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Cartoon based Questions Q.1 Study the picture given below carefully and answer the following questions 2019 Board Question © Deng Coy Miel, Cagle Cartoons inc. Which part of this cartoon is.rélated to china ? Assess the strength of china on the basis of the cartoon China may be the next superpower in the world , Justify the statement with two arguments A B. c Q.2 Study the picture given below carefully and answer the following questions 2019 board 2019 board A. Write the full name of the Organisation represented by the tiger in this cartoon B. Explain the dilemma of sri lankan leadership in trying to resolve this ethnic conflict C. How did this ethnic problem affect the economic growth of sri lanka ? Q.3 Study the picture given below carefully and answer the following questions 2015 board exams Cartoons Inc. Cagle C > Ares, —— sooncageaoss comesowol ARES. A. Why has the bicycle been chosen to represent China ? B. What do the symbols within the two wheel's stand for ? Which 2 economic ideologies do the symbol represent C. What message does the cartoon convey ? Q.4 Study the picture given below carefully and answer the following questions 2017 board exams A. Identify and name the person who is holding the balancing beam between the public and private sector B. Why has a big lift towards the public sector shown in the image. C. How did the ever - emphasis on the public sector adversely affect the Indian Economy ? Q.5 Study the picture given below carefully and answer the following questions 2017 board exams es of 3 A. Identify and name the leader shown on the Right B. What type of Relationship does the cartoon indicate between the people and the ruler? C. In your opinion, how successful was the approach adopted by the leader on the right to solve the issue of princely states,? Q.6 Study the picture given below carefully and answer the following questions 2017 board exam Allocations in the First and Second Five Year Plans (in) 30°) Bris re GB secona FP phalell. Be ORS 2 pe 58 868 3g a Be ge «68B OE 348 3 eés §8 se rs a g§25 & ge go Fo as Ss3 2 385 628 5 ge Bat 3 53 Ee BE 33 Z 2 As Be = _ nn Major heads of development scene A. Identify the major head from the above given graph which-has been allocated the maximum funds under the 2nd five year plan |. Which area was allocated the maximum funds under the ‘st five year plan and why ? C. Which allocation in the first five year plan shows that it laid emphasis on agriculture and related sub ? Q7 Study the picture given below carefully and answer the follo 19 questions 2016 board exam THEY SAID THEY'LL SUPPORT THE GOVERNMENT } FROM OUTSIDE .. Who was head of the government formed by the national front in 1989 ? A B. Why was the government formed by him called a puppet Government C. Identify the puppeteers pulling the strings and the Political parties they belong to Q.8 Study the picture given below carefully and answer the following questions 2016 Delhi A. Identify any four National leaders from the above cartoon and mention the serial number of each . B. Which was the most controversial issue of the period Related to leader No 2 as PM of India ? C. What was the position of the party led by leader No. 1 in the Lok Sabha Election of 1989 7 @9 Study the picture given below carefully and answer the following questions 2016 board exam A. Identify the main issue that spread of the agitation B. What did the National Front Government decide in favour of or against the issue ? C. How did the coalition partners in the national front react to this decision 7 Q.10 Study the picture given below carefully and answer the following questions 2015 board exams. Repeated cartoon © Deng Coy Miel, Cagle Cartoons inc. ‘A. Which county does the given cartoon refer to ? B. Identify the 2 symbols in this cartoon which have given you the clue about the Related country. ©. Where does the cartoon place the Related country in the International power Politics ? Q.11 Study the picture given below carefully and answer the following questions 2020 Sample A. in the cartoon represent ? What does it believe 7 B. What does the tiger in the cartoon represent ? What is its demand ? C. Which country’s problem is depicted here ? Which dilemma of the government is represented by this cartoon 7 D. Name the external power that helped to resolve issues . Q.12 Study the picture given below carefully and answer the following questions FOOD FOR THOUGHT President Johnson is in more troubles over Vietnam, Second cartoon (2) Who has drawn the above cartoons ? What is being depicted by these cartoons ? What is the background and Subject matter of the first cartoon ? What is being depicted in the second cartoon ? pomp Q.13 Study the picture given below carefully and answer the following questions Ea2 gbcs B232 8 3 26s 3 < ao A. Who made this painting and when ? B. Mention the title of this painting C. Mention the various kinds of Conflict in the region of south Asia . Q15 Study the picture given below carefully and answer the questions that follow : (i) — Why has the bicycle been chosen as a symbol to represent China ? (ii) What do the symbols within the two wheels of the bicycle stand for? (iii) What message is conveyed by the given picture ? 1+242=5 16 30. Study the cartoon given below carefully and answer the questions that follow : f GLOBAL WARMING (a) What is meant by global warming ? (b) Why are the fingers shown in the cartoon designed like chimneys ? (©) What message does the world shown as a lighter, convey to the mankind ? 1424225 28. Study the cartoon given below carefully and answer the questions that follow : (i) How do the big powers react when new countries claim nuclear status? (ii) On what basis can we say that some countries can be trusted with nuclear weapons while others can't be? (iii) Besides the big powers, N. Korea and Iran, name any other two countries which possess nuclear weapons ? 2424155

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