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2 16 Zadanie 1. (0-5 pkt.) © Ustyszysz dwukrotnie pigé tekstéw. W zadaniach 1-5, na podstawie informa ji zawareych w nagraniu, z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz wasciwa, Zakres! litere A, B albo C. 1 How much isa ticket to enter the museum? ® © Bé | 10€ | 12é 2 ‘Where did the woman stay? The speakers are talking about A their favourite foods, making a traditional dish B_ changing eating habits. The man wants to A. inform visitors about the attractions, C_wam visitors against theft B_ ask visitors to leave the park. Zadanie 2. (0-4 pkt.) () Ustyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi oséb uczestniczacych w przedstawieniu. Na podstawie informagji zawartych w nagraniu dopasuj do kazdej wypowiedzi (1-4) odpowiadaiace je} zdanie (A-E). Wpisz rozwigzania do tabeli. Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostalo podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do zadnej wypowiedzi. This speaker A. did many rehearsals for the show. B_ played an important role in the show. gota different role in the show than expected. D_ worked very hard during rehearsals. E worked backstage on the show. 7 2 3 4 Zadanie 3. (0-4 pkt.) (C) Ustyszysz dwukrotnie rady dotyezace uczenia sig jgzyka obcego. Na podstawie informacji zawartych wragraniu odpowiedz krétko na pytania 1-4, Na pytania nalezy odpowiedzie¢ w jezyku angielskim. 11 What should you do before learning a language? 2 When should you start speaking the language? 3. What will you lea from when speaking? 4 What should you always have with you when learning a language? IZNAJIOMOSC IKCJI JEZYKOWYCH Zadanie 4. (0-4 pkt:) ) Ustyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi (1-4). Do kaidej z nich dobierz wlasciwa reakcje (A-E). Weisz rozwiazania do tabeli. Uwage! Jedna reakcja zostala podana dodatkowo i nie pasuje do zadnej wypowiedzi. A. Not yet. But I'm excited to see it B_ Sounds great! Let's go. C The Garneau Theatre, | think. D Anything but a comedy. E It’s next to the shopping centre. 1 Zi 3 4 17 18 Zadanie 5. (0-4 pkt.) Dia kaidej z opisanych sytuagii (14) wybierz wiasciwa reakele. Zakredllitere A, Balbo C. 1 Nie moiesz znalezé swojego plecaka. jakie pytanie zadasz stojacemu obok Ciebie koledze? A Have you found my bag? B Have you seen my bag? © Where did you find my bag? 2 Praygotowujesz obiad, a Twoja przyjaciétka proponuje, Ze zrobi satatke. Co powiesz? A Idlike a salad, please? B Could |help you? No, thanks. I can do it. 3 Kolega wyjeddza na wycieczke. Przypomnij mu o zabraniu paszportu. A Don't forget your passport! B Do you have a passport? C Can | see your passport? 4. Recepejonistka z przychodni dzwoni, zeby przypomnieé Ci o wizycie u lekarza, Co odpowiesz? A Can | make my next appointment, please? B I'llbe there next Tuesday. That sounds like a great idea, Zadanie 6. (0-3 pkt.) Uzupetnij dialogi 1-3. Wpisz w kazda luke brakujacy fragment wypowiedzi, tak aby otrzymaé spéjne i logicane teksty. Luki nalezy uzupetnié w jezyku angielskim. 1. X: How about playing tennis this afternoon? Ihave piano lessons this afternoon, ¥ X: Could ssnssen the bus stop is, please? Y: It’s just around the corner. x ¥ Jim, i Lam a teacher. ROZUMIENIE TEKSTOW PISANYCH Zadanie 7. (0-4 pkt) Przeczytaj tekst, z ktérego usunigto cztery zdania. Wpisz w kazda luke (1-4) litere, ktéra oznaczono brakujace zdanie (A-E), tak aby otrzyma¢ logicany i spéjny tekst. Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostato podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do Zadnej luki. Hello readers! I'm finally back after a month without the Internet. | know it sounds crazy but there was a reason why | wanted to try this. 1)... ‘And actually, the results were quite fascinating. Here's what | did: for a whole month | didn’t go online at all. 2) That meant | could sent text messages and make calls, so | wasn’t giving up technology altogether. Despite that, it was a lot harder than | had expected it to be. The first few days were the hardest. | felt alone and a bit lost because | couldn't follow what was going on with my friends by reading their social media pages. To tell you the truth, this made me feel really anxious. On these days | was constantly checking my phone. | checked it a lot more than usual, actually. 3)... It was very strange. As time passed, things got easier and | started to do other activities. 4)... Iwas definitely more organised about my free time, which was a good change. This experience has helped me to understand that | don’t want to live without the internet but at the same time, | don’t want to live only on the Internet, either! eer Twould pick it up without thinking, | read, played tennis and arranged to see friends more often. There were so many reasons for not using the Internet. | did it as a psychological experiment. However, | did use my mobile phone. 19 2a. Zadanie 8. (0-4 pkt.) Przeczytaj teksty na temat trzech niezwyktych szkat (A-C) oraz 2dania 1-4. Do kazdego zdania dopasui wlasciwy tekst. Wpisz rozwigzania do tabeli. Uwaga! jeden tekst pasuje do dwéch zdan. @Fy ‘At the Brooklyn Free School in New York students play a special role in learning, They create their own: | timetable and decide on the subjects, skills and learning tools they want to learn and Use, Students are in charge of their learning while teachers are there to assist when asked. Students are free to learn in groups or individually with high-tech learning tools, it may look more like an office than a school with all its work stations, but the Carpe Diem School in ff ‘Arizona believes every student is different. Students work at their own private work stations, which have a computer. Teachers move about the classroom checking in on each student as they work at their own | speed, taking as much time on each subject or skill as they need It looks like one huge classroom at Orestad School in Denmark. Students learn in a large open glass building where they move from one space to another. There are circular areas with sofas and soft chairs "where they can sit alone or in groups to really think and apply their knowledge in new ways. Teachers uide students as they design and think of new ideas as well as new solutions to problems. In this school Teachers help students only when needed “Students develop strong creative thinking skils. Tearing spaces are for individual students only. students choose what and how they learn aluln]= Zadanie 9. (0-4 pkt.) Przeceytaj tekst. Uzupetnij luki w 2daniach 1-4 zgodhie z trescg tekstu, Luki nalezy uzupelnié w jgzyku angielskim. ‘This Holiday is for the DOGS! Welcome to Pawton Resort! | We offer you and your furry friend the perfect holiday in the Comwall countryside, Ten acres of beautiful trails and gardens make the perfect spot for you and your dog to relax. Our services include: | Awelcome pack with treats at check-in for our four-legged friends + Luxury pool and dag-beach for swimming and playing * A spa for human guests with special treatments such as haircuts and manicures * Delicious meals served daily at 3 different restaurants. | Come any day to tour our beautiful facilities and meet our experienced staff, always at your pet's service The resort is located in the . in Comwall Dog guests receive a Guests can visit the hotel for Pets are cared for by RUN= 20 Zadanie 10. (0-3 pkt.) Przeczytaj teksty A iB, Uzupetnij luki 1-3 w e-mailu do Toma zgodnie z trescia tekstéw. Luki nalezy uzupetnié w jezyku angielski. IUtry to answer your question about what camera your friend should buy for his photography lessons. in my opinion, it would be best for him to choose a used camera at this time. Not only would it be much cheaper, but he pale Siege agers 3208 would also be able to make a better choice after he has taken the lessons. This is because the photography lessons will each him how to use a camera, so he will DIGO 1930 Camera 350£ know beiter what type of new camera he wants later 18-135 mm zoom lens ‘Afterall, everyone likes different things. ! hope that helps. Call me ifyou have any other questions, Stacy 50 mm lens (eeeds [onnenasecansinnsanisisomsaneman’ | To: Subject: CAMERA HiTom! | just got a message from my photographer friend Stacy about buying a camera for your photography lessons. She advises that you buy a 1) camera instead of a new one. They are obviously less expensive but more importantly, you will lean how to use a camera in your lessons and then you will have a 2). =~ idea of what you want when you buy a new camera. | have attached a link below that shows 2.cameras for sale. They are both the 3)... -vnmuuue But the Second one has a zoom lens. Have a look Let's talk soon, Monica ZNAJOMOSC SRODKOW JEZYKOWYCH, Zadanie 11. (0-3 pkt:) Przeczytaj tekst. Sposréd wyraz6w podanych w ramce wybierz te, ktére poprawnie uzupetniaja luki 1-3. Wpisz odpowiednia litere (A-F) obok numeru kaidej luki. Uwaga! Trzy wyrazy zostaly podane dodatkowo i nie pasuja do zadnej luki. A COLD CAREER ‘Are you interested in nature? Do you like animals? Dor't mind 1)... cold temperatures? Then consider a career asa scientist who researches polar bears. These scientists live in the Arctic so they can 2)....... polar bears in their natural habitat. They collect information on polar bear behaviour and 3)...... experiments on the Arctic ice in order to help protect the bears and teach others about these great creatures of the North! 21 22 2 Zadanie 12. (0-4 pkt.) Przeczytaj opis ilustracji. Uzupetnij kazdg luke (1-4) jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstal spdiny i logiczny tekst zgodny z ilustracja. Wymagana jest peina poprawnos¢ ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych wyrazow. This photo was taken if a 1) sen-rnensronee We can see a group of students working together at a table. There are bookshelves 2) 5 them. There ate two boys sitting at a table and two girls standing next to the table. On the table there is a 3) sna « They are probably working on a aroup project for school. They are all 4). «at the screen and talking. sp atin tl a gaps cess ln a ape n pm Zadanle 13. (0-4 pkt.) Wykorzystuigc wyrazy podane drukowanymiliterami, uzupetnij kazde zdanie z luka, tak aby zachowa¢ sens zdania wyjéciowego (1-4). Wymagana jest pelna poprawnos¢ ortograficzna i gramatyczna \wpisywanych fragmentow zdar, Uwaga! Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazéw. W kaida luke mozesz wpisaé maksymalnie trzy wyrazy, wliczajac w to wyraz juz podany. 1 The festival will be in the park on Saturday. PLACE The festival wil. in the park on Saturday. 2 Aman wearing a mask grabbed her purse. STOLEN Her purse a ‘a man wearing a mask. 3. Thisis her first time singing in front of an audience. NEVER She in front of an audience before. 4. The dress didn’t cost as much as the shoes. THAN The dress cost = the shoes. ITWORZENIE WYPOWIEDZI PISEMNE) Zadanie 14. (0-10 pkt.) Odwiedzites/-as niedawno ciekawe miejsce w Twojej miejscowosci. Podziel sig swoimi wrazeniami na blogu. + Wyjasnij, jak dotartes/-aé na miejsce. + Opisz, co tam robites/-as. + Napisz, dlaczego warto odwiedzic to miejsce. Napisz swojg wypowiedz w jezyku angielskim. Podpisz sig jako XYZ. Roxwiti swojg wypowiedé w kazdym z trzech podpunkt6w, tak aby osoba nieznajgca polecenia w jezyku polskim uzyskala wszystkie wskazane w nim informacje. Pamigtaj, ze dlugosé wypowiedzi powinna wynosié od 50 do 120 stéw (nie liceac wyrazéw podanych na poczatku wypowiedzi). Oceniane sg: umiejetnoS¢ petnego przekazania informacji, spdjnosé, bogactwo jezykowe oraz poprawnos¢ jezykowa. An Incredible Place! Hi everyone! | am really excited to tell you about where! just returned from. 23

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