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Accommodation (TP) Explanation


The tourism and hospitality sector is a valuable industry that contributes to the host country's
economic prosperity. The sector has seen a phenomenal increase in business throughout the

Despite the advances, the inherent problems and concerns in the accommodation industry make
running hotel operations a little more challenging. It is not easy to run an accommodation
business. The danger involved is enormous. As a result, hoteliers must be aware of any obstacles
that may arise. Many hotels throughout the world prefer to disregard the majority of the
concerns. As a result, they will face significant consequences.

Now let me discuss with all of you some issues that I have noticed or heard about in the
accommodation sector.

• Housekeeping Issues
Without a question, housekeeping is one of the most significant and troublesome aspects of the
hotel sector. Nothing is like first impressions, and the first impression a visitor receives when
they arrive at your hotel may make or break their stay. Poorly maintained hotel rooms and
common spaces can result in negative reviews and loss of customer.
This is why you should invest time and resources in locating competent workers that clean
thoroughly and pay attention to the smallest details. It's about completing deep cleanings on a
regular basis, identifying the nooks and crannies that are often neglected, and going the
additional mile to ensure they are cared to.
• Skilled Labor Shortage

Finding qualified staff is one of the most critical hotel problems, as your employees represent
your company. They are required to conduct guest services, housekeeping, operations
management, administrative chores, and payment collection. However, there may be a
qualification gap in the business, since many service workers may only have a high school

There are quite a few accommodations that hire underqualified staff, such as some employees at
the Sabin Resort Hotel, where even the most basic and simplest management practices were not
carried out properly, potentially resulting in the rapid turnover of staff.
• Operational Issues
Operational issues are one of the most prevalent problems in the hotel sector. There are several
operational challenges in the hotel sector, ranging from reservation management to guest service,
completing all front office activities, keeping hotel rooms and facilities clean, and more.
However, hotel departments frequently fail to complete all jobs in a timely manner, resulting in
confusion and client displeasure.

• Ever-more demanding guests

With more information at our hands before traveling, visitors are becoming more demanding
since they believe they know precisely what to anticipate and are quickly disappointed if their
expectations are not satisfied. Because customers can see the rooms and the property and read
reviews, it's the cause of discontent when those demands aren't satisfied. As a result, one of the
most pressing concerns confronting hotels in the digital era is achieving client expectations.

The most important way to prevent this from happening is to be transparent about what you offer
and what you don’t offer. Another way to mitigate guest expectations is to provide a top-notch
customer experience with excellent customer service, because nothing leaves a lasting
impression on guests like excellent guest services.

• Restoring business post natural calamities and Crisis

So I think this is the most recent challenge or issue in the hospitality industry. The whole world
shut down traveling during the COVID-19 outbreak, because of which the hotel industry also
had to shut down its operations. With canceled reservations, infinite lockdowns, and shutdown
hotels, this was probably the worst time for the tourism and hospitality industries.
While it is a challenge to survive these times, it is an even bigger challenge to come out of these
times a winner. The most difficult part is reviving the business in these uncertain times.

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