eo ee eee ert ee ee eer ee enter eee er eter ‘7-Retrieve the name, product, and sale amount forthe sale withthe highest sale ‘amount inthe sales table, along with the corresponding employee name fram the oar Po eee or ee Pore er ee re Een eee eas eee ee oe een sales); Ne a ea ae ‘sowing the name of the manager from the employees table as well pone en ee eer Cac oceans See ere eer ‘9-Retrieve the name and number of employees forall managers in the employees earned page aOR On ones eee cre eee eee Sea oe ee aed ces Se oo rae CC ee ek ker hey 1 4-Retrieve the name and total sales forall employees inthe employees table Ce ea en ee et a ote komo t an ors ete ee Cee a CO OR ee eee eee ty i eg eet (ch To) ee eee Cam ce eee Cia (oltTaag oc a en ee See nen Oona ee ee eee] Ce ee ee eee) CeCe ee econ ened FROM and WHERE clauses are executed fst to select the relevant rows from the Oe eee oe ra aggregated using the SUM function in the GROUP BY clause. The HAVING clause fiters out any groups that do not meet the specified condition. Finally, the SELECT clause selects the name and total sales for each group, and the ORDER BY clause sorts the results by ota sales in descending order. Cee oe to perform a certain action, such as querying hierarchical data cee te Cad potas Ponts] red 5} Se ee ue eet eee ee ere ee ents oes are en ae OCC oom Ree cones cones Se Ca ee ee Ce ani en eee aD statement. They are often used to simplify complex queries by breaking them up oe ees eee ns poe > Ce ae ee ee ee ee a eo pe mete aad Euan SUE) Poked 5 Crag Earcooy Oem OR) ds Se eee ee eee) ‘group of rows and return a single value for each row in the result set. pera Poe ee ere Ree oOo ones De eee response to certain events, such as inserting, updating, or deleting data ina is Triggers: Cn eed ss ey cont ec Se nee ec eed stored in the database and executed repeatedly with different parameters. => Stored procedures: See eo ed en) Peon) eed co Co kod Se ted ‘of certain types of queries by allowing the database to quickly locate the desired oan eee Coa ae Cees {9-Cursor-based processing: This i a method of processing data in which a Breer enero ee tat een tees a rows, and then retrieve the next batch of rows untill rows have been processed, This can be useful when working with large result sets or when the Sree eee ~~ cursor-based processing: Ce cae ae oes Coe pe ee col processing code here ee a eee Ce Seren rey @SteveNouri

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