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English Play Father Retuming Home Script. Main Character: Father Son Friend Starting of play: Nar: It is a poem where the poet shows the loneliness and world-weariness of an old man in modern society by depicting a picture of his own father returning home from work. Scene 1 Evening Father returns home from the factory. He is exhausted. As soon as he enters he puts on a fake smile. Son and his friend are chilling. Father greets his son but son behaves rudely. Friend noticed it. Son asks money for stationery. Father asks where his pocket money? That he gave him few days ago. Son again answers rudely. Father has no money in his pocket but has a note in his jacket. Give this note to his son. Friend watches all along.Father is helpless. Scene 2: Son and his friend are sitting under a streetlight where the friend tells him that he has behaved rudely. Son while going to sleep reflects upon these thoughts.- Hriday Parivartan. Scene 3: Morning Same room as scene 1, Father is getting ready for the day. Weather report radio. Tom shirt. Appearance. Side hanging bag. Son watches from corner. Son is silent commuter (These will be explained before scene 3 in the gap between scenes). In canteen he tries to buy lunch but due to lack of money the canteen lady refuses to give the lunch. He travels back home through crowded train when its raining where he uses the bag as a shield. Also his chappal_ broke in the train hustle. Scene 4: He ate stale chapati during dinner. An old radio reciting the headlines for the day. Son notices that his father is eating stale chapatis and he offers fresh hot chapatis ..... A stare of 5 sec. The son gets emotional {water works}. Son excuses that he will have the dinner later and returns to his room quietly CLIMAX: Son is sitting in his room He was bombarded with emotions hence he starts writing his emotions into a poem. The narrator will recite the poem...... the son keeps writing till the recitation ends. the father comes to check on son , whether he is full or not... the son (in tears) hugs his father tightly ....... A pause for a sec. THE END. The script Nar: It is a poem where the poet shows the loneliness and world-weariness of an old man in modern society by depicting a picture of his own father retuming home from work. (its a small room ... torn posters on the wall ...... paints getting faded day by day ........ But there are colors of excitement as the world cup finals approach.) Dilip (son): Yesterday India bowled like a top class team. Their fielding was great too. Gopal (friend): Certainly! And it was another reason, the pakistani team failed to score high. Dilip: In the end it was an easy target for the Pakistan team but our team was so unpredictable that you couldn't be surprised if they could not have achieved that. (Father enters from the right) ( Tired... but puts on a fake smile as soon as he sees his son ) Purshottam : (With A smile)(In a low voice) Hi son! How are you Gopal, seeing you after so long, how are your parents. Gopal : Good evening uncle, I'm fine and so are my parents. (smiles) Purshottam : Dilip, how was your day ? How are your studies going ? | recall you will be having your exams soon right...? Dilip : Yed dad, they start next week. Also | need some money for some stationary stuff. Purshottam : | already gave you money last week, you should be able to manage with all that. You should be careful while spending the money, don’t waste them on useless things. Dilip : DAD !!1 I'm old enough to understand how to and where to use my money on. | don't need your constant interruption in my life. NARRATOR: Gopal and Purshottam share a disapproving look , Purshottam walks into his room and gets a note of rupees 100 from his jacket and gives it to his son. Purshottam then walks away into his room. (scene ends) SCENE 2: Gopal : It's too late. | think | should leave now. Dilip: okay , I will escort you to the crossroads. NARRATOR : Both the friends walk out of the house towards the crossroads. While walking Dilip keeps on murmuring about how his father never understands him. They reach the crossroads and decide to sit on the footpath while Gopal waits for his bus. While sitting they start to talk about random things, Suddenly Gopal tries to mention about the way Dilip talked to his father back at his home. Gopal : Don't you think it was rude the way, you talked to your father. Dilip : HUh! What do you mean. Gopal : Dilip, Your father works so hard for the whole day and comes back home exhausted. Instead of understanding that and talking to him patiently in a polite way, you argued. Dilip : | don't care if | was being rude, He needs to put more trust on me and let me live my life. Gopal : Fine. Whatever you think about it. But it was your fault and you need to apologise, your father works so hard and you need to realise it Dilip : | know what he does and every parent does that to provide for his family. There is nothing special about it. | study so hard but do | get any credit for it! Gopal : Nothing special. You gotta be kidding me my friend. Go and look at how your father struggles everyday and then come and talk to me Dilip : Fine! Tomorrow I'll follow him everywhere he does, whatever he does and see what hardships he faces. (scene ends) SCENE 3 Same room as scene 1. Father is getting ready for the day. Weather report radio. Torn shirt. Appearance. Side hanging bag. Son watches from comer. Son is silent commuter (These will be explained before scene 3 in the gap between scenes). In canteen he tries to buy lunch but due to lack of money the canteen lady refuses to give the lunch. He travels back home through crowded train when its raining where he uses the bag as a shield, Also his chappal broke in the train hustle. Narrator : Purshottam is getting ready for his day in his room. He is listening to weather reports on radio. Dilip watches him while sitting on the sofa, Purshottam wears his shirts while shaking his head looking at the torn part of the shirt. He tucks in the shirt making sure the tom part is hidden nicely. Dilip watches it and gets shocked seeing that. He remembers the time his father bought him new clothes for college while he himself hasn't bought new ones since two summers. Purshottam takes his bag from the bed, wears sandals and comes out of his room. Purshottam : Good morning Son, I'm leaving early today. Dilip : Why Dad. There is still 20 minutes left for the time bus. Purshottam : | was thinking of walking my way there. Gotta keep exercising. Haha Narrator : Purshottam leaves and starts walking towards the main roads unaware about his son following him, It is lunch time now. Purshottam is waiting in line to get his lunch in the canteen. Today lunch would cost 30 rupees. He takes out his wallet to pay but then he realizes that he doesn't have enough money. Then he remembers the money he gave to his son Dilip yesterday to buy stationary.

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