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Coastal Lagoon Eutrophication and ANaerobic Processes

Developments in Hydrobiology 117

Series editor
H. J. Dumont
Coastal Lagoon Eutrophication
ANaerobic Processes (C.L.E.AN.)
Nitrogen and Sulfur Cycles and Population Dynamics
in Coastal Lagoons

A Research Programme of the Environment Programme of the EC (DG XII)

Edited by

Pierre Caumette, Jacques Castel and Rodney Herbert

Reprinted from Hydrobiologia, vol. 329 (1996)

Kluwer Academic Publishers

Dordrecht / Boston / London
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Coastal lagoon eutrophication and anaerobic processes: nitrogen and

sulfur cycles and population dynamics in coastal lagoons I edited by
Pierre Caumette. Jacques Castel. and Rodney Herbert.
p. cm. -- <Developments in hydrobiology ; v. 117)
ISBN .0-7923-4165-1
1. Marine eutrophication. 2. Lagoon ecology. 3. Nitrogen cycle.
4. Sulphur cycle. 5. Anaerobic bacteria. 6. Population biology.
I. Caumette. Pierre. 1951- II. Castel. Jacques. III. Herbert.
R. A. IV. Series: Developments in hydrobiology ; 117.
OH91.8.E87C63 1996
574.5'2636--dc20 96-28457

ISBN-13: 978-94-010-7279-3 e-ISBN-13: 978-94-009-1744-6

DOl: 10.1007/978-94-009-1744-6

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Preface ............................................................................ vii

Participating laboratories ............................................................ viii

Introductory chapter: Eutrophication gradients in coastal lagoons as exemplified by the Bassin

d' Arcachon and the Etang du Prevost
by J. Castel, P. Caumette & R. Herbert .......................................... ix-xxviii


Heterotrophic bacterial, activity and bacterial diversity in two coastal lagoons as detected by
culture and 16S rRNA genes PCR amplification and partial sequencing
by S. Benlloch, F. Rodriguez-Valera, S.G. Acinas & AJ. Martinez-Murcia ......... . 3-17
Description of prokaryotic biodiversity along the salinity gradient of a multipond solar saltern
by direct PCR amplification of 16S rONA
by S. Benlloch, S.G. Acinas, AJ. Martinez-Murcia & F. Rodriguez-Valera ......... . 19-31
Anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in eutrophic coastal lagoons of the French Mediterranean
and Atlantic Coasts (Prevost Lagoon, Arcachon Bay, Certes Fishponds)
by R. Guyoneaud, R. Matheron, R. Baulaigue, K. Poduer, A. Hirschler & P. Caumette 33-43
Zooplankton variability related to environmental changes in eutrophic coastal lagoon in the
Po Delta
by S. Sei, G. Rossetti, F. Villa & I. Ferrari ...................................... . 45-55
A field experiment on the effect of two types of sediment disturbance on the rate of recovery
of a meiobenthic community in a eutrophicated lagoon
by M.A. Colangelo, T. Macri & V.U. Ceccherelli ................................. . 57-68
Diel and seasonal vertical distribution of meiobenthic copepods in muddy sediments of a
eutrophic lagoon (fish ponds of Arcachon Bay)
by E. Buffan-Duban & J. Castel ............................................... . 69-78
The role of phototrophic sulfur bacteria as food for meiobenthic harpacticoid copepods inhab-
iting eutrophic coastal lagoons
by L.P. Souza-Santos, J. Castel & PJ.P. Santos ......... , ........................ . 79-89



Growth of the seaweed Ulva rigida C. Agardh in relation to biomass densities, internal nutrient
pools and external nutrient supply in the Sacca di Goro lagoon (Northern Italy)
by P. Viaroli, M. Naldi, C. Bondavalli & S. Bencivelli ... . . . .. . .. ..... ..... .. .. ... . 93-103
Macrophyte communities and their impact of benthic fluxes of oxygen, sulphide and nutrients
in shallow eutrophic environments
by P. Viaroli, M. Bartoli, C. Bondavalli, RR Christian, G. Giordani & M. Naldi .. ... 105-119
Differential anaerobic decomposition of seagrass (Zostera noltii) and (Monostroma obscurum)
biomass from Arcachon Bay (France)
by S. Bourgues, 1. Auby, R de Wit & PJ. Labourg ................................ 121-131
Nitrification, denitrification, and nitrate ammonification in sediments of two coastal lagoons
in Southern France
by S. Rysgaard, N. Risgaard-Petersen & N.P. Sloth .......... , ... ..... ... . . ... .... 133-141
Benthic oxygen respiration, ammonium and phosphorus regeneration in surficial sediments
of the Sacca di Goro (Northern Italy) and two French coastal lagoons: a comparative study
by M. Bartoli, M. Cattadori, G. Giordani & P. Viaroli ............................. 143-159
Seasonal variation in rates of heterotrophic nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) in Zostera
noltii meadows and uncolonised sediments of the Bassin d' Arcachon, south-west France
by D.T. Welsh, S. Bourgues, R de Wit & RA. Herbert............................ 161-174
Relationships between porewater organic carbon content, sulphate reduction and nitrogen
fixation (acetylene reduction) in the rhizosphere of Zostera noltii
by D.T. Welsh, P. Wellsbury, S. Bourgues, R de Wit & RA. Herbert ............... 175-183
The biogeochemistry of two eutrophic marine lagoons and its effect on microphytobenthic
by LJ. Stal, S.B. Behrens, M. Villbrandt, S. van Bergeijk & F. Kruyning ............ 185-198
Sulfur bacteria in sediments of two coastal ecosystems: the Bassin d' Arcachon and the Etang
du Prevost, France
by B.E.M. Schaub & H. van Gemerden .......................................... 199-210
Sulphide release from anoxic sediments in relation to iron availability and organic matter
recalcitrance and its effects on inorganic phosphorus recycling
by G. Giordani, M. Bartoli, M. Cattadori & P. Viaroli ............................. 211-222

SUBJECT INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223-225

Hydrobiologia 329: vii, 1996. vii
P. Caumette, J. Castel & R. Herbert (eds), Coastal Lagoon Eutrophication and ANaerobic Processes (C.L.E.AN.).


The Coastal Lagoon Eutrophication and ANaerobic processes research programme (CLEAN) was one of the
projects funded under the European Community Environment Research Programme 1991-1994. Coastal lagoons
constitute an important transition zone between the terrestrial environment and the open ocean. They comprise
13% of the world's coastline from the tropics to the polar regions. Their productivity is derived from interactions
between the land, oceans and atmosphere. They are enriched by the oceanic and continental inputs and are amongst
the most productive ecosystems in the biosphere.
The effect of human activity on these coastal ecosystems, whether direct or indirect, has accelerated considerably
in recent years and the impact of such changes on these sensitive and economically important environments is now
a cause of major concern. Along the European coasts, many shallow coastal lagoons receive large amounts of
organic and mineral nutrients which has led to a rapid increase in eutrophication over the two last decades.
The objective of this project was to study different lagoon systems subject to increasing levels of eutrophication
in order to identify the key processes controlling these changes and how they impact on the species composition
and population dynamics of the indigenous biological communities.
The papers in this special volume provide a comprehensive set of data on the effects of eutrophication on the
population dynamics of the indigenous biota, biodiversity, trophic relationships, biogeochemical cycling, nutrient
inputs and fluxes in two constrasting lagoon systems, the highly eutrophic Etang du Prevost and the moderately
eutrophic Bassin d'Arcachon. By adopting a multidisciplinary approach it has been possible to identify the key
processes regulating eutrophication in these lagoons and their impact on the community structure of the primary
and secondary producers as well as the nutrient exchanges which occur at the sediment-water interface. These data
provide a valuable source of new information for scientists working on related problems in similar ecosystems as
well as those involved in the management of these important natural resources.
The editors wish to acknowledge the assistance given by the numerous referees who carefully reviewed the
manuscripts and to thank Professor Henri Dumont, editor-in-chief of Hydrobiologia for his invaluable assistance
in the production of this special volume. We also wish to acknowledge the support and encouragement given by Dr
Canice Nolan of the European Commission Directorate DG XII to publish the data obtained during the course of
this project as a single special volume of Hydrobiologia.
We are grateful to the Conservatoire du Littoral (Mrs Musson) and to the Conseil General of Gironde (Mr
Boutet) for field work facilities and permission to enter and work on the site of Certes in Arcachon Bay and the
Company of Maguelone, and their director Mr Sallas for help during sampling work in the Prevost lagoon.
Finally, it is a pleasure to thank the staff of the Centre d'Oceanographie et de Biologie Marine, Arcachon, for
the unstinting support that they have given to all the participants during the course of this project. Particular thanks
are due to Fran~oise Truong who provided the administrative support for the project.

Arcachon, October 1995 P. CAUMETIE


FRENCH GROUP Centre d'Oceanographie et de Biologie
Pierre Caumette
Coordinator 2 rue Jolyet
Jacques Castel 33120 Arcachon
Universite Bordeaux I

2 DUTCH GROUP Laboratory for Microbiology

Lucas Stal Nieuwe Achtergracht 127
University of Amsterdam NL-l 0 18 WS Amsterdam

Hans van Gemerden Dept. of Microbiology

University of Groningen P.O. Box 14
(associate proposer) Kerklaan 30
8750 NN Haren

3 DANISH GROUP Institute of Biological Sciences

Niels Peter Revsbech Dept. of Microbial Ecology
University of Aarhus Ny Munkegade
Building 540
DK 8000 Aarhus C

4 U.K. GROUP Dept. of Biological Sciences

Rod Herbert DundeeDD14HN
University of Dundee

5 ITALIAN GROUP Dipart. Biologia Evolutiva

Victor Ugo Ceccherelli Via L. Borsari 46
Universita di Ferrara 44100 Ferrara

Ireneo Ferrari Instituto di Ecologia

Universita di Parma Viala della Scienze
(associate proposer) 43100 Parma

6 SPANISH GROUP Departamento de Genetica

Francisco Rodriguez-Valera Molecular y Microbiologia
Universidad de Alicante Campus de San Juan
Apartado 374
03080 Alicante
Hydrobi%gia 329: ix-xxviii, 1996. IX
P. Caumette, 1. Castel & R. Herbert (eds), Coastal Lagoon Eutrophication and ANaerobic Processes (C.L.E.AN.).
©1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Eutrophication gradients in coastal lagoons as exemplified by the Bassin

d' Arcachon and the Etang du Prevost

Jacques Castell, Pierre Caumette 1 & Rodney Herbert2

1 Laboratoire d'Oceanographie Biologique, Universite Bordeaux I, 33120 Arcachon, France
2 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Dundee, Dundee DDI 4HN, Scotland

Key words: Coastal lagoons, eutrophication, macrophytes, microorganisms, nitrogen cycle, sulphur cycle


The conditions of eutrophication are described in three lagoon systems differing by their structure, their catchment
area and their connection with the sea: the Bassin d' Arcachon on the Atlantic coast, SW France, the semi-artificial
fish ponds of the Bassin d' Arcachon, and the Etang du Prevost on the Mediterranean. The Bassin d' Arcachon is a
shallow semi-enclosed bay, strongly influenced by climatic factors and tidal currents. The Bassin receives significant
inflow of freshwater and the waters are only partially renewed. The greatest part of the primary production is due to
the seagrass Zostera noltii. Although the ecosystem remains on the whole in steady state, some evidence of potential
eutrophication are visible. For instance, the flux of nitrogen into the Bassin d' Arcachon has increased by more than
50% during the last 25 years. The most significant change among primary producers is the massive development
since 1988 of the green alga Monostroma obscurum. The fish 'reservoirs' of the Bassin d' Arcachon are man-made
enclosures designed for extensive aquaculture and where the water renewal is only possible during certain periods
of time. Thus, because of the shallowness and the confined nature of these fish ponds, acute eutrophication is
sometimes observed in summer. The Etang du Prevost is extremely eutrophic due to agricultural and urban run-off.
Red waters occur periodically during the warm summer months as a consequence of ecological events beginning in
the early spring with a bloom of green macroalgae (Ulva sp.). In summer, the algal biomass is degraded by aerobic
heterotrophic bacteria; the oxygen demand encompasses the oxygen production, leading to the predominence of
anaerobic processes and dystrophic crisis. From the comparison of the selected sites, three stages of eutrophication
are recognized according to the conceptual model of Nienhuis (1992) describing the relation between the relative
dominance of primary producers connected to the availability of nutrients. Such macroscopic observations should,
now, be explained by the study of microbiological processes including meiofauna, protozoa, bacteria and all the
components of the microbial loop.

Introduction eutrophication are amongst the major problems faced

by those responsible for the management of these sen-
Littoral ecosystems such as lagoons, estuaries, and salt sitive ecosystems.
marshes are highly productive environments but how Lagoons have been historically important as sites
they function is still not fully understood (Lasserre, for human settlement providing access to both the land
1979a; Lasserre & Postma, 1982). Most of them and the sea. Not only they are important for trans-
are subjected to continuous natural modifications. portation, they also provide natural food resources,
Lagoons, in particular, may undergo periods of dis- such as oysters, clams, shrimps, fish, as well as pro-
order due to excessive eutrophication which can lead viding a convenient place to dump urban and industrial
to dystrophic crisis, the so-called malai"gue in Mediter- waste. Some of these multiple uses are compatible;
ranean lagoons (Caumette & Baleux, 1980). The con- others are not. It is a key objective of the manage-
trol of production and consequently the control of ment of these systems that the maximum benefit can
Table 1. Comparison of the characteristics of
The continental inputs in the coastal lagoons are
seawater and lagoonal water. Example from the
Bassin d' Arcachon, SW France (August \986, mainly characterized by river waters and, sometime, by
after Escaravage, 1990). Seawater = open water ground water or rain water that drain the surrounding
in the Bassin d' Arcachon, fish ponds = shallow soils. These waters not only carry large amounts of
lagoonal enclosures.
particulate material in the form of clay particles and
Seawater Fish ponds organic detritus but also dissolved material in the form
of dissolved organic matter and nutrients arising from
P04 (Mmoll- I ) 0.25 human activity in the vicinity ofthe lagoons (fertilizers,
NH4 (Mmoll- I ) 0.78 5.62
domestic and industrial effluents ... ). Most of these
N03 (Mmoll- I ) 1.14 0.30
materials are deposited and concentrate in the lagoons.
N02 (Mmoll- I ) 0.26 0.\5
Nutrient and organic inputs, together with shal-
pH 8.5 7.3
low water conditions, good light penetration and good
02 (% saturation) 87 35
mixing, lead to high primary production. It is widely
accepted that the rates of primary production in coastal
lagoons are among the highest measured for natural
be derived from these exploitations without jeopardis- ecosystems (Lasserre, 1979a). The bulk of the primary
ing their long-term future. production is due to macrophytes: phanerogams (Rup-
pia, Zostera) and macroalgae (Enteromorpha, Ulva).
However, significant production by microphytes (epi-
Ecological structure and biogeochemical cycles of phytic and/or epibenthic) have also been recorded.
eutrophic coastal lagoons The pelagic compartment (phyto- and zooplankton)
is not the most important component in lagoon ecosys-
Basic model of lagoon ecosystem tems. The shallowness of the water column associat-
ed with the stagnation of the water normally does not
Coastal lagoon ecosystems are directly related to allow the planktonic community to develop to any great
the physical and chemical environment, i.e. coastal extent. Most of the micro-invertebrates encountered in
lagoons are dynamic, open systems where functions the water column are phytophilous or epibenthic.
are dominated and controlled by physical processes In lagoons, the benthic compartment largely con-
(Figure 1). trols the functioning of the ecosystem. The superficial
The driving forces of these systems are character- film of sediment on the lagoon bed is generally cov-
ized by: ered by a blanket of unicellular organisms (cyanobacte-
- flux vectors (currents, tide, solar energy, rain), ria, peridinians, dinoflagellates, diatoms). Through the
- marine inputs (sediment, coastal waters and asso- intense browsing action of herbivorous fauna such as
ciated elements such as nutrients, plankton), small gastropods and crustaceans, this vegetal mate-
- continental inputs (rivers, groundwater, nutrients, rial is converted into increasingly fine debris (Fig-
sediment, organic matter). ure 2) which is quickly colonized by a large number
Because of their position as an interface between of microorganisms (microalgae, bacteria) and small-
the terrestrial and marine environments, they are sub- sized invertebrates (meiofauna, crustaceans, annelids).
ject to both continental and marine influences. Thus This colonized detritus constitutes an important food
they are highly dynamic environments. source for higher trophic levels (shrimps, fish, espe-
The lagoon ecosystem receives from the marine cially mullet).
environment oxidized forms of inorganic nitrogen and The excessive primary production leads to high
phosphorus which are restored as reduced compounds. rates of production in the rest of the biological food
Ammonia is a preponderant form of nitrogen (Table 1). web in these ecosystems. Thus eutrophication is char-
Its concentration in the sediment is high, due to the acteristic of many coastal lagoons which should be
mineralization of large amount of organic matter. In considered as frontal ecosystems, which whilst very
contrast, nitrate concentrations are generally low. Low productive are unstable and sensitive to changes in
phosphate concentrations recorded in lagoon waters physical and chemical conditions. Recent research,
are related to adsorption by particulate matter and the however, suggests that their biological communities
sediments. However, frequent release of P04 leads to are well adapted to such perturbations and are able to
high variation in the measured concentrations. function as apparently stable ecosystems.

forests, marshes


beach processes
reinforcement structures water diversion
tide gates irrigation


Figure 1. The lagoon as concentrating mechanism and controllable interface between land and sea (redrawn from Lasserre, 1979a).

Microbial communities in coastal lagoons ton, filamentous algae and Ulva sp. benefit from the
increased levels of nutrients and will grow in volume
Many shallow coastal lagoons exhibit well defined and dominance at the expense of flowering plants and
salinity gradients from seawater salinity near the con- other algae. They commonly dominate in many coastal
nection with the sea to low salinity in the continental lagoons.
areas of the lagoon receiving river inputs, or to brines In the sediment, the microbial community is more
in solar evaporation lagoons. Such variable conditions complex depending on the gradients of oxygen pene-
of salinity have a very important impact on the dis- trating the sediment and subsequently on the interface
tribution and the selection of the components of the between oxic and anoxic phases. This interface is gen-
biological communities of coastal lagoons. erally found within the first 2 mm of the sediment.
In the water column bacterial communities are Therefore many different kinds of semi-aerobic and
dominated by aerobic heterotrophic bacteria, either anaerobic bacteria coexist, living by fermentation or
with strictly oxidative metabolism or facultatively fer- anaerobic respiration. In most coastal lagoons, it is
mentative metabolism. These bacteria are halotolerant known that the anaerobic bacterial community is dom-
organisms and are mainly of terrestrial origin (Car- inated by sulphate-reducing bacteria that can transform
mouze & Caumette, 1985). The distribution of marine up to 50% of the organic material (J~rgensen, 1983)
bacteria depends on the influence of tides (Erchen- but produce H2S, a toxic compound that accumulates as
brecker & Stevensen, 1975). Although many authors FeS2 (pyrite) in the anoxic environment. If light reach-
have reported on their distribution and physiology (see es the anoxic layers, phototrophic sulphide-oxidizing
references in Caumette, 1989a), little is known about bacteria can grow and sometimes populate these envi-
their activity and role in coastal lagoons. They miner- ronments by forming dense purple to brown colored
alize organic material either in free living conditions, masses (Caumette, 1989b; Van Gemerden, 1983). In
or associated with clays or particulate organic matter. addition to sulphur bacteria, anoxic layers of coastal
They contribute to the release of inorganic nutrients. It lagoons are densely populated by nitrogen bacteria and
is known that fast growing plants such as phytoplank- methanogenic bacteria (Caumette, 1989a). However,

7. In coastal lagoons, the trophic structure is charac-
terized by a number of different primary food types
SO JANUARY JULY and a highly connected food web of generalist feeders.
Much of the emergent and submergent plant materi-
30 SO
al enters the food web as detritus. Because of the net
20 40 I
nutrient uptake which occurs during the fermentation
30 of detritus, this material may have a higher nutritional
20 value than the original plant material. For both detri-
10 tus and epiphytes, it is not just plant material, but an
entire community which is consumed, including bac-
7. I'm
teria, fungi, microalgae and protozoans .
The increased pool of autochthonous particulate
'0 matter results in intense microbial activity in the
30 surface sediment. This might be further enhanced
20 by benthic-pelagic coupling in the topmost layer of
60 I'm 10 the sediment. Due to the good light conditions, the
high primary production resulting from eutrophication
7. 40 SO I'm
60 60
7- exceeds the capacity of the heterotrophic decomposers
to completely mineralize the biomass. As a conse-
.0 40
quence, the pool of particulate organic matter in the
sediment is increasing due to the imbalance between
30 30
production and mineralisation.
20 20
In coastal lagoons, the excess detritus is accumu-
10 10
lated from late autumn through winter. The eutrophic
S 10 20 30 40 SO 60 I'm conditions prevailing in spring and summer contribute
Figure 2. Seasonal variation of the particle size (first mm of the to a rapid decomposition of detritus. As a result decom-
sediment) in a semi-enclosed lagoon ecosystem: the fish ponds of poser production and the microbial loop are also stimu-
the Bassin d' Arcachon (Castel, unpublished). lated. This provides an abundant food source on which
luxurious development of the meiofauna can occur. In
this case, the ratio of detritus to biomass results in
although many papers describe these bacteria and their an imbalance if the energy released from the detri-
role in marine or coastal estuarine environments (Her- tus by the meiofauna is dissipated too rapidly. These
bert, 1975; McFarlane & Herbert, 1984; Marty et aI., high decomposition rates result in an increased oxygen
1990), little is known on their distribution and role in demand and may lead to a temporary disappearance of
coastal lagoons. dissolved oxygen in the water column (Las serre et aI.,
Lagoon environments display very high densities of 1976). This phenomenon causes mass mortality of the
meiofauna composed mainly of nematodes, harpacti- benthic macrofauna and fish.
coid copepod, oligochaetes, ostracods, turbellarians, These summer dystrophic crises lead to the for-
and polychaetes (Castel, 1992). These meiofauna com- mation of high bacterial biomasses in the lagoons as
ponents may consume much more energy in the form a consequence of high bacterial activity involved in
of organic matter (detritus + microftora + bacteria) mineralization (both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria).
than do the macrofauna (Las serre et aI., 1976). Fur- Such biomass can further be used as a food source by
thermore respiration rates when related to biomass are the meiofauna. In many coastal lagoons, particularly
very high, indicating the importance of the micro- and at the sediment surface, bacteria play an important role
meiofaunal communities in coastal lagoons (Table 2). as a food source for higher organisms via the detrit-
One gram of meiofauna respires a rate at least ten ic food chain (Coull, 1973). However the quantitative
times greater than an equivalent macrofaunal biomass. importance of bacteria was not appreciated until rela-
In shallow eutrophic areas, the ratio macrofauna, meio- tively recently (Fenchel & l¢rgensen, 1977) although
fauna, microfauna, in term of biomass is approximately some early studies (see Zobell, 1946) emphasized the
100, 10, 1; whereas from a metabolic point of view it importance of bacteria in marine food chains.
is 4, 2, 1.
Table 2. Total in situ oxygen consumption and relative uptake by micro- and meiofauna (in
percent) in man-made lagoons (fish ponds) and salt marshes in the Bassin d' Arcachon (from
Lasserre et al., 1976 and Lasserre, 1979b).

Biotope Compartment Oxygen consumption % Micro- and meiofauna

(m102 m- 2h- 1)
July December July December

Fish ponds Phytal 218 44 17.9 20.5

Benthos 108 28 58.3 42.9

Salt marshes Phytal 99 23 11.1 21.7

Benthos 81 16 16.0 25.0

Recent studies have shown very high bacterial pro- redox state of the sediments and overlaying water col-
ductivity in coastal lagoons (references in Torreton, umn. It is well established that their oxidation is mainly
1991) but few describe accurately the interrelationships mediated by chemotrophic prokaryotes that use oxy-
between such biomass and the consumers in the water gen as terminal electron acceptor.
column and benthos (Gophen et aI., 1974; Caumette Such organisms live around the redoxcline of the
et aI., 1983; Rieper, 1982; Carman & Thistle, 1985; lagoon ecosystem, depending on reduced compounds
Decho & Castenholz, 1986; Souza-Santos et aI., 1996). from the anoxic layer and oxygen from the overly-
Fenchel & J0rgensen (1977) calculated that bacteria in ing oxic layer. Thus reduced nitrogen compounds are
the detritic food chain provided between 60-80% of the generally oxidized via the activity of ammonia- or
diet of the meiofauna. On average, meiofauna graze at nitrite-oxidizing bacteria. In contrast, reduced sulphur
a rate of 1% of the standing stock of both heterotrophic compounds can be oxidized under anoxic conditions.
bacteria and autrotrophic microalgae per hour (Mon- Chemotrophic bacteria that perform anaerobic respi-
tagna, 1995). Meiofauna grazing is therefore broadly ration such as Thiobacillus denitrificans generate a
in equilibrium with microbial production. However, proton electrochemical gradient as electron flow from
new more accurate data are now required to clarify our reduced sulphur compounds to nitrate, nitric or nitrous
understanding of the functioning of coastal lagoons, in oxides. Moreover, in the upper part of the anoxic layers
terms of carbon turnover, organic matter fluxes via the reached by light, phototrophic sulphur oxidizing bac-
biogeochemical cycles, and the mineralization and the teria are able to oxidize reduced sulphur compounds
production of organic material through the food chain. to sulphate as a consequence of their an oxygenic pho-
tosynthesis. Thus, in coastal lagoons, both cycles are
Biogeochemical nitrogen and sulphur cycles in functioning in similar conditions: reduction of nitro-
coastal lagoons gen or sulphur compounds occurs under anoxic con-
ditions whereas oxidation of the reduced compounds
The nitrogen and sulphur cycles include a diverse range mostly occur at the interface between oxic and anoxic
of oxidation and reduction reactions (Figures 3 & 4). zones, i.e. the redoxcline. Almost all eutrophic shallow
These can be divided into two categories: dissimi- water coastal lagoons have a redoxcline occurring at
latory reactions that are found principally amongst the sediment surface. Therefore most of these metabol-
prokaryotes and assimilatory reactions that occur in ic processes coexist within the first millimeters of the
both prokaryotes and eucaryotes (Ferguson, 1988). sediment. In eutrophic coastal lagoons, ammonia is the
In both cycles, the production of reduced com- major nitrogen compound produced in anoxic layers
pounds such as NH 3 , NO;, H2S, SO are either the (Koike & Hattori, 1978; Nishio et aI., 1982, 1983; Mar-
end products of dissimilatory anaerobic respiration ty et aI., 1990). However, production of reduced nitro-
or derive from aerobic and anaerobic degradation of gen compounds is lower compared to that of reduced
organic material (Herbert, 1982; Caumette, 1986; Her- sulphur compounds which are derived from sulphate
bert & Nedwell, 1990). These compounds accumulate reduction which is the most important anaerobic respi-
in the anoxic layers mainly in the sediment of eutroph- ratory process occurring in coastal lagoons (Caumette,
ic coastal lagoons. Their oxidation is dependent on the 1986) and coastal marine environments (J0rgensen,

Figure 3. Nitrogen cycle.

IOxic conditions I
sulfur Assimilatory
oxidation sulfate reduction

sulfate reduction Anaerobic
degradation of
organic matter

I Anoxic conditions I
Figure 4. Sulphur cycle.

1982, 1983). The bacterial oxidation of reduced nitro-

gen or sulphur compounds at the sediment surface pre-
vents their diffusion into the overlying oxic layer (the
water column). Little is known on the oxidation of
nitrogen compounds in coastal lagoons and field work
as well as laboratory work are required to determine
and quantify the oxidative pathways of reduced nitro- C

" .

gen compounds. In contrast, it is established that in (J

o !

most of the coastal sediments studied so far, between (J ;

50 to 95% of the H2S produced is reoxidized, at the ~f


interface between the oxic and anoxic zones. However, 5km

sulphide does not usually reach the oxic zone unless

sulphate reduction is very intensive.
Thus, it appears that the abiotic and biotic equi- E
librium in coastal lagoons is primarily dependent on
the balance between oxidation and reduction activi- !
ties in the biogeochemical cycles. When reduction of
nitrate or sulphate in the anoxic layers is enhanced, the
reduced compounds produced can diffuse into the oxic
layers leading to the establishment of anoxic condi-
tions and the release of reduced nitrogen and/or sulphur
compounds to the atmosphere. In recent years, atten-
tion has been paid to volatile methylated sulphur com-
pounds and their metabolism at the sediment surface of
coastal environments. In coastal lagoons, their inten-
sive production and transformations may have impor-
tant consequence on the global sulphur cycle and the
atmospheric behaviour of sulphur. It is known that
these conditions develop when organic matter accu-
mulates and the subsequent activity of mineralization Figure 5. Location of the Bassin d' Arcachon along the Atlantic
coast, showing the drainage basin and the most important inputs of
processes are stimulated in the water column and sed- freshwater.
iments. However, detailed field experiments on the
oxidation and reduction processes taking place in both
cycles at the sediment surface are required in order to Examples of eutrophication gradients in coastal
understand the development of such drastic events in lagoons
coastal lagoons.
In many shallow coastal lagoons, much of the sur- The Bassin d'Arcachon, a moderately eutrophic
face light irradiance reaches the sediment surface lead- lagoon
ing to the development of photosynthetic benthic com-
munities which in turn may lead to the development General hydrography
of microbial mats. These mats, which are characteris- The Bassin d' Arcachon (44 0 40' N, 10 10' W) is a trian-
tics of many coastal lagoons, are composed of differ- gular shaped embayment on the South-West Atlantic
ent laminated layers of oxygenic and anoxygenic pho- coast of France (Figure 5). Channels and intertidal
totrophic bacteria (cyanobacteria and different kinds of areas cover 155 krn 2 but only 40 km2 of the bay are
purple or green sulphur oxidizing bacteria) depending subtidal. Seventy percent of the lagoon is composed
on oxygen and sulphide micro gradients in the upper of intertidal flats called 'crassats' which are used for
sediment. It has been recently shown that methylated oyster farming. The intertidal areas, especially in the
sulphur compounds are very important in the sulphur eastern half of the Bay are covered by Zostera noltii
cycle that takes place in microbial mats, at the oxygen Hornem. whilst Zostera marina L. is found in the chan-
sulphide interface (Visscher et aI., 1991). nels. The oyster beds cover an area of 10 krn2. The
decaying eelgrass and detritus from the oysters pro-

vides a rich supply of organic nutrients for the intertidal

sediments leading to an enhancement of the abundance
of the small invertebrate fauna (Castel et aI., 1989). The
Bassin d' Arcachon is connected to the Atlantic Ocean
at the South-West end by two narrow channels (4-5 m
deep at low water). The presence of sandbanks at the
entrance to the lagoon have a major effect on water
exchange between the bassin and the Atlantic. On a
spring tide 370 x 106 m 3 of water are exchanged whilst
on a neap tide this is reduced to 130 x 106 m 3 . These
volumes are similar to those calculated by Caspari in
1863 (cit. in Labourg, 1985). This shows how stable the
tidal influence has been over more than a century. The
exchange of such large volumes of water induces con-
siderably high water flow: the mean discharge through
the channels is 17 x 103 m3 s- 1 (comparable to the 1;:::::::::1 external neritic waters
average discharge of the St Lawrence). These waters
carry a great amount of sand in suspension particular- o intermediate neritic waters
lyon the ebb during spring tides. Sediment transport D inner~ neritic waters
has been estimated to be as much as 11 500 t through
_ fish ponds
the channels on a spring tide. In contrast, in the inner
bay, resuspension is much less; on average the concen-
tration of suspended matter is around 3-7 mg 1-1. At Figure 6. Distribution of the water masses in the Bassin d' Arcachon
Arcachon Eyrac, the tidal range is 4.9 m on a spring according to salinity (modified from Bouchet, 1968). Fish ponds are
tide and 1.1 m on a neap tide. Tidal currents are strong, shallow brackishwater enclosures.
reaching velocities of 2 m s-I in the channels.
The oceanic water entering the bassin is diluted by
-Inner neritic waters: temperature: 1-25 DC, salini-
freshwater inflow, mainly from the northern and east-
ern parts of the bassin (1.8 x 106 m 3 d- I). Furthermore, ty: 22-32%0
ground waters provide approximately 106 m 3d- l . As These water masses move according to the tidal
a consequence, salinity and temperature variations are state and their renewal is only partial. In the North-
directly proportional to the distance 'upstream' from East and eastern sectors of the lagoon, water exchange
the inlet. In summer the water temperature reaches with the Atlantic is occasional, probably once or twice
21-22 DC in August, falling to 6-8 DC in mid-winter. a year. The inner waters are eliminated from the Bassin
Salinity ranges from 30-33%0 at high water but occa- as a laminar flow or nappes at the surface. The interme-
sionally decreases to 20%0 after periods of heavy rain. diate body of water oscillates and tend to mix with the
In spring and summer the temperatures are notably inner waters whilst the water mass associated with the
higher in the inner bay than in the outer channels: the deep channel is well mixed with Atlantic water during
converse is observed in autumn and winter. Temper- each tidal cycle.
atures are uniform in the bassin in February-March Whilst the Bassin d' Arcachon is continuously
and in September-October. During these periods water changing, the system as a whole remains in a steady-
temperatures of the Bassin d' Arcachon and the Bay state. The lagoon is subject to erosion but this is bal-
of Biscay tend to be similar. This has strong ecologi- anced by sedimentation. The most important changes
cal implications, especially in spring when migrating occur near the inlet and the adjacent coast area:
species (cephalopods, fish) enter the bassin. - slow advance and sporadic erosion of the Cap Fer-
Three distinct water masses have been recognised ret spit
in the Bassin d' Arcachon (Bouchet, 1968; Figure 6): - migration of the navigation channel and associated
- External neritic waters: temperature: 9.5-21 DC, sand banks to the South
salinity: 34-35%0 - erosion of the southern coast.
- Intermediate neritic waters: temperature 6- These changes tend to reduce exchange between
22.5 DC, salinity: 26.8-33.2%0 the Bassin and the Atlantic. In the inner bay the sed-
Table 3. Annual flux of mineral nitrogen
(in tonnes) originating from the drainage
basin in the Bassin d'Arcachon (Auby et
al., 1994).

Origin Years
1970 1980 1990

Forests 263 257 252

Agriculture 281 415 575
Lakes 17 66 27
TOTAL 561 738 854


~ 8

Outer bay
Inner bay
Eyre river
Z 6
Z \:':::::::::::::::) Zostera no/tii
0 4 _ Zostera marina



0 ....
.... ....enen
.... co '" '" co en C>
'" Figure 8. Location of the seagrass beds of Zostera noltii and Z.
C> ~ N ~ II) N~

co co co co co co co co co en en en en
en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en marina in the Bassin d' Arcachon (redrawn from Auby, 1993).
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Figure 7. Long-term distribution of nitrite + nitrates in the Bassin

d'Arcachon (outer and inner water masses) and in the river Leyre
(modified from Auby et aI., 1994).

from the river input to the outer region of the Bassin,

imentation rate is quite low (10 cm per century today the nutrient concentrations have clearly increased in
cf. 1 m per century 1700 years ago). a large part of the Bassin d' Arcachon (by a factor 2
in the inner Bassin from 1977-1981 and 1990-1993).
Evidence of eutrophication Such increases could have stimulated the primary pro-
The catchment of the Bassin d' Arcachon covers an duction and thus eutrophication. Measurements made
area of 4140 km 2 (Figure 5). Approximately a quarter since 1976 (Castel, unpublished; Robert et aI., 1987)
of the catchment can be considered to indirectly con- indicate however that the standing stock of phytoplank-
tribute nutrients to the Bassin through coastal lakes. ton (expressed in chlorophyll a) is not particularly high
Since the 1970's intensive agriculture in the region and remains at a relatively constant level from one year
(especially maize) has increased. In 1970 agriculture to another: the baseline value is around 2 p,g I-I and
was responsible for 50% of the annual flux of nitrogen the spring bloom does not exceed 15 p,g 1-1.
to the Bassin d' Arcachon; at present it is responsi- The most abundant primary producer in the Bassin
ble for 66% of this flux (Table 3). The annual flux of d' Arcachon is the seagrass Zostera noltii (Table 4).
total phosphorus remains quite stable (25-30 t yr- I ). The seagrass beds occupy 7000 ha in the intertidal zone
Urban sewage has significantly decreased during the (Figure 8) which represents the largest area in Europe.
last twenty years (from 127 t total N yr- I to 40 t total In contrast to other places in Europe where the biomass
N yr- I ). of Z. noltii has declined in recent years, the seagrass
Most of the freshwater flux comes from the riv- meadows in Arcachon have remained almost constant
er Leyre (see Figure 5) thus it is not surprising that over the last 30 years. Mean annual biomass is 70-
nutrient concentrations have increased during in recent 100 g DW m- 2 for the leaves and 70-160 g DW m- 2
years (Figure 7). Although there is a dilution effect for the roots and rhizomes (Auby, 1991).

Table 4. Estimated annual production ofthe different primary producers in the Bassin d' Arcachon
(from Auby et al., 1993).

Taxa Total production Carbon Nitrogen Phosphorus

(t d.w. yr- I ) (t yr- I ) (t yr- I ) (t yr- I )

Halophilous phanerogams 7612-9098 3045-3636 537-686 73-93

Zostera noltii 30, 790--43,700 9275-13,300 660-960 70-100
Zostera marina 6213 2003 157 15
Monostroma obscurum 7600 2508 342 23
Other macroalgae unknown unknown unknown unknown
Microphytobenthos 4930-12,270 860-2140 120-290
Phytoplankton 3540 625 85

The subtidal eelgrass Zostera marina occupies

4.26 km 2 in the channels (Figure 8). It constitutes a
tidal flats
unique refuge for invertebrates as well as fish.
The most significant change among primary pro-
ducers is the development, since 1988, of the green alga
Monostroma obscurum (= Vivaria obscura Kiitzing).
This species was first described in 1843 on the Basque
coast. It is a cosmopolitan species found in North-
ern Europe as well as in the Pacific. Since the ear-
ly 1980's, fishermen from Arcachon have exploited
the natural deposits of oysters near the Adour estuary,
close to the site where this species was first described.
The oysters were transported to Arcachon for growth,
without cleaning the shells. It is probable that some
thalli were imported together with the oysters. The
rapid development of Monostroma shows that this alga
finds environmental conditions in the Bassin ideal for channels
growth. Although no causal relationship can be demon-
strated, it is interesting to note that the development
of Monostroma coincided with the increased nutri-
ent input into the Bassin d' Arcachon. In spring, the
total biomass of Monostroma has been estimated to be
between 18 000 to 21 000 t. The alga mainly colonizes
the inner region of the Bassin, in the intertidal zone
as well as in the channels (Figure 9). The maximum
density is around 6 kg W W m- 2 , which is comparable
to other macroalgal blooms (I~tang du Prevost, Viva:
Figure 9. Total biomass (tonnes wet weight) of the green alga
5 kg W W m- 2 ; Baie of St Brieuc, Viva: 8 kg W W
Monostroma obscurum in the Bassin d' Arcachon in June 1993
m- 2) although it is less than the massive development (redrawn from Auby et al., 1994).
of Enteromorpha and Viva observed in the lagoon of
Venice (30 kg W W m- 2 ). Arcachon is the only place
in the world where a bloom of Monostroma has been
the human activities, however, it is clear that some
species have disappeared and some appeared during
Changes in animal populations and other algae have
the last century. The barnacle Elminius modestus Dar-
also been observed (Labourg, 1985). It is not always
win, originating from Australia, after colonizing the
possible to differentiate between the impact of nat-
Mediterranean coasts, appeared in Arcachon in 1960.
ural variation of the environment and the effect of
The Mediterranean balist Batistes capriscus L. was

reported in the bassin in 1962. These are example of and outflow are regulated by sluice gates (Figure 11).
species having extended their area of distribution. Oth- The fish ponds or fish reservoirs have a characteristic
er species have appeared since 1968 as a consequence shape: channels or ditches, 1.5 to 2 m in depth, feed
of the importation of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea large expanses known as 'itats', each of which covers
gigas Thunberg, including the tunicate Styella clava an area ranging from 1000 to 10 000 m:::. In the canals
Herdman, some Bryozoans and Annelids. More recent- the fish are 'penned' during the winter months to coun-
ly, the large brown alga Sargassum muticum (Yen- teract the colder temperatures prevailing in the shallow
do) Fensholt accidentally introduced in Great Britain areas. These flats, 20-50 cm deep, are separated from
with the Pacific oyster, invaded the coast of Britan- each other by ridges formed from the mud removed
ny and appeared some years ago in Arcachon. Even during the digging of the ditches. All inflows and out-
small organisms « 1 mm) such as the Harpacticoid flows can be regulated by sluices located at intervals
Copepod Stenhelia latioperculata Ito (originally from along these embankments.
Japan) are likely to have been introduced with oys- At high tide, the sluices are manoeuvred in such a
ters. Conversely, some species have disappeared due way that a current is created and the fish, both imma-
to either modifications of hydrological conditions (e.g. ture and adults, are drawn into the reservoirs. The fish
the clam Venus verrucosa Linne) or to overexploitation are prevented from returning to the sea by a system of
(e.g. the bivalve Chlamys varia Linne). mesh frames. These operations are usually carried out
during the cooler seasons, from March to November.
Fish ponds of the Bassin d'Arcachon, a moderately Every two weeks, when high tides occur at the time of
eutrophic lagoon system the full or new moon, water from the sea is allowed to
flow into the reservoir through the sluices. This oper-
General description ation lets in the young fish and natural mineral salts,
The 'fish reservoirs' of the Bassin d'Arcachon (Fig- and replenishes the reservoir by exchanging the water
ure 10) are man-made enclosures created in the lagoon- held in the ponds and fresh seawater. This operation
al marshes (wetlands) and where a number of eury- is carried out at low tide. The young fish are free to
haline fish are farmed: grey mullet (Chelon labrosus move and to grow inside the complicated network of
Risso, Liza ramada Risso), sea bass (Dicentrarchus basins, in which the salinity may vary from very dilute
labrax Linne), eels (Anguilla anguilla Linne) and gilt brackish water to full seawater.
head bream (Sparus aurata Linne). Such fish reservoirs Because ofthe shallowness and the confined nature
are also known from the Charente and Vendee along of the fish ponds, the salinity regime is extremely vari-
the Atlantic coast. These structures, designed for tradi- able both in time and space. The salinity ranges from
tional extensive (without food supply) aquaculture, are almost freshwater to hypersaline (60%0). The salinity
comparable to the 'valli', situated along the Adriatic regime of the fish reservoirs is strongly linked to (I) the
coast, and also to the tropical 'tambaks' in Indonesia. relative location of the ponds between the sea and the
They constitute mixohaline and shallow (0.2-1.5 m continental freshwater inputs, and (2) the renewal of
depth) environments where the rich input of detritus the water through the sluices. The man-induced renew-
plays a prominent role in the food chain. Originally al of water is supposed to maintain salinity compatible
they were salt-pans exploited since the end of the Mid- with biological activities. However, the maintenance
dle Ages. Progressively, during the late eighteenth cen- of a given salinity requires a careful and periodic oper-
tury the exploitation of the salt decreased and the salt- ating of the sluices since, due to the shallowness of
pans were converted into fish ponds. These fish reser- the ponds, the salinity tends to vary widely (Figure 12)
voirs schemes flourished all through the nineteenth between periods of renewals. The same situation can
century up to the end of the Second World War but they also be observed for nutrients (Escaravage, 1990). In
have since gone into decline because of the labour costs such ponds, the greatest part of the regulation of nutri-
and the relatively low yield (50 kg ha- 1) of this type of ent concentrations is controlled by in situ biochemi-
extensive aquaculture. These semi-enclosed lagoonal cal processes, especially at the benthic level. These
systems cover a surface area of approximately 940 ha mechanisms are hardly affected by the renewal of the
in the Bassin d' Arcachon. The old salt-evaporation overlaying water.
areas and the salt-pan runoff ditches are separated by
embankments from the sea and through which inflow

500 m

Figure 10. Map of the fish ponds of the Bassin d' Arcachon (Certes reservoirs).

Figure 11. Schematic diagram of the fish ponds of the Bassin d' Arcachon. Left: salt marsh comprising the 'slikke' (SI) = mudflat, the 'schorre'
(Sch) = high marsh and 'estey' (es) = small channel. The ponds are separated from the salt marsh by a dyke (d) along which a sluice (ec) is
established. Right: typical structure of the reservoirs, Pr = channel (width: 3-4 m, depth: 0.8-1.5 m), PI = shallow basins (width: 10-40 m,
length: 100-800 m, depth: 0.2--0.5 m). Redrawn from Lasserre (1979a) and Castel (1989).

From eutrophy to dystrophy Cladophora vadorum (Aresch.) Klitz at the water sur-
As in many inshore areas, the rich input of detritus, face, and mats of green algae (Lamprothamnium papu-
organic matter, bacteria and benthic microtlora play losum J. Groves, Chaetomorpha aerea (Dillwyn) Klitz,
a prominent role in the food chain of the fish ponds. or cyanobacteria at the sediment surface. The biomass
The most important primary producers are sea grasses of Ruppia cirrhosa has been estimated to 126 g W W
(Ruppia cirrhosa Petag), and filamentous green algae: m- 2 for the above-ground and to 51 gWWm- 2 for the

29 °c a
o 20 25

!' 15
~ 10 21

5 19
April May June July August Sept. Oct. 20 1 10 20 1 10 20 1 10
Figure 12. Temporal variation of salinity in a fish pond of the Bassin JUNE I JULY I AUGUST J SEPT.

d'Arcachon (Le Teich in Figure 6, April-October 1974). Measure-

ments were made 100 m far from a sluice. The bars on the x-axis
indicate the periods of water renewal (Castel, unpublished).
coef. b
below-ground structures (Soriano-Sierra, 1988). This 120

biomass apperas to be relatively stable from year to 100

year and has on average standing stock of 149-186 g
W W m- 2 (Labourg, 1979). Green macroalgae are
strongly dominated by Chaetomorpha area with an 20
average biomass of 79 g W W m- 2. Macro-epiphytes
20 1 10 20 1 10 20 1 10
(Cladophora vadorum, Rhizoclonium kernerii Stock- JUNE I JULY I AUGUST I SEPT.
mayer) are found on the stalks and blades of R. cir-
Figure 13. a) Daily variation of temperature (mean, maximum, min-
rho sa. Their average biomass has been estimated at imum) during the period 19 June - II September 1974 in a fish pond
68 g W W m- 2 (Soriano-Sierra, 1988). of the Bassin d' Arcachon (Certes in Figure 6). Measurements were
Temperature is probably one of the principal factors made 20 m far from a sluice at 0.40 m depth. b) Daily variation of the
tide coefficient (proportional to the height of water) during the same
conditioning the eutrophication processes and further period. Periods of H2S production are indicated by vertical shaded
the dystrophic crisis. In the fish ponds, the variations in bars. The horizontal bars on the x-axis indicate the period of water
temperature depend both on the sun light and renewal renewal (redrawn from Castel, 1978).
of the waters. Each time seawater is allowed to enter
the pond the temperature significantly decreases (Fig-
ure 13). In contrast, on a neap tide, when there is no (Labourg, 1975; Castel, 1978). Several tonnes of
entry of seawater, the temperature rapidly increases, dead fish have been collected during particularly acute
reaching sometimes values close to 30 dc. Generally, crises. However, such dramatic events do not occur
production of hydrogen sulfide is observed for tem- every year. Generally, dystrophic crises in the fish
perature reaching 24-25 DC, at the end of the neap ponds of the Bassin d' Arcachon are less acute and less
tide period, when the water is stagnant. Concurrently extensive in space than in the Mediterranean lagoons.
(even before the production of H2S) the oxygen con-
centration drops to very low values. pH values also The Etang du Prevost, a strongly eutrophic lagoon
tend to decrease due to a hyper production of acids
(organic acids, sulfate, sulphur). A biological indica- General hydrography
tion of eutrophication is the presence of Peridinians in The Prevost Lagoon (43 0 30' N, 30 54' E), located on
the plankton, usually dominated by diatoms in the fish the French Mediterranean coast, belongs to a lagoon
reservoirs (Castel, 1978). system that extends along the coast, between Sete
In some years, during warm summer, true dys- and Montpellier. This littoral zone is formed by a
trophic crises may occur, with the formation of white succession of coastal brackish ponds ('etangs'), sur-
waters due to the precipitation of carbonates. During rounded by marsh and separated from the sea by a
such periods, high mortalities of fish may be observed low, sandy beach allowing only limited amount of




du Prevost

2 km

Mediterranean Sea

Figure 14. Location of the principal lagoons along the Languedocian Mediterranean coast.

water exchanges. The Etang du Prevost is situated in 'Le Lez', and seawater through the only connection
a lagoonal complex delimited to the South-West by with the sea 'Le Grau du Prevost'. Although the lagoon
the Etang de Thau and the Sete promontory and to the is situated in a nontidal zone, the water level can vary
North-East by the wetlands of the Camargue and Rhone from -0.30 m to +0.40 m relative to the mean level
delta (Figure 14). These ponds are of recent geological because of the strong winds. In the meantime, the
formation. The sandy and detrital zones in this region current speed can reach 0.40 m s-1 in the lagoon and
explain their continental formation. The creation by 0.80 m s-1 in the 'grau'. When the wind is blowing,
the currents of offshore bars (,cordons littoraux') has 20 to 25% of the water can be renewed in one day.
allowed the transformation of the coastline and the for- In contrast, during calm periods, the water remains
mation and evolution of these coastal lagoons since the stagnant. This is particularly true in summer. The wind
quaternary period. action may induce very strong and rapid variations of
The water in these lagoons is slowly renewed, the salinity (Figure 15). In summer, because of the
via small channels ('graus') communicating with the evaporation, the salinity can reach 40%0.
Mediterranean sea. These shallow bodies of water are The system is extremely eutrophic due to agricul-
subjected to continental inputs. They are directly influ- tural and urban run-off. For the Etang du Prevost, 85-
enced by urban or industrial effluents. 90% of the input of Nand P are of domestic origin
In contrast to the Bassin d' Arcachon, the Etang du (Table 5). The input per volume unit of lagoonal water
Prevost is a shallow lagoon with an average depth of is approximately 24.6 t 106 m- 3 for the total nitrogen
about 0.8 m and a surface area of380 ha (Figure 14). It and 4.3 t 106 m- 3 for the total phosphorus (Anony-
receives fresh water and sewage carried by a small river



Lux (~02

,/ i /

B red water

white water

Figure 16. Schematic description of the biogeochemical processes

occurring during a dystrophic crisis (redrawn from Baleux et al.,
1979). A: Equilibrium state of the sulphur cycle, B: Dystrophic crisis
with formation of 'red waters', C: Dystrophic crisis with formation
of 'white water'.

Figure 15. Salinity fields (%0) in the Prevost lagoon during two
different climatic conditions: wind blowing from the Northeast
(22.02.1973) and wind blowing from the Southwest (10.03.1973) Etang du Prevost. Its flora is essentially composed of
(redrawn from Guelorget & Perthuisot, 1992). green algae (Ulva and Enteromorpha spp.). The bio-
mass of these algae may reach 5 kg W W m- 2 and
Table 5. Annual input and stocks of nitrogen and phos- sometimes accumulates at densities up to 30 kg W
phorus, expressed in tonnes, in the Etang du Prevost
(anonymous, 1991).
W m- 2 . In summer, this biomass is rapidly degraded
by aerobic heterotrophic bacteria whose numbers and
Origin Nitrogen Phosphorus activities increase rapidly. During this period the water
turns anoxic and becomes rich in sulphide, which leads
Domestic input 60.2 11.1
to severe dystrophic crisis.
Agriculture 5.5 0.5
Industry 1.4 0.2
Sediment stock (10 cm) 475 140
The dystrophic crisis
Annual flux in sediment 22 2.4
The Etang du Prevost is regularly subject to dystrophic
Viva stock 20.6 1.8 crises, locally called the 'malai·gues'. Such dramat-
ic events appear every year during the warm summer
months for a period of about 15 days. They have a dra-
matic consequence for aquaculture, particularly oyster
mous, 1991). As a comparison, the input of nitrogen culture that takes place in the lagoon. Macroscopical-
in the Bassin d' Arcachon is only 3 t 106 m- 3 . ly, the dystrophic crises are characterized by coloured
Such large inputs of nutrients lead to the devel- waters (white, red or black waters). They originate
opment of high biomass of primary producers in the from a perturbation of the sulphur cycle.

a .... a
N a
0 ....
\D .... U 0
.... 0
....l!)0N a
.... l!)0
....0 0
a N
(") 0 0"1 .... a
a a \0
(")1'- l!)
°8~ (")
co 0
N 0 0"1 .... 0
l!) 0 ..... (") ..... a~
N a 1'- .... a
011 N p:: ~
U)U) O~ U)
011 N p::
U)U) oro U)

,...,... ,...,...


0 (0
T"" T""

a .....
a U co a
a .... ..... 0 1'- ..... 0
UN a NO 0 a
N ..........
..... aco
l!) N
a N a N ...... a
..... (")
0 .... ......0
......... a a
(") 0 oO~
a 00

(") ....
a .... (") ....... O"l""'i .......

0 ~ a
......... 0 0 ~
a 0"1 a
.... ~ a .....
...... N (")0 ...... N
~O 0 II
011 N p::
II U) U) O~ U)
011 N p::
U)U) O~ U)

, ....
Q) ,...,...
Ci:I 3:
(0 I
It) 3: :=:
T"" "C .s::: 0
~ 3: N


Figure 17. The Prevost lagoon during a dystrophic crisis (June-August 1977). I: before the dystrophic crisis, II: appearance of anoxic water
with presence of sulfide, III: appearance of red and white waters, IV: after the dystrophic crisis. J, 2, 3 and C refer to sampling stations. S04 '
S- and O2 are expressed in mg I-I. B =phototrophic bacteria, SR =sulfate reducers. Bacterial counts are expressed in numbers ml- I .

In normal conditions, there is a steady-state at the N

benthic level between sulfate-reducing bacteria pro- E
ducing hydrogen sulfide and bacteria oxidizing this
reduced sulphur compounds or elemental sulphur (Fig-
ure 16). The reactions of sulphate reduction lead to the !II
production of hydrogen sulfide which is then rapidly !II
co El Enteromorpha

oxidized to sulphate in the presence of oxygen. After

E o Ulva
:c o Monostroma
an increase in organic load these oxido-reduction reac- ~ Ruppia

tions accelerate. The S04/CI ratio increases consider-

o Zostera

ably indicating a solubilization of the sulphate. This E


ratio, which is typically around 11-12, can exceed 16 o>

during a period of eutrophication. Under anoxic con- .c
ditions white waters can be observed together with the M J S 0
central inner
Certes Prevost
production of H2S. They usually occur when the light Bassin d'Arcachon
intensity is low. Concentrations of sulphur and carbon- Figure 18. Biomass of living, above-ground parts of macrophytes in
the Bassin d' Arcachon (central and inner parts), fish ponds of the
ates are high which imparts a white colour to the water. Bassin d' Arcachon and Prevost lagoon, in March, June, September
The pH is generally low « 7.5) due to the presence and December 1993 (modified from Auby et aI., 1993 and Bachelet
of considerable quantities of sulphur. This induces pre- et aI., 1994).
cipitation of carbonates in the form of white suspension
(Figure 16).
Under certain conditions, red waters can be Conclusions: the eutrophication gradient
observed. They are due to the development of pho-
totrophic sulphur oxidizing bacteria (e.g. Thiocapsa). The three lagoon systems: Bassin d' Arcachon, fish
The conditions for their development are: a sufficient reservoirs and etang du Prevost clearly differ by their
light intensity, a pH value near 8 and a H2S concentra- degree of eutrophication. An evidence of eutrophi-
tion < 1 ppm. In anoxic conditions, in the light, only cation gradient is the increase in nutrient concentra-
phototrophic bacteria are able to oxidize sulfide and to tions between the Bassin d' Arcachon and the Etang du
use it as an electron donor for reducing carbon dioxide. Prevost (Table 6). As a consequence, the biomass of
Chronologically, white water is observed before primary producers also increases.
red water. In favourable conditions, phototrophic bac- This is shown by a recent study (Auby et aI., 1993)
teria metabolize the toxic compounds generated by where species composition and biomass of macro-
anaerobic bacteria during fermentative processes and phytes have been studied in spring and summer 1993.
reduction of sulfate. In a reduced environment, rich One station (station A) was located in a seagrass bed
in hydrogen sulfide, they are able to induce a new (Zostera noltii) on a sandy mudflat in the central part of
steady-state of the sulphur cycle by oxidizing the sul- the Bassin d' Arcachon. Total living biomass (leaves +
phur, under anaerobic conditions, using light energy. roots + rhizomes) of seagrass amounted to 141-167 g
In the Etang du Prevost lagoon a succession of such AFDW m- 2 (173-211 g DW m- 2), which is close to
events is commonly observed in summer (Amanieu et values reported in an earlier study (Auby, 1991) in the
aI., 1975; Caumette & Baleux, 1980). Coloured waters Bassin d' Arcachon (140-260 g DW m- 2). The above-
can invade most of the lagoon within a few days and ground biomass did not show any clear seasonal trend
disappear almost as quickly (Figure 17). In contrast to (Figure 18). In the inner part of the Bassin d' Arcachon
the Etang du Prevost, in the fish ponds of Arcachon (station B) living biomass was dominated by the green
only white waters have been observed. This is proba- alga Monostroma obscurum. It declined from March
bly due to a lower light intensity, and the absence of to September (29-13 g AFDW m- 2, or 43-15 g DW
complete anoxia in the water column (some Ruppia are m- 2) and never reached the high values found for oth-
always present). er Ulvaceae in the Etang du Prevost (Figure 18). A
high biomass of Zostera debris was measured in the
sediments (92-186 g AFDW m- 2). The shallow fish
ponds of Certes (station Cl) were colonized by Rup-
pia cirrhosa. There was a clear seasonal trend with
the highest biomass (63 g AFDW m- 2) occurring in

Table 6. Dissolved nitrate and ammonia in the water of the Bassin d' Arcachon
(central and inner parts), fish reservoirs of Certes and Etang du Prevost. Values
are given for the summer 1993 (Sloth et aI., 1993) except for the fish reservoirs
(summer 1985, Castel, unpublished).

Lagoon system NO;- (11M)

Bassin d' Arcachon, central part (station A) 0.32 - 2.0 2.0 - 2.4
Bassin d' Arcachon, inner part (station B) 0.32 - 1.3 1.5 - 2.5
Fish reservoirs (station Cl) 0.7 - 1.01 4.6 - 8.3
Etang du Prevost (station 1 l) 1.2 - 4.9 5.7 - 10.5

This model applies to the three types of lagoon envi-

Relative dominance
primary producers ronments described here. In 'healthy' lagoons sea-
and availability grasses dominate. Nitrogen load and concentrations
of nutrients
Imacro are low and the relative importance of phytoplank-
ton in the shallow seagrass beds is insignificant. The
Bassin d' Arcachon is an example of phase I. In brack-
t ish waters were eutrophication increases, revealed by
higher nitrogen loads and nitrogen concentrations and
generally lower, unstable salinities, seagrasses are out-
competed by macroalgae. Epiphyte growth on seagrass
and algae increases considerably together with the rel-
I n m ative dominance of phytoplankton. The fish ponds of
the Bassin d' Arcachon are an example of phase II. In
Eutrophication phase
Figure 19. Tentative model depicting the relation between primary
hypereutrophicated systems (phase III) nutrient con-
producers and nutrients, and the successive stages in the process of centrations are continuously high. Dense uncontrolled
eutrophication (after Nienhuis, 1992). phytoplankton blooms alternate with mass growth of
macroalgae and rooted plants have completely disap-
peared. Bottom sediments suffer from permanent anox-
June. Some Monostroma were also collected in Sep- ia. The Etang du Prevost is an example of phase III.
tember. In the Prevost lagoon (Station 11) the March Such macroscopic observations should, now, be
samples contained a small amount of Enteromorpha explained by the study of microbiological processes
flexuosa (Wulfen exRoth) 1. Agardh and E. intestinaiis including meiofauna, protozoa, bacteria and all the
(Linn.) Link (12 g AFDW m- 2 ). These algae disap- components of the microbial loop.
peared in June when they were replaced by Uiva sp.
(270 g AFDW m- 2 ) which filled the whole water col-
umn and induced anoxia in the benthos. In September Acknowledgements
algal biomass (Enteromorpha + Uiva) decreased to a
low value (19 g AFDW m- 2 ). From these observations This paper provides the opportunity to J C and P C
it appears that macrophytes did not show any season- to express their gratitude to Prof. M. Amanieu and
al trend in the Bassin d' Arcachon. Some evidence of P. Lasserre who have promoted ecological research of
eutrophication were visible in the Certes lagoons. The lagoon systems in France. This is a contribution to
most obvious changes in macrophyte biomass occurred the E.C. Environment programme (CLEAN contract
in the Prevost lagoon, especially in its inner part, with a EV5V-CT92-0080).
massive development of green algae in June, followed
by their complete disappearance in September.
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the process of increasing eutrophication (Figure 19).

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©1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Heterotrophic bacteria, activity and bacterial diversity in two coastal

lagoons as detected by culture and 16S rRNA genes peR amplification and
partial sequencing

Susana Benlloch, Francisco Rodrfguez-Valera*, Silvia G. Acinas &

Antonio J. Martfnez-Murcia
Departamento de Genetica y Microbiologia, Universidad de Alicante, Campus de San Juan, Apartado 374, 03080
Alicante, Spain
* Author for correspondence. Fax: 34-6-5941787; E-mail: FRVALERA@UA.ES

Key words: Bacterial diversity, coastal lagoons, 16S rRNA, eutrophication


Activity and numbers of heterotrophic bacteria have indicated that, as expected, Prevost Lagoon is more eutrophic
than Arcachon Bay. Amplification and sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA genes from DNA samples extracted
directly from the environment allow the determination of phylogenetic relationships among members of microbial
communities in natural ecosystems without the need for cultivation. Analysis of partial 16S rRNA gene sequences
obtained from Stations A and 11 revealed that, in both environments, a relatively large number of clones related
to CytophagalFlexibacterlBacteroides as well as to a-Proteobacteria were found. One hundred percent similarity
with the sequences of the data bases were not found for any of the more than a hundred clones studied. In fact for
most clones maximum similarity was below 95% for the nucleotide series sequenced. Similarity was not higher
with any of the sequences found for the 14 isolates (pure cultures) obtained from the same samples. Redundancy,
i.e. number of identical sequences, was higher in the samples from Arcachon. In addition, sequences related to
representatives of ten major phylogenetic branches of Eubacteria were obtained from Prevost Lagoon, however
only five branches were represented by the data from Arcachon. These findings indicate a higher bacterial diversity
in Prevost Lagoon.

Introduction purposes and their ecological status has important eco-

nomic consequences (Caumette, 1986).
Coastal lagoons are important aquatic environments Bacteria are considered to be the major decom-
that, due to their location in the continental-ocean posers of organic matter in aquatic ecosystems. It is
interphase, are particularly sensitive to anthropogenic widely accepted that about 50% of the primary pro-
influence and pollution. They have a tendency to duction is processed by bacteria each day (Ducklow &
become eutrophic. Relatively closed shallow basins Carlson, 1992), the rapid growth rates of aquatic bacte-
tend to accumulate nutrients and are extremely vul- ria have suggested that the production of heterotrophic
nerable to nutrient input from the surrounding land. bacterial biomass represents an important link between
When heavy pollution occurs productivity by plank- detritus, dissolved organic matter and higher trophic
tonic and/or macro-algae can lead to dystrophic crises levels in pelagic ecosystems. The most common pro-
in which the water column becomes anoxic, rich in cedure for estimating bacterial production in aquatic
H2S thus leading to catastrophic ecological and aes- systems is the thymidine incorporation into DNA used
thetic consequences. Moreover, many coastal lagoons to determine activity, growth rates and carbon pro-
are exploited for recreational or fishing/aquaculture duction of aerobic bacteria (Fuhrman & Azam, 1980)
although it presents problems that must be resolved.

One such problem is the need to use a conversion fac- depth sample was related to Cyanobacteria, Syne-
tor to transform thymidine incorporation into bacterial chococcus and group SAR7 (Giovannoni et aI., 1990).
production (Fuhrman & Azam, 1980). These authors also described a novel group, the so-
The bacterial diversity present is obviously a key called Marine GroupA, unrelated to any subdivisions
factor in actually carrying out the fast degradation of described by Woese (1987). They also found clones
the organic matter accumulated by primary production. related to Gram-positives, a- and ,-Proteobacteria
The diversity of marine prokaryotes is not well known, and CytophagaiBacteroideslFlexibacter.
most of them are not yet cultured (Jannasch & Jones, DeLong (1992) described, in the Pacific Ocean, two
1959), showing the inability of standard microbiolog- novel groups related to the domain Archaea, group I
ical techniques to cultivate most microorganisms. As within the group Crenarchaeota and group II within
a powerful alternative, a molecular approach based the group Euryarchaeota and related to methanogenic
on the analysis of rRNA sequences has been used to microorganisms. In cold Antarctic waters, DeLong
determine the species composition of microbial com- et aI. (1993) found several clones related to group I,
munities (Pace et aI., 1986). The sequences of rRNAs and a group of sequences appeared close to group II.
directly extracted from naturally occurring organisms In the study by Fuhrman et aI. (1993) in the Pacific
are determined using molecular techniques and com- Ocean, the fourth group of clones appeared to be with-
pared with known rRNA sequences, using molecu- in the archaeal group described by DeLong (1992).
lar phylogeny techniques. The differences in sequence Studies have been made to estimate the diversity of
are the basis of the phylogenetic analysis to identify free-living organisms and aggregate-attached organ-
organisms in the environment by hybridization with isms (DeLong et aI., 1993). Clones of free-living
organism-specific probes and may help to determine microorganisms appeared to be relatd to the SARlI
the community structure (Amann et aI., 1995). group (Giovannoni et aI., 1990), ,-Proteobacteria
Previous 16S rRNA studies in the oligotrophic and the CytophagaiFlexibacterlBacteroides group.
waters ot'the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans (Fuhrman Those of aggregate-attached microorganisms were
et aI., 1993; Giovannoni et aI., 1990; Schmidt phylogenetically close to Cyanobacteria, Cytopha-
et aI., 1991) have disclosed phylogenetic lines not gaiFlexibacter; Planctomyces and ,-Proteobacteria.
described by classical microbiological methods. No The most abundant phylogenetic types detected in
sequence directly recovered from an environmental macroaggregate-associated bacterial populations fell
sample had 100% similarity with a previously cul- within the CytophagaiFlexibacter group (DeLong et
tured and described microorganism. In the Sargasso aI., 1993).
Sea, Giovannoni et aI. (1990) determined that their In the present work two coastal lagoons that repre-
clones formed two different groups represented by sent two model systems have been studied. The Arca-
clone SAR7 and SARlI. SAR7 grouped with pho- chon lagoon on the French Atlantic coast is a typical
totrophic oxygenic organisms (Cyanobacteria, chloro- tidal system in which the water in the lagoon is flushed
plasts and prochlorophytes) and SARlI grouped with by strong currents keeping a relatively low nutrient
the a-Proteobacteria group. In the North Pacif- concentration and a strong connection with the neigh-
ic Ocean, Schmidt et al. (1991) recovered clones bouring Atlantic waters. The Prevost Lagoon, on the
related to Cyanobacteria and to a new phylogenet- other hand, is located on the Mediterranean coast. With
ic group described by Giovannoni et aI. (1990) in a relatively narrow communication with the Mediter-
the Sargasso Sea. Other clones were close to Pro- ranean Sea that is virtually free oftides, the connection
teobacteria, but two clones (AL030 and AL033) between this lagoon and the marine habitat is compar-
did not belong to any phylogenetic lines previous- atively restricted. The Prevost lagoon is much more
ly described (Schmidt et aI., 1991). No archaeal eutrophic than that of Arcachon and affected to a far
clones were recovered in this sample. In the Pacif- greater degree by adjacent urban developments, with a
ic Ocean again, Fuhrman et aI. (1993) took samples history of dystrophic crises (Caumette, 1986).
at 100 and 500 m to observe the difference due to We have studied the activity and numbers of het-
the varying depth of water. In both sample depths erotrophic bacteria by classical techniques (thymidine
they found clones with 100% similarity, not with cul- incorporation and glucose utilization/incorporation
tured microorganisms, but with clones belonging to the and plating on marine nutrient agar). Sediment sam-
phylogenetic line SARlI described by Giovannoni et ples were also obtained for viable counts and isolation.
aI. (1990). Another group of clones from the 100 m Besides, water samples from two sampling sites (A

and 11) were processed to obtain DNA from the bac- tive medium mFC (Difco) (APHA-AWWA-WPCF,
terioplankton, and then libraries of 16S rDNAs direct- 1975).
ly amplified from both environments were construct-
ed, to study phylogenetic diversity. The 16S rDNA Classification of isolates
from some isolates obtained from the two environ-
ments were also partially sequenced and analyzed. Some colonies were classified to the genus level per-
forming biochemical tests by the standard methods
(Bradshaw, 1992): oxidase, catalase, 0fI<~ sensitivity
Materials and methods to vibriostatic agent 01129 (all the media were supple-
mented with 2% w/v artificial sea water salts). Mor-
Sampling sites and periodicity phology, Gram reaction and motility were determined
using a microscope.
Sampling was always performed at high tide to obtain
water samples and at low tide to get sediment cores. Biomass collection
Station A was reached by boat and water samples
were collected in sterilized II glass bottles. Stations A Different volumes of water samples, ranging from 1-31
and B (in Arcachon Bay), Stations C, and C 2 (Certes of Station 11 to 10-15 I of Station A were obtained in
Domain) and Stations X and 11 (Prevost Lagoon) were plastic containers previously treated with 0.1 N HCl to
selected. In station 11 samples were taken about 30 m eliminate contaminant DNA. They were processed to
from the shore with a water depth of about 1 m. Sam- obtain bacterial biomass and DNA. Debris and eukary-
ples were always obtained from superficial water by otic cells were removed by using glass microfibre filters
opening the flask just below the surface. Four sampling (Whatman GFID). Microorganisms were collected by
campaigns were carried out in May and September positive pressure on a 9 cm f2f 0.22 /Lm pore-size filter
1993 and May and September 1994. Sediment sam- (Durapore; Millipore Corp., Bedford, MA). Water was
ples were obtained in 5 ml syringes and the two upper pumped till filter clogging decreased flow rate to a few
ml separated from the lower three and processed inde- ml per min. Filters were stored at - 80°C until DNA
pendently. Sampling sites are described in Castel et al. extraction.
Determination of microbial heterotrophic activities
Heterotrophic bacteria enumeration and isolation
Tritiated thymidine incorporation: Water samples were
Total heterotrophic aerobes were counted by plating on incubated at in situ temperature in the dark, on a rotary
nutrient agar supplemented with 2% w/v artificial sea shaker for 40 min with a final concentration of 10 nM of
water salts and incubated at 20 and 30°C for 24 or 48 tritiated thymidine (Amersham Life Science), labelled
hours. For sediment samples dilutions in sterile artifi- in the methyl position with a specific activity of70-85
cial sea water were performed. Colonies were isolated Ci/mmol. A blank was obtained by adding formalde-
at random and subcultured twice. 1 ml of bacterial cul- hyde solution (final concentration 2%). Five mI from
tures were harvested in sterile 2% marine salt water by each sample were taken in propylene tubes pre-chilled
centrifuging at 10000 rpm for 2 min and pellets were on ice for I min and an equal volume of cold TCA 10%
stored at -20°C. was added. After 5 min the mixture was filtered and
Some samples were plated onto selective media for rinsed three times with 5 ml of ice-cold 5% TCA. The
enumeration of specific physiological groups. Sulphite filtration was carried out in an ice bath. The filters were
reducing clostridia were counted from every sample by dried at 40 to 50°C for 15 min, chilled, placed in scin-
the most probable number (MPN) method using TSC tillation vials and radio-assayed by liquid scintillation
selective medium (Merck) with cycloserine to inhibit counting (Fuhrman & Azam, 1980).
the vegetative forms (APHA-AWWA-WPCF, 1975). Glucose metabolism: Water samples were incubat-
ed at in situ temperature in the dark for 1 hour with
Faecal coliforms 3 /LCi of D-U'4C Glucose (250 mCi/mmol), obtained
from Amersham Life Science, in a bottle plugged with
These pollution indicators were determined by the Whatman No. 1 paper. Another sample (blank) was
standard membrane filtration method, using the selec- fixed by adding formaldehyde solution for 1 hour. After

incubation 0.10 ml of H 2 S04 was added to the sample. (Promega), 0.2 JiM of each oligonucleotide primer
The Whatman No. I paper was soaked with 0.2 ml of and 100 ng of template DNA in a total volume of
,B-phenethylamine. In the dark, under the same condi- 100 ILl. The sequence of the forward primers was
tions, the sample was incubated again for 1 hour. The 5'-AGAGTTTGATCATGGCTCAG-3' (Lane et aI.,
sample was filtered through 0.2 ILm pore size (Celotate, 1985) at nucleotide positions 8-27 of the E. coli num-
Millipore Corp., Bedford, MA.) filters then rinsed with bering (Brosius et aI., 1981). Reverse primer was 5'-
25 ml of sterile distilled water. The filters were dried GGTTACCTTGTTACGACTT-3' (Lane et aI., 1985)
at 40 to 50°C for 15 min and counted. The Whatman at positions 1509-1491 (E. coli numbering). Reac-
No. 1 paper was placed in scintillation vials with 4 ml tion mixtures were overlaid with mineral oil (Light
of scintillation liquid and counted (Wright & Hobbie, White Oil; Sigma) prior to a thermal cycling regime
1966). (35 cycles on a Perkin Elmer Cetus 480) of 94°C for
Thymidine incorporation estimates were measured I min, 50°C for 1 min, and 72 °C for 2 min. After the
in pmoles of thymidine per unit volume and time to final cycle was completed, the amplicons were allowed
allow comparisons between studies. In order to trans- to extend at 72 °C for 10 min. Negative controls were
form thymidine incorporation into bacterial produc- included with no addition of template DNA. Five ILl of
tion an empirical conversion factor, 2 x 10 18 cells the PCR products were analyszed on 1% (w/v) agarose
mol- I (Fuhrman & Azam, 1980), was used. The ratio gels.
between dividing cells and bacterial plate counts gave
the specific growth rate (IL). We assumed a value of Purification and cloning of the PCR products
20 fg C cell-I (Moriarty, 1990), to represent the pro-
ductivity estimate in carbon units. We also estimated PCR products were purified using GeneClean II kit and
the doubling time from the growth rate (ln2/IL) (Mori- cloned into a T-tailed-vector prepared as follows: Blue-
arty, 1990). script plasmid (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA) was digested
with EcoRV and incubated with Taq I DNA polymerase
DNA extraction and purification (l U/ILg plasmid120 ILl volume) using standard buffer
conditions in the presence of 2 mM dTTP for two
Thawed filters were cut with a sterile razor blade into hours at 72 °c (Marchuk et aI., 1990) and ligated at
small pieces and vortexed in 2 ml of STE buffer 16°C overnight. XLBlue Escherichia coli strain was
(10 mM Tris-HCl [pH 8], 1 mM EDTA, 100 mM transformed with a standard protocol (Maniatis et aI.,
NaCl) in 50 ml conical based polypropylene centrifuge 1982). Plasmidic DNA was extracted using the Wizard
tubes. A 0.1 volume of 10% w/v sodium dodecyl sul- Minipreps DNA Purification System (Promega).
phate (SDS) was added and the tubes placed in a boil-
ing water bath for 2-5 min (Fuhrman et aI., 1988). Primers and sequencing reactions
After spinning at 5000 rpm for 10 min, the super-
natant fluids were transferred into 1.5 ml Eppendorf Primers with 5'-TTACCGCGGCTGCTGGCACG-3'
tubes and the DNA was purified with the GeneClean II sequence (Martinez-Murcia, 1993) at positions 533-
kit (BIO 101, Inc.). DNA from bacterial cultures was 514 (E. coli numbering) were chosen to sequence ca.
extracted as previously described (Martinez-Murcia 200 bp of a relatively variable region of each select-
& Rodriguez-Valera, 1994). Quantification and puri- ed clone. Primers were synthesized by the phospho-
ty (referred to protein content) of the DNA obtained ramidite method (Beaucage & Caruthers, 1981) on a
were estimated and 5 ILl aliquots of DNA dilutions Model 392 RNA/DNA Applied Biosystems synthe-
were electrophoresed (Martinez-Murcia & Rodriguez- sizer. Clones randomly selected were sequenced by
Valera, 1994). the dideoxy-chain termination method (Sanger et aI.,
1977) with a Sequenase Version 2.0 Kit (United States
PCR Amplification of J 6S rRNA genes Biochemicals) following the manufacturer's protocol.

Reaction mixtures contained 50 mM KCl, 10 mM Analysis of the sequence data

Tris-HCL [pH 9], 1.5 mM MgCI2, 0.1% Triton X-
100, 200 ILM each of deoxyribonucleotide triphos- The determined sequences were compared with 16S
phate (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP; Pharmacia LKB rRNA sequences obtained from the GenBank and the
Biotechnology), 2 U of Taq I DNA polymerase EMBL Data Library by using programs of the Wiscon-
Table 1. Viable bacteria count (cels/m!) in water samples from stations in Arcachon Bay (A and B). Certes Domain
(C l and C2) and Prevost lagoon (X and II). ND = Non-determined data.

Station Date Water column Superficial sediment Deep sediment

A May 93 60 5.0 x 102 1.0 x 106 1.0 X 106 ND 1.0 x 105
Sept 93 8.5 x 102 9.0 X 102 1.3 X 106 1.3 X 106 2.8 X 104 4.4 X 104
May 94 30 2.0 x 102 2.0 X 104 6.0 X 104 1.6 X 104 2.2 X 104
Sept 94 2.8 x 102 2.2 X 101 1.0 X 104 2.0 X 104 2.0 X 103 2.0 X 104

B May 93 ND ND 3.2 x 107 2.5 X 107 2.0 X 106 2.0 x lor'

Sept 93 ND ND 4.5 x 105 3.6 X 105 1.2 X 105 1.5 X 105
May 94 2.3 x 10 3 3.2 X 103 3.2 X 104 5.9 X 104 2.0 X 104 5.0 X 104
Sept 94 3.5 x 104 2.9 X 104 1.5 X 104 1.0 X 104 8.0 X 104 9.2 X 104

Cl May 93 70 1.7 x 102 6.0 X 104 1.5 X 105 4.0 X 104 6.0 X 104
Sept 93 1.8 x 103 2.0 X 103 1.7 X 105 2.5 X 105 1.2 X 105 1.7 X 105
May 94 9.0 x 102 1.4 X 103 1.9 X 104 2.5 X 104 7.4 X 104 8.8 X 105
Sept 94 1.6 x 103 1.6 X 103 1.7 X 104 1.2 X 104 2.0 X 104 2.0 X 104

C2 May 93 3.7 x 102 1.0 X 103 2.0 X 104 3.0 X 104 5.0 X 103 2.0 X 104
Sept 93 1.8 x 103 4.2 X 103 9.0 X 105 1.0 X 106 1.4 X 105 2.5 X 105
May 94 1.8 x 103 1.8 X 103 6.0 X 104 7.6 X 104 9.0 X 104 6.7 X 104
Sept 94 1.3 x 103 1.9 X 103 9.0 X 104 7.0 X 104 6.0 X 103 4.0 X 103

X May 93 1.5 x 103 1.0 X 103 ND ND ND NO

Sept 93 5.0 x 102 1.4 X 103 1.0 X 105 3.7 X 105 2.0 X 105 4.0 X 105
May 94 1.2 x 102 9.6 X 102 6.0 X 104 7.2 X 104 1.2 X 104 1.0 X 104
Sept 94 4.4 x 10 2 1.3 X 10 3 NO NO NO ND

11 May 93 ND ND 7.5 x 103 2.5 X 104 2.3 X 104 3.0 X 104

Sept 93 4.5 x 103 7.0 X 103 5.5 X 104 7.0 X 104 6.8 X 104 9.9 X 104
May 94 2.9 x 102 2.2 X 102 3.5 X 104 6.0 X 104 2.0 X 10 3 1.4 X 104
Sept 94 1.0 x 103 7.4 X 103 2.6 X 104 2.7 X 104 1.3 X 104 2.0 X 104

sin Molecular Biology Package Version 8. Phylogenet- About 100 isolates were obtained from different
ic analysis were carried out with DNA STAR Package samples of Stations A and 11 during the September
(Lasergene) in a Quadra 840 Macintosh Computer. 1993 campaign. They were characterized to provide a
primary classification at the genus level. As shown in
Table 3, in both cases the predominant heterotrophic
Results microflora in the water column were related to the gen-
era Vibrionaceae as expected, and Pseudomonaceae.
Heterotrophic bacterial numbers and activities in the In the case of the Prevost Lagoon there also appeared
two lagoons to be a significant number of Enterobacteriaceae that
could be allochthonous microorganisms due to previ-
The study of the role ofbacterioplankton starts with the ously described waste water pollution detected in this
estimation of microbial biomass and activities in water environment. In the sediment there was also a signif-
samples. The results of the viability counts (average of icant proportion of Gram Positive bacteria, both rods
the three sampling campaigns) at the sampling sites, and cocci.
faecal coliforms and sulphite reducing clostridia are Thymidine incorporation estimates, assimilation
shown in Table 1 and Table 2. and respiration of glucose values, growth rates and
Table 2. Faecal coliforms and clostridia numbers (cels/lOO ml) in samples
from stations in Arcachon Bay (A and B), Certes Domain (CI and C2) and
Prevost lagoon (X and 11). ND =Non-determined data.

Station Date Faecal coliforms Clostridia

Water Water Superficial Deep
column column sediment sediment

A May 93 ND 0 60 80
Sept 93 2 0 170 20
May 94 0 2 1560 3316
Sept 94 2 4 43 250

B May 93 ND ND 0 0
Sept 93 ND ND 10 20
May 94 ND 4 4137 3320
Sept 94 ND 9 9 4

CI May 93 ND ND 300 1100

Sept 93 I 0 200 760
May 94 39 780 13500 10800
Sept 94 0 620 80 65

C2 May 93 ND ND 150 1000

Sept 93 6 0 20 80
May 94 284 640 11300 7466
Sept 94 4 4 43 50

X May 93 ND 0 130 ND
Sept 93 4 10 110 110
May 94 0 30 1080 630
Sept 94 33 4 ND ND

II May 93 ND 0 350 ND
Sept 93 20 50 130 130
May 94 0 60 1115 3036
Sept 94 14 9 610 620

doubling times of the heterotrophic bacteria are shown referred to the numbers of bacterial plate counts as the
in Table 4. In Station A values of bacterial production heterotrophic activities are related with: (i) bacterial
ranged from 0.014 to 0.52 J-Lg C L -Ih- I , in Stations numbers and (ii) distinct activity of different bacterial
C 1 and C2 (Certes Domain) from 1.70 to 4.65, and 0.27 populations. We observed the highest values of assimi-
to 2.5 J-Lg C L -I h -I respectively. Estimates in Prevost lation of glucose in early summer 1993-1994 in all the
were in the range of 0.11 to 3.55 J-Lg C L -Ih- I (Sta- Stations. The highest heterotrophic activity estimated
tion X) and 0.80 to 8.0 J-Lg C L -I h -I (Station 11). The by glucose assimilation was in both the Stations in
highest values at most sampling stations were found at Certes Domain (C l and C2). Maximal incorporation of
the end of summer in 1993. both thymidine and glucose was measured in Station
In order to compare estimates of bacterial produc- 11 (Prevost Lagoon) rather than Station A (Arcachon
tion in terms of thymidine incorporation and assimila- Bay), showing that the microbial community of Station
tion of organic compounds (glucose) those values were 11 presented more heterotrophic activity per cell. In
Table 3. Taxonomic status of the isolates from Stations A
The sequences were compared with all available 16S
(Arcachon Bay) and II (Prevost lagoon) during the Septem-
ber 1993 campaign. The total number of isolates from water, rDNA sequences of the GenBank and EMBL Data
superficial sediment and deep sediment from both stations and Library. Pairwise sequence comparisons with selected
the percentage of each taxonomic group are shown. numbers of several phylogenetic branches were per-
formed, and two dendrograms of sequence similari-
Station A
Water Superficial Deep
ty were constructed from two matrices of calculated
sediment sediment
percentages, each containing clones from Stations A
and 11 respectively. Some of these results have been
Total number 24 10 23 reported elsewhere (Benlloch et aI., 1995).
Vibrio, Plesiomonas, No identical sequences were found on comparing
Aeromonas 67% 60% 57% the clones with those of the data banks. The high-
Pseudomonas 25% 30% 26% est similarity values found were those corresponding
to clone 38a (Station A) with a representative of an
Acinetobacter 8%
undescribed marine eubacterial group (Fuhrman et aI.,
Bacillus 13%
1993) (98.9%), and to clone 5011 (Station 11) with Tro-
Lactobacillus 4%
pherima whippelli, a High G+C content Gram-positive
Planococcus 10%
(99%). Overall similarity values with sequences of
Station II the data banks were higher for clones from Station A
Water Superficial Deep than from Station 11. In Station A clones appear to be
sediment sediment related to different phylogenetic branches. A total of
Total number 15 17 24 eighteen clones (Figure 1) were relatively close to the
Vibrio, Plesiomonas, CytophagaiFlexibacterlBacteroides group with simi-
Aeromonas 40% 41% 54% larity values ranging from 88.4 to 94.6%. Five clones
Pseudomonas 40% 29% 25% were related to the a-Proteobacteria branch (93.6 to
Enterobacteriaceae 20% 6% 12.5% 96.8%). Four clones appeared to be phylogenetically
Acinetobacter close, albeit at a very low similarity (ranging from 72.6
Bacillus 8.5% to 85.6%), to a group of 16S rDNA fragments gener-
Lactobacillus 18% ated by PCR from a soil sample (Liesack & Stacke-
Streptococcus 6% brandt, 1992). Two clones clustered with a marine
group of bacteria (Fuhrman et aI., 1993) and anoth-
er two with a representative of SAR 11 group from a
Sargasso Sea sample (Giovannoni et aI., 1990), both
groups described only by 16S rRNA sequencing.
In Station 11, twenty-two clones were related to the
summary, all data point to a major difference between CytophagaiFlexibacterlBacteroides group with simi-
the heterotrophic bacterial biomass of each of the two lar values ranging from 79.1 to 94.7% (Figure 2). Eight
lagoons. As had been expected from the higher level of clones clustered with the a-Proteobacteria (sequence
eutrophication (Caumette, 1986), it was much greater similarities between 74.7 and 95.2%) and seven clones
in the Prevost lagoon. were related to High G+C Gram-positive Bacteria
(85.6-99.6%). Two clones appeared to be phylo-
Analysis of bacterial biodiversity by direct genetically close to ,,(-Proteobacteria with similar-
amplification and sequencing of the small subunit ity values ranging from 89.7 to 90%. One clone
rRNA genes related to an unknown Actinomycete (85.6%), anoth-
er to Cyanobacteria (98.5%) and another to 8-
Amplification products of the 16S rRNA genes, using Proteobacteria. Although in Station 11, only one clone
DNA obtained from Stations A and 11 (samples did not cluster with the known bacterial phylogenet-
obtained in September 1993) as templates, were cloned ic branches of Figure 2 (viz: Bacterium soil clone
in E. coli. About 50 clones from each environment group, CytophagaiFlexibacterlBacteroides group, a-
were randomly selected and ca. 210 bp determined (3-8-Proteobacteria, Marine group, High G+C Gram-
of the 16S rDNA sequences (ranging from positions positive, Cyanobacteria, Actinomycetes), the sequence
283 to 499; E. coli numbering) (Brosius et aI., 1981). analysis showed a relationship with some members

Table 4. Tritiated thymidine incorporation and estimates of bacterial secondary production, growth rates, assimilation and respiration of i4C-Glucose due to bacteria in water samples from
stations in Arcachon Bay (A and B), Certes Domain (C i and C2) and Prevost lagoon (X and 11).

Station Date Incorporation Specific Bacterial Growth Doubling Assimilation Respiration Specific Specific
estimate incorporation production rate time mol Gluc mol Glue assimilation respiration
mol tim L-ih- i estimate ILgCL-ih- i lL(h- i ) t.J (h) L-ih- i L-ih- i estimate estimate
xl0- i2 pmol time eel-ih- i X 10- 9 X 10- 9 mol Glue eel-ih- i mol Glue cel-ih- i
X 10- 9 X 10- 9

A May 1993 5.20 1.04 x 10- 5 0.26 0.026 26.65 1.78 (84.7%) 0.32 (15.3%) 3.56 x 10- 6 0.64 X 10- 6
Sept 1993 10.40 0.86 x 10- 5 0.52 0.029 23.9 0.95 (86.2%) 0.15 (13.8%) 1.12 x 10- 6 0.178 X 10- 6
May 1994 1.51 0.75 x 10- 5 0.07 0.014 49.5 0.47 (88.1 %) 0.06 (11.9%) 2.36 x 10- 6 0.318 X 10- 6
Sept 1994 9.16 3.27 x 10- 5 0.46 0.081 8.55 0.42 (91.3%) 0.04 (8.7%) 1.48 x 10- 6 0.14x 10- 6

Ci May 1993 69.0 40.6 x 10- 5 3.45 1.006 0.69 2.71 (73.3%) 0.98 (26.7%) 15.9 x 10- 6 5.8 X 10- 6
Sept 1993 93.0 4.65 x 10- 5 4.65 0.110 6.30 6.58 (71.1 %) 2.67 (28.9%) 3.29 x 10- 6 1.33 X 10- 6
May 1994 34.0 2.42 x 10- 5 1.70 0.060 11.55 20.8 (85.1 %) 3.62 (14.9%) 6.7 x 10- 6 2.6 X 10- 6
Sept 1994 47.0 2.93 x 10- 5 2.35 0.073 9.50 5.21 (99.9%) 0.99 (1.9%) 3.25 x 10- 6 0.62 X 10- 6

C2 May 1993 50.3 5.03 x 10- 5 2.51 0.100 6.93 8.74 (79.1 %) 2.31 (20.9) 8.74 x 10- 6 2.31 X 10- 6
Sept 1993 27.0 0.64 x 10- 5 1.35 0.005 128.4 9.55 (74.6%) 3.24 (25.4%) 2.27 x 10- 6 0.77 X 10- 6
May 1994 ND ND ND ND ND 28.1 (84.3%) 5.24 (15.7%) 15.6 x 10- 6 2.91 X 10- 6
Sept 1994 5.44 0.28 x 10- 5 0.27 0.007 97.6 0.77 (79.3%) 0.20 (20.7%) 0.41 x 10- 6 0.11 X 10- 6

X May 1993 71.0 4.7 x 10- 5 3.55 0.174 3.94 51.3 (93.1 %) 3.82 (6.9%) 34.2 x 10- 6 2.54 X 10- 6
Sept 1993 23.0 1.64 x 10- 5 1.15 0.041 16.9 1.90 (76.9%) 0.57(23.1%) 1.35 x 10- 6 0.41 X 10- 6
May 1994 2.20 0.23 x 10- 5 0.11 0.006 123.7 0.52 (90.4%) 0.05 (9.6%) 0.53 x 10- 6 0.06 X 10- 6
Sept 1994 4.40 0.34 x 10- 5 0.22 0.008 82.5 0.12 (80.3%) 0.03 (19.7%) 0.09 x 10- 6 0.02 X 10- 6

11 May 1993 70.4 ND 3.52 ND ND 18.3 (67.5%) 8.81 (34.5%) ND ND

Sept 1993 160 1.0 x 10- 5 8.0 0.056 12.37 25.4 (83.5%) 5.01 (16.5%) 3.60 x 10- 6 0.71 X 10- 6
May 1994 21.0 7.20 x 10- 5 0.80 0.182 3.80 2.98 (84.7%) 0.54 (15.3%) 10.27 x 10- 6 1.84 X 10- 6
Sept 1994 62.5 0.84 x 10- 5 3.13 0.021 33.0 15.1 (91.7%) 1.37 (8.3%) 2.0 x 10- 6 0.18 X 10- 6

within these groups. Clone 1611 showed the highest to Vibrio vulnificus). One showed 90.7% similarity
similarity value with Lactobacillus rimae (80.4%). to Aeromonas schubertii. Two isolates showed about
Some clones were found more than once. From the 90% similarity to Bacillus cereus. Finally one showed
analysis of Station A clone I3a (93.5% with Flexibac- 90.7% similarity to Yersinia ruckeri.
ter columnaris) and clone lOa (93.8% with Rhodobac- Four strains, representatives of phototrophic bac-
ter adriaticus) were found 5 times; clone 41a (85.6% teria isolated by using specific media and phenotypi-
with Bacterium soil clone) and clone 33a (93.9% cally characterized in another laboratory (Laboratoire
Cytophaga latercula) four times; clone 48a (95.9% d'Oceanographie Biologique, Bordeaux University)
with Clavibacter xyli) and clone 60a (94.4% Flexibac- were also included in our study. Isolate 5811, identified
ter maritimus) three times; clones 37a (9l.7% with as Thiocapsa sp. showed the highest similarity value
Cytophaga aquatilis), 14a (93.4% with Antarcticum with Chromatium vinosum (91 %), Rhodopseudomonas
vesiculatum) and 26a (93.4% with Flexibacter mar- sp. 2105 showed 95.7% similarity with Rhodopseu-
itimus) twice each. In Station 11 the following clones domonas marina, Rhodobacter sp. 10 2102 showed
appeared twice: clone 1411 (91.6% with Flavobacte- 100% similarity with Rhodobacter sufjidophilus and
ria gondwanense), clone 1111 (91.9% with Cytopha- Chromatium sp. 2203 showed 87.2% with Codakia
ga succinicans), clone 3111 (88.9% with Arthrobac- orbicularis gill symbiont (probably an artifact due to
ter globijormis), clone 4511 (79.5% with Alcaligenes the relatively small number of phototrophic bacteria
eutrophus), clone 7011 (79.l % with Cytophaga lat- 16S rRNA sequences deposited in the data banks).
ercula) and clone 911 (98.5% with Prochlorococcus Results from isolates representative of the Nitrogen
marinus). Clone 2011 (95.2% with Erytrobacter sp.) Cycle Group (Dept. of Biological Sciences, Dundee
appeared three times. Only one sequence (a 200 bp University) were that isolate AAN 013 (ammonifi-
fragment; post. 283-499) was found to be identi- er, Gram-positive, sporulated rod) showed an iden-
cal in both Stations, showing 92.5% similarity with tical sequence to that of isolate AAN 036 (ammoni-
Rhodobacter adriaticus. An almost identical second fier, Gram-positive, sporulated rod), similarity value
sequence (only one nucleotide difference) was also of92.3% with Clostridium bijermentans. Isolate ANO
found in Stations A and II and its closest relationship 011 (denitrifier, Gram-positive cocci) revealed a simi-
was with Cy/ophaga marinoflava (94.6%). larity percentage of 100% with Staphylococcus cohnii
Fourteen randomly taken colonies (seven from (all three from Station A). Isolate PNO 019 (anaer-
each lagoon) isolated in rich medium from the same obic, Gram-negative cocci) showed 92.7% similari-
water samples used for direct DNA extraction were ty with Carnobacterium funditum, and isolate PAN
subjected to 16S rDNA analysis (partial 16S rDNA 031 (amonifier, Gram-positive, sporulated rod), 98.1 %
sequencing of the same variable region, 283-499; E. with Eubacterium tenue, both from Station 1l.
coli). All the isolate sequences were different from
the sequences obtained by direct PCR amplification.
Although again no perfect matching to sequences of Discussion
the data bases was found here, in both environments
most of the isolates had relatively high similarity Heterotrophic bacterial numbers and activities in the
to the typical heterotrophic aquatic bacteria (Vibrio, sampling sites
Aeromonas, Alteromonas). Of the seven isolates from
Station A, three showed more than 95% similarity Out of the five sampling sites studied, station A is
to sequences of known species of this group (95.8% clearly different from the rest, that are all located in
Alteromonas migrifaciens, 96% Vibrio marin us and stagnant waters. Station A contains much less bacteri-
94.9% Alteromonas haloplanktis). One showed 89.6% al biomass and has less heterotrophic bacterial activity.
similarity to Alteromonas haloplanktis. Two showed This is to be expected given the effective tide flushing
over 94% similarity to Bacillus species. Finally one of the waters located at this site. Station A is very much
isolate showed a 93.8% similarity to the Gram-negative influenced by the coastal Atlantic waters. In the water
'j-Proteobacteria, Moraxella phenylpyruvica. Of the column (Table 1), the main difference occurs between
seven isolates from Station 11 three also showed Stations A and 11, Stations C 1, C2 and X being some-
relatively high similarity to be mentioned group of what intermediate. The numbers obtained were slightly
well known aquatic bacteria (96.6% to Vibrio mari- higher at 30°C in Stations C 2 , X and 11, which are
nus and 93.1 % to Alteromonas haloplanktis and 92.7 stagnant waters and probably reach higher tempera-

1. High GC Gram Positive Bacteria

16 a
2. y Proteobacteria 48 a
3. f3 Proteobacteria Arthrobacter globiformis
4. Cyanobacteria Clavibacter xyli
..---- Escherichia coli
5. Actinomycete 1 . . . - . . - - Vibrio gazogenes
6. a Proteobacteria . - - - - - Alcaligenes eutrophus
7. Low GCGram-positive bacteria 1--_ _ _ Pseudomonas testosteroni

8. 0 Proteobacteria . . - - - - - Prochlorococcus marinus

1--_ _ _ Actinomycete
9. Marine bacteria 10 a
10. Bacteria soil group 47 a
11. Spirochaete 39 a
12. CytophagaiFlexibacterlBacteroides 8a
Erythrobacter sp.
13. Archaea Roseobacter denitrificans 6
Rhodobacter adriaticus
1--_ _ 4a

~--- Ehrlichia sennetsu

1...-..-- Sphyngomonas adhaesiva
. . . . - - - - - - - Bacil/us subtil/is
L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Clostridium perfringens
. . . . - - - - - - - Arcobacter cryaerophilus
L-_ _ _ _ Helicobacter pylori
38 a
Marine bacteria
17 a
21 a
41 a
53 a
1--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Soil bacteria
11 a
L--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Borrelia burgdoferi
13 a
15 a

' - - - - - - Cytophaga flevensis

34 a
37 a
35 a
12 a
19 a
42 a
60 a
.------66a 12
Flexibacter maritimus
26 a
14 a
Antarcticum vesicula tum
. . . . - - - - - - - - - - 31 a
51 a
L.-.-_ _ _

Microscil/a aggregans
1--_ _ _
Flavobacterium breve
L.._ _ _ _ _
L_______C===-Halobacterium salinarium
Haloferax volcanii
37.9 ___.----~--~---~__- - . - - - , r - - - , - -__-,
35 30 20 15 10 5 o

Figure J. Similarity tree showing the relationships of partial l6S rONA sequences from Arcachon Bay (Station A) and representative sequences
of the data base. The scale bar indicates sequence divergence (%).

1. a Proteobacteria
2. r Proteobacteria
3. Actinomycete
4. Cyanobacteria
5. f3 Proteobacteria
6. LowGC Gram-positive bacteria
7. High GC Gram-positive bacteria
8. 8 Proteobacteria
9. Bacteria soil group
10. CytophagaiFlexibacterlBacteroides
11. Spirochaete
12. Archaea

- - - ' - - - - Microscilla aggregans

Flexibacter maritimus
1...._ _ _ 38-11
1...._ _ _ _ _ 48.11
1 - - - - - 47.11
11-11 10
Antarcticum vesicula tum
14.11 5·11
1 . . . . - - - Cytophaga flevensis
L -_ _ _ _ 55-11
L-_ _ _ _ 33.11
1...._ _ _ _ _ Flavobacterium breve
L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Borrelia burgdoferi
L________ -[===_ Halobacterium salinarium ] 12
Haloferax volcanii
37.4 - - , - - - - - r - - - , - - - , . - - - r - - - T " " - -...- - - ,
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 o

Figure 2. Similarity tree showing the relationships of partial 16S rDNA sequences from Prevost Lagoon (Station II) and representative
sequences of the data base. The scale indicates sequence divergence (%).

tures than Station A which is much more similar to teria and Chi suggest that bacteria should respond to
open ocean waters known to contain important num- increases in phytoplankton nutrients. If bacterial pop-
bers of psychrophilic microbes. In any case the water ulations were controlled by forces acting via bacte-
in the Prevost Lagoon, particularly in the areas distant riovore ingestion, bacterioplankton abundance should
from the Mediterranean Sea Inlet (Station 11) is charac- be inversely correlated with bacteriovore abundance or
terized by considerably higher viable counts, which are biomass, and there is no evidence of this.
in agreement with the known higher productivity of this Heterotrophic bacterial production values in open
lagoon (Caumette, 1986). The presence of significant oceans range from 0.08 JLg C L -I h- I in the Warm Core
faecal contamination, as indicated by faecal coliforms Ring Gulf to 0.45 JLg C L -Ih- I in the Coral Sea, Aus-
(Table 2) and sulphite-reducing clostridia (Table 3) in tralia. In coastal ocean waters, from 2.2 JLg C L -Ih- I
Station 11 (14-20 FC and 50-60 clostridia/IOO ml) is at Scripps Pier to 91 JLg C L -Ih- I in Bietri, Ivory
a clear indication that this lagoon is subject to consid- Coast (Ducklow and Carlson, 1992). Values are higher
erable urban pollution from the surrounding popula- in coastal waters than in open ocean waters. Thymi-
tion centres. In contrast, Arcachon Bay appears to be dine incorporation in Arcachon Bay ranged from 0.014
virtually free of significant faecal contamination. The to 0.52 JLg C L -I h -I, with values similar to those
presence of clostridia in the sediment is not significant for open oceans. In the Certes Domain the average
since the spores can be accumulated in this environ- value was 2.8 JLg C L -Ih- I and in Prevost Lagoon
ment for very long periods, nor is it an appropriate 4.55 JLg C L -Ih- I. These data support our original
pollution indicator in this environment. Even so, the hypothesis that both systems represent very different
increase in clostridia counts at the end of the summer situations that can be considered as different models.
in Arcachon Bay is significant, probably as an indi- One (Arcachon) with a low level of eutrophication and
cation ofthe cumulative pollution suffered throughout urban pollution, relatively low productivity and strong
the summer season. influence of the surrounding ocean waters; the other
The sediments varied considerably from the above (Prevost) highly eutrophic, with significant levels of
pattern. In the top two centimetres of the sediment urban pollution and very different (isolated) from the
(Table 1) the numbers of heterotrophs seem to be the neighbouring Mediterranean Sea waters.
equivalent of the water numbers, i.e. Station A showed
the highest counts, followed by C 2 , Band C I , while Analysis of bacterial biodiversity by direct
the Prevost Lagoon stations showed lower numbers amplification and sequencing of the small subunit
in the superficial sediment. This apparent discrepancy rRNA genes
can be explained if we assume that while in Prevost
Lagoon the larger (or a very significant) part of the pri- In oligotrophic ocean waters the studies on micro-
mary productivity takes place in the water column due bial diversity of naturally occurring organisms by
to the low light penetration in these eutrophic waters molecular approaches have shown that clones were
while in the more oligotrophic waters of Arcachon mostly phylogenetically related with Cyanobacteria
Bay most of the primary productivity takes place in (Fuhrman et aI., 1993; Giovannoni etal., 1990) SARll
the surficial sediment, richer in nutrients and directly group (a-Proteobacteria) (Giovannoni et aI., 1990),
exposed to sunlight at low tide. In the deep sediment I'-Proteobacteria (Fuhrman et aI., 1993), Marine
(Table 1) sample results revert to the water pattern Group A (Fuhrman et aI., 1993) (a new phylogenet-
showing higher numbers in the Prevost Lagoon, prob- ic branch) and novel groups of the Archaea domain
ably because this deep anaerobic sediment is not relat- (DeLong, 1992; Fuhrman et aI., 1992; DeLong
ed to the superficial sediment or water productivity. et aI., 1994). Minor numbers were related with
In any case the deep sediment samples are probably Gram-positives (Fuhrman et aI., 1993), Cytopha-
dominated by strict anaerobes that are not detected by gaiFlexibacte rlBacte roides (Fuhrman et aI., 1993) and
present culture techniques used. Planctomyces (Fuhrman et aI., 1993). Other molec-
Ducklow & Carlson (1992), in an extensive study ular approaches to compare coastal waters with open
of oceanic bacterial production, concluded that bac- ocean waters have been used. For example, an oligonu-
terial biomass is controlled by resources rather than cleotide probe derived from the SARlI (Giovannoni
by predation. Bacterial abundance and bacterial pro- et aI., 1990) sequence retrieved from the Sargasso
duction are statistically correlated with phytoplankton Sea was hybridized against total RNA extracted from
biomass (as Chi). Positive correlations between bac- picoplankton samples obtained from both origins (Gio-

vannoni et aI., 1990). The results showed that the rel- cellulose and probably playa major role in the turnover
ative importance of these groups of Proteobacteria of matter in nature. Their main habitats are soils,
was lower in several coastal samples, suggesting that decaying plant material and animal dung (Reichen-
the organisms contributing these sequences may be bach, 1991). It seems that at the end of summer, after
more abundant in relatively oligotrophic open ocean proliferation of macroalgae (Ulva sp., Enteromorpha
waters. Another approach compared different samples sp.) decomposition of the macroalgae material would
by hybridization of total DNA obtained from different stimulate development of Cytophagales. They could be
sampling sites (Lee & Fuhrman, 1991), the results of even more important in the aggregate-associated biota
this work also suggested that the bacterial community that is probably retained by the glass-fibre filter.
of coastal waters may be different from that of open In Station A, four clones were phylogenetically
ocean water. related to a novel eubacterial soil group described by
The bacterial biodiversity revealed by our 16S Liesack and Stackebrandt (1992). This phylogenetic
rDNA study in the two coastal lagoons showed some line was not represented in oligotrophic ocean waters,
differences from any of those previous studies carried it could reflect the continental influence in coastal
out in open ocean waters. Two clones from Station lagoons. We also found clones related with members of
A (8a and 39a) and one from Station 11 (6511) were Gram-positives (low and high G+C content). Fuhrman
closely related to the widely distributed SARlI group (1993) found 9 clones belonging to a new phyloge-
(94.2%, 96.8% and 88% respectively). But these are netic group apparently related to the high G+C Gram-
very few representatives in comparison with the larger positive Bacteria and represented by clone BDAI-5, a
number of clones found in ocean waters (Fuhrman et single isolate from the Pacific was identical to this one
aI., 1993). In both stations, we also found clones relat- and the rest varied only at I or 2 positions. However,
ed with the Marine Group A described by Fuhrman the Gram-positive type sequences that we found are not
et ai. (1993): clone 38a and 17a (98.9% and 96.1%) related to those found by Fuhrman (1993). They could
and clones 1911,211,6911 and 5511 (86.7%,70%, also be of terrestrial origin. Remarkable also is the rel-
89.8% and 82.0% respectively). So the novel phylo- atively low representation found for ,-Proteobacteria
genetic lines described as being predominant in olig- (only 2 clones in Station 11 and none in Station A).
otrophic ocean waters are present in coastal lagoons This group has been found in open ocean waters by the
although the proportion of clones belonging to these 16S rDNA technique (Fuhrman et aI., 1993) but they
groups retrieved was much lower, suggesting that they were also in a minority, which is in contrast with previ-
could be less abundant in coastal lagoons. Another ous studies about oligotrophic ocean waters. However,
group that was relatively little represented in our study most of the heterotrophic bacteria that are easily iso-
is the Cyanobacteria that was found as an important lated from the ocean belong to this phylogenetic clus-
component of the picoplankton of open ocean waters ter. Furthermore, our own isolates from the lagoons
(Giovannoni et aI., 1990). Only a clone in Station 11 studied, although none showed a perfect match with
was similar to a Cyanobacteria. The above does not any sequence deposited in data banks, all correspond-
necessarily mean that this group of prokaryotes is not ed to organisms belonging to the ,-Proteobacteria.
present in the environments studied. The large cellu- These results support the view that some groups of the
lar size of most members of the well known groups ,-Proteobacteria (Vibrio for example) are particular-
of Cyanobacteria excludes them from our study since ly well fitted for growth in laboratory cultures, and
they would be retained by the glass fibre filter which although abundant in marine habitats, they are prob-
nominal pore size is 2.7 /Lm. ably in a minority or at least not predominant in this
On the other hand, in the coastal lagoons stud- kind of environment.
ied here we have observed a great number of repre- Regarding both coastal aquatic systems, the
sentatives of the CytophagalFlexibacteriBacteroides study of their diversity reflects some shared simi-
group. There is evidence that members of the Cytopha- larities. The major group represented is Cytopha-
galFlexibacterlBacteroides group are present in ocean galFlexibacterlBacteroides in both Stations and (Y-
waters but in macroaggregate-associated bacterial pop- Proteobacteria. However, they also differ in some
ulations (DeLong et aI., 1993). These microorganisms aspects. An analysis in detail revealed that only one
are Gram-negative bacteria, gliding, aerobic, organ- identical sequence was found in both environments
otrophs. Many of them are able to degrade biomacro- (with a 92.5% similarity to Rhodobacter adriaticus).
molecules like proteins, chitin, pectin, agar, starch or The Prevost Lagoon showed higher diversity by using

the 16S rRNA gene amplification technique. The num- Caumette, P., 1986. Phototrophic sulfur bacteria and sulfate/reducing
ber of different sequences retrieved was larger: 43 dif- bacteria causing red waters in a shallow brackish coastal lagoon
(Prevost Lagoon, France). FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 38: 113-124.
ferent sequences in the 52 clones studied, while from DeLong, E. F., 1992. Archaea in coastal marine environments. Proc.
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different sequences were found i.e. redundancy was DeLong, E. F., D. G. Franks & A. L. Alldredge, 1993. Phylogenetic
higher. Furthermore, in Arcachon we found represen- diversity of aggregate-attached vs free-living marine bacterial
assemblages. Limnol. Oceanogr. 38: 924-934.
tatives of only five of the major phylogenetic branch- DeLong, E. F., K. Y. Wu, B. B. Prezelin & R. V. M. Jovine, 1994.
es of eubacteria (Woese, 1987) while in the Prevost High abundance of Archaea in Antarctic marine picoplankton.
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water as determined by different methods of enumeration. Lim-
a post-doctoral contract of the Spanish Ministry of Edu- nol. Oceanogr. 4: 128-140.
cation and Science. Thanks are offered to Prof. Waltre Lane, D. J., B. Pace, G. 1. Olsen, D. A. Stahl, M. L. Sogin & N.
Sttihmer for technical support to carry out the phyloge- R. Pace, 1985. Rapid determination of 16S rDNA sequences for
netic analysis. Secretarial assistance by K. Hernandez phylogenetic analysis. Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. USA 82: 6955-
is gratefully acknowledged. Lee, S. & 1. A. Fuhrman, 1991. Spatial & temporal variation of
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©1996. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Description of prokaryotic biodiversity along the salinity gradient of a

multipond solar saltern by direct peR amplification of 16S rDNA

Susana Benlloch, Silvia G. Acinas, A. J. Martinez-Murcia & Francisco Rodriguez-Valera*

Departamento de Genetica y Microbiologfa, Universidad de Alicante, Campus de San Juan, Apartado 374, 03080
Alicante, Spain
* Authorfor correspondence. Fax: 34-6-5941787; E-mail: FRVALERA@UA.ES

Key words: Biodiversity, 16S rRNA, halophilic Bacteria, halophilic Archaea, hypersaline environments


New methods based on PCR amplification of 16S rRNA genes from DNA samples extracted directly from the
environment allow the description of microbial diversity in natural ecosystems without the need for cultivation.
We have applied this technique to an extreme environment presumed to have very low diversity: the crystallizer
ponds of a marine saltern with salinity over NaCl saturation. The molecular methodology has shown that indeed
very low diversity can be found here. Prokaryotes belonging to the Bacteria domain are a minor component and
only members of a closely related cluster of sequences were found, all relatives of the a-Proteobacteria (ca. 83%
to Rhodopseudomonas marina). Halophilic Archaea were as expected the largest component of biomass in this
environment. All the clones sequenced corresponded again to a highly homologous cluster (probably members
of the same genus). However, all the sequences diverged considerably from the ones of the described genera of
halophilic Archaea, in fact the data are consistent with the idea that the 16S rRNA genes directly amplified from the
saltern correspond to members of an undescribed genus. This is remarkable since many collection strains sequenced
come specifically from this saltern. Furthermore, 16S rDNA obtained from archaeal cultures isolated from the same
sample had no homology to the sequences obtained by PCR amplification, instead they appear to be members of
the well known genus Haloarcula. However, this concurs with the findings of other authors who obtained different
organisms by culture from those detected by the sequences retrieved directly by PCR. A possible explanation is
that culturability, in standard media, is the exception rather than the rule. To study the biodiversity gradient present
along the salinity gradient found in a multi-pond solar saltern we have also applied a novel molecular strategy. This
method is based on the restriction digestion of a population of 16S rDNA sequences directly amplified from an
environmental sample. Digested fragments separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis generate characteristic
profile data for estimation of diversity and overall similarities between the organisms of different environments. The
methodology has been applied to a set of five ponds covering the salinity gradient from about twice that of seawater
(6.4%) to NaCl precipitation (30.8%). Bacterial (eubacterial) diversity estimated from the complexity of the banding
pattern obtained by restriction of the amplicons from the different ponds decreased with increasing salinity while
for Archaea (archaebacteria) the reverse was true i.e. the higher the salinity the higher the number of bands. The
similarities in taxonomic composition of the prokaryotic populations present in those ponds were evaluated from
the number of restriction bands shared by the different samples. The relationships found among the different
environments were independent of the enzyme used for digestion and were consistent with previous descriptions
obtained by the study of isolates from the different environments. This technique appears to be promising as a rapid
method for microbial biodiversity fingerprinting useful to compare several environments and detect major shifts in
species composition of the microbial population.

Introduction that involve culture and isolation of the microorgan-

isms present have the essential disadvantage of the so-
To assess the true degree of microbial diversity, par- called non-culturable (or non-cultivated) species. For
ticularly prokaryotic, in natural environments is a key example in marine picoplankton only 1 in 105 to 1 in
question for microbiologists. The classical techniques 10 3 of microscopically observed cells develop colonies

on marine agar plates (Giovannoni et aI., 1990b), while found in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (Fuhrman
it is known that about half are metabolically active. et aI., 1993). A new archaeal phylogenetic branch
DNA reassociation techniques have shown that only 1 diverging deeply from the thermophilic branch or Cre-
in about 200 genomes present in a Norwegian soil was narchaeota has also been found in ocean waters includ-
recovered by culture (Torsvik et aI., 1990). This major ing deep ocean samples (500 m) and permanently cold
drawback has recently been bypassed - at least to some Antarctic waters (DeLong et aI., 1994; Fuhrman et aI.,
extent - by the use of molecular techniques (Pace et aI., 1992). The low temperature of the environments from
1986). The most widely used and, up to the moment, which these sequences were recovered, as well as the
most fruitful approach has been the PCR amplification low G + C of the 16S rDNA lead the authors to sug-
(or cloning) of 16S rDNA directly from the sample gest that the phenotype of the corresponding organism
(DeLong, 1992; DeLong et aI., 1994; Fuhrman et aI., would not be thermophilic at all and therefore very
1993; Giovannoni et aI., 1990a; Giovannoni et aI., different from other Crenarchaeota. A novel line of
1990b; Liesack & Stackebrandt et aI., 1992; Schmidt Bacteria was also discovered in soil with less than 75%
et aI., 1991; Stackebrandt et aI., 1993; Torsvik et aI., homology to any known organism (Liesack & Stacke-
1990). The sequences of the rDNA genes retrieved brandt et aI., 1992). The fact that no perfect matching
from the environment give an estimate of the micro- to any known sequence has been found for any of the
bial diversity present. The comparison of the sequences 16S rDNAs directly retrieved from the environment,
with data banks allows the phylogenetic placement of not even in soil, an environment lengthily studied by
the microorganism. If the amplified DNA were to show classical microbial ecology approaches, is also remark-
enough homology to a cultivated taxonomic group it able. There are also a number of papers reporting the
would even be possible to predict the physiology of the results of the technique applied to thermal environ-
microorganism detected and concomitantly its puta- ments. Since extreme environments are characterized
tive ecological role. However, the number of samples by low biological diversity, results could be simpler
and sequences per sample is limited by the sequencing to interpret. In fact the number of different sequences
capabilities of the laboratory and therefore most studies found was in general lower. For example, from a pink
that have been carried out investigate only about 100 filament community in Octopus Spring (84-88 QC,
sequences at the most. To be able to evaluate the biodi- located in Yellowstone National Park) of 35 clones
versity present in a sample rapidly, and also to compare studied 26 were identical (Reysenbach et aI., 1994). In
several samples, for example when time or spatial gra- the cyanobacterial mat also at Octopus Spring (waters
dients are studied, a more expedient methodology is at55 QC), 5 identical sequences were found in 14 clones
required. Restriction fragment length polymorphism studied (Weller et aI., 1991). By restriction analysis of
of 16S rDNA has been shown to be highly informa- 16S rRNA genes the clones obtained in a deep-sea
tive (Avaniss-Aghajani et aI., 1994; Moyer et aI., 1994; hydrothermal vent, after application of statistical tests,
Ralph etaI., 1993) and could therefore be used to obtain showed that only about 10 OTU (Operational Taxo-
a fingerprint of microbial biodiversity in the environ- nomic Units) were present in the environment (Moyer
ment under study with a relatively small investment et aI., 1994). In a study carried out with the sedi-
of time and cost, so allowing several samples to be ment in another thermal environment, Jim's Black Pool
analyzed simultaneously. (74 QC), again in Yellowstone, of 98 clones obtained
The cloning and PCR amplification of 16S rDNA with archaeal primers, three sequences were repeat-
technique has already been applied to a number of ed 23, 8 and 7 times respectively while the remainder
marine, soil and thermal (extreme) natural environ- were represented 1-4 times in the collection (Barns
ments (Barns et aI., 1994; DeLong, 1992; DeLong et aI., 1994). However, in this work a considerable
et aI., 1994; Fuhrman et aI., 1993; Giovannoni et aI., diversity of archaeal 16S rRNA sequences was found
J990a, 1990b; Liesack & Stackebrandt et aI., 1992; and although some clones had high sequence similarity
Schmidtetal., 1991; Stackebrandtetal., 1993; Torsvik to cultivated thermophiles (about 97%) others showed
et aI., 1990; Ward et aI., 1990; Weller et aI., 1991). This great evolutionary distance from any known organism.
has lead to the discovery of a remarkable unknown Nevertheless, a perfect matching between clones and
diversity of both Eubacteria and Archaea. A new 16S rRNA sequences of cultivated microorganisms has
eubacterial group distantly related to a:-Proteobacteria never been described, even when isolated from specif-
represented by clone SAR 11 first described by Gio- ically the same environment and location.
vanonni et al. (1990a) is widely distributed, being

Hypersaline environments represent a very inter- Haloferax volcanii ATCC 29605 T , Haloferax gib-
esting model, particularly the multipond saltern in bonsii ATCC 33959 T , Haloferax denitrificans ATCC
which a gradient of salinities develops spatially, dif- 35960T , Haloferax 'larsenii' ATCC 49116, Haloar-
ferent ponds representing different salinity values that cula hispanica ATCC 33960T , Haloarcula califor-
range from sea water (ca. 3.5% w/v) to NaCI precipita- niae ATCC 33799 T , Haloarcula marismortui ATCC
tion (over 35% w/v) (Javor, 1983a; Rodrfguez-Valera 43049 T , Halobacterium salinarium ATCC 33171 T ,
et aI., 1985). Along this gradient biodiversity decreas- Halobacterium lacusprojundii ATCC 49239 T , Halo-
es as the environment becomes more hypersaline i.e. coccus morrhuae CCM 537 T , Halococcus saccha-
more extreme. In the crystallizer ponds, where NaCl rolyticus ATCC 49257 T , were cultivated on 25%
is harvested, only members of the Archaea domain are (w/v) salt water agar supplemented (Rodrfguez-Valera
recovered by culture and they belong to only 3 or 4 et aI., 1981) with 0.5% yeast extract, 1% starch and
species of haloarchaea (formerly halobacteria) (Oren, 1% glucose at 37°C for approximately one week.
1990; Rodrfguez-Valera et aI., 1985). Microscopically, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Pasteurella multo-
samples of the crystallizer water also show very little cida ATCC 43137 T , Listeria monocytogenes ATCC
diversity, long slender rods predominating, often gas 15313 T , Proteus mirabilis ATCC 29906 T , Salmonella
vacuolated similar to the cells of some species of the sp. ATCC 35664 and Aeromonas salmonicida NCIMB
genus Halobacterium and some square bacteria like 1102 T were cultivated as recommended by the Amer-
those described by Walsby (Javor, 1983b; Oren, 1990; ican Type Culture Collection.
Rodrfguez-Valera et aI., 1985; Walsby, 1980).
In the present work direct 16S rDNA amplifica- Biomass collection
tion and sequencing were applied to the DNA obtained
from a crystallizer pond. Bacterial and archaeal popu- Approximately 5 I of superficial water (10 cm below
lations were also characterized by the analysis of the the surface) were collected from ponds with differ-
16S rRNA genes directly amplified from the envi- ent salinity of a solar saltern located in Santa Pola
ronment and digested with frequent cutting restriction (Alicante, Spain). Debris and eukaryotic cells were
endonucleases. The technique has indeed allowed us removed by using glass microfiber filters (Whatman
to characterize bacterial biodiversity in five selected GF/D). Microorganisms were collected by positive
ponds with different salinities (6.4-30.8%) and to com- pressure filtration on a 9 cm, 0.22 11m pore-size fil-
pare the similarity of prokaryotic populations present ter (Durapore; Millipore Corp., Bedford, MA). Water
in those ponds. was pumped until filter clogging decreased the flow
rate to a few ml min-I. Filters were stored at -80°C
until DNA extraction.
Materials and methods
DNA extraction and purification
Thawed filters were cut with a sterile razor blade into
The total salt concentrations were determined by the small pieces and vortexed in 5 ml of 1% w/v SDS, TE
ash content of 10 ml of water dried at 110 °C for 24 h buffer (100 mM Tris-HCl; pH 8; 10 mM EDTA), in
and afterwards at 400°C for 4 h. 50 ml conical based polypropylene centrifuge tubes.
Acid-washed glass beads (Sigma) were added and vor-
Media and strains texed until resuspension (1-2 min). The sample was
incubated at 37°C for 1 h after addition of 50 111 of
To isolate pure cultures from the crystallizer water, lysozyme (Boehringer) in TE buffer (1 % w/v). After
100 /1,1 were inoculated onto plates containing 25% boiling for 10 min and vortexing for 2 min, 1 ml of
(WN) salt water agar supplemented with 0.5% yeast lysis buffer (4% w/v SDS; 100 mM EDTA; 50 mM
extract (Rodrfguez-Valera et aI., 1981). Colonies Tris-HCI; pH 8), and 30 111 proteinase K (14.7 mg
were isolated at random and subcultured twice; 1 ml ml- 1 stock solution) was added. The samples were
of bacterial cultures was harvested in sterile 25% vortexed for 1 min, incubated at 56°C for 1 hand
salt water by centrifuging at 10000 rpm for 2 min boiled for 5 min. As no complete lysis was observed
and pellets were stored at -20°C. Culture collec- at this step, a thermal shock (5 min at -80°C and
tion strains, Haloferax mediterranei ATCC 33500T , 5 min at boiling) was applied. The DNA was extract-

ed once with a volume of phenol-Tris (pH 8) and a with EcoRV and incubated with Taq I DNA polymerase
volume of chloroform-H 20; 0.1 volume of 2M NaAc (1 UIJLg plasmid/20 JLI volume) using standard buffer
(pH 4.8) and 3 volumes of absolute ethanol were added conditions in the presence of 2 mM dTTP for two
and kept overnight at -20°C. After centrifuging at hours at 72 °C (Marchuk et aI., 1990) and ligated at
12000 rpm for 10 min, the pellet was dried and DNA 16°C overnight. XLBlue Escherichia coli strain was
purified using the GeneClean II Kit. DNA from bac- transformed with a standard protocol (Maniatis et aI.,
terial cultures was extracted as previously described 1982). Plasmidic DNA was extracted using the Wizard
(Martinez-Murcia & Rodriguez-Valera, 1994). Quan- Minipreps DNA Purification System (Promega).
tification and purity (referred to protein content) of
the DNA obtained were estimated and 5 JLI aliquots Primers and sequencing reactions
of DNA dilutions were analyzed (Martinez-Murcia &
Rodriguez-Valera, 1994). Primers with 5'-TTACCGCGGCTGCTGGCACG-3'
sequence (Martinez-Murcia, 1993) at positions 533-
PCR amplification of 16S rDNA 514 (E. coli numbering) for the Bacterial Domain and
5'-CCCCGTAGGGCCCGG-3'(Barns et aI., 1994) at
Reaction mixtures contained 50 mM KCl, 10 mM positions 330-316 (H. salinarium numbering) for the
Tris-HCI (pH 9), 1.5 mM MgCI 2 , 0.1 % Tri- Archaeal Domain were chosen to sequence ca. 200 bp
ton X-I00, 200 JLM each of deoxyribonucleotide of a relatively variable region of each selected clone.
triphosphate (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP; Pharma- Sequencing primers 5' -GGATTTCACTCCTACCCC-
cia LKB Biotechnology), 2U of Taq I DNA poly- 3' and 5'-CCATTGTAGCCCGCGTGT-3' at posi-
merase (Promega), 0.2 pM each of oligonucleotide tions 646-629 and 1203-1186 respectively (H. sali-
primer and 100 ng of template DNA in a total narium numbering) were designed in the present
volume of 50 JLI. The sequences of the forward study from a 16S rRNA sequence alignment
primers were 5'-TTCCGGTTGATCCTGCCGGA-3' of members of Halobacteriaceae (Kamekura &
(DeLong, 1992) ranging from nucleotide posi- Seno, 1993). These together with the primers 5'-
tions 2 to 21 of the Halobacterium salinari- ACCGGCGTTGACTCCAATT-3' (DeLong, 1992)
um (Larsen & Grant, 1989) numbering system and 5'-GACGGGCGGTGTGTGCA-3' (Barns et aI.,
(Mankin et aI., 1985) for the Archaeal Domain and 1994) at positions 929-912 and 1368-1352 respec-
5'-AGAGTTTGATCATGGCTCAG-3' (Lane et aI., tively (H. salinarium numbering) and the Bluescript
1985) at nucleotide positions 8 to 27 of the E. coli sequencing primers, were used when determination
numbering (Brosius et aI., 1981) for the Eubacterial of the complete archaeal 16S rDNA sequences were
Domain. Reverse primer for both Domains was 5'- required. Primers were synthesized by the phospho-
GGTTACCTTGTTACGACTT-3' (Lane et aI., 1985) ramidite method (Beaucage & Caruthers 1981) on a
at positions 1509-1491 (E. coli numbering). Reac- Model 392 RNAIDNA Applied Biosystems synthe-
tion mixtures were overlaid with mineral oil (Light sizer. Clones randomly selected were sequenced by
White Oil; Sigma) prior to a thermal cycling regime the dideoxy-chain termination method (Sanger et aI.,
(35 cycles on a Perkin Elmer Cetus 480) of 94°C for 1977) with a Sequenase Version 2.0 Kit (United States
1 min, 55°C for 1 min, and 72 °C for 2 min. After the Biochemicals) following the manufacturer's protocol.
final cycle was completed, the amplicons were allowed
to extend at 72 °C for 10 min. Negative controls were Southern hybridization
included with no addition of template DNA. Five JLI of
the PCR products were analyzed on 1% (w/v) agarose Different amounts of DNA extracted from the crystal-
gels to check for purity. PCR products were precipitat- lizer were dot blotted onto a Hybond-N-Nylon mem-
ed, dried and resuspended in 25 JLI of sterile distilled brane (Amersham). Total 16S rDNA amplified with
water. either eubacterial or archaeal primers were digoxi-
genin labelled by random primed synthesis accord-
Purification and cloning of the PCR products ing to the procedure recommended by Boerhinger
Mannhein (DIG-System, Boerhinger Mannheim) and
PCR products were purified using GeneClean II kit and then separately hybridized to the total DNA blots.
cloned into a T-tailed-vector prepared as follows: Blue- Hybridization was carried out overnight at high strin-
script plasmid (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA) was digested gency conditions (68-70 0C). Filters were washed

twice for 5 min at room temperature with 2 x SSC, data was computed using the NTSYS program version
0.1 % SDS and twice for 15 min at 68°C with 0.1 x in IBM Pc.
SSC and 0.1 % SDS. Chemoluminescent detection was
performed using Lumiphos™ as a substrate for the Nucleotide sequence accession numbers
alkaline phosphate linked to the anti-digoxigenin anti-
body (Boerhinger Mannheim) following the recom- Amplified products were cloned and the sequences
mendations of the manufacturer. After two washes for determined in the present study were deposited in the
15 min in 0.2 N NaOH, 0.1 % w/v SDS at 37°C, and EMBL data base with accession numbers: X84084,
equilibration in 2 x SSC, blots were stored at -20°C X84330, X84331, X84322, X84323, X84324.
and reused up to six times. Probe solutions were also
maintained at - 20 ° C, and reused following denatura-
tion (10-15 min at 90-100 0C). Results

Restriction endonuclease digestions The mUlti-pond solar saltern selected for this study
has been studied previously by other techniques and
Enzymatic digestions were performed by incubating the gradient of physicochemical conditions as well as
25 III of the amplified products with 5U of each endonu- the microbial populations that develop along this gra-
clease and the corresponding enzyme buffer. Diges- dient have been described (Rodrfguez-Valera et aI.,
tions were continued overnight at 37°C for Alul, HinjI, 1985; Rodrfguez-Valera et aI., 1981; Rodrfguez-
and Mbo!. Digested products were precipitated with Valera, 1986). The water of the five ponds sampled
ethanol, dried and resuspended in 5 III of dye loading had salinities representing the increase gradient from
buffer. about twice the seawater salinity (Preparation Pond
PR3, 6.4%) located in the so-called carbonate domain
Electrophoresis (Barbe et aI., 1990) to saturation for sodium chloride,
halite domain (Crystallizer Pond CR30, 30.8%), the
The digested products were heated for 2 min at 96 ° C concentrator ponds have intermediate salinities (gyp-
and chilled on ice before loading on 55 cm wedge- sum domain) (as shown in Table 1). Bacterial and
shaped (0.2-0.6 mm) 6% (w/v) polyacrylamide dena- archaeal primers gave good amplification from all the
turing (7 M urea)-TBE gels. Electrophoreses were per- samples except the two ponds oflower salinity PR3 and
formed in TBE buffer at 55°C using a LKB Macrophor PR6 that gave no amplification when archaeal primers
2010 sequencing unit operated at 50 W per gel. The were used, indicating a low presence or non-existence
bromophenol blue was allowed to migrate to the bot- of archaeal representatives at low salinity. Archaeal
tom; the gel was washed in 10% v/v glacial acetic groups have been found in marine samples of differ-
acid for 20 min, and silver stained by using the Silver ent origins by 16S rDNA direct PCR amplification and
Sequence TM Kit (Promega) following the manufac- sequencing but the samples were always obtained from
turer's protocol. The gel was photographed using a open ocean, relatively oligotrophic waters (DeLong,
14/1 x 17/1 EDF film (Promega). 1992; DeLong et aI., 1994; Fuhrman et aI., 1992).
Apparently the much more eutrophic, as well as more
Analysis of the sequence data saline waters of these two ponds are devoid of a sig-
nificant proportion of this phylogenetic group.
The determined sequences were compared with 16S Although the 16S rRNA genes were amplified
rRNA sequences obtained from the GenBank and the from the crystallizer with both eubacterial and archaeal
EMBL Data Library by using programs of the Wis- primers, the relative abundance of both domains was
consin Molecular Biology Package Version 8. Com- very different as shown by hybridization of the prod-
plete 16S rDNA sequences of archaeal clones HACI ucts from both amplifications to the total DNA extract-
and HAC14 were manually aligned to those from ed and blotted on membranes (see Figure 1). The
other halophilic Archaea (Kamekura & Seno 1993). amplified archaeal rDNA gave much stronger signal,
A matrix of calculated similarity percentages was the weak hybridization shown by the bacterial rDNA
analyzed by UPGMA. Pairwise comparisons of the indicates a relatively small representation, particularly
band patterns were manually performed, and a matrix considering that a part could be due to hybridization
(presence-absence for each character) constructed. The of highly conserved 16S rDNA regions to the archaeal
Table 1. Number of digested fragments of total 16S rONA PCR-amplified from environmental
samples using bacterial and archaeal primer sets. Clone HAC I was obtained from the Crystallizer
Pond 30 in a previous study.

Primers Samples Salinity % Hinjl Mbo! + Hi"f! Alu! + Hi"f!

Crystallizer Pond 30 30'8 37 73 42

Concentrator Pond III 21'6 59 74 44
ANTI-S Concentrator Pond 108 13'3 56 98 63
(Bacteria) Preparation Pond 6 9'2 75 96 56
Preparation Pond 3 6'4 64 107 60

Crystallizer Pond 30 30'8 28 37 58

2IF-S Concentrator Pond III 21'6 20 34 52
(Archaea) Concentrator Pond 108 13'3 18 30 48
Clone HACI 30'8 II 30 24

Table 2. Similarity values for 16S rRNA gene sequences of halophilic Archaea.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14

I. CLONE HACI 100 99.0 91.1 90.4 87.3 87.7 87.1 87.1 86.5 86.3 87.6 86.7 87.5 86.7
2. CLONE HAC14 100 90.4 90.0 87.1 87.4 87.2 87.0 90.7 85.4 87.4 86.7 87.1 86.5
3. H. volcanii 100 98.5 87.8 88.6 90.1 91.2 88.8 89.6 88.4 88.1 88.9 89.7
4. H. mediterranei 100 89.3 88.3 88.2 89.5 88.6 87.3 87.8 87.5 90.1 88.2
5. H. sinaiiensis M 100 97.7 91.4 88.8 87.0 86.7 87.0 87.2 86.1 86.1
6. H. marismortui rrnb 100 94.9 89.4 87.6 88.7 87.7 88.2 87.1 87.0
7. H. marismortui rrna 100 90.1 90.0 90.0 90.1 88.8 87.6 87.4
8. N. magadii 100 90.1 89.4 90.5 87.6 93.0 88.0
9. H. cutirubrum 100 88.3 99.8 87.8 90.0 88.5
10. H. morrhuae 100 88.4 86.3 90.1 88.6
II. H. salinarium 100 87.4 90.1 88.6
12. H. sodomense 100 87.4 94.7
13. N. occultus 100 87.9
14. H. saccharovorum 100

DNA. In any case considering the salt concentration bases were carried out and the highest sequence sim-
in the pond (30,8%) not many Bacteria would be ilarity value was found to be that with Rhodopseu-
physiologically active (Oren, 1990; Rodrfguez-Valera, dornonas marina (82.6% and 83.6%, clones HBCl and
1986). Previous studies using differential inhibitors HBC8 respectively). Summarizing, the bacterial DNA
for halophilic Archaea showed that in the crystallizer present in the crystallizer belonged mainly to a single
ponds most (if not all) the active biomass was archaeal group (possibly a single genus) distantly related to the
(Oren, 1990). a-Proteobacteria.
Five clones of the amplified eubacterial16S rDNA A total of 12 archaeal 16S rDNA clones from
from the crystallizer pond were randomly selected and the crystallizer were randomly selected and sequences
sequence analysis of ca. 200 bp (ranging from 283 of ca. 200 bp (positions 100-300; H. salinari-
to 487; E. coli numbering), revealed they belong to urn numbering) were determined. Analysis of data
a highly homogeneous phylogenetic group. Clones showed the twelve clones have identical sequence
HBCI, HBC5 and HBC7 showed identical sequences at these positions. The above cloned-fragments were
(HBC for Halophilic Bacterial Clone). Clones HBC2 obtained from several amplification reactions and
and HBC8 showed differences with HBCl in only cloning experiments. Some of these selected archaeal
2 and 14 nucleotide positions respectively. Sequence clones were subjected to analysis of another variable
comparisons with all16S rRNAs available in the data region of the 16S rDNA sequence (positions 384-

Total DNA from: HACI and HAC14 and other haloarchaea (as shown in
crvstallizer 1 Iwl2S CRJO Table 2) ranged from ca. 86% (Halococcus morrhuae)
to 91 % (viz. Haloferax volcanii, Haloferax mediter-
100ng 50ng 25 ng 50ng 50ng
ranei) . The dendrogram of Figure 2 shows that both
PROBE clones are, although relatively related, as distant from
members of the genus Haloferax as the other genera
Archaea are from one another. These results revealed that clones
HACI and HAC14 clearly correspond to a group dis-
tinct from all known haloarchaea, at least at the genus
level. Signature sequences for the different genera
are found in the region between positions 151-200
(see Figure 3). In this region 16 positions differentiate
Haloarcula from Haloferax, 22 discriminate Halobac-
Bacteria terium from Haloferax, 11 separate Haloarcula from
Halococcus, and 17 Halococcus from Haloferax. This
region is also highly divergent in all the crystallizer
clones with at least 20 positions different to any of the
Figure 1. Southern blot showing hybridizations of different amounts other genera. An inspection in detail of the complete
of total DNA from a crystallizer pond using archaeal and eubacte- 16S rDNA sequences of clones HACI and HAC14
rial amplified 16S rDNA products as probes. DNA extracted from
archaeal and eubacterial isolates (CRIO and lIWI25 respectively) revealed different nucleotide composition at 21 posi-
were used as controls (Benlloch et aI., 1995). tions which are conserved in all haloarchaea examined.
An example is illustrated in Figure 3; at position 196
all sequences exhibited thymine, but all selected clones
600; H. salinarium numbering). Clones HAC4, HAC8, showed cytosine. The considerably long branch in the
HACl1, HACI2, HAC14 and HAC16 had an identical dendrogram (see Figure 2), the genus-specific signa-
sequence at this stretch indicating that they may belong ture, and changes in relatively conserved positions of
to a single species (HAC for Halophilic Archaeal the sequenced molecule all strengthen the view that
Clone), However, this sequence showed 12 and 11 they belong to a new, undescribed genus of haloar-
nucleotide differences from those of HAC 1 and HAC6 chaea. In our study a high frequency of cloning 16S
respectively. Moreover, the complete 16S rDNA insert rDNA fragments with highly similar sequence (i.e.
of clones HACI and HAC14 was sequenced (1436 and with the same sequence at 100-300 region) has been
1438 nucleotides respectively ranging from positions 1 taken as a suspicion that members of this unknown
to 1458 of the H. salinarium 16S rRNA sequence genus are apparently numerous in the environment ana-
(Mankin et aI., 1985). The two sequences were highly lyzed. This is particularly noteworthy considering that
similar, although 15 nucleotide differences were found, three of the species and culture collection strains of
indicating that they correspond to related species of the haloarchaea (Haloferax mediterranei, Haloferax gib-
same genus. Similarities from the sequence compar- bonsii, Haloarcula hispanica) have been isolated from
isons with those of other Halobacteriaceae are shown the same saltern studied here. The results of the present
in Table 2 and Figure 2. As described by Kameku- study are reminiscent of that of Ward et al. (1990)
ra and Seno (1993) it has been shown that in gen- where a well known community, the Octopus Spring
eral the accepted taxonomy of haloarchaea fits well cyanobacterial mat was studied by 16S rDNA direct
with the phylogenetic relationships derived from the amplification. Like our results, 16S rDNA clones were
known 16S rDNA sequences. Sequence similarities markedly different from the 16S rDNA sequences of
between genera range from 86 to 91 % while species the organisms commonly isolated from this spring and
inside each genus are normally over 98% homology. considered to be the main components of the popu-
An exception is the species Halobacterium saccha- lation - Chloroflexus auranticus and Synechococcus
rovorum which should be included in a new genus, lividus (highest similarity around 90%).
as has already been suggested (Grant & Ross, 1986). DNA of four strains of haloarchaea isolated from
As shown in Figure 2, H. sodomense does not belong the same sample was extracted and a part of their 16S
to the genus Halobacterium, but is instead related to rDNA sequenced. All the strains isolated had the same
H. saccharovorum. The similarities between the clones sequence in the region 130-270 (H. salinarium num-

84 88 92 96 100

Haloferax volcanii
Haloferax mediterranei
r Haloarcula sinaiiensis

r---------I Haloarcliia marismortui rrnb
l ___________ Haloarcliia marismortlli rrna

Natronobacterillm magadii
Natronococclis OCCllitliS
Halobacterium cutirubnlm

Halobacterium salinarillm
' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Halococcus morrhllae
L___________ Halobacterillm sodomense
Halobacterillm saccharovorum
Figure 2. Dendrogram of 16S rONA sequence similarities from clones HACI (Clone I), HACI4 (Clone 14) and members of Halobacteriaceae
(8enlloch et al., 1995).

151 200
Natronococcus occultus
Natronobacterium magadii
Halobacterium salinarium
Halobacterium cutirubrum
Haloarcula sinaiiensis M
Haloarcula marismortui rrnB
Ha/oarcula sinaiiensis m
Haloarcula marismortui rrnA
Halococcus morrhuae-16008
Halococcus morrhuae
Halobacterium sodomense
Haloferax gibbonsii
Haloferax denitrificans
Haloferax volcanii
Haloferax mediterranei
Clone 1 HA

Figure 3. Alignment of a 16S rONA region from members of Halobacteriaceae and cloned fragments. The boxed areas are nucleotide
signatures that differentiate at the genus level. The start showed a nucleotide position where all selected HAC clones have changed a conserved
nucleotide. Numbers indicate positions following Hb. salinarium numbering (19). Clone I, identical sequence for all selected HAC clones.
YI2, Halobacterium sp. (14) (8enlloch et aI., 1996).

bering) and showed the highest homology (97%) to frequently. The specific discriminatory power of the
Haloarcula marismortui belonging very probably to a digestion enzymes was tested by computing against
closely related species. the data from all species of the genus Aeromonas, the
Enzymes Alul, Hinjl and Mbol were selected after 16S rDNAs of which show only 1 to 33 nucleotide
a computer analysis of many restriction endonucleas- differences (Martinez-Murcia et aI., 1992). As a
es that are known to cleave the 16S rDNA sequences conclusion of this test, enzymes such as Acil cut-

ting at C.CGC, HaeIII(GG.CC), Fnu4HI(GC.NGC),

MnlI(CCTC[Nh) and ScrF1(CC.NGG) generated
ca. 10 to 20 digested products of different sizes, but dis-
crimination was not satisfactory. Alul (AG.CT), HinjI
(G .ANTC) and Mbol (.GATC) yielded specific patterns
for all the Aeromonas species and were selected. Obvi-
ously the discriminatory power for the specific case
of Aeromonas cannot be extrapolated to all Bacteria
and Archaea but we preferred the use of this criterium
rather than a purely arbitrary selection or one based on
the sequences of other more divergent genera. To check
the reliability of the technique 16S rDNA were ampli-

- -
fied from cultures of Escherichia coli ATCC 25922,
Pasteurella multocida, ATCC 43137 T , Listeria mono-
cytogenes ATCC 15313 T , Proteus mirabilis ATCC
29906T , Salmonella sp. ATCC 35664, Aeromonas
salmonicida NCIMB 1102 T , then a mixture of all the
amplified 16S rDNAs were digested with HinjI. All
the bands detected for every individual reference strain
could be detected as well in the digested mixture (data

not shown).
Bacterial and archaeal16S rDNA fragments ampli-
fied from the saltern waters were separately digest-
ed using three different enzyme combinations: HinjI,
Mbol + HinjI and Alul + HinjI. The products were sep-
arated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (see Fig-
ure 4), the numbers of detected bands for each sample
are listed in Table I. In the case of Bacteria it is clear
that the total number of bands decreases at increasing
salinities in all the enzyme/enzyme combinations used.
For this phylogenetic group the environment becomes
more extreme at increasing salinities (over 1M NaCl),
therefore a general decrease in biodiversity is to be
expected (Rodrfguez-Valera et aI., 1981). On the oth-
er hand, the archaeal16S rDNA gave more restriction
fragments at higher salinities. Halophilic Archaea have
generally very high growth optima (over 20% NaCl)
and most of the species do not grow below 10% NaCl
(Larsen & Grant, 1989), therefore for this phylogenet-
ic group the low salinity conditions can be considered
an environmental extreme, and thus their decrease in
The patterns of each sample were compared by
identifying fragments of identical size in the same
digestion from different samples. In this way a similar- Figure 4. Polyacrylamide gel showing Hinfl + MboI digestions of
(A) archaeal 16S rONA amplified from: lane I, Concentrator pond
ity coefficient was obtained for every pair of samples (CO)I08; 2, COlli; 3, Crystallizer Pond (CR)30; 4, clone HACI
and a similarity dendrogram generated. The dendro- (see reference 31); 5, isolate 9 from CR30; 6, isolate 10 from CR30;
gram shows the similarity level regarding archaeal or 7, molecular marker V (pBR 322 ONA.Hae III; Boehringer Minion);
bacterial populations in the systems studied. Analy- and (B) bacterial 16S rONA from: lane I, CR30; 2, COlli; 3,
CO 108; 4, Preparation pond (PR) 6; 5, PR3 (Martinez-Murcia et al.,
sis of bacterial patterns using HinjI (see Figure 5A) 1995).
revealed that 16S rDNA sequences from two concen-

CR30 r-----------lr- CR30
_____---; L - COIll
[ COIl!

COlDS ' - - - - - - - - - - - COIOS

AluI + Hinfl . - - - - - - CR30
' - - - - - COill
AM + Hinfl

' - - - - - - - - - - COIOS

CO! OS e
PRG Mho! + Hinfl , - - - - - - - - CR30
.---------i'----_ _ _ _ _ COIJ 1

Mhol + Hinfl ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - co\Os



PIl6 Figure 6. Dendrogram of archaeal 16S rDNA-RFLP similari-
I'R3 ties obtained by digestion with HinfI (A), AluI + HinfI (8), and
Mbo! + HinfJ (e) (Martinez-Murcia et aI., 1995).
0.2 0;4 0;6
0." I.",
Figure 5. Dendrogram of bacterial 16S rDNA-RFLP similari-
ties obtained by digestion with Hinf! (A), AluI + Hinjl (8), and
MboI+HinfI (e) (Martinez-Murcia et aI., 1995). seems to be present at COlD8 (13.3%) that is close to
the lower salinity tolerated by most halophilic Archaea
(about 10%). Probably a restricted and physiologically
trator samples (COllI and COlD8) were more similar specialized group of halophilic Archaea is present here.
to each other than to those from other water samples. Our results illustrate the different salt tolerance that
In the same way, 16S rDNA RFLP from the prepara- characterizes halophilic Bacteria and Archaea.
tion ponds were relatively very similar to each other. One possible application of the technique described
The sample from the crystallizer pond (CR30) not only here is to check the presence of an organisms charac-
showed lower diversity but was also less related to the terized only by sequence, i.e. non-cultivated, in a given
16S rDNA restriction patterns from the concentrators environment. The clone designated HACl was subject-
and preparation ponds. The same relationships were ed to l6S rDNA restriction digestion, together with the
found in the diagram of Figure 5B (using enzymes amplicon of the crystallizer and with some halophilic
Alul + HinjI) and Figure 5C (Mbol + HinjI). The rela- archaeal collection strains of the genera Haloferax,
tionships of archaeal 16S rDNA RFLP patterns were Haloarcula, Halobacterium, Halococcus, and two iso-
different from those of Bacteria. The sequences ampli- lates from the crystallizer CR30 as a reference (results
fied from the concentrator COllI were more relat- not shown). The high intensity restriction bands of
ed to those from the crystallizer CR30 than to those clone HAC I were of the same size as the major bands of
from COlD8 (Figure 6A; HinjI). The same relation- the crystallizer. However, profiles from clone HACl,
ships were found when Alul + HinjI or MboI + HinjI and reference strains were different from each oth-
were used (Figures 6B and 6C). er. The sample collected in which clone HACl was
With regard to Archaea the situation is somewhat obtained (Benlloch et a!., 1995) came from the same
reversed. The crystallizer and pond COllI (2l.6% crystallizer pond but it was almost a year before the
salinity) had similar archaeal populations. Again this sample was analyzed by digestion of 16SrRNA genes.
range (20-30%) corresponds to the normal range of Therefore, our results support the hypothesis (Benl-
growth of halophilic Archaea. A different population loch et aI., 1995) that the group of clones characterized

by 16S rDNA sequencing are predominant in the crys- et aI., 1990a). Those findings seem to indicate a more
tallizer and, so far, have not been isolated. moderate diversity.
A concise method for assessing microbiological
diversity, based on the digestion of the 16S rDNA
Discussion sequences directly amplified from a complex popu-
lation of microorganisms, is also reported (Martfnez-
The extreme environments that have been studied Murcia et aI., 1996). This methodology allows rapid
by the PCR technique show, as might be expected, comparison of the microbial populations present in
less diversity than sea water or soil, frequently hav- several samples since more than 30 samples can be
ing a higher redundancy in the sequenced 16S rDNA run in a single gel. The technique may have sever-
clones. However, as in high diversity environments al applications, for example, scanning serial samples
high homologies to cultured organisms are very sel- in a gradient in order to identify major boundaries
dom found. The extremely hypersaline waters of the in terms of microbial biodiversity, or to estimate the
crystallizer studied here show indeed even less diversi- contribution of some isolates or 16S rDNA clones to
ty by the direct rDNA amplification methodology than the total microbial popUlation. The application of this
in a previous work by culture isolation (Rodrfguez- method to a well understood environmental gradient,
Valera et aI., 1985). However, the organisms retrieved that found in the mUlti-pond saltern, illustrates its reli-
by one technique are markedly different from those ability since previous knowledge obtained from more
obtained by the other, even when both techniques are classical microbial ecology approaches has been large-
applied to the same sample. Our data can be interpreted ly confirmed, independently of the enzyme or combi-
if we consider that the culture methods strongly bias nation used.
the results towards microorganisms that are a minority Although the techniques based on direct detection
in the environment. If this hypothesis is correct and of the 5S rRNA present in the sample are more direct
applicable to other environments it has a major impact (obviating the need for PCR amplification and restric-
on our understanding of microbial diversity. tion enzyme digest) (Hofle, 1992) they also have some
The results reported to date from soil, ocean and disadvantages when compared with the methodology
thermal environments have shown a remarkably low described here. First of all, the extraction and manip-
level of homology to 16S rRNA sequences from cul- ulation of RNA is time-consuming and the sensitivity
tured microorganisms present in the data bases. In fact, to degradation also introduces the risk of not retrieving
homologies over 92% are rarely found and very often the less represented species. Also 5S rRNAs are very
values around 85% are the highest scores for a given small and the size differences do not always reflect
sequence comparison, this is within the range of differ- the variety of organisms present. We consider that the
ent phylum homology (Liesack& Stackebrandt, 1992). number of bands alone is an acceptable estimate of the
This has generally been interpreted as a reflection of total biodiversity present, particularly when different
the extremely high real bacterial diversity, orders of enzyme combinations are used. Of course, we cannot
magnitude higher than that shown by culture and iso- disprove that more than one sequence could be con-
lation, i.e. barely 3000 cultured bacterial species that tained in a single band or that incidentally one single
are known and have 16S rRNA genes sequenced. If organism could give a disproportionately large or small
the real number of species is several orders of mag- number of bands leading to an inaccurate evaluation
nitude greater, the probability of retrieving any of the of the real diversity present. However, both events are
known bacteria is relatively small unless a very large sufficiently infrequent to allow statistically significant
number of sequences from the natural environment evaluations by means of the method described here.
is screened. On the other hand, some data indicate Another possible source of error may be incomplete
less diversity. Most studies have detected consider- digestion. To avoid this problem it is essential to adjust
able redundancy in the sequences retrieved from the the ratio DNA/enzyme accurately and always digest a
environment, very often two representatives of each DNA control of which the restriction pattern is known;
sequence are found and sometimes five or more rep- incubation times should always be very long to reduce
etitions have been recorded. Identical sequences have this possibility.
been obtained from samples from different oceans and It is remarkable that the topology of the den-
by different authors (Fuhrman et aI., 1993; Giovannoni drograms is similar in all cases irrespective of the
enzyme/enzyme combination used. This is a strong

argument in favour of the reliability of the technique. Acknowledgments

In the case of Bacteria the results of the pattern compar-
isons shown in the dendrograms revealed three groups This work was supported by grants PB 93/0930 of
of bacterial populations. One from samples below 10% the DGICYT, BIO 93/0750 of the CICYT, and EV5V-
salinity (PR3, PR6) that would correspond to the halo- CT92-0080 of the European Commission. AJ.M.M.
tolerant and marine eubacteria described phenotypical- was recipient of a post-doctoral contract of the Spanish
ly. Recent studies (Mellado-Duran, 1994) have shown Ministry of Education and Science. Secretarial assis-
the halophilic Bacteria to be phylogenetically distant tance by K. Hernandez is gratefully acknowledged.
from their marine or non-halophilic taxonomic coun-
terparts. This is again confirmed by our results that
give a high similarity in the two ponds corresponding References
to 13.3 and 21.6% salinity respectively, environments
that by pure culture were shown to be dominated by Amann, R. 1., W. Ludwig & K-H. Schleifer, 1995. Phylogenetic
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p. Caumette, 1. Castel & R. Herbert (eds), Coastal Lagoon Eutrophication and ANaerobic Processes (C.L.E.AN.).
©1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in eutrophic coastal lagoons of the French

Mediterranean and Atlantic Coasts (Prevost Lagoon, Arcachon Bay, Certes

R. Guyoneaud 1 , R. Matheron 2 , R. Baulaigue2 , K. Podeur2 , A. Hirschler2 & P. Caumette 1 *

1 Laboratoire d'Oceanographie Biologique, Universite de Bordeaux I, 2 rue du Professeur folyet, 33120
Arcachon, France (* author for correspondence)
2 Laboratoire de Microbiologie, Universite d'Aix-Marseille Ill, Faculte des Sciences et Techniques de
Saint-Jerome, Av. Escadrille Normandie-Niemen, 13397 Marseille Cedex 20, France

Key words: Coastal lagoons, eutrophication, phototrophic bacteria, purple nonsulfur bacteria, purple sulfur bacteria,
bacterial diversity


Sediment samples collected from coastal lagoons on the French Mediterranean (Prevost Lagoon) and Atlantic
coasts (Arcachon Bay and Certes fishponds) have been studied in order to determine the population densities and
the species diversity of the different groups of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (purple sulfur bacteria, purple
nonsulfur bacteria and green sulfur bacteria) present in these ecosystems. Several strains of each group were isolated
in pure culture and characterized by their physiological properties. The occurrence of purple nonsulfur bacteria in
organic rich sediments of the Arcachon Bay and the dominance of purple sulfur bacteria in the Prevost lagoon and
Certes fishponds are discussed with respect to their community structure and abundance. The diversity differences
of the phototrophic bacterial strains isolated from both environments are also discussed.

Introduction acterized by micro gradients of oxygen, sulfide and

light where anoxygenic photosynthesis can take place
As a consequence of their location between land and (l¢rgensen et aI., 1983; Pierson et aI., 1987).
sea, coastal lagoons are characterized by large fluc- During the warm summer months, increased activ-
tuations in physical and chemical conditions. More- ity of sulfate-reducing bacteria leads to an overproduc-
over, many shallow coastal lagoons receive freshwater tion of hydrogen sulfide which may extend through the
inputs, rich in organic and mineral nutrients derived entire water column in some eutrophic shallow lagoons
from urban, agricultural and/or industrial effluents and situated on the mediterranean coast. Such dystrophic
domestic sewages. Due to the high sulfate concentra- crises with periodic anoxia favor the bloom of pho-
tion in seawater, sulfate-reducing bacteria playa key totrophic bacteria originating from benthic commu-
role in the mineralization of organic matter in anoxic nities and the formation of red waters (Forti, 1933;
sediments. As a consequence of their metabolic activity Cerruti, 1938; Heldt, 1952; Deveze & Fauvel, 1966;
they produce considerable quantities of hydrogen sul- Stirn, 1971; Caumette & Baleux, 1980). In contrast,
fide, which is a characteristic feature of these ecosys- in deeper coastal environments (Caumette et aI., 1983;
tems. This sulfide is trapped in the sediments as ferrous Guerrero et aI., 1987) or in tide-influenced ecosys-
sulfide (FeS) or pyrite (FeS2) (Cahet, 1965; l¢rgensen, tems (Van Gemerden et aI., 1989a, b), such dystrophic
1977; Caumette, 1986). crises rarely occur. Generally, part of the water col-
In such ecosystems, the surface sediment layer, umn remains oxic, even under the most eutrophic con-
which is a few millimeters thick, is a transition zone ditions, and consequently phototrophic bacteria grow
between oxic and anoxic conditions. This zone is char-

only in the surface layer of the sediments or in the Bacteriological analyses

bottom water below the oxic-anoxic interface.
In lagoonal ecosystems, phototrophic bacteria Population densities of the different groups of pho-
should be able to tolerate the fluctuating conditions totrophic bacteria in the water and sediment samples
of salinity, oxygen, sulfide and light. Therefore, the were enumerated after dilution in anaerobic sterile
conditions of eutrophication or dystrophy will lead to lagoon water. The deep agar-shake method (deep agar
the dominance of species of phototrophic bacteria that dilution series) (Pfennig & Triiper, 1992) was used and
are well adapted to these fluctuating conditions. The pure strains were isolated from colonies obtained in the
objecti ve of the present study was to compare the pho- agar media.
totrophic bacterial communities of three coastal sys-
tems, the eutrophic and periodically dystrophic Etang Mediafor enumeration and isolation of anoxygenic
du Prevost (Prevost Lagoon) on the French Mediter- phototrophic bacteria
ranean coast, the less eutrophic and tidal bay of the
Bassin d' Arcachon on the French Atlantic coast, and The same medium was used to count both purple and
the man-made fishponds at Certes which are separat- green anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria. The basal
ed from the tidal influences of the Arcachon Bay by a medium was prepared in a special 3-1 flask (Pfen-
dike. The influence of environmental conditions on the nig & Triiper, 1992). Seawater medium was prepared
selection of the dominant species in the phototrophic according to Pfennig & Trtiper (1992) and Guyoneaud
bacterial communities of both lagoons is discussed in et al. (1993). It contains per liter of filtered seawater
this paper. (0.2 {Lm): KH 2P04 : 0.1 g, NH 4 CI : 0.5 g, trace ele-
ment solution (SL 12, modified after Eichler & Pfen-
nig, 1986) : 1 ml, vitamin solution (V7, Pfennig &
Materials and methods Trtiper, 1992) : 1 ml, Na-acetate : 5 mM, Na2S203 .
5H20 : 2.5 mM, NaHC03 : 1.5 g, Na2S ·9H20 : 0.6 g;
Sampling sites and procedures the medium was autoclaved and the final pH adjusted
to 7.2. 1 ml of each sample or dilution was transferred
Two sampling stations in Arcachon Bay (A and B), one into the deep agar medium according to the method of
in Certes fishponds (C) and two in Prevost Lagoon (11 Pfennig & Trtiper (1992). Series of 6 to 10 fold dilu-
and X) were periodically investigated. The main char- tions were prepared and incubated at 30°C under an
acteristics of these sampling sites have been described alternating light-dark cycle (16 hours 500 lux light - 8
by Castel et al. (1996). hours dark) using tungsten lamps. Colony counts were
Samples were collected at each sampling station in made after two months incubation. Identification of
March, June and September 1993. The water of the the different phototrophic bacterial colonies was car-
non-tidal stations (C, 11 and X) was sampled in sterile ried out on the basis of colony color, cell morphology,
screw-capped bottles, 10 cm below the air-water inter- motility and presence/absence of sulfur globules. The
face. Sediment samples were collected using plexiglass agar-shake method was used for both the enumeration
core samplers from zero to 20 cm depth. Samples were of viable bacterial populations and isolation of pure
stored in cold bags at +4 °C and analysed in the labo- strains. The purity of the isolates was checked micro-
ratory within 12 hours of collection. scopically and by growth tests in AC medium (Difco
Laboratories, Ann Arbor, Mich., USA) supplemented
Chemical analyses with NaCI (1.5% w/v), sodium thiosulfate (0.05% w/v)
and glucose (0.05% w/v).
Sulfide was determined in the sediments by the methy-
lene blue method of Cline (1969) after distillation Methodsfor the identification of pure cultures of
under nitrogen gas atmosphere according to the method phototrophic bacteria
of J0rgensen & Fenchel (1974). A Beckman model 54
spectrophotometer was used. Morphology. Microscopical observation and micropho-
The organic matter content of the sediments tographs of the individual isolates were carried out
was analysed using a total organic carbon analyser using a Zeiss photo microscope according to the
(LECO) by Dr Etcheber, Departement of Geology and method of Pfennig & Wagener (1986).
Oceanography, University of Bordeaux 1.

Physiological tests. All physiological tests were per-

formed in synthetic media according to Pfennig & A
Triiper (1992). Utilization of carbon sources and elec-
tron donors was tested in liquid medium supplement-
ed with 0.02% (w/v) Na2S·9H20 and substrates final
;+ ~+i1-
concentrations of either 2 or 5 mM. Tests for substrate
utilization, NaCI requirement, and pH optima were
+r+ ~t
performed in completely filled 25 ml screw-capped
tubes. Growth was followed by measuring the optical + t
density of the cultures at 650 nm using a Bausch and -
Lomb spectrophotometer (Spectronic 20) during lO to
20 days of incubation.
Semi-aerobic growth was tested in uniformly inoc-
A B c 11 X
ulated deep agar tubes open to air (Kampf & Pfen-
nig, 1980). The vitamin requirements and capacity • GSB ~ PNSB [J PSB
for assimilatory sulfate-reduction were tested in 60 ml 100
screw-capped bottles by presence/absence of growth ~
.;:: 80
after 4 consecutive transfers. Capacity for dinitrogen
fixation was checked in rubber stopper bottles half- S
S 60
filled with synthetic medium lacking bound nitrogen 0
sources under a N2/C02 (911 ratio) gas phase; four u 40
consecutive transfers were tested. p.,
b 20
Photopigments. Absorption spectra ofliving cells were ..c
A B C 11 X
directly measured with a Kontron Uvikon (model 860)
spectrophotometer after suspension of a cell pellet in a Sampling Sites
sucrose solution (Pfennig & Triiper, 1992). Figure 1. Numbers of phototrophic bacteria in CPU cm- 3 (A) and
community composition (B) in percentages (PSB, purple sulfurbac-
teria; PNSB, purple nonsulfur bacteria; GSB, green sulfur bacteria)
in the 0-2 cm horizon of the sediments at the sampling sites in
March 1993 (left), June 1993 (center) and September 1993 (right).
Error bars in panel A indicate standard error calculated from three
Cell numbers of phototrophic bacteria and samples.
community structure

The phototrophic bacterial population determined as as A. V. S. and amounts of total organic carbon were
colony forming units (CFU) in the 0 -2 cm layer of the much lower (Figures IA and 2).
sediment samples collected from each sampling site are Analyses of colonies of phototrophic bacteria
presented in Figure IA. Cell numbers increased from which grew in the agar shake tubes showed differences
March to June; from June to September they were sta- in the community structure between the sampling sites
ble in most of the stations, with the exception of station (Figure IB). Purple sulfur bacteria of the Chromati-
B where populations decreased to numbers similar to aceae were always dominant at the non-tidal stations
those recorded in March. The highest numbers, rang- (X, 11 and C), representing between 70 and 85% of the
ing from 5 x lO6 to 5 x 107 CFU cm -3, were found in total phototrophic community. Nevertheless, at these
the Certes Fishponds (station C) and the inner stations sampling sites, the population of purple nonsulfur bac-
of the Prevost Lagoon and Arcachon Bay (stations 11 teria increased from March to September, increasing
and B). These stations are also characterized by hight from 2-5% to 20-30%. In contrast, at station B, sub-
amounts of acid-volatile sulfide (A. V. S.) and total jected to tidal influence in the Arcachon Bay, purple
organic carbon as shown in Figure 2. In contrast, at the sulfur bacteria were less dominant and purple nonsul-
two sites directly subjected to tidal influences (stations fur bacteria represented a significant component of the
A and X), the numbers of phototrophic bacteria as well phototrophic bacterial community through the duration
of this investigation. At station B purple nonsulfur bac-

5 Phototrophic Bacteria (

r = 0,946
- '8-+
=s: (C) ~
0 >< ><
0-5. +
.... 3 •(11 ) 5-10.
10-20. .,.

U r--
20-30. J x
u 30-50. 3- +
'cro 2
0 '"
10-20. ~.

I- Q
20-30. +1
4 6 8 10 12 .....S
30-50. +1
AVS. (
0-5. 01
Figure 2. Total organic carbon and acid volatile sulfide in the 0-2 cm
horizon of the sediment at the sampling stations in March 1993.
20-30. ~
30-50. c

teria composed up to 40% of the phototrophic bacterial Figure 3. Vertical distribution of phototrophic bacteria in the top
community. five em of the sampling sites in September 1993. Error bars indicate
standard error calculated from three samples.
In September 1993 the phototrophic bacterial po-
pulations were determined from zero to five cm depth
in the sediments (Figure 3). In the non-tidal stations,
the highest numbers were found in the upper 5 mm
of the sediment. Numbers decreased below this hori- by the genera Rhodobacter and/or Rhodovulum and
zon however phototrophic bacteria were still present Rhodopseudomonas and/or Rhodobium at station B.
at 5 cm depth, ranging from 105 (station X) to 107 From the three different ecosystems several strains
CFU cm- 3 (station C). At the tidal stations A and B, were isolated and identified according to their morpho-
the highest numbers were found in the 5-10 mm depth logical and physiological properties, in order to assess
horizon of the sediment. their taxonomic position and their metabolic capacities.
Data presented in Table 2 shows the major characteris-
Diversity o/phototrophic bacteria tics of some isolates. On the basis of their morphology
and carotenoids composition, several strains could be
Analyses of the data on the diversity of the phototro- classified with the genera Chromatium (Chr.), Thiocap-
phic bacteria in the samples collected in Septem- sa (Tea.), Thiocystis (Tcs.), Rhodobacter (Rba.) and/or
ber 1993 show that there were significant differences Rhodovulum (Rdv.), Rhodopseudomonas (Rps.) and/or
between the sampling sites (Table 1). Among the Chro- Rhodobium (Rbi.), Rhodospirillum (Rsp.) and Prosthe-
matiaceae, bacteria belonging to the genus Thiocapsa cochloris (Prs.).
were dominant (40-45%) at station 11 in the Prevost Data from the physiological tests (Tables 3 and 4)
Lagoon whereas in the Arcachon Bay and Certes Fish- enable several strains to be identified to the species
ponds, the motile purple sulfur bacteria of the genera level. Thus it was found that bacteria resembling Chr.
Chromatium and Thiocystis were dominant. Green sul- gracile and Tea. roseopersicina as well as bacteria
fur bacteria were detected only in the non-tidal stations, resembling the genera Rhodobacter and/or Rhodovu-
and were a minor component of the phototrophic bac- lum were found in all the lagoons. Tidal station A in the
terial community (0,5 to 4%). Among them, bacteria Arcachon Bay was characterized by isolates belonging
of the genus Prosthecochloris were dominant. A sig- to the species Chr. purpuratum and Rdv. suljidophilum,
nificant feature was the presence of substential num- whereas at station B the last species was the dominant
bers of purple nonsulfur bacteria, mainly represented member of the purple nonsuifur bacteria isolated.
Table 1. Composition of phototrophic bacterial communities obtained from the different sam-
pling sites in September. Water: Phototrophic bacterial numbers (CPU ml- 1) and percentages
are calculated from a single enumeration, sediments: Community composition are calculated
from three samples and from the average percentages of the different sediments depth (percent-
ages ± SE).



CFUml- 1 3.5 x 103 7.2 X 104 1.2 X 102

PNSB 31.4 37.5 50.0

PSB No Water No Water 68.6 55.6 50.0

Chr.fTes. 57.1 25.0 25.0
Chr. (P) 2.9 5.6 0
Tea. 8.6 25.0 25.0

GSB N.D. 6.9 N.D.


PNSB 4.1 ± 1.9 42.7 ± 2.9 21.4 ± 9.1 25.7 ± 13.1 37.6±4.2

PSB 95.9 ± 1.9 57.3 ± 2.9 75.0 ± 10.9 72.5 ± 13.8 61.7 ± 3.9
Chr.fTes. 63.9 ± 11.2 26.7 ± 3.7 39.5 ± 11.6 29.1 ± 6.9 29.8 ± 3.5
Chr. (P) 10.7 ± 7.2 1204 ± lOA 10.2 ± 0.9 8.5 ± 704 3A± 2.3
Tea. 21.3 ± 12.9 18.2 ± 6.9 25.3 ± 3.2 34.9 ± 8.1 28.5 ± 3.2

GSB N.D. N.D. 3.6± 2.2 1.8 ± 2.6 0.7±0.9

Community: PNSB, purple nonsulfur bacteria; PSB, purple sulfur bacteria (Chr.fTcs., red
Chromatium sp. and/or Thillcystis sp.; Chr. (P), purple Chromatiaceae; Tea .• Thillcapsa sp.);
GSB, green sulfur bacteria; N.D., not detected.

Station C in Certes Fishponds was characterized Discussion

by a more diverse phototrophic bacterial community
with the presence of isolates resembling Chr. gracile, Sediments from the three coastal ecosystems contained
Chr. buderi, Tea. roseopersicina, Thiocystis sp. (sp. substential populations of phototrophic bacteria, irre-
nov.), Rbi. marinum, Rhodovulum sp., Rhodospirillum spective of sampling site. It is perhaps not surpris-
sp. (sp. nov.) and Prs. aestuarii. Green sulfur bacte- ing that such ecosystems are excellent habitats for
ria resembling the genera Pelodictyon and Chlorobium phototrophic bacteria. Their coastal position promotes
were also present but have not been isolated in pure eutrophication and the sediments are rich in organ-
culture. ic matter due to high primary production by algae
In the Prevost Lagoon, Tea. roseopersicina and and plants. These conditions lead to the anoxia of
Chr. gracile were the dominant species of the pho- the surface layers of the sediments and consequently
totrophic community. Further strains could be identi- favor sulfate-reducing bacteria which generate large
fied as species of the purple nonsulfur bacteria (Rdv. amounts of reduced sulfur compounds (Caumette,
sulfidofilum, Rbi. marinum, Rps. blastica) and the 1986). Due to shallow water, relatively high light
green sulfur bacteria (Prs. aestuarii). intensities reach the sediments (Lassen et aI., 1993)
Table 2. Main characteristics of some isolated phototrophic bacteria.

Isolate Shape,cell Size (f./m) Motile So in Carotenoid Gen

division (a) L. X lorD. (b) (e) (d)
code cells

Prevost lagoon

EP 2201 ovoidlrod .. f I - 1.5 x 2.5 - 3 + + sp, Iy, rh Chr

EP 2204 sphere-f 0.8 - 1.5 + sp Tca
EP2205 ovoid/rod-f 1-2 x 2.5 - 4 + + sp. Iy, rh Chr
EP2208 sphere-f 1-2 + sp Tca
EP2209 ovoidlrod-f 0.9 - 1.6 x 2 - 4 + + sp, Iy, rh Chr
EP 5811 sphere-f 1.5 - 2.5 + ok Tca

EP2101 rod-f 0.4 - 0.6 x 0.7 - 1.5 + se, sn Rdv.

EP 2104 ovoid/rod-b 0.4 - 0.7 x I - 1.5 + se, sn Rps
EP2105 ovoidlrod-b 0.5 - 0.7 X 1-2.5 + sp Rbi.
EP2402 starlike-f 0.7-1.3 chi Prs

Arcachon Bay

102201 ovoidlrod-f 1.5 - 2 x 3 - 4.5 + + sp, Iy, rh Chr

102203 rod-f 0.9 - 1.3 x 2.5 - 5 + + ok Chr
102204 ovoidlrod-f I- 1.5 x 2 - 5 + + sp, Iy, rh Chr
102102 rod-f 0.6 - I x 1.5 - 2.5 + se, sn Rdv
102103 rod-f 0.5 - 0.8 x 1.5 - 2.5 + se, sn Rdv
BA 2101 rod-f 0.5 - I x 1-2 + se,sn Rdv
BA 2102 rod-f 0.5 - I x I - 1.7 + se,sn Rdv

Certes lagoon

CE 2201 ovoid/rod-f 0.9 - 1.6 x 2 - 4 + + sp, Iy, rh Chr

CE 2203 sphere-f 1.5 - 2 + + Iy, sp, rh Tcs
CE 2205 ovoid/rod-f 1 - 1.4 x 3 - 4.5 + + sp, Iy, rh Chr
CE 2206 ovoid/rod-f 2.5 - 3.5 x 3.5 - 7.0 + + ral , rol Chr
CE 2207 sphere-f 1-2 + + Iy, sp, rh Tcs
CE 2209 sphere-f 1.5 - 2.5 + sp Tca
CE 2102 rod-b 0.5 - 0.9 x I - 2 + sp Rbi.
CE 2104 ovoid-f 0.6 - 1.2 x 1.2 - 2 + se, sn Rdv
CE 2105 spiral-f 0.6 - I x 2.5 - 5.5 + Rsp
CE 2401 starlike-f 0.6- I chi Prs

(a) Cell division: f, binary fission; b, budding.

(b) Size: L, length; I, width; D, diameter.
(e) Carotenoids: sp, spiriIloxanthin; Iy, Iycopene; rh, rhodopin; r"1, rhodopinal; rol , rhodopinol; se,
spheroidene; sn, spheroidenone; chi, chlorobactene.
(d) Genus: Chr, Chromatium; Tca, Thiocapsa; Tcs, Thiocyst;s; Rdv, Rhodovuium; Rps, Rhodopseu-
domonas; Rsp, Rhodospirillum; Prs, Prosthecochloris; Rbi, Rhodobium.
(e) Data from Caumette et ai., 1985.

and allow the phototrophic development of anoxygenic When the results obtained in this study at the five
phototrophic bacteria. Thus, the availability of organic different sampling sites are compared, some impor-
matter, anoxic conditions, reduced sulfur compounds tant features are evident. The inner stations of these
and light will control the numbers and activities of the ecosystems (stations 11, Band C) appear to have more
phototrophic bacteria (Caumette, 1992). favorable conditions for the development and main-
tenance of phototrophic bacteria. These stations are

Table 3. Physiological characteristics of some phototrophic sulfur bacteria isolated from Etang du
Prevost, Bassin d' Arcachon and Certes fishponds

Site Prevost. EP Arcachon.IO Certes. CE

Strain N° 2201 2208 2203 2204 2201 2203 2206 2209

Genus Chr. Tea. Chr. Chr. Chr. Tes. Chr. Tea.

NaCl (% w/v) 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 ND ND

N2-fixation + + + + + + + +
S04-red + + + + +
Oxygen m m an m m m an m
Optimum pH 7.1 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.0 7.15 7.15 7.2

Electron donors
Sulfide + + + + + + (+) +
Sulfite + + + (+)
Thiosulfate + + + + + + +
Sulfur + + + + + + + +

Formate +
Acetate + + + + + + + +
Propionate + + + + + + +
Butyrate + + + +
Valerate + + + +
Caprylate +
Lactate + + + + + +
Glycolate + + +
Pyruvate + + + + + + + +
Malate + + + + + (+) (+) +
Fumarate + + + + + + (+) +
Succinate + + + + + + (+) +
Fructose + + +
Ethanol +
Propanol +
Glycerol + +
Yeast extract + + + + + + + +
Casamino- (+) + (+)

Genus: Chr, Chromatium; Tea, Thiocapsa; Tcs, Thiocystis.

Oxygen: m, microaerophilic growth with sulfide (2.5 mM) and sulfide (0.8 mM) plus acetate
(10 mM) in the dark; an, strictly anaerobic.
Electron donors: -: growth is similar to control; (+): growth is between I and 2 times more than
control; +: growth is 2 times or more than control.
Table 4. Physiological characteristics of phototrophic nonsulfur bacteria isolated from Etang du
Prevost, Bassin d' Arcachon and Certes fishponds.

Site Prevost. EP Arcachon. 10 Certes. CE

Strain N° 2101 2104 2105 2102 2103 2102 2104 2105

Genus Rdv. Rdw. Rbi. Rdv. Rdv. Rbi. Rdv. Rsp.

NaCI (% w/v) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 NO NO NO

N2-fixation + + + + + + + +
S04-red + + + + + + + +
Oxygen ae m m ae ae ae ae ae
Optimum pH 6.6 6.8 6.7 6.8 6.7 6.8 6.8 6.8

Electron donors
Sulfide + + + + + + +
Thiosulfate + + + + +
Sulfur +

Formate + + (+) + + (+) + +

Acetate + + + + + + + +
Propionate + + + + + + + +
Butyrate + + + + + + + +
Valerate + + + + + + +
Caprylate + + + + + +
Pelargonate + + NO + + +
Lactate + + + + + + + +
Glycolate + + + + + (+) +
Pyruvate + + + + + + + +
Malate + + + + + + + +
Fumarate + + + + + + + +
Succinate + + + + + + + +
Citrate + + + + (+)
Glucose + + + + + + +
Fructose + + + + + + +
Gluconate + + + + + + + +
Methanol NO (+)
Ethanol + + + + +
Glycerol + + + + +

Genus: Rps, Rhodopseudomonas; Rbi, Rhodobium; Rsp, Rhodospirillum; Rdv, Rhodovulum.

Oxygen: m, microaerophilic growth with sulfide (0.8 mM) plus acetate (10 mM) in the dark; ae,
aerobic growth.
Electron donors: -: growth is similar to control; (+): growth is between 1 and 2 times more than
control; +: growth is 2 times or more than control.

characterized by high levels of organic matter and have tions A and B) were less eutrophic and characterized
high acid volatile sulfide concentrations, indicating the by lower populations of phototrophic bacteria.
strong activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria (Bourgues Whilst similarities in the total population of pho-
et aI., 1994). In contrast, the two tidal stations (sta- to trophic bacteria were observed in all three lagoon
systems, major differences were recorded in the com-

munity structure. For example, green sulfur bacteria In the Certes Fishponds, the inner station C was
were only found in the sediments at the sampling sta- characterized by high organic matter and acid-volatile
tions C and 11. These bacteria do not tolerate oxygen sulfide levels as was station 11 in the Prevost Lagoon.
as the purple bacteria do, and therefore have never The main difference between these two sampling
been found in the eutrophic but tidal station B in the sites was their macrophyte composition (Auby et ai.,
Arcachon Bay. Phototrophic purple bacteria that are 1993) and the abundance of meiobenthos (Buffan &
commonly found in coastal marine sediments (Pfennig, Castel, 1993). At station C, Ruppia cirrhosa (Pet.)
1989) were also widely distributed at all the sampling Grande was the dominant component of the macro-
stations investigated in this study. Other phototrophic phyte biomass and maintained a relatively stable stand-
bacteria such as members of the Chlorofiexaceae or ing crop throughout the year. At station 11, as well as
the Heliobacteriaceae have not been detected in these station X, the principal primary producer was the alga
lagoon systems, even when enrichment cultures were Ulva sp. which could achieve biomass levels of 370 g
applied. m- 2 of dry mass. Station 11 was characterized by a
Among the purple bacteria, the purple nonsulfur sharp decrease in meiobenthos abundance during the
bacteria were well represented at all the sampling summer, whereas in the Certes Fishponds meioben-
sites, especially at station B. These bacteria are widely thos biomass increased significantly in summer due to
distributed in organic rich aquatic environments such the presence of transient meiofauna populations (poly-
as sewage contaminated waters (Siefert et ai., 1978; chaete larvae) which could reach densities greater than
Kobayashi, 1977) or lagoons subjected to excessive 3000 individuals cm- 2 (Buffan & Castel, 1993). This
pollution (Deveze & Fauvel, 1966; Caumette, 1987). meiofauna may play a significant role in the biotur-
At station B the sediments receive large quantities bation of the sediments, leading to the resuspension
of organic matter. The total biomass of the macro- of reduced sulfur compounds trapped in the deeper
phytes Monostroma obscurum and Zostera sp. at this sediment layers. These ecological considerations may
site may reach 260 g m- 2 of dry mass (Auby et ai., account for the observed differences in community
1993). Decomposition of this organic matter favor structure of phototrophic bacteria at the two sites.
high sulfate-reduction rates at this station (Finster et In the Certes Fishponds, numbers of phototrophic
ai., 1994) and the concomitant release of low molecu- bacteria were higher than those at the Prevost Lagoon
lar weight organic compounds which are metabolized and the community structure was more diverse, par-
by purple nonsulfur bacteria. The Rhodovulum and ticularly among the dominant purple sulfur bacte-
Rhodobium strains isolated from the Arcachon Bay ria which included Chromatium gracile, Chromatium
were found to be able to utilise a wide range of sim- buderi, Thiocystis sp. and Thiocapsa roseopersicina.
ple organic compounds (organic acids, sugars, sugar- In contrast, the community of purple sulfur bacteria in
alcohols, amino acids) but also sulfide. These isolates the Prevost Lagoon was strongly dominated by bacte-
are less sensitive to oxygen than purple sulfur bacte- ria resembling Thiocapsa roseopersicina, as was previ-
ria, and therefore dominated the phototrophic bacterial ously reported by Caumette (1986). Thiocapsa roseop-
community at station B because oxygen diffused down ersicina is a purple sulfur bacterium well adapted to the
into the sediments at low tide periods. fluctuating conditions of oxygen and sulfide (De Wit
At sampling station A, a tidal site dominated by the & van Gemerden, 1987, 1990; Schaub & Van Gemer-
macrophyte Zostera noltii Hornem. that forms beds den, 1994). Such fluctuating conditions occur period-
without decaying algae (Auby et ai., 1993), purple ically in the Prevost Lagoon. Macroalgae are rapidly
nonsulfur bacteria only composed a minor compo- degraded with a concomitant rapid consumption of dis-
nent of the phototrophic bacterial community. At this solved oxygen. Further degradation is carried out by
site, purple sulfur bacteria dominated the community. sulfate-reducing bacteria that form hydrogen sulfide in
Among them, several strains resembling Chromatium the entire water column, leading to dystrophic crises
purpuratum were isolated. This is a typical marine and (Amanieu et ai., 1975). During these crises, Thiocapsa
strictly anaerobic species isolated from marine sponges roseopersicina is the dominant phototrophic bacterium
(Imhoff & Trtiper, 1980) and marine sediments (Ma- that develops in the water column, producing red water
theron, 1972) (Table 3). This bacterium also formed and oxidizing the toxic sulfide (Caumette, 1986). In
purple layers on sandy sediments adjacent to station contrast, at station B which is exposed to air period-
A. ically, as well as at the non-tidal station C, the high
levels of iron in the sediments playa significant role

in trapping the hydrogen sulfide generated by sulfate Cerruti, A., 1938. Le condizioni oceanographiche et biologiche del
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Cline, J. D., 1969. Spectrophotometric determination of hydrogen
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This study was financed by a joint ED project on de Wit, R. & H. van Gemerden, 1987. Chemolithotrophic growth of
Coastal Lagoon Eutrophication and Anaerobic pro- the phototrophic purple sulfur bacterium Thiocapsa roseopersic-
cesses (CLEAN), Contract number EV5V - CT92 - ina. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 45: 117-126.
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Zooplankton variability related to environmental changes in a eutrophic

coastal lagoon in the Po Delta

Sandra Sei, Giampaolo Rossetti, Ferdinando Villa & Ireneo Ferrari

Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Vniversita di Parma, 43100 Parma, Itaiy

Key words: Po Delta, coastal lagoons, dystrophic crisis, zooplankton, copepods


Zooplankton variability in a lagoon of the Po Delta, the Sacca di Goro, was studied in relation to changes in
its hydrodynamic and hydrological features. From 1987 to 1992 the lagoon was affected each summer by severe
anoxia due to the decomposition of dense and widespread beds of Viva rigida. In August 1992 a canal was opened
through the sand bank closing off the lagoon from the sea in order to improve the water circulation. This hydraulic
intervention led to significant environmental changes in the lagoon: during the two subsequent years the summer
dystrophic crises were brief and less severe, due to a sharp decrease in the Viva cover. At the same time a clear
increase in phytoplankton biomass values was observed. Following the opening of the channel, the most remarkable
change in zooplankton was a significant density increase of calanoids, particularly of Acartia tonsa.

Introduction et aI., 1992; 1993a). These dystrophic episodes were

particularly severe in the sheltered eastern zone (Valle
In recent years a great number of investigations has di Gorino), which was closed off from the sea by a
broadened our knowledge of the structure, variability large sand bank. At the beginning of August 1992,
and ecological role of zooplankton in coastal lagoons after a protracted and particularly severe anoxic event
and estuarine environments (Menendez & Comin, which resulted in a high mortality of farmed popu-
1986; Lam Hoai & Amanieu, 1989; Castel, 1993; lations of mussels and clams, a channel, 300-400 m
Soetaert & van Rijswijk, 1993; Bakker, 1994; Bakker wide and more than 2 m deep, was cut through the
& van Rijswijk, 1994; Laprise & Dodson, 1994). sand bank (Figure 1): this hydraulic intervention led to
The main results of research on zooplankton in ital- a significant increase of sea water inflow and of water
ian lagoons have been summarized by Carrada et aI. renewal in the Valle di Gorino. In the subsequent years
(1987) and Ceccherelli et al. (1994). Since the seven- a sharp reduction of the Viva cover was observed and
ties a particularly strong research effort has concen- the summer dystrophic events were quite mild and brief
trated on the zooplankton in lagoons of the Po Delta: (Viaroli et aI., 1993b).
the spatial distribution pattern of the biocoenosis, the In this paper variability of zooplankton (particular-
interactions connecting it to the other compartments ly of the copepod component) in the Sacca di Goro
and the exchange of plankton biomass between lagoon has been investigated in relation to the environmen-
and sea have been investigated (Ferrari & Chieregato, tal changes which occurred following the cutting of
1981; Ferrari et aI., 1985, Ambrogi et aI., 1989). the channel. Analyses were performed on zooplankton
Special attention has been paid to the study of samples collected monthly from 1987 to 1989 (Ferrari
plankton communities in the Sacca di Goro, a subti- et aI., 1993) and then for three subsequent years, from
dallagoon located in the southern part of the Po Delta 1992 to 1994.
(Ferrari et aI., 1993) (Figure 1). From 1987 to 1992 this
lagoon was affected by summer anoxic events, due to
decomposition of Viva rigida C. Agardh beds (Viaroli

.' . ~


./ I


.... "

........ ,'
. o 2 Km
I 1

... • '0,' • ,/
... I
... "\

.. ,

FiRure 1, Sacca di Goro: sampling stations are indicated; the arrow shows the position of the sand bank cut.

Materials and methods identification was, when possible, made to the species
level for the copepods and cladocerans. For data pro-
Zooplankton samples were collected at two stations, cessing all identified taxonomic units were subdivided
St. 4 in the centre of the lagoon and St. 8 in the Valle di into 18 major groups: Noctiluca, tintinnids, Synchaeta,
Gorino (Figure 1), at monthly intervals from Novem- other rotifer species, polychaete larvae, gastropod lar-
ber 1987 to October 1989 and then from March to vae, bivalve larvae, cirriped larvae, decapod larvae,
December 1992, from April to November 1993 and cladocerans, copepod nauplii, copepod copepodids
from February to December 1994. Tidal phase vari- and adults (subdivided into five categories: freshwa-
ations were not the same for the different sampling ter copepods, brackish water copepods, euplankton-
dates. ic calanoids, euplanktonic cyclopoids, euplanktonic
Sampling was carried out with a 15 I Patalas trap: harpacticoids), tunicates and 'other groups'.
at least 150 I of water were taken from the entire water Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) (Ter
column (maximum depth was about 2 m) for each Braak, 1986) was applied in data analysis. CCA allows
sample and then filtered through a 50 JIm mesh net. ordination of a set of samples, each defined by a list
A buffered formaldehyde solution (4%) was used as of species abundances, under the constraint that ordi-
fixative. nation axes are a linear combination of environmental
Simultaneously with zooplankton sampling, water variables measured for each sample. This multivariate
temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen (Winkler technique assumes that species abundance response to
method, APHA, 1975) and phytoplankton chlorophyll- variables follows a unimodal, bell-shaped curve. CCA
a content (trichromatic method, APHA, 1975) were provides ordination of both samples and species points,
measured at both the surface and near bottom layers highlighting the importance of species in determining
of the water column (for 1994 data are available only sample composition.
from March to August). A simple graphical representation (biplot) can be
Zooplankton counting was carried out on subsam- drawn, where environmental variables are represented
pIes taken by a Hansen-Stempel pipette. Taxonomic by arrows in the ordination space. Then sample (and

species) point projections on the arrows are estimates ic episodes, following improvised emergency inter-
of the 'score' of each point with respect to environ- ventions on the sand bank aimed to favour a temporary
mental variables. In the case of species, this score can inflow of seawater into the lagoon (Ferrari et aI., 1993).
be thought of as species performance estimates along The increase of phytoplankton chlorophyll-a coincided
the corresponding environmental gradient. with the reduction of Viva biomass. Other phenome-
All ordination techniques are by their own nature na closely related to the decreased spreading of this
explorative, thus a significance test of the results has nitrophilous macro alga have been detailed by Viaroli
a purely indicative value. In the case of CCA, a cru- et al. (1993b) and Bartoli & Viaroli (pers. comm.): dur-
cial issue is that the species data set is fully or part- ing 1993 and 1994 a shorter phase of spring depletion
ly explained by the environmental variables consid- of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and a shorter duration
ered. To assess the significance of ordination axes of summer anoxia in a narrow easternmost area of the
for explorative purposes, a Monte Carlo permutation Valle di Gorino were observed. In addition, experi-
test is usually performed: in each one of a number of ments carried out in 1993 and 1994 with the dark and
CCAs, the order of environmental variable values is light bottle method and dark core incubation showed,
randomly permuted. From the distribution of the ordi- in comparison with the previous years, a significant
nation statistic chosen (usually the eigenvalue), one reduction of the metabolic acti vity (production and res-
can estimate the probability that environmental vari- piration) of the macroalgal compartment compared to
ables would have no significant effect on the species the planktonic compartment as well as a decrease in
data set, by computing the percentage p of runs yield- the sediment oxygen demand.
ing statistics equal to or greater than that observed. Zooplankton abundance and composition also
A CCA of the Sacca di Goro data was performed underwent significant changes. Until 1992 total zoo-
using abundances of the 18 taxonomic groups, after plankton density at St. 8 was characterized by sudden,
a log( 1 + x) transformation. Environmental variables very high peaks, generally linked to phytoplankton
were: temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and phy- chlorophyll-a maxima. In the subsequent years total
toplankton chlorophyll-a content: data recorded at the density had more reduced fluctuations; furthermore,
surface layer of the water column were used. The its seasonal trend showed less pronounced differences
excessive sensitivity of CCA to rare species was com- from St. 4 (Figure 2).
pensated by using down weighting as suggested by The copepod nauplii were, on the average, the dom-
Hill (1979). CCA was performed by means of the inant group, with the highest abundance peak in the
CANOCO program (Ter Braak, 1988), running on a Valle di Gorino (1299 ind 1-1 in July 1992); they fol-
IBM-compatible Pc. Separate CCAs were conducted lowed the same general trend observed for total zoo-
for the two sampling stations, with Monte Carlo signif- plankton (Figure 2). The species belonging to the five
icance tests using first eigenvalues extracted and 1000 categories of copepodids and adults of copepods are
permutations each time. The biplot diagrams of envi- listed in Table 1. Freshwater copepods occurred with a
ronmental variables and taxa scores are represented very low frequency. The brackish water fraction, main-
separately for the periods before and after the cut of ly represented by epibenthic and phytal harpacticoids,
the sand-bank; in other diagrams sample scores for the showed larger abundances at St. 8 (16 and 17 ind 1-1
entire period of investigation are given separately for in July 1988 and August 1992, respectively) during
each year. the decomposition phase of macroalgal beds; at the
same station, a decreasing trend was observed after
August 1992: maximum density was 9 ind 1-1 in 1993
Results (May) and 2 ind I-I in 1994 (December). Abundances
of neritic euplanktonic cyclopoids (chiefly belonging
The change in the lagoon hydrological conditions after to the genus Oithona) and harpacticoids did not vary
the hydraulic intervention in August 1992 was reflect- appreciably: density maxima were 7-8 and 5 ind 1-1,
ed, first of all, by higher values of phytoplankton respectively, both before and after August 1992.
chlorophyll-a content at St. 8 (Figure 2). In previ- From 1987 to 1989 calanoids were characterized
ous years, particularly in 1992, chlorophyll-a con- by relatively high abundance values during winter
tent of the water ranged around values less than 5 Ji,g months, mainly sustained by neritic forms, in particu-
1-1 through the entire growing season: isolated phyto- lar Acartia clausi Giesbrecht. In 1993 and 1994 they
plankton blooms occurred only after the summer anox- showed sharply higher densities than in previous years
ChIoropb)'U. II

-. --
51. • ~
SI. • .

I, 40

I ,
I I 20

Total zooplallktoa





Copepod aaupJII


1500 1500

1000 1000




Figure 2. Sacca di Goro: phytoplankton chlorophyll-a concentration at the surface layer, density of total zooplankton and copepod nauplii at
St. 4 and St. 8 from 1987 to 1989 and from 1992 to 1994.

at both stations (Figure 3): this increased abundance peaks of calanoid density in September 1989 (75 ind
was due almost exclusively to Acartia tansa Dana, a I-I at StA) and then in July (189 ind I-I at St. 4)
species typical of highly eutrophic coastal areas and and August 1994 (198 ind 1-1 at St. 8) were mostly
harbour environments (Brylinski, 1981). A. tansa was supported by A. tansa. This led to the progressive dis-
found for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea by appearance of the congeneric species Acartia margalefi
Gaudy & Vinas (1985) in a great brackish water pond Alcaraz and Acartia latisetasa Kriczaguin, which are
near Marseille and for the first time in the Adriatic Sea typical of the most confined areas of the lagoons of the
by Farabegoli et al. (1989) in the lagoons of the Po Adriatic Sea: after 1989 no individuals belonging to
River Delta. Over the period under investigation, A. these two species were found. The congeneric marine
tansa gradually came to be the dominant species of the species A. clausi was found in most samples, especial-
plankton copepod component of the Sacca di Goro: the ly at St. 4, but its abundance gradually decreased both
ind'I- 1 51.4 -0--
SOO SOO 5L. - -. --

400 400

300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0

Gastropod larvae
ind·I- 1
90 90

60 60

30 30 I I

,, 1,



100 I
~\ 1\ .... ~\
0 r/!:i!-~,~ I ,~,k I I I I ,~,


Figure 3. Sacca di Goro: density of Synchaeta, gastropod larvae and calanoids (copepodids and adults) at St. 4 and St. 8 from 1987 to 1989 and
from 1992 to 1994.

in the Valle di Gorino and in the centre of the lagoon, Among meroplankton, decapod larvae exceeded
until it represented only a slight fraction of the Acartia 2 ind 1-1 only at St. 8 from May to July 1993 and
complex density in 1994. in June 1994; from 1987 to 1994 they were signif-
A clear increase in the Valle di Gorino was observed icantly increasing at St. 4 too. Polychaete, bivalve
for marine cladocerans as well: from 1987 to 1992 at and cirriped larvae showed conspicuous densities at
St. 8 they never exceeded 1 ind 1-1, whereas they both stations, generally from March to September,
showed a peak of 11 ind 1-1 in both September 1993 throughout the research period. Density maxima for
and September 1994. The highest density value (37 ind these three taxa were found at St. 4: 417 ind 1-1 in
1-1) was recorded in June 1994 at St. 4. The most August 1989 for polychaete larvae, 196 ind 1-1 in July
important species was Podon polyphemoides Leuck. 1988 for bivalve larvae and 35 ind 1-1 in July 1989 for
cirriped larvae. The high densities of bivalve larvae
Table 1. Species of copepods occurring in the zooplankton
samples collected in the Sacca di Goro.
can be related to the presence in the southern area of
the lagoon of extensive banks of the cultivated clam
Freshwaters cope pods Tapes philippinarum Adams & Reeve. The consider-
Acanthocyclops sp. able cirriped larvae abundance seems to be dependent
Brackish copepods on the large number of wood and cement artificial sub-
Calanipeda aquaedulcis Kritz strata widespread in all the lagoon. Gastropod larvae,
Halicyclops rotundipes Kiefer probably belonging to the genus Hydrobia, a small
Halicyciops sp. snail closely associated with the Ulva thalli, at St. 8
Cyclopina gracilis Claus decreased sharply from the peak of84 ind 1-1 in August
Cyciopina sp. 1992 to maximum densities of 8 to 9 ind 1-1 in 1993
and 1994 (Figure 3).
Parategastes sphaericus Claus
A decreasing trend for Synchaeta was evidenced at
Canuella perplexa Scott
both the stations: the peaks observed in 1988 (222 ind
Ecfinosol1U1 dentatum Steuer
1-1 at St. 4 and 165 ind I-I at St. 8 in July) and
Ecfinosoma sp.
1989 (485 ind 1-1 at St. 4 and 141 ind 1-1 at St. 8
Horsiella sp.
Microarthridion ./allax Perkins
in March) progressively decreased; in 1994 a remark-
Harpacticus fiexulosus Ceccherelli ably lower density was noted (Figure 3). Other rotifer
Harpacficus fiexus Brady & Robertson species rarely occurred, although in August 1992 iso-
Tisbe holoturiae Humes lated peaks (255 ind 1-1 at St. 4 and 43 ind 1-1 at St. 8),
Tisbe sp. mainly sustained by Brachionus plicatilis O.E Milller,
Amphiascus parvus Sars were recorded.
Amonardia normani Brady Noctiluca and tintinnids were generally found in
Schizopera compacta De Lint low density, except for a tintinnid abundance peak of
Diosaccopsis rubeus Blian 260 ind I-I at St. 8 in August 1992.
Ameira parvula Claus Both the occurrence frequency and abundance of
Nitocra typica Boeck tunicates (appendicularians), a typical marine group
Mesochra pygmaea Claus generally associated with neritic species of copepods,
Asellopsis sarmantica lakubisiak were quite low throughout the research period; at St.
Robertgurneya simi/is A. Scott
4, however, their frequency and abundance (with a
Euplanktonic calanoids
maximum of 6 ind I-I in September 1992) appeared
Calanus helgolandicus Claus
more relevant than at St. 8, where tunicates were found
Paracalus parvus Claus
only in three samples with a maximum of 1 ind 1-1 in
Pseudocalanus elongatus Boeck
September 1993.
Clausocalanus sp.
Temora longicornis Milller
The main results of CCA are presented in the
Temora stylitera Dana
biplot diagrams of the environmental variables and
Centropages ponticus Karavaev taxa scores for St. 4 and St. 8, separately for the pre- and
Centropages typicus Kr6yer post-cut period (Figure 4). The statistical significance
Acartia clausi Giesbrecht of the effects of the environmental variables, tested
Acartia latisetosa Kriczaguin by the Monte Carlo permutation procedure, should be
Acartia margaleft Alcaraz noted. Before the channel was cut, at both stations
Acartia tonsa Dana the community composition could be accounted for by
Euplanktonic cyclopoids environmental variables: the p value is < 0.01 for St.
Oithona nana Giesbrecht 4 and 0.01 for St. 8. In contrast, after August 1992 the
Oithona similis Claus environmental variables do not significantly explain
Oithona sp. the zooplanktonic community structure: p values are
Oncaea subtilis Giesbrecht 0.20 and 0.28 for St. 4 and St. 8, respectively.
Oncaea media Giesbrecht CCA ordination before August 1992 at St. 4 is
Oncaea sp.
characterized by the importance of salinity which con-
Corycaeus sp.
tributes particularly to the first axis in contrast both to
Euplanktonic harpacticoids
chlorophyll concentration and temperature. The typ-
Microsetella norvegica Boeck
ically marine taxa, tunicates, cyclopoids, harpacti-
Euterpina acutifi,(Jns Dana

St. 4
(a) 22%

cl ro
cd C dU be
58% 52%

T no


p< om p = 0.20

St. 8
(a) dl ! 22%
I (b) be 28%

ti gl

50% 53%


p =0.01 p =0.28

no = Noctiluca bl = Bivalve larvae bs = Brackish copepods

ti = Tintinnids cl = Cirriped larvae ca = Euplanktonic calanoids
ro = Rotifers dl = Decapod larvae cy = Euplanktonic cyclopoids
sy = Synchaeta cd = Cladocerans ha = Euplanktonic harpacticoids
pI = Polychaete larvae na = Copepod nauplii tu = Tunicates
gl = Gastropod larvae fc = Freshwater copepods og = Other groups
Figure 4. CCA of the zooplankton in the Sacca di Goro: scores of environmental variables and taxonomic groups in the plane of the first two
axes of the ordination for the pre· and post-cut periods (a and b respectively) at St. 4 and St. 8.

coids, and especially calanoids whose relative abun- on the upper right quadrant where salinity and chloro-
dance peaked during the winter months, are associated phyll content are at their maxima: indeed, in 1988 and
with the highest salinity values. At St. 8 ordination 1989 cyclopoids and calanoids occurred with isolated
space shows the larger part of taxa aggregated close to summer peaks after the dystrophic crisis.
the origin; tunicates, cyclopoids and calanoids, how- After August 1992 ordination at both stations still
ever, are separated from the other groups and located points to a close relationship between salinity and the

two typically marine taxa represented by tunicates and phytes to the dominance of phytoplankton within the
cyclopoids, whereas calanoids, which were more and primary producer community.
more dominated by Acartia tansa, are associated with The response of zooplankton to the environmental
autochthonous meroplankton taxa (gastropod, cirriped changes was analysed on an incomplete set of sam-
and bivalve larvae at St. 4, polychaete larvae at both ples. Moreover, data analysis was done on mixed
St. 4 and St. 8). Calanoids, in contrast to what was groups identified according to taxonomic and ecologi-
observed before the channel was cut, appear to be cal analogies among species, and statistical processing
inversely related to chlorophyll content. was carried out for principally explorative purposes.
Environmental variable plots calculated over the Nevertheless, these results seem promising.
entire investigation period, for an easier graph interpre- CCA ordination of both taxa and samples sug-
tation, are presented only for the first year (Figure 5). gests two lines of systemic interpretation of the evo-
At St. 8 the first axis is clearly defined by the opposition lution of the lagoon system we have investigated.
between dissolved oxygen and temperature; such an First, the significance of the differences in zooplank-
ordination underscores the central importance of sum- ton structure before and after the channel was cut is
mertime anoxia for this station. After 1992 a trend of demonstrated: a biocoenosis strongly influenced by
samples (summer ones included) to move towards the the forcing of environmental variables is replaced,
left quadrants, where dissolved oxygen is at its maxi- after 1992, by a biocoenosis more resilient to exter-
mum, is quite evident. At St. 4, on the contrary, the key nal factors. Secondly, the main ecological differences
variable appears to be salinity, which is in opposition between the two sampling areas are represented syn-
to chlorophyll content, thus confirming what had been thetically: in the centre of the lagoon zooplankton
observed in biplots of taxa scores for the same station. variability appears to be dependent on the action of
two factors, autochthonous production (phytoplankton
chlorophyll-a) and the influence of the sea (salinity);
Discussion the Valle di Gorino is characterized chiefly by summer
anoxia, but a tendency to attenuation of dystrophic
The case of the Sacca di Goro is representative of a con- events after 1992 is pointed out.
dition of eutrophy common to many coastal lagoons Analysis of the spatial-temporal patterns of the
and not only those in the Northern Adriatic (Viaroli et individual zooplankton taxa shows regularities and
ai., 1992; Ceccherelli et ai., 1994). The eutrophication consistent trends, above all in the Valle di Gorino:
process accelerated rapidly during the 1980's, leading here, after August 1992, a decrease in taxa strictly
to the enormous growth of Viva biomass and the conse- associated with Viva thalli (e.g., brackish water cope-
quent severe summer anoxia due to its decomposition. pods and gastropod larvae) and, more generally, in
The first dystrophic episode in the lagoon took place the minute zooplankton forms, in particular rotifers,
in 1987, and every summer up to 1992 was charac- was observed. Concurrently, the grazing chain appears
terized by increasingly more severe anoxic crises. The to have been strengthened by the increased density
hydraulic intervention in August 1992 did not result in of larger-sized forms of filter feeders: cladocerans,
a substantial reduction of water column trophism, inas- decapod larvae and above all calanoids represented
much as it remained elevated due to the heavy nutrient by Acartia tansa. The latter species has most proba-
loading from both the catchment area and the sediment. bly only recently colonized the lagoon (Farabegoli et
It did, however, attenuate environmental stress which ai., 1989), but within a period of a few years it has
was particularly severe in the Valle di Gorino and by become the dominant planktonic copepod (resulting
then also evident in the centre of the lagoon (Ferrari et in a reduction in the diversity of the Acartia complex
ai., 1993; Viaroli et ai., 1993a, 1993b). typically confined to the lagoon) and probably a key
The series of data examined in this study shows the species of the entire plankton community. A short-term
transition from an extreme condition towards an envi- zooplankton sampling campaign, we carried out in the
ronment which allows the recovery of a highly resilient Sacca di Goro in July 1994 (unpublished data), con-
ecosystem. The hydrodynamic and hydrological con- firmed the primary importance of A. tansa: in the Valle
ditions created by cutting of the channel resulted first of di Gorino, at ebb tide, copepodids and adults of this
all in the reduction of the area covered by the Viva beds species reached density peaks of more than 500 ind
and a shift from the dominance of macroalgae and epi- I-i.

1988 1989

4 37
47% 9
s 5 10
c 1112 8

1992 1993

4 6 8
5 4 5"




Figure 5. CCA of the zooplankton in the Sacca di Goro from 1988 to 1994: scores of environmental variables and samples in the plane of
the first two axes of the ordination for St. 4 (a) and St. 8 (b). The axes in the yearly subplots have the same scaling; arrows of environmental
variables are shown only in the first subplot. The numbers correspond to sampling months; 5' and 5" indicate two different samples collected
in May 1993.

1988 26% 1989

6 4 5
o 7 10 5 6 7

8 2

1992 1993

6 5'
3 9 5"
5 8 7

7 49




Acknowledgements Ferrari, I. & A. R. Chieregato, 1981. Feeding habits ofjuvenile stages

of Sparus auratus L., Dicentrarchus labrax L. and Mugilidae in
a brackish embayment of the Po River Delta. Aquaculture 25:
This research was supported by the joint EU project 243-257.
'CLEAN: Coastal Lagoon Eutrophication and ANaer- Ferrari, I., M. T. Cantarelli, M. G. Mazzocchi & L. Tosi, 1985.
obic processes' (Contract NO EV5V-CT92-0080). We Analysis of a 24-hour cycle of zooplankton sampling in a lagoon
are grateful to the two anonymous referees for their of the Po River Delta. 1. Plankton Res. 7: 849-865.
Ferrari, I., V. U. Ceccherelli, M. Naldi & P. Viaroli, 1993. Planktonic
helpful comments and criticism on the initial version and benthic communities in a shallow-water dystrophic lagoon.
of this manuscript. Part of our work was made possible Verh. int. Ver. Limno!. 25: 1043-1047.
thanks to Mr Vittorio Gaiani (Dipartimento di Biolo- Gaudy, R. & M. D. Vinas, 1985. Premiere signalisation en
gia, Universita di Ferrara), Mr Tony Zappata (Battello Mediterranee du Copepode pelagique Acartia tonsa. Rapp.
Comm. int. Mer Medit. 29: 227-229.
Hydra, Amministrazione Provinciale di Ferrara), Mr Hill, M. 0., 1979. DECORANA: a FORTRAN program for detrend-
Mimmo Cavalca (Istituto di Ecologia, Universita di ed correspondence analysis and reciprocal averaging. Section of
Parma) and Dr Matteo Cattadori (lTIS "G. Galilei", Ecology and Systematics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
Lam Hoai, T. & M. Amanieu, 1989. Spatial structure and seasonal
San Secondo, Parma). Thanks are also due to Dr Gio-
evolution of surface zooplankton in two mediterranean lagoon
vanni Zurlini (CNR, Roma) for his assistance in the ecosystems. Oceanol. Acta 12: 65-77.
data statistical processing. Laprise, R. &1. 1. Dodson. 1994. Environmental variability as afac-
tor controlling spatial patterns in distribution and species diversity
of zooplankton in the St. Lawrence Estuary. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.
107: 67-81.
References Menendez, M. & F. A. Comin, 1986. Variacion estacional del zoo-
plancton en las lagunas del Delta del Ebro (NE Espana). Oeco!.
Ambrogi, R., I. Ferrari & S. Geraci, 1989. Biotic exchange between aquat. 8: 47-60.
river, lagoon and sea: The case of zooplankton in the Po Delta. Soetaert, K. & P. van Rijswijk, 1993. Spatial and temporal patterns
Scient. Mar. 53: 601-608. of the zooplankton in the Westerschelde estuary. Mar. Eco!. Prog.
A.P.H.A., A.WWA., WP.e.F., 1975. Standard methods for the Ser. 97: 47-59.
examination of water and wastewater. 14th edition, A.P.H.A., Ter Braak, e. 1. F., 1986. Canonical Correspondence Analysis: a new
Washington, 1114 pp. eigenvector technique for multivariate direct gradient analysis.
Bakker, C., 1994. Zooplankton species composition in the Ooster- Ecology 67: 1167-1179.
schelde (SW Netherland) before, during and after the construction Ter Braak, C. 1. F., 1988. CANOCO - a FORTRAN program for
of a strorm-surge barrier. Hydrobiologia 2821283: l17-126. canonical community ordination by (partial) (detrended) (canon-
Bakker, e. & P. van Rijswijk, 1994. Zooplankton biomass in the ical) correspondence analysis, principal component analysis and
Oosterschelde (SW Netherland) before, during and after the con- redundance analysis (version 2.1). Agricultural Mat. Group, Min-
struction of a strorm-surge barrier. Hydrobiologia 2821283: 127- istry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Wageningen, 95 pp.
143. Viaroli, P., A. Pugnetti & I. Ferrari, 1992. Viva rigida growth and
Brylinski, 1. M., 1981. Report on the presence of Acartia tonsa decomposition processes and related effects on nitrogen and phos-
Dana (Copepoda) in the harbour of Dunkirk (France) and its phorus cycles in a coastal lagoon (Sacca di Goro, Po River Delta).
geographical distribution in Europe. 1. Plankton Res. 3: 255-260. In G. Colombo, I. Ferrari, V. U. Ceccherelli & R. Rossi (eds),
Carrada, G. e., v. U. Ceccherelli & I. Ferrari, 1987. Les lagunes Marine Eutrophication and Population Dynamics, Olsen & Olsen,
italiennes. Bull. Eco!. l8: 149-158. Fredensborg: 77-84.
Castel, 1., 1993. Long-term distribution of zooplankton in the Viaroli, P., M. Naldi, R. R. Christian & I. Fumagalli, 1993a. The
Gironde estuary and its relation with river flow and suspended role of macroalgae and detritus in the nutrient cycles in a shallow-
matter. Cah. Bio!. mar. 34: l45-163. water dystrophic lagoon. Verh. int. Ver. Limnol. 25: 1048-1051.
Ceccherelli, V. U., I. Ferrari & P. Viaroli, 1994. Ecological research Viaroli, P., M. Bartoli, e. Bondavalli, M. Naldi & I. Ferrari, 1993b.
on the animal communities of the Po River Delta lagoons. Boll. Macroalgae growth and decomposition and nutrient cycling in the
Zoo!. 6l: 425-436. Sacca di Goro (Po river delta). e.E.e.-Environmental Research
Farabegoli, A., I. Ferrari, e. Manzoni & A. Pugnetti, 1989. Prima Programme, e.L.E.AN Progress report: 28l-307.
segnalazione nel Mare Adriatico del copepode calanoide Acartia
tonsa DANA. Nova Thalassia 10: 207-208.
Hydrobi%gia 329: 57-67, 1996. 57
p. Caumette, 1. Castel & R. Herbert (eds), Coastal Lagoon Eutrophication and ANaerobic Processes (C.L.E.AN.).
©1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

A field experiment on the effect of two types of sediment disturbance on the

rate of recovery of a meiobenthic community in a eutrophicated lagoon

M. A. Colangelo 1 , T. Macri 1 & V. U. Ceccherelli 2

1Dipartimento di Biologia, Universita di Ferrara, via L. Borsari 46,44100 Ferrara, Italy
2Dipartimento di Biologia evoluzionistica e sperimentale, Universita di Bologna, via F. Selmi 3,
40126 Bologna, Italy

Key words: Organic enrichment, meiobenthos, copepods, recolonization processes


A recolonization field experiment of two different artificially disturbed sediments (both defaunated sand and
defaunatedlreduced sand through organic enrichment) was carried out in the Sacca di Goro (Adriatic sea, Po
river Delta, Italy). Copepods showed themselves better colonizers than nematodes. In particular, copepods, in the
defaunated sand, were able to reach the same densities as the control site after only seven days from the beginning
of the experiment. In the reduced-sand, copepod recolonization occurred more slowly but reached the densities
found in both azoic and control sediments at the end of the experiment (15 days), when the values of total carbon
content decreased. The recovery evolution of the community structures was mostly dependent on the different
behaviour of the active epibenthic species of the harpacticoids (e.g. Canuella perplexa T. & A. Scott, 1893, Ameira
parvula (Claus, 1866), Robertgurneya similis (A. Scott, 1896)) and of the passively transported endobenthic ones
(e.g. Asellopsis sarmatica lakubisiak, 1938, Ectinosoma dentatum Steuer, 1940).

Introduction a different effect on the benthic community recovery

to either the original structure or a different organism
Soft sediments of shallow water environments are assemblages (Le Guellec, 1988).
affected by different kinds of disturbance, which are A suitable approach to the study of disturbance
represented either by mechanical perturbations, due to impact and recolonization processes is controlled field
sea storms or dredging, or by sediment organic enrich- experiments with artificially disturbed or defaunated
ment and pollutants (Pearson and Rosenberg, 1978). sediments (Coull & Palmer, 1984). Many works have
Although in off-shore areas most organic matter par- focused on the responses of the meiofaunal compo-
ticles are derived from phytoplankton and zooplank- nents ofthe benthic community, because oftheir poten-
ton faecal pellets and exuvia, in inshore waters and tial for more rapid responses to environmental change
lagoons they are derived mainly from the breakdown than macrofauna (Coull & Chandler, 1992). Meiofau-
of macroalgae which causes an often excessive organic nal organisms might be useful biological indicators
enrichment. Moreover, this annual supply of organic of such changes because their short generation times
matter is deposited over a very short time on the lagoon and the fact that many of them, especially epibenthic
bottom. In fact, the vegetation mats undergo a rapid copepods, frequently adopt movement through water
decomposition during summer months, when temper- column for their dispersal (Palmer, 1988) result in a
ature is high and water is stagnant. The consequence faster recovery of community structure over a reason-
is an immediate and substantial organic enrichment of able time-span (weeks or months) (Heip et ai., 1988).
the sediments. Benthic environments of the northern Adriatic
When the primary cause of perturbation ceases to coastal lagoons, particularly those of the Po river Delta
act, the resultant alterations of sediments could have (Italy), have always been subjected both to natural and

man induced disturbances. Recently they are more and The experimental site was located on the subtidal
more affected by increased eutrophication which had side of a sand bank facing the lagoon. From this sta-
caused, above all, a huge growth of macroalgal beds tion (CR, Figure 1) the sand (Md = 0.207 mm) was
(Ulvaceae) whose decomposition resulted in organic gathered which was made azoic for the experiment
enrichment of the sediments. The latter may cause by repeated freezing (-20°C) and thawing (40°C)
complete anoxia and reduced conditions in the sedi- and dried in the air for about one month. In order to
mentary habitat, which represents the main factor of obtain reduced conditions a part of this azoic sand was
acute disturbance for the biota, especially for benthic enriched with powdered dry Ulva thalli. The amount
organisms (Viaroli et aI., 1992). of this addition corresponded to a total carbon content
There are very few studies in the literature on the of about 100 g C m- 2 in the uppermost 3 cm of sedi-
recovery rates of sublittoral meiofauna communities ment. Thirty-six plastic containers (each with a surface
with respect to experimental organic enrichment of area of 49 cm 2 ) were filled up to the rim: 18 with the
sediment (see Coull & Chandler, 1992). simply defaunated sand (DF treatment) and 18 with
The aim of the present study was to investigate, the organically enriched sand (RD treatment). Before
in one of these lagoons (Sacca di Goro), whether being submerged in situ, all of those containers were
the recolonization process and the recovery rate of a incubated for 5 days in filtered sea water until com-
meiobenthic community in sandy patches were differ- plete reduced conditions were reached in those with
ently affected by two kinds of artificially induced dis- organically enriched sand. Containers were randomly
turbance. We compared the effects of either a merely arranged in a steel tray which was placed directly on
defaunated sand or a similarly defaunated but com- the sandy bottom of the experimental station (TR, Fi-
pletely reduced sand by organic enrichment with pow- gure 1). Only the sixteen internal containers were sam-
derded Ulva thalli. The latter tried to simulate one of pled in order to avoid the edge effect. Sampling was
the most severe disturbance event which periodically scheduled on 1-3-7-15 days from the beginning ofthe
occurs in these environments. In particular, copepod experiment because a previous study, carried out only
species compositions and community structure differ- with defaunated sand in the same site (Colangelo et aI.,
ences among the different sediment treatments and the 1994), had shown that the main changes in the reco-
natural environment were analyzed to determine if dif- very of the copepod assemblage occurred during the
ferent species behaved differently. The meiobenthic first two weeks. On each sampling occasion, 4 replicate
assemblage studied was that of a fine sand shoal in the containers were randomly sampled: two with defau-
investigated lagoon. nated sand and two with reduced sand. From each con-
tainer, 2 pseudoreplicate cores (3.14 cm 2 each) were
directly collected by hand (a total of 4 cores from DF
Materials and methods treatment and 4 from RD treatment). At the control site
(CR, Figure 1) 2 pairs of pseudoreplicate cores were
The experiment was carried out in the Sacca di Goro sampled from the sandy bottom by means of a remo-
(Figure 1), a subtidal shallow water embayment, one tely operated multiple corer. The uppermost 3 cm of
of the largest (26 km2 ) in the Po river Delta (Northwest sediment were retained, stained with rose bengal and
Adriatic coast) in June 1993. This lagoon shows wide preserved in 8% buffered formalin. In the laboratory,
yearly variations in salinity (10.8-32.9%0) (Colombo et sampled were sieved through both 1.0 and 0.03 mm
aI., 1991). In spite ofthe limited tidal range (typical of mesh size. The fraction on the 0.03 mm sieve was cen-
the Mediterranean sea) tidal effects are not negligible, trifuged three times with a LUDOX-AM water solution
mainly in the West-central part, owing to the wide sea (60%) in order to separate organisms from sediments.
mouth (2.5 km). Sediments are fine-grained (from silty Meiobenthic organisms were counted to major taxa.
clay to clayey silt) in the inner part and become coarser Copepods were identified to the species, staged and
toward the sea, where relict and recent sand bars are sexed.
located (Dal Cin & Pambianchi, 1991). Owing to the At the start of the experiment and on each sam-
eutrophication conditions of this lagoon (Pugnetti & pling date, two samples of surface sediment from CR
Zaccaria, 1991), severe anoxic crises, mainly due to and four random marginal containers (not sampled
decomposition of Ulva rigida Agardh beds, frequently for meiofauna), two with DF sand and two with RD
occur during the summer. sand, were analyzed for the following abiotic parame-
ters: Eh, with a 'Radiometer' platinum combined elec-


o 2 Km
L..J I

Figure 1. Map of the Sacca di Goro lagoon. Locations of control (CR) and experimental (TR) sites are shown.

trode; total organic carbon, estimated by chromic acid Results

wet oxidation technique (Rofes, 1980); organic matter
ash free dry weight (AFDW), by dessication at 70°C Table 1 shows the variations of the most important
overnight and ignition at 550°C for 24 hours. The mean abiotic parameters at the beginning of the experiment
value for each parameter is reported because the chem- and at each sampling dates. Values of the redox poten-
ical and meiofauna replicate samples were not matched tial were recorded in a rather rough way and can be
pairs. considered representative, approximately, of the first
Sampling design followed a two-way ANOVA lay- centimetre sand layer. Notwithstanding this method-
out with treatments (CR, DF, RD) as fixed and times ological drawback, the redox values were always neg-
(1-3-7-15 days) as random factors. Calculations were ative in the containers with reduced sand even if they
made both on loge x + 1) transformed densities of showed an appreciable decrease of their absolute val-
taxa and on diversity index values of copepod bio- ues after a few days. The per cent carbon content (as
coenoses (No. of species, Hill's Nl and arcsin trans- well as the total organic matter ash free dry weight)
formed evenness values). Every time a significant dif- showed intermediate values in the DF treatment but
ference resulted only for main effects, the Student- the highest values in the RD treatment during the first
Newman-Keuls (SNK) post-hoc test was performed to phase of the experiment. However, the latter became
obtain all pair-wise comparisons between factor aver- equal to those of the defaunated sand after three days
ages (significance alpha level 0.05). When significant from the start, and all the values were the same in both
interaction was found, the SNK test was restricted to the treatment containers and in the control site at the
comparisons between levels of each significant fac- end of the experiment.
tor within each level of the other factor (Underwood, The average densities of the two major meiobenthic
1981). For copepod communities, non-metric multidi- taxa and results of the post-hoc SNK tests are shown in
mensional scaling (MDS) ordination was carried out on Figure 2. Averages at each sampling date which share
the dissimilarity matrix of Manhattan (city block) met- the same symbol across control and treatments are not
rics between samples calculated on double root trans- significantly different. Symbols referring only to the
formed abundance data. The choice of that particular legend labels mean that the SNK test comparisons were
distance index was justified by the very impoverished performed between treatment factor effects averaged
biota (Field et a!., 1982). across times, because interactions were not significant.
On the other hand, the same letters mean no statistically
significant differences among sampling date average
values within each single treatment (CR, DF and RD
Table 1. Abiotic parameter mean values of temperature, redox
potential, carbon content and organic matter ash free dry weight
(AFDW) content of the sediments for each treatment on each day
from the start of the experiment. CR: control; DF: defaunated
sand; RD: reduced sand.

Start 3 7 15

T (0C) CR 26.4 27.1 26.7 21.8 26.3

DF 26.3 26.7 22.0 26.1
RD 26.7 27.3 21.9 25.5

Eh(mV) CR 102 90 102 110 10

DF 50 182 90 13 65
RD -125 -73 -26 -34 -21

Tot. C (%) CR 0.64 0.66 0.60 0.62 0.66

DF 0.75 0.81 0.74 0.66 0.57
RD 1.83 1.78 0.72 0.73 0.40

AFDW(%) CR 3.52 3.52 3.30 3.41 3.63

DF 2.80 4.40 3.60 3.50 3.80
RD 5.40 5.20 4.40 4.10 3.30

Table 2. Two-way ANOVA results for treatments (control; defaunated;

reduced) and times (days from the beginning of the experiment) rel-
ative to total meiofauna, nematodes and copepods (for details of
experimental design see 'Materials and Methods').

Source of df F-value
variation Total Nematodes Copepods

Treatment (TR) 2 20.46** 63.71** 9.14*

Time (D) 3 8.36** 1.05 18.60**
TRxD 6 5.63** 1.43 10.88**
Error 36

*p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01

Densities of nematodes were always statistically process: two epibenthic harpacticoids, the muddy-sand
lower in both treatment containers than in the control dweller Canuella perplexa T. & A. Scott, 1893 and the
(Table 2). Their constantly low densities in the treat- eurytopous Ameira parvula (Claus, 1866), and two
ment containers resulted in no significant interaction endobenthic species, the sand dwellers: Ectinosoma
with respect to time. The recolonization behaviour of dentatum Steuer, 1940 and Asellopsis sarmatica Jaku-
copepods appeared to be different. In the defaunated bisiak, 1938. The behaviour of each of them appeared
sand, they reached the same densities as the control to be different in relation to their functional charac-
after seven days from the beginning of the experiment. teristics (Appendix Table 1). The ANOVA F-values
In the reduced sediments the copepod recolonization for the two epibenthic species are reported in Table 3.
occurred more slowly. Density values of this taxon Their average densities and the SNK test results are
were not significantly different among ambient sedi- shown in Figure 3. Canuella perplexa seems to be a
ment and treatments only at the end of the experimental slow colonizer, its abundance values were significantly
period. lower in the treatment containers, particularly in those
Within the copepod assemblage, four species of with reduced sediments, until day 15. By contrast,
harpacticoid played a major role in the recolonization Ameira parvula confirmed itself as an opportunistic,
Table 3. Two-way ANOVA results for treatments (control; defaunated; reduced) and times (days from
the beginning of the experiment) relative to the major copepod species (for details of experimental
design see 'Material and Methods ').

Source of variation df F-value

Canuella Ameira Robertgurneya Ectinosoma Asellopsis
perplexa parvula similis dentatum sarmatica

Treatment (TR) 2 12.42** 4.04 2.09 31.87** 78.55**

Time (0) 3 20.33** 10.56** 4.82** 2.25 0.94
TRxO 6 8.74** 7.59'* 2.64* 1.29 1.35
Error 36

*p < 0.05; *' p < 0.01.

NEMATODA Canuella perplexa
.... EZ?J CR ....
121313 EZ?J CR

60 a
* 0 DF 0 DF
ieee RD RD

see 40
61313 ....
ab ....
41313 20 .... b
ru b

!. * ~*i

u 13 l 11'1,,- ..!. ru
;i**a I,..., a

v 1 3 7 15
1 3 7 15

1l ...v


'-i 1413 M

Z CDPEPODA Ameira paruula

1213 .... EZ?J CR 1l 60 f?ZZI CR
a C
.... 0 DF .-i 0 DF
lee a .... RD RD
a Z

S0 .... 40 a
a a b
60 ........ a
b b
a b
40 b 20

lUi In ! I. !
*a -

0 I,1, .! I~; 0

1 :3 7 15 1 3 7 15

DSbi S Da\Js
Figure 2. Average densities (± SO) per core (3.14 cm 2 )
of nematodes Figure 3. Average densities (± SO) per core (3.14 cm 2 ) of Canuella
and copepods in each treatment on each sampling date. Averages perplexa and Ameira parvula in each treatment on each sampling
with the same symbols among treatments on the same sampling date date. Averages with the same symbols among treatments on the same
are not significantly different. Symbols referring only to the legend sampling date are not significantly different. The same letters mean
labels in the Nematoda graph are relative to significant differences no significant differences among sampling date average values within
between treatment factor averages. The same letters mean no signif- each treatment. CR: control; OF: defaunated sand; RO: reduced sand
icant differences among sampling date average values within each (see text as for detail).
treatment. CR: control; OF: defaunated sand; RO: reduced sand (see
text as for detail).

the DF containers by day 7. Only density differences

fast colonizer (Ceccherelli et ai., 1992). In fact, the over time were statistically significant, with the abun-
treatment main factor, averaged across sampling dates, dances in the reduced sand increasing more slowly than
was not statistically significant (Table 3), because of in the defaunated sand (Figure 3). The evidence that
the high abundance values which A. parvula reached in epibenthic species playa major role in the colonization

38 are more scattered, indicating different recolonization

Ectinosoma dentatum processes. They can be better analyzed in term of tra-
... E'2Zl CR

*CJ OF jectories than clusters. The trend of the development in
RO community structure in the azoic sand appeared to be a
constant progression. On the other hand, the date point
trend of the reduced sand community has a different
trajectory because the recolonization started later and
its pioneer phase showed marked differences from the

defaunated sand assemblage. However, the structure of
8 ml ,l, rI, the two communities converged toward a very similar
community in both the azoic and reduced sand by day
1 3 7 15
U 15.
'<t The ANOVA results of the diversity index values

are shown in Table 4, trends of their averages in Fig-
Asellopsis sarmatica ure 6 and SNK test comparisons in Table 5. It is easy
"D ... EZZ/ CR to see a faster increase of the diversity values in the
defaunated sand than in the reduced sand. However,
Z 28 *- RO
the values of all diversity indexes became not signifi-
cantly different between control and treatments toward
the end of the experimental period. The univariate mea-
18 sures of diversity take into account the distribution of
individuals amongst species but do not utilize species

8 ~~ in In~ identity. The fact that diversity was the same for the
communities in the three types of sediments by day 15
1 3 7 15
means that, in general, the copepod assemblages in the
Oau s two treatments reached an organized structure similar
Figure 4. Average densities (± SD) per core (3.14 cm 2 ) of Ecti- to that of the control. Instead the multivariate species-
nosoma dentatum and Asellopsis sarmatica in each treatment on
each sampling date. Treatment legend labels with the same symbols
dependent MDS method was much more sensitive in
indicate no significant difference between treatment factor averages. discriminating the three communities. This means that
CR: control; DF: defaunated sand; RD: reduced sand (see text as for the dominance relationships among species changed
detail). in the defaunated and reduced sand assemblages com-
pared to the natural environment. In particular the dom-
inance of the epibenthic species increased in the exper-
process was confirmed by the results for Robertgur- imental sand containers (Appendix Table 1).
neya similis (A. Scott, 1896) (Table 3). This species
was rare in the CR but it showed no abundance differ-
ences between CR and RD treatment and it exceeded Discussion
significantly the environment densities in the DF treat-
ment by day 7 (Appendix Table 1). The endobenthic The present investigation shows meiobenthic organ-
species, Asellopsis sarmatica and Ectinosoma denta- isms rapidly colonized the experimental containers.
tum, were present in the treatments from day 1 (Fig- In particular, the recovery of meiobenthic commu-
ure 4), but their average densities in the experimental nity structures seems to occur after just two weeks,
sand containers were always significantly lower than irrespective of the experimental conditions which sim-
in the control site (Table 3). ulated two different kinds (and levels) of disturbance
The overall pattern of community changes of the impact on the sedimentary environment. Fast colo-
copepod assemblage is shown by the results of the nization rates have been reported also in other stud-
MDS ordination (Figure 5). The date points of the ies on recolonization of disturbed habitats. After a
control (CR) form a separate and homogeneous clus- mechanically induced disturbance, Sherman & Coull
ter which indicates the relatively constant copepod (1980) observed that densities of most meiobenthic
assemblage in the environment. On the contrary, the taxa reached the same levels as those at the control
date points of both DF and RD treatment communities site after just 12 hours. Le Guellec (1988), working


\' ... _ _ _ RD7
.- CR15
-- - \
I \ I ""
\ DF7 "",
t'I \ '1\
CR7 I 'R03
a \ "
R9 1

Figure 5. MDS ordination plot of date points for the three treatments. CR: control; DF: defaunated sand; RD: reduced sand. 1-3-7-15: days
from the beginning of the experiment.

Table 4. Two-way ANOVA results for treatments (control; defau-

nated; reduced) and times (days from the beginning of the experi-
ment) relative to the diversity index values for the copepod assem-
blage (for details of experimental design see 'Material and Meth-

Source of df F-value
variation No species Hill's NI Evenness

Treatmnet (TR) 2 5.57' 7.90' 1.40

Time (D) 3 9.06" 6.59" 6.04"
TRxD 6 6.78" 3.40" 3.00"
Error 36

, p < 0.05; " p < 0.01.

with exogenous azoic sand, reported a similar result As for the effect of physicochemical alterations of
after only two tidal cycles. Thistle (1980) also found sediments induced by organic enrichment, the present
that the recolonization of defaunated enteropneust fae- investigation showed that, in general, colonization by
cal mounds by subtidal harpacticoids occurred in less most meiofaunal populations and recovery of meioben-
than 24 hours. Sun & Fleeger (1994), even though thic assemblage structure seemed to be delayed in
they were mainly interested in investigating meiofau- reduced sand compared to the defaunated sand. The
nal recolonization of azoic sediment mimicking bot- recovery rates of different meiobenthic taxa were relat-
tom depressions, remarked how the abundances of the ed both to their different movement mechanism, and
dominant copepods showed no significant differences consequent ability to recruit to sediment, and to the
between experimental and ambient sediments after 24- degree of disturbance of the experimental sediments.
48 hours. Nematodes were the least active colonizers, but this

Appendix 1. Average densities (± SD) per core (3.14 cm 2 ) of meiobenthic copepod species recorded in each treatment on each sampling date from the beginning of the experiment. Functional
habits: M =mud; S =sand; Ph =phyta1; E =eurytopous; epi =epibenthic; end =endobenthic.
3 7 IS 3 7 IS 3 7 IS

Canuella perplexa (MS-epi) 33.8 (±22.7) 26.0 (± 4.8) 8.S (± 4.7) 16.S (± 6.2) 0.8 (± I.S) 1.8 (±O.S) 1.3 (±1.3) 6.3 (± 2.1) 0.3 (±O.S) 0.3 (±O.S) 11.0(± 8.1)
Ectinosoma dentatum (S-end) s.o (± 4.2) 10.0 (± 4.8) 8.0 (± 4.6) 6.8 (± 4.1) 0.8 (± 1.0) I.S (± 1.3) 2.8 (± 2.4) O.S (± 1.0) 0.3 (±O.S) 0.3 (±O.S) O.S (± 0.6)
Microarthridion fallax (MS-end) 2.S (± 1.0) 2.3 (± 1.3) O.S (± 0.6) 0.8 (± 1.0)
Harpacticus fiexus (S-epi) 1.8 (± 1.0) 1.0 (± 0.8) 0.3 (± O.S) O.S (±0.6)
Tisbe holothuriae (Ph) 0.8 (± I.S) 3.0 (± 4.8) 0.3 (±O.S) O.S (± 1.0) 0.8 (±1.0) 2.0 (± 2.7)
Dactylopusia tisboides (E-epi) 0.3 (± O.S) O.S (± 1.0) 0.3 (±O.S) 0.3 (±O.S)
Amphiascus parvus (Ph) 0.3 (± O.S) 0.3 (± O.S)
Robertgurneya similis (E-epi) 0.8 (± 1.0) 0.8 (± 1.0) O.S (± 0.6) 0.8 (± 1.0) 0.8 (± I.S) 2.S (±0.6) 4.8 (± 3.9) 0.3 (±O.S) 0.3 (±0.5) 1.0 (± 1.2)
Schizopera compacta (E-epi) 0.8 (± 1.5)
Ameira parvula (E-epi) 17.5 (± 9.6) 27.8 (± 79) 12.8 (± 9.6) 16.8 (± 16.8) 1.3 (±2.5) 5.8 (±4.1) 19.8 (±4.3) 19.8 (±12.1) 2.3 (± 1.7) 14.5 (± 11.9)
Mesochra pontica (E-epi) 0.3 (± 0.5) 0.3 (±0.5) 0.5 (± 1.0)
Enhydrosoma gariene (M-end) 0.3 (± 0.5)
Paralaophonte congenera (E-epi) 0.3 (± 0.5) 0.8 (± 1.0) 1.3 (± 1.5) 0.3 (±0.5) 0.3 (±O.S) O.S (±0.6) 0.5 (±0.6) 0.5 (± 0.6)
Asellopsis sarmatica (S-end) 13.8 (± 6.6) 15.8 (± 6.1) 13.0 (± 5.3) 16.8 (± 10.2) 2.0 (±2.5) 3.3 (±1.0) 3.3 (±2.9) 0.8 (± O.S) 0.3 (±0.5) 0.8 (±1.0) 0.3 (± O.S)
Cyclopina gracilis (E-epi) 0.3 (± 1.0) 0.3 (±O.S) O.S (±0.6) O.S (± 0.6)

TOTAL 75.S (±35.5) 84.8 (±13.4) 46.S (±19.8) 61.3 (±31.4) 45 (±4.4) 13.0 (±3.9) 29.0 (±6.3) 3S.3 (±13.3) I.S (±1.7) 1.0 (±1.4) 6.0 (±3.5) 31.0 (±21.4)
Table 5. Studentized-Newman-Keuls post hoc test for mUltiple
comparisons of diversity index values for the copepod assem-
manence of reduced conditions in deeper layers of sed-
blage, relative to the significant interaction. Average values with iments (Table 1) prevents those species living beneath
the same symbols among treatments on the same sampling date the surface of the sediment from colonizing success-
are not significantly different. The same letters indicate no statisti- fully (Gee et aI., 1985). Thus endobenthic species may
cally significant differences among sampling date average values
within each single treatment. CR: control; DF: defaunated sand;
take much longer time to recover. Probably, the short
RD: reduced sand (see text as for detail) duration of this experiment might have been critical
in masking the time settlement potential of these slow
Treatments No species Hill's NI Evenness colonizing species (Sun & Fleeger, 1994).
CRxTimes V' 6.75 a V' 4.08 a 59.41 a Epibenthic copepods (e.g. Canuella perplexa,
3 V' 7.00 a V' 4.47 a 61.59 a Ameira parvula and Robertgurneya similis) seem to
7 V' 6.75 a V' 4.93 a 65.90 a be very good colonizers. This depends on their abil-
15 V' 5.50 a V' 4.03 a 65.50 a ity to enter actively the water column to be trans-
ported (Kern, 1990). In fact, their densities in both
DFxTimes * 1.50 a * 1.39 a 16.82 a experimental treatments fully reached ambient sedi-
3 V' 4.50 b V' 3.80 b 69.98 b ment levels toward the end of the experimental period
7 *V' 5.25 b *2.8Iab 52.30 ab (Figure 3; Table 3). However, notwithstanding their
15 V' 5.50 b V' 3.51 b 58.89 ab dispersal capability, the recolonization of the reduced
sand appeared to be delayed with respect to the azoic
RDxTimes * 1.25 a * 1.46 a 19.15 a sand. Probably, the epibenthic species show a selective
3 * 1.00 a * 1.50 a 22.50 a settlement behaviour in relation to the chemical status
7 * 3.50 b *V' 3.07 b 72.73b
of the sediments. Although they are able to settle rapid-
15 V' 5.50 b V' 3.23 b 56.77 ab
ly in the merely defaunated sand, they might postpone
their settlement in the reduced sand perhaps waiting
for more oxygenated conditions of surface sediment.
result was probably due to our experimental set-up. Gee et al. (1985) carried out a mesocosm exper-
This did not allow lateral invasion by crawling through iment on the effects of organic enrichment on meio-
sediment interstices which is the main route by which fauna by adding powdered macroalgae (Aseophyllum)
nematodes recolonize azoic sediment patches (Chan- to experimental containers of mud in two different
dler & Fleeger, 1983). Nematodes are known to occur quantities (50 and 200 g C m- 2 respectively). In their
deeper in sediments (Jacobs, 1984) and to be passive- high dose treatments, after 56 days, all the burrowing
ly suspended in the water column only when shear- species had disappeared and the fauna was dominated
currents exceed a certain threshold (Sherman & Coull, by only five species of the Tisbe guild, even though
1980; Palmer, 1988). So, in our experiment, they could no specimens of this genus were found in the field
arrive in the containers only by passive transport via samples. Since members of the genus Tisbe are oppor-
water column. That is probably the reason why we tunist organisms this may explain their presence in
observed a poor recolonization of experimental sand these organically stressed environments. In the present
by those organisms. The same thing probably applied, study, at intermediate quantity of powdered macroal-
to a certain extent, to endobenthic copepod species, gae addition (100 g C m- 2 ), the opportunistic role
Ectinosoma dentatum and Asellopsis sarmatica. Their seemed to be taken by Ameira parvula (Figure 3).
abundances in the treatments never reached those of The adults of this species have an active migratory
the control site, not even at the end of the experimental behaviour (Kern, 1990) and are able to settle massively
period. These endobenthic species seem to be less good (mainly with ovigerous females) during the first phase
colonizer but only because, probably, they are able to of recolonization of defaunated sediments (Colange-
burrow into the sediment as flow increases (e.g. at high lo et aI., 1994). Also Warwick et al. (1990) found
water) and thus avoid transport (Palmer, 1988). Con- an Ameira sp. which seemed to swim actively at high
sequently, few of them randomly encounter the con- water slack and to be capable or redistributing itself in
tainers. On the other hand, even if no statistical differ- the sandy habitat, in order either to avoid predation or
ences were found between densities in defaunated and to search out sediment patches more attractive in terms
reduced sand, in the latter the abundances of these two of available food resources.
species always seemed to be lower (Figure 4). At high The ordination plot of the copepod assemblage
levels of organic enrichment (RD treatment) the per- (Figure 5) and the trends of the diversity index values

COPEPODA assemblages approached a similar structure. Altered

19 sediments have to recover suitable chemical composi-
tion in order to allow the development of colonizing
UI popUlations.

It is clear that, besides the granulometric charac-
OJ 6 teristic of sediments, settlement of meiobenthic organ-
. --
... ' ....
1 . ~. t·········
isms (that of harpacticoid at least) seems to be con-
"-0 . .V" trolled by the chemical status of the sedimentary habi-
0 2 )//1 tat. We have still to understand the complicated dynam-
Z ics in the sediment strata. Notwithstanding the perma-
9 i nent negative redox potentials, the oxidative processes
1 3 "7 15 of the sediment carbon content seem to have been set up
quickly in the investigated reduced sand (Table 1). This
probably means that oxic/anoxic and sulphidic chemo-
8 clines become established in the sediment (Revsbech
..-j et aI., 1980). Oxic microenvironments could exist amid
6 reduced sediment and enable co-occurring aerobic and
anaerobic processes on a millimetre scale (Fenchel,
0-1 4 1992). For meiobenthos, the eco-physiological adap-
J: tive mechanism involved in resistance to reduced con-
ditions are still largely unknown. However, the present
results seem to emphasise that meiobenthic popula-
1 3 "7 15 tions, living in the complicated systems around the
above-said chemoclines, are probably adapated to
exploit a set of chemical and ecological microniches.
'J 9.8
III 9.6
C The authors wish to thank Mr Vittorio Gaiani for his
C e.4
OJ precious collaboration in field work. The research was
UJ 9.2
~'-"-l supported by a grant from the ECC-CLEAN Project
(contract No. EV5V CT92 0080).
1 3 "7 15

Days References
0-0 CR 0'·0 OF v-··-v RD
Ceccherelli, V. U., G. Caramori, M. A. Colangelo, O. Fornasari, V.
Figure 6. Trends of diversity indices average values (± SO) for the Gaiani, C. Mantovani & G. Reggiani, 1992. La successione eco-
copepod assemblage in each treatment. CR: control; OF: defaunated
logica nelle comunita bentoniche di ambienti lagunari in relazione
sand; RO: reduced sand.
ai fenomeni di disturbo. S.It.E.lATTI 15: 135-153.
Chandler, G. T. & J. W. Fleeger, 1983. Meiofaunal colonisation of
azoic estuarine sediment in Louisiana: mechanisms of dispersal.
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(Figure 6) demonstrated the timing and pattern of the Colangelo, M. A., V. Gaiani & V. U. Ceccherelli, 1994. Evoluzione
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phase (up to day 3), when higher values of both car- nata. BioI. Mar. Medit. I: 243-247.
bon content and negative redox potential were record- Colombo, G., C. Camerota, R. Bisceglia, V. Zaccaria, V. Gaiani &
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differences in community composition were observed. della Sacca di Goro. In S. Bencivelli & N. Castaldi (eds), Stu-
Afterwards, when the levels of the organic enrichment dio integrato sUll'ecologia della Sacca di Goro. Franco Angeli,
decreased, the biotic structuring forces of the commu- Milano: 9-38.

nities tend to play an increasing role and all copepod


Coull, B. C. & M. A. Palmer, 1984. Field experimentation in meio- Pearson, T. H. & R. Rosenberg, 1978. Macrobenthic succession
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Kern, J. C., 1990. Active and passive aspects of meiobenthic cope- gen and phosphorus cycles in a coastal lagoon (Sacca di Goro,
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©1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Diel and seasonal vertical distribution of meiobenthic copepods in muddy

sediments of a eutrophic lagoon (fish ponds of Arcachon Bay)

Evelyne Buffan-Dubau & Jacques Castel

Laboratoire d'Oceanographie Biologique, Universite Bordeaux I, 2 rue du Professeur Jolyet,
F-33J20 Arcachon, France

Key words: Meiobenthos, harpacticoid copepods, vertical distribution, emergence, Canuella perplexa, Amphiascus


The vertical distribution of meiobenthic copepods was investigated within muddy sediments of a eutrophic lagoon
(fish ponds of Arcachon Bay, France). The aim of the study was to determine if in muddy sediments, as previously
established in sandy sediments, meiobenthic copepods migrate vertically according to the seasons or diel periods.
Two experimental approaches were used, viz: a three-season comparison was made of the diel vertical distribution
of the harpacticoid Canuella perplexa T. & A. Scott (1893) and secondly the depth distribution of a meiobenthic
copepod assemblage was followed for a 24 h period, in shallow water subtidal locations. The harpacticoid C. per-
plexa vertically migrated through the top three centimeters of the sediment, showing diel and seasonal variations in
depth distribution. The differential vertical distributions shown by the dominant meiobenthic populations suggest
that emergence into the water column may mainly concern surface dwelling copepods. The physical and biological
factors affecting seasonal and die I changes in the copepod assemblage of the fish ponds are discussed.

Introduction of 30-50 cm, (Harris, 1972a; McIntyre & Murison,

1973; McLachlan et aI., 1977; Joint et aI., 1982).
Vertical distribution of meiobenthic copepods has been Seasonal and diurnal changes in depth distributions
intensively investigated in a wide variety of habitats. of meiobenthic copepods have mostly been investi-
Earlier studies indicated that the majority of the meio- gated in sandy habitats. Pronounced seasonal changes
fauna were restricted to the upper few centimeters in were shown indicating that, in general, harpacticoids
sandy habitats, and to the upper few millimeters in migrate down and live deeper in the sediment during
muddy sediments (see review by Huys et aI., 1986). In winter, whereas they migrate and live closer to the sur-
general, vertical distribution patterns may be governed face during the summer. These seasonal changes have
by a large number of factors. The penetration depth of been related to a number of factors such as the sea-
oxygen (McLachlan, 1978), the presence of biogenic sonal pattern of temperature in intertidal sandy areas
structures such as seagrass roots and macro-infauna (Harris, 1972b), seasonal fluctuations of oxygen pene-
tubes (Meyers et aI., 1987; Escaravage et aI., 1989) tration and breeding activity in both tidal and subtidal
and the vertical distribution pattern of food sources sandy areas (Harris, 1972c; Huys et aI., 1986). Diur-
(Montagna et aI., 1989) may all influence the verti- nal changes in depth distribution have been related to
cal distribution of meiobenthic copepods in both sandy tide periods indicating that harpacticoids from inter-
and muddy sediments. tidal sand flats may display downwards migrations at
In sandy sediments, several studies have estab- high tide (Joint et aI., 1982).
lished that meiobenthic organisms, and especially In muddy sediments, most meiobenthic taxa and
harpacticoid copepods, generally colonize the top 10 particularly copepods are usually concentrated in the
centimeters and have been found at a maximum depth uppermost centimeter. Arlt (1973) determined that

67% of all meiofauna from shallow (50 cm depth) blage over a diel period. Seasonal changes were inves-
muddy areas were restricted to the top first cm. Yingst tigated by comparing diel depth distribution patterns of
(1978) counted 88% ofharpacticoids within the upper- C. perplexa within 3 diel samplings carried out during
most cm of muddy sediments from a 14 m deep bottom. different seasons.
Similarly Jensen (1983) found 98% of the total number
of harpacticoids in the top first cm of a sublittoral soft
bottom. Smith & Coull (1987) determined that mud Materials and methods
flats contain in the top first cm approximately twice
as many meiofauna as the first 10 cm of sandy sedi- Study site
ments. Furthermore, investigations using flume exper-
iments could not find evidence that meiobenthic cope- Sampling sites (stations Cl and G) were located in the
pods vertically migrate in muddy sediments (Palmer & fish ponds of Arcachon Bay which are semi-enclosed
Molloy, 1986; Coull et aI., 1989). However, prelimi- and shallow lagoonal impoundments (see description
nary field routine investigation carried out in 1993 in by Castel et aI., 1996). Sediments of the fish ponds
Arcachon Bay showed a surprising vertical distribution which are partly covered by canopies of the seagrass
of meiobenthic copepods (Buffan & Castel, 1993). In Ruppia cirrhosa, are rich in organic detritus and silt
the muddy sediment sampled in the fish ponds, 74% (36-58.4%), (Escaravage & Castel, 1989). In the sam-
of the copepod assemblage were recorded in the 2- pling area POC content generally varies between 4.5%
5 cm depth horizon, in spring, when the assemblage to 6.5% (Etc heber, pers. comm.). The water depth at the
was numerically dominated by Canuella perplexa T. sampling stations is 0.4 to 0.6 m. Station G was locat-
& A. Scott, 1893, a common harpacticoid of coastal ed near a deeper channel allowing renewal of water
environments (Heip, 1973; Castel, 1992; Ceccherelli whereas station Cl was more isolated.
et aI., 1994). These data suggested that in these muddy
sediments, migrations of meiobenthic copepods from Sample collection
the surface to the deeper layers may be significant.
A number of studies have shown that meiofauna Sediment was hand-collected using plastic core tubes
and especially harpacticoids display upward migra- (3 cm internal diameter and 5 cm length) and imme-
tions from sediment into the overlaying water column diately preserved in liquid nitrogen. In the laboratory,
(Hicks, 1986; Walters, 1988; Armonies, 1989). Such frozen cores were sliced every 1 cm from 0 to 5 cm
movements are related to a number of factors, includ- depth (in June, this was made immediately after the
ing light levels (Armonies, 1988), diel periods (Wai- sampling of sediment cores). Slices were then washed
ters, 1988; 1991; Walters & Bell, 1994), tidal periods through a 63 f.J,m sieve to collect the total copepod
(Bell et aI., 1988), copepod densities (Service & Bell, assemblage or through a 200 f.J,m sieve to selectively
1987; Walters, 1991), and species behaviour (Walters, collect Canuella perplexa. Samples were preserved in
1991). Therefore in the present study, we have investi- 5% formalin and stained with Rose Bengal. The fauna
gated the vertical distribution of meiobenthic copepods were extracted from the sediment by flotation in Ludox
in a eutrophic lagoon using both an estimate of the HS-40 (De Jonge & Bouwman, 1977). Meiobenthic
density distribution according to depth in the sediment copepods were sorted under a dissection microscope
and a quantitative estimate of emerging copepods in and identified by microscopic observations. Physico-
the water column. chemical variables (temperature of the sediment sur-
Field investigations were conducted to answer the face, dissolved oxygen, and salinity) were measured
following 3 questions concerning the vertical distri- during the sampling periods.
bution patterns of meiobenthic copepods in subtidal Copepods emerging from the sediment were col-
muddy sediments. lected in the water column using emergence traps
1. Does the pattern vary over diel periods and are made as previously described by Walters & Bell
these variations linked to the night-day cycles? (1986). Emergence traps (Figure 1) collect any organ-
2. Can the diel patterns be related to the emerging ism actively moving at least 12 cm above the sedi-
behaviour of harpacticoids? ment surface. Each trap was closed using an alumini-
3. Does the diel pattern vary according to seasons? um cap, filled with filtered seawater (63 f.J,m), care-
Diurnal changes were investigated by comparing fully positioned on a cylindrical support, and the cap
depth distribution of a meiobenthic copepod assem- was removed. The supports (plexiglass cylinders of

o 6 em


Figure 1. Emergence trap positioned between Ruppia patches in the fish ponds (station G, October). Modified from Walters & Bell (1986).

23.8 cm 2 surface) were carefully inserted into the sed- sunset and sunrise which may be the periods of max-
iment to a depth of 4 cm, at least 1 hour before trap imum emergence over a diel period (Armonies, 1988;
placement. At the end of the field incubation, the trap Walters, 1991). Four replicate cores were collected
contents were washed through a 63 p,m sieve and pre- on the 15 th October at 17:00, 18:00 (sunset), 19:00,
served in 5% v/v formalin until sorting of copepods. 24:00, and on the 16th October at 01 :00, 06:00, 07:00
Only adult copepods were identified to the species lev- (sunrise), 08:00, 13:00, 14:00, 17:00, 18:00 (sunset),
el. 19:00. Two cm of overlaying water were sampled for
each core. These water aliquots were then separat-
Sampling designs ed from sediment and considered as a slice in the
results. From 19:00 on the 15 th October to 19:00 on
Station Cl was investigated for 21 h in June 1993 (03- the 16 th October, three replicate emergence traps were
04 June) and for 45 hin March 1994 (27-28-29 March). placed between Ruppia patches at each sampling time
The aim of both samplings was to specifically study the to be collected at the following sampling time.
vertical distribution patterns of C. perplexa over diel
periods under different seasonal conditions. Every 3 Statistical analysis
hours, 3 (in June) to 8 (in March) replicate cores were
collected over the diel periods. Friedman two-way analysis of variance was used to
Station G was investigated for 26 hours in October test for significant differences between averages of
1994 (15-16 October). Preliminary samplings have copepod densities between sampling times over the
indicated both that C. perplexa was abundant at sta- diel periods, or according to depth. The Kolmogorov-
tion G and that the copepod assemblage was more Smirnov two-sample test was used to compare average
diversified than those from station C 1. Thus, we decid- densities of C. perplexa, at a depth horizon, between
ed to sample station G to study a possible difference two sampling periods or between two depth horizons.
in vertical distribution pattern between co-occurring The significance level of probability (P) was 0.05.
species. Furthermore, the sampling was conducted
to evaluate the emerging fraction of copepods and
to examine the possible relationship between emerg-
ing behaviour and the vertical distribution patterns of
copepods. Sampling points were concentrated around

100% total population in the top first cm showed increases

averaging 40% and 29% for the first and the second


0 0-1 em
diurnal peaks of surface sediment temperature respec-
tively (Figure 3). In contrast, during the June sampling
copepods were mostly found in the 2-3 cm depth hori-

iii o 1-2 em zon at higher temperatures (43-61 % between 16:00
0 40% and 19:00), whereas at lower temperatures most indi-
• 2-3em
0 viduals were found in the 1-2 cm depth horizon (41-
0 20% 67% at 01:00-04:00) (Figure 3). In October the tem-

0% .......
March June October
perature did not show a significant diurnal fluctuation,
however, copepods tended to migrate down, from the
first to the second and the third centimeters below the
Samplings surface, between 06:00 and 08:00 and between 17:00
Figure 2. Mean vertical distribution of the harpacticoid C. perplexa in
and 19:00, (Figure 3). These results indicate that fac-
the top 3 cm of the sediment in March (station Cl), June (station Cl), tors other than surface sediment temperature influence
and October (station G). the depth distribution of C. perplexa.

Emergence into the water column ofmeiobenthic

Results copepodsfrom station G (October 1994 sampling)

During the sampling programme the salinity varied On average harpacticoids represented 87% of the
between 10%0 (in March), 17%0 (in June), and 29%0 (in meiobenthic copepod community, with copepodites
October). Dissolved oxygen similarly varied between and adults representing 30% and 57% of the communi-
the 3 diel periods, with, on average, a minimum of ty respectively. The most abundant species, Canuella
2.3 mg 1-1 (early morning) and a maximum of 13.8 mg perplexa and Amphiascus parvus Sars 1906 comprised
I-I (sunset). Generally, the copepods (79.4% to 98%) 72% of the harpacticoid community. The remain-
were restricted to the top 3 cm of the sediment. Conse- der of the assemblage comprised 8 species: Schiz-
quently the vertical distribution of copepods was stud- opera sp. Sars 1905 (7.3%); Paralaophonte brevi-
ied in the 3 cm depth column. rostris Claus 1863 (7.06%); Mesochra pygmea Claus
1863 (S.8%) ; Robertgumeyasp. (2.7%); Cletocamptus
Vertical distribution ofe. perplexa over diel periods confluens Schmeil 1894 (1.7%); unidentified species
and between seasons (June 1993, March 1994, and (1.3%); Amonardia normani Brady 1872 (0.82%); and
October 1994, samplings) Paradactylopodia sp. (0.68%). No ovigerous females
were observed among the population of C. perplexa.
Between sampling periods (Figure 2), the mean tem- In contrast, A. parvus ovigerous females were found.
perature of the sediment surface varied from 16.3 °C The abundances of copepods in the emergence traps
(March) to 19.4 °C (October) and 21.4 °C (June). On differed over the 24 h period, (Figure 4). Friedman
average 60% of the copepods were concentrated in the analysis of variance was performed on data sets con-
top first cm in March (P<0.05, Friedman test), where- cerning traps incubated in the field for equivalent dura-
as in June 80% of the population was found in the tions (i.e. a set pooling abundances found in traps incu-
1-3 cm depth horizon (P = 0.05, Friedman test). In bated in the field for 1 h, and a set pooling abundances
October 89.7% of individuals were concentrated in the found in traps incubated in the field for > 1 h dura-
uppermost 2 cm (P<O.OOI, Friedman test) and equally tion). Average abundances were significantly higher
distributed in the 0-1 cm and 1-2 cm depth horizons. (P<O.OS) in emergence traps incubated between 19:00
Over the diel periods (Figure 3), the temperature and 24:00 (291 ± lOS ind trap-lor 23.8 cm 2 sedi-
variation at the sediment surface was greater in March ment surface) and between 06:00 and 07:00 (P=O.OS,
and June (around 10 0c) than in October (1°C). In 161 ± 87 ind trap -I) than in other traps incubated for
March most individuals (74-87%) were found in the equivalent durations respectively. Considering that the
top first cm at higher temperatures whereas at lower total copepod abundance in the sediment reached on
temperatures most individuals (51-59 %) were found average 120S ± 712 ind 23.8 cm- 2 over the sampling
in the 1-2 cm depth horizon. The percentage of the campaign, the emerging fraction can be estimated to

March. station C1 ages should be considered as minimum estimates of the

emerging assemblage. These results indicate that emer-
- Temp. (OC) --_. Dissolved 02 (mg 1·1)
gence of meiobenthic copepods into the water column
increased around sunset (18 :00) to become very active
during the first half of the night (19:00-24:00). The
copepods were not emerging during the second half
of the night. A second emergence period was detected
between 06:00-07:00, before sunrise (07:00), which
was more variable and less important, in terms of abun-
dance. Copepodites were the most abundant in trap
contents and comprised 52% and 47% of the total abun-
dances at 19:00-24:00 and 06:00-07:00 respectively.
Adult harpacticoids mainly comprised A. parvus, 39%
and 81 %; A. mormani, 28% and 10%; and Paradacty-
June. Station C1 lopodia sp., 23% and 6%, at 19:00-24:00 and 06:00-

~I ~_
07:00 respectively. C. perplexa was not found in trap
contents. The species composition was thus different
n _____ --- - -
between the emergence periods, with the second emer-
o gence phase mainly attributable to a single species,
100% ~-------------=--,
A. parvus.
60% Vertical distribution patterns oj meiobenthic
40% copepodsjrom station G (October 1994 sampling)
Most copepods (79.4%) were distributed in the top
3 cm of the sediment, 4% were found deeper, and
16.6% were found in the overlaying water (i.e. in
October. station G
the 2 cm water column above the sediment sur-

~I --- - - - - - - - - ------ - - - - - -
face). On average, the density of copepods which
showed an emerging behaviour (i.e. density of the
non-emerging copepod C. perplexa was removed), sig-
nificantly decreased with depth (P<O.OOI, Friedman
100% test) with 104.5 ± 24 ind 7 cm-3, 50 ± 15 ind 7 cm- 3 ,
80% 26.5 ± 7 ind 7 cm-3, at 1 cm, 2 cm, and 3 cm below
the surface respectively.
Over the diel period (Figure 5) the vertical distribu-
tion pattern of copepods (c. perplexa excepted) tended
Ull to change around sunset. Before sunset (between 13 :00
Sampling time
and 18:00), densities in the overlaying water and in the
first cm of the sediment showed an increase averag-
• 2·3 em IlilJ 1·2em D 0·1 em
ing 14% and 13% of the total assemblage respectively,
Figure 3. Vertical distribution of the harpacticoid C. perplexa in the whilst in the deeper sediment strata densities tended to
top 3 cm over diel periods: for 45 hours in March, 2l hours in June,
and 26 hours in October. decrease by 13.5% and 12.5% of the total assemblage
in the 1-2 cm and the 2-3 cm depth horizons respec-
tively. These results indicate that before sunset cope-
be 15-33% and 6-21 % of the total copepod assem- pods tended to migrate upwards and to regroup at the
blage for the 19:00-24:00 and the 06:00-07:00 emer- sediment water interface. At sunset (between 17:00 and
gence periods respectively. However, since our sam- 19:00), densities in the overlaying water (0-2 cm above
pling method does not allow the collecting of emerg- sediment) tended to decrease. This decrease averaged
ing copepods which were swimming between 2 cm between 7 to 37% of the total assemblage. This change
and 12 cm above the sediment surface, these percent- occurred at the beginning of the emergence period sug-

400 s
s u
350 u n u
'f 300 s I
u e S
~ 250 e
M t e

; 150

Z 100

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
~ ~ 19:00-24:00 '? 01 :00-06:00 ~ ~ 08:00-13:00 ~ 14:00-17:0f.J '? q
co en
;:; ...... co
~ ~
0 "'"
~ ~

,.:..: co V
t:ri ,.:..: M ,.:..: ~
0 c::::l

Time and duration of field incubation

Figure 4. Mean abundance (± sd) of meiobenthic copepods in emergence traps collected at station G in October. Traps were positioned for
different time intervals (from I hour to 5 hours) over a 26 hour time period.

gesting that a number of copepods began to swim up in 1973; Jensen, 1983; Coull et aI., 1989). Vertical distri-
the water column (above the overlaying water). During bution of metazoans is generally related to the oxygen
the night, copepods were mainly found in the first cm concentration in pore water. In the muddy sediments
of the sediment. of the fish ponds, the maximum depth of oxygen pen-
During both emergence periods (19:00-24:00 and etration was 5 mm (Schaub & van Gemerden, 1996).
06:00-07:00), the vertical distribution patterns of the However, infaunal activity (e.g. tube building by poly-
emerging copepod A. parvus and the non-emerging chaetes and crustaceans) provides micro-oxygenated
copepod C. perplexa were compared (Figure 6). Dur- halos (Meyers et aI., 1987) and phanerogam roots
ing both periods the depth distribution of C. perplexa may enhance the oxygen penetration at depth. In addi-
was consistent with the average distribution pattern tion, potential food sources for copepods such as pho-
observed over the whole die 1 period (Figure 2). In totrophic microorganisms are also present through the
contrast, the depth distribution of A. parvus tended top 3 cm of the sediment (Buffan et aI., 1993 and
to change during the second emergence phase (06:00- unpublished data), indicating that copepods may find
07:00). Density of the copepod in the first cm tended to food sources below the sediment surface.
decrease, inducing a more uniform depth distribution
in the top 3 cm (Figure 6). Diel and seasonal variations o/the vertical
distribution pattern o/the harpacticoid C. perplexa

Discussion Our results agree with previous observations indicating

that C. perplexa is a deep burrowing copepod (Thiele-
Generally, copepods were distributed in the uppermost mans & Heip, 1984). The harpacticoid C. perplexa
3 cm of the sediment. These data contradict the distrib- showed diel changes in depth distribution which fol-
ution generally assumed to occur in muddy sediments, lowed the diel variation of the surperficial sediment
where most benthic copepods (and meiofauna in gen- temperature. When the temperature of the sediment
eral) are restricted to the first cm of the sediment (Arlt, surface increased copepods tended to migrate up in






888 888
~ =~ 8 (:i 8
.2-3 em !IE 1-2 em 0 0-1 em UillI Overlaying
Figure 5. Vertical distribution of the copepod assemblage at station G in October; C. perplexa population was removed. Samples were taken at
different time intervals over a 26 hour time period.

March whereas in June copepods tended to migrate

, 9 :00-24 :00 down. Considering that in March the maximum tem-
peratures (17.6 -19.6 0c) were equal to the mini-
'E 1 mum temperatures (17-19 0c) measured in June, these
~ results indicate that C. perplexa tended to migrate down
when temperature of the sediment surface deviated (by
'j5 2 increasing or decreasing) from between a 17-19 °C
.c temperature interval. This suggests that in the fish
g. 3
ponds C. perplexa has a temperature optimum of 17 -
19°C. Considering that the diel variations of tem-
perature are slower and smaller at depth than at the
o C. perplexa • A. parvus sediment surface, it is likely that the copepod migrated
down to avoid sudden variations of temperature and
to stay close to its optimal temperature. This is con-
06 :00-07:00 sistent with the different vertical distribution patterns
observed between seasons (Figure 2). The highest per-

centages of individuals were found in the top cm in
March and October when average sediment surface
~ temperatures approached 17 -19°C. Furthermore, the
'j5 2 uniform distribution of copepods in the uppermost 2 cm
.c r-----------------------~ observed in October was tied to a vertical homogeniza-
g. 3
tion of temperatures in the sediment due to the stabil-
ity of the diurnal temperature. However, it should be
taken into account that the change of sampling sta-
o 10 20 30 40 50
tion, from station C1 (March and June) to station G
Mean density (n° 7 em-3 ) (October) may also have influenced the observed dif-
ferences in depth distribution between seasons. These
Figure 6. Mean vertical distribution of the most abundant harpacti-
coids, C. perplexa and A. parvus. in the top 3 cm of the sediment, vertical distribution patterns are not totally consistent
during both emergence periods (October, station G). with those of Huys et al. (1986) who studied a subtidal
sandy station located in the Southern Bight of the North

Sea. These authors showed that C. perplexa migrated Emergence into the water column and vertical
towards the sediment surface in March and stayed close distribution patterns ofmeiobenthic copepods
to the surface throughout spring and summer (90% of
the population in the upper 2 cm), and migrated deep- During the October sampling, the emerging fraction
er in autumn. In the present study, the mean vertical was estimated to be 15 to 33% (postsunsetemergence)
distribution patterns observed in March and in Octo- and 6 to 21 % (pre-sunrise emergence) of the copepod
ber (Figure 2) support these results whereas the June assemblage. These results are consistent with those of
vertical distribution does not. This was probably due Walters & Bell (1994) who observed that 7 to 31 %
to the difference of summer temperatures between the of the copepod assemblage emerged during the post-
Southern Bight of the North Sea and Arcachon Bay. sunset period.
The authors related vertical movements of C. perplexa As expected, active emergence of meiobenthic
with breeding periods, indicating that during extensive copepods into the water column was associated with
reproductive activity (spring and summer) the cope- light changes over the diel period (Figure 4). Emer-
pod was mainly found in the upper millimeters of the gence throughout the night and particularly around
sediment. Considering that C. perplexa shows 2 or sunset has previously been well established (Walters,
3 reproductive periods occurring in spring, summer 1988, 1991; Walters & Bell, 1994). In the present study
and late summer to early autumn (Castel & Lasserre, the time of emergence was species-specific. Indeed,
1977; Ceccherelli & Mistri, 1991), and considering the migrating species A. normani and Paradactylopo-
that breeding activity is related to temperature (Harris, dia sp. were found in traps sampled only after sunset,
1972c), it is likely that in the present study, reproduc- whereas A. parvus was found in traps sampled during
tive activity also influenced the vertical migration of both emergence phases. It may be deduced that A. nor-
C. perplexa through the sediment. This is supported mani and Paradactylopodia emerged only during the
by the fact that the nauplius of C. perplexa is plank- first part of the night. Another possibility was that both
tonic (Vincx & Heip, 1979), suggesting that ovigerous copepods swam for a long period (from around 19:00-
females migrate to the sediment surface for laying. 24:00 to 06:00) in the water column. Traps placed
Oxygen concentrations also showed diel variations above the sediment at 06:00 would not capture them
which were linked to temperature variations which if the copepods were already swimming through the
both responded to the diel cycle of light intensity (Fig- water column. Such long excursions of meiobenthic
ure 3). Indeed, oxygen concentrations measured in the copepods in the water column have been observed. For
water column reflected the photosynthetic activity of example, Bell et a!. (1989) determined that an emerg-
microphytes which was obviously more intensive dur- ing copepod (Zausodes arenicolus) remained in the
ing days than during nights. There were no marked water column of field aquaria for more than 9 hours.
changes in mean oxygen concentrations between sea- Using experimental field aquaria, these authors also
sons (March: 4.4-8.3 mg 1-1, June: 3.4-1l.9 mg 1-1, showed that the composition of the migrating species
October: 5.4-9.7 mg 1-1), thus, seasonal changes in assemblage determines the time, the duration and/or
the vertical distribution of C. perplexa could not be the number of emergence periods occurring during the
attributed to this factor. Over diel periods we found no night.
evidence for an effect of diel variations in oxygen con- We found evidence which related the emerging
centrations on the vertical distribution of this copepod behaviour with the vertical distribution pattern of cope-
even if the copepod tended to move up during (June) or pods in the sediment. At first, emerging copepods
after (March and October) the decrease of oxygen con- (Figure 5) and non-emerging copepods (population of
centration at night. However, considering that oxygen C. perplexa) (Figure 2) showed different vertical dis-
is a key factor for the depth distribution of meiofauna tribution patterns over the diel period (October, sta-
(McLachlan, 1978; Meyers et a!., 1987), it is possi- tion G). The emerging assemblage was in general
ble that the diel vertical distribution of C. perplexa found mainly in the first cm of the sediment, whereas
responded to the combined effects of diel variations of C. perplexa showed a deeper vertical distribution. This
temperature and oxygen concentrations. suggests that emergence into the water column may
mainly concern surface dwelling copepods. Secondly,
the depth distribution of A. parvus only (the dominant
species emerging at sunrise) tended to change during
emergence phases. Density of this copepod tended to

decrease in the top first cm while it was emerging into gan, P. O. Ceidigh & P. J. S. Boaden (eds), Biology of benthic
the water column (Figure 6, second emergence phase, organisms. Pergamon Press: 129-146.
Castel, J., P. Caumette & R. Herbert, 1996. Eutrophication gradients
06:00-07:00). Consequently, it seems that both the ver- in coastal lagoons as exemplified by the Bassin d' Arcachon and
tical occupation of space and diel changes of the ver- the Etang du Prevost. Hydrobiologia 329: xi-xxx.
tical distribution, particularly between day and night, Ceccherelli, V. U. & M. Mistri, 1991. Production of the meiobenthic
may be related in part to the swimming behaviour of harpacticoid copepod Canuella perplexa. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.
68: 225-234.
harpacticoids. Ceccherelli, V. U., M. Mistri & P. Franzoi, 1994. Predation impact
on the meiobenthic harpacticoid Canuella perplexa in a lagoon
of the Po River Delta, Italy. Estuaries 17: 283-287.
Acknowledgments Coull, B. c., M. A. Palmer & P. E. Myers, 1989. Controls on
the vertical distribution of meiobenthos in mud: field and flume
studies with juvenile fish. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 55: 133-139.
We are grateful to Dr I. Auby, L. P. Souza-Santos, Escaravage, V. & J. Castel, 1989. Application de la notion de con-
E. Antajan, and Y. Dubau for assistance collecting finement aux peuplements meiobenthiques des lagunes endiguees
du Bassin d' Arcachon (Cote atlantique). Acta Oecol. Gener. 10:
the samples throughout mosquito-infested nights. To
M. Parra for making emergence traps and to A. M. Cas- Escaravage, v., M. E. Garcia & J. Castel, 1989. The distribution of
tel for assistance in sorting the trap contents. To meiofauna and its contribution to detritic pathways in tidal flats
S. Bourgues, L. P. Souza-Santos and P. 1. P. Santos (Arcachon Bay, France). In J. D. Ros. (ed.), Topics in marine
Biology, Scient. Mar. 53: 551-559.
for their advice and discussions concerning sampling,
Harris, R. P., I 972a. The distribution and ecology of the interstitial
laboratory processing, and earlier draft of the manu- meiofauna of a sandy beach at Whitsand Bay, east Cornwall. J.
script. We thank Dr W. Arrnonies and Dr I. Ferrari for mar. bioI. Ass. U.K. 52: 1-18.
critical comments which were helpful to improve the Harris, R. P., 1972b. Seasonal changes in the meiofauna population
of an intertidal sand beach. J. mar. bioI. Ass. U.K. 52: 389-403.
quality of the manuscript. We are also very grateful
Harris, R. P., I 972c. Reproductive activity of the interstitial copepods
to G. Hello and Dr D. T. Welsh for their assistance of a sandy beach. J. mar. bioI. Ass. U.K. 52: 507-524.
with the English version. This work was supported Heip, c., 1973. Partitioning of the brackish water habitat by copepod
by a E.U. Environment programm (CLEAN contract species. Hydrobiologia 41: 189-198.
Hicks, G. R. F., 1986. Distribution and behaviour of meiofaunal
EV5V-CT92-0080). copepods inside and outside seagrass beds. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.
31: 159-170.
Huys, R., R. L. Hennan & c. Heip, 1986. Seasonal fluctuations in
References vertical distribution and breeding activity of a subtidal harpacti-
coid community in the southern bight, North Sea. Neth. J. Sea
Res. 20: 375-383.
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Jensen, P., 1983. Meiofauna abundance and vertical zonation in a
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Bell, S. S., G. R. F. Hicks & K. Walters, 1988. Active swimming in
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Bell, S. S., G. R. F. Hicks & K. Walters, 1989. Experimental investi-
McLachlan, A., 1978. A quantitative analysis of the meiofauna and
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McLachlan, A., P. E. D. Winter & L. Botha, 1977. Vertical and
Arcachon Bay and Prevost lagoon. C.L.E.A.N. progress report
horizontal distribution of sublittoral meiofauna in Algoa Bay,
part II: 73-89.
South Africa. Mar. BioI. 40: 355-364.
Buffan, E., L. P. Souza-Santos & J. Castel, 1993. Daily variations of
Meyers, M. B., H. Fossing & E. N. Powell, 1987. Microdistribution
vertical distribution and pigment gut content of the meiobenthic
of interstitial meiofauna, oxygen and sulfide gradients, and the
copepod Canuella perplexa in a brackish lagoon. C.L.E.A.N.
tubes of macro-infauna. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 35: 223-241.
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Montagna, P. A., J. E. Bauer, D. Hardin & R. B. Spies, 1989. Vertical
Castel, J., 1992. The meiofauna of coastal lagoon ecosystems and
distribution of microbial and meiofaunal populations in sediments
their importance in the food weeb. Vie Milieu 42: 125-135.
of a natural coastal hydrocarbon seep. J. mar. Res. 47: 657-680.
Castel, J. & P. Lasserre, 1977. Colonisation et distribution spatiale
Palmer, M. A. & R. M. Molloy, 1986. Water flow and the vertical
des copepodes dans des lagunes semi-artificielles. In B. F. Kea-
distribution of meiofauna: a flume experiment. Estuaries 9: 225-

Schaub, B. & H. van Gemerden, 1996. Sulfur bacteria in sediments Walters, K., 1988. Diel vertical migration of sediment-associated
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du Prevost, France. Hydrobiologia, this volume. Bio!. Bco!. 117: 169-186.
Service, S. K. & S. S. Bell, 1987. Density-influenced active dispersal Walters, K., 1991. Influences of abundances, behavior, species com-
ofharpacticoid copepods. J. expo mar. Bio!. Bco!. 114: 49-62. position, and ontogenic stage on active emergence of meiobenthic
Smith, L. D. & B. C. Coull, 1987. Juvenile spot (Pisces) and grass copepods in subtropical habitats. Mar. Bio!. 108: 207-215.
shrimp predation on meiobenthos in muddy and sandy substrata. Walters, K. & S. S. Bell, 1986. Diel patterns of active vertical
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Vincx, M. & C. Heip, 1979. Larval development and biology of Mar. Bco!. Prog. Ser. 108: 237-249.
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Hydrobio[ogia 329: 79-89, 1996. 79
P. Caumette, J. Castel & R. Herbert (eds), Coastal Lagoon Eutrophication and ANaerobic Processes (C.L.E.AN.).
©1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

The role of phototrophic sulfur bacteria as food for meiobenthic

harpacticoid copepods inhabiting eutrophic coastal lagoons

L. P. Souza-Santos, J. Castel & P. J. P. Santos

Laboratoire d'Oceanographie Biologique, Universite Bordeaux I, 2 rue du Professeur Jolyet,
F-33I20Arcachon, France

Key words: Feeding ecology, meiofauna, harpacticoid copepods, coastal lagoons, phototrophic bacteria, microalgae


Laboratory experiments were undertaken using Amonardia normani and Schizopera cf compacta, two meiobenthic
harpacticoid copepods commonly found in coastal lagoons. The first experiments were designed to determine if the
phototrophic sulfur bacteria Chromatium gracile can be ingested by these copepods and at what concentrations.
Egestion rate was used as an index of feeding rate. The response of the egestion rate, expressed in numbers of
faecal pellets produced by copepod per day, as a function of bacterial concentration followed the functional model.
A. normani attained constant feeding rates from the bacterial concentration of 1 x 107 cells ml- I (5 f..Lg C ml- I )
onwards, S. cf compacta attained constant feeding rates from 2.6 x 107 cells ml- I (13 f..Lg C ml- I ) onwards.
The faecal pellet volume changed significantly (p<0.05) between food concentrations for A. normani but not for
S. cf compacta (p>0.05). In order to investigate the effect of the phototrophic bacterial diet on the population
dynamics of A. normani three groups of nauplii were maintained at 2 x 107 cells ml- I and observed every day. The
mortality of these nauplii was very high compared to those maintained on a diatom diet (Nitzschia constricta); only
in one of the groups did some copepodites develop but no adults were ever observed. Adults fed on bacteria did
not have different (p>0.05) survival rates compared to those fed on diatoms, nevertheless, the number of nauplii
produced was significantly less (p<0.05) on the bacterial diet. These results lead us to suggest that although the
phototrophic sulfur bacteria (Chromatium gracile) can be ingested by both copepod species it cannot sustain the
full development of the A. normani population. Thus, a bloom of phototrophic sulfur bacteria does not seem to be
a favourable situation for opportunistic benthic copepods to colonize eutrophic coastal lagoons after a dystrophic

Introduction recently reviewed the current literature on meiofau-

na feeding rate studies. Focusing on the utilization of
The important role played by copepods in the food microftora (bacteria and microalgae), this review clear-
chains of aquatic systems is now well established. By ly showed the importance of bacteria as food for several
feeding on microorganisms and detritus they transfer benthic copepods. Rieper (1978; 1982) demonstrated
primary production to higher trophic levels and partic- that Tisbe holothuriae and Paramphiascella vararensis
ipate in the recycling of organic matter, in both pelag- could develop with bacteria as the sole food source and
ic (Bougis, 1974) and benthic systems (Castel, 1992; detect differences between bacterial strains, thus show-
Giere, 1993). Literature dealing with feeding activity ing specific food preferences. Other copepod species,
of pelagic copepods is extensive and several laboratory such as Dactylopodia vulgaris (Rieper, 1985), seem to
and in situ methods have been developed and employed depend on algal carbon to reproduce. These examples
to quantify feeding rates and to estimate food quali- show how complex and specific are the relationships
ty. Surprisingly, very few data on feeding biology of between meiobenthic copepods and their food items.
meiobenthic copepods are available. Montagna (1995)

Feeding rates of pelagic copepods are known to be Materials and methods

affected not only by food quality but also, and strongly,
by food concentration (Frost, 1972), therefore, a func- Collection and cultivation of copepods
tional model of ingestion rate as a function of food
concentration is usually accepted. For meiobenthic Cultures of meiobenthic copepods were initiated with
copepods the study of the effect of food concentra- ovigerous Amonardia normani and Schizopera cf com-
tion on feeding rates is still at an early stage. Rieper pacta females collected in the fish ponds of Certes in
(1978; 1985) showed that the increase offood concen- Arcachon Bay (France, 44 0 N, 1° 10' W). The off-
tration resulted in an increase of feeding rate. The work springs were cultivated for several generations in glass
by Montagna et al. (1995) was the first which tried to dishes with 0.7 JLm filtered seawater (salinity: 30%0)
model the relationship between meiofauna feeding rate and Nitzschia sp (diatom isolated from the same fish
and food concentration. ponds) or Nitzschia constricta (Greg.) Grun. (CCMP
In this study, the role of a specific bacterial group 576 strain from Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sci-
(the phototrophic sulfur bacteria) as food for meioben- ences, Maine, USA) as food. The cultures were main-
thic copepods is investigated. The choice of these bac- tained at 20 °C in a 12 h darkl12 h light photoperiod.
teria is related to the possible occurrence of 'red waters'
in eutrophic coastal lagoons. Normally, phototroph- Bacterial culture
ic sulfur bacteria occupy a well-defined layer in the
microbial mat of shallow lagoon sediments, between The purple sulfur bacteria tested, Chromatium gracile
the oxygenic layers - where diatoms and cyanobac- strain CE2201, isolated from the fish ponds sediments
teria grow - and the anoxygenic layers - where sul- (Guyoneaud et aI., 1996), was originating from the
fate reduction occurs (Caumette, 1992). However, in culture collection of the laboratory. It was cultivated
some coastal lagoons, the proliferation of macro al- in the Pfennig & Triiper (1981) medium with 5 mM
gae in spring and their decay and degradation in sum- of acetate and 5 mM of thiosulphate at pH == 7 and
mer may result in anoxic, sulfide-rich waters. During salinity == 30%0. Before being offered to the animals,
this period, plants and animals die out. Following this the bacterial culture was observed under a microscope
dystrophic crisis, waters can turn pink to purple-red to verify the absence of sulfur globules inside cells,
(,red-waters') due to the bloom of phototrophic sul- since the presence of these was shown to be prejudi-
fur bacteria which oxidize reduced sulfur compounds, cial for copepods (Caumette, 1985). Afterwards, the
thus removing toxic products from the lagoon waters bacterial culture was rinsed three times by centrifuga-
(Caumette,1986). tion (3000 rpm) with sterile, 0.22 JLm filtered seawater,
Copepods (Acartia clausi and Tisbe sp.) feeding in order to eliminate toxic compounds present in the
on phototrophic sulfur bacteria have been previous- medium. Bacterial concentrations were estimated with
ly observed by Caumette et al. (1983) and Caumette a Malassez haemocytometer counting-cell, taking care
(1986). The purpose of this study was to investigate of both sedimentation time of cells and plate desicca-
(1) whether meiobenthic copepods feed on phototroph- tion. Dilutions were made with sterile, 0.22 JLm filtered
ic sulfur bacteria and (2) whether their populations seawater.
could be maintained with this sole source of carbon. Two estimates of the carbon content of bacterial
Two copepod species were tested: Amonardia normani cells were made. Firstly, width and length of 10 bacte-
(Brady, 1872), an epibenthic opportunist and com- rial cells were measured by phase contrast microscopy
mon inhabitant of coastal lagoons (Castel, 1979), and using a micro metric ocular.. The carbon content was
Schizopera cf compacta Lint, 1922, an endobenthic estimated assuming a cylindrical shape of cells, a den-
copepod. The two species are highly abundant in both sity of 1.1 g cm- 3 and a carbon:fresh weight ratio
phytal and sediment environments of the fish ponds of 0.1. Secondly, the bacterial culture was filtered in
of Certes in Arcachon Bay (Castel & Lasserre, 1977). preweighed, 400°C-burned GF/C filters. These filters
Chromatium gracile Strzeszewski, 1913 was the tested were washed with 3% w/v ammonium formate to elim-
phototrophic sulfur bacteria since it is abundant in the inate salts, dried at 60 ° C for 24 h and burned at 400 ° C
same fish ponds (Guyoneaud et ai, 1996). for 24 h, then weighed on a Mettler ME22 microbal-
ance. The carbon:organic matter ratio was assumed to
be 0.5 (Karl, 1986).

Relationship between bacterial concentration and laboratory were separated from the maintenance cul-
egestion rate of copepods ture. Each group received a bacterial or a diatom sus-
pension at concentrations which resulted in maximum
A single cope pod female was placed in a 23.7 cm 2 glass egestion rates, i e., 2 x 107 cells ml- I for C. gracile
dish containing 10 ml of bacterial cell suspension of (see Results) and 0.13 p,g chlorophyll a ml- I (about
known concentration. Five replicate dishes were used 7 x 105 cells ml- I ) for N. constricta (Souza-Santos, in
for each bacterial concentration and for controls (con- preparation). One day later, the hatched nauplii were
sidered here as copepods in sterile, 0.22 Ilm filtered placed individually in the cavities of sterile micro-
seawater, or without food). These dishes were incubat- plates, containing about 0.3 ml of the food suspension.
ed for 24 h, accounting for the possibility of endoge- To reduce evaporation, the cavities situated at the bor-
nous diel cycles of feeding rate (Souza-Santos et aI., der of the microplates were filled with distilled water
1995), at the same conditions as copepod cultures. At and the micro-plates were placed inside aquaria with
the end of the incubation period and after checking for a humid atmosphere. Two groups of 45 and 43 nauplii
copepod survival, the content of each dish was pre- were fed on N. constricta and three groups of 76, 49
served in 4% v/v formalin for further analysis. and 50 nauplii were fed on C. gracile.
The number of faecal pellets produced by each All copepod stages were observed every day until
copepod during 24 h was counted under a stereo- they died. The criterion used to identify the dead ani-
microscope. To estimate the total volume of faecal mals was the absence of mobility after mechanical
pellets produced, the length and width of 20 to 30 pel- stimulation. Once and if the copepodite stage was
lets for each food concentration were measured using attained, the animals were put together in a sterile
a camera lucida. The volume of pellets was estimated glass dish containing 10 ml of the food suspension.
assuming a cylindrical shape. After laying the first egg sac, each female was isolated
Experiments were carried out twice with A. nor- with a male in a sterile plastic flask containing 10 ml of
mani. At the first experiment the feeding rates the food suspension. As soon as a new brood hatched,
increased continually with food concentrations. the adult couple was transferred to a new flask and the
Regarding the functional model, it means that the nauplii released were preserved in 4% v/v formalin and
food concentrations were lower than the 'critical' stained with Rose Bengal to be counted.
food concentration, defined here as the concentration Food in microplates (nauplius development) was
from which no significant increase in feeding rates is not renewed. During the copepodite stages the food
observed. In the second experiment higher food con- suspension was renewed every two days and the living
centrations were tested and the feeding rates attained animals counted. During the reproductive period, the
the expected plateau. This resulted in different ranges food suspension was changed every time a new brood
of tested bacterial concentrations between the two was produced (between two and three days) or each
copepod species (Table 1). five days for the post-reproductive period.

Effect of bacterial diet on the population dynamics of Second experiment

Amonardia normani This short experiment was made in order to investigate
the effect of the diet on the survival and fecundity
First experiment (expressed in hatched nauplii) of adult A. normani,
A new culture of A. normani was initiated just before since the first experiment showed that the nauplii could
the experiment to avoid the possible negative effect of not develop to adults when fed on C. gracile.
inbreeding on the population estimates. The results Six groups of about 30 females and 5 males were
obtained for A. normani fed on C. gracile strain sampled in the same maintenance culture (fed on
CE2201 were compared to those obtained for A. nor- N. constricta at this time). Three groups were fed on
mani fed on the diatom N. constricta, to detect any C. gracile (2 x 10 7 cells ml- I ) and the other ones fed
experimental artifact. These latter results will be com- on axenic N. constricta (0.13 p,g chlorophyll-a ml- I ).
pletely reported in a subsequent paper (Souza-Santos, The copepods fed on bacteria were acclimated on this
in preparation). food one day before the experiment.
At the start of the experiment two groups of 30 preg- Every day during one week, the living animals were
nant females of the first generation that were born in the counted and transferred to a new food suspension. The
Table 1. Results of the experiments dealing with the relationship between bacterial concentration (cells ml- I ) and egestion rate of
copepods (No faecal pellets cop-I day-I).

Amonardia normani Schizopera ct: compacta

Bacterial concentration No. faecal pellets'cop I Bacterial concentration No. faecal pellets.cop I
(cells· ml- I ) ± confidence intervals (cells· ml- I) ± confidence intervals
o (control) 0.75 ± 0.78 o (control) I ± 1.2
3x 10 1±0.71
3 X 102 0.8 ± 1.1
3 X 103 1.6 ± 1.5
3 X 104 3.8 ± 4.15
3 X 105 6.6 ± 7.06 2.6 X 105 1.2 ± 1.10
2 X 106 18.3 ± 9.4
3X 106 25.4 ± 16.0 2.6 x 106 0.4 ± 0.55
1X 107 96 ± 13.7
3X 107 82.8 ± 22.3 2.6 x 107 12.4 ± 8.6
4 X 107 102.3 ± 42.6 5.3 x 107 12±11.2
1X 108 101.8 ± 42.7 1.3 x 10 8 20.4 ± 13.2
2X 108 56.4±19.4 2.6 x 108 22.2 ± 12.0

old suspensions were preserved in 4% v/v formalin significantly up to a concentration of 1 x 107 cells
and stained with Rose Bengal for further counting of ml- I or 5.2 /Lg C ml- I (Table 1, Figure 1),
hatched nauplii. from this concentration onwards the number of fae-
cal pellets did not change significantly (ANOVA,
F=2.2, d.f.=4119, p=0.1095). The pellet volume,
Results although, decreased significantly (ANOVA, F=4.43,
d.f.=41104, p=0.0024) from 4 x 107 cells ml- I to
Relationship between bacterial concentration and 10 x 107 cell ml-I. Only from 2.6 x 107 cells ml- I
egestion rate of copepods and above did the number of faecal pellets produced
by S. cf compacta differ from control values (Table 1).
The carbon content of C. gracile strain CE2201 cell The number of faecal pellets produced from 2.6 x 107
was estimated as 5.19 x 10- 1 pg from the measure cells ml- I or 13.6 /Lg C ml- I onwards did not change
of cell volume (4.72 /Lm 3 ) and as 5.27 x 10- 1 pg by significantly (Figure 2) (ANOVA, F= 1.0, dJ. = 2112,
weighing the bacterial culture. The mean value of p = 0.3961). The mean pellet volume did not change
0.52 pg C cell- I was thus used for the transformation significantly (ANOVA, F = 0.54, d.f. = 3/98, p = 0.66)
of cell concentration in biomass. between bacterial concentrations at least between
The tested food items sedimented on the bottom of 2.6 x 107 cells ml- I and 26 x 107 cells ml- I .
the flasks; therefore the copepods could feed on them
without another kind of substrate. Effect of bacte rial diet on the population dynamics of
Under the control conditions, without food, cope- Amonardia normani
pods normally produce from 0 to 3 typical faecal pel-
lets per copepod per day (Table 1) or seldom many First experiment
(about 20) very small, transparent pellets (not consid- The nauplii of A. norrnani are strictly benthic and could
ered here). This faecal pellet production should be a feed on both C. gracile and N. constricta, based on
result of the feeding activity in the maintenance cul- the presence of many faecal pellets in cavities of the
tures. micro-plate.
A. normani egestion rates were different from The survival of A. normani was very low in the
the control values from 3 x 104 cells ml- I onwards three groups of nauplii fed on C. gracile (Figure 3)
(Table 1). The number of faecal pellets produced compared with those fed on the diatom N. constricta
and the mean pellet volume for A. normani increased (Figure 4). The lethal time for 50% of the population

7 (xlO )

6 •
120 C'?
5 S

..... S
90 4 ;::l
Q, 0

I -
('.) ....,
Q.) 60 III


2 .::




o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
concentration ( (xlO )

Figure I. Variation of the number of faecal pellets produced (No. pellets. cop-I day-I) and mean faecal pellet volume (ILm 3 ) of Amonardia
normani in relation to Chromatium gracile concentration (cells ml- I ). Vertical bars denote the confidence intervals of the means (p = 0.05).

ranged from 7 to 10 days for the bacterial diet and the diatom diet and the bacterial diet: 13.8 and 0.41
was about 37 days for the diatom diet. Only in one nauplii . female- t . day-t, respectively.
group fed on bacteria, nauplii developed to copepodites
(C 5 stage) but no adults were observed. A. normani
presented a complete life-cycle on the diatom diet with Discussion
an intrinsic rate of increase (ro) of 0.3 (Souza-Santos,
in preparation). Data on the effect of food concentration on the phys-
iological rates of meiobenthic copepods are scarce.
Second experiment The results of Heinle et al. (1977) indicated that Coul-
The survival of adult A. normani fed during one week lana canadensis produced more eggs at higher algal
on N. constricta (95%) or on C. gracile (87%) was concentration. Rieper (1978,1985) and Rieper & Flo-
not significantly different (Student's t-test, t= 1.86, tow (1981) showed that the feeding rates of both Tisbe
d.f. =4, P =0.14) at the end of the experiment (Fig- holothuriae and Paramphiascella vararensis increased
ure 5). On the other hand, fecundity showed different with food (bacteria, algae and ciliate) concentrations.
variations through time. In the N. constricta diet the Heteropsyllus pseudonunni had higher egg production
fecundity increased significantly with time (regression at increasing algal concentration but not at increas-
analysis - R 2 =76%, p=O.OI). On the C. gracile diet ing detritus concentration (Ustach, 1982). However,
the fecundity decreased significantly with time (regres- these studies did not test a large range of food con-
sion analysis - R 2 = 60%, P =0.04). At the end of the centration and did not discuss the existence of a 'criti-
experiment the fecundity was significantly different cal' food concentration above which the physiological
(Student's t-test, t= 22.4, dJ. =4, p<O.OOOI) between rates (such as feeding and egg production) are inde- .
pendent of the food concentration. Only for Coullana
(x10 )
35 3.5

0 30 3.0 •
..... S
2.5 .......,
>. 25

..... S

I 20 2.0 ;j
0.. 0


....,00 15 1.5 C!J

0.. ~
0 10 ! CIl
5 0.5

0 0.0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
concentration ( (xlO 7 )

Figure 2. Variation of the number of faecal pellets produced (No. pellets. cop-l day-I) and mean faecal pellet volume (/Lm 3 ) of Schizopera
ct: compacta in relation to Chromatium gracile concentration (cells ml- 1 ). Vertical bars denote the confidence intervals of the means (p =0.05).

canadensis it has been described a saturation of fertil-

ity (Harris, 1977) and feeding rates (Lonsdale & Lev- 100
inton, 1989) above 1 x 105 cells ml- i and 2.5 x 105
cells ml- i of Isochrysis galbana, respectively. More
recently, Shaw et al. (1994) presented the effect of
Thalassiosira pseudonana concentration on the feed- ,........
'$. 60
ing rate, expressed as the number of faecal pellets '-"
produced per hour, of Tigriopus californicus. In this ;>
work, the feeding response was well-described by a 40
Michaelis-Menten equation (F = Fmax x C /(K + C)
and the 'critical' food concentration was 1 x 105 cells 20
ml- i . Tisbe battag liai showed a constant development
time above the concentration of 1.3 J,1.g C ml- 1 or
2 x 105 cells ml- i of I. galbana (Williams & Jones, 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21
1994). Montagna et al. (1995) could fit a functional Days
model (F=Fmax (1 _e- kG » to the meiofauna feed-
Figure 3. Survival curves of the three groups of Amonardia normani
ing response to algal concentration in sediments. fed on Chromatium gracile, a phototrophic sulfur bacteria, at the
The present study confirms that the feeding rates, concentration of 2 x 107 cells ml- 1 (n = 76,49 and 50).
expressed in number of faecal pellets produced per day,
of Amonardia normani and Schizopera cf compacta
followed the expected functional response as a function of bacteria concentration, with the 'critical' bacterial

110 20
100 a
0 100
80 15

....... 90
'ct. 60
tij ~
80 10~
.~ > ;:l

~ 40
60 t---9~\ ~

12 34 45 56 67 78 50
Days 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 4. Survival curves of the two groups of Amonardia normani 110 20

fed on Nitzschia constricta, a diatom, atthe concentration of 0.13 J.lg b
Chla ml- I (n=45 and 43). 0
H 15
~ >.

concentrations of 1 x 107 cells ml- l (5.2 ftg C ml- l ) ~ 10]
and 2.6 x 107 cells ml- l (13.6 ftg C ml--l), for each
.f; ;:l


species respectively.
As proposed by Frost (1972) and Mullin et al.
(1975) three models were adjusted to the results f ¢/ ·1

obtained for A. normani the I vlev equation as modified 60

by Parsons et al. (1967): F=Fmax [l_e- k (C-C')],
where F is the feeding rate, Fmax the maximum rate, 50
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
K a constant, C the food concentration and C' the
food concentration (if any) at which feeding ceases, DAYS
the analogous Michaelis-Menten equation: F = Fmax Figure 5. Percentage of survival and fecundity, expressed in hatched
(C-C')/[K + (C-C')], where K is the half-saturation nauplii. female-I day-I, of three groups (each one composed of
constant, and two rectilinear models, one up to the 30 females and 5 males) of Amonardia normani adults fed on Chro-
matium gracile (2 X 107 cells ml- I ) (a) and on Nitzschia constricta
'critical' concentration but not including it and anoth- (0.13 J.lg Chi a ml- I ) (b).
er from this one onwards. The three models fitted
significantly the data and can be observed in Fig-
ure 6. The rectilinear models explained more of the trations were tested and almost all of them were higher
data variability, especially in the bacterial concen- than the 'critical' one (Figure 2).
trations below the 'critical' one (n = 5, R2 = 98%, In view of practical utilization, it is of utmost
p = 0.0009) (Figure 6b) and showed the independen- importance to estimate the 'critical' food concentra-
cy of feeding rates in relation to the bacterial con- tion. Studies on food preference, effect of the diet on
centration from the 'critical' concentration onwards the physiological rates and measures of carbon uti-
(n=5, R2 =55%, p=O.l5). The Ivlev model (n= 10, lization should use food concentrations higher than
R2 =87%, p=0.00008) and Michaelis-Menten model the 'critical' one in order to avoid misinterpretation
(n = 10, R2 = 83%, p = 0.0002) also explained a great of the results. Montagna (1995) re-analysed the data
part of the data variability. The same tendency on of Vanden Berghe & Bergmans (1981) and proposed
data explicability was observed by Mullin et al. (1975) that the intrageneric differences on feeding rate and
using Frost (1972)'s results for Calanus. We did not food preference of Tisbe spp., as suggested by Vanden
attempt to fit any model to the S. cf compacta results Berghe & Bergmans, could be simply explained by the
since only a few number of different bacterial concen- differences in the food concentrations tested for each
120 ,-----------------------------------------,


60 ...
40 Ivlev F=88 (I-e
F= 93 (C-9.6e4)
20 -£- 4e6+(C-9.6e4)
rectilinear F=2 + 8e-6 C
F=IOI - 2e-7 C
O.OE+OO 5.0E-;-07 l.OE+08 1.5E+08 2.0E+08
Bacterial cone. (


....... -e-
~ 30 Ivlev
....... -fr-
ci. Michaelis-Menten
o(,) -£-
] 20

<S 10

o .-~---.-------.------.------.------,-------~
O.OE+OO S.OE+OS 1.0E+06 l.SE+06 2.0E+06 2.SE+06 3.0E+06
Bacterial cone. (
Figure 6. Feeding rates of Amonardia normani in relation to Chromatium gracile concentrations. observed data and expected curves estimated
by the Ivlev model, Michaelis-Menten model and the rectilinear model. a) all data, b) bacterial concentrations below the 'critical' one.

species and a functional response to these concentra- able to express the feeding rate by individual or by
tions. However, Montagna plotted a relative algal feed- body biomass per unit of time. Thus, we have replot-
ing rate (x 10- 4 h- 1) versus the total carbon added (see ted the results of Vanden Berghe & Bergmans (1981),
his Figure 1). This relative rate, although interesting now with the algal feeding rate expressed in /-lg C.
to measure meiofauna grazing impact on food stocks, ind- 1 day-l versus the total carbon added or the algal
is worthless in physiological studies where it is prefer- carbon added (Figure 7a and b). The linear regression
0.4 i ·--'1
j • a bacterial densities in the sediments of the fish ponds of
T. ho/othuriae
'V • Certes were higherthan 107 cells ml- J during the three
~ 0.3 1I sampling periods (March, June and September 1993)
.§ j
T. battagliai
• •
(Guyoneaud et aI., 1996). Caumette (1986) observed

II T. furcata
'V 'V phototrophic bacteria densities of 107 cells ml- J in the


~ I
sediment of Prevost Lagoon during the summer and
c::: 1 • 'V iii • in the water column the densities attained 108 cells
~Q) 0.1
• ml- J during 'red waters'. These results indicate that
1 'V
the 'critical' phototrophic bacterial concentrations esti-

0 I mated in the present study can be found by meiobenthic
copepods in the field, making possible the exploitation
20 40 60 80 100 120 of this food at maximum rates in natural conditions.
Total carbon added (~g)
Variation of the faecal pellet volume as a function
0.4 of bacterial concentration differed for each copepod
• b species. S. cf compacta faecal pellet volume did not
T. ho/othuriae
'V • change significantly between the tested concentrations
~ 0.3
T. battagliai
• • (Figure 2), for A. normani the faecal pellet volume

(3 T. furcata increased up to the 'critical' concentration, did not
'V 'V change significantly up to 5.3 X 107 cells ml- J and


decreased at 10 x 107 cellsml- J (Figure 1). This faecal

•• 'V
• pellet volume decrease together with the small (non-
~ 0.1
u. 'V
• significant) decrease of the number of faecal pellets
•• produced by copepod per day (Figure 1) lead us to
o ~:. • suggest that the real egestion rate of A. normani tends
20 40 60 80 100 120 to decrease at the highest bacterial concentration, a
Algal carbon added (~g) non-expected result in view of the theoretical mod-
FiRure 7. Vanden Berghe & Bergmans (1981) results of algal feeding els proposed above. The decrease of feeding rate of
rates (expressed in fLg C. ind- 1 day-I) of three species of the genus copepods above 'critical' concentrations was already
Tisbe versus: (a) total carbon added and (b) algal carbon added. observed (Mullin, 1963; Conover, 1966) but not well
understood. A hypothesis may be the production of
chemical feeding deterrents by the food organisms that
between these two variables was significant (total car- can inhibit copepod feeding above a specific food con-
bon - R2 = 65%, p<O.OOOI, algal carbon - R2 = 82%, centration. The diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum
p<O.OOOI) although the algal carbon explained better deterred feeding of Tigriopus californicus at concen-
the algal feeding rate, as expected. trations of 6 x 105 cells ml- J , a characteristic already
The 'critical' bacterial concentrations, even known for some dinoflagellate species (Shaw et aI.,
expressed in carbon, observed for the two tested cope- 1994). This decrease may be also an experimental arti-
pod species were quite similar to each other although fact and more experiments are needed to confirm it. For
much higher than critical algal concentrations estimat- this reason, however, the experiments on A. normani
ed for other studied meiobenthic copepod species. This population dynamics used the concentration of 2 x 107
result can be explained by the differences of volume cells ml- J at which the total egestion rate was almost
between the bacteria tested (4.72 /-Lm 3 ) and the algae constantly high.
(about 40 /-Lm 3 for I. galbana and 50 /-Lm 3 for T pseudo- The results of the experiment on population dynam-
nana) and the inverse relationship between the cell vol- ics clearly showed that A. normani population could
ume of the food item and its critical carbon concentra- not grow with C. gracile strain CE220! as the single
tion (Frost, 1972). Schiemeret al. (1980) and Schiemer food source, since the nauplii did not develop to adults.
(1982) found that growth of two nematode species fed To make sure that these results were not a method-
on Escherichia coli could be effective with at least ological artifact related to the culture of nauplii in
bacterial concentrations of about 108 cells ml- J, this micro-plates (restricted volume), six other groups of
higher bacterial concentration can be explained once nauplii (n =30) were cultivated in glass dishes con-
again by the small size of E. coli cells. The phototrophic taining 10 ml of the bacterial suspension. The nauplii

were observed (though not counted) every day until impossible the population growth and colonization of
they died, but development to copepodites was not this lagoon, unless another food resource is available.
observed. Other meiobenthic copepods, such as P. vararensis
The adults that fed on C. gracile had similar sur- (Rieper, 1984), can grow using phototrophic bacteria
vival rates to those fed on diatoms and were able to as sole food source and may colonize lagoons during
produce nauplii, although in smaller number than in 'red waters'. On the other hand, the utilization of the
the diatom diet (Figure 5). The increase of fecundi- phototrophic sulfur bacteria as a food complement for
ty observed in the diatom diet during the experiment both tested copepods cannot be discarded.
can be a result of the lower density of copepods in the
experimental dishes as compared to the maintenance
dishes (Fava & Crotti, 1979) or can be due to a higher Acknowledgments
food supply (in the maintenance dishes the food con-
centration was not controlled and was renewed only The authors are grateful to P. Caumette and R. Guy-
once a week). The decrease of fecundity observed in oneaud for providing the original culture of Chro-
the bacterial diet can represent a delay of the response matium gracile strain CE2201 isolated from Certes
to diet change, meaning that the first broods could still sediments and their suggestions during all the work.
be related to the diatom diet in the maintenance cul- Sincere thanks to all staff of Prof. P. Caumette for prac-
tures. tical help during the preparation of bacterial culture
Caumette et al. (1983) demonstrated, by means of media. The authors thank G. Bachelet, M. Kirchner and
in situ gut-content analyses, that Acartia clausi fed V. U. Ceccherelli for critical reading ofthe manuscript.
on phototrophic bacteria (Rhodopseudomonas sp. and LPSS and PJPS acknowledge a CAPES postgraduate
Chromatium sp.) present in the water column of a studentship (Brazil). This study was partly supported
tropical lagoon. Laboratory experiments also showed by a CEC Environment programme (CLEAN contract
that this copepod could lay eggs when feeding on EV5V - CT92 - 0080).
three different strains of phototrophic bacteria, indi-
cating assimilation. Nevertheless, egg production was
lower than when the copepods were fed on algae References
(Caumette, 1985). Rieper (1984) tested Chromatium
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For P. vararensis both phototrophic bacteria represent- coid copepod Amonardia normani (Brady, 1872) in semi-
ed adequate food resource for its complete life-cycle. enclosed lagoons of Arcachon Bay, France. In E. Naylor and
In the case of T. holothuriae, a species known to eat G. Hartnoll (eds), Cyclic phenomena in marine plants and ani-
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Rieper-Kirchner, 1991), the C. vinosum diet result- their importance in the food web. Vie Milieu 42: 125-135.
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©1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Growth of the seaweed Viva rigida C. Agardh in relation to biomass

densities, internal nutrient pools and external nutrient supply in the
Sacca di Goro lagoon (Northern Italy)

Pierluigi Viaroli 1 , Mariachiara Naldi 1, Cristina Bondavalli 1 & Silvano Bencivelli 2

1Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Vniversita di Parma, viale delle Scienze, 43i 00 Parma, italy
2Amministrazione Provincia Ie di Ferrara, Servizio Ambiente, 44100 Ferrara, italy

Key words: Viva rigida, growth rates, nitrogen, phosphorus


Growth of the seaweed Viva rigida C. Agardh was investigated in relation to biomass densities, internal nutrient
pools and external nutrient supply. Research was carried out from 23 March to 5 July 1994 in the Sacca di Goro
(Po Delta, Northern Italy), whose south-eastern part was covered by extensive mats of Viva rigida. Two types of
field experiments were conducted by incubating VIva thalli inside large cages. In the first experiment, beginning
on 23 March, 100 g of wet thalli were placed into the cages, allowed to grow for two weeks, then collected and
replaced. This procedure was repeated 8 times over the study period. In the second experiment, VIva thalli were
left inside the cages and collected at selected time intervals (14, 27, 41, 64 and 76 days) in order to simulate the
effects of increased density on growth and nutrient storage.
We recorded specific growth rates (NGR) ranging from 0.025 to 0.081 d- 1 for a period up to two months in the
repeated short-term experiments performed at relatively low initial algal densities (300-500 g AFDW m- 3 ). These
NGR resulted significantly related to dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in the water column. Tissue concentrations
of total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TN) were almost constant, while extractable nitrate decreased in a similar manner to
DIN in the water column. Total phosphorus showed considerable variation, probably linked to pulsed freshwater
In the long-term incubation experiment, NGR of Viva was inversely related to density. Internal concentrations of
both total P and TN reached maximum values after one month; thereafter P concentration remained almost constant,
while TN decreased below 2% w/w (by dry weight). The TN decrease was also accompanied by an abrupt decrease in
nitrate tissue concentration. The biomass incubated over the two month period suffered a progressive N limitation as
shown by a decreasing N:P ratio (49.4 to 14.6). The reciprocal control of Viva against biogeochemical environment
and viceversa is a key factor in explaining both resource competition and successional stages in primary producer
communities dominated by Viva. However, when the biomass exceeds a critical threshold level, approximately
1 kg AFDW m- 3 , the macroalgal community switches from active production to rapid decomposition, probably as
a result of selfshading, biomass density and development of anaerobic conditions within the macroalgal beds.

Introduction The wide spread distribution oflarge opportunistic sea-

weeds has been recognized to depend on their growth
In recent years there has been an increased production strategy, viz. the species-specific growth rate and its
of large seaweeds in shallow coastal waters. These seasonal timing (Rosenberg & Ramus, 1981; Luning,
macroalgae are mostly ephemeral Chlorophyceans, 1993). Moreover, macroalgal growth is modulated by
able to survive in fluctuating environments because factors such as light, nutrient availability, and tem-
of their ability to rapidly take-up and store nutrients. perature, although in subtidal environments the period

of maximum growth appears to be determined most- line, while sandy-mud prevails in the eastern area (Dal
ly by nitrogen availability (Lapointe & Tenore, 1981; Cin & Pambianchi, 1991). Freshwater flows into the
Duke et aI., 1989a,b; Fujita et aI., 1989; Sand-Jensen, northeastern part of the lagoon from the Po di Goro,
1991; Couthino & Zingmark, 1993). Compared with while the western and central zones are affected mainly
ammonium, little work has focused on the effects of by the Po di Volano canal. In 1992, the Po di Volano
nitrate upon growth and biochemical composition of canal discharged about 3100 tons of nitrate, 560 tons
Chlorophyceans (Lapointe & Tenore, 1981; O'Brien of ammonium, and 46 tons of total phosphorus into the
& Wheeler, 1987; Corzo & Niell, 1992). However, it Sacca di Goro (Alvisi et aI., 1993).
has been proposed that nitrate is the main macronu-
trient affecting the growth cycle of other macroal-
gae (Chapman & Craigie, 1977; Da Costa Braga & Materials and methods
Yoneshigue-Valentin, 1994). Several Phaeophyceans
may accumulate nitrate in vacuoles to very high con- Research was carried out from 23rd March to 5th July
centrations thereby gaining an additional nitrogen pool 1994 in the southeastern part of the lagoon where the
in addition to amino acids and proteins (Chapman & mean water depth is l.2 m (station M, Figure 1). Two
Craigie, 1977; DeBoer, 1981). types of experiments were conducted incubating VIva
The excessive growth of green macroalgae (green thalli inside cy lindrical enclosures positioned at a depth
tides) is causing severe dystrophic crises in a number of 0.5 - 0.7 m in the lagoon. Enclosures were built using
of lagoons located along the northern Mediterranean a plastic fencing net (mesh =10 mm) to obtain cages
coast (Amanieu et aI., 1975; Izzo & Hull, 1991; Sfriso with no limits to water exchanges.
et aI., 1992). Amongst these, the Sacca di Goro has
been experiencing summer dystrophic episodes due Field observations
to VIva rigida C. Ag., whose excessive growth and
decomposition has been related to nitrate availability In addition to the experiments, three to six macroalgal
(Viaroli et aI., 1992; 1993; 1995). samples were collected around the experimental site
The data presented in this paper are part of a long- within a 0.5 km 2 area. The macroalgal biomass was
term research project on the eutrophication ofthe Sacca harvested with a rake-like device over an area ranging
di Goro. We report field experiments which simulate from 2 to 10 m 2 .
natural growth conditions of VIva. The experiments Commencing on the 23rd March, water samples
aimed (1) to analyze biomass parameters of VIva as were collected approximately twice a week at site M
related to biomass densities, internal nutrient pools at a depth of about 0.5 m with a Ruttner bottle. Nitrite
and external nutrient supply and (2) to evaluate the was determined spectrophotometrically after diazota-
ability of VIva to store nutrients over short and long tion; nitrate was measured as nitrite after cadmium
time periods. The latter objective is especially relevant reduction (APHA, 1975); ammonium was determined
in order to assess to what degree VIva may act as a by the indophenol-blue method (Koroleff, 1970) and
nutrient sink. soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) by the ascorbic acid
method (Valderrama, 1977).
Water temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen
Study area were recorded approximately every four hours from an
in situ buoy equipped with specific probes (Hydronaut
A typical estuarine environment of the Po Delta is rep- 601). Total daily irradiance was measured by hemi-
resented by shallow-water embayments locally called spherical pyroheliometer at the meteorological station
'sacca'. The Sacca di Goro lies south of the Po di in Volano, near to the mouth of the Po di Volano (cour-
Goro, the southernmost deltaic branch, at approxi- tesy of the Ufficio Meteorologico Regionale, Regione
mately 44°47'-44°50' Nand 12 °15'-12°20' E. The Emilia Romagna).
lagoon has an area of 26 km 2 and an average depth of
about 1.5 m; it is connected to the sea by a 1.5 km- Long-term experiment
wide mouth (Figure 1). The bottom is flat and the
sediment is composed of typical alluvial mud with a From 23rd March to 7th June macroalgal thalli were
high clay and silt content in the northern and central incubated in cylindrical enclosures in the field and col-
zones; sand is more abundant near the southern shore- lected at selected time intervals to simulate the effects

, .~. ... :
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.... :-.o , .
"" ... ,
: •• .' 0

o 2K",

. , .....

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Figure 1. General layout of the Sacca di Goro, and position of the sampling site (st. M.). Shaded area indicates the maximum spreading of VIva
in June 1994.

of increased density upon growth and nutrient stor- March to 5th July, eight subsequent experiments were
age. On 23rd March, 25 cylindrical enclosures (mean carried out incubating the macroalga inside cylindrical
~ = 30 cm; height = 50 cm, mesh = 10 mm) were posi- plastic enclosures (mean ~ =30 cm; height =35 cm,
tioned at station M. Viva thalli were collected around mesh = 10 mm). On 23rd March, five enclosures were
the experimental site, washed with sea water, chopped positioned at the experimental site (station M, Fig-
into small pieces (approximately 20 x 20 cm) and ure 1). Each cage was filled with 100 g of wet Viva
weighed. Five subsamples of the biomass were col- thalli, as described for the long-term experiment. From
lected and stored in an ice box and transferred to the then onwards, the same five cages were sampled and
laboratory. Each cage was then filled with 100 g of wet refilled approximately every two weeks: sampling
Viva thalli, corresponding to 10.8 ± 1.1 g dry weight. dates (end of an incubation and beginning of the next
Afterwards, the cages were sampled on the 6th (the one) were 6th and 19th April, 3rd, 10th and 26th May,
14th day of incubation) and 19th April (the 27th day), 7th and 23rd June, and 5th July. Sampling of the cages
on 3rd (the 41st day) and 26th (the 64th day) May and and refilling were performed in a similar manner to
7th June (the 76th day). Each time, five cages were that described for the long-term experiment.
sampled and not replaced. The harvested biomass was
washed with sea water and kept in an ice box until Analytical procedure for macroalgal samples
transferred to the laboratory.
In the laboratory VIva thalli were cleaned to remove
Short-term experiments the epiphytes, rinsed with tap water to remove salt, and
oven- dried at 70°C to determine the dry weight (DW).
Viva thalli were incubated over the short-term peri- Subsamples ranging from 20 to 50 mg were ana-
ods (approximately two weeks) in order to simulate lyzed for the determination of total nitrogen content
the ephemeral behaviour of this seaweed. From 23rd

using the Kjeldahl method (APHA, 1975) modified a>~600

according to the TECATOR (LKB) user's manual. g";"
Soluble inorganic nitrogen (nitrate, nitrite, and ~~ 400
ammonium) content of the thalli was determined after ~6
extraction. Approximately 100 mg DW sample was :;g~200

placed into flask containing 50 ml of distilled water f- a

and shaken (Corzo & Niell, 1992). After two hours
the previously described spectrophotometric measure- E 32

ments were performed on the filtered extract. ~

Approximately 1 g of dried thalli was ignited over ~
a> 16
24 hours at 550°C in a muffle furnace to determine the Q.
Ash Free Dry Weight (AFDW). Total phosphorus was a> b
f- 8
determined by spectrophotometry after acid extraction
of the ash (Aspila et aI., 1976).
Net growth rates were estimated considering an l 24
exponential growth, according to the following equa- :!;
tion: B t = Bo . ekt where Bo = initial biomass (g iii 16
AFDW), Bt = biomass (g AFDW) after t days of incu- c
bation and k (d-1)=net growth rate (DeBoer et aI., e:
a> 240
1978). Cl~

0"" 160
Results ~:Jl 80
~~ d
Field observations
100 DIN
In the experimental area, Viva growth started in z nitrate
(5 60
early spring when temperature and light conditions E 40
became favourable (Figure 2). Afterwards, the bio- :1-
mass increased rapidly until June, reaching the highest e
net growth rate at the end of May (Figure 3). The 60 90 120 150 180 210
growth period ceased at the end of June when a nearly Julian Day
continuous bed of Viva extended as far as the centre Figure 2. Total irradiance measured at the meteorological station in
of the lagoon. In the more sheltered areas, macroalgal Volano (a), water temperature (b) and salinity (c), dissolved oxygen
(d), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and nitrate (e) concentrations
biomass reached values of around 500 g AFDW m- 2 ,
in the water column at station M (23 March-15 July 1994).
corresponding to a wet weight greater than 5 kg m - 2• If
the actual thickness of the macroalgal bed (50-70 cm)
is taken into account the density of Viva is approxi-
mately 700-1000 g AFDW m- 3 . Total nitrogen content in the Viva thalli ranged from
At the end of June, the Viva biomass underwent 2.5 to 3.0% DW, and was similar to the levels measured
a rapid decay which was coincident with a progres- in previous years; minima of about 2.0% DW were also
sive decrease in dissolved oxygen concentration in the typical of the biomass immediately prior the decompo-
water column (Figure 2). sition phase (Viaroli et aI., 1992, 1993). The increase
In the water column at station M, the most important in tissue-N which accompanied the decomposition of
form of dissolved inorganic nitrogen was nitrate, espe- Viva is probably dependent on the nitrogen enrich-
cially in April and to a lesser extent in May. Ammoni- ment of the decomposing biomass due to leaching of
um was almost always undetectable (Figure 2). Nitrate nitrogen-free compounds (Pugnetti et aI., 1992) as well
was in excess in April, and at the end of May. Soluble as growth of the decomposers. Total phosphorus con-
reactive phosphorus was undetectable at all sampling tent in Viva biomass ranged from 0.11 to 0.24% DW
dates, as is usual in the spring phase of macroalgal and showed no well defined seasonal trend. However,
growth (Viaroli et aI., 1993). the atomic N:P ratio in the macroalgal tissue (30.9 to

Ulva biomass (gAFDW m -2) Total Nitrogen ("10 dry weight)

400 4

300 3

200 2


O+-~~~~-r----.----'----~ O+-----~----~----~----~----,
60 90 120 150 180 210 60 90 120 150 180 210

NIP ratio 0.4 Total Phosphorus ("10 dry weight)



30 0.2


O+-----r---~~--~----~----~ O.O+-----r----~----r_--_.,_---...,
60 90 120 150 180 210 60 90 120 150 180 210
Julian days Julian days
Figure 3. Free-Hoating Ulva biomass at site M and total Kjeldahl nitrogen, total phosphorus and N:P ratios (by atoms) in macroalgal tissue
(23 March-15 July 1994). Bars indicate one standard deviation.

49.4) suggested that free-floating Uiva had a nutrition- physiological stress. Subsequently, Ulva decomposed
al status which tended toward P-limitation rather than rapidly losing approximately 50% biomass within two
N-limitation (Atkinson & Smith, 1983; Lapointe et aI., weeks.
1992). The data suggest that the observed growth pat-
tern may be related to the elemental composition of
Long-term experiment the Ulva tissue. From 23rd March to 19th April,
total phosphorus content in the Ulva thalli increased
Figure 4 shows the main results ofthe long-term exper- from 0.12 ± 0.02 to 0.31 ± 0.01 % Ow. Concurrent-
iment which simulated the natural growth of Ulva sub- ly, the total nitrogen reserve grew from 2.59 ± 0.14
jected to increased macroalgal density. From the 23rd to 3.04 ± 0.13% ow. Afterwards, tissue-P continued
March, the biomass incubated inside the enclosures to remain almost constant in the range 0.2-0.3% OW,
underwent an almost linear increase that lasted approx- while tissue-N decreased to 1.76 ± 0.39% ow. The
imately 60 days. Ouring the growth phase the macroal- latter value is significantly lower than that required for
gal biomass stored a considerable quantity of nitrogen active growth and might indicate that throughout the
(from 8.0 ± 0.8 to 68.2 ± 15.3 g N m- 3 ) and phospho- incubation period the macroalga was nitrogen limited
rus (from 0.4 to 7.3 ± 3.2 g P m- 3 ), thus functioning (Fujita et aI., 1989). A further indication that nitrogen
as a nutrient sink. was limiting was that atomic N:P ratio was less than
The maximum biomass value (1351 ± 212 g 30, well below the threshold proposed by Atkinson &
AFDW m -3) reached on 26th May was about six times Smith (1983) for balanced growth.
higher than that recorded at the commencement of the The dilution of total nitrogen due to the biomass
experiment (231 ± 23 g AFOW m- 3). Similarly, such increase coincided with an almost linear decrease of
a major increase of biomass within a single enclosure nitrate in the macroalgal tissue. Nevertheless, during
caused a large proportion of the Ulva tissue to suffer the early incubation phase Ulva took up nitrate active-

Atomic NIP ratio

Ulva biomass (gAFDW m -3,


400 15

O+---~----~----r----r--~ 0
60 90 120 150 180 210 60 90 120 150 180 210

Total Nitrogen (gm -3)

100 Total Nitrogen (% dry weight)

60 20 0 -~--y-~
90 ~ 150 180 210 60 90 120 150 180 210

Extractable NHrate (g N m -3)

2 Extractable NHrate (llgN 9 -1 dry weight)



60 90 120 150 180 210
60 90 120 150 '80 210

12 Total Phosphorus (gm -3) 0.4 Total Phosphorus (% dry weight)


O+-~~----~----r---~--~ O_O~--~-----'------r---~'------'
60 90 120 150 180 210 60 90 120 150 180 210
Julian days Julian days

Figure 4. Long-term experiment (23 March-7 June). Changes of Viva biomass, atomic N:P ratio, and nitrogen and phosphorus content in
macroalgal tissue during the long-term incubation at station M. Lett: units as g m- 3 ; right: units as % dry weight. Bars indicate one standard

-- 0.10 incubation period was nearly 400 g AFDW m- 3 . As

this quantity had been observed during exponential
~ 0.05 growth of the macroalga, we expected that VIva growth

"@ inside the cages was unlikely to be density-dependent.

~ 0.00 The biomass increase measured inside cages should
therefore represent the specific growth rate and would
be dependent only on the physical and biogeochemical
a5 environment.
c -0.10
The main results obtained with the eight short-
SO 90 120 150 180 210
term incubations are shown in Figure 6. On average,
Julian Day
biomass inside the enclosures underwent significant
increases, with a maximum from 19th April to 3rd
May (from 488 to 1024 ± 44 g AFDW m- 3 and a min-

imum from 10th to 26th May (from 488 to 548 ± 72 g
AFDW m- 3 ). Macroalgal growth was accompanied
:g. 0.05 by nutrient uptake and luxury storage in the biomass.
The maximum nitrogen uptake was observed from 19th
0.00 April to 3rd May (from 15.2 to 36.4 ± 3.0 g N m- 3 ).

~ Phosphorus uptake showed a greater variability, with

eOl -0.05 very high values recorded in April and June. During
a5c these periods, phosphorus uptake was also accompa-
-0.10 nied by an increase in tissue reserve, with maximum
0 400 800 1200 1SOO values recorded during the period from 23rd March
mean macroalgal density (9 AFDW m· 3 ) to 6th April (from 0.11 to 0.24% DW). Significant
Figure 5. Long·tenn experiment. Vpper panel: net growth rates of increases were also observed on 23rd June and on 5th
Viva incubated over the long-tenn period (23 March-7 June). Lower July, when incubated thalli grew actively although in
panel: relationship between net growth rates and mean densities of the lagoon VIva was undergoing decomposition. In the
Viva incubated over the long-term period. Bars indicate one standard
latter situation, early decomposition of the macroalga
outside the enclosures might provide a source of phos-
phorus due to leaching of the more soluble and labile
ly storing it at an almost constant level (0.9 to 1.2 g cell constituents. From 22nd April to 3rd May, from
m- 3 ). Nitrate accumulation into the Viva biomass was 3rd to 10th May, and to a lesser degree from 26th May
coincident with high nitrate concentration in the water to 7th June incubated macroalgae were probably phos-
column as well as with macroalga1 density less than phorus limited as shown by the decrese in tissue-P at
850 g AFDW m- 3 . Thereafter, depletion of the inter- the end of each incubation period.
nal nitrate reserve in the algal tissue is indicative that From 23rd March to 7th June, total nitrogen content
the nitrogen demand of Viva exceeded the external in algal tissue ranged from 2.59 to 3.02% DW and did
supply. not undergo significant variations during each incuba-
Since the beginning of the experiment, net growth tion period. In contrast, in the final phase, VIva tended
rates began to decrease with a sudden collapse during to accumulate nitrogen: from 1.62 to 2.73% from 7th
the final incubation phase. At lower biomass densities, to 23rd June and from 2.30 to 3.28% in the subse-
rates decreased as density increased; at densities rang- quent period (23rd June-5th July). In the latter case,
ing from 500 to 1000 g AFDW m- 3 rates continued to one might expect that the observed nitrogen increase
remain almost constant, while at densities gretaer than may be due both to macroalgal assimilation and the
1000 g AFDW m- 3 they became negative, and rapid development of epiphytes on the VIva thalli.
decomposition occurred (Figure 5). Changes in nitrogen content in algal tissue were dif-
ferent from what had been anticipated by analysis of
Short-term experiments the inorganic nitrogen concentrations in the water col-
umn and indicate that, over short-term periods, incu-
In the short-term experiments, the macroalgal density bated Viva thalli are able to maintain a nearly constant
inside the cages at the beginning of each fortnightly nutritional status independent of the external nitrogen

1200 Ulva biomass (g AFDW m ) Atomic NIP ratio


400 v ~ V 7

r V V ,/

V V V ,/ V V
o -

Total Nttrogen (g m -3) 4 Total Nitrogen (% dry weight)





Extractable Nttrate (gN m -3) Extractable Nttrate (1i9N g -1 dry weight)

2 2000




Total Phosphorus (gP m ) Total Phosphorus (% dry weight)
4 0.4

Figure 6. Short-term experiments (23 March-5 July). Changes of Viva biomass, atomic N:P ratio, and nitrogen and phosphorus content in
macroalgal tissue during the long-term incubation at station M. Left: units as g m- 3 ; right: units as % dry weight. For each experiment initial
(light) and final (dark) values of each parameter considered are shown. Dates indicated in the lower panels represent the end of an incubation
period and the beginning of the subsequent one. Bars indicate one standard deviation.

concentration. However, pulses of dissolved nitrate

in the external environment clearly affected nitrate - 0.10

metabolism of the Viva population. It was evident

that in April and early May, when nitrate concentra-

tion in the water was high, the macroalga was able to .r= 0.00
store temporarily nitrate. Thereafter, when nitrate in ~
the water decreased Viva was still maintaining rel- -0.05
atively high growth rates, by using internal nitrate CD
c: -0.10
reserves. This is unequivocally demonstrated by the
60 90 120 150 180 210
fact that from 10th to 26th May the tissue nitrate con-
tent declined from 1638 ± 239 to 291 ± 95 /-lg N g-I Julian days
Viva incubated over short-term periods underwent
maximum net growth rate in the first ten days of
May (0.081 ± 0.012 d- I), whereas minimum growth
(0.007 ± 0.009 d- I ) was recorded in the subsequent
period (Figure 7). Excluding net growth rates esti-
- 0.10

::s!- 0.05
mated on 19th April as well as the 26th May, the
remaining growth rate estimates correlated significant-

.r= 0.00

19 April
ly with mean DIN concentration in the water column 26 May
(r = 0.966, p<0.007), with the linear model explaining 2 -0.05
93.2% of the total variance. The lower values observed Qi
on 19th April and 26th May coincided, to a large extent, c: -0.10
with a decrease in total light irradiance and water tem- 0 20 40 60 80 100
perature (see Figure 2). mean DIN concentration (p.mol N 1. 1 )
Figure 7. Short-tenn experiments (23 March-5 July). Upper pan-
el: net growth rates of Ulva incubated over the short-tenn periods.
Discussion Lower panel: relationship between net growth rates and the corre-
sponding mean dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentration in
the water column. Bars indicate one standard deviation.
Light, temperature, and nutrient availability in the
water are thought to exert direct control on macroal-
gal productivity, although the seasonal growth cycle
can also be conditioned by internal factors, such as transient nitrate availability by means of active trans-
circannual rhythms (Luning, 1993). Moreover, many port system which leads to a luxury uptake saturating
chlorophytes have been found to integrate short-term the nitrate and nitrite reductase systems and leading to
environmental variability, by virtue of either light or nitrate accumulation within vacuoles (DeBoer, 1981).
nutrient saturation characteristics. Thus, at a relatively Our experimental site is a similarly variable envi-
low growth rate they can control a fluctuating environ- ronment, with nitrate concentrations varying on both a
ment (Ramus & Venable, 1987; Duke et aI., 1989a). tidal and seasonal basis. Nitrate can be also supplied
However, when macroalgal densities exceed a certain by episodic freshwater discharge from the Po di Volano
critical threshold, growth becomes more controlled by canal. Thus the control of nitrate availability by nitrate
internal factors rather than by the biogeochemical envi- storage in macroalgal tissue is of paramount impor-
ronment. tance in regulating the growth of Viva. In the long-term
Despite a fluactuating and sometimes very stress- incubation experiments, Viva appears to control nitrate
ful environment, Ulvaceans are capable of utilizing availability for approximately 40 days. This is coinci-
ammonium when available in transiently large quanti- dent with macroalgal densities less than 850 g AFDW
ties and convert it rapidly into new biomass; further- m -3, as well as with high nitrate concentrations in the
more, it seems that these macro algae have evolved water column. Thereafter, the progressive decrease of
mechanisms of coping with variable supply (Duke tissue nitrate can be considered as an indication of the
et aI., 1989a). In fluctuating environment dominated onset of nitrogen limitation. As a matter of fact, the
by nitrate inputs, many seaweeds appear to control the decrease in internal nitrate reserve may indicate that

the nutritional requirements has outstripped the exter- The ability of Viva to store P and N may have rel-
nal nitrate availability. The net result is that the storage evant effects not only upon the macroalgal growth, but
capacity allows this macro alga to maintain an active also on nutrient cycling in the lagoon ecosystem. In
growth for at least three weeks after nitrate depletion. the long-term experiments nutrients were accumulated
We would also consider that Viva is a ruderal within macroalgal biomass for about two months, with
species specialised in rapid colonisation, with large mean rates of 3.3% d- 1 for Nand 4.6% d- 1 for P. In
individuals suffering frequent extinctions due to the the short-term experiments, beside a greater variabil-
removal by waves and tidal currents (Littler & Lit- ity, we recorded accumulation rates of approximately
tler, 1980). In the short-term experiments, resembling 8% d- 1 for Nand 10% d- l for P. Thus Viva can be
this ephemeral behaviour of Viva, net growth rates considered as a nutrient sink over very long periods of
were directly related to the dissolved nitrate concentra- time. Furthermore, high uptake rates coupled with the
tions in the water column since there was a significant removal of floating macroalgae by currents and storms
decrease in net growth rates when nitrate became limit- would likely favour a considerable nutrient loss.
ing in the water. Thus we can postulate that in the Sacca The reciprocal control of Viva against biogeo-
di Goro nitrate is one of the key factors determining chemical environment and viceversa is a key factor in
Viva biomass production, and it is in agreement with explaining both resource competition and successional
previous studies by Viaroli et aI. (1992; 1993). stages in primary producer communities dominated by
Temporary luxury uptake and storage of nutri- Viva (Smith & Horne, 1988; Pugnetti et aI., 1992).
ents may confer selective advantages to Ulvaceans by However, it is evident that when biomass exceeds
buffering against transient nutrient availability. Fur- certain critical tresho1ds, approximately a thousand g
thermore, several Ulvaceans are able to control pro- AFDW m-\ the macroa1gal community shifts from
longed nitrogen depletion via storage of nitrogen in active production to rapid decomposition, probably due
photosynthetic pigments and rubisco molecules (Duke to strong selfshading, biomass density and anaerobic
et aI., 1989a). Phosphorus is a different matter due to its processes starting within the macroalga1 beds. This is
rapid turn-over. However, in both long and short-term likely the case for Viva rigida which accumulates in the
experiments we recorded considerable accumulation sheltered lagoons of the northern Adriatic coast: at low
of P within the Viva biomass. In the short-term experi- biomass, growth appears controlled by nutrient avail-
ments, the potential importance ofN relative to P in the ability, whereas when biomass exceeds 2-3 kg wet
incubated biomass is difficult to assess due to the high weigth, the density-dependent factors become domi-
degree of variability. On 23rd March, at the beginning nant in driving the entire system towards dystrophic
of the experiments, the N:P ratio was 49.4: 1 indicating cnSlS.
a strong P-limitation, whereas in the subsequent period
Viva tended to become N-limited (N:P ratio = 19.6:1).
In early May, after the increase of nitrate concentration Acknowledgments
in the water column, availability of P, rather than N,
seemed of paramount importance in limiting macroal- This research was supported by the joint EU project
gal growth (N:P ratio=47.0:1). Considering that N:P 'CLEAN': Coastal Lagoon Eutrophication and ANaer-
ratios less than 10 indicate N-limitation, while N:P obic processes (Contract No EV5V-CT92-0080). Part
ratios greater than 30 indicate P-limitation (Atkinson of our work was made possible thanks to Mr Vitto-
& Smith, 1983; Smith, 1984), we can therefore con- rio Gaiani (Dipartimento di Biologia, Universita di
clude that the nutritional status of macroalgae incubat- Ferrara), Mr Tony Zappata (Battello Hydra, Amminis-
ed over short periods would seem to depend mainly trazione Provinciale di Ferrara), Mr Mimmo Cavalca
on nutrients supplied exogenously from the surround- (lstituto di Ecologia, Universita di Parma) and Dr Mat-
ing water. In contrast, macroalgae incubated in the teo Cattadori (lTIS 'G. Gali1ei', San Secondo, Parma).
long-term experiment underwent a clear decrease in We are indebted with Prof. Paolo Menozzi (Istituto di
N:P ratios from 49.4:1 to 14.6:1 indicating a progres- Ecologia, Universita di Parma) and Prof. R. A. Her-
sion to N-limitation. In this case, the nutritional status bert (Department of Biology, Dundee University) who
was controlled by nutrient dilution due to the increased revised the manuscript.
macroalgal density rather than by the biogeochemical

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©1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Macrophyte communities and their impact on benthic fluxes of oxygen,

sulphide and nutrients in shallow eutrophic environments

Pierluigi Viaroli 1, Marco Bartoli 1 , Cristina Bondavalli I, Robert R. Christian 2 ,

Gianmarco Giordani l & Mariachiara Naldi l
I Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Universita di Parma, 43100 Parma, Italy
2Department of Biology, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, USA

Key words: Seaweeds, seagrasses, benthic fluxes, oxygen, sulphide, nutrients


The impact of macrophyte communities on benthic fluxes has been analyzed in three shallow coastal environments:
Etang du Prevost (Mediterranean coast of France), characterized by the large floating macro-alga Ulva rigida;
Certes fishponds (Bassin d' Arcachon), covered by Ruppia cirrhosa; and the inner intertidal mud-flat in the
Arcachon Bay (French Atlantic coast), which has extensive Zostera noltii meadows. In these bodies of water,
primary production is dependent primarily on the dominant seagrasses and macroalgae that are also responsible for
the large quantity of organic matter deposited on the sediment surface. In 1993 and 1994, fluxes of oxygen, sulphide
and nutrients were measured in early and late summer, which were selected in order to represent the production and
decomposition phases of the dominant macrophytes. Experimental work was undertaken to measure: (1) standing
crop of dominant macroalgae and rooted phanerogams and the elemental and macromolecular composition of plant
biomass; (2) benthic fluxes of oxygen, sulphide, nitrogen and phosphorus using incubation of multiple dark and
light benthic chambers; (3) water-sediment profiles of free-sulphide in sediment cores with rooted phanerogams
(Ruppia) as well as with floating seaweeds (Ulva).
At the selected sampling sites, in addition to external (tides) and/or internal (sediment reactivity) factors, we
observed differences in benthic fluxes which were clearly related to growth patterns and structure of the macrophyte
communities. The Z. noltii meadows were stable and characterized by slow growth and almost constant biomass.
In the more sheltered sampling station in the Certes fishponds, R. cirrhosa beds showed a summer decrease due to
extensive epiphyte growth. During the decomposition phase, significant fluxes of free-sulphide occurred inside the
dark benthic chambers, probably due to the metabolism of the epiphytic layer. In the Etang du Prevost, U. rigida
achieved high biomass levels, even though the macroalgal beds exhibited a patchy distribution due to wind action
and the hydrodynamics of the lagoon. In the decomposition phase, which was coincident with the annual dystrophic
crisis the rapid decomposition of Ulva led to high fluxes of free sulphide.
The shift from the production to decomposition phase resulted in substantial changes in nutrient recycling only in
the macro-algal-dominated system. During the growth period dissol ved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus were kept
at low levels due to macrophyte uptake. In contrast during the decomposition phase when the macroalgal biomass
was mineralised, nitrogen and phosphorus were rapidly recycled. The same processes did not occur in the Certes
fishponds probably because of the greater internal buffering capacity linked either to plant morphology/physiology
or to the properties of the sediment.

Introduction ows have been occurred in eutrophic coastal areas,

principally in sheltered habitats where the effects of
Shallow intertidal and subtidal environments are con- eutrophication are more severe, either due to reduced
sidered to have a high primary productivity due to the tidal flushing or to other physical constraints (Steven-
growth of extensive meadows of rooted angiosperms. son, 1988; Giesen et ai., 1990). In general, increased
In the last twenty- five years, losses of seagrass mead- nutrient loading results in enhanced phytoplankton

growth, which in turn is accompanied by a decline of oxygenated or even supersaturated layer, and the lower
attached phanerogam communities due to decreased one, which is anoxic and highly reduced.
water transparency, build up of epiphytes and occur- Hence, growth patterns (intensity, duration and
rence of reducing conditions in the bottom water and rate) and distribution of macroalgae and seagrasses
surface sediments (Twilley et ai., 1985; Sand-Jensen may explain the changes which occur in other pro-
& Borum, 1991; Nienhuis, 1992; Williams & Ruck- cesses within the coastal ecosystems (Sand-Jensen &
elshaus, 1993). Aquatic environments with extensive Borum, 1991). For example, benthic processes are
phytoplankton blooms frequently progress to systems particularly sensitive and can undergo catastrophic
dominated by opportunistic, free-floating macroalgae changes as result of sudden non-linear responses to
belonging to the Ulvales and Cladophorales. the external stresses. The structure or form of plant
The development of such large and fast grow- communities may mitigate against the drastic changes
ing primary producers plays a key role in oxygen of external forcing, since aquatic ecosystems with root-
production and consumption and regulation of the ed phanerogams are more resilient than those with
entire benthic metabolism (for an up-dated review see green macroalgae. Such mitigation can contribute to
Sand-Jensen & Borum, 1991). Usually, fast growing the resistance and resilience of ecosystems, acting
macroalgae exibit nutrient uptake and storage greatly as buffers against external perturbations (Sherman,
in excess of their physiological needs. This is the case 1994).
for Viva rigida C. Agardh, whose luxury uptake cou-
pled with high growth rates results in nutrient deple-
tion in the water column, which in turn results in the Aims and objectives
pulsing trends seen especially in the dissolved inorgan-
ic nitrogen pooi. As a consequence, Viva outcompetes In the three ecosystems investigated the principal pri-
other primary producers due to its ability to store nitro- mary producers are seagrasses and macroalgae which
gen, bringing about a shortened food chain (Smith & are also responsible for the bulk ofthe vegetative detri-
Horne, 1985; Pugnetti et ai., 1992; Fong et ai., 1994). tus deposited on the sediment surface (Auby et ai.,
There is also experimental evidence of a strict rela- 1994; Castel et ai., 1996). It would therefore be
tionship between growth and decomposition rates: fast expected that benthic fluxes are dependent primari-
growing plants tend to have high nutrient concentra- lyon growth patterns and distribution of the primary
tions and low fibre content and also decompose more producers and decomposition rates of the plant detri-
rapidly because their high NIC and PIC ratios stimu- tus. We postulated that the intensity of water-sediment
late microbial growth (Buchsbaum et ai., 1991; Duarte, exchanges in lagoons dominated by slow growing root-
1992; Enriquez et ai., 1993). Therefore, the replace- ed angiosperms, such as Ruppia cirrhosa (Pet.) Grande
ment of seagrass meadows by macro algae can effect and Zostera noltii Hornem, would show less variation
changes not only in the timing and rate of detritus pro- than those occurring in lagoons dominated by oppor-
duction but also in decomposition rate, which in turn tunistic faster- growing macroalgae, such as Viva rigi-
leads to a decline in water quality. For example, fast da. In addition to studying benthic fluxes in relation
macroalgal growth followed by decomposition of the to growth patterns, we also investigated the effects
accumulated biomass is considered to be one of the of plant morphology on water stratification. It was
most important factors in the occurrence of dystrophic anticipated that the development of pelagic macroal-
crises in several Italian lagoons (Izzo & Hull, 1991; gae would lead to laminar stratification which limits
Sfriso et ai., 1992; Viaroli et ai., 1995). In addition to water mixing and gas exchange, while the growth of
the above-mentioned effects, changes also occur in the rooted phanerogams would enhance vertical exchange
composition of the primary producer community as a and gas transport throughout the water column and
consequence of eutrophication. Rooted phanerogams surficial sediment.
provide gas transport throughout the surficial sedi- In 1993 and 1994, fluxes of oxygen, sulphide and
ment contributing to its oxygenation, while floating nutrients were measured in early and late summer.
macroalgae can promote physical stratification of the These sampling periods were selected to represent pro-
water (Crawford, 1992). For example, the large thalli duction and decomposition phases of the dominant
of Viva act as physical barriers separating the water macrophytes (Christian et ai., 1996). In this paper we
column into two distinct layers: the uppermost well- present data from selected experiments in which the

relationships between benthic fluxes and macrophyte

community structure have been studied by estimating 5km

1. standing crop of dominant macroalgae and rooted

phanerogams and the elemental and macromolec-
ular composition of plant biomass;
2. benthic fluxes of oxygen, sulphide, nitrogen and
phosphorus by means of incubation of dark and
light benthic chambers;
3. water-sediment profiles of free-sulphide in sedi-
ments dominated by either rooted phanerogams
(Ruppia) or with floating macroalgae (Ulva).

Materials and methods

Study area
Our work addressed the effects of macrophyte commu-
nities on benthic fluxes in three shallow coastal envi-
ronments: Etang du Prevost (mediterranean coast of
France) characterized by the large floating macroalga
Ulva rigida; fishponds of Certes (Bassin d' Arcachon), Figure 1. General layout of the Arcachon Bay and the Etang du
covered by Ruppia cirrhosa; and the inner intertidal Prevost, and positions of the experimental sites.
flat in the Bassin d' Arcachon (west Atlantic coast of
France), which is dominated by Zostera noltii (Fig-
ure 1). Detailed descriptions of experimental sites have
been reported by Auby et ai. (1994). Here we refer mined by spectrophotometry after acid extraction of
to the Etang du Prevost as station 11, fishponds of the ashes (Aspila et aI., 1976). Approximately 2-5 g
Certes as station Cl and the inner site in the Bassin were also analyzed for hemicellulose, cellulose and
d' Arcachon as station B. lignin (Goering & Van Soest, 1970).

Biomass, and elemental and macromolecular Estimation of benthic fluxes by incubation of multiple
composition of dominant macrophytes dark and light benthic chambers
The biomass of macroalgae and macrophytes was Fluxes of nutrients, oxygen and free-sulphide were
determined by direct harvesting inside circular cores determined using dark and light cylindrical benthic
(30 cm i.d.) The harvested plants were sorted, washed chambers and bell jars with volume of about 14 litres
with both lagoon and tap water, weighed and oven dried and cross-sectional area of approximately 700 cm 2 .
at 70 ° C until they reached a constant dry weight (DW). On 20 May and 31 August 1994, at Station B three
During the sampling of August 1994 the epiphytes cov- dark and three light benthic chambers were incubated
ering Ruppia (station C 1) were carefully removed from over the Zostera beds. Each experiment was carried out
the host plants by means of forceps and oven dried at around midday and because of the tidal cycle incubated
70°C. At station Cl sestonic chlorophyll-a was also for only 3--4 hours.
measured by conventional techniques (APHA, 1975). At stations C 1 and 11, each experiment began in
Dried subsamples were used to determine the ele- the early afternoon and lasted approximately 50 hours.
mental and macromolecular composition of the har- From 23 until 25 May 1994, at station C 1 we compared
vested biomasses. Subsamples in the range 100- three different conditions: bare sediment, low (70 g
200 mg were analyzed with a LECO 600 CHN ele- DW m- 2 ) and high (110 g DW m- 2 ) Ruppia biomass.
mental analyzer to determine the total C and N con- From 23 to 25 August 1994, we studied the impact
tent. About one gram of dried biomass was ignited at of the growth of the epiphytic community by analyz-
550°C in a muffle furnace to determine ash and ash ing the following conditions: bare sediment, Ruppia
free dry weight (AFDW). Total phosphorus was deter- (86 ± 11 g DW m- 2 ) in excess of epiphytes (52 ± 14 g

Table 1. Average biomass (g DW m- 2 ) of macrophytes and epiphytes at

the experimental sites. n.d.: not detectable.

Growth phase Decay phase

Station II Viva rigida 520±97 (n=4) 459 ± 55 (n=4)

Station B Zostera noltii 101 ± 29 (n=7) 81 ± 38 (n=13)
Station CI Ruppia cirrhosa 73 ±27 (n=8) 67 ± 34 (n=13)
epiphytes n.d. 101 ± 61 (n=13)

Table 2. Major characteristics of the opportunistic macroalga Viva rigida and the rooted
phanerogams Zostera noltii and Ruppia cirrhosa and epiphytes growing on Ruppia at
the experimental sites. Units: % dry weight; ud.: not detectable; n.d.: not determined.

Viva Ruppia Zostera Epiphytes

Total Carbon 20.5-38.9 34.9-37.7 40.1--45.5 n.d.
Total Nitrogen 2.2-5.1 2.2-3.4 2.4-3.1 2.9-3.3
Total Phosphorus 0.11-0.68 0.14--0.38 0.24--0.29 0.16-0.21
Ash Free Dry Weight 66.2-82.9 76.3-83.7 77.0-82.0 62.2-67.1
Hemicellulose 22.3-29.3 19.6-26.5 25.3-29.2 100
Cellulose 7.4-14.0 12.0-19.1 15.1-20.0 ud.
Lignin ud. 2.0-3.4 3.1-7.2 ud.

DW m- 2) (R>E) and Ruppia (58 ± 24 g DW m- 2) Water-sediment profiles offree-sulphide throughout

less than epiphytes (167 ± 47 g DW m- 2) (R<E). Ruppia and Ulva stands
From 23 to 25 August 1993, at station 11 in the In August 1994, water-sediment profiles of free-
Prevost lagoon we studied two conditions: benthic sulphide in the sediment cores were determined. Four
chambers with bare sediment and sediment covered conditions were compared: sediment from station Cl
by Viva. From 16 until 18 May 1994, we studied three either with or without Ruppia and sediment from sta-
different conditions: benthic chambers with bare sedi- tion 11 either with or without Viva. After sampling,
ment and sediment covered by Viva, and bell jars with Viva thalli entrapped inside a mesh bag were posi-
Viva, the plankton community but without sediment. tioned 5 cm above the sediment surface. All the cores
In 1993 and 1994, the initial biomass of the macroalga were then kept in the dark at room temperature for
inside the incubation chambers was about 500 g DW approximately one day. After 24 hours, sulphide pro-
m- 2 . files were recorded during the stepwise lowering of a
Water samples were collected at different times needle electrode with a hand-driven micromanipulator
from the benthic chambers with a syringe, avoiding (approx. precision 0.1 mm).
contact with the air. In general, the sampling frequen- We used a ion-specific needle electrode (courtesy
cy was higher during the first 24 hours of incubation. of R. De Wit) with a reference K701 double junction
At the same time additional water samples were taken electrode (Radiometer) connected to a milli-voltmeter
from a fixed station outside the chambers. Approx- (Micro pH 2002, Crison). In parallel, pH was also
imately 30 ml of water were fixed immediately for measured at the water-sediment interface, being the
oxygen determination, while 30 ml were used for pH, equilibrium among H2 S, HS- and S2- pH-dependent.
Eh and sulphide analyses. One hundred ml were fil- Calibration of the sulphide electrode was carried out
tered on pre-rinsed filters (GF/C Whatman) for nutri- according to Van Gemerden et al. (1989). Phosphate
ent determination. The total amount of water sampled buffer (200 mM, pH =8.0) was sparged with nitro-
from benthic chambers during the experiments never gen for two hours; afterwards, increasing amounts
exceeded 10% of the chamber volume. Water analyses of sulphide were added with a syringe. In parallel,
were conducted on duplicate subsamples. total sulphide concentrations were determined by the
methylene-blue method (Cline, 1969). Using logarith-
mic regression we obtained a straight line in the range
Table 3. Classification of shallow environments by the
the macroalgae was patchy due to the prevailing hydro-
metabolism based benthic trophic state index (BTSI)
according to Rizzo et al. (in press). NCPmax = maximum dynamic conditions.
net oxygen productivity in light incubation chambers and Differences among the macrophytes were also con-
DR =oxygen uptake in dark incubation chambers. firmed by differences in the elemental and macro-
molecular composition of the dry biomass. The slow
BTSI Condition Description
growing seagrasses consisted of about 20% fibre (by
0 NCPmax ::; DR Totally heterotrophic dry weight) with significant amounts of lignin, where-
DR < NCP max ::; 0 Net heterotrophic as the fast growing Viva consisted ofless cellulose and
2 0< NCP max ::; IDRI Net autotrophic no lignin. In contrast, Viva showed lUXury storage of
3 IDRI < NCP max Totally autotrophic nutrients reaching maximum tissue concentrations of
Nand P double those of Zostera and Ruppia (Table 2).
Oxygen, sulphide and nutrient fluxes were analyzed
at the three sites by incubating different combinations
10-1000 fLM. Because ion-specific electrodes are only of primary producers in dark and light benthic cham-
sensitive to the fully dissociated sulphide, total sul- bers and bell jars. Experiments were conducted in early
phide concentrations were estimated from the equilib- and late summer in presence or absence of communi-
rium at the given pH (Kuhl & Jprgensen, 1992). ty components to determine their role in benthic pro-
cesses. The experiments, which lasted about two days,
Analytical methods adopted for water analyses were designed to determine the resistance of the differ-
Oxygen was determined using the idometric titration of ent plant communities to sudden stress induced by the
Winkler (APHA, 1975). Sulphides were analyzed by prolonged incubation periods. Prolonged experiments
inflection-point titration with silver nitrate (TIM 90, were not feasible at station B, where incubations lasted
Fl212S and K7ll electrodes, Radiometer). In par- approximately 4 hours coinciding with high tide.
allel, pH (GK 2401 C electrode, Radiometer) and
redox (platinum PIOI and reference K7l1 electrodes, Bassin d'Arcachon, station B
Radiometer) were measured with the same apparatus. At station B, in the inner intertidal flat of Bassin
Salinity was determined by means of conductometry d' Arcachon, Zostera noltii maintained an almost con-
(CDM 83, CDC 304 cell, and T 801 temperature com- stant cover from May to August 1994. On 20 May and
pensation, Radiometer). Nitrite and nitrate (reduction on 31 August, three dark and three light BC were incu-
by cadmium columns) were determined by spectropho- bated at high tide over the Zostera beds around mid-
tometry after diazotation (APHA, 1975); ammonium day for approximately 4 hours. The net oxygen flux
was measured by the indophenol-blue method (Korol- in the light benthic chambers showed no significant
eff, 1970) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) by differences when sampled (6.32 ± 0.73 mmol O2 m- 2
the ascorbic acid method (Valderrama, 1977). h- 1 on 20 May and 6.93 ± 1.21 mmol O2 m- 2 h- I on
Total dissolved phosphorus and nitrogen as well 31 August), while fluxes inside the dark ones increased
as dissolved reactive silica were also measured and from - 2.46 ± 0.80 mmol 02 m- 2 h- I (20 May) to
were discussed in the preliminary report (Viaroli et aI., -7.90 ± 1.92 mmol O2 m- 2 h- 1 (31 August) (Fig-
1994). ure 2).

Fishponds of Certes, station C I

Results and discussion The sheltered and dammed fishpond ofCertes was cov-
ered by large stands of Ruppia cirrhosa. In May and
Macrophyte biomass provides fundamental informa- August 1994, the Ruppia biomass followed a sharp
tion on the primary producer communities at each of horizontal gradient with the highest values along the
the sampling sites studied (Table 1). The Z. noltii eastern shoreline (111 g DW m- 2 on 20 May and 132 g
community was a stable community with an almost DW m- 2 on 26 August) and bare sediment along the
constant biomass. In the sheltered station C 1, R. cir- opposite shore. In August, the emerging fronds were
rhosa experienced a summer decay due to the extend- covered by a thick layer of epiphytes, which reached
ed epiphyte growth. At station 11, U. rigida reached a maximum biomass of 215 g DW m- 2 in the central
biomass level about five times higher than those of part of the lagoon. The ratio of epiphytes to Ruppia
rooted phanerogams, even though the distribution of

Oxygen fluxes estimated by benthic chamber experiments 250 Biomass (g OW m -2) 20 May 1994
E:'J 20 May o 31 August 200

20 150
15 100
'"'E 5
0 (\1
E -5
-10 r:J Ruppia o Epiphytes
-15 250 -2
NP DR GP Biomass (g OW m ) 26 August 1994

Fifiure 2. Oxygen fluxes at the community level determined by ben- 200

thic chamber experiments at station B in 1994. NP = net oxygen 150

production, DR = dark respiration and GP = gross oxygen produc-
tion. 100

- . . - . - . . - ...... ('\I(\IN<'I!INt")("')M

ranged from 0.30 to 0.84 on a dry weight basis. Such a

thick epiphytic layer provides large quantities of sus- 200
I:l E~h)1•• I" !alai DioI••"s) 26 August 1994
pended particulate matter, as indicated by chlorophyll- 150 0 SesI<ri:'l1I,,,ophyt-.()l~1 " j

a concentrations reaching values of 129.61 f.1,g I-I in

the water column of the central area of the fishpond 100

(Figure 3).
At station C 1, from 23 to 25 May 1994 we com-
pared three different levels of macrophyte cover using N~~~ON ~~~ ON~~~ON~
-..--..-..-NNN NNC")("')("')
the benthic chambers: bare sediment, low (70 g DW cross section (m)
m- 2 ) and high (110 g DW m- 2 ) Ruppia biomass.
As expected, changes in oxygen production and con- Figure 3. Variations in biomass of Ruppia cirrhosa and its epiphytes
(top and intermediate panels) and relationship between epiphytes and
sumption were closely related to the standing stock sestonic chlorophyll-a (bottom panel) across a section at station C I
of Ruppia, while the role played by the plankton and in 1994.
microphytobenthic communities was less significant
(Figure 4). Analysis of the results shows that the oxy-
gen decrease in the sediment plus plankton chambers trations ranging between 50 and 240 f.1,moll- 1 inside
was initially almost as high as the other chambers, all benthic chambers (data not shown).
while afterwards consumption was minimal due to the From 23 to 25 August 1994, we studied the impact
lack of production. Variations in oxygen concentra- of the growth of the epiphytic community by analyz-
tion in the lagoon fully conformed to those observed ing bare sediment, and two different assemblages of
inside the benthic chambers in the light which con- macrophytes and epiphytes: Ruppia in excess of epi-
tained the highest biomass and followed a clear dai- phytes (R>E) and vice-versa (R<E). In the light ben-
ly trend consistent with that reported by Thimel & thic chambers the oxygen concentration followed a
Labourg (1992). Under all the experimental condi- clear daily trend with night anoxia, which was coupled
tions nitrate, nitrite, and soluble reactive phospho- with free-sulphide production (Figure 5). Inside the
rus (SRP) remained below the level of dectection. R>E chamber sulphide increased to 12.3 mmol m- 2
The ammonium concentration remained constant in over about 8 hours and in R <E chamber it reached
the light benthic chambers (around 5 f.1,moll- I ), while 25.9 mmol m- 2 after about 8 hours. Inside the dark
it showed significant increases principally in the dark benthic chambers, oxygen was depleted within a few
chambers without macrophyte cover and containing a hours. Afterwards an almost linear increase of free-
high biomass (Figure 4). However, most of the dis- sulphide was observed. After 49 hours, 58.3 (bare sed-
solved nitrogen was recycled and stored in the organic iment), 86.1 (R>E) and 118.1 (R<E) mmol S2- m- 2
pool, as shown by dissolved organic nitrogen concen- were released to the water column. Significant sul-


E 100 E
ON z 4000 light
o 0

2000 •.. .0.. ...0-...

0' ...• 0. ••..•••
0. ......0 .. ..0-•••.•• 0
•••• 0-•• "'0-••• __ •
24 36 48 o 12 24 36 48

Ruppia (LB)+sediment+plankton Ruppia (LB)+sediment+plankton
E 100 E
z 4000

E dark

.•..• 0 ••.....

12 24 36 48 0 12 24 36 48

Ruppia (HB)+sediment+plankton Ruppia (HB)+sediment+plankton
a..... ~
E 100 \) o
z 4000

dark o light 0
50 ::~,,/ ::::..
/ ·'0,
: "

0. ..... .".. 0 .

o 12 24 36 48 o 12 24 36 48
23 May incubation time (hours) 23 May incubation time (hours)
12a.m. 12 a.m.

Figure 4. Main results of the experiment with benthic chambers carried out at station CI from 23 until 25 May 1994. Ruppia biomass inside
benthic chambers: 70 g DW m- 2 (LB) and 110 g DW m-- 2 (HB).

phide fluxes occurred in spite of the expected buffer- p<O.OOOl) with bare sediment, and in the dark benthic
ing capacity due to the high iron content (Bartoli et ai., chamber with Viva, where SRP followed a nearly lin-
1996). If we consider that sulphide production was ear increase (27.1 ± 11.7 tlmol P m- 2 h- i , r= 0.933,
related to the Ruppia/epiphyte ratio we can postulate P<O.OOOl). Inside the light and dark bell jars and in
that sulphide production occurred in close proximi- the light benthic chamber with Viva, most of the SRP
ty to epiphyte layer. Under these conditions phosphate was present in the macroalgal biomass and from these
release might have been expected but SRP release from data we can infer that most of SRP was obtained from
the sediment was negligible. All the inorganic forms of the sediment. Over the same period, a significant linear
both nitrogen and phosphorus in the water were below increase in ammonium was observed inside the dark
the level of detection, while dissolved organic nitrogen benthic chamber containing Viva (34.7 ± 8.2 tlmol N
concentrations were similar to those observed in May m- 2 h- i , r=0.978, p<O.OOOl). After about 12 hours
(data not shown). ammonium produced in the dark benthic chamber with
Viva was almost three times higher than in the dark
Etang du Prevost, station 11 benthic chamber with bare sediment and the dark bell
In May 1994, the lagoon of Prevost was covered by jar containing the macroalga (Figure 6). These results
floating mats of Viva rigida with a patchy distribution highlight the potential activity of Viva and its epiphytes
of biomass (from 76 to 631 g DW m- 2 ) and net growth of immobilising available phosphorus and nitrogen and
rates of 0.078 ± 0.022 d- i (Viaroli et ai., 1994). Subse- slowing their recycling, even under the highly reduc-
quently, the Viva standing crop decreased dramatically ing conditions of the dark bell jar. In contrast, such
due to harvesting, which started in early summer. In conditions appear to enhance SRP release from anoxic
August, at station 11 the sediment was almost denuded, sediment leading to an imbalance between phosphorus
while along the southern and western shoreline there and nitrogen recycling.
were large accumulations of filamentous green algae. Benthic fluxes during the Viva growth phase were
From 16 to 18 May 1994, we studied three different compared to those measured during the decomposition
experimental conditions: benthic chambers with bare phase in 1993. From 24 to 26 August 1993, the incuba-
sediment, benthic chambers with sediment covered by tion of about 500 g DW m- 2 of decaying macroalgae
Viva and bell jars with Viva plus the plankton commu- resulted in anoxia accompanied by the production of
nity but without sediment. Macroalgal biomass inside large quantities of free-sulphide in both the light and
the incubation chambers was approximately 500 g DW dark benthic chambers (Figure 7). In the dark chamber
m- 2 . Changes in oxygen fluxes were to a large extent without macroalgae, the sulphide flux through the bare
influenced by macroalgal activity as indicated by the sediment was several times lower and was delayed by
maximum oxygen increase in the light benthic cham- almost 24 hours. The presence of free sulphide in the
ber (9.69 mmol O 2 m- 2 h- i ) and bell jar (30.75 mmol water of the Prevost lagoon is not unusual probably
O 2 m- 2 h- i ) containing Viva (Figure 6). In the light due to the large amount of organic matter undergoing
chamber with bare sediment, the oxygen concentration rapid degradation and the low buffering capacity of the
decreased showing that consumption prevailed over system (Caumette, 1986). Although the low buffering
production processes. A similar trend was observed capacity of the sediments may explain the high sul-
in the corresponding dark chamber, where oxygen phide fluxes recorded, the great difference in fluxes
uptake was almost constant at 4.68 mmol 02 m- 2 between the dark chamber containing bare sediment
h- i (Figure 6). These data indicate that Viva was and those containing Viva infers that sulphide produc-
responsible for the bulk of the oxygen production, tion was initiated within the decomposing macroalgal
while benthic metabolism accounted for most of the mats.
oxygen consumption. The association of metabolic The dramatic changes in redox conditions which
activities of both macroalgae and sediment resulted occurred in the dark benthic chambers were accompa-
in major changes in the physico-chemical properties nied by the substantial release of both ammonium and
of the water in the light and dark benthic chambers and SRP. Dark recycling of P and N was clearly related to
bell jars. For example the pH increased from 7.9 to 9.7. Viva decay, even though significant ammonium flux-
Significant SRP fluxes were observed inside the light es were also observed in the bare sediment chamber.
(8.4 ± 1.5 tlmol P m- 2 h- i , r= 0.988, p<O.OOOl) and However, in the latter case the ammonium to phospho-
dark chambers (15.6 ± 3.1 tlmol P m- 2 h- i , r= 0.984, rus ratios were close to the conventional Redfield ratio
(N:P= 16:1), whereas in the chamber with Viva SRP
bare sediment bare sediment
100~--------------------1 150 100
sulphide not detectable
~ E 75 E 75 ~
(5 (5 100 sulphide E
E E (5
50 50 E
c: <D
-0 -.S
~ gs,
o 25 :sen 50 ,,
25 S<-
0------- -0---0

12 24 36 48 12 24 36 48

Ruppia > epiphytes Ruppia>epiphytes

30 -r-- I 100 150 100
~ ~
E ~
E 75 ~
(5 20 100 suphide
E (5 E
E (5 E (5
-.S 50 E -.S oxygen
.,D ••••••
50 E
-.S <D
:'Q -0 ,
-li 10 c: E
:sen 50 ~I c:

en 25
-0' -'" 25
<D 0 <D p'--- 0

~ ~
0 0
12 24 36 48 0 12 24 36 48

Ruppia < epiphytes Ruppia<epiphytes

30 100 150 100
~ ~
E 75 E ,, 75
(5100 ,, ~
-0 E oxygen ,,, E

(5 ,, (5
-.S E -.S 50 E

II "
:'Q -.S <D
-0 .0/.0' -.S
..c: c: E c:
:sen 50
Cl. <D Cl. <))
0> 0>
~ 25 S<- "Il' 25 S<-
<D <D _-..0 0
~ ~ ,/0--
0 0 0
12 24 36 48 0 12 24 36 48
23 Aug incubation time (hours) 23 Aug incubation time (hours)
12a.m. 12 a.m.
Figure 5. Main results of the experiment with benthic chambers carried out at station CI from 23 until 25 August 1994 (explanation given in
the text).

200 2000 sedimenl+planklon

1500 sedimenl+planklon
')I ')I
')I 1500
E 150 dark
E E 1000
0 '" z Cl.
~ 100 "0
E "- I
light 500

a.····· O
~ SO····"J.....
01 • •• pi 0+1----,-----r----r----~­
0 12 24 36 48 o 12 24 36 48

200 Ulva+planklon 2000 Ulva+planklon 400 1 Ulva+planklon

'"'E 150 ...~ P ')I 1500 '"E 300

'" '/ \ light ! E
a \ / i Cl.
o~ 100 t·· \. ! \~! z~ 1000 g 200 J"1\
E ' : \ : : : L "-

50 \ ! '~ ! 500 ~ark 100

0.... f \" f light
-'. : 0.... : ..... 0-.•. 0- .. *0- •.• <)0.0 ..... 0- .... .0
oI ....... ,' -W I, .. ,., -. , 0 0
o 12 24 36 48 0 12 24 36 48 0 12 24 36 48

200, 2000 Ulva+sediment+plankton

Ulva+sediment+plankton Ulva+sedlment+plankton 3000 1

')I ')I
E 150 '"E 1500 dark
E 2000 1
z Cl.
100 \ light ! 1000 ~
$gE \ 0 "-
r \ ...., ... /p....Il......o.••o.••••.•• /f 500
/ light 1- / light
oI 4 II '" .. .., II ,. 0
0 12 24 36 48 0 12 24 36 48 0 12 24 36 48
16 May Incubation time (hours) 16 May Incubation lime (hours) 16 May incubation time (hours)
12 a.m. 12 a.m. 12 a.m.

Figure 6. Main results of the experiment with benthic chambers carried out at station 11 from 16 until 18 May 1994.


bare sediment bare sediment
75~----------------~ 150 ~--------------------r 75
sulphide not detectable

50 E

25 c:


12 24 36 48 o 12 24 36 48

sediment + Ulva sediment + Ulva

1000 ...---------------------,-75

E sulphide /0 E 750
~ /,,'
50 <")' E

1 500


~ , .sc: 32
SO ,, 25
~ 250
,'.tS $< <I>
<I> o jg I
o 12 24 36 48 o 12 24 36 48

bare sediment bare sediment

5~------------------~5 30~------------------~5

4 4 4
- 20
3 ammonium 3 3
.§. ".0. ............

E 2 ", .................. 2 E 2
~ , '
~ 10

co ~ phosphorus ~co
o+----r---,----~---r~0 O+---~----~--~----r-~O
o 12 24 36 48 o 12 24 36 48

sediment+Ulva sediment+Ulva
5~------------------~5 40~--------------------~~
4 <")'
E E 30 , ,, <")'

1 (/)
1 ammonrum
::::> 2 ::::> I 2
'2 o '2 , 10 o
~ fil-
~ 10 : ~
E .c E .c
co a. co a.
o 12 24 36 48
24 Aug incubation time (hours) 24 Aug incubation time (hours)
12a.m. 12a.m.

Figure 7. Main results of the experiment with benthic chambers carried out at station 11 from 24 until 26 August 1993.

flux was at least three times greater. This trend allow reflects the extent to which each site can support pro-
us to conclude that Ulva decomposition may result cesses associated with oxygen availability, i.e. benthic
in an imbalance between ammonium and SRP flux, autotrophy. This index becomes very useful when com-
probably because ammonium was primarily recycled paring sites on a seasonal basis (Figure 8). For exam-
from the decomposing biomass, while SRP was also ple, station 11 which was autotrophic during the spring
released from anoxic sediment (Figure 7). In contrast, growth phase clearly became heterotrophic in the sum-
net ammonium release was not recorded in the light, mer decomposition phase. Station Cl underwent slight
indicating that macroalgae may function as a nitrogen changes probably linked to shifts in community struc-
sink, even under the extreme conditions which devel- ture, while station B was highly autotrophic at all times.
oped after several hours of incubation. In the latter case, the relationship between oxygen
production and consumption was presumably overes-
Intersystem comparison timated due to the short-term incubation. Moreover,
high oxygen availability would be likely maintained
The macroscopic differences observed at the selected by tidal flushing. Results from the potential sulphide
sites are to a large extent dependent on hydrodynam- fluxes induced by incubating macrophytes inside the
ic factors: station B is well flushed by tidal currents, benthic chambers show that they were proportional
station 11 is slowly flushed due to the bathymetry of to oxygen consumption (Figure 9). This pattern high-
the Etang du Prevost, while station Cl is in a man- lights the relationship between macrophyte community
made lagoon which undergoes limited water exchange and ecosystem stability. As previously discussed, data
(Escaravage, 1990). However, we can reasonably pos- from station B should be considered carefully being
tulate that internal factors linked to macrophyte com- sulphide fluxes affected by tidal flushing.
munity structure also contribute to the maintenance of If we consider oxygen and sulphide fluxes as indi-
such diversity (Odum, 1990; Brinson, 1993). cators of the stability and resilience of these lagoon
Standing crop data provide basic information on systems, then a clear progression in macrophyte suc-
the structure of the primary producer communities. At cession is evident viz.:
intertidal station B, the Z. noltii meadows are character- Zostera 2: Ruppia > Ruppia + epiphytes » Ulva
ized by slow growth and an almost constant biomass.
In the more sheltered station Cl, R. Cirrhosa, which with the Zostera system more buffered than the Ulva
has a morphology similar to that of Z. noitii, under- one. This explains why the Etang du Prevost is subject
went a period of decomposition in the summer due to to annual dystrophic crises (Caumette. 1986), while
extensive growth of epiphytes. At station 11, in the the fishponds of Certes experience a seasonal decay
Etang du Prevost, U. rigida reached very high biomass as well as summer anoxia mainly due to the massive
levels. However, ephemeral macroalgae such as Ulva development of epiphytes on the Ruppia (Escaravage.
have a patchy distribution because they are affected 1990; Thimel & Labourg, 1992).
by prevailing hydrodynamic conditions, such as those A quite similar pattern can be also recognized when
induced by wind and currents. the fibre content of the detritus is considered, which is
The differences in structure and metabolism of the an index of organic matter biodegradability or recalci-
primary producers can be related to the wide range of trance (Godshalk & Wetzel, 1978; Mann, 1988):
fluxes of oxygen, nutrients, and free-sulphide which Zostera2:healthy Ruppia (refractory»
were recorded at the different sampling sites. Initially,
we used a first ordination of such differences by using Ruppia epiphytes (intermediate» Ulva (labile)
the metabolism based trophic index (BTSI) modified
from that proposed by Rizzo et al. (in press). BTSI The large differences between the rooted and float-
is based on the relative magnitude of hourly rates of ing systems have also been demonstrated by means of
maximum net oxygen fluxes measured under both light vertical profiles taken along the water-sediment hori-
and dark conditions (Table 3). In this scheme maxi- zon (Figure 10). In the system with Ulva high sul-
mum oxygen production in the light (X-axis) is plot- phide concentrations were detected in the water layer
ted against oxygen uptake in the dark (Y-axis). Rela- beneath the floating thalli. These values were almost
tive positions are indicative of degrees of autotrophy twice as high as those recorded either in the cores
and heterotrophy. We used this approach to assign to without macroalgae or with Ruppia. In the latter appre-
each benthic system a categorical value which broadly ciable amounts of sulphide were detected only a few
·2 .,
Net maximum oxygen productivity (mmol m h )
·5 0 5 10 15
--;- highly
.s= autotrophic
E ·10
::> net
C) ·20 heterotrophic net
i:<' autotrophic C1·HB
-'" c


·2 .,
Net maximum oxygen productivity (mmol m h )
·2 .,
0 10 20 Dark oxygen uptake (mmol m h
• dark benthic chambers C light benthic chambers
s:: highly
':' autotrophic
Figure 9. Relationships between dark oxygen uptake and maximum
E -10 potential sulphide fluxes in dark and light benthic chambers. Sym-
.s. net
bols as in Figure 8.
~ heterotrophic
·20 net
~ autotrophic almost independently from that in the sediment and
11·U may thus determine internal fluxes which overlap the
Cl c
·30 - ' - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' benthic ones. These results are consistent with those
of Thimel & Labourg (1992), who recognised the key
FiRure 8. Ordination of the sites considered according to the BTSI
role of detritus in determining internal carbon flows.
(metabolism based trophic state index). Top panel: growth phase,
bottom panel: decay phase. Symbols - station B: with Zostera To some extent, the epiphytic subsystem at sta-
(B); station ll: with Viva (ll-V) and with bare sediment (II-S); tion CI resembles the subsystem which developed at
station Cl: with low (Cl-LB) and high (Cl-HB) biomass of Ruppia, station 11 in the Etang du Prevost due to accumula-
Ruppia in excess of epiphytes (R> E), epiphytes in excess of Ruppia
(R<E), and bare sediment (Cl-S). Further details are given in the
tion of Viva. Both appear to result in significant direct
text. effects on water quality, even though station 11 is less
protected against dystrophic crisis. These differences
between the two sites, which are undergoing similar
centimeters below the sediment surface and can be slow water reneval, can be explained primarily by the
explained by the deposition of a thick bed of epiphytes different macrophyte communities.
with an organic matter content in the range 20-30%
w/w. Such organic matter consists mainly of mucilagi-
nous aggregates which are readily degradeable and can Concluding remarks
sustain high levels of microbial activity which exceed
the buffering capacity of the available iron (Bartoli Viva rig ida , Ruppia cirrhosa and Zostera noltii show
et aI., 1996). Likewise, the significant fluxes of sul- very different growth patterns as well as production
phide observed in the dark and light benthic chambers rates (Figure 11). In a number of dystrophic lagoons,
can be explained by the production of free-sulphide Viva rigida reaches huge biomasses (up to 103 g DW
by the epiphytes growing on the leaves of the Rup- m- 2 ) in few weeks (Sfriso et aI., 1992). Unlike, root-
pia or by the epiphytes covering the sediment surface. ed phanerogams they have annual cycles and their
These results demonstrate the importance of epiphytes biomasses never exceed a few hundred g DW m- 2
in establishing very active localised systems at the sed- (Verhoeven, 1980, Philippart, 1995).
iment - water interface and around the Ruppia leaves. The fast growth of Viva and the very high biomass
In the short-term, the epiphytic pathway may operate produced does not enable the top down mechanisms

station 11 station C1
ing the amplitude of such disturbance. When this kind
mm r - - - - - mm ...----:-:---::----,-, of biogeochemical control is ineffective, the effects of
U,--lva' without Ruppia
70 20
dystrophic events would presumably lower the resis-
15 tance as well as the resilience of the lagoon community
10 leading to a positive feedback.

10 0~------------4
·10 +--.----.---.---1 ·5 +'-'-"'-'-'',"-''-''-"-.,'.-
o 50 100 150 200 o 2
~M S 2· IlM S 2· This research was supported by the joint EU project
'CLEAN': Coastal Lagoon Eutrophication and ANaer-
mm , - - - - - - - - - , mm,-----w~it~hR~u-pp~·a' obic processes (Contract No EV5V-CT92-0080) We
70 20
gratefully acknowledge the support and facilities pro-
50~-7U~lv-a~th-a~IIi---,1 vided in Arcachon by Professor Pierre Caumette, Dr
10 Jacques Castel, Dr P. 1. Labourg, Dr R. de Wit and
their colleagues during the course of this project. We
10 ••.••.
-"co_~ oi---------+ are indebted with Dr M. Cattadori (Istituto di Ecologia,
1o~··~···---- ____ o __ Universita di Parma) who contributed to the field and
·10+-.--.----.---.-..,.--1 .5 +--r--.---=;R=.....q
o 6 8 10 12 o 50 100 150 200 laboratory work and useful information on the refrac-
mM S 2· ~M S 2· tory compounds.
Figure 10. Sulphide profiles determined along a water·sediment hori·
zon in sediment cores collected at station CI (right) and II (left) in
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©1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Differential anaerobic decomposition of seagrass (Zostera noltii) and

macroalgal (Monostroma obscurum) biomass from Arcachon Bay (France)

Sophie Bourgues*, Isabelle Auby, Rutger de Wit & Pierre-Jean Labourg

Laboratoire d'Oceanographie Biologique, Centre d'Oceanographie et de Biologie Marine, Universite Bordeaux I
and C.N.R.S.• U.R.A.-197, 2 rue du Pro Jolyet, 33120 A reach on, France
* Corresponding author: Fax: 33-56-835104

Key words: Zostera noltii, Monostroma obscurum, anaerobic decomposition, nutrient recycling


Arcachon Bay is characterized by extensive meadows of the seagrass Zostera noltii. Moreover, as a consequence of
eutrophication, massive proliferations of the macroalga (Monostroma obscurum) have occurred since the beginning
of 1990s.
This paper describes the anaerobic decomposition of biomass of both species under experimental conditions
by two methods. Firstly, the dynamics of decomposition were studied in situ using litter bags. The remaining
biomass and the elemental composition of the decomposing macrophytes were monitored. Secondly, degradation
was studied in experimental containers under anoxic conditions in which the release of inorganic nutrients and the
development of fermentative and sulfate-reducing bacterial populations were followed.
The decomposition rate of total biomass was faster for macroalgae than for the vascular plants, thus corroborating
previous observations. However, both in situ and laboratory experiments showed that the anaerobic decomposition
of the seagrass Z. noltii resulted in rapid release of inorganic Nand P, and increasing CIN and CIP ratios of the
residual biomass. As a result, the recycling of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus compounds was slightly more
efficient for Z. noltii than for M. obscurum. Recycling of inorganic nutrients appears to be of a great importance to
the whole ecosystem, because of the extensive spreading of Z. noltii in the bay.

Introduction tury (Durieu de Maisonneuve, 1855). In contrast, the

occurrence of macroalgal blooms is a recent phenom-
Arcachon Bay is a triangular shaped mesotidallagoon enon, which is most likely due to increased nutrient
on the French Atlantic coast which covers an area loading. Massive blooms of Enteromorpha clathrata
of 156 km 2 . Presently, primary production in this (Roth) Grev. have been reported since 1982 (Ribes,
lagoon is mainly due to two macrophytes: the peren- 1988) and continued throughout the 1980's. Howev-
nial phanerogam Zostera noltii Hornem. which forms er, the importance of this species declined during the
extensive meadows with above and below-ground bio- early 1990's, and concomitantly, M. obscurum, which
masses of 70-100 and 70-160 g dry weight m- 2 , was first observed in 1990, started to proliferate in the
respectively (Auby, 1991; Auby & Labourg, in press), Eastern, and particularly in the Southeastern part of
and the macroalga Monostroma obscurum Kutzing. the lagoon (Figure 1). A detailed study of this recent
(Monostromaceae), which proliferates during spring phenomenon has been published by Auby et al. (1994),
and early summer. The Z. noltii meadows cover 70 km 2 who reported that the maximum biomass of M. obscu-
of the intertidal area of the lagoon (Figure 1) rep- rum and Z. noltii (including leaves, roots and rhizomes)
resenting the largest seagrass meadows in Western were 2.5 x 106 kg and 14 x 106 kg, respectively. Thus,
Europe (Auby, 1991). The abundance of this small M. obscurum biomass is equal to approximately 20%
seagrass species has been described since the last cen- of that of Z. noltii (by dry weight).

Stat ion Z

Figure 1. a. Distribution of Zostera nO/Iii (pointed) and Zostera marina (black) meadows in Arcachon Bay and location of the study site Z.
b. Repartition of Monostroma obscurum biomass in Arcachon Bay (July 1993). pointed: 0-10 g fresh weight m- 2 (intertidal) or m- 3 (subtidal)
hatched: 10-500 g fresh weight m- 2 (intertidal) or m- 3 (subtidal) black: > 500 g fresh weight m- 2 (intertidal) or m- 3 (subtidal).

Grazing by herbivores on Z. noltii is quantitatively et aI., 1994). In addition, the export of this macroal-
of little importance, as comparable to other vascular ga by currents is presumably of minor importance,
plants. The major herbivores are popUlations of the because its production takes place predominantly in
dark-bellied Brent geese (Branta bernicla bernicla) the confined parts of the bay. As a result, a large
which overwinter in the lagoon. Although numerous fraction enters the detritus food chain and is min-
(up to 40000 birds), their consumption represents at eralized in the sediments. Macroalgae are therefore
most 2% of the above-ground annual production of important in nutrient cycles in coastal lagoons, because
Z. noltii (Auby, 1991). A small part of the biomass is they act as both nutrient sinks and sources, during
exported out of the bay by the currents. However, the growth and decay phases, respectively (Lavery &
importance of this biomass export remains unquanti- McComb, 1991). The relatively fast decomposition
fied. Hence, a large part of the Z. noltii detritus decom- rate of macroalgae provides also a rapid recycling of
poses at the sediment surface or in the sediment itself, nutrients which may be an important factor to maintain
supplying large quantities of organic matter to the sys- high productivity (Hanisak, 1993).
tem. The slow decomposition rates characteristic of This paper reports the results of a comparative
different seagrass species have been described exten- study of the decomposition of Z. noltii and M. obscu-
sively in the literature (Harrisson & Mann, 1975; Thay- rum detritus under anoxic conditions. The research
er et aI., 1977; Godschalk & Wetzel, 1978; Pellikaan, was conducted by both in situ and laboratory incu-
1984). This feature is often attributed to its relatively bation experiments. The decay rates were compared
high content of refractory constituents, such as struc- and attention was paid to the importance of inorganic
tural carbohydrates, lignin and cellulose, as well as to nutrient recycling.
the C:N:P ratios (Enriquez et aI., 1993).
The macro alga M. obscurum constitutes a food
source for gastropods and amphipods. Nevertheless,
it appears that the grazing rate is extremely low (Auby

Materials and methods Analytical procedures

Sites of sampling and in situ experiments Dry weight of macrophyte detritus was determined
after drying at 60°C for 48 hours. Analysis of Car-
In 1992-1993, Z. noltii leaves and M. obscurum thalli bon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus content were performed
were sampled at station Z which was located at mean at the Institut Europeen de l'Environnement de Bor-
tide level (M.T.L.) on an intertidal mudflat, in Arca- deaux (IEEB). Organic carbon content was measured
chon Bay (Figure 1). The in situ decomposition experi- according to Le Corre (1983), nitrogen content with
ments were performed adjacent to the sampling station. the Kjeldahl method (Allen, 1970) and phosphorus
The freshly collected macrophytes were transport- content by a colorimetric method after acidic digestion
ed to the laboratory in cool boxes and immediately with HN03-H2S04 (APHA, AWWA, WPCF, 1980).
sorted and rinsed with sea water. During spring 1992, Water samples were filtered (Whatman membrane,
decomposition experiments were conducted both with 0.45 /.lm pore size) and stored frozen in polyethylene
leaves of Z. noltii and thalli of M. obscurum; addition- vials until analysed for NHt, NO;- +N03 and PO~­
al experiments were performed in other seasons with using a Technicon autoanalyser at the Laboratory of
M. obscurum thalli only. At the start of the experiments, CREMA (l'Houmeau), according to Treguer & Le
replicate litter bags of 1 mm nylon mesh (21 x 21 cm) Corre (1975). Sulfide concentrations were determined
were filled with the same amount of freshly harvested colorimetrically according to Cline (1969).
and rinsed leaves or thalli (30 to 50 g wet weight) and
buried 1 cm deep in the sediment. Minielectrode mea- Bacterial enumerations
surements showed that permanently anoxic conditions
occurred at these sediment depths. The entire in situ Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) were enumerated
experiments covered the periods listed in Table I. At using the Most Probable Number technique in liq-
selected time intervals, one or two bags were harvested uid medium with 10 mM sodium lactate and 10 mM
for subsequent analyses of remaining dry weight and sodium acetate (Pfennig et aI., 1981). The medium
elemental composition (i.e., C, Nand P contents). Pri- was dispensed aseptically in Hungate's tubes and the
or to these analyses, the harvested detritus was gently growth of SRB was determined by the formation of a
rinsed with sea water to remove sediment particles and brown precipitate after addition of CuS04/HCI solu-
subsequently with fresh water to remove salt. tion (5 mM/50 mM) (Caumette, 1986).
Fermentative bacteria were enumerated by count-
Laboratory experiments ing Colony Forming Units (C.F.U.) on agar plates.
The growth medium consisted of filtered (0.22 /.lm)
Laboratory experiments were performed to investigate sea water, 5 g peptone, 5 g yeast extract, 15 g agar-
inorganic nutrient release. To simulate environmen- agar. The pH was adjusted to 7.2-7.4. The medium
tal anoxic dark conditions, aquaria (21 x 21 x 22 cm) was autoclaved and dispensed into Petri dishes, which
were wrapped in aluminium foil and sealed with sili- were spread using a portion from aseptically prepared
cone to prevent oxygen ingress. A volume of 30 cm 3 decimal dilution series and incubated in anaerobic jars.
of sediment from station Z was added, the aquaria
completely filled with seawater (9.7 I) and amend- Curve-fitting
ed as follows: (1) control treatment containing sedi-
ment alone. (2) Sediment plus 100 g wet weight of The time courses of in situ biomass decomposition
M. obscurum (equivalent to 10.78 g dry weight), and were modelled according to first order kinetics using
(3) Sediment plus 100 g wet weight of Z. noltii (equiv- the exponential function:
alent to 14.23 g dry weight). Treatments 2 and 3 were
(Eq.l )
established in duplicate. Incubation was performed at
ambient laboratory temperature (20-25 0c) for about or according to the logistic function:
2 months. During incubation, water samples for chem-
ical analyses and bacterial enumerations were with- Wo
drawn through a sample port with syringes (50 ml) to
Wt = I +bx e ki '

prevent atmospheric contamination. in which Wt is the remaining biomass at any time t,

W o is the biomass at the start of the experiment, k
Table 1. Main parameters characterizing the in situ anaerobic decomposition of Monoslroma obscurum and Z. nollii.

Loss of dry weight Calculated Average

Season at the end of the halftime temperature Initial C/N
(Julian day) Year experiment Model fitted (days) of sediment ratio

SPRING !-l/o = 102.7 x e-O.OI9t

(73-143) 1992 77% in 66 days r2 = 0.973 37 12.2°C 12.6
Z. nollii p < 0.001

SPRING W o = 93.3/(1 + 0.0002 x eO.433t)

(73-103) 1992 76% in 25 days r2=0.891 20 12.2°C 8.6
M.obscurum p < 0.001

SUMMER W o = 97.0 x e-O.OR2t

(191-209) 1992 73.5% in 18 days r2 = 0.847 8.5 24.3 °C
M.obscurum p<O.OI

AUTUMN W o = 102.9/(1 + 0.0020 x eo. mt )

(309-345) 1992 81 % in 36 days r2 =0.970 28 12.7°C 4.43
M.obscurum p <0.001

(18-42) 1993 44% in 30 days not significant 9.3°C 5.17

Table 2. Enumeration of sulfate-reducing and fermentative bacteria (cells ml- I ) in the

water of aquaria during the laboratory decomposition experiment.

Control M.obscurum Z. nollii

container containers containers

Sulfate-reducing bacteria t=O 2.5 x 10 1 6 X 10 1 25 X 103

t = 43 days 2.5 x 102 5.5 X 107 1.9 X 106

Fermentative bacteria t=O 1.1 x 102 8.4 X 10 1 8.5 X 105

t = 49 days I x 102 6 X 106
t = 76 days 1.23 x 102 6.4 X 106

is the specific degradation rate (per day) and b is a M. obscurum biomass was low, but increased substan-
coefficient specific to the logistic function only, which tially after a lag period of 15 days. The initial dry
is related to a time delay. Curve fitting was achieved by weight of 5.40 g decreased by 76% to 1.30 g over the
an iterative procedure to minimize the sum of squares 25 days incubation period. For Z. noltii, the initial dry
of the residuals (Sokal & Rohlf, 1981). weight of 7.11 g decreased to 1.64 g after 66 days,
corresponding to a loss of77%. Thus, the phanerogam
biomass decomposed to a similar extent in a period
Results which was double that found for M. obscurum.
The decomposition processes of macrophytes can
In situ experiments generally be modelled by first order kinetics (exponen-
tial function) or if a significant time lag is observed,
In situ time course experiments of decomposition of by a logistic function according to equation 1 and
Z. noltii and M. obscurum biomass differed consid- 2, respectively (see Method section). We found that
erably (Figure 2). Initially the decomposition rate of first order kinetics provided a good description for


o~ 60
'~ 40
;f!. 20

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Figure 2, Loss of dry weight of Monostroma obscurum (open trian-
gles) and Zostera no/tii (solid circles) in litter bags, as percentage of i..-, _ _ _ _ _ .:D.=__ D.
remaining dry weight. Spring experiment (March 1992), 100 A


:g, 80
the decomposition of Z. noltii but not for M. obscu- "& 60
rum which was best modelled by the logistic equation. g'
Accordingly, the calculated times required for 50% loss .~ 40
of dry weight were 20 and 37 days for M. obscurum CI:

and Z. noltii, respectively. '#. 20

The seasonal variations of the in situ decomposition

was studied in more detail for M. obscurum (Figure 3).
The decay process appeared very efficient in summer: o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
exponential loss started without lag phase and 73.5%
of the initial dry weight was lost in 18 days. Howev- "iOO~--------------------.,
er, in autumn, a lag phase characterized the first two
weeks of decomposition, similarly as was observed 80 WINTER
during the spring experiment. After 36 days, only 19% 0>
of the initial algal detritus dry weight remained in the :::
~ 60
litter bags. Finally, the process of decay appeared to be o
very slow in winter, albeit it was difficult to quantify '2
'(ij 40
because neither exponential nor logistic curve fitting E
gave significant regression (p>0.05). Using the select-
ft. 20
ed mathematical functions, the time required to lose
50% of the initial dry weight equalled 8.5 and 28 days
for summer and autumn, respectively (Table 1).
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
During the spring experiment, we followed the time Days
courses of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus contents in Figure 3. Seasonal loss of dry weight of Monostroma obscurum
the decomposing detritus (Figure 4). The initial carbon during decomposition in litter bags, as percentage of remaining dry
contents were 32.9% and 42.0% of detritus dry weight weight. Summer (July 1992), autumn (November 1992) and winter
for M. obscurum and Z. noltii, respectively. Loss of (January 1993) experiments.
carbon was more pronounced for the macroalga than
for the seaweed. Carbon content of decaying M. obscu-
rum detritus was 22.9% of dry weight towards the end ed general trends among for phanerogam and sea-
of the experiment. weed species (Duarte, 1992). However, this param-
The initial nitrogen content of M. obscurum and eter showed markedly different time courses for both
Z. noltii were 4.45 and 3.90% of dry weight, respective- macrophytes during the decay process. The N-content
ly. This difference was small considering the report- of M. obscurum decreased strongly from 4.45 to 2.40%


Z. no/Iii

~;,g o

Z. noltii

::- 30 o 10
c 5
8 20 M. obscurum o M. obscurum
c 5


o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Days Figure 5. CIN atomic ratios during the spring decomposition of
Monostroma obscurum (open triangles) and Zostera noltii (solid
circles) in litter bags.

~8 during the first two weeks while total biomass remained
~ virtually constant (lag phase). Afterwards, whilst a
cCD rapid loss of remaining biomass occurred, N-content
<.> increased again to 6% (after 21 days) (Figure 4 and
c Table 1). In contrast, a minor but continuing decrease

of nitrogen content was found for Z. noltii.
Z Initial phosphorus contents were 0.10% and 1.10%
for M. obscurum and Z. noltii, respectively. Never-
0 theless, P-content of the latter appeared to be excep-
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
tionally high in March 1992. Comparably, Viaroli
(pers. comm.) found values ranging from 0.2 to 0.4%
in May and August 1993 at station B in Arcachon
Bay, which is a more sheltered than station Z. After
a week of incubation, P-content was 0.25% and then
decreased further to 0.087%. In contrast, phosphorus
content of M. obscurum detritic material increased dur-
ing the decay process.
At the beginning of the spring experiment, the
CIN ratios were 8.6 and 12.6 for M. obscurum and
Z. noltii, respectively (Figure 5). Algal detritus CIN
ratio increased during the first two weeks of the exper-
imental period and then decreased (CIN = 5.39 after 25
days). On the other hand, the CIN ratio of seagrass
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 leaves detritus gradually increased during the incuba-
Days tion up to 15.75.
The similarity of the decomposition process of
Figure 4. Carbon. nitrogen and phosphorus content as percentage M. obscurum in spring and autumn was also confirmed
(weight/weight) of dry weight during the spring decomposition of by the time course of the CIN ratio, which followed the
Monostroma obscurum (open triangles) and Zostera no/tii (solid
circles) in litter bags.
same trend. In fact, CIN, in autumn, equaled to 4.43 at
the beginning of the experiment. This ratio increased
up to 5.18 during the two first weeks and then decreased
(CIN =3.82 after 30 days).

Laborat01yexperiments CONTROL CONTAINER

Figure 6 represents the time course of dissolved inor- 20~---------------------------------.

ganic nutrients (NHt, NOZ- + NO;- , PO!-) in the con-
trol container (no macrophyte addition). At the begin-
~ 15 ammonium
ning of the experiment, NHt was not detectable in the a
water phase. A peak of 17 fLM was observed after 13 c
days but this concentration declined rapidly and fell to ~ 10
0.23 fLM by the end of the incubation period. Concomi- Q)
tantly with the decrease of the NHt concentration, the o
() 5
concentration of (NOt-NO;-) increased from 2.34 to
10.42 fLM, indicating that ammonium was being nitri-
fied (NHt - > NOZ- + NO;-). The absence of sulfide O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
and the occurrence of nitrification indicated that oxy- Days
gen remained present during the incubation period.
Phosphate concentration (1.23 fLM at t = 0) increased
concomitantly with NHt and dropped to 0.22/LM after
55 days.
Ammonium was the major inorganic nitrogen com- ~ 15 nitnte+nitrate
pound released into the water column during the a
degradation of both macrophytes. Furthermore, NHt ~ 10
showed the same evolution for both macrophytes (Fig- C
ure 7). In containers amended with M. obscurum, c

NHt concentration increased with time and reached 8 5

a plateau at approximately 2 mM. The same trend was

observed in the containers amended with Z. noltii, but
the plateau concentrations were higher (about 3.5 mM). 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
The sum ofN0Z- + NO;- water column concentrations,
which were initially 1.51 and 1.47 fLM for M. obscu-
rum and Z. noltii containers, respectively, increased 20~----------------------------------,
with time. Although the final values were 3 and 2-
fold higher than in the control experiment (i.e., up to
~ 15 phosphate
29.2 fLM for M. obscurum containers), these amounts
were negligible compared to the quantities of NHt o
released. ~ 10
Laboratory incubations rather than field experi- g
ments in litter bags enabled the measurement of dis- o
() 5
solved inorganic nitrogen recycling from the macro-
phyte detritus during the decay process. The original
weight of M. obscurum was 10.78 g dry weight per
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
container, with a nitrogen content of 4.45% thus corre- Days
sponding to an N-amendmentof3.53 mmoll- I . At the
Figure 6. Variation of ammonium (solid squares), nitrite + nitrate
end of the experiment, detritus dry weight was 5.30 g (solid triangles) and phosphate (solid circles) concentrations in the
with 3.6% of nitrogen, still representing 1.40 mmoll- I , water of control container during the laboratory degradation experi-
whilst the maximum concentration of ammonium in ment.
the water column was 2.21 mM. Thus, at the end of the
experiment, the sum ofN in both compartments corre-
sponded to the totality (102%) of the original N added and dissolved ammonium corresponded to 86% of the
with biomass and dissolved ammonium was equal to original N added with biomass.
62.5% of the original amendment. In comparison, for The high phosphate concentrations observed in
the experiment with Z. noltii the recovery was 114% the Z. noltii containers (183 fLM at t = 8 days) can

M. obscurum containers Z. no/Iii containers

4000 4000

:?3000 :?3000
a a
c c
0 0
.;; 2000 .~ 2000


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Days Days

40 40

/ :? 30
~ 20
// g20

/ ai

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Days Days

200 200

:?150 :?150
a a
c: c:
.!2 .!2
100 e 100
Q) ~
() phosphate () phosphate

D.... 0.
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Days Days

20 20

:? 15 :? 15
.s.c .s.c:
.~ 10 ~ 10

0 5 0 5
() ()

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Days Days

Figure 7. Variation of ammonium (solid and open squares), nitrite + nitrate (solid and open triangles), phosphate (solid and open circles) and
sulfide (solid and open lozenges) concentrations in the water of aquaria containing M. obscurum and Z. no/tii.

be explained by efficient P-release and the higher not be explained by this factor. Phosphorus appears to
P-content. Maximal phosphate concentration reached be present in labile form in Z. noltii and its leach-
16.6 11M in the M. obscurum containers after the two ing is very efficient, confirming the results of Auby
first weeks of incubation but this value decreased with (1991). Another factor influencing in situ decomposi-
time to 0 after 55 days. A concentration of 87.4 J-tM tion rates may be detritus fragmentation. In fact, Chi-
was observed in the Z. noltii aquarium water at the end ronomus larvae were detected from the first week in
of incubation. Conceivably, the 'mass-balance' calcu- the litter bags containing decaying M. obscurum but
lations for phosphorus are more difficult than for nitro- were never found in the Z. noltii bags. The mechanical
gen compounds, because of the relative importance of activity, facilitating the detritus breakdown in parti-
P release or binding to sediment particles. cles of small size, is likely an important factor for
In both macrophyte incubations, H2S was detected the colonization by microorganisms (Pellikaan, 1982).
from the first day of incubation. H 2S concentrations Z. noltii leaves are composed of more than 40% of
increased gradually with time up to 10.4 mM in the cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin (relative to total
M. obscurum container and to 16.3 mM in the case of dry weight: 14.6%, 19.1% and lO.2%, respectively;
Z. noltii. Auby, 1991). Macroalgae are characterized by low-
The number of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) er contents of these components which are between
increased with time in all treatments (Table 2). Howev- lO% and 34% for Viva lactuca Lin. (Brouard, 1983;
er, the increase was higher when macrophyte material Faucille, 1984). This difference in refractory structural
was present. After 43 days of incubation SRB num- constituents can explain the slow decay of phanerogam
bers reached 5.5 x 107 and l.9 x 106 bacteria/ml for relative to macroalgal decomposition. In addition, vas-
M. obscurum and Z. noltii containers, respectively. In cular plants are known to produce toxic substances,
contrast, trends in the density of fermentative bacteria which are liberated early during the decomposition
were different Fermentative bacteria were present in process, thus causing a delay of microbial coloniza-
high numbers at the start but did not increase signifi- tion resulting in a slower degradation rate. It has been
cantly in the Z. noltii combination, whereas a signif- reported thatZ. marina contained bioactive compounds
icant increase was detected in the M. obscurum con- (phenolic acid and flavonoids) shown to inhibit micro-
tainer. bial hydrolytic enzymes (Horner et aI., 1988; Swain,
Three phases are generally recognized in seagrass
Discussiou decomposition processes based on changes in decay
rate with time (Rice & Tenore, 1981; Pellikaan, 1982).
In situ, the decomposition rate of M. obscurum was During the first phase a rapid loss of dry weight does
about twice as fast as for Z. noltii. Even slower degra- occur, presumably corresponding to the leaching of
dation rates have been found for Z. noltii (Hemminga soluble compounds. The second phase is characterized
& Nieuwenhuize, 1991). M. obscurum decomposition by microbial colonization, reflected by an increase of
rates were however similar to those reported for the nitrogen content. Finally, the third one corresponds to
green alga Caulerpa cupressoides (Williams, 1984). the loss of refractory material. These 3 phases should
Our findings thus corroborate previous studies that imply corresponding changes in C/N ratio. Neverthe-
decomposition of marine vascular plants is a relative- less we were not able to detect these stages during in
ly slow process (Fenchel, 1977; Harrisson & Mann, situ Z. noltii decay, as it followed first order kinetics
1975; Thayer et aI., 1977; Godschalk & Wetzel, 1978; and C/N ratios increased throughout the experiment.
Pellikaan, 1984). Unambiguous interpretations of the time course of C/N
According to Rice & Tenore (1981), the rate of ratios are, however, difficult, because the leaching of
decomposition is largely dependent on the chemical soluble compounds, element enrichment of the detri-
composition of the macrophyte. Macroalgal tissues tus by microbial colonization and protein binding reac-
are commonly richer in nitrogen than vascular plant tions may counteract whilst they occur simultaneously
material (Duarte, 1992). The nitrogen content mea- (Pellikaan, 1984).
sured in spring for both macrophytes were however Surprisingly, degradation of M. obscurum followed
rather similar (4.45% and 3.90% for M. obscurum first order kinetics only in summer and a lag peri-
and Z. noltii, respectively). The difference between od of two weeks has been found both in spring and
M. obscurum and Z. noltii decomposition rates can thus autumn. During the lag phase a decrease in N-content

took place, whilst this parameter increased again after centrations released from both decaying macrophytes
degradation had started at a high rate. were also very high. The release of inorganic phos-
In contrast to the in situ observations, the labo- phorus from the sediment, favoured by the reducing
ratory decomposition experiments showed an almost conditions prevailing in the containers, could partially
equal loss of dry weight for both macrophytes (50.8% explain the quantities measured during our experiment.
and 46.8% for M. obscurum and Z. noltii, respective- The regeneration, due to the in situ decomposition of
ly) at the end of incubation period (55 days). Thus, Viva rigida under anaerobic conditions, accounted for
for M. obscurum, the decay process studied in the lab- more than 50% of the increase of phosphorus concen-
oratory was slower than observed in situ. Firstly, the trations observed in the Sacca di Ooro lagoon during
high sulfide concentrations measured in the overlying dystrophic crises, when particulate + dissolved phos-
water in the experimental containers partially explain phorus reached values of 14.5 flM in the water column.
this difference. H 2 S is toxic for many bacterial species, However, nitrogen regeneration was less efficient in
but in the field this compound diffuses away and can be the latter system, thus causing an imbalance between
trapped by sedimentary iron. The iron content in Arca- Nand P release (Viaroli et ai., 1992).
chon Bay is particularly high (Stal et ai., 1996; Viaroli In Arcachon Bay, the release of inorganic nutrients
et ai., 1996) and minielectrode measurements show from decaying detritus is of a great importance for both
that free H 2 S is rarely present or if present at a con- macrophytes. According to Iizumi et ai. (1982), the
centration below 0.5 mM (data not shown). Second- mechanism of ammonium regeneration from organ-
ly, Chironomus larvae were never found in laboratory ic nitrogen in sediments with eelgrass beds consti-
containers, whereas they were present in M. obscu- tutes the main pathway for supplying nitrogen to the
rum litter bags (see above), thus suggesting that the whole ecosystem. Our study demonstrated the poten-
degradation of this macrophyte is indeed enhanced by tial importance of the decomposition of the domi-
detritus fragmentation caused by these animals. nant macrophytes of Arcachon Bay, mainly Z. noltii
In the laboratory experiments, populations of phanerogam, as an important nitrogen and phospho-
sulfate-reducing bacteria were well developed and rus source in the ecosystem. Nitrogen recycling may
actively participated in the decomposition. Assuming become less efficient due to losses caused by cou-
that two moles of sulfide are produced for each mole pled nitrification-denitrification processes. However,
of carbon mineralized (J0rgensen, 1977), we have esti- coupled nitrification denitrification were inhibited in
mated that sulfate reduction accounted for around 75% our experiments, but were also very low at compa-
of the mineralization of macrophyte carbon. rable intertidal stations in the bay (Rysgaard et ai.,
The laboratory experiments demonstrated that 1996). Thus, this coupled process is likely not impor-
anaerobic decomposition of both M. obscurum and tant in affecting N-regeneration in the field. Seagrasses
Z. noltii results in a high inorganic nutrient release. appear to be the most important factor in determining
Water column concentration of dissolved Nand P nutrient availability because of their huge biomass in
species reflect the net result of sediment flux and this ecosystem. We demonstrated that the release of
macrophyte nutrient release minus the uptake due to nutrients from Zostera noltii was a relatively fast pro-
bacterial processes. We found that the concentrations cess. Monostroma obscurum, characterized by a faster
of inorganic N-compounds in the water column in decay enhances this nutrient recycling even though it
containers amended with M. obscurum or Z. noltii accounts only for the 20% of the total plant biomass.
provide a good measure of the N-recycling during
the decomposition process. A more complicated pat-
tern was observed for dissolved phosphate, because Acknowledgments
this compound reached a maximum and subsequently
decreased. The authors highly acknowledge Miss M. Durin for her
Ammonium was the dominant form of dissolved contribution to the Zostera noltii degradation experi-
nitrogen released from decaying macrophyte detritus ment and Dr A. Herbland, director of the laboratory of
in marine environments. Both Williams (1984) and CREMA (L'Houmeau, La Rochelle, France), for the
Hanisak (1993) reported the same conclusions. Due use of the Technicon autoanalyser. We are also grate-
to the anoxic conditions in the containers, bacterial ful to the staff of IFREMER Arcachon, especially to
nitrification was arrested and ammonium was therefore O. Trut for his kindness and assistance during nutri-
not converted into nitrite and nitrate. Phosphate con- ents measurements and his valuable help for drawing

Figure 1. Finally, we thank E. Buffan, Y. Dubau for !izumi, H., A. Hattori & C. P. McRoy, 1982. Ammonium regene-
helping us in the data presentation and D. Welsh for ration and assimilation in eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds. Mar.
BioI. 66: 59-65.
his help with the English presentation. This work was J~rgensen, B. B., 1977. The sulfur cycle of a coastal marine sediment
supported by a E. U. Environment programm (CLEAN (Limfjorden, Denmark). Limnol. Oceanogr. 22: 814-832.
contract EV5V-CT92-0080). Lavery, P. S. & A. J. McComb, 1991. Macroalgal-sediment nutrient
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Le Corre, P., 1983. Dosage du carbone organique particulaire. In
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Nitrification, denitrification, and nitrate ammonification in sediments of two

coastal lagoons in Southern France

Sjijren Rysgaard*!, Nils Risgaard-Petersen & Niels Peter Sloth

Department of Microbial Ecology, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Aarhus, Bd. 540, DK-8000
Aarhus C, Denmark; I National Environmental Research Institute, Vejls¢vej 25, 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark
* Corresponding author

Key words: Nitrification, denitrification, nitrate, ammonification, sediments, isotope, 15N, ammonium, flux

Summary lying water to being a sink due to their high assimi-

lation rates. It is likely, however, that this assimilated
Seasonal and diurnal variations in sediment-water flux- nitrogen is liberated to the water column at the onset
es of Oz, NO;-, and NHt as well as rates of nitrifica- of summer thereby fueling the extensive growth of the
tion, denitrification, and nitrate ammonification were floating macroalgae, Ulva sp. The combination of a
determined in two different coastal lagoons of south- high nitrogen coupling between sediment and water
ern France: The seagrass (Zostera noltii) dominated column, little water exchange and low denitrification
tidal Bassin d' Arcachon and the dystrophic Etang du rates resulted in an unstable system with fast growing
Prevost. Overall, denitrification rates in both Bassin algal species such as phytoplankton and floating algae.
d'Arcachon «0.4 mmol m- z d- 1) and Etang du
Prevost « 1 mmol m- z d- 1) were low. This was main-
ly caused by a combination oflow NO;- concentrations Introduction
in the water column and a low nitrification activity
within the sediment. In both Bassin d' Arcachon and Coastal regions often receive large anthropogenic
Etang du Prevost, rates of nitrate ammonification were inputs of nitrogen and phosphorus that cause eutroph-
quantitatively as important as denitrification. ication. The impact is especially strong in estuaries
Denitrification played a minor role as a nitrogen and coastal lagoons characterized by limited water
sink in both systems. In the tidal influenced Bassin exchange with larger bodies of water. Such increased
d' Arcachon, Z. noltii was quantitatively more impor- nutrient loading often promotes growth of phytoplank-
tant than denitrification as a nitrogen sink due to the ton and fast growing floating macroalgae, while ben-
high assimilation rates of the plants. Throughout the thic rooted plants (seagrasses) and benthic microal-
year, Z. noltii stabilized the mudflats of the bay by its gae are suppressed due to reduced light availability
well- developed root matrix and controlled the nitro- (Duarte, 1995). This shift from benthic to pelagic pri-
gen cycle due to its high uptake rates. In contrast, the mary production introduces large diurnal variations in
lack of rooted macrophytes, and dominance of floating oxygen conditions from high rates of photosynthesis
macroalgae, made nitrogen cycling in Etang du Prevost during day followed by high respiration rates at night.
more unstable and unpredictable. Inhibition of nitrifi- In addition, oxygen consumption within the sediment
cation and denitrification during the dystrophic crisis increases following the deposition of easy degradable
in the summer time increased the inorganic nitrogen algal material on the sediment. In semi-enclosed basins
flux from the sediment to the water column and thus with minor water exchange such high rates of con-
increased the degree of benthic-pelagic coupling with- sumption may regularly cause anoxic bottom water
in this bay. During winter, however, benthic microalgae and sulfide emissions from the sediment to the water
colonizing the sediment surface changed the sediment column resulting in mass mortality of infauna and fish.
in the lagoon from being a nitrogen source to the over-

In temperal coastal areas, nitrogen typically limits periods of dystrophic crisis during summer, when most
primary productivity, which makes processes reduc- of the water column goes anoxic. The sampling site
ing nitrogen availability of primary concern in revers- (Station 11) was located at 60 cm water depth in the
ing the effects of eutrophication. This can be accom- western and very sheltered part of the lagoon.
plished by either lowering the input of combined nitro- Undisturbed sediment cores were collected at each
gen, increasing water exchange, or managing the area locality in June and September 1993 and in January
in a way where nitrate removal by denitrification is 1994. In the Etang du Prevost, 30 cm long Plexiglas
enhanced. However, it is important to gain detailed core tubes with an i.d. of 5.2 cm were used for sediment
information about nitrogen cycling in different ecosys- sampling and incubation, whereas 40 cm long core
tems, suffering from different eutrophication stress, if tubes with an i.d. of 10 cm were used for sampling and
a successful management is to be obtained. incubation of sediment cores in the Bassin d' Arcachon
In this paper we describe the benthic nitrogen trans- to contain intact eelgrass plants.
formations in two coastal lagoons of southern France:
Bassin d' Arcachon on the Atlantic coast and Etang Flux and denitrification measurements
du Prevost on the Mediterranean coast. The biolog-
ical structure of the two lagoons was very different Within a few hours of sampling, the sediment cores
due to different nutrient loading and hydrodynamics. were transported to the laboratory and placed in an
Bassin d' Arcachon was dominated by benthic prima- open tank filled with air-saturated in situ water and
ry producers, thus representing less eutrophic con- maintained at in situ temperatures. The sediment in
ditions whereas Etang du Prevost was dominated by all cores was adjusted to an equal height of 8 cm,
pelagic primary producers and represented a dystroph- and a 3-cm long Teflon-coated magnet was suspended
ic ecosystem. 5 em above the sediment surface. When seagrass was
present, the magnet was placed 5 em above the leaves.
Momentum for rotation of the small magnets was pro-
Materials and methods vided by a large external magnet rotating at 60 r.p.m.
to ensure a homogenous mixing of the water column.
Experimental sites and sediment sampling Five cores were illuminated at a light irradiance of
400 fLmol photons m- 2 S-l in the 400-700 nm range,
Bassin d' Arcachon has an area of 155 km 2, with a 3-km and 5 cores were incubated in darkness.
wide connection to the sea. The tidal range in the area is Measurements of oxygen and combined nitrogen
2-3 m, and the bay is dominated by large tidal mudflats fluxes across the sediment-water interface were initi-
occupying about 70% of the total area. A thorough ated by closing the sediment cores with floating glass
description of the hydrology of the basin was published lids. The lids could be removed during the incubation
by Robert et al. (1987) who reported salinities varying period and water samples collected with a syringe.
from 28-35%0 in the outermost zone to 20-35%0 in Samples were collected 3 times at regular time inter-
the inner zone. The water temperature varies between vals during the incubation period. The total incubation
5 °C during winter and 25°C during summer. Most time ranged from 1 to 8 h, resulting in a 10-20% change
of the tidal flats are covered by the widgeon grass from the initial O 2 concentration. Samples for O 2
Zostera noltii Hornem. The sampling site (Station A) determinations were collected in glass vials (Exetain-
was located on a tidal flat in the central part of the basin er, Labco, High Wycombe, UK) and Winkler reagents
about 1 km north of the city of Arcachon. were added immediately (Strickland & Parsons, 1972).
The lagoon Etang du Prevost has an area of 4 km 2 Samples collected for ammonia and nitrate determina-
and is linked to the Mediterranean by a single 12 m tions were filtered and frozen in 20 ml plastic vials.
wide channel. The tidal range is about 20 cm, and The 15N experiment for determining anaerobic
most of the lagoon is permanently water-covered with nitrate reduction rates was initiated by adding K I5 N03"
an average depth of 150 cm. The salinity is uniform (99.9 atom%) to the water in the open incubation tank
throughout the lagoon, but varies between 25%0 during to a final concentration of 30 fLM 15N03". A syringe
winter and 42%0 during dry periods in the summer. The was used to exchange the water in each sediment core
temperature ranges from 5 °C during winter to 27°C with 15N03" -rich water from the reservoir in order to
during summer. The lagoon is characterized by large obtain a uniform mixing of the added isotope in all
spring blooms of green macroalgae (Viva sp.) and by cores. Initial samples from the water column were

taken after the water had equilibrated with the sedi- rates of 15N isotopes were calculated as
ment for 15 min. The core-tubes were then closed and 15N _ (cse~ - Cini)(q,~e~ + V2) + (Cwater - Cini)(VI - V2)
incubated as described above. Samples for analysis of p x - tA '
concentrations and 15N enrichment of NO} were col- (2)
lected from the water column in the core tubes with where p 15 N x is the production rate of the relevant iso-
a syringe and frozen in 20 ml plastic vials. Samples tope ('5NHt, 14NI5N or 15NI5N), Csed and CwateT are
for 15N analysis of N2 and NHt were collected from the concentrations of the isotope in the sediment-water
both the water column and the porewater. The latter suspension and the water column, respectively, Cini
was accomplished by carefully mixing the sediment is the initial concentration of the isotope, Vsed is the
and water column with a metal stick after the addition volume of the sediment core, <I> is the sediment poros-
of 250 p,1 7M ZnCh to the sediment surface .. Water ity, VI and V2 are the volumes of the water column
samples and sediment-water suspension samples for before and after water-samples are collected, respec-
N2 isotope analysis were preserved in gas-tight vials tively, t is the incubation time, and A is the surface
(Exetainer, Labco, High Wycombe, UK.) with 2% v/v area. Rates of denitrification per m2 were estimated
ZnCh solution, and samples for NHt concentrations from the equations derived by Nielsen (1992):
and isotope analysis were immediately frozen in 50 ml
plastic vials. D I5 = p('4N 15 N) + 2p('s N I5 N),
p('4N I5 N)
Analysis of concentrations and isotopic composition
of nitrogen species
DI4 = 2p(ISNI5N) *D I5 , (3)

where D I5 and DI4 are the rates of denitrification

Nitrate was determined using a standard method of 15NO- 3
and 14NO- 3 '
respectivelv-,' p( 14N I5 N) and
(Grasshoff et al., 1983) on a flow injection ana- p('5N I5 N) are the production rate of the two 15N
lyzer (Tecator, Hoganas, Sweden). Ammonium was labeled N2 species 15NI4N and 15N15N, respectively.
analyzed colorimetrically as described by Bower & The in situ rate of denitrification of nitrate supplied
Holm-Hansen (1980). The concentration and label- from the water column (Dw) was calculated from D I5
ing of the 15N labeled N2 isotopes ('4N' 5N, 15N15N) and the 15N atom% ofNO}('5N atom% NO}):
were analyzed on a combined gas chromatrograph-
mass spectrometer (RopoPrep-G+, in line with Trac- Dw - ( 100 D) - D (4)
ermass, Europa Scientific, Crewe, UK) as described - 15Natom%NO} 15 15·
by Risgaard-Petersen and Rysgaard (1995). The 15N
atom% of NO} was measured by mass spectrometer Coupled nitrification-denitrification (Dn) was cal-
after biological reduction to N2 (Risgaard- Petersen culated as the difference:
et al., 1993). The concentrations of 15NHt were
obtained by use of the micro- diffusion technique (5)
(Blackburn, 1993) on KCL extracts of the sediment-
In situ rates of NO} ammonification based on
water suspensions as described by Risgaard-Petersen nitrate originating from the water column (DNRAw)
& Rysgaard (1995). was estimated from the difference:

Fluxes (F) of O2, NHt, and NO} across the sediment-

water interface were calculated as

Results and discussion

F = alii (1)
N-cycling at the Etang du Prevost

where a is the slope of the regression line obtained by

plotting the concentration of the relevant species as a The shallow Etang du Prevost lagoon was a highly
function of incubation time, VI is the volume of the unstable system, and underwent a complex series of
water column, and A is the surface area. Production changes during the three sampling periods. In June

1993, a high abundance of Vlva sp. was observed ry production. Most of this primary production will
in the water column and the surface sediments were be deposited within the lagoon because only a rela-
well-oxidized and inhabited by dense populations of tively small amount will be lost by tidal exchange.
benthic infauna. In late June-early July 1993, howev- Thus, degradation of this organic material increases
er, the lagoon underwent dystrophic crisis with anoxia the internal nitrogen cycling between water and sedi-
and occurrence of sulfide in the water column (Viaroli ment. The nitrification capacity in the sediment made
et al., 1996), resulting in a substantial mortality of it possible, however, that a minor fraction of nitro-
benthic infauna. In the months following the Sep- gen was lost from the system via coupled nitrification-
tember 1993 campaign, the system stabilized and by denitrification during each mineralization/assimilation
January 1994 the lagoon was colonized by a dense cycle. About 22% of the NHt produced by miner-
community of benthic microphytes. These changes alization (NHt flux + nitrification) was nitrified and
in the overall ecosystem structure were reflected in 27% of the NO.1 formed was subsequently denitri-
both the exchange rates of combined nitrogen across fied. Thus, 8% ~f the NHt liberated by mineraliza-
the sediment-water interface and in the processes of tion underwent coupled nitrification-denitrification. If
nitrification and nitrate reduction within the sediment nitrification-denitrification activity occurs continuous-
(Tables 2 and 3). ly, approximately 50 kg N would be removed from the
The highly abundant infauna present in June 1993 lagoon each day, which represents an internal capacity
ventilated the uppermost few centimetres of the sedi- for recovering eutrophication stress if external loading
ment and may therefore have been responsible for the is reduced.
high sediment 02 uptake rates recorded in the dark The dystrophic crisis in the Etang du Prevost in the
(Table 2). Although low concentrations of NO.1 in the early summer that resulted in sulfide in the water col-
overlying water during the June campaign (Table 1) umn and mass mortality of benthic fauna, complete-
could only support low rates of denitrification (Dw, ly inhibited sediment nitrification and thus the basis
Table 3), high rates of nitrification within the sedi- for coupled nitrification- denitrification. Nitrate from
ment created suitable conditions for significant cou- the overlying water was therefore the only source for
pled nitrification-denitrification activity (Dn' Table 3). denitrification during the September field campaign
A minimum estimate of the nitrification rate can be (Table 3). Since the rate of denitrification based on
calculated as the sum of the rates of NO.1 release and water column NO.1 (Dw) is proportional to the NO.1
coupled nitrification-denitrification (Rysgaard et al., concentration in the water column (Nielsen et al.,
1993). The estimated nitrification rate during darkness 1990), the'" 4 x higher NO.1 concentration in the over-
was 3.3 mmol m- 2 d- 1 , a high rate compared to nitri- lying water in September compared with June caused
fication activities measured at other marine shallow- the rate of Dw to increase also by '" 4 x (Table 3).
water locations (e.g., Henriksen et al., 1981; Nishio However, the total rate of denitrification in September
et al., 1983; Henriksen & Kemp, 1988; Kemp et al., was only about half of that measured in June because
1990; Sloth et al., 1992; Rysgaard et al., 1993). nitrification did not occur.
This high nitrification activity was probably caused Nitrate ammonification was a significant process in
by a combination of the presence of a dense benth- September and accounted for approximately 33% of
ic infaunal population and high rates of NHt regen- the anaerobic nitrate reduction activity in the sediment
eration (Table 2) originating from decomposition of (Table 3). Although there was a net removal of NO.1
organic matter. Stimulation of nitrification and coupled from the water column to the sediment, a substantial
nitrification-denitrification by the presence of ventilat- part of this NO:;- was then returned to the water column
ing animals in the sediment has also been described as NHt through the dissimilatory reduction pathway.
by other investigators (Aller, 1988; Kristensen, 1988; We did not measure nitrate ammonification rates in
Henriksen & Kemp, 1988; Binnerup et al., 1992; Peli- June (i.e. before the dystrophic crisis) and thus it is
gri et al., 1994), and the mechanism responsible for this difficult to evaluate whether the occurrence of nitrate
stimulation has been attributed to an increase in sedi- ammonification was a consequence of the dystrophic
ment surface area caused by animal irrigation (Aller, crisis. However, determinations of the most probable
1988; Kristensen, 1988). numbers of nitrate ammonifiers and denitrifiers (Welsh
Fluxes of DIN (NO.1 + NHt) were directed from & Herbert, pers. comm.) in the sediments showed that
the sediment towards the water column, indicating that the former group was dominant in the uppermost sed-
the sediment was a nitrogen source for pelagic prima- iment layers in both June and September.

Table 1. Concentrations of NO; and NHt, and temperature of the water column at the sampling stations.

[NO;] [NHt] Temperature

(tL M ) (tL M ) (0C)
Locality June September January June September January June September January

Etang du Prevost 1.2 4.9 17.1 5.7 10.5 39.6 21 21 6

Bassin d' Arcachon 0.32 2.0 25.5 2.4 2.0 5.0 21 21 10

Table 2. Net sediment uptake and release rates of 02 NO; , and NHt in light and dark incubated cores. Positive and negative values
represent net release and net uptake rates, respectively. Standard errors are shown in parenthesis (n '" 5). Nitrate uptake rates were
not determined at Bassin d' Arcachon in January due to analytical problems.

O2 NO- NHt
(mmolm- 2 d- l ) (mmol m- 2 d- I ) (mmol m- 2 d- I )
Locality June September January June September January June September January

Etang du Prevost, -83 (24) -33 (23) 172 (12) 2.3 (0.4) -1.1 (0.2) -6.3 (0.2) 7.6 (1.1) 2.2 (2.5) -8.1 (0.5)
Etang du Prevost, -222 (46) -Ill (5) -32 (0.4) 2.3 (0.3) -1.2 (0.3) -6.5 (0.3) 15.6 (4.2) 10.3 (2.8) -2.3 (0.6)
Bassin d'Arcachon 52 (9) 99 (25) 28 (4) 0.1 (0.1) -2.0 (0.5) nd -2.6 (1.4) -2.0 (0.5) -1.0 (0.1)
Bassin d' Arcachon -44 (6) -84 (6) -35 (5) 0(0) -1.4 (0.2) nd -1.6 (0.7) -1.4 (0.2) 0.8 (0.1)

Since the release of NHt from the sediment of water column. Denitrification was based on both NO;-
Etang du Prevost in September 1993 was much high- diffusing from the water column and on NO;- pro-
er than the NO;- uptake from the water column, a duced by nitrification within the sediment (Table 3). If
net efflux of DIN from the sediment to the water no benthic micro algal assimilation of NO;- occurred,
column supplied the pelagic primary production with it would be expected that the rate of denitrification
nitrogen. As in June, a significant internal N-cycling based on water column NO;- (Dw) would be high-
between the sediment and the water column at the er than the rate obtained during the September cam-
Etang du Prevost was possible. The lack of nitrification paign because the water column NO;- concentration
within the sediment, however, disconnected the link was considerably higher during winter (Table 1 and
between N-mineralisation and N-removal via coupled 3). However, the measured rate of Dw in January was
nitrification-denitrification that was present in June. 25% of the rate during September and this account-
Consequently, nitrogen could only be lost from the ed for <2% of the net NO;- uptake by the benthic
lagoon through denitrification based on water column microalgae. The rate of coupled nitrification- denitrifi-
NO;- , through export of organic and inorganic nitrogen cation (Dn) in January was only 5% of the activity mea-
by tidal exchange to the sea, or by permanent burial of sured in June, despite a much lower sediment uptake
refractory N- compounds within the sediment. of 02 and higher NHt concentrations in the water col-
The dominance of benthic microalgae in January umn in January (Table 1). This suggests that benthic
had a strong influence on both 02 exchange rates microalgae suppressed both Dw and Dn activity. Other
across the sediment- water interface and the inorgan- studies have shown that benthic microphytes may sig-
ic N-metabolism within the system, as has also been nificantly reduce both the nitrification activity and the
shown in other shallow marine systems, e.g. Ander- rate of coupled nitrification-denitrification in marine
sen et aI., 1984; Nielsen et aI., 1990; Sundbiick et aI., sediments (Henriksen & Kemp, 1988; N. Risgaard-
1991. In contrast to the situation in June and Sep- Petersen, in prep; Dalsgaard et aI., in prep). The mech-
tember, the sediment was net oxygen producing and anisms responsible for this reduction are not satisfacto-
net NO;- and NHt consuming (Table 2), indicating rily explained, but it has been suggested that the release
that benthic micro algae assimilated nitrogen from the of bacteriostatic compounds by the benthic microalgae,

Table 3. Rates of denitrification of NO;- supplied from the water column (D w ), coupled nitrification-denitrification (Dn ), and nitrate ammonification
of NO;- supplied from the water column DNRAw, in light and dark incubated cores. Standard errors are shown in parenthesis (n =5).
Dw Dn DNRA w
(mmol m- 2 d- 1) (mmolm- 2 d- 1 ) (mmol m- 2 d- 1)
Locality June September January June September January September

Etang du Prevost, 0.09 (0.02) 0.44 (0.16) 0.05 (0.03) l.01 (0.18) 0(0) 0.01 (0.01) 0.13
Etang du Prevost, 0.08 (0.01) 0.44 (0.13) 0.17 (0.01) 0.79 (0.2) 0(0) 0.09 (0.06) 0.31
Bassin d' Arcachon 0.001 (0.001) 0.00 I (0.00 I) 0.082 (0.015) 0.03 (0.02) 0(0) 0.14 (0.03) 0.07
Bassin d' Arcachon 0.00 I (0.00 I) 0.009 (0.002) 0.277 (0.051) 0.02 (0.02) 0.01 (0.01) 0.19 (0.01) 0.13

fluctuating pH and 02 conditions, and competition for N-cycling in sediments at the Bassin d'Arcachon
NHt may be important factors (Henriksen & Kemp,
1988). The intertidal sediments at the bay of Arcachon were
Nitrate ammonification was not quantified during much more stable than the sediments at the Etang du
January, but an estimate of the maximum rate of anaer- Prevost throughout all three sampling periods. The sed-
obic NO;;- reduction based on the actual NO;;- and 02 iment was inhabited by productive eelgras (Zostera
concentrations in the water column, and the sediment noltii) populations throughout all three field cam-
02 uptake in the dark (Christensen et aI., 1990), sug- paigns, as shown by the net oxygen production during
gested that nitrate ammonification accounted for less light incubations of intact plants (Table 2). Concentra-
than 10% of the net uptake of N01 . tions of NO l and NHt were low in the water column
Fluxes of DIN (NO;;- and NHf) were directed from during June and September (2-5 J.lM), during January
the water column towards the sediment surface in Jan- the NO;;- concentration was elevated (25 J.lM) due to
uary, leading to a net removal of inorganic nitrogen increased riverine input.
from the water above the sediments, and most of this Rates of denitrification of NO;;- supplied from the
DIN uptake was attributed to algal assimilation. In water column (Dw) and rates of coupled nitrification-
contrast to the June and September field campaigns, denitrification (Dn) were highest in January (Table 3).
a close and efficient coupling between NHt regen- The lowest rate of Dw occurred in June, while the low-
eration and algal N-assimilation within the sediment est rate of Dn occurred in September. The observed
was established during the January field campaign. seasonal pattern of Dw may be explained by differ-
The close coupling between NHt regeneration and ences in the NO;;- load to the system, as Dw is pro-
algal N-assimilation in the sediment, that prevented portional to the NO;;- concentration in the overlying
DIN release to the overlying water and suppressed water (Nielsen et aI., 1990). The observed pattern of
the coupled nitrification- denitrification activity may Dn may be linked directly to the seasonal variation in
contribute to a prolonged retention of nitrogen in the the nitrification activity. The highest rate of potential
sediment during the winter months. This may then be nitrification in sediments is usually observed during
liberated to the water column during the spring months winter when oxygen penetrates deep into the sediment
when floating macroalgae recolonize the lagoon and and when competition for NHt from benthic prima-
shade out the benthic microalagae. Consequently, the ry producers is weak (Hansen et aI., 1981). Oxygen
loss of benthic microalgae will increase the efflux of consumption in Arcachon Bay, was lowest in January,
nutrients from the sediment to the water column and indicating a deeper 02 penetration depth and thus better
thus further stimulate the growth of VIva sp .. conditions for nitrifying bacteria (Jensen et aI., 1993).
NHt release from the sediment was only observed
during January suggesting that the NHt availability
for nitrifiers was higher because uptake by seagrass
was lower during the winter period.

In the results presented thus far we have focused NO;- assimilation by Z. noltii, and extremely low abun-
solely on nitrification-denitrification processes associ- dance of nitrifiers (Welsh & Herbert, pers. comm.) may
ated with the sediment surface. Rooted benthic macro- contribute to the low denitrification activity relative to
phytes may also influence these processes in deep- nitrate ammonification activity.
er sediment strata surrounding the rhizosphere. The During June and September, there was a net uptake
release of 02 via the roots (Sand-Jensen et aI., 1982) of inorganic nitrogen from the water column during
to the sediment may stimulate nitrification and thus light and dark conditions, although there was a small
provide an additional NO;- source for denitrification net release ofNO;- in June. In January, NHt was only
(Iizumi et aI., 1980; Christensen & S¢rensen, 1986; released to the overlying water in the dark (Table 2).
Reddy et aI., 1989; Caffrey & Kemp, 1990). However, In September, when the net fluxes of NO-j and NHt
our measurements of coupled nitrification- denitrifica- were directed towards the sediment, less than 1% of
tion activity associated with the rhizosphere of Z. noltii the NO-j uptake from the water column was due to
showed no evidence for 15N enrichment of the sediment denitrification (Table 2 and 3). The low denitrifica-
N2 pool even when sediment cores containing intact tion capacity of the bay of Arcachon suggests that
plants were incubated in the light (400 J.lmol photones only a minor fraction of the NO;- input to the basin
m- 2 s-l) for 7-24 h and enriched with 15NHt (final is removed from the system via denitrification as N2
sediment concentration of 15NHt was 1 mM). Cou- gas, and that most NO;- is assimilated by Z. noltii
pled nitrification- denitrification activity was therefore directly either from the water column or from the sedi-
exclusively associated with the sediment surface in the ment via anaerobic nitrate-ammonification. The small
Bassin d' Arcachon. nitrification capacity within the sediment prevented a
Overall, the sediment in the bay of Arcachon had significant N removal from decomposing plant or algal
a low N- removal capacity via denitrification. Rates material via coupled nitrification-denitrification. Since
of both denitrification based on water column NO;- inorganic combined nitrogen was not released from
and coupled nitrification-denitrification were extreme- the sediment during summer, an efficient coupling
ly low during summer and winter (Table 3) compared between sediment NHt regeneration and assimilation
with rates measured at other localities (e.g. Seitzinger, by Z. noltii retained nitrogen within the sediment.
1988; Kemp et aI., 1990; Rysgaard et aI., 1993; Rys-
gaard et aI., 1995; Nielsen et aI., 1995). One fac-
tor contributing to the low denitrification activity was Conclusions
the dominance of bacteria with a nitrate ammonifica-
tion pathway (Welsh & Herbert, pers. comm.) com- In the present study the nitrogen cycle was described
pared to denitrifiers. In September we investigated the for two very different lagoons, the seagrass-dominated
importance of nitrate ammonification, and in accor- Bassin d' Arcachon and the algal-dominated dystrophic
dance with the quantitative dominance of ammonifiers Etang du Prevost. Denitrification rates in both lagoons
over denitrifiers observed by Welsh & Herbert (pers. were low and played a minor role as a nitrogen sink.
comm.), nitrate ammonification accounted for 95% of Throughout the year, the seagrass in Bassin d' Arca-
the total dissimilatory reduction ofNO;- supplied from chon controlled the nitrogen cycle due to its high nitro-
the water column (Table 3). It has been suggested gen uptake rates. Consequently, nitrogen fluxes were
that nitrate ammonification is a secondary metabol- directed into the sediment from the water column, and
ic pathway for various groups of bacteria including the sediment in this lagoon acted as a significant nitro-
Clostridia sp. and sulphate reducing bacteria (Tiedje, gen sink. In contrast, the sediment of the hypereu-
1988). In Bassin d' Arcachon, sulphate reduction rates trophic lagoon Etang du Prevost acted as a significant
were very high in the sediment (Isaksen & Finster, Sub- N source during the summer months, due to extensive
mitted) and sulphate reducing bacteria with a capacity mineralization and lack of benthic primary production.
for nitrate ammonification were highly abundant (Fin- During winter, benthic microalgae colonized the sedi-
ster, pers. comm). Recently, it has been shown that ment surface and changed the sediment in the lagoon
sulphate reducing bacteria may have a higher affinity from being a nitrogen source to the overlying water
for NO;- at lower NO;- concentrations than denitrifiers to being a sink due to their high assimilation rates.
(Dalsgaard & Bak, 1994). Thus, low NO;- input to the It is likely, however, that this assimilated nitrogen is
anoxic sediment strata due to relatively low NO;- con- liberated to the water column at the onset of summer
centrations in the water column (Table 1), competing thereby fueling the extensive growth of the floating

macroalgae, Ulva sp .. Thus, nitrogen cycling in Etang Henriksen, K., J. I. Hansen & T H. Blackburn, 1981. Rates of
du Prevost is much more unstable and unpredictable as nitrification, distribution of nitrifying bacteria and nitrate fluxes
in different types of sediment from different types of sediment
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Iizumi, H., A. Hattori & C. P. McRoy, 1980. Nitrate and nitrite in
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Isaksen, M. E & K. Finster, 1995. Sulphate Reduction in the Root
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We thank N. P. Revsbeck and Silvia Pelegri for helpful of Arcachon, France. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. (in press).
discussions concerning this manuscript. This work was Jensen, K., N. P. Revsbech & L. P. Nielsen, 1993. Microscale dis-
tribution of nitrification activity in sediment determined with
financially supported by the ED Programme EV5V-
a shielded microsensor for nitrate. Appl. Envir. Microbiol. 59:
CT93-0245, the Danish Research Academy and the 3287-3296.
Danish National Science Research Council. Kemp, W. M., P. Sampou, J. Caffrey &M. Mayer, 1990. Ammonium
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©1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Benthic oxygen respiration, ammonium and phosphorus regeneration in

surficial sediments of the Sacca di Goro (Northern Italy) and two French
coastal lagoons: a comparative study

Marco Bartoli, Matteo Cattadori, Gianmarco Giordani & Pierluigi Viaroli

Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Universita degli Studi di Parma, 43100 Parma, Italy

Key words: Sediment, nitrogen, phosphorus, regeneration, iron availability


During 1994 net sediment-water fluxes of oxygen, ammonium and inorganic phosphorus as well as sediment
profiles of organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and iron were determined in three shallow eutrophic environments.
Investigations were conducted monthly from March to December at five stations in the Saccadi Goro (Po River Delta,
Italy). In the late summer, samples were collected from a single site in the Prevost lagoon (French Mediterranean
coast) and three stations in the Bassin d' Arcachon (French Atlantic coast). In the Sacca di Goro, water-sediment
exchanges of O 2 , NHt and PO!- were estimated by means of core incubation in the dark. Benthic fluxes for the
French lagoons were in part determined experimentally using benthic chambers and in part from the literature.
In general in the Sacca di Goro the highest oxygen uptake and nutrient release rates were found at the central sites,
affected by macroalgal growth. At the sampling site adjacent to the freshwater inlet, sediment-water exchanges
were principally influenced by tidal activity. In terms of organic matter and nutrient levels, sediments from the
Sacca di Goro and from the Prevost lagoon, both colonised by the floating macroalga Ulva rigida C. Agardh, were
similar. Sediments from the inner sheltered site in the Bassin d' Arcachon, invaded by the rooted macrophyte Ruppia
cirrhosa (Pet.) Grande, showed the highest total Nand P content (363 ± 157 j.lmol N cm- 3 and 15 ±2 j.lmol P cm- 3
as average values in the top 10 cm of sediment), but were low in pore water ammonium and orthophosphate probably
due to the high sequestering capacity of the system and/or efficient coupling between bacterial nutrient regeneration
and assimilation by the plant roots. In addition the outer tidal stations in the Bassin d' Arcachon, invaded by rooted
macrophytes, were low in pore water nutrients. A different trend was evident in the Prevost lagoon where the
concentrations of exchangeable inorganic phosphorus and ammonium were appreciable (0.28 ± 0.07 j.lmol P cm- 3
and 2.4 ± 1.4 j.lmol N cm- 3 as average values in the top 10 cm of sediment). High amounts of dissolved organic
nitrogen were found in the pore water at all the sites investigated showing the key role of the organic nitrogen in
the recycling of nitrogen in these systems.
The hypothesis that iron is a key factor in controlling phosphorus release is discussed since the Sacca di Goro,
which is subject to dystrophic crises, is richer in iron than the Bassin d' Arcachon, which is a more buffered system.

Introduction benthic fluxes (Sand-Jensen & Borum, 1991; Viaroli et

aI., 1996). Since rooted plants assimilate pore-water
In coastal areas, the most common symptom of nutrients efficiently sediment-water fluxes are negli-
eutrophication is the change in macrophyte communi- gible, while attached or floating seaweeds can cause
ty structure, mainly due to the appearance of macroal- pulses in benthic activity. Concurrently, organic mat-
gal and cyanobacterial blooms (Lavery & Mc Comb, ter enrichment from both phanerogams and macroal-
1991; Sfriso et aI., 1992; Nienhuis, 1992). In the suc- gae settling on the sediment surface leads to different
cessional stages of eutrophication, macrophytes are turnover rates depending upon whether it is labile or
considered to play an important role as regulators of highly refractory (Buchsbaum et aI., 1991). Thus, the

quality of organic matter can be viewed as a regulator Study area

of phosphorus and nitrogen regeneration or burial into
the deep sediment (Johnston, 1991). However in shal- The Sacca di Goro, a microtidal lagoon approximate-
low environments such as lagoons or impoundments ly triangular in shape, has a surface area of 26 km 2 ,
sedimentation rates of particulate matter are so high with an average depth of about 1.5 m. Located in
that the water column and the sediment surface may be the southernmost region of the Po delta, the lagoon
considered to have a physical continuity. As a matter of receives nutrient rich freshwater primarily from the Po
fact detritus accumulation leads to the formation of a di Goro and the Po di Volano (Figure 1). The Sac-
thick organic layer which links benthic macroalgae to ca di Goro is connected to the sea by a 1.5 km wide
the sediment surface. Despite this macroscopic over- channel and several smaller channels recently opened
lapping, chemical structure of such interfaces tends to along the southern sand banks; tidal amplitude is nor-
have abrupt changes and redox discontinuities through mally 50 cm. Water exchange in the lagoon has been
a few tens of micrometers mainly due to the enhanced estimated by models based on temperature and salinity
microbial activities and reduced oxygen penetration gradients (O'Kane et a!., 1992). The shallower, shel-
into the deeper sediment. These discontinuities result tered areas are low energy habitats, mainly due to slow
in significant changes in pore water chemistry and reac- water exchanges whereas the central region is most
tivity (Blackburn & Blackburn, 1993). influenced by tidal currents whilst the westernmost part
A number of attempts have been made to predict of the lagoon is influenced by freshwater inflow. Since
benthic fluxes on the basis of pore-water chemistry 1993, a large channel has been established through the
combined with diffusion models, in situ measurements, southern sand bank and this has led to major changes
and factors controlling regeneration rates (Hopkinson, in the hydrodynamics of the Sacca di Goro.
1987; Boynton & Kemp, 1985; Rizzo et a!., 1992; In the recent past the Sacca di Goro has undergone
Enoksson, 1993). In the last few years, studies have summer dystrophic crises following massive growth
been undertaken to determine the buffering capacity of of the macroalga Viva rigida C. Agardh. For a more
stressed benthic systems in the final stages of eutroph- detailed description of the Sacca di Goro see Viaroli et
ication, i.e. dystrophy. Dystrophic events can be con- a!. (1992,1993).
sidered as indicators of the saturation of the 'buffering' The Bassin d' Arcachon is a large mesotidallagoon
capacity of the system, i.e. the ability to resist pertur- located 80 km Southwest of Bordeaux along the
bation. At present predictive models have only been Atlantic coast of France. The tidal range is high and
successfully applied in a limited number of environ- at low water approximately 75% of the total surface
ments such as deep water systems where the effects (156 km 2) is exposed to the air. The fishponds ofCertes,
of anthropogenic inputs and physical disturbance are located in the eastern region of the Bassin d' Arcachon,
minimal (Val Klump & Martens, 1981). are a man-made complex of reservoirs and channels
This study has investigated benthic fluxes of 02, used in the past for aquaculture: the water level at
NHt and PO!- in relation to sediment chemistry under the sampling site is relatively constant since it is not
a wide range of environmental conditions, e.g. salinity affected by tidal activity. A more detailed report of the
gradients and different primary producer communities. Bassin d' Arcachon and the fishponds is described by
A special attention was paid to macroalgae which in Castel et a!. (1996) and by Escaravage (1990).
the past decade were largely prevailing on the others The Etang du Prevost is one of a chain of small
primary producers, namely phytoplankton (Pugnetti et shallow lagoons which are located along the French
a!., 1992) and microphytobenthos. The main objective Mediterranean coast, approximately 20 km Southwest
was to determine the contribution of sediment qual- of Montpellier. It is an extremely eutrophic system
ity to oxygen and nutrient cycling within dystroph- due to agricultural run off, limited water exchange
ic lagoons in comparison with more healthy systems. and low water depth (on average 1.5 m); the Grau du
Particular emphasis was paid to NIP ratios as regula- Prevost, a small narrow channel, is the only connection
tors of N relative to P mobility and iron availability as between the lagoon and the sea. During the summer the
regulator of phosphorus fluxes. lagoon is invaded by the floating macroalga Viva rigida
and undergoes several dystrophic events. For a more
detailed description see Caumette (1986).

Bassin d'Arcachon
+ Sacca di Gam

1 km

Etang du Prevost
Figure 1. Map of the considered lagoons.

Material and methods porosity, organic matter content, total Kjeldhal nitro-
gen, inorganic and organic P, exchangeable NHt and
Samples were collected monthly from March to PO!-, dissolved organic N, total ferrous and ferric iron
December 1994 at five stations in the Saccadi Goro (Po were determined in sediment cores sliced into 2 cm
River Delta, Italy). All the investigated sites (stations sections from the surface to 10 cm depth.
G, 1,4,5/8,8) are mesotidal and the water depth ranges In the Sacca di Goro sediments were collected by
between 0.7 and 1.5 m. In August/September 1994, means of Plexiglass cores (height 30 cm, i.d. 5 cm);
samples were also collected at station 11 in the Prevost bottom water samples were collected in a 11 Ruttner
lagoon (French Mediterranean coast) and at three sta- bottle. Samples were collected on 16 March, 12 April,
tions in the Bassin d' Arcachon (French Atlantic coast). 5 May, 7 June, IS July, 8 August, 9 September, 13
In the Sacca di Goro, exchanges of oxygen, ammo- October and 14 December at the five sites shown in
nium and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) across Figure 1. The sampling dates were chosen so that
the water-sediment interface were measured by means they would express a seasonal representativeness. Sed-
of core incubations in the dark. Benthic fluxes for the iments were not collected at station 5/8 in July, at
French lagoons were in part determined experimen- station 4 in August, at station 1 and at station 8 in
tally in benthic chambers and in part from the litera- December. In the French lagoons sediment cores were
ture. Along with sediment-water exchanges, density, collected by hand at low tide: on 19 August at sta-

tion 11 (Prevost lagoon), on 23 August at station Cl dissolved organic nitrogen and dissolved organic phos-
(Certes fishponds), on 2 September at station A and on phorus. Extractable ammonium and extractable reac-
4 September at station B (Bassin d' Arcachon). tive phosphorus were kept in solution washing 2 or 3
times 1 g about of wet sediment respectively with 10 ml
Sacca di Gora: core incubation of 1 M KCI and with 10 ml of 1 M MgCI2 (pH 7.6) for
Three cores collected from each station were transport- I hour on a multiple magnetic stirring platform. The
ed to the laboratory and after removal of the top bung extracted amounts were corrected for the contributions
placed in a tank filled with aerated water from the same from pore water. Sediment samples of about 1 ml were
site and equilibrated at the in situ temperature for two immediately fixed for iron determination in 5 ml of
hours prior to starting the incubation. The core tubes 0.5 M HCI when slicing the cores.
were then sealed with a rubber bung and left in the
dark for a period ranging from two to four hours with- Methods adopted for water analyses
out stirring the overlying water. This because of the Dissolved oxygen was determined following the Win-
occurrence of an easily resuspendable thick nepheloyd kler method (APHA, 1975). Ammonium was deter-
layer in the surficial sediment (Miller-Way et aI., 1994; mined using the indophenol-blue method (Koroleff,
Rizzo et aI., 1992). Oxygen, ammonium and reactive 1970) and reactive phosphorus was determined by the
dissolved phosphorus were determined at zero time ascorbic acid method (Valderrama, 1981). Total dis-
and at the end of the incubation period. solved nitrogen was determined reacting 10 ml of the
sample with 1.4 ml of a potassium persulfate solu-
Methods adopted for sediment analyses tion in an autoclave for I hour (Valderrama, 1981).
The organic matter content of the sediment was deter- The nitrate liberated was then reduced with a cadmium
mined on 2-3 g of finely powdered sediment, previ- column (APHA, 1975) and determined as nitrites (dia-
ously dried at 70°C followed by ignition in a muffle zotation; APHA, 1975). Total dissolved phosphorus
furnace at 550°C until constant weight was reached. was determined as reactive phosphorus after autoclave
Total nitrogen was estimated on fresh and dried oxidation (Valderrama, 1981). Ferric iron was reduced
sediment using the Kjeldhal method which only mea- to ferrous iron with hydroxylamine and then reacted
sures reduced forms of nitrogen. Approximately 15 ml with o-phenanthroline (APHA, 1975).
of 96% sulphuric acid and 10 ml of 40% hydrogen
peroxide were added to 1 g of sediment; the mixture Intersystem comparison
was brought to ebullition until the complete mineral- Intersystem comparisons were performed by Factor
ization of the sample. The liberated ammonium was Analysis using the Harris image procedure (Statview,
collected by distillation, fixed as ammonium sulphate Macintosh). Factor analysis was carried out on loga-
and determined by titration (APHA, 1975). In this type rithm [In( x + 1)1transformed values of seven represen-
of sediment NO;- and NO;- are usually below the level tative variables relating to the August-early September
of detection since oxygen only diffuses in the first few 1994 sampling period: SOD, SRP, NHt fluxes and the
millimeters (Sloth et aI., 1993). average content of organic matter, total nitrogen, total
Total phosphorus was extracted with 20 ml of 1 M phosphorus and total iron in the top 10 cm of sediment.
HCI from 1 g of dried sediment after ignition in a
muffle furnace at 550°C; total inorganic phosphorus
was extracted with 20 ml of 1 M HCI from 1 g of Results and discussion
dried sediment; total organic phosphorus was finally
calculated by difference (Aspila et aI., 1976). This The relationship between benthic fluxes of oxygen,
method underestimates the organic phosphorus pool dissolved ammonium, soluble reactive phosphorus and
mainly due to the quality of the organic matter and its physico-chemical characteristics of the surficial sedi-
capability of being hydrolysed by HCI (Barbanti et aI., ment was determined at five sites in the Sacca di Goro
1993). in 1994. Fluxes measured in late summer were then
Pore water was separated from the sediment by cen- compared with those determined at three sites located
trifugation of about 30 cm3 of wet sediment at 1800 x g in the Bassin d' Arcachon and at one site in the Etang
for 15 minutes; the supernatant was then filtered and du Prevost. The key differences at the sampling sta-
analysed for ammonium, soluble reactive phosphorus,
tions in these different lagoon systems were salinity, i
dominant macrophytes and trophic condition. - !
6' 0.3 ! ~
Sacca di Gora C
E 0.2 -"-
I fl
In 1994 seasonal trends in the hydrology of this lagoon E
0.1 I
were different from those observed in previous years. I
At the designated sampling sites, dissolved oxygen 0.0
concentrations were relatively constant and ranged
from 0.13 to 0.42 mM, reaching a minimum at station 4
(Figure 2). However, continuous monitoring conduct-
ed in the southernmost part of the lagoon from late June
onwards showed that there was almost constant hypox-
ia with several episodes of night anoxia (Viaroli et al.,
1996). This pattern was consistent with the expansion
of the Uiva rigida beds, which reached their maximal
development in the south-central part of the lagoon dur-
ing this period. Nevertheless, this area did not under-
go summer dystrophy, although oxygen concentrations
continued to be low until early August. This situation
was quite different from that observed from 1989 to
1992, where the sheltered part of the lagoon, east of
station 4, experienced severe summer anoxia accom-
80 T
60 -"- 0
panied by substantial recycling of phosphorus (Viaroli -
et al., 1992, 1993). However, since 1993 the summer 0
Z 40
-L x
dystrophic episodes have been reduced in intensity and 0
duration, due to the increased seawater inflow through
a large channel cut through the southern sand bank.
:l.. 201 /j,
As a consequence, growth of Ulva was restricted to
the south-central area of the lagoon leading to several
changes in benthic processes at the other sites. I
-<>-G -iJ-
Dissolved inorganic nitrogen was dominated by
nitrate mainly due to the discharge of the Po di Volano, T2.0 ~4 -x-SI8

whose water is particularly rich in this nutrient (Alvisi

et al., 1993). Moreover, N0 3 in the bottom water fol-
l: 1.5 T --*- 8

lowed a clear gradient, with decreasing concentrations

o0.. 1.0
from station G to stations 5/8 and 8 (Figure 2). At o I .0 .0 0

the latter two sites nitrate was depleted in the warmer [O'S-I'~
0 4 ' "0' . "0.4

months due in part to a decreased freshwater flow ,. . ~

0.0 +---'--~ - ~ -%--+-----1
and in part to enhanced biological activity. However,
nitrate depletion was less pronounced than in previ- J F M A M J J A SON D
ous years probably due to reduced macroalgal growth months
(Viaroli et al., 1992, 1993). In 1994, ammonium con-
Figure 2. Seasonal variations in dissolved oxygen. ammonium,
centrations were highest at station G with a peak of nitrate and soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations in the bOI-
20.4 11M, while at the other sites they were always less tom water at the five sampling sites in the Sacca di Goro (March-
than 6 11M (Figure 2). Reactive phosphorus concen- December 1994).
tration was generally low with the exception of station
G where it reached 0.74 11M. On average, the relative
importance of dissolved inorganic N to soluble reac- tent with previous monitoring which indicated that the
tive P showed that the bottom water at the sampling bulk of the inorganic P was carried by the Po river
sites was phosphate limited. This pattern was consis- as adsorbed P on particulate matter (Barbanti et al.,
1992). In addition there has been a sharp reduction in

recent years of the P discharged into the lagoon from for station 8 (Figure 3). At the latter site, the amounts of
the Po di Volano, which has decreased from about 200 NHt and SRP released from sediment under dark con-
tons y-I in 1989 (Viaroli et aI., 1992) to 45 tons y-I ditions were almost undetectable. The highest values
in 1992 (Alvisi et aI., 1993). of SRP (4.3 mmol P m- 2 d- l ) and NHt (16.7 mmol
Variations in both dissolved inorganic P and N did N m- 2 d- l ) were determined in July at station 1 and
not follow a well defined seasonal trend, although oxy- at station G respectively. At the latter site, fluxes of
gen minima at stations 1, 4 and G, as well as nitrate ammonium and SRP did not follow a well defined
depletion at sites 5/8 and 8 occurred in the warmer peri- trend, being negative in April and June (i.e. from water
od. In the western area of the lagoon seasonal variations to sediment) or highly positive (i.e. from sediment to
might also have overlapped with short-term fluctua- overlying water). These results can be explained by
tions (e.g. daily changes) depending on increased salt considering tidal fluxes as well as mixing of fresh and
water intrusions which entered the lagoon when the marine water. At low tide ammonium and SRP con-
freshwater discharge was low. centrations were probably higher in the water overlying
Sediment oxygen demand (SOD) followed a clear the sediment than in the porewater. Thus, there would
seasonal trend with pronounced peaks in the warmer be a top down flux with NHt and SRP entering the
months (Figure 3). At station G, close to the Po di sediment, whereas at high tide, the opposite would
Volano discharge, SOD reached 80 mmol O 2 m- 2d- 1 occur since the overlying sea water is poorer in nutri-
in March and 365 mmol 02 m- 2 d- 1 at the beginning ents. However the peak observed in July can also be
of August. SOD followed a bi-modal trend consis- explained by enhanced microbial activities due to high
tent with that of phytoplankton chlorophyll-a (data not temperature as well as organic matter inputs.
shown). For example, at the beginning of March in Organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus pools pro-
the surface waters of the Po di Volano chlorophyll-a files were determined in the surficial sediment (10 cm).
concentrations reached 109.2 J.Lg 1- I and particulate The values obtained were then averaged and the stan-
organic carbon 7.4 mg 1-1 . It is probable that organic dard deviations calculated. On average, organic matter
matter sustained microbial respiration in the sediment concentration did not show significant changes with
(Hansen & Blackburn, 1991; Enoksson, 1993). How- depth. At station G, the annual series revealed two
ever, the highest value found in August at station G peaks, in April and in August, which appear to be
can be explained by the richness of benthic infauna related to phytoplankton seasonality (Figure 4). More-
rather than by microbial activity. It was noted that the over, this trend was consistent with SOD fluctuations.
selected site was colonised by several thousands of The highest values were recorded at station 1, where in
benthic Harpacticoids per square meter (Ceccherelli, the late summer the organic matter content was 12.1 %
pers. comm.). In August, SOD values ranging from as dry weight, while the lowest average values were
200 to 350 mmol O 2 m- 2 d- 1 were measured at sta- found at station 8, a site dominated by sand (Dal Cin
tions 1, 4 and 5/8, while in the more sheltered site 8, & Pambianchi, 1991).
SOD never exceeded 150 mmol O 2 m- 2 d- l . Maxi- Total phosphorus content in the surficial sediment
mum values observed in the central part of the lagoon was clearly related to riverine discharge and, to a less-
(station 4) were significantly higher than those mea- er degree, to macroalgal growth. Maximum concentra-
sured both in 1991 (Viaroli & Naldi, 1992) and 1992 tions were measured at station G, while low concentra-
(Viaroli et aI., 1993). At station 5/8, which in 1994 was tions were recorded at station I (Figure 5). In May, at
affected to a slight degree by Viva growth, SOD val- all the sites sampled significant peaks occurred, with
ues were similar to those recorded in previous years. organic P accounting for approximately 50% of the
In contrast at station 8, the most sheltered which in the total. In the eastern part of the lagoon (stations 5/8 and
past was affected by severe summer anoxia and dystro- 8) organic P was quite important also in August, when
phy, oxygen demand was relatively low. It is evident it became the dominant form at station 8. Similarly, at
that the cutting of a new channel to the sea in 1993 station 1, organic P content continued to be high from
has led to a major change in the water quality of this May to September. The rapid increase in phosphorus
isolated area of the lagoon. concentrations at the beginning of May can be possibly
Ammonium and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) accounted for the increased riverine discharge follow-
regeneration was clearly affected by benthic oxygen ing heavy rainfall that occurred in mid April (see also
uptake and followed the same seasonal pattern as in Viaroli et aI., 1996) as well as by the deposition of
previous years, with pronounced summer peaks except phytoplankton blooms. However, the latter hypothesis
500 Station G 20 4400 T
400 15 I
300 2900
1400 +
100 I
o -100

500 T Station 1 20

400 15




500 I Station 4 20 4400 I


2900 t
;~ ~F"~.L~~, ~
+-+f ,=--..,
5 1400

500 Station 5/8


Station 8



O+-+---~-+-~-+~~CCF=~~ _100 =-!-!-PP""I

__ =o...t:""",-..-+!-+1-+1-+1
1 ] F M AM] ] A SON D ] F M AM] ] A SON D

FiKure 3. Benthic fluxes of dissolved oxygen (left), ammonium (central) and soluble reactive phosphorus at the five sites in the Sacca di Goro
(March-December 1994). Values are the average of three cores; bars indicate one standard deviation.

was not confirmed by a parallel increase in nitrogen might be explained by the burial of macroalgal detri-
concentrations (Figure 6). Increases in organic-P con- tus. It was observed that stations 1 and 5/8 were located
tent of the surficial sediment in the summer period at the edge of the zone where Viva had the maximum

!illlol P em'! Station G

12 T OM (%DW) 16
Station G

IJlj tl


12 -
Stat ion 16
Station I
8 12

o -, 1 ,

Station 4 16 ~
Station 4

o l~~ll~ l,t 1,.,

Station 5/8 Station 5/8

Station 8 16 T

:tll ~,L,l JJ ti1

I Station 8
8 121

-I ,

M A M J J A SON D M A M J J A s o
Figure 4. Organic matter content (% dry weight) in the top 10 cm Figure 5. Total inorganic and organic phosphorus in the top 10 cm
of sediment at the five sites in the Sacca di Goro (March-December of sediment at the five sites in the Sacca di Goro (March-October
1994). Values are the average of the first 10 cm of sediment; bars 1994). Values are the average of the first 10 cm of sediment; bars
indicate one standard deviation. indicate one standard deviation.

growth, while station 8 was sometime affected by drift-

ing macroalgae transported by tidal currents. Similar 1eo .,.llrn OI N ern'; . G .,. 12
patterns, characterized by organic-P deposition have 12CH ,0. 19
been described for sediments covered by oyster beds !:Ot ...0.
(Mesnage & Picot, 1995). ro+

On average, total nitrogen content in the top sed- Xl+
iment was higher in the sites influenced by riverine
0' 0
discharge, even if this gradient was not so clear as
it was for phosphorus. In a similar manner, seasonal
patterns were not well defined, even though the spring
maxima were followed by a sharp decrease in May and

'~+- +-I~ ir.~o~. . !~

1eo T - 12
June (Figure 6). However, dissolved organic nitrogen
(DON) showed a clear trend, principally at stations G,
1 and 4, where it progressed to a summer maximum.
Although few measurements have been made of the
DON flux from the sediment surface, it has been pro- ........................... _____
posed that DON can playa key role especially during
periods of deposition of organic detritus directly on the
sediment surface (Hansen & Blackburn, 1991; Enoks-
son, 1993). In particular, we can assume that DON
flux becomes of paramount importance in control- leo .,. - 12
ling benthic nitrogen recycling throughout decompo- 1:.1O'.j.
Station 4
0-0--0... is
sition and leaching of soluble compounds from buried !:O.j.
I 6
macroalgae. This has become quite clear considering ro+
that extractable ammonium was on average 10 times 3
lower than DON (Figure 7). Xlt
0 0
Potential fluxes of ammonium as well as of soluble
reactive phosphorus can be considered to be controlled
by complex mechanisms rather than the simple avail-
ability of dissolved inorganic P and N in the pore water 1SJ .,. .,. 12
(Figure 7). For example, nitrogen fluxes are affect- I Station 5/8 I
1:.10 t 19
ed by several microbially-mediated processes as well
as plant-assimilation and immobilisation into refrac-
I T6
tory compounds (Mann, 1988; Blackburn & Black- I
burn, 1993). In contrast the phosphorus cycle appears I
0' 0
to be primarily controlled by physical and chemical
mechanism; in particular, inorganic phosphate can be
accumulated through two main processes: adsorption
onto ferric hydroxide (FeOOH) and precipitation with
leo .,. Station 4 i 12
calcium ions (Golterman, 1995). Thus, phosphorus I

may be in short supply in carbonate-rich coastal waters 1:.10 + -'-9

(Lapointe et a!., 1992) as well as in iron rich sediments !:O+
(Golterman, 1995). ro+
In 1994, in the Sacca di Goro, concentrations of Xl+
iron in the sediment were quite high and reached val- 0', 0
ues greater than 200 Mmol cm- 3 (Figure 8). Seasonal J FMAMJ JASONO

trends were not well defined, probably due to the spa-

Figure 6, Total Kjeldhal nitrogen (bars) and total dissolved nitrogen
tial heterogeneity of the system. However, the rapid (lines) in the top 10 cm of sediment at the five sites in the Sacca di
decrease in ferrous-iron during the summer period Goro (March-December 1994), Values are the average of the first
leaves open the question of iron mobility in reduced 10 cm of sediment.

450 nrnol Pern-> Station G 2


o +--+--' 0+--+-

::~ II Station I

o .-B!JITIilIIIITialliiTiIIIlI1~. T T 10 +--+--

Station 4 2

o +--+--

450 Station 5/8 2

o +--+-- 0+--+-

450 Station 8 2


o +--+-- 0+--+-
1 FMAMll ASOND 1 F M A M 1 1 A SON D
Figure 7. Exchangeable reactive phosphorus and ammonium and ammonium at the five sites in the Sacca di Goro (March-December 1994).
Values are the average of the first 10 cm of sediment; bars indicate one standard deviation.

sediment as a possible mechanism for the observed even if they were affected by great variability. In the
P-remobilization. latter sites, slight seasonal trends were also observed,
The behaviour of nitrogen and phosphorus in the with peaks in spring and late summer. Considering
sediments has been tentatively explained by consider- these patterns, we can point out that stations G and 8
ing NIP ratios at different levels (Figure 9). At station were accumulating phosphorus, while stations 1,4 and
G, total N to total P ratio (TNffP) was always less 5/8 seemed to accumulate nitrogen mainly in spring
than 10, being usually around 4. Values in the same and autumn. Moreover the slight decrease of TNffP
range, although somewhat higher, were observed also ratio in the warmer months was consistent with nitro-
at station 8. At stations 1,4 and 5/8, TNffP ratios were gen depletion in the water column.
approaching the conventional Redfield ratio (NIP= 16),

Exchangeable ammonium to exchangeable phos-

Station G phorus ratios (N ExchlP Exch) followed a gradient
which was, to some extent, similar to that observed
E 200

for TNrrp (Figure 10). At station G, N ExchlP Exch
never exceeded the balanced Redfield ratio, with most
~ 100
"- values less than 10. Ratios somewhat higher, but on
average less than 16, were also found at stations 8 and
5/8. At station 1 and 4 N Exch/P Exch followed clear
seasonal trends with pronounced peaks in spring and
late autumn, and very low values in July. These pat-
300 terns, show that the mobility of inorganic P relative to
Station I
ammonium was at its maximum in July, while the con-

.. -
200 verse occurred in spring as well as in late autumn. In

B 'aE i:
tJ: FI the latter period the increased availability of exchange-

~ 100 able ammonium coincided with high concentration of


o li i dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in the water col-

umn . In contrast in July, the increased importance of
exchangeable inorganic P was probably linked to DIN
depletion in the water column as well as to the reducing
300 conditions of the surficial sediment.
Station 4 At station G and, to a lesser extent at stations 5/8
and 8, exchangeable phosphorus was usually in excess
5 200
of exchangeable ammonium; these results infer that
the sediment was accumulating phosphorus not only
~ 100
in the particulate form but also in the mobile one. This
figure is, to some extent, consistent with that obtained
by considering the ratios estimated from benthic fluxes
(NflPf) (Figure 11). Station G did not show predictable
trends being benthic fluxes largely affected by fresh-
.100 water discharge as well as by tidal currents. At stations
Station 5/8
1, 4 and 5/8 Nf/Pf ratios, on average low, in June-
~E 200 July dropped in the range 1-5, putting in evidence that

fluxes from sediments were mainly characterized by

~ 100 an imbalance with SRP exceeding NHt. This imbal-
ance was also evidenced in previous years during dys-
trophic episodes and was explained by means of the
inefficiency of N mineralization due to nitrogen stor-
age in refractory compounds (Pugnetti et aI., 1992;
JOO Station 8 Viaroli & Naldi, 1992) according to Mann (1988) and
Buchsbaum et al. (1991).

tJ: ~ , French lagoons

::. 100 The role played by sedimentary pools in determin-

ing benthic fluxes was also analysed at one site in the

0 Prevost lagoon and three sites in the Bassin d' Arcachon
o to test environmental conditions quite different from
those observed in the Sacca di Goro. As a matter of
Figure 8. Total ferrous and ferric iron in the top 10 cm of sediment at fact, Etang du Prevost is usually experiencing severe
the five sites in the Sacca di Goro (March-October 1994). Values are dystrophic events all through the summer (Caumette,
the average of the first 10 cm of sediment; bars indicate one standard
deviation. 1986); the outer sites in the Bassin d' Arcachon seem

Stallon G
- Wi

~ 0· ;;; ,I'1Effl3 . I3£F'TI r:-;="1

I0t39 N IlSlE3 !¥R!11JE5S1

M A M A s o D M A M A s o D

Station I
""- 30

M A M A s o D
M A M A s o D

• W r n " '';0" 4

~ ] ;;DUn-, M A M
0 - ,-t-
A s
o D

5 tat i on 5/8· .c
3 Stati on 5/8
:: 30
§ ""
- 30
o z
0 ~--~==Y_--Y_--~--~--4_--4_--4_~
M A M A s o D

Station 8
E Station 8
- Wi
~ 30

~ oR,(E;1,=-sa, ~ ,1W'l m&J,IiWI.lM l ~


M A M A s o D M A M A s o D

Figure 9. Total nitrogen (Ntot) to total phosphorus (Ptot) molar ratio Figure 10. Molar ratio of exchangeable ammonium (N Exch) to
in the top 10 em of sediment in the five sites of the Sacca di Goro exchangeable inorganic phosphorus (P Exch) at the five sites of the
(March-December 1994). Sacca di Goro (March-December 1994).

to be more healthy due to the large seagrass mead- tling of large amounts of epiphytes growing on Ruppia
ows (Bachelet et aI., 1994) while the impoundment stems. Station 11, free of rooted plants but general-
at Certes shows an intermediate behaviour (Labourg, ly invaded by floating beds of Viva, did not show a
1975; Escaravage, 1990; Castel et aI., 1996). significant OM profile probably because of sediment
The high content and the shape of the organic mat- disturbance from both infaunal and human activity.
ter profiles in the sediment at the sampling stations Total Kjeldhal nitrogen (TN) profiles were to a
in the Bassin d' Arcachon are probably determined by some extent overlapping those obtained for OM. Thus,
Zostera and Ruppia (Table 1). This was particularly it can be argued that most of the nitrogen was stored in
evident at station CI, where in the first 6 cm OM was the sediment throughout OM accumulation. As a mat-
over 20%; such high values can be explained by the set- ter of fact, in the surficial sediment at station CI, TN
Table 1. Organic matter (O.M.), total Kjeldhal nitrogen (TN), exchangeable ammonium (N Exch), total inorganic (TIP) and organic
phosphorus (TOP) and total ferrous and fenic iron content in the top 10 cm of sediment at the station II in the Etang du Prevost and
stations A, B and CI in the Bassin d' Arcachon. Average values and standard deviations are reported. (I, 4, 5/8 and G), Etang du
Prevost (II) and Bassin d' Arcachon (A, B, Cl).

O.M. TN Exch. N TIP TOP Fe2+ tot Fe H tot

Station (% d.w.) (/Lmol cm- 3 ) (/Lmol cm- 3 ) (/Lmol cm- 3 ) (/Lmol cm- 3 ) (/Lmol cm- 3 ) (/Lmol cm- 3 )

11 10.1 ± 1.4 73.6± 9.5 2.4 ± 1.4 6.7 ± 1.4 0.9 ± 0.3 25.4 ± 11.0 16.6± 7.3
A 9.9 ± 5.0 124.2 ± 28.6 2.4 ± 0.4 6.2 ± 1.5 4.8 ± 1.3 27.0± 4.6 37.2 ± 4.9
B 16.2 ± 3.3 112.7 ± 14.7 2.1 ± 0.5 4.0 ± 0.5 3.2 ± 0.5 44.6 ± 22.4 46.8 ± 10.4
CI 19.9 ± 6.8 363.1 ± 157.0 3.0 ± 0.2 9.1±1.9 5.6 ± 1.9 99.3 ± 23.6 34.6 ± 15.3

reached concentrations over 400 /Lmol N cm- 3 which

Station G is approximately five times higher than that measured
at the other sites.
:; 30 Most of the total phosphorus (TP) was in the inor-
z ganic form (Table 1). Sediment from station Cl showed
the same pattern as for OM and TN reaching the high-
M A M A S 0 0 est TP content (about 15 /Lmol cm- 3 ). This trend can
be explained in terms of either OM accumulation or
Station J sediment capacity to immobilise available P, perhaps
ti:" because of the abundance of complexing agents. In this
30 context, it should be interesting to better dinstinguish
z the different fractions of sediment-associated phos-
0 phorus, for example with selective extraction tech-
M A M A S 0 0 niques (Golterman & Booman, 1988). At station 11,

the organic P pool was generally low compared to the
inorganic one, while at stations A, Band Cl it account-
"=> Station 4
E ed for almost the 50% of the total. This may be due to
!;: different pathways in the degradation of organic P, in
turn following different quality of the organic matter:

,~ I'iii5'f'jJ
. easier degradable Ulva at station 11, more refractory
Zostera and Ruppia at stations A, Band Cl (Viaroli et
A S 0 0
aI., 1996).
60 In the sediment of the selected sites, inorganic
"=> Station 5/8 nitrogen was always represented by ammonium, since
:; 30 nitrite and nitrate did not occur significantly due to
both slow diffusion and high oxygen consumption. On
average, exchangeable NHt was higher at station Cl
M A M A S 0 D than at the other sites (Table 1). At station 11, pro-
files of both exchangeable and pore water ammoni-
60 urn may indicate a remarkable bottom regeneration
Station 8 of inorganic nitrogen, even if the values were much
:; 30
lower than expected from preceding analyses. A pos-
E sible explanation is that the conditions at station 11 in
z August-September '94 were quite different from those
of the previous field campaigns. As a matter of fact
M A S 0 0
in August 1994 the sediment surface, free of Ulva,
Figure 11. Molar ratio of ammonium (N Flux) to soluble reactive was light brown and well oxidized while in May and
phosphorus (P Flux) estimated from benthic fluxes at the five sites in August '93 and in May '94 the sediment surface,
ofthe Sacca di Goro (March-December 1994).

covered with a thick layer of macroalgae, was black,

highly reduced and releasing sulphide to the water; A.
in this frame considerable benthic fluxes of ammonia B.
(165 mmol N m- 2 d- l ) were determined (Sloth et a!., 0
ro 8
1993; Viaroli et a!., 1996).
The large storage of exchangeable ammonium in
• 11 1 • •
the sediment of station Cl can be explained either by 4" G
the accumulation and availability of OM or by the
sediment binding capacity. A preliminary analysis of

pore water was also attempted. In the pore water, dis-
5/8 •
solved organic nitrogen (DON) clearly prevailed over
the dissolved inorganic (DIN) one. On average, DON
Factor 1
concentration, reaching 4-7 mmol N I-I in the top
sediment at all the selected sites, was about 3 order
of magnitude higher than DIN. This pattern seems to
indicate that nitrogen was firstly recycled and then
stored as DON (Bartoli et a!., 1994). Soluble reac- C1

5/8 • A.•
tive (SRP) and dissolved organic (DOP) phosphorus
were almost undetectable in the pore water at stations oro
A and B, while at station Cl appreciable amounts of u. • 8•
DOP were detected in the top sediment layer. At sta- 11
tion 11, SRP was largely exceeding DOP and reached
concentrations up to 400 JLmoll- 1 in the deepest layer G •B
(8-10 cm) (Bartoli et a!., 1994). At the latter site pore
water profiles of SRP and NHt clearly overlapped
and are indicative of rapid mineralisation followed by 1 • 4
accumulation of the released inorganic Nand P. At the
sites in the Bassin d' Arcachon the mineralised P can Factor 1
Figure 12. August-early September 1994: Factor analysis of sedi-
be immediately immobilised by complexation with Ca ment variables and benthic fluxes at the different sampling stations
and Fe oxides, or be assimilated by plant roots. This in the Sacca di Goro (I, 4, ~ and G) Etang du Prevost (II) and
hypothesis dealing with the role played by iron as a Bassin d' Azcachon (A, B, Cl). First factor (FACTOR l) is inversely
sink for phosphorus is suggested by differences of Fe related to SRP fluxes, second factor (FACTOR 2) is inversely related
with total iron content of sediment and third factor (FACTOR 3) is
concentrations at the different sites. In particular, the directly related to total nitrogen and phosphorus content of sediment.
three stations of the Bassin d' Arcachon are, on aver-
age, richer in iron than station 11 in the Prevost lagoon
(Table 1). to SRP fluxes (Factor 1) and total iron content in the
top 10 cm of sediment (Factor 2). A weaker group-
Intersystem comparison ing results from the third factor which is related to the
In the Sacca di Goro as well as the French lagoons, sea- total nitrogen and phosphorus content of the surficial
grasses and macroalgae have a recognised and impor- sediment. The high SRP and NHt fluxes recorded at
tant role in driving fluxes on a vast scale (see for exam- station 11 in the Prevost lagoon can be explained in
ple Viaroli et a!., 1996). However, it may be expected terms of water renewal and macroalgal impact. In this
that the magnitude of variations (seasonal and inter- lagoon the water mass usually undergoes slow renewal
annual) of macrophyte-mediated processes are related and Viva biomass can exceed 5 kg m- 2 wet weight
to the size and availability of sedimentary nitrogen, (Bachelet et a!., 1994; Viaroli et a!., 1996). Thus the
phosphorus and iron pools. nutrient loads reaching this lagoon due to runoff or
This hypothesis has been tested by means of factor direct discharge of wastewater are slowly exported to
analysis (Figure 12). The first three factors explain the sea and cannot be totally removed either in the
84.4% of the total variance. The ordination of the algal biomass or in the sediment, especially in sum-
sites from the first two factors appears to be linked mer, when Nand P regeneration is rapid and the bottom
waters become anoxic. For example in 1993 the onset

of dystrophic crisis with white water was observed at Concluding remarks

the end of August, when the water layer between the
sediment and the algae was anoxic with ammonium The importance of N relative to P fluxes appears to be
and phosphorus concentrations up to 23 JLmol N 1-1 regulated mainly by exchangeable NHt to exchange-
and 7 JLmol P 1-1 respectively. able SRP ratios, while SRP flux appears to be related to
All the sites in the Bassin d' Arcachon, as well as iron availability in the surface sediment. This leads to a
station 8 in the Sacca di Goro, are characterised by a more general mechanism to explain eutrophication and
negligible net exchange of nutrients with the water col- dystrophy in these shallow lagoon systems. The Etang
umn. It appears that the pools of dissolved nutrients in du Prevost, which is the most eutrophic lagoon, has
the water column were almost depleted since minerali- internal pools of both total nitrogen and phosphorus
sation processes are coupled to efficient uptake by plant which are on average lower than those in the Bassin
roots or by microbial mats or even immobilisation in d' Arcachon while pore water SRP is higher than that
the sediments. The remaining sites of the Sacca di Goro at the other sites. In an analogous manner, dystrophic
show an intermediate behaviour which is in agreement events are unusual in the latter system which has sed-
with the benthic fluxes previously described. These iment pools of iron two-three times higher than those
patterns are consistent with an iron pool in the top in the Prevost lagoon. Thus, the conclusion from this
10 cm of the sediment. In late summer 1994 total iron study is that the Bassin d' Arcachon appears to be pro-
concentrations in the Sacca di Goro ranged from 116 tected against dystrophic events and the sediments act
(station 8) to 202 (station 4) JLmol cm- 3 . Compara- as a sink for nutrients.
ble quantities were also measured at station Cl in In previous years even allowing for the high iron
the Certes fishponds, Bassin d' Arcachon (134 JLmol concentrations the Sacca di Goro has undergone severe
cm- 3 ). In contrast the minimum value found in the dystrophic crisis and very high SRP fluxes (ViaroJi et
Etang du Prevost (42 JLmol cm- 3 ) was at least 3 times aI., 1993). Thus the iron hypothesis must be modified
less than those measured in the Sacca di Goro. to take into account additional factors, i.e. organic
Differences in iron concentration at the different matter accumulation and biodegradability as well as
sampling sites suggest that SRP fluxes are controlled by the hydrodynamics of the system. At present many of
the iron hydroxide-phosphate-sulphide system (Golter- these questions remain unanswered, even though we
man, 1995). This hypothesis is supported by the fact have been able to identify two major factors: primary
that at station 11, in the Etang du Prevost, iron lim- producers and biogeochemical buffers. The ultimate
itation is coupled to large AVS concentrations (up to question is how do these interact to maintain ecosystem
35 JLmol cm -3) indicating that the iron hydroxide- stability.
sulphide system is principally regulated by sulphide.
Thus the probability that SRP might be mobilised from
the sediment to the overlaying water should be higher Acknowledgements
at station 11 than at stations A and B, where AVS does
not accumulate (Giordani et aI., 1996). In addition, This study was financed by the joint EU project
at the intertidal sites A and B at low tide, the sedi- 'Coastal Lagoon Eutrophication and ANaerobic pro-
ment surface is exposed to the air, thus leading to AVS cesses (CLEAN)', contract number EV5V-CT92-
reoxidation. In the Sacca di Goro, due to the availabil- 0080.
ity of iron, AVS production can be buffered thereby
maintaining a more dynamic iron hydroxide-sulphide
system than in the Etang du Prevost. At station CI, References
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Seasonal variation in rates of heterotrophic nitrogen fixation (acetylene

reduction) in Zostera noltii meadows and uncolonised sediments of the
Bassin d' Arcachon, south-west France

David T. Welsh 1,2*, Sophie Bourgues, Rutger de Wit2 & Rodney A. Herbert 1
1Department of Biological Sciences, University of Dundee, Miller's ll»nd, Dundee DD 1 4HN, Scotland
2Laboratoire d'Oceanographie Biologique, Centre d'Oceanographie et de Biologie Marine,
Universite Bordeaux 1, 2 rue Professeur Jolyet, 33120 Arcachon, France
* Present address. Fax: 33-56-835104
Key words: Acetylene reduction, nitrogen fixation, sulphate reduction, rhizosphere, Zostera noltii, root exudates


Nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) rates were measured over an annual cycle in meadows of the seagrass
Z. noltii and uncolonised sediments of the Bassin d' Arcachon, south-west France, using both slurry and whole core
techniques. Measured rates using the slurry technique in Z. noltii colonised sediments were consistently higher than
those determined in isolated cores. This was probably due to the release of labile organic carbon sources during
preparation of the slurries. Thus, in colonised sediments the whole core technique may provide a more accurate
estimate of in situ activity. Acetylene reduction rates measured by the whole core technique in colonised sediments
were 1.8 to 4-fold greater, dependent upon the season, in the light compared with those measured in the dark,
indicating that organic carbon released by the plant roots during photosynthesis was an important factor regulating
nitrogen fixation. In contrast acetylene reduction rates in uncolonised sediments were independent of light.
Addition of sodium molybdate, a specific inhibitor of sulphate reduction inhibited acetylene reduction activity
in Z. noltii colonised sediments by > 80% as measured by both slurry and whole core techniques irrespective of the
light regime, throughout the year inferring that sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) were the dominant component
of the nitrogen fixing microftora. A mutualistic relationship between Z. noltii and nitrogen fixing SRB in the
rhizosphere, based on the exchange of organic carbon and fixed nitrogen is proposed. In uncolonised sediments
sodium molybdate initially severely inhibited acetylene reduction rates, but the level of this inhibition declined
over the course of the year. These data indicate that the nitrogen fixing SRB associated with the Zostera roots and
rhizomes were progressively replaced by an aerobic population of nitrogen fixers associated with the decomposition
of this recalcitrant high C:N ratio organic matter.
Acetylene and sulphate reduction rates in the seagrass beds showed distinct summer maxima which correlated
with a reduced availability of NHt in the sediment and the growth cycle of Z. noltii in the Bassin. Overall, these
data indicate that acetylene reduction (nitrogen fixation) activity in the rhizosphere of Z. noltii was regulated both
by release of organic carbon from the plant roots and maintenance of low ammonium concentrations in the root
zone due to efficient ammonium assimilation.
Nitrogen fixation rates determined from acetylene reduction rates measured by the whole core technique ranged
from 0.1 to 7.3 mg N m- 2 d- 1 in the Z. noltii beds and between 0.02 and 3.7 mg N m- 2 d- 1 in uncolonised
sediments, dependent upon the season. Nitrogen fixation in the rhizosphere of Z. noltii was calculated to contribute
between 0.4 and 1.1 g N m -2 y-l or between 6.3 and 12% of the annual fixed nitrogen requirement of the plants.
Heterotrophic nitrogen fixation therefore represents a substantial local input of fixed nitrogen to the sediments of
this shallow coastal lagoon and contributes to the overall productivity of Z. noltii in this ecosystem.

Introduction stan, 1971; Eppley et al., 1979). Inshore coastal waters

are often characterised by high primary production of
It is generally considered that nitrogen availability is plankton and rooted macrophytes (sea and salt marsh
one of the major factors regulating primary produc- grasses) (McRoy & McMillan, 1977; Nixon & Pilson,
tivity in coastal marine environments (Ryther & Dun- 1983; Moriarty et al., 1990). In order to sustain these

high levels of primary production substantial inputs of ly been proposed as potentially the most important
fixed nitrogen are required (Patriquin, 1972). Whilst, heterotrophic nitrogen fixers in coastal marine sedi-
efficient recycling of organic nitrogen in the sediment ments (Herbert, 1975; Nedwell & Aziz, 1980). Where,
can supply a large proportion of this fixed nitrogen sulphate reduction is the dominant metabolic process,
(Iizumi et ai., 1982; Dennison et ai., 1987; Caffrey accounting for up to 50% of all organic matter miner-
& Kemp, 1992), several investigations have demon- alisation (J0rgensen, 1977; J0rgensen, 1982; Canfield,
strated that porewater concentrations of inorganic N 1989).
are insufficient to meet the growth requirements of
the plant communities (Patriquin, 1972; Short, 1983;
Moriarty et ai., 1985). Heterotrophic nitrogen fixation Materials and methods
in the phylosphere and rhizosphere of seagrasses may
therefore play an important role in regulating prima- Sampling site
ry production in these ecosystems. High rates of het-
erotrophic nitrogen fixation have been reported in sea- The sampling site used in this study is described by
grass colonised sediments and estimated to supply upto Welsh et ai., (1996) and corresponds to the CLEAN
50% of the nitrogen requirement of the plant communi- sampling Station A. Samples were collected between
ties (Patriquin & Knowles, 1972; McRoy et ai., 1973; March 1994 and February 1995, both from an area
Capone et al., 1979; Capone & Taylor, 1980; Wolfend- within the Z. noltii beds and an adjacent area where the
en & Jones, 1987; a'Donohue et ai., 1991a; Moriarty Zostera had recently died back but decaying roots and
& a'Donohue, 1993). However, there is a substantial rhizomes were still present.
energy cost associated with nitrogen fixation, estimat-
ed to be equivalent to 16 ATP per molecule of N2 Determination of acetylene reduction (nitrogen
fixed (Postgate, 1982) and thus rates of heterotrophic fixation) rates
nitrogen fixation in natural environments are generally
considered to be limited by the availability of suitable Nitrogen fixation rates were measured using the acety-
organic carbon substrates (Herbert, 1975; Zuberer & lene reduction technique of Stewart et ai., (1967), using
Silver, 1978; Nedwell & Aziz, 1980; Jones, 1982). The both slurry and whole core techniques as described
high rates of heterotrophic nitrogen fixation reported below.
in seagrass and salt marsh grass sediments have been
demonstrated to be associated with the excretion of Slurry experiments
organic compounds from the plant roots and close- Acetylene reduction rates in slurry experiments were
ly coupled to the photosynthetic activity of the plants determined as described by Welsh et ai. (1996).
(Capone et ai., 1979; Boyle & Patriquin, 1981; Whit-
ing et ai., 1986; a'Donohue et ai., 1991a). Whole core measurements
Previous studies on the rates of nitrogen fixation Large sediment cores were collected by inserting
in seagrass meadows and the relationship between the 5 x 25 cm (internal diameter) grey plastic core tubes
plants and the heterotrophic nitrogen fixing microflo- into the sediment until the sediment surface was lev-
ra in the rhizosphere have been undertaken primarily el with the rim of the core tube. The surrounding
in tropical or sub-tropical areas and thus these rela- sediment was removed, the sediment below the core
tionships are much less well characterised in tem- tube was sliced using a steel wire and the core care-
perate areas. In this study we have investigated fully transferred onto a perspex sheet for transporta-
the seasonal variation in nitrogen fixation (acetylene tion to the laboratory. In the laboratory cores were
reduction) rates in Zostera noltii Hornem. colonised stored under natural light conditions in a 50 cm (water
and uncolonised sediments in the Bassin d' Arcachon, depth) x 3 m (internal diameter) water bath (volume
South-West, France. The dependency of nitrogen fix- approx 600 litres), circulated with aerated seawater
ation on plant photosynthesis and the potential role from the Bassin for a maximum of 2 days before
played by nitrogen fixing sulphate reducing bacteria use. After equilibration the cores were transferred to
(SRB) in the rhizosphere was investigated. The abil- small water baths and the water level lowered to the
ity to fix nitrogen is widely distributed amongst SRB level of the sediment surface. Plexiglass core tubes
(Riederer-Henderson & Wilson, 1970; Postgate et ai., (20 x 5 cm, internal diameter) were inserted into the
1985; Postgate et ai., 1988), which have previous-

sediment, taking care not to damage the Zostera leaves, the first dilution tube and gently sonicated for 1 min to
when present. The core tubes were sealed with rubber release attached bacteria, decimal dilution series were
bungs and 10% of the heads pace volume was replaced prepared using anaerobic autocIaved filtered seawa-
with acetylene via a Suba-seal sampling port on the ter supplemented with Na2S. 9 H 20 (final concentra-
side of the core tube. The cores were incubated under tion 0.8 mM) in Hungate tubes previously flushed with
either natural light.or in the dark by covering the core N2/C02 90/10% v/v. Aliquot volumes (0.25 ml) of
tube with a double layer of aluminium foil. Molybdate each dilution were used to inoculate 8 replicate Veno-
treated cores were pre-incubated for 12-16 hours with ject tubes. The tubes were incubated in the dark at
an overlying water column of natural seawater supple- room temperature (20-25 0c) and regularly checked
mented with 25 mmol I-I sodium molybdate. During for the formation of black FeS precipitates which were
the incubation period, triplicate 1 ml samples of the scored as positive for the growth of SRB. MPN esti-
headspace gas were collected at 2-hour intervals over mates and their 95% confidence intervals were cal-
a 12-hour period and stored by inserting the needle into culated using the computer programme developed by
a butyl rubber bung. Clarke & Owens, (1983).
Gas samples were analysed for ethylene and acety-
lene within 1-2 hours of sampling by gas chromatogra- Determination of sulphate reduction rates and
phy, using a Perkin Elmer Autosystem Gas Chromato- sediment exchangeable NHt concentration
graph fitted with a 3 m x 2.2 mm (internal diameter)
Chromo sorb 101 (80/100 mesh) column with N2 as car- Sulphate reduction rates and sediment exchange-
rier gas and flame ionisation detection. Flow rates for able ammonium concentrations were determined as
N2, air and H2 were 30, 450 and 50 ml min- i respec- described by Welsh et al. (1996), except that sulphate
tively and the oven temperature was 30°C. Ethylene reduction was determined only for the 0-2 and 2-5 cm
concentrations were calculated by reference to known depth horizons.
standards and all the data were corrected for the small
quantities of ethylene present as a contaminant in the
acetylene used in this study. Results

Enumeration of sulphate reducing bacteria Data presented in Figure 1. shows depth profiles
of acetylene reduction activity (ARA) in slurries of
Populations of viable SRB were enumerated using the Z. noltii colonised sediments. ARA was detectable
Most Probable Number (MPN) technique. The growth throughout the 0-5 cm depth horizon during the sam-
medium consisted of filtered (0.22 /Lm pore size) sea- pling periods in March, July and October 1994 and Jan-
water (1000 ml), 5 mM NH4CI, 1 mM KH 2P0 4, uary 1995. The highest activities were recorded during
20 mM NaHC0 3 , 100 /LM Na2S204, 200 /LM FeS04, the summer and autumn sampling programmes, with
0.1 g yeast extract, 0.5 ml SL 12B trace elements solu- the peak of activity occurring in the 0-2 cm depth hori-
tion without EDTA (Pfennig & Triiper, 1992), l.0 ml zon (Figure 1). In winter and spring ARA was reduced
vitamin V7 solution (Pfennig et aI., 1981), 10 mM and the activity maximum occurred at greater depth
sodium lactate and 5 mM sodium acetate. The vitamin (Figure 1), presumably in response to changes in the
solution, sodium dithionite and iron solutions were fil- depth of O 2 penetration and carbon availability. The
ter sterilised (0.22 /Lm pore size) and aseptically added addition of 20 mmoll- I sodium molybdate a specif-
together with the autocIaved carbonate buffer to the ic inhibitor of bacterial sulphate reduction (Taylor &
bulk autocIaved medium when cool. The medium was Oremland, 1979; Smith & Klug, 1981; Oremland &
prepared according to the procedure described by Wid- Capone, 1988) to sediment slurries severely inhibit-
del & Bak, (1992) and the pH adjusted to pH 7.2 using ed ARA by between 75-95% throughout the sediment
sterile 1 M HCI and NaOH before aseptically dispens- profiles in all seasons (Figure 1).
ing 3 ml volumes into sterile 4 ml Venoject tubes. Acetylene reduction activity was also detectable
Populations of viable SRB were determined for 4 throughout the 0-5 cm depth horizon in slurries pre-
replicate sediment cores (3 cm internal diameter), the pared from uncolonised sediments (Figure 2). Rates
0-2 cm depth horizon of each core was sectioned, of acetylene reduction were always lower than those
transferred to a sterile petri dish and homogenised recorded in sediments colonised by Z. noltii and
using a sterile spatula. A 1 ml aliquot was transferred to showed a much lower seasonal variation, although a

Acetylene reduction rate nmol. ml sedimenrl. h-I

a.. Q
... ...N


-.: 2-3

a 3-4

0 4-5

March 1994 July 1994

,-. --I -- j
S 0-1 I
c 1-2

'': J
0 2-3
.::: I
3-4 I
~ J
0 4-5

October 1994 January 1995

Figure 1. Seasonal variation in depth profiles of acetylene reduction activity (nitrogen fixation) recorded in Zostera no/tii colonised sediments
in March, July and October 1994 and January 1995, using the slurry technique in the absence (open bars) and presence (solid bars) of20 mmol
1-1 sodium molybdate. Data points represent the means of 5 replicate determinations, standard deviations were generally less than 5%.

summer maximum was apparent (Figure 2.). Sodium fixers_ Rates recorded by the whole core technique
molybdate additions inhibited ARA by >50% (Fig- for cores pre-incubated with sodium molybdate were
ure 2), indicating that SRB were also the dominant 15.5 and 28-fold lower during light and dark incuba-
component of the nitrogen fixing microflora present in tions respectively than those recorded in the absence
the uncolonised sediments. of sodium molybdate (Figure 3), indicating that SRB
A typical data set obtained using the whole core were responsible for the bulk of the recorded activi-
technique in July 1994 in Z. noltii colonised sediments ty. In molybdate treated cores the acetylene reduction
are shown in Figure 3. ARA was significantly influ- rate during light incubations was 6.7-fold greater than
enced by light with the rate in light incubated cores during dark incubations (Figure 3), inferring that the
being 4-fold greater than that recorded in the dark. molybdate resistant component of the nitrogen fixing
These data demonstrate that the photosynthetic activity microflora were also dependent upon the photosynthet-
of the Zostera was a major factor influencing nitrogen ic activity of the Zostera. In contrast, little difference
fixation (ARA) in the rhizosphere, since, nitrogen fix- was recorded between the acetylene reduction rates
ing cyanobacteria were not observed in the sediments during light and dark incubations in uncolonised sedi-
or as epiphytes on the Zostera leaves_ Additionally, ments indicating that the stimulation observed by light
data from the slurry experiments demonstrate that a in colonised sediments was a result of photosynthet-
large proportion of ARA occurred at depths where ic inputs by the Zostera rather than an effect of light
light was not available for photosynthetic nitrogen per se.
Acetylene reduction rate nnlOl. ml sedimenrl.h· 1

::::> ~ Q .... ....

<:: N ~ CI\ Co <=, N

a 0-1
:: 1-2
0 2-3
.c J-4
c:l 4-5
'-------_. __ ........ _ - - - - '

March 1994 .lilly 1994

E 0-1


October 1994 January 1995

Figure 2. Seasonal variation in depth profiles of acetylene reduction activity (nitrogen fixation) recorded in uncolonised sediments in March.
July and October 1994 and January 1995. using the slurry technique in the absence (open bars) and presence (solid bars) of20 mmoll- i sodium
molybdate. Data points represent the means of 5 replicate determinations. standard deviations were generally less than 5%.

Seasonal patterns of ARA measured in Z noltii pIing periods with rates measured in slurries being only
colonised sediments using both the slurry and whole 1.1 and 1.6-fold greater than those measured during
core techniques are presented in Figure 4. Acetylene light incubations of whole cores in July and October
reduction activity showed a mid-summer peak with respectively (Figure 4A & B).
highest rates recorded in July independently of which In Z noltii colonised sediments the acetylene reduc-
technique was used. However, the degree of seasonal tion rates recorded during light incubations of whole
variation observed differed considerably dependent on cores were always higher than those measured in
which technique was used. Acetylene reduction rates the dark (Figure 4B & C). The degree of stimula-
recorded by the slurry technique were always higher tion observed, however, varied between 1.8 and 4-
than those recorded by the whole core technique irre- fold dependent on the season, being greatest in July
spective of light regimes. These differences between and lowest in January, indicating that the influence of
the two techniques varied considerably with season Z noltii photosynthesis on ARA varied with the growth
with rates measured by the slurry technique being 9.4 phase of the plants. Addition of sodium molybdate
and 23-fold greater than those recorded using the whole severely inhibited ARA activity throughout the annual
core technique (light incubation) and 19.2 and 41.8- cycle by between 85 and 95%, irrespective of which
fold greater than whole core dark incubations in March technique was used (Figure 4), inferring that ARA was
and January respectively (Figure 4.). In contrast little primarily mediated by SRB.
difference was evident between values obtained by the Rates of acetylene reduction recorded in
two techniques during the summer and autumn sam- uncolonised sediments were substantially lower than

250 411 A

• • •
5. :: 40 B


8 12
40 c
rime OlOurs)

Fi/?ure 3. A typical data set of ARA mea~ured using the whole

core technique under natural light conditions (open circles), dark
incubation (solid circles), natural light conditions in the presence of
20 mmoll- i sodium molybdate (open squares) and dark incubation
in the presence of 20 mmoll- I sodium molybdate (solid squares).
Data points represent the means of triplicate determinations, standard
deviations have been omitted for the sake of clarity, but were less o
than 10% of the mean values. M A M J J A SON n J

those recorded in Z. noltii colonised sediments (Fig- Fi/?ure 4. Seasonal variation in the rates of acetylene reduction mea-
sured in Zostera noltii colonised sediments between March 1994 and
ure 5). Rates of acetylene reduction recorded using January 1995. Rates were measured in the absence (open circles) and
the slurry technique showed only a small annual varia- presence (solid circles) of 20 mmoll- i sodium molybdate.
tion and were always inhibited by> 75% following the
A. Integrated rates for the 0-5 cm depth horizon deter-
addition of sodium molybdate (Figure 5A), inferring
mined using the slurry technique.
that SRB were responsible for the bulk of this activity. B. Rates determined under natural light conditions using
Little difference was recorded between light and dark the whole core technique.
incubations of the whole core technique (Figure 5B C. Rates determined during dark incubations using the
& C). Initially, sodium molybdate additions severe- whole core technique.
ly inhibited ARA by approximately 80-90% during
both light and dark incubations in March and July
respectively (Figure 5B & C). However, this level of concentrations were highest in winter with a concen-
inhibition decreased to 12 and 36% during light and tration of approximately 290 /Lmol per litre of sediment
dark incubations respectively in October and similar- recorded in January 1995. The exchangeable NHt
ly decreased in January (Figure 5B & C). These data concentration declined rapidly during spring and early
indicate a shift in the composition of the heterotroph- summer attaining a minimal value of approximately
ic nitrogen fixing microftora had occurred over this 190/Lmol 1 sedimenc I in May which was maintained
period. throughout the summer. The NHt pool slowly regen-
The mid-summer peak in nitrogen fixation (acety- erated during the autumn and winter period (Figure 6).
lene reduction) rates in Z. noltii colonised sediments This annual cycling of sediment exchangeable
correlated well with the availability of NHt in these NHt pool is consistent with the life cycle of Z. noltii
sediments (Figure 6). Sediment exchangeable NHt in the Bassin, which has a minimal standing crop dur-

40 A
a 300
.::: "0

'0 • •
:t ~
.... 40 B -;

u ~

"0 20 100
1\1 A 1\1 J J A SON D J
cQ,) Month
.... Figure 6. Seasonal variation in the sediment exchangeable ammoni-
u um concentration between March 1994 and January 1995 in Zostera
< noltii colonised sediments (open circles) and uncolonised sediments
40 C (solid circles). Data points represent the means of triplicate determi-
nations, standard deviations have been omitted for the sake of clarity,
but were generally 15% (colonised sediments) and 5% (uncolonised
sediments) of the mean values.

Rates of sulphate reduction determined in Z. noltii

colonised sediments showed a relationship with sea-
o sonal changes in both the seagrass community biomass
M A M J J A SON D J and acetylene reduction rates, with a maximal rate of
Month 1.36 ± 0.44 mmol m- 2 h- 1 recorded in July 1994 (Fig-
Figure 5. Seasonal variation in the rates of acetylene reduction mea- ure 7). In contrast, in March the sulphate reduction rate
sured in uncolonised sediments in the absence (open circles) and
presence (solid circles) of 20 mmoll- 1 sodium molybdate.
was 0.68 ± 0.13 mmolm- 2 h- 1 . These changes in sul-
phate reduction rate were primarily due to an increase
A. Integrated rates for the 0-5 cm depth horizon deter- in the rate recorded in the surficial 0-2 cm depth hori-
mined using the slurry technique.
zon, with the activity in this horizon representing 87%
B. Rates determined under natural light conditions using
the whole core technique.
of the total activity in July 1994. In contrast in March
C. Rates determined during dark incubations using the
the activity in this zone was >3-fold lower than in July
whole core technique. and represented only 56% of the total activity (data
not shown). Thus, the increase in sulphate reduction
activity occurred concurrently with the observed shift
in the acetylene reduction activity peak towards the
ing the winter. Seagrass growth commences in Febru- sediment surface of Zostera noltii colonised sediments
ary and continues throughout the spring and summer in summer (Figure 2).
period achieving maximal biomass concentrations in Populations of SRB in the surficial 0-2 cm depth
June (root and rhizome biomass) and August (shoot horizon of Z. noltii colonised sediments determined
biomass). Thereafter the standing crop slowly declines by the most probable number technique ranged from
during autumn and winter (Auby, 1991). In contrast 4.6 x 105 to 3.8 X 106 ml sedimenc 1 (Figure 8). How-
to the Z. noltii colonised sediments, the sediment ever, seasonal trends in these popUlation densities
exchangeable NHt concentration in uncolonised sed- were small and hardly significant (ANOVA analysis;
iments remained at a relatively constant value of 280 F(6,21): 2.902; p~0.05) inferring that the observed
to 300 /.Lmo1 1 sedimenC 1 throughout the annual cycle changes in sulphate reduction rate in Z. noltii colonised
(Figure 6). sediments (Figure 7) were due to changes in the activ-

2.0 25 7.0

I 1
5 1.5 20
5 \-' ::; 6.0
15 i

0.5 10
M A ~1 J .1 A SON D J
Figure 7. Seasonal variation of surficial sediment temperature (solid J\fAM,I,IASOND.J F
circles) and the integrated sUlphate reduction rate (open circles) for
the 0--5 cm depth horizon determined under natural light conditions Month
in Zostera noltii colonised sediments. Data points for sulphate reduc- Figure 8. Seasonal variation of the most probable number of sul-
tion rates represent the means of triplicate determinations ± standard phate reducing bacteria in the 0--2 cm depth horizon of Zostera noltii
deviation. The rate of sulphate reduction was not determined in Jan- colonised sediments determined between March 1994 and February
uary 1995. 1995. Data points represent the means of 4 replicate determina-
tions ± standard deviation.

ity per cell rather than shifts in the population density

of SRB. the plant roots may have been released due to root dam-
age. It has previously been demonstrated that under
oxygen limiting conditions Zostera marina L. roots
Discussion progressively switch to fermentative metabolism pro-
ducing ethanol, C02 and lactate as the major metabolic
ARA was detectable throughout the year in both endproducts (Smith et aI., 1988). Internal pools of lac-
Z. noltii colonised sediments and uncolonised sedi- tate sequestered in the root tissues therefore represent
ments in the Bassin d' Arcachon (Figures 1-5). Rates a substantial pool of organic carbon, which may be
of acetylene reduction were substantially higher in liberated if the plant roots are inadvertently damaged.
colonised sediments as compared to uncolonised sed- It has previously been reported that physical distur-
iments and are in agreement with previous studies bance of vegetated salt marsh sediments can signifi-
which have demonstrated high nitrogen fixation (acety- cantly alter sediment porewater dissolved organic car-
lene reduction) rates in the rhizosphere of seagrass- bon concentrations. For example, porewater acetate
es (Capone et aI., 1979; Capone, 1988; O'Donohue concentrations measured following sediment slicing
et aI., 1991a; Moriarty & O'Donohue, 1993; Pereg and centrifugation or sediment squeezing extraction
et aI., 1994). However, the recorded acetylene reduc- techniques can be as much as IOO-fold greater than
tion rates varied considerably dependent upon the assay those determined by the non-destructive 'sediment sip-
method used, with rates measured using the slurry tech- per' technique (Howes et aI., 1985; Hines et aI., 1994).
nique overestimating those recorded in isolated cores, These authors attributed these differences to the degree
especially for Z. noltii colonised sediments during the of root damage and associated carbon release during
spring and autumn sampling programmes (Figures 4 & porewater sampling. Similarly, the carbon status of
5). This over-estimation may be an inherent artefact of slurries prepared from uncolonised sediments may also
the slurry technique due to the release of carbon sources have been enhanced by the release of carbon due to the
during preparation of the slurries. In Z. noltii colonised physical break-up and redistribution of the decaying
sediments internal pools of dissolved organic carbon in Z. noltii roots and rhizomes present in these sediments.

Thus, acetylene reduction rates measured by the slurry all ARA increasing from 1.02 (light incubation) and
technique are more indicati ve of the potential ARA due 0.56 /lmol m- 2 h- I (dark incubation) in January to
to the elevated carbon status of the slurries, whereas in 32.41 (light incubation) and 8.70 /lmol m- 2 h- I (dark
situ rates will be lower due to the limited availability incubation) in July (Figure 4b & c). These differences
of suitable carbon sources. This hypothesis is support- in both the overall rates of ARA and the level of stimu-
ed by the fact that the addition of a range of different lation by light are consistent with the annual variation
carbon sources to slurries of Z. noltii colonised sedi- of the Z. noltii root and shoot biomass which is min-
ments at a final concentration of 15 mmoll- I resulted imal in winter and maximal in summer (Au by, 1991).
in only a minor 15-30% stimulation of ARA (Welsh Therefore, potential photosynthetic inputs to the rhi-
et aI., 1996). zosphere would be greatest in mid-summer, whereas
In contrast the intact core technique may provide in winter these would be substantially reduced due to
a more realistic estimate of the in situ rate of acety- the lower standing crop and shorter day length. Thus,
lene reduction, since, using this technique the distur- seasonal variations in plant biomass and rate of carbon
bance of physicochemical gradients of 02 sulphide and release by the plant roots, may be one of the major fac-
nutrients and the relationship between the plant roots tors regulating heterotrophic nitrogen fixation in the
and the rhizosphere microftora is minimal. Addition- rhizosphere. The hypothesis that the input of labile
ally, the use of the intact core technique in seagrass organic carbon to the rhizosphere via the Z. noltii roots
colonised sediments may preferentially measure ARA is a major determinant of ARA in the rhizosphere is
associated with the plant roots, since diffusion of acety- supported, if as discussed earlier, we consider that the
lene to the rhizosphere will be facilitated by transfer slurry technique is a measure of the potential ARA,
via lacunal air spaces within the plant leaves and roots whereas, intact core measurements approximate to the
(O'Donohue et aI., 1991b). This method may howev- in situ rate. Thus, in July. ARA measured by the whole
er, lead to a slight underestimate of the overall rate of core technique during light incubations was equivalent
acetylene reduction, since nitrogen fixing bacteria in to >90% of the potential (integrated slurry) activity
zones remote from the plant roots may not be subject (Figure 4a & b) whereas, in January rates measured
to a saturating acetylene concentration. by the whole core technique in the light represented
Acetylene reduction rates in Z. noltii colonised sed- <5% of the potential activity in the slurries. These data
iments measured by the whole core technique in the indicate that in January ARA was severely limited by
light were always higher than those measured in the availability of suitable organic carbon sources, where-
dark (Figures 3 & 4). In contrast, in uncolonised sed- as in July when the potential photosynthetic inputs of
iments the rates measured during light and dark incu- organic carbon from the Zostera roots was greatest the
bations were similar (Figure 5) and comparable with rate measured during light incubations of whole cores
rates measured during dark incubations of colonised approximates to the potential rate as measured by the
sediments (Figure 4). These data demonstrate that slurry technique.
heterotrophic nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) In contrast to colonised sediments acetylene reduc-
in the rhizosphere of Z. noltii was fuelled by inputs tion rates measured in uncolonised sediments, using
of organic carbon from the plant roots during pho- the whole core technique were not light dependent
tosynthesis, whereas, during dark incubations or in (Figure 5b & c) and were similar to those recorded
uncolonised sediments activity is linked to the degra- during dark incubations of Z. noltii colonised sedi-
dation of moribund organic matter in the sediment ments (Figure 4c). In these sediments ARA appears
and thus independent of light. These results are in to be linked to the degradation of high C:N ratio
agreement with previous studies of sea and saltmarsh ("" 38: 1, Welsh, unpublished data) moribund root and
grasses which have demonstrated that nitrogen fixa- rhizome biomass which was present. Previous, studies
tion/acetylene reduction rates are closely coupled to have similarly recorded heterotrophic nitrogen fixation
the photosynthetic activity of the plants and stimulated associated with decomposing seagrass roots (Kenwor-
by release of labile carbon from the plant roots (Boyle thy et aI., 1987; O'Donohue et aI., 1991a). Rates of
& Patriquin, 1981; Whiting et aI., 1986; O'Donohue acetylene reduction in these sediments also showed a
et aI., 1991a; Moriarty & O'Donohue, 1993). In this mid-summer peak (Figure 5) and are most probably
study the level of stimulation of ARA by light was vari- regulated by the quantity and quality of the residual
able with season, ranging from a 1.8-fold stimulation in organic matter.
January to a 4-fold stimulation in July, with the over-

The availability of fixed nitrogen sources in the sed- McClung, 1978; Capone & Taylor, 1980; Capone &
iment would also be expected to exert a major influ- Budin, 1982), conditions which would also stimulate
ence on nitrogen fixation rates as both the synthesis SRB.
and activity of nitrogenase are sensitive to feedback Sulphate reduction rates measured in Z. noltii
inhibition (Zumft & Castillo, 1978; Postgate, 1982; colonised sediments were high ranging from 15.6 to
Dixon, 1984; Postgate & Kent, 1984). Additions of 32.6 mmol SO~- m- 2 d- 1 and are comparable with
NHt have previously been demonstrated to inhib- those determined in other organically rich sediments,
it in situ ARA in the rhizosphere of the salt marsh including seagrass (Blackburn et aI., 1994), salt marsh
grass Spartina alternifiora Loisel (Yoch & Whiting, (Hines et ai., 1989; Hines et aI., 1994) and tropical
1986). Sediment exchangeable NHt concentrations in mangrove sediments (Hines & Lyons, 1982; Kris-
Z. noltii colonised sediments measured in this study tensen et ai., 1994; Nedwell et aI., 1994). Sulphate
showed a distinct annual cycle (Figure 6), with the reduction rates were highest in summer and approxi-
NHt pool exhibiting an inverse relationship to ARA mately double those measured in spring and autumn
(Figure 4). The exchangeable NHt pool decreased (Figure 7). The seasonal changes in sulphate reduction
during spring reaching a plateau concentration in May rate correlated well with changes in sediment tempera-
of approximately 190 tLmol 1 sediment- 1 which was ture (Figure 7) and acetylene reduction rates (Figure 4).
maintained until August, corresponding to the peri- This increase in sulphate reduction rate during summer
od of maximal ARA, thereafter the NHt pool slowly was primarily due to increased activity in the surficial
regenerated during the autumn and winter period and 0-2 cm depth horizon (data not shown) and thus cor-
this was accompanied by a corresponding reduction in relates with the shift in ARA towards the sediment
ARA. In contrast the sediment exchangeable NHt pool surface in summer observed in Z. noltii colonised sed-
in uncolonised sediments maintained a stable value of iments (Figure 1). However, the relationship between
between 280 and 300 tLmol 1 sedimenC 1 throughout the sulphate reduction rate and sediment temperature
the year (Figure 6), inferring that the changes observed may be coincidental, since these changes also correlate
in colonised sediments were a result of NHt- assimi- with the changes in the Z. noltii standing crop (Au by,
lation by the plants. Thus nitrogen fixation in the rhi- 1991) and thus potential carbon inputs from the plant
zosphere of Z. noltii appears to be regulated by the roots. It has previously been demonstrated in salt marsh
activity of the plant roots due both to the supply of sediments, colonised by Spartina alternifiora, that sul-
organic carbon as root exudates during photosynthesis phate reduction rates in the rhizosphere were closely
and the maintenance of low NHt concentration in the coupled to the growth phase of the plants and driven
rhizosphere during the growth season. by the release of dissolved organic carbon exudates
ARA in Z. noltii colonised sediments was severely from the plant roots during active growth (Hines et aI.,
inhibited (>75%) in the presence of sodium molyb- 1989). Similar seasonal variations in bacterial produc-
date, in both slurries and whole cores irrespective of tivity in the rhizosphere of seagrasses and plant growth
light regime throughout the year (Figures I, 3 & 4). ha ve also been observed and linked to the exudation of
Sodium molybdate is a potent inhibitor of sulphate organic carbon from the plant roots (Moriarty & Boon,
reduction (Taylor & Oremland, 1979; Smith & Klug, 1989). A similar relationship between the growth of
1981; Oremland & Capone, 1988) and these data pro- Z. noltii and the release of organic carbon by the plant
vide strong evidence that SRB were the dominant com- roots could account for the observed changes in sul-
ponent of the nitrogen fixing microflora in the rhizo- phate reduction rate in these sediments. Thus, a mutu-
sphere. In a previous study, O'Donohueet aI., (1991a), alistic relationship may exist between the Z. noltii and
estimated that approximately 90% of nitrogen fixation SRB in the rhizosphere.
in meadows of the seagrass Zostera capricornia in In uncolonised sediments sodium molybdate addi-
Moreton Bay, Australia was due to the activity of anaer- tions also inhibited ARA (Figure 5) indicating that
obic or microaerophilic bacteria in the rhizosphere, nitrogen fixing SRB were present. However, the degree
which would have included SRB, although no attempts of inhibition measured in whole core incubations (Fig-
were made to further identify the bacteria responsi- ure 5b & c) decreased over the year indicating a popula-
ble. Additionally, numerous studies have reported a tion change in the nitrogen fixing microflora, with SRB
stimulation of nitrogen fixation activity under anaer- being replaced by aerobic or possibly microaerophilic
obic or microaerophilic conditions in seagrass sed- bacteria, since sodium molybdate consistently inhibit-
iments or isolated roots and rhizomes (Patriquin & ed ARA by approximately 80 to 90% throughout the
Table 1. Comparison of nitrogen fixation rates recorded in the Bassin d' Arcachon with rates recorded in other seagrass
meadows. Data for the Bassin d' Arcachon are based on acetylene reduction rates from whole core experiments only and were
calculated using the theoretical 3: 1 ratio between acetylene reduction and nitrogen fixation.

Seagrass species Locality Nitrogen fixation rate Reference

(mgN m- 2 d-')

None Bassin d' Arcachon 0.02-3.7 This study

Zostera noltii Bassin d' Arcachon (spring) 0.2-0.4 This study
Zostera noltii Bassin d' Arcachon (summer) 2.0-7.3 This study
Zostera noitii Bassin d' Arcachon (autumn) 1.8-4.4 This study
Zostera noitii Bassin d' Arcachon (winter) 0.1-0.2 This study
Syringodium isoeti/iJlium & Gulf of Carpentaria Australia 16--47 Moriarty & O'Donohue, 1993
Cymodocea serrulala (summer)
Thalassia hemprichii Gulf of Carpentaria (summer) 16 Moriarty & O'Donohue, 1993
Enhalus acoroides Gulf of Carpentruia (summer) 25 Moriarty & O'Donohue, 1993
Zostera capricornia Australia (summer) 25-40 O'Donohue et aI., 1991 a
Zostera capricornia Australia (winter) 10 O'Donohue et al., 1991 a
Thalassia testudinium Barbados 27-140 Patriquin & Knowles, 1972
Thalassia testudinium Florida 0.03 McRoy et aI., 1973
Thalassia testudinium Southern Florida 5-24 Capone & Taylor, 1980
Thalassia testudinium Bahamas 6-9 Capone et aI., 1979
Thalassia testudinium Bahamas 14-41 Oremland et a!., 1976
Hadodule beaudetti Jamaica 28 Blackburn et aI., 1994

year in anaerobic slurries (Figures 2 & Sa). These data fixing microorganisms possess uptake hydrogenases
indicate that in this area where the Zostera had recently (Adams & Mortensen, 1984; Houchins, 1984; Voor-
died back at the beginning of the experimental period, douw et a!., 1990) and thus in vivo e- lost due to
the initial population of nitrogen fixing SRB associated hydrogen evolution during nitrogen fixation may be
with the plant roots was progressively replaced by an efficiently recycled to nitrogenase. Additionally, there
aerobic or microaerophilic nitrogen fixing population is some controversy over the use of the theoretical
associated with the degradation of residual root and 3: I ratio since acetylene is not a natural substrate for
rhizome biomass. nitrogenase and inhibits other sedimentary processes
Rates of acetylene reduction can be used to calcu- (Payne, 1984; Oremland & Capone, 1987; Capone,
late rates of nitrogen fixation using the theoretical ratio 1988). Nevertheless, studies directly comparing acety-
of 3: 1 based on the provision of reducing equivalents lene reduction rates and 15N2 fixation rates in seagrass
as shown in equations 1 and 2. meadows or isolated seagrass roots have shown reason-
able agreement with the theoretical 3 : I ratio. (Patriquin
C 2H 2 + 2H+ + 2e- - t C 2H 4 (1) & Knowles, 1972; Capone & Budin, 1982; O'Donohue
N2 + 6H+ + 6e- - t 2N H3 (2) et a!., 1991 a) and we believe it is therefore appropriate
to use this ratio in this study.
However, in vitro studies of nitrogenase have Acetylene reduction rates measured in this study
demonstrated that e- are also shunted to H2 production using the whole core technique, yield rates equiv-
during nitrogen fixation as shown in equation 3, but this alent to nitrogen fixation rates of between 0.1 and
does not occur during acetylene reduction (Postgate, 7.3 mg N m- z d- I for Z. noltii colonised sediments and
1982; Capone, 1988). between 0.02 and 3.7 mg N m- 2 d- I in uncolonised
sediments, dependent on the season if the 3: 1 ratio is
N2 + 8H+ + 8e- -t 2NH3 + Hz (3) used. The rates recorded in the Z. noltii beds fall with-
This equation indicates that the ratio of acetylene in the lower region of those determined in previous
reduction to nitrogen fixation should be 4: 1, if e- studies and show a much higher degree of temporal
which are shunted to H2 production are accounted for. variation (Table 1). However, the majority of previ-
However, SRB in common with many other nitrogen ous studies reported in the literature have focused on

the role played by heterotrophic nitrogen fixation in for their kindness and assistance during the course of
tropical and sub-tropical seagrass ecosystems, gener- this study.
ally in oligotrophic coastal areas (Table 1). In contrast
the Bassin d' Arcachon is a semi-enclosed lagoon, sub-
ject to much greater seasonal variations in both tem- References
perature and light regimes, which receives substantial
anthropogenic inputs of fixed nitrogen, calculated to Adams, M. W W & L. E. Mortensen, 1984. The physical and catalyt-
ical properties of hydrogenase II of Clostridium pasteurianum. J.
be equivalent to 1000 tons Ny-I (Auby et aI., 1994). BioI. Chern. 259: 7045-7055.
It is therefore not surprising that the nitrogen fixation Auby, 1., 1991. Contribution a I' etude des herbiers de Zostera
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reported for tropical seagrass ecosystems. Auby, 1., F. Manaud, D. Maurer & G. Trut, 1994. Etude de la pro-
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fixing bacteria. New Phytol. 89: 275-288.
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d' Arcachon requires a fixed nitrogen input of between sediments. Limnol. Oceanogr. 37: 1483-1495.
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m- 2 y-I or between 6.3 and 12.0% of the fixed nitro- Capone, D. G. & J. M. Budin, 1982. Nitrogen fixation associated
gen requirement of the plants. Heterotrophic nitrogen with rinsed roots and rhizomes of the eelgrass Zostera marina.
fixation in the rhizosphere of Z. noltii, therefore rep- PI. Physiol. 70: 1601-1604.
resents a substantial local input of fixed nitrogen to Capone, D. G., P. A. Penhale, R. S. Oremland & B. F. Taylor,
1979. Relationship between productivity and N2 (C2H2) fixation
the surficial sediments of this shallow coastal lagoon in the rhizosphere of Thalassia testudinium. Limnol. Oceanogr.
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Dennison, W C, R. C. Aller & R. S. Alberte, 1987. Sediment ammo-
nium availability and eelgrass (Zostera marina) growth. Mar.
This research was carried out as part of the E.U. fund-
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phytoplankton production in southern California waters. Limnol.
French Ministry of Research (MESR). The authors
Oceanogr. 24: 483-494.
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project for their helpful discussions on the ecology of estuarine sediments. J. expo mar. BioI. Ecol. 18: 215-225.
this ecosystem and especially Isabelle Auby for invalu- Hines, M. E. & W B. Lyons, 1982. Biogeochemistry of nearshore
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able local knowledge on the life cycle and ecology of regeneration. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 8: 87-94.
Zostera noltii in the Bassin d' Arcachon. We would also Hines, M. E., S. L. Knollmeyer & J. B. Tugel, 1989. Sulfate reduc-
like to thank Prof. Pierre Caumette for the use of labo- tion and other sedimentary biogeochemistry in a northern New
ratory facilities in his Institute and all the staff and stu- England salt marsh. Limnol. Oceanogr. 34: 578-590.
dents of the Laboratoire d'Oceanographie, Arcachon

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©1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Relationship between porewater organic carbon content, sulphate reduction

and nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) in the rhizosphere of
Zostera noltii

David T. Welsh 1,3*, Peter Wellsbury2, Sophie Bourgues3, Rutger de Wit3 & Rodney A. Herbert 1
1 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Dundee, Miller's "'Ynd, Dundee DDI 4HN, Scotland
2 Department of Geology, Wills Memorial Building, University of Bristol, Queen's Road, Bristol BS8 1RJ England
3 Laboratoire d'Oceanographie Biologique et de Biologie Marine, Universite Bordeaux 1, 2 rue Professeur Jolyet,
33120 Arcachon, France
* Present address. Fax: 33-56-8351 04

Key words: Acetylene reduction, nitrogen fixation, sulphate reduction, acetate, seagrasses


Depth profiles of nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction), sulphate reduction, NHt concentration and porewater
volatile fatty acids concentrations were measured in Zostera noltii colonised sediments in the Bassin d' Arcachon,
France in March 1994. Acetylene reduction activity (ARA) was detectable throughout sediment profiles. Addition
of sodium molybdate (20 mmoll- 1) a specific inhibitor of sulphate reduction to slurries inhibited ARA by >75%
inferring that sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) were the dominant component of the nitrogen fixing microflora.
The peak of ARA was coincident with that of sulphate reduction and a relatively constant relationship of 40 mole
sulphate reduced per mole acetylene reduced was recorded throughout the profiles. From this ratio it was calculated
that at least 17% of the ATP yield from sulphate reduction would be required to support the measured rates of
nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction).
Acetate was the dominant constituent of the porewater volatile fatty acids pool, accounting for >90% of the total
pool as measured by HPLC. Concentrations of porewater acetate recorded by HPLC were compared with those
measured using an enzymatic technique and these data indicate that approximately 10% of the total porewater
acetate pool was not available to microbial metabolism. Profiles of porewater acetate concentrations measured by
both techniques were similar to those recorded for both ARA and sulphate reduction and thus acetate oxidation
may fuel these activities.

Introduction centrations are insufficient to meet the growth require-

ments of the plants (Patriquin, 1972; Short, 1983;
Seagrass and saltmarsh communities are amongst the Moriarty et aI., 1985). Heterotrophic nitrogen fixa-
most productive coastal marine ecosystems (McRoy tion in the rhizosphere of seagrasses therefore repre-
& McMillan, 1977; Moriarty et aI., 1990; Pollard & sents a potentially significant source of 'new' nitrogen
Moriarty, 1991). In order to achieve and maintain these for plant growth, which may compensate for the fixed
high levels of productivity, such communities require nitrogen deficit in the sediment and thereby influence
substantial inputs of fixed nitrogen (Patriquin, 1972). the productivity of the plant community. Rates of nitro-
Whilst, efficient recycling of organic nitrogen with- gen fixation ranging from 0.02 to 140 mg N m- 2 d- i
in the sediment can supply a large proportion of this have been measured in seagrass sediments and calcu-
requirement (Iizumi et aI., 1982; Dennison et aI., 1987; lated to supply upto 50% of their nitrogen requirements
Caffrey & Kemp, 1992), several studies have clearly (Patriquin & Knowles, 1972; McRoy et aI., 1973;
demonstrated that porewater dissolved nitrogen con- Capone et aI., 1979; Capone & Taylor, 1980; Wolf-

den & Jones, 1987; Q'Donohue et aI., 1991; Moriarty

& Q'Donohue, 1993). However, nitrogen fixation has
a substantial metabolic cost, which has been estimat-
ed to be equivalent to 16 ATP per molecule of N2
fixed (Postgate, 1982) and thus rates of heterotrophic
nitrogen fixation are generally considered to be limited
by the availability of organic carbon (Herbert, 1975;
Nedwell & Aziz, 1980; Jones, 1982). Heterotrophic
nitrogen fixation in the rhizosphere of seagrasses has
been shown to be closely coupled to plant photosyn-
thesis and dependent upon exudates of labile organic
carbon from the plant roots (Capone et aI., 1979; Boyle
& Patriquin, 1981; Whiting et aI., 1986; Q'Donohue
et aI., 1991).
In this study we have investigated nitrogen fixation
(acetylene reduction) activity in the seagrass mead-
ows in the Bassin d' Arcachon, south-west France. The
dependency of nitrogen fixation on porewater ammo-
nium and dissolved organic carbon concentration and
the potential role of sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB)
as nitrogen fixers has been investigated.
Materials and methods

Description of the sampling station

The Bassin d' Arcachon is a large mesotidal coastal

lagoon situated on the French Atlantic coast (Figure 1).
The Bassin has a tidal range of 2-3 m and a total surface
area of 155 km 2 of which 40 km 2 is covered at low tide.
Seventy percent of the Bassin is composed of inter-
tidal mudflats, consisting of clayish muds and muddy N
sands which are dominated by the seagrass Zostera

noltii Hornem. These seagrass meadows cover an area
greater than 70 km 2 and are the largest in Western
Europe (Auby, 1991). The salinity of the Bassin nor-
mally ranges between 30-33%0, but can decrease to
20%0 following periods of heavy rainfall, whilst the 5 km
water temperature ranges from 4-6 °C in mid-winter
to 21-22 °C in August. A full description of the hydrol- Figure 1. A. Location of the Bassin d' Arcachon on the French
ogy of the Bassin is given by Robert et al. (1987). The Atlantic coast. B. Site diagram of the Bassin d' Arcachon at low
sampling station used during this study was situated tide showing the location of the study site (.) in the central region
of the Bassin and the major mudflats and channels.
in a large seagrass bed on the Ile aux oiseaux, a large
mudflat situated in the central region of the Bassin
(Figure 1) and corresponds to the CLEAN project Sta-
tion A. All the sediment samples were collected on the Nitrogenfixation (acetylene reduction) activity
8th March 1994.
Rates of nitrogen fixation were measured using the
acetylene reduction technique of Stewart et al. (1967).
Intact sediment cores were collected in 25 x 5 cm (i.d.)

Plexiglass core tubes and transported to the laborato- Determination of sulphate reduction rates
ry on ice. In the laboratory the cores were careful-
ly extruded, the Z. noltii leaves were removed and Sulphate reduction rates were determined using the
the upper 5 cm of sediment were sliced into 1 cm core injection method of J0rgensen & Fenchel (1974).
thick sections. The sediment slices were immediate- Sediment cores were collected in 20 x 4 cm (i.d.) Plex-
ly transferred into 360 ml volume glass bottles and iglass core tubes fitted with pre-drilled silicon rubber
20 ml of deoxygenated filter-sterilised (0.2 /-lm pore filled injection ports. Cores were injected at 2 cm depth
size) seawater was added. The bottles were sealed with intervals with 10 /-ll of carrier free 35S0~- [370 kbq]
screw tops fitted with rubber-sealed injection ports and (Isotopchim, France). The core tubes were covered in
immediately gassed out with oxygen-free nitrogen for a double layer of aluminium foil to the level of the
10 mins. Following degassing the sediment slurries sediment surface and incubated for 6 hours at in situ
were thoroughly mixed by vigorously shaking the bot- temperature under natural light conditions. Following,
tles. Experiments were initiated by replacing 10% v/v incubation the sediment was extruded and sliced into
of the headspace gas with acetylene and the slurries 1 cm thick sections which were immediately fixed by
were incubated for 24 hours at in situ temperature in the vigorous shaking with an equal volume of 2% w/v zinc
dark. Sodium molybdate was added when required pri- acetate to trap the sulphides and inhibit further activity.
or to degassing to gi ve a final concentration of 20 mmol The production of radiolabelled sulphides was
I-I and the slurries were pre-incubated at the in situ determined by the single step chromium reduction
temperature for 1 hour following degassing prior to the method ofFossing & J0fgensen (1989) and the released
addition of acetylene. Acetate when added was added sulphides trapped in 2% w/v zinc acetate. The specif-
prior to the addition of acetylene by injection of a filter ic activities of 35S2- and 35S0~- were determined in
sterilised stock solution to give a final concentration of aliquot volumes (1 ml) of the zinc acetate traps and the
5 mmoll- I . supernatant (following the initial centrifugation of the
In tests to determine the effect of carbon source sediment respectively) by liquid scintillation counting
additions on acetylene reduction activity a 1: 1 (sed- (Intertechnique SL-3ccm liquid scintillation counter).
iment: filter-sterilised seawater) slurry was prepared Sulphate concentrations were determined as previously
under nitrogen atmosphere from the pooled 0-3 cm described by Tabatabai (1974) and the sulphate reduc-
depth horizons of 8 cores. Aliquot volumes (50 m!) of tion rate calculated according to the method of Fossing
slurry were dispensed into 360 ml glass bottles and the & J0rgensen (1989).
slurries were thereafter treated as described previously.
Carbon sources were added by injection to give a final Determination of porewater and sediment
concentration of 15 mmoll- 1 prior to the addition of exchangeable ammonium concentrations
Following incubation the assays were terminated Sediment cores were collected in 20 x 5 cm (i.d.) Plex-
by the injection of 1 M trichloroacetic acid to give a iglass core tubes and transported to the laboratory on
final concentration of 5% w/v. Aliquot 1 ml volumes ice. Cores for porewater ammonium content were sec-
of the headspace gas were analysed for both acetylene tioned into I cm slices and immediately centrifuged
and ethylene by gas chromatography using a Perkin at 5000 x g for 10 min at 5 °C to extract the sedi-
Elmer Autosystem Gas Chromatograph fitted with a ment porewater. The collected porewater was passed
3 m x 2.2 mm (internal diameter) Chromosorb 101 through a 25 mm Whatman GFIF filter and frozen at
(8011 00 mesh) column with N2 as carrier gas and flame -40°C before analysis. Cores for sediment exchange-
ionisation detection. Flow rates for N2, air and H2 were able ammonium concentration were sectioned into
30, 450 and 50 ml min- i respectively and the oven 1 cm slices and the sediment extracted for 1 hour by
temperature was 30°C. Ethylene concentrations were shaking in an equal volume of I M KCI. The resul-
determined by reference to known standards and all the tant sediment slurry was centrifuged at 5000 x g for
data were corrected for the small quantities of ethylene 10 min at 5°C, the supernatant was decanted, passed
present as a contaminant in the acetylene used in this through a 25 mm Whatman GFIF filter and frozen at
study. -40°C. Thawed samples were suitably diluted with
distilled deionised water and analysed for ammonium
content using a Technicon continuous flow autoanal-
yser (Chemlab Ltd, England).
Table 1. Effect of a range of organic carbon sources on
Determination of pore water volatile fatty acid and
the rate of acetylene reduction recorded in slurries of
bioavailable acetate concentrations the 0-3 cm depth horizon of Zostera nolfii colonised
sediments. All carbon sources were present at a final
Sediment cores were collected using 25 x 5 cm (i.d.) concentration of 15 mmoll- I .
Plexiglass core tubes and transported to the laboratory Carbon Acetylene Control
on ice. The cores were extruded and sectioned into 1 cm source reduction rate
slices and the sediment centrifuged at 5000 x g for (mmol ml sed- I h- I )
10 min at 5 °C. The porewater was decanted and passed
No additions 0.786 100
through 25 mm Whatman GFIF filters and frozen at
Ethanol 0.988 126
Pyruvate 1.058 135
Porewater samples were analysed for total
Lactate 0.929 118
volatile fatty acid concentrations using the 2-
Glucose 1.031 131
nitrophenylhydrazine hydrochloride (2 NPH) derivi-
Galactose 0.991 126
tisation method of Parkes et al. (1989) as modified
by Wellsbury and Parkes (1995). Porewater bioavail-
able acetate concentrations were determined using the Acetylene reduction nmol ml sed- 1 h-1
enzymic method of King (1991), using HPLC separa-
tion and quantification of AMP and ATP as described o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
by Wellsbury and Parkes (1995).


Data presented in Figure 2 show profiles of acetylene S
reduction activity (ARA) in the surficial sediments of
the Z. noltii beds. ARA was detectable at all depth hori- .~
zons tested with peak activities of 0.55 and 0.43 nmol
:.. 2-3
ml- I h- I recorded in the 1-2 and 2-3 cm depth hori-
zons respectively. Ethylene accumulation was never -Q-.
<I.l 3-4
observed in control slurries to which no acetylene Q
was added (Data not shown). Additions of 20 mmol
I-I sodium molybdate (final concentration) a specific 4-5
inhibitor of bacterial sulphate reduction to sediment
slurries severely inhibited ARA by 75 to 85% (Fig-
ure 2) throughout the profile inferring that SRB were
Figure 2. Profiles of acetylene reduction activity in the surficial
responsible for the bulk of the recorded activity. Addi- sediments determined in slurry experiments with no additions (open
tion of sodium acetate to sediment slurries to give a bars), supplemented with 5 mmoll- I sodium acetate (hatched bars)
final concentration of 5 mmol I-I had little effect on and supplemented with 20 mmoll- I sodium molybdate (solid bars).
Data represent the means of 5 determinations, standard deviations
ARA with a maximal stimulation of 33% observed in
were less than 5%.
the 1-2 cm depth horizon (Figure 2). Similarly, addi-
tion of a range of carbon sources at a concentration
of 15 mmoll- ' only stimulated ARA between 18 and tion of approximately 40 (range 36 - 48) nmol sul-
35% when added to the slurries (Table 1). phate reduced per nmol acetylene reduced was record-
The depth profile of sulphate reduction activity ed throughout the depth profile with the exception of
was similar to that recorded for acetylene reduction the 0-1 cm depth horizon, where the ratio was 11.8: 1
with maximal activities of 20 and 17.5 nmol sulphate (Table 2).
reduced ml sedimenc I h -I recorded in the 1-2 and Acetate was the predominant volatile fatty acid
2-3 cm depth horizons respectively (Figure 3) and present in the sediment porewaters, representing
85% of total sulphate reduction occurred within the >90% of the total volatile fatty acid pool. Concen-
0-5 cm depth horizon (Data not shown). A relatively trations of total (measured by 2NPH method) and
constant ratio between sulphate and acetylene reduc- bioavailable acetate (enzyme method) were similar
Table 2. Relationship between sulphate and acetylene reduction activity with depth in
Zostera noltii colonised sediments.

Depth horizon Acetylene reduction Sulphate reduction Ratio of acetylene

(em) rate (nmol ml- 1 h- 1 ) rate reduction: sulphate
(nmol ml- 1 h- 1) reduction activity

0-1 0.211 2.5 11.8

1-2 0.553 20.0 36.2
2-3 0.434 17.5 40.3
3-4 0.181 8.7 48.1
4-5 0.172 6.7 39.0

Sulphate r~duction rate nmol. ml sed- l b.-I Concentration J.tM

o 10 20 o --"20__,_--1....-.
-+-__ 40 60! 80 100
= 0-1
:::: tJ I
Q= 1-2 I
2-3 I :-
.: 1-2
.: 3-4 I ...
4-5 .:::l
~ 2-3
Figure 3. Depth profile of sulphate reduction activity in Zostera
noltii colonised sediments.
-- 3-4


throughout the profiles (Figure 4) with approximately

90% of the total acetate pool available for microbial
metabolism. Profiles were similar to those recorded for Figure 4. Depth profiles of porewater total acetate concentrations
both acetylene reduction and sulphate reduction with measured by HPLC (open bars), bioavailable acetate measured by
the enzyme method (hatched bars) and propionate measured by
peak concentrations of7 6 and 52 J.LM (total acetate) and HPLC (solid bars), error bars indicate standard deviations (n = 3).
73 and 48 J.LM (bioavailable acetate) recorded in the 1-
2 and 2-3 cm depth horizons respectively (Figure 4).
Concentrations of propionate were considerably lower
than those recorded for acetate, ranging from 0.03 to Discussion
5.21 {tM with a maximum in the 1-2 cm depth horizon
(Figure 4). Concentrations of other volatile fatty acids ARA was detectable throughout the depth profiles of
were below the detection limit of the HPLC system. sediments from Z. naitii beds with maximal activities
Profiles of porewater and sediment exchangeable recorded in the root zone of the plants (Figure 2). These
NHt showed little variation with depth (Figure 5). data are in agreement with several previous studies
Porewater NHt concentrations varied from 65 to which have demonstrated high levels of nitrogen fixa-
106 J.LM with the maximum concentration recorded tion/acetylene reduction in the rhizosphere of sea and
in the 1-2 cm depth horizon and the minimum in salt marsh grasses (Patriquin, 1972; Short, 1983; Mori-
the 0-1 cm horizon (Figure 5). Whereas, sediment arty et al.,1985; Q'Donohue et al.,1991; Moriarty &
exchangeable ammonium concentrations ranged from Q'Donohue, 1993). Addition of sodium molybdate at
219 to 303 J.Lmoll sediment- l with the maximal con- a final concentration of20 mmoll- l severely inhibited
centration recorded in the 3-4 cm depth horizon and ARA by> 75% throughoutthe depth profile (Figure 2).
the minimum in the 4-5 cm horizon (Figure 5). Sodium molybdate is a specific inhibitor of sulphate

NH~ concentration jlIDOI. rl not surprising that sulphate reduction rates in this zone
would be underestimated.
o 100 200 300 It has been estimated that the net ATP yield for
Desulfobacter postgatei growing on acetate and sul-
. I
__ i J - l - . phate is 0.8 mol ATP per mol sulphate reduced (See
Widdel & Hansen, 1991). Thus, using the recorded
~1-2~ ratio of 40: 1 between sulphate reduction and acety-
lene reduction and the theoretical ratio of 3: 1 (see
~_._ Welsh et aI., 1996) to convert acetylene reduction rates
to nitrogen fixation rates, the energy requirement for
~3-4~ this process in the Zostera noltii colonised sediments

can be determined. Postgate, (1982) calculated that
16 mol ATP are required to fix 1 mol of N2. On this
basis approximately 17% of the ATP generated by sul-
Figure 5. Depth profiles of pore water NHt (open bars) and sediment phate reduction would be required to fuel the record-
exchangeable NHt (hatched bars) concentrations. ed nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) rates in the
rhizosphere. This figure, however, represents a mini-
mum value since, the theoretical energy requirement
for nitrogen fixation does not take into account addi-
reduction (Taylor & Oremland, 1979; Smith & Klug, tional costs such as the synthesis of nitrogenase and
1981; Oremland & Capone, 1988). These data indicate the electron carriers. Reported ATP:N 2 ratios for pure
that SRB were responsible for the bulk of the recorded cultures vary considerably e.g. 30 in Klebsiella pneu-
ARA. The ability to fix molecular nitrogen has long moniae (Hill, 1976) and 42 for Rhizobium ORS 571
been recognised amongst SRB (Sisler & Zobell, 1951; (Starn et aI., 1984) but are generally much greater than
Le Gall et al.,1959; Postgate et aI., 1988) and these 16. Thus, it is probable that the true energy demand
bacteria have previously been proposed as potentially of nitrogen fixation in these sediments is substantially
the most important heterotrophic fixers of nitrogen in greater than 17% of the total ATP produced by sulphate
coastal marine sediments (Herbert, 1975; Nedwell & reduction.
Aziz, 1980). The addition of exogenous carbon sources to slur-
Depth profiles of sulphate reduction (Figure 3) ries had little effect on ARA of Z. noltii colonised
showed a similar overall pattern to those recorded for sediments (Figure 2, Table 1). These results are at vari-
ARA and with the exception of the 0-1 cm depth hori- ance with other studies of heterotrophic nitrogen fix-
zon, a relatively constant molar ratio of approximately ation in marine sediments, where carbon source addi-
40: 1 was recorded between ARA and sulphate reduc- tions were found to significantly stimulate nitrogen
tion rates at all depths (Table 2). These data provide fixation/acetylene reduction rates (e.g. Herbert, 1975;
further evidence to support the hypothesis that SRB Nedwell & Aziz, 1980). However, this may be due
are principally responsible for the observed acetylene to an inherent artifact of the slurry technique in veg-
reduction activity (nitrogen fixation) in the Zostera root etated sediments due to the release of organic carbon
zone. Deviation from the 40: 1 ratio in the 0-1 cm depth from the plant roots during the preparation of the slur-
horizon is probably due to an underestimation of the ries. Internal pools of labile carbon in the roots of
sulphate reduction rate in this zone due to the reoxi- Z. noltii represent a large pool of potentially avail-
dation of reduced 35 S by molecular oxygen during the able organic carbon within the sediment, since it has
6 hour incubation period. J0rgensen (1994) recently been demonstrated for Zostera marina L. that under
reported an 8-fold decrease in the calculated sulphate conditions of oxygen limitation the roots switch to a
reduction rates of oxic microbial mat sediments incu- fermentative metabolism producing CO 2, ethanol and
bated for 30 min and 3 hours, which he attributed to the lactate as metabolic end products, the latter accumulat-
reoxidation of radiolabelled sulphides. Oxygen pene- ing in the root tissue (Smith et aI., 1988). Such internal
tration in Z. noltii colonised sediments in the Bassin pools of labile carbon may then be released during the
d' Arcachon is spatially highly variable due to the pres- preparation of sediment slurries, since, previous stud-
ence of plant roots but is typically limited to a depth ies have shown that physical disturbance of salt marsh
of 6-13 mm (de Wit, unpublished data). It is therefore sediments can substantially alter the carbon composi-

tion of the sediment porewater (Hines et ai., 1994). the principal substrate for sulphate reduction in marine
Thus, organic carbon may be more readily available sediments (S0rensen et ai., 1981; Parkes et ai., 1989)
in slurries of Z. noltii colonised sediments due to root and to support nitrogen fixation in pure cultures of SRB
damage and perhaps it is therefore not surprising that (Widdel, 1987). This relationship is however difficult
carbon source additions result in only a minor stimu- to analyse, since depth profiles of acetate also correlate
lation of ARA. This explanation is supported by the with the distribution of the Z. noltii roots and thus may
observation that acetylene reduction rates recorded at have been influenced by the release of organic carbon
the same time by a whole core technique were substan- from the plant roots during porewater extractions as
tially lower than those recorded in slurries, indicating discussed previously. Additionally, it cannot be com-
activity was limited by carbon source availability in pletely excluded that the recorded porewater pools of
situ (Welsh et ai., 1996). acetate are the result of incomplete lactate oxidation.
Porewater acetate concentrations were determined However, this seems unlikely, since, in molybdate inhi-
by both HPLC following 2-NPH derivitisation and bition studies of sediments from the same sampling sta-
enzyme assay methods. The HPLC method mea- tion, where, carbon sources normally consumed during
sures the total acetate pool and involves the effi- sulphate reduction would accumulate, acetate was the
cient extraction and derivitisation of both bioavailable major VFA which accumulated and lactate was nev-
and non-bioavailable pools. In contrast the enzyme er detected (Finster et ai., 1994). These authors also
assay method potentially only measures the bioavail- calculated that VFA oxidation rates, based on accumu-
able acetate pool, which is converted to acetyl CoA lation rates during molybdate inhibition and assuming
by acetyl CoA synthetase according to the following steady state conditions could account for approximate-
equation: ly 90% of the recorded sulphate reduction rate at this
acetyl CoA synthetase station, indicating that other potential carbon and ener-
acetate + ATP + CoA --+ acetyl CoA + AMP + PP i
gy sources do not significantly contribute to sulphate
reduction and thus to nitrogen fixation by SRB.
This reaction represents the first step in the uptake Nitrogen fixation/acetylene reduction rates are like-
and metabolism of acetate by SRB (Widdel & Hansen, ly to be influenced by the availability of NHt, since,
1991) and methanogens (Whitman et ai., 1991) and nitrogenase is subject to feed-back inhibition by this
is thus thought to yield a more accurate estimate of source of fixed nitrogen (Postgate, 1982; Dixon, 1984;
the bioavailable acetate pool in sediment porewaters Capone, 1988). Porewater NHt concentrations in
(King, 1991; Kristensen et ai., 1994). However, the the Z. noltii beds ranged from 65 to 106 fLM (Fig-
recent study by Wellsbury & Parkes (1995), indi- ure 5), concentrations which would totally suppress
cates that this method may also overestimate the true nitrogenase activity of pure cultures growing in liquid
bioavailability of acetate in marine sediment porewa- media, due to both repression of nitrogenase synthe-
ters. sis and reversable 'switch-off' of preformed nitroge-
Depth profiles of porewater acetate concentrations nase (Postgate & Kent, 1984; Postgate et ai., 1985).
measured by both techniques were similar (Figure 4) However, a number of previous studies have reported
with maximal concentrations measured in the 1-2 and nitrogen fixation/acetylene reduction activity in marine
2-3 cm depth horizons. However, concentrations mea- sediments at several-fold higher porewater NHt con-
sured by the enzyme assay technique were general- centrations (see Capone, 1988 for review). Additional-
ly lower than those measured by HPLC, indicating ly, in these sediments, zones oflow NHt concentration
that approximately 10% of the porewater acetate pool may exist around the plant roots due to NHt assimila-
measured using the HPLC (2-NPH) technique was not tion by the plants and such microenvironments would
available to the indigenous microflora. Propionate was allow nitrogen fixation to continue due to the absence
the only other volatile fatty acid present in measurable of feedback inhibition.
concentrations but was present at much lower concen- In conclusion data presented in this paper indicate
tration than acetate which represented >90% of the that an association exists between nitrogen fixation
total volatile fatty acid pool (Figure 5). The depth pro- (acetylene reduction) rates and SRB in the rhizosphere
files of porewater acetate pools were similar to those of Z. noltii and that acetate may represent the princi-
recorded for ARA and sulphate reduction activity (Fig- pal carbon source fuelling nitrogen fixation by these
ures 3 & 4). Acetate could fuel these activities, since bacteria.
this volatile fatty acid has been demonstrated to be

Acknowledgments Iizumi, H., A. Hattori & c. P. McRoy, 1982. Ammonium regener-

ation and assimilation in Eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds. Mar.
BioI. 66: 59-65.
This Research was carried out as part of the E. U. fund- Jones, K., 1982. Nitrogen fixation in the temperate estuarine inter-
ed ~oastal Lagoon Eutrophication and ANaerobic pro- tidal salt marsh sediments of the river Lune. Limnol. Oceanogr.
cesses (CLEAN) project, grant No EV5V-CT92-0080. 27: 455-460.
P. Wellsbury was supported by a grant from the E.U. Jprgensen, B. B. & T. Fenchel, 1974. The sulfur cycle of a marine
sediment model system. Mar. BioI. 24: 189-201.
(Grant No. EV5V-CT92-0065) and S. Bourgues by a King, G. M., 1991. Measurement of acetate concentrations in marine
grant from the French Ministry of Research and Educa- pore water by using an enzymatic approach. Appl. envir. Micro-
tion (MESR). D. Welsh and R. A. Herbert would like bioI. 57: 3476-3481.
to thank Prof. P. Caumette for the use of laboratory Kristensen, E., G. M. King, M. Holmer, G. T. Banta, M. H. Jensen,
K. Hansen & N. Bussarawit, 1994. Sulfate reduction, acetate
space in his Institute and all the staff and students of turnover and carbon metabolism in sediments of the Ao Nam Bor
the Laboratoire d'Oceanographie, Arcachon for their mangrove, Phuket, Thailand. Mar. BioI. Prog. Ser. 109: 245-255.
assistance during the course of this study. Le Gall, J., J. C. Senez & F. Pichinoty, 1959. Fixation de I'azote par
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©1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

The biogeochemistry of two eutrophic marine lagoons and its effect on

microphytobenthic communities

Lucas J. Stal, Simone B. Behrens, Marlies Villbrandt, Stef van Bergeijk & Finn Kruyning
Laboratory for Microbiology, ARISE, University ofAmsterdam, Nieuwe Achtergracht 127,
NL-IOI8 WS Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Key words: Coastal lagoon, cyanobacteria, iron, phosphate, sulfide, nitrogen fixation


This paper summarizes the results of a study on the biogeochemistry of two eutrophic marine lagoons. The
lagoons investigated were the Bassin d' Arcachon situated on the Atlantic coast, and Etang du Prevost on the
Mediterranean coast. The sites chosen for this study were characterized by the presence of dense communities of
microphytobenthos. Both lagoons receive a large input of nutrients but they differ in several aspects. The Bassin
d' Arcachon receives a large amount of iron. Iron is of great importance in reducing the effects of eutrophication.
Ferric iron is an efficient scavenger of phosphate and it has been proposed that this is one of the mechanisms that
controls primary productivity and algal growth in this lagoon. The mechanisms of phosphate mobilization were
studied by using sediment slurries. These experiments demonstrated that not only ferric iron but presumably also
calcium was responsible for phosphate binding. Another effect of the high iron content in the Bassin d' Arcachon
was the precipitation of sulfide as iron sulfide or pyrite. In the Etang du Prevost sulfate reduction resulted in the
accumulation of free sulfide. The relative low content of iron in Etang du Prevost not only allowed the formation
of free sulfide but may also have limited the binding capacity of phosphate in the sediment. On the other hand
sulfate reduction was not important for the release of phosphate from the sediment. In Etang du Prevost primary
productivity is nitrogen rather than phosphorus limited. In contrast in the Bassin d' Arcachon primary productivity
was presumably mostly phosphate limited. In Etang du Prevost the non-heterocystous cyanobacterium Oscillatoria
sp. was the dominant nitrogen-fixing species. Heterocystous species were excluded from this lagoon as a result
of the presence of free sulfide. It was demonstrated that heterocystous cyanobacteria are more sensitive towards
sulfide than non-heterocystous species. The absence of free sulfide explained the presence of the heterocystous
cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. in Bassin d' Arcachon.

Introduction formation of highly toxic sulfide (Howarth & Merkel,

1984; Oremland & Polcin, 1982; Skyring, 1987). In
Increased input of nutrients such as phosphate and the worst case, dystrophy may cause complete anoxia
nitrogen compounds in water bodies usually leads to of coastal lagoons and such waters may turn purple as
excess algal growth and primary productivity (Pugnetti a result of blooms of an oxygenic phototrophic bacteria
et aI., 1992, Reynolds & Walsby, 1975, Riegman that live at the expense of sulfide (Caumette, 1986). It
et aI., 1992). The enhanced level of organic matter will be evident that, apart from a number of microor-
that results from eutrophication may lead to serious ganisms, all other life is eliminated in waters that suffer
problems when microbiological activity causes anoxia from dystrophy. Increasing eutrophication of coastal
of the water column. Coastal lagoons are special in this lagoons may change the communities from seagrass
regard. The high concentration of sulfate in seawater beds (e.g. Zostera spp.) in non-polluted or moderately
selects for sulfate reducing bacteria that are responsi- eutrophic waters to excessive growth of green macroal-
ble for end oxidation of organic matter, resulting in the gae (Ulva, Monostroma, Enteromorpha) to blooms of

planktonic cyanobacteria where the turbidity of the Dynamics of iron content of the sediments of
water is such that green algae can not proliferate. Bassin d' Arcachon and Etang du Prevost
In this investigation two coastal lagoons in France
were compared. The Etang du Prevost is a high- In Table 1 the iron content of the sediments of the sta-
ly eutrophic lagoon situated on the Mediterranean tions C (Bassin d' Arcachon) and 12 (Etang du Prevost)
coast, close to the city of Montpellier, whilst the are shown. Both stations were sampled in Septem-
Bassin d' Arcachon is situated on the Atlantic coast, ber 1993 and in May 1994. Two methods were used
60 km south-west of the city of Bordeaux. Whereas to assay iron. Total reactive iron was extracted with
the Mediterranean lagoon may experience dystrophic 10 M HCl and assayed with phenanthroline. Bioavail-
crisis, this phenomenon has never been recorded in the able iron was extracted from the sediment with 0.5 M
Bassin d' Arcachon. The processes that are involved in HCl and assayed using the ferrozine reagent (Lovley
causing dystrophy were investigated by studying one & Phillips, 1987a). The iron content was highest in
comparable site in each of these lagoons as a model sys- Station C of Bassin d' Arcachon. This is in accordance
tem. Shallow areas in both lagoons are characterized with the observation that the input of iron in the Bassin
by the occurrence of microphytobenthic communities. d' Arcachon via river discharge is much higher than
The role of iron in these sediments was investigat- in the Etang d Prevost (P. J. Labourg, pers. comm.).
ed. Iron reacts with sulfide to produce the virtually In September 1993 the iron content was particular-
insoluble precipitate FeS. It was postulated that iron ly high whereas in May 1994 the levels were much
might function as an efficient scavenger of sulfide what lower. This was the case in both stations but partic-
would prevent it from reaching toxic concentrations. ularly evident in Station C. The September:May iron
In contrast, oxygen production by the microphytoben- ratios in Station C were 3.2 and 3.1 for total reac-
thos may result in iron oxidation. Ferric iron is known tive iron and bioavailable iron, respectively. For Sta-
to form an insoluble complex with phosphate. Thus, tion 12 these ratios were 1.5 and 1.1. It is conceived that
iron may also playa role in regulating the availability iron accumulated during the spring and summer was
of phosphate for algal growth. mobilized during the autumn and winter. The water
Nitrogen fixation may be important in providing of Bassin d' Arcachon is subject to frequent exchange
an additional source of nitrogen. Among diazotroph- with the Atlantic Ocean because of the tides and the
ic organisms cyanobacteria are particularly important relatively large entrance of the lagoon to the open sea.
(Fay, 1992). As oxygenic photoautotrophic organ- In contrast the Etang du Prevost has only a narrow
isms they can provide the enzyme nitrogenase with connection with the Mediterranean Sea and the tidal
sufficient energy and reducing equivalents. In both range is small (~20 cm). Therefore, the water in Etang
lagoons benthic communities of cyanobacteria were du Prevost has a much longer residence time than in
present (microbial mats) in which nitrogen fixation Bassin d' Arcachon. This explains the smaller differ-
was important. In the Bassin d' Arcachon heterocys- ences in iron content between spring and summer in
tous cyanobacteria appeared to be the predominant the Etang du Prevost.
diazotrophs, whereas non-heterocystous species were The mechanisms of iron immobilization and mobi-
found in Etang du Prevost. Nitrogen fixation is particu- lization are not precisely known. The bulk of iron is
larly sensitive to oxygen and the oxygenic phototrophic present as ferrous sulfide which is virtually insoluble.
cyanobacteria have evolved special adaptations (Gal- Considerable iron is fixed as pyrite. Pyrite is a very
lon, 1992). Heterocystous cyanobacteria develop spe- stable compound and pyrite iron is not included in
cial cells, the heterocysts, that have lost the capacity the iron measurements presented in Table 1. Oxida-
for oxygenic photosynthesis and in which the nitrogen tion of ferrous iron results in the formation of insol-
fixation takes place (Haselkorn, 1978). Such cyanobac- uble ferric compounds (Phillips et aI., 1993). Benthic
teria can be considered to be the best adapted for dia- microorganisms such as cyanobacteria may also bind
zotrophic growth (Stal et aI., 1994). It has been shown and accumulate iron (Sta\' 1994). Thus, immobiliza-
that sulfide is important for the selection of cyanobac- tion of iron may be associated with microbial activities
teria (Howsley & Pearson, 1979). such as (i) sulfate- and sulfur reduction which pro-
duce the sulfide that will precipitate as FeS, (ii) oxy-
genic photosynthesis by microphytobenthos that pro-
duce the oxygen that will oxidize iron and form insol-
uble iron hydroxides either chemically or biologically,
Table 1. Summary of the results of iron determinations in the upper 5 em of the sediment of
Station C, the Bassin d' Areachon and Station 12, Etang du Prevost. Samples were collected in
September 1993 and in May 1994. Two methods of iron determination were used. Total reactive
iron was extracted with 10 M HCI and assayed with phenanthrolinechloride. Bioavailable iron
was extracted in 0.5 M HCI and assayed with ferrozine reagent. Iron is expressed either as
Jlmol cm- 3 or as molar ratios.

FeH + Fe3+ (Jlmol em - 3 ) ratio

Sample Station Fe Assay September May September: May

Arcachon C total reactive Fe 125 39 3.2

Prevost 12 total reactive Fe 44 29 1.5
Arcachon C bioavailable Fe 104 34 3.1
Prevost 12 bioavailable Fe 20 19 l.l
Arcachon C ratio reactive:bio 1.2 l.l
Prevost 12 ratio reaetive:bio 2.2 1.5
ratio C:12 total reactive Fe 2.8 1.3
ratio C:12 bioavailable Fe 5.2 1.8

Table 2. Ferrous and ferric iron in the upper 5 em of the sediments of the sampling stations C
(Bassin d' Arcachon) and 12 (Etang du Prevost) in September 1993 and May 1994. Two methods
of iron determination were used. Total reactive iron was extracted with 10M HCI and assayed with
phenanthrolinechloride. Bioavailable iron was extracted in 0.5 M HCI and assayed with ferrozine

FeH or Fe3+ (Jlmol cm- 3) ratio Fe 2+ :Fe3+

Sample Station Fe Assay September May September May

FeH Fe3+ Fe 2+ Fe3+

Arcachon C total reactive Fe 55 70 4 35 0.8 0.1

Prevost 12 total reactive Fe 7 37 9 21 0.2 0.4
Arcachon C bioavailable Fe 97 11 33 8.8 33
Prevost 12 bioavailable Fe 17 4 13 6 4.3 2.2

(iii) binding to extracellular polysaccharide sheaths of May, respectively). In Station 12 only half of the total
benthic microorganisms (e.g. cyanobacteria) (Decho, reactive iron was determined as bioavailable (ratio 2.2
1990). Mobilization and liberation of the iron from and 1.5 in September and May, respectively). The rel-
the sediments is therefore possible when the activities atively low content of bioavailable iron in Station 12
described above cease. When acid volatile sulfide is in September coincided with a high content of ferric
subsequently oxidized (chemically and/or biological- iron, many forms of which are not readily available for
ly) iron will be liberated. organisms (Phillips et ai., 1993).
In September 1993 the sediment at Station C Data presented in Table 2 summarizes the amounts
contained almost three times (ratio Station C: Sta- of ferrous and ferric iron as well as their ratios at the two
tion 12=2.8) as much total reactive iron on a volume sampling stations in September 1993 and May 1994. It
basis than Station 12. In May 1994 this difference was is notable that the two methods applied give totally dif-
much smaller (ratio Station C: Station 12= 1.3). Anoth- ferent results with regard to the differentiation between
er remarkable difference between the two stations was ferrous and ferric iron. These data indicate that the
the ratio of total reactive iron and bioavailable iron. methods used cannot readily compared when ferrous
The ratio of bioavailable iron Station C: Station 12 and ferric iron are considered separately. Because it is
was 5.2 and 1.8 in September 1993 and May 1994, more likely that the bulk of the iron is in the reduced
respectively. In Station C virtually all iron was present form, only the ferrozine method will be considered
as bioavailable iron (ratio 1.2 and 1.1 in September and here since this clearly yielded the highest amounts
Table 3. Ratios of ferric:ferrous iron in sediment slurries from the Bassin
d' Arcachon (Station C) and i3tang du Prevost (Station 12) with and without
the addition of 25 mM Fe3+. The slurries were incubated in the dark for
up to 90 h. Experiments were carried out in May 1994.

Station Fe addition Incubation time (h)

0 24 48 90
ratio ferric:ferrous iron (Fe 3+ :Fe2+)

Arcachon C no Fe add. 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.01 nd

Arcachon C 25 mMFe3+ 0.79 0.07 0.06 0.D7 nd

Prevost 12 no Fe add. 0.02 0.13 0.13 0.02 0.08

Prevost 12 25 mMFe3+ 1.76 2.50 0.31 0.57 0.30

Table 4. The amounts of acid volatile sulfide (AVS) and pyrite in the upper 5 cm of the sediments
of the sampling stations C (Bassin d' Arcachon) and 12 (i3tang du Prevost). compared with the
iron content (amounts in jLmol cm- 3 ).

Sample Station Month AVS Total reactive Fe Total bioavailable Fe Pyrite

Arcachon C September 47 125 104 1.99

Arcachon C May 8 39 34 0.23
Prevost 12 September 35 44 20 0.83
Prevost 12 May 29 19 0.D7

of ferrous iron. Station 12 shows the highest relative (Figure 1b). The iron content in May 1994 was lower
amounts of ferric iron (lowest ratios Fe2+ :Fe3+). The than in September 1993, particularly in the top lay-
sediment of Station 12 was covered by a dense layer er of the sediment. As stated previously, virtually all
(mat) of cyanobacteria. The oxygen produced by this iron was in the ferrous form. Ferrous iron (when not
community may have been responsible for the oxida- precipitated as metal sulfide) is very soluble and this
tion of the iron. Because the cyanobacterial mat was might explain the mobilization and dissolution of iron
most active in spring, the May ratio Fe2+ :Fe3+ was from the sediment, which would be most pronounced
lower than in September when cyanobacterial activity in the surface layer. The situation was different in Sta-
was low, presumably because evaporation resulted in tion 12 (Figure 1c, d). The iron profile in September
hypersaline conditions. In Station C the situation was 1993 showed a sharp increase with depth (Figure 1d).
totally different. The relative contribution of ferrous to In May highest concentrations were found in the top
total iron was much larger than in Station 12. In Sta- layers but the gradient was less clearly defined (Fig-
tion C the microphytobenthic community (cyanobacte- ure Ic). Although the highest iron concentrations were
ria and diatoms) developed during summer and photo- measured in September 1993, the depth profile of iron
synthetic oxygen production may therefore result in a at Station 12 indicated that it was in the process of
higher ferric iron content in September compared with being mobilized and dissolved. This was not only evi-
May. However, the highly reduced conditions in this dent from the gradient but also from the greater pro-
station ensured that ferrous iron was quantitatively the portion of ferrous iron. In contrast, in May iron was
most important species present both in September and apparently being immobilized. This is evident from the
in May. gradient and from the lower proportion of ferrous iron.
Depth profiles of iron revealed similar patterns Moreover, the immobilization of iron was also coinci-
regardless whether total reactive iron or bioavailable dent with the presence of an active cyanobacterial mat
iron was considered. The profile of iron (FeH + Fe3+) at this station during the spring. Oxygen produced by
in Station C showed an increase in content with depth the cyanobacteria may precipitate ferric iron and these
(Figure la, b). This gradient was more pronounced in organisms have also been shown to accumulate iron in
May 1994 (Figure la) compared with September 1993 their extracellular polysaccharide sheath (Stal, 1994).

4 A 4 B

- -
.§. 10 §.
.c .c
Q) 25 Q.
Q) 25
0 0
50 50
0 30 60 90 120150180 0 30 60 90 120150180
Fe (Ilmol cm·3 ) Fe (Ilmol cm·3)

4 C 4 0

§. 10

§. 10
.c .c
0 0
50 50
0 30 60 90 120150180 0 30 60 90 120150180
Fe (Ilmol cm·3) Fe (Ilmol cm"3)

Figure 1. Depth profiles of total (FeH + Fe3 +) reactive iron in the sediments of the Ba~sin d' Arcachon (Station C) (a,b) and Etang du Prevost
(Station 12) (c,d) in May 1994 (a,c) and September 1993 (b,d).

Experiments in which sediment slurries were used iron reduction, it was clearly less dramatic than at Sta-
demonstrated that ferric iron was rapidly reduced. The tion C. Sediment slurries were also amended with glu-
results of these experiments are summarized in Table 3. cose (20 mM), molybdate (20 mM) and a combination
The sediment slurries were incubated in the dark and of glucose and molybdate. By increasing the organic
the ratio of ferric:ferrous iron measured immediately matter content the reducing potential should increase
after the addition of 25 mM Fe3+ and after 1, 24, 48 (Lovley & Phillips, 1986). The addition of molybdate
and 90 hours. Sediment slurries without added iron inhibits sulfate reduction (Oremland & Capone, 1988)
were used as controls. In the control slurries, most of and it was expected that sulfide produced by sulfate
the iron was in the reduced state and very little change reducing bacteria would contribute significantly to iron
in the ferric:ferrous iron ratio was recorded in sediment reduction (see equations p. 11). However, the results
samples from the Etang du Prevost (Station 12) as well show that the iron-reducing potential of the sediment
as from Bassin d' Arcachon (Station C). The addition slurry was already maximal and could not be signif-
of 25 mM Fe3+ resulted in a substantial increase in icantly increased by the addition of glucose. Equally,
the ferric:ferrous iron ratio. At Station C this increase inhibition of sulfate reduction did not decrease this
was less dramatic since the iron content at this site potential (Figure 2). These data indicate that processes
was much higher than at Station 12 (Table 1). At Sta- other than sulfate reduction were responsible for iron
tion C ferric iron was already reduced after 1 h incuba- reduction. Ferric iron may serve as terminal electron
tion, after which the ratio ferric:ferrous iron returned to acceptor in the an<\erobic degradation of organic mat-
its original value. These results demonstrate the enor- ter (Lovley, 1987, 1991). Clearly, the organic matter
mous potential for iron reduction at this site. Sediment content of the sediments was sufficient to sustain these
slurries from Station 12 behaved slightly differently. processes since the addition of glucose had no effect.
Due to the lower iron content at this site the addition
of 25 mM ferric iron resulted in a much higher fer-
ric:ferrous iron ratio. This ratio increased somewhat Acid volatile sulfide in the sediments of Bassin
after 1 h incubation, probably due to oxidation by d' Arcachon and Etang du Prevost
oxygen introduced in the slurry during preparation.
Thereafter the ferric:ferrous iron ratio decreased but The concentrations of acid volatile sulfide (AVS) in
remained above the original value. Although it was the sediments of the Stations C (Bassin d' Arcachon)
evident that this site also possessed a high potential for and 12 (Etang du Prevost) were highest in September.
Table 7. Effects of sulfide on nitrogenase activity in a non-
3 heterocystous cyanobacterium (Oscillatoria sp.) and a heterocystous
... species (Anabaena sp.). The control (0 mM) was set to 100. Experi-
'"U.aI ments were performed at a pH of 8.

.'!; 2
/' Sulfide concentration (mM) Oscillatoria sp. Anabaena sp.

0 0 100 100
0.5 154 46

ra \ \,~ ......... .
E ~.. _ ._ _ • ...a..
.--=-.. :-- .... ...- 10 118 nd
0 1 24 48 90
Time (h)
Figure 2. Ratio ferric (Fe 3+) to ferrous (FeH ) iron after the addition
of 25 mM of Fe3+ at t =0 to a sediment slurry from the Etang du sulfur reducing microorganisms. These processes are
Prevost (Station 12). Slurries were incubated for up to 90 h in the only of importance after sufficient organic matter has
dark at ambient temperature. - . - : no further additions; -e- been produced, i.e. in summer or autumn, depending
: glucose added; -6-: molybdate added; -0-: glucose and
molybdate added.
on the geographical location. It is evident that during
winter and spring most of the sulfide in the sediment
Table 5. Comparison of total extractable phos- is oxidized due to either biotic or abiotic processes. In
phate and ferric iron (bio-available) in the upper September 1993 the sulfide concentrations were slight-
5 cm of the sediments of the sampling stations C 1y higher in Station C as compared to Station 12, but in
(Bassin d' Arcachon) and 12 (Etang du Prevost).
both stations acid volatile sulfide concentrations were
Amounts represent J1mol cm - 3 of sediment. Sam-
ples were collected in September 1993 and May very high. If these concentrations are compared with
1994. the total iron content of these sampling stations it was
evident that at Station C iron was present in consid-
Month Station Fe3+ PO!-
erable excess and therefore any sulfide produced at
September Arcachon C 11.0 0.7 this station would be immediately precipitated as FeS.
Prevost 12 4.3 4.1 Free sulfide (HS-) would not be expected to be present
May Arcachon C 1.2 1.2 at this site. The situation was different in Station 12
Prevost 12 5.7 1.2 where in September the concentration of total reac-
tive iron was only slightly higher than acid volatile
sulfide (Table 4). Moreover, when bioavailable iron
was considered acid volatile sulfide was in excess.
Acid volatile sulfide in the top 5 cm of Station was
Under these conditions free sulfide was expected to be
47 and 8 /Lmol cm- 3 in September and May, respec-
present. Pyrite was also present at both sampling sites
tively. In Station 12 these numbers were respectively
but was quantitatively unimportant. The dynamics of
35 and 1 (Table 4). Sulfide is produced by sulfate- and
pyrite followed that of acid volatile sulfide and iron,
i.e. it was also oxidized and leached during winter.
Table 6. Sediment slurries collected from the Bassin The profiles of acid volatile sulfide in the sediment
d' Arcachon (Station C) and Etang du Prevost (Sta- of the Stations C and 12 are shown in Figure 3. In Sta-
tion 12) amended with 100 J.LM phosphate. The tion 12 in May sulfide was apparently produced mainly
effect of iron was measured by adding 25 mM Fe3+ .
Incubation was for I h. Experiments were done in
at a depth of 4-8 mm (Figure Ic), while in September
May 1994. this had moved down to 12-25 mm (Figure ld). In Sta-
tion C a different pattern was recorded. In May AVS
Treatment Station C Station 12 concentrations increased with depth which suggests
J1M phosphate in water that sulfide oxidation was occurring at the sediment
surface (Figure la). In September virtually no gradient
no iron addition 10 24 was present and AVS was equally high at all depths
25 mM Fe3+ added 0.3 4.2 except the surface layer (Figure Ib). In the surface
layer presumably little sulfide was produced.

4~ A B
g 10 g
25 G)
0 o
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
AVS (f.1mol cm"3) AVS (f.1mol cm"3)

E 4 c E 4 ~ D
g 10 g 10 ~
.c ....
a. 25
25 G)
0 0
50 50
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
AVS (f.1m ol cm"3) AVS (f.1mo l cm"3)

Figure 3. Depth profiles of acid volatile sulfide (AYS) in the sediments of the Bassin d' Arcachon (Station C) (a,b) and Etang du Prevost
(Station 12) (c,d) in May 1994 (a,c) and September 1993 (b,d)

Profiles of pyrite are shown in Figure 4. In Sta- 2FeH +S2- -+ 2Fe2+ +So
tion 12 in May highest concentrations of pyrite were 2Fe2+ +2S2- -+ 2FeS
found in the top layer indicating that pyrite formation FeS+So -+ FeS2
was occurring in this layer. In May Station 12 also had
a relatively high ferric iron content and it is probable
that this was important either directly or indirectly in
pyrite formation (see equation). Thus sulfide produc-
tion and pyrite formation appear to proceed in different Dynamics of phosphate in the sediments of Bassin
horizons in the sediment. In September sediment con- d' Arcachon and Etang du Prevost
centrations of pyrite was much higher but the depth
profile was reversed, indicating a possible oxidation In Table 5 the concentration of total extractable phos-
of pyrite at the surface (Figure 4d). At Station C the phate in the sediments of the sampling stations of
sediment content of pyrite was totally different. The Bassin d' Arcachon and Etang du Prevost are shown.
pyrite concentrations were higher at Station C com- At Station C highest phosphate concentrations were
pared with Station 12. Depth profiles of pyrite showed detected in May, while at Station 12 highest values
highest concentrations in the deeper lay~rs of the sedi- were recorded in September. These differences may
ment both in September and May. This suggested that be attributed to differences in growth season. In the
pyrite was formed in the deeper layers of the sedi- Etang du Prevost the cyanobacterial mats were ful-
ment, concurrent with sulfide production. The large ly developed in spring and early summer, while in
excess of ferrous iron probably prevented the forma- the Bassin d' Arcachon they did not appear until late
tion of elemental sulfur and thus pyrite formation, as summer. The active growth of the microphytobenthos
was probably the case at Station 12. Under these con- may also result in the lowering of phosphate concen-
ditions pyrite may have been produced here as a direct tration. In addition there are significant differences
consequence of sulfate reduction (Howarth & Merkel, in the phosphate load that the two lagoons receive.
1984). Highest phosphate concentrations were measured in
the sediments of Etang du Prevost. This lagoon clearly
received a much higher phosphate load. The phosphate
that was extracted from the sediments might not have

A 4 B
E 4
g 10 g
Q. 25
.c 10 "
CD CD 25 "
c c 50 ~
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Pyrite (J.lmol cm·3 ) Pyrite (J.lmol cm·3 )

E 4 c E 4 D
g 10 g 10
Q. 25
C 50~~=F~~====~ 50
o 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Pyrite (J.lmol cm· 3) Pyrite (J.lmol cm· 3)

FiRure 4. Depth profiles of pyrite (FeS2) in the sediments of the Bassin d' Arcachon (Station C) (a,b) and Etang du Prevost (Station 12) (c,d) in
May 1994 (a,c) and September 1993 (b,d).

been available for growth of microphytobenthos. Phos- of the phosphate was immobilized at stations C and 12,
phate forms a complex with ferric iron (Ehrlich, 1990, respectively (Table 6).
Danenlouwerse et aI., 1993). In Table 5 the phosphate Because phosphate concentrations at both sites in
concentrations are compared with the concentrations May 1994 were comparable (1.2/Lmol cm -3, Table 5),
of ferric iron in the sediments. It is clearly evident that differences in phosphate immobilization between the
in all cases ferric iron equalled or exceeded the phos- stations C and 12 cannot be explained in terms of sed-
phate concentrations. At Station C in May phosphate iment phosphate content. Although total iron content
and iron concentrations were equal which suggests that in Station C was greater than at Station 12, more fer-
the microphytobenthos was supplied with sufficient ric iron was present at the latter station. Since phos-
phosphate. In September, however, ferric iron exceed- phate complexes with ferric rather than with ferrous
ed the sediment phosphate content by a factor of 15, iron it might be expected that more phosphate would
which is likely to have resulted in phosphate limita- be bound at Station 12. Furthermore, the addition of
tion. At Station 12 the situation again was reversed. 25 mM ferric iron would be expected to completely
In September ferric iron and phosphate showed equal bind phosphate. Notwithstanding the fact that, in con-
concentrations, indicating that phosphate supply prob- trast to Station 12, this ferric iron was almost instan-
ably was not limiting primary productivity. However, taneously reduced in Station C (Table 2), still more
in May ferric iron was in large excess (almost 5-fold). phosphate was bound at Station C. Thus, although
In order to study binding and mobilization of phos- iron was responsible for part of the phosphate bind-
phate at both sampling sites, sediment slurry experi- ing, the results cannot be solely explained in terms
ments were performed. Phosphate was added to sedi- of iron concentration. It is possible that the differ-
ment slurries was rapidly immobilized but the amount ences in physico-chemical conditions between the two
that was bound differed between the two sampling stations were responsible for the observed differences
sites. At Station C 90% of the phosphate added to the (Robertson & Alexander, 1992). Considerable differ-
slurry (100 p,M) was bound while at Station 12 this was ences have been observed in temperature, salinity and
only 76%. If the sediment slurries were enriched by the pH between these sampling sites. Moreover, phosphate
addition of 25 mM ferric iron (estimated final concen- can also be bound by calcium (Ehrlich, 1990, Hirschler
trations of ferric iron in the slurries of Stations C and et aI., 1990; Sukenik et aI., 1985).
12 are respectively 26 and 30 mM) 99.7% and 95.8% In order to understand the mechanisms of phos-
phate release from the sediments, experiments were

carried out with sediment slurries. It was hypothesized

that phosphate was mainly compIexed with ferric iron. 200 -r-----------'
Consequently, sulfide production by sulfate reducing
bacteria would reduce iron, thereby mobilizing phos- - ~ .......... .
::E::1. 150
phate (Caraco et aI., 1989). In order to stimulate sul-
fate reduction sediment slurries were enriched with
glucose. As a control, slurries were incubated with 1Q. 100
20 mM molybdate which inhibited sulfate reduction. en
o ..... -... .......
c. 50
As shown in Figure 5 the addition of 100 fLM phos- ~
phate to a slurry of Station 12 resulted first in the
immediate immobilization of a large portion of the o ~--~----~--~----~---,--~
phosphate. However, after 24 hours phosphate was
released from the sediment. This release was clearly
o 1 22 45 68 92
stimulated by glucose. The presence of glucose led to Time (h)
a greater phosphate release than was added to the sed-
Figure 5. Binding and mobilization of phosphate in the sediment
iment, indicating that phosphate already present in the of the Etang du Prevost (station 12) in September 1994. At t =0
sediment was mobilized. Sulfate reduction was appar- 100 JIM phosphate was added to a sediment slurry which was sub-
ently not required for the release of phosphate. This sequently incubated for over 90 h and phosphate was determined
confirmed the observations on iron reduction. Iron may in the water.: - 6 - no further additions; -+-:
glucose added;
also be reduced by microorganisms in a dissimilatory
-e- molybdate added; - . - glucose and molybdate added.
process (Lovley & Phillips, 1988, Lovley et aI., 1992).
Even sulfate reducing bacteria have been shown to
reduce ferric iron (Coleman et aI., 1993). In the zone
of ferric iron reduction sulfate reduction and methano- 120
genesis are inhibited (Lovley & Phillips, 1987b). In i'100

fact, highest phosphate release was observed in glucose :.
- 80- I
amended sediments in the presence of 20 mM molyb- G)

date. In further experiments undertaken with sediments

..c: 60 I
from the Bassin d' Arcachon (Station C) and Etang du 1/1
Prevost (Station 12) in May 1994, molybdate appeared
to be required for phosphate mobilization (Figure 6).
a. 20 . _.. /
_ _ ':-. _ ........ _ _ _ ~:.t

As proposed previously, phosphate may well be bound 0-

to calcium which is present in large amounts in these 0 1 24 48 90
sediments. While sulfate reduction is a process which Time (h)
leads to slightly alkaline conditions, decomposition of 120
organic matter by iron reduction would lead to acid
production. This decrease in pH would cause the dis- - 100

solution of calcium phosphate (Petterson et aI., 1988). .2: 80
Fractionated extraction of phosphate from the sedi- «I 60
ments also confirmed that a large portion of phosphate Co
may be bound as calcium phosphate (Stal, unpublished
0 40
results). Thus the mobilization of phosphate from sed- a. 20 l - _ _ ....:..,.. r-
iments is a complex process in which the contribution 0 ~----~---------~------~--~
of iron and sulfate reduction in the decomposition of 0 1 24 48 90
organic matter plays a central role.
Time (h)

Figure 6. As Figure 5. but measured in May 1994. A. Bassin

Nitrogen fixation d' Arcachon (Station C). B. Etang du Prevost (Station 12).: - 6 - no
further additions; -+-: glucose added; -e- molybdate added;
As shown in the preceeding sections, the sediment at - . - glucose and molybdate added.

Station C in the Bassin d' Arcachon possesses a high


phosphate binding capacity. Therefore, primary pro- nitrogenase from oxygen inactivation are not precisely
ductivity in this system may be phosphate limited at understood (Gallon, 1992). It has been proposed that
particular times of the year. In contrast, Station 12 such cyanobacteria separate nitrogen fixation tempo-
in Etang du Prevost had a significantly lower phos- rally from oxygenic photosynthesis, i.e. nitrogen fix-
phate binding potential and particularly in summer a ation is confined to the dark (Gallon & Stal, 1992).
much higher phosphate content. This would almost However, nitrogen fixation in the non-heterocystous,
certainly result in nitrogen limitation. The sediments planktonic cyanobacterium Trichodesmium spp. is
of both stations were characterized by benthic commu- strictly light-dependent. Recent discoveries indicate
nities of phototrophic microorganisms. In the Etang du that confinement of nitrogen fixation to the dark in
Prevost the sediment at Station 12 was covered by many non-heterocystous cyanobacteria is determined
a microbial mat composed of Oscillatoria sp., a fil- by oxygen dynamics which cause supersaturation in
amentous, non-heterocystous cyanobacterium. In the the light (Sta!, 1995). Aerobic nitrogen-fixing non-
Bassin d' Arcachon the sediment of Station C was fre- heterocystous cyanobacteria are particularly known
quently colonized by benthic diatoms but sometimes from marine microbial mats which are characterized
mats of the heterocystous cyanobacterium Anabaena by oxygen supersaturation during the day and anoxic
sp. developed. Because environmental conditions at conditions during the night. It must be emphasized that
Station C undergo considerable fluctuations the ben- aerobic nitrogen-fixing, non-heterocystous cyanobac-
thic cyanobacterial communities were not particular- teria are not optimal adapted for diazo trophic growth
ly stabile. The occurrence of benthic communities of (Stal et aI., 1994). Nitrogenase in these organisms suf-
diatoms in Station C suggested phosphate rather than fer clearly from oxygen inactivation which is coun-
nitrogen limited primary productivity. However, mas- teracted by a high rate of de novo synthesis of the
sive developments of benthic diatoms may successive- enzyme. Therefore, notwithstanding their capability
ly lead to nitrogen limitation. It was considered that of diazotrophy, growth of these organisms may still be
under such conditions nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria nitrogen limited. In contrast, heterocystous species can
may develop. provide all nitrogen necessary and are rarely nitrogen-
Cyanobacteria are oxygenic photoautotrophic limited.
prokaryotes and many species are capable of dia- Diel variations of nitrogenase activity at Station C
zotrophic growth (Fay, 1992). However since nitro- (Bassin d' Arcachon) showed a strict light dependence.
genase is extremely oxygen sensitive, nitrogen-fixing The cyanobacterial community in this station was com-
cyanobacteria have evolved different strategies in order posed of the heterocystous species Anabaena sp. in
to protect the enzyme from inactivation (Gallon, 1992). which nitrogen fixation was light dependent. In Sta-
Nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria can be subdivided in 3 tion 12 (Etang du Prevost) nitrogenase activity was
groups. (i) Heterocystous cyanobacteria differentiate usually much higher and a clear diel variation was not
special cells, heterocysts, that have lost the capac- observed. The cyanobacterial community was com-
ity of oxygenic photosynthesis and in which nitro- posed of the filamentous non-heterocystous species
gen fixation takes place. Heterocysts possess special Oscillatoria sp. In Figure 7 the effects of light and
cell walls that provide a diffusion barrier that limit oxygenic photosynthesis on nitrogenase activity of
the entrance of oxygen. The interior of heterocysts is both communities are depicted. The Anabaena com-
therefore virtually anoxic. Among the cyanobacteria munity of Bassin d' Arcachon showed highest activ-
heterocystous species can be regarded as best adapted ity in the light (Figure 7a). In the dark activity was
for diazotrophic growth. (ii) Non-heterocystous, fila- much decreased while the .addition of 10- 5 M 3-
mentous or unicellular species fix nitrogen only under (3,4-dichlorophenyl)I,I- dimethylurea (DCMU), an
anoxic or extremely low-oxygen conditions. The strat- inhibitor of oxygenic photosynthesis (PS II), resulted
egy of these species is clearly the avoidance of oxy- in a slight decrease of activity. This result was expect-
gen since an adequate protection mechanism is absent. ed with heterocystous species since heterocysts do not
Although many cyanobacteria (may be up to 50% contain photosystem II and therefore DCMU has no
of all species) may belong to this group, their eco- effect. The slightly lower activity in the presence of
logical relevance has not been satisfactory elucidat- DCMU can be explained by an overall inhibitory effect
ed. (iii) Non-heterocystous, filamentous or unicellular on cyanobacterial metabolism or the limited supply
species that fix nitrogen under fully oxic conditions. with reducing equivalents from the vegetative cells.
The mechanisms by which these organisms protect The inhibition of photosystem II in the Oscillatoria

sp. community of Etang du Prevost had a stimulatory

effect (Figure 7b). This demonstrated that oxygenic 0.4
photosynthesis in this community seriously impaired ":"
nitrogen fixation. Light incubation resulted in slightly :c:
() 0.3
higher nitrogenase activity as compared to dark incu-
bation. In aerobic nitrogen fixing non-heterocystous E

cyanobacteria dark activity is often higher than light :t: 0.2
incubations. This highlights the problems these organ- ::I:
isms have with photosynthetic oxygen production and ()
explains why nitrogen fixation in natural populations (5
is usually confined to the dark. The different behaviour ::1.

of the Etang du Prevost population of Oscillatoria 0.0

light dark DCMU
can be explained by the fact that this organism is not
an aerobic nitrogen-fixing species. This cyanobacteri-
um was isolated and subsequently shown to fix nitro-
gen only under anoxic conditions. Experiments were
carried out with the two populations of cyanobacte- ":"

ria in order to further investigate the effects of addi-

III 1.4
tions on nitrogenase activity. The addition of glucose
:c:() 1.2
(Figure 8a), sulfide (Figure 9a) or ferrous iron (Fig- E 1.0
ure lOa) all stimulated nitrogenase activity in samples
..s::: 0.8

from Etang du Prevost. The common effect of these ::I: 0.6

additions was the reduction of oxygen, although they u 0.4
may also have stimulated nitrogen fixation directly. (5
The addition of glucose stimulates heterotrophic activ- E 0.2
ity and respiration but some cyanobacteria are capable 0.0
light dark DCMU
of photoheterotrophic metabolism. Photoheterotrophy
may support diazotrophic growth. Sulfide may reduce
Figure 7. Effect of light and 10- 5 M 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)I,I-
oxygen chemically or biologically but can be used as
dimethyl urea (DCMU) on nitrogenase activity in the Bassin
electron donor in anoxygenic photosynthesis by a num- d' Arcachon (Station C) (A) and Etang du Prevost (Station 12) (B).
ber of cyanobacteria (Cohen, 1989). Sulfide is also Data from September 1993.
well-known as an inhibitor of oxygenic photosynthesis
(Cohen et aI., 1986) . Ferrous iron reacts instantaneous-
ly with oxygen. Ferrous iron has also been reported as son why such organisms do not occur in Etang du
a possible electron donor for cyanobacterial photosyn- Prevost may be explained by the fact that in this
thesis (Cohen, 1989). In contrast, glucose (Figure 8b) lagoon considerable concentrations of free sulfide may
did not greatly effect nitrogenase activity in the Bassin be present. Heterocystous cyanobacteria are much
d' Arcachon, while sulfide (Figure 9b) and ferrous iron more sensitive towards sulfide than non-heterocystous
(Figure lOb) appeared to be inhibitory. Reduction of species (Howsley & Pearson, 1979) (Table 7). In con-
oxygen does not stimulate nitrogen fixation in hete- trast, the large am,ount of iron present in the Bassin
rocystous cyanobacteria. The inhibitory effect of iron d' Arcachon prevents the production of free sulfide,
may be explained by the fact that the indigenous iron whereas this will not be the case in Etang du Prevost
content in this sediment was already very high and (Table 4).
that with the extra addition the tolerance limits for this
metal may have been exceeded. The inhibitory effect
of sulfide is more easily explained by the overall toxic Conclusions
effect this substance has.
These experiments account for the occurrence of From the results of the investigations on the biogeo-
the different types of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria chemistry of the sediments of the two coastal lagoons
in the two lagoons. Heterocystous cyanobacteria are Bassin d' Arcachon and Etang du Prevost a number of
clearly best adapted for diazotrophic growth. The rea- important conclusions can be drawn. From this study

7 5
:c 6
u 4
en 5
:c 4 3
.z 3 2
E 1

o 10 20 50 o 0.5 1 5 10
mM Glucose mM Sulfide

0.25 0.5
u 0.20
u 0.4
en 01
E 0.15 E
'k :t:
0.10 :I:

~ 0.05 "0 0.1

0.00 L.-_....- . _......._ .............r
o 10 20 50 o 0.5 5 10

mM Glucose mM Sulfide

Figure 8. The effect of the addition of glucose on nitrogenase Figure 9. The effect of the addition of sulfide on nitrogenase activity
activity (acetylene reduction) in sediment samples from the Bassin (acetylene reduction) in sediment samples collected from the Bassin
d' Arcachon (Station C) (A) and Etang du Prevost (Station 12) (B). d' Arcachon (Station C) (A) and Etang du Prevost (Station 12) (B).
Incubation was done under ambient light. Incubation was done under ambient light.

it is evident that iron plays a key role in the biogeo- The results also clearly demonstrate the mobilization
chemical processes occurring in these lagoons. The of iron. Mobilization of iron may proceed simulta-
Bassin d' Arcachon receives a large amount of iron neously with re-oxidation of sulfide and the libera-
which accumulates in the sediments and there is a tion of phosphate. In the Bassin d' Arcachon iron was
strong seasonal fluctuation in sediment iron content. in large excess of acid volatile sulfide. This means
The regulating mechanisms of iron (im)mobilization in that any sulfide that is produced will precipitate as
this lagoon are not precisely known and need further FeS and free sulfide will never reach toxic concentra-
investigation. Oxidation of ferrous iron may lead to tions. In addition, ferric iron was in excess of total
insoluble precipitates of ferric oxides. Also precipita- extractable phosphate in the sediment and addition of
tion ofFeS or pyrite (FeS2) is important for iron immo- phosphate resulted in instantaneous binding to the sed-
bilization. Benthic cyanobacteria may also be involved iment. Although ferric iron was certainly involved,
in binding of iron to their extracellular polysaccha- it was not the only mechanism of phosphate bind-
ride sheaths (Decho, 1990). Thus, immobilization of ing in these sediments. Calcium possibly may also
iron may be largely regulated by primary productiv- be important in the binding of phosphate. Iron reduc-
ity and sulfate reduction (Howarth & Merkel, 1984). tion did not necessarily result in phosphate liberation,
This explains why iron accumulation in these sedi- which would have been expected if ferric iron was the
ments seemed to occur predominantly during summer, only phosphate binding component in these sediments.
when primary productivity and sulfate reduction were Phosphate liberation was possible after enriching the
important. It is unlikely that the load of iron into the sediment with glucose however, the addition of molyb-
basin was higher in summer than in other seasons. date, which inhibits sulfate reduction, did not prevent

this lagoon there was some uncertainty about the role

5 of iron in phosphate binding, its capacity was clearly
lower than in the Bassin d' Arcachon. This suggests
1: 4
u that in the Etang du Prevost primary productivity was
E probably not phosphate limited but nitrogen limited.
J: Nitrogen fixation in the cyanobacterial mats is there-
... fore an important process. These mats consisted of fila-
J: 2-
U mentous non-heterocystous cyanobacteria of the genus
'0 1
E Oscillatoria sp. Nitrogen fixation by these organisms
was clearly impaired by oxygen. Inhibition of oxy-
0 10 50 100 genic photosynthesis by 3,-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-I, 1-
dimethylurea (DCMU) stimulated nitrogenase activity
mM Fe 2+
several fold. The addition of glucose, ferrous iron and
sulfide were also stimulatory to nitrogenase activity.
.,. While sulfide is a potent inhibitor of oxygenic pho-
1: 0.12 tosynthesis, all of these compounds may potentially
01 serve as electron donors. Isolated strains of Oscillato-
~E 0.09 ria from this site were only capable of anaerobic nitro-
~ 0.06
gen fixation. Thus, although diazotrophy was obvious
U it was still affected by the presence of oxygen and there
'0 0.03 is no doubt that specialized heterocystous cyanobacte-
::I. ria would have been more appropriate. However, het-
erocystous cyanobacteria are rarely found in environ-
0 10 50 100
ments where high levels of free sulfide occur (Stal
mM Fe 2+ et aI., 1994). This might explain why heterocystous
Figure 10. The effect of the addition of ferrous iron on nitrogenase species were present in the Bassin d' Arcachon where
activity (acetylene reduction) in sediment samples from the Bassin
d' Arcachon (Station C) (A) and Etang du Prevost (Station 12) (B). free sulfide was unlikely to occur due to the excess iron
Incubation was done under ambient light. in the sediment.

this. This indicates that sulfate reduction was not a References

prerequisite for phosphate liberation from these sedi-
ments and confirmed that ferric iron was only partially Caraco, N. F, J. J. Cole &G. E. Likens, 1989. Evidence for sulphate-
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Sulfur bacteria in sediments of two coastal ecosystems: the Bassin

d' Arcachon and the Etang du Prevost, France

Bartholorneus E. M. Schaub2 & Hans van Gernerden 1

Department of Microbiology, University of Groningen, Kerklaan 30, NL-9751 NN Haren, The Netherlands
1 Corresponding author 2 Present address: Laboratory of Microbiology, University of Amsterdam, Nieuwe
Achtergracht 127,1018 WS Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Key words: Sulfur bacteria, MPN counts, vertical distribution, marine sediments, oxygen, sulfide, eutrophication


Enumeration of the functional groups of sulfur bacteria was performed in the sediments in the Bassin d' Arcachon,
a mesotidal lagoon with strong tidal currents and dominant populations of seagrass (Zostera noltii), and in the
Etang du Prevost, a shallow lagoon with moderate tidal fluctuations and dominant populations of floating seaweed
(Ulva sp.). In addition, data were collected on the distribution of oxygen and sulfide at the water-sediment
interface during diel cycles. Bacterial enumeration studies revealed highest numbers in the top two cm of the
sediments for three functional groups of sulfur bacteria, these being the sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), the
colorless sulfur bacteria (CSB), and the phototrophic sulfur bacteria (PSB). In both systems high numbers of SRB
were encountered, suggesting ample availability of organic matter. A comparison between different sites in each
ecosystem showed that sediments overlain by more stagnant water were dominated by PSB, whereas those overlain
by more oxygenated water were dominated by CSB. Important factors are the physical forces induced by tidal
currents and the degree of daily exchange of water between the lagoons and the sea. These factors may explain the
differences observed between the two systems with regard to the development of anoxic conditions, more so than
the level of eutrophication. It appears that rooted plants play an important role in the introduction of oxygen into
the sediments, thus enhancing the competitive position of CSB compared to PSB. Mini-electrodes studies revealed
high concentrations of free sulfide at the inner site of the Etang du Prevost but very low concentrations at the
inner station of the Bassin d' Arcachon, which may be explained by the high iron input of the latter, rather than by
differences in the rate of sulfide production.

Introduction present fauna, provide a rich supply of organic matter

to the sediments.
In the present study aspects of the sulfur cycle in two In the second ecosystem studied, the Etang du
eutrophic ecosystems were compared. In the Bassin Prevost, a different situation is encountered. Due to
d' Arcachon, a mesotidal lagoon (i.e. lagoon with a the low tidal amplitude and the relatively small chan-
maximum tidal amplitude of 4 m), situated on the nel (Grau) between the Etang and the Mediterranean
French Atlantic coast, tidal currents are strong, result- the exchange of water is extremely small compared
ing in a substantial daily interchange of water with the to that observed between the Bassin d' Arcachon and
ocean. On the intertidal flats in this system the eelgrass- the Atlantic Ocean. The Etang du Prevost receives
es Zostera noltii Hornem. and Ruppia sp. are present a heavy load of nutrients from agricultural run-off
in abundance, while the green algae Monostroma sp is and sewage. The dominant flora comprises the marine
increasingly colonizing the basin. Decaying seagrass macro alga Ulva lactuca, which develops profuse-
and algae, and faecal products from the abundantly ly during the growing season. In the water column
anoxic conditions occur frequently during this period,

when oxygen-consuming processes in the water col- oxygen and sulfide in both systems in the sediment and
umn exceed the supply of oxygen by production and at the water-sediment interface during a full diel cycle.
diffusion. This often coincides with the presence of Special attention was paid to the impact of Zostera beds
sulfide in the water column, resulting in suspended on the distribution of oxygen in the sediments and the
elemental sulfur (,white water'). During these periods, influence there of on the vertical distribution of CSB.
blooms of phototrophic sulfur bacteria in the water
column are frequently observed (Caumette, 1987). In
terms of eutrophication, the Etang du Prevost is consid- Materials and methods
ered to be more eutrophic than the Bassin d' Arcachon.
In coastal environments, when high mineralization Description of systems and sites
and respiration rates prevail, oxygen often becomes
limiting. Under these conditions a shift to alterna- The systems under study are both situated in France,
tive electron acceptors is observed of which sulfate, the Arcachon Basin (Bassin d' Arcachon) is situated
due to its abundance in the marine environment, is 80 km south-west of Bordeaux at the Atlantic coast,
the most important. In anoxic coastal sediments a the Prevost lagoon (Etang du Prevost) is situated 40 km
considerable part of the organic matter (>50%) is south-west of Montpellier on the Mediterranean.
mineralized via sulfate reduction by sulfate-reducing The Bassin d' Arcachon is a triangular-shaped
bacteria (SRB)(l¢rgensen, 1978; Thode Andersen & mesotidal lagoon with a total area of 156 km 2. At
l¢rgensen, 1989). The H2S produced is extremely tox- low tide only 40 km 2 of the basin is covered by water,
ic for most aerobic organisms; abiotically it can be from which an area of 10 km 2 is used for oyster farm-
trapped by iron and precipitated as ferrous sulfide or ing. In the system, the tidal amplitude ranges from
FeS2 (pyrite). Sulfide can also be oxidized by two 3.90 at spring tide to 2.10 m at neap tide. The Etang
functional groups of sulfur bacteria: the colorless sul- du Prevost is a relatively shallow lagoon covering an
fur bacteria (CSB) and the phototrophic sulfur bacte- area of 4.8 km 2 with a water depth ranging from 1.5
ria (PSB). The availability of electron acceptors, such to 2 m. In each system two locations were chosen, one
as oxygen or nitrate, is important for the growth of relatively close to the channel through which water
CSB, whereas phototrophic growth of PSB depends exchange takes place (the outer station), and one dis-
on the availability of light. Alternatively, PSB may tant from the channel (the inner station). In the Bassin
use oxygen during chemotrophic growth as has been d' Arcachon, the outer station (Station A) was situated
demonstrated for Thiocapsa roseopersicina (Bogorov, on an intertidal flat in the center of the basin where
1974; De Wit & Van Gemerden, 1987), and oth- coastal water was well mixed with basin water during
er Chromatiaceae (Kampf & Pfennig, 1980, 1986; each tidal cycle. The sediment at this site consisted
Overmann & Pfennig, 1992). Similarly the okenone- of muddy sand. Station B was located in the inter-
containing Thiocapsa strain 5811, isolated from the tidal area in the eastern part of the basin where little
Etang du Prevost has the potential for chemotrophic water exchange with coastal waters occurs. Sediment
growth (Caumette et aI., 1985). composition at this site was predominantly black mud
The abundance of these groups is largely deter- mixed with some sand. The sampling sites A and B
mined by the environmental factors described above. were both situated in eelgrass beds.
Sulfide oxidation by CSB and PSB is considered to In the Etang du Prevost samples were taken at Sta-
play an important role in these environments, in addi- tions X and 11. Station X was situated on a tidal flat
tion to sulfide removal by FeS formation. near the channel (Grau) to the Mediterranean. This sta-
As part of the research programme for the Coastal tion was devoid of a well developed flora. The sediment
Lagoon Eutrophication and ANaerobic processes consisted of grey-colored coarse sand. The second
(C.L.E.AN.), a project on the abundance of three func- sampling site (Station II) was situated in the western
tional groups of sulfur bacteria (SRB, CSB, and PSB) part of lagoon where the exchange of water is minimal.
in the sediments of the two lagoons was carried. The In these sediments (silt mixed with sand) a significant
hypothesis was put forward that in the Etang du Prevost infauna was present, revealed by the large quantities
these bacterial groups are more important than in the of shells. At this station a dense population of floating
Bassin d' Arcachon, on the basis of the occurrence of algae was encountered, consisting predominantly of
'white water' and blooms of phototrophic sulfur bacte- Ulva sp. Station 11 was continuously submersed and
ria. Data were collected on the vertical distribution of

situated at a depth of approximately 50 cm below the Vertical distribution of oxygen and sulfide
water surface.
More detailed information on the different sam- In 1994, data were collected during two field cam-
pling stations is given in the introductory chapter of paigns. During the June campaign attention was
this volume. For data on seasonal variations the reader focussed on the possibility of sulfide re-oxidation in
is referred to Bourgues et al. (1995) and De Wit et aI. Zostera beds at station B in the Bassin d' Arcachon,
(1994). while during the August campaign most attention was
paid to the measurement of oxygen and sulfide profiles
Enumeration offunctional groups, MPN methodology during full diel cycles.
The small-scale sensors for the measurement of
Data on the vertical distribution of CSB, PSB and SRB oxygen and sulfide were sheathed in stainless steel
were collected in the Bassin d' Arcachon in June and needles (outer diameter 0.9 mm) in order to prevent
September 1993, and June 1994. The Etang du Prevost damage to the sensors by shells and other small objects.
was sampled only during the two field campaigns in Particularly in the sediments of Station 11 in the Etang
1993. du Prevost are shells abundantly present. Details of the
Sediment samples were taken using 3.5 cm diame- construction and calibration of the mini-electrodes are
ter stainless steel cores. These cores were either taken given in Van Gemerden et aI. (1989) and Visscher et aI.
directly to the laboratory and processed immediately (1991).
upon arrival, or kept refrigerated and processed with- During the June 1994 campaign, a platform was
in one day. Based on introductory experiments, cores installed at station B in an area dominated by eelgrass.
were sliced in six consecutive layers, corresponding to At each side of the platform a 0.75 x 2 m area was
depth layers of 0-5 mm, 5-10 mm, 10-15 mm, 15- selected for sampling: in one part Zostera leaves were
20 mm, 20-30 mm and 30-50 mm. Each slice was carefully removed without removing the roots, while
suspended in sterilized, filtered and oxygen-free aged in the other part Zostera plants were left intact. During
seawater (1:4 vol/vol) and subsequently subjected to periods with no overlying water, cores were taken at
mild ultrasonic treatment (15 Hz for 30 s, Branson B3 regular intervals at each side of the platform. Oxygen-
bath) in order to detach the cells from sediment parti- and sulfide profiles were recorded at depth intervals
cles and to loosen clumps. The resulting slurry, which of 0.1-1 mm within 15 minutes after sampling, using
was used for the enumeration of all three function- a custom made nanoAmp- and m V-meter (Electronic
al groups of sulfur bacteria, was directly pipetted in Workshop, Biology Department, University of Gronin-
the first row of three microtiter plates (12 rows of eight gen).
wells, each maximally containing 250 ILl). The remain- During the August campaign electrode studies were
ing wells were previously filled with 200 ILl of growth performed using a computer controlled submersible
medium for the group to be enumerated. Ten-fold dilu- device developed for in situ measurements in shal-
tion steps were used. Microtiter plates for PSB and low marine environments (Mechanical and Electron-
SRB were incubated in an oxygen-free environment in ic Workshops, Biology Department, University of
gas-tight plastic bags (Anaerocult system, Merck) and Groningen). The software for the interactive control
incubated at room temperature in incandescent light was developed by TiePie Engineering, Jornwerd, The
and in darkness, respectively. Medium composition Netherlands. A brief description follows, details of the
for the enumeration of the different functional groups system will be published separately. On a I-m high
was as described previously (Visscher et aI., 1992a). stainless steel frame, an electrode block was mounted,
Growth of PSB was assessed by pigmentation of the which can be moved horizontally, along an X-and an
wells, growth of CSB was judged from acid forma- Y-axis for a distance of 50 cm. Vertically, the maxi-
tion and turbidity, whereas for the presence of SRB mum range was 30 cm with a minimal resolution of
blackening of the growth medium due to FeS precipi- 0.1 mm. Profiles were recorded after a depth sensor,
tation was taken as the criterion. Growth was checked mounted on the electrode block, has detected the sed-
frequently and final scores were obtained after six to iment surface. Needle electrodes for oxygen, sulfide,
ten weeks of incubation. The most probable numbers pH, redox and temperature (four each) were mounted
and 95% confidence limits were calculated according on the electrode block. Amplifiers and nanoAmp-mV
to the method of Klee (1993). converters were mounted directly on top of the elec-

trodes and millivolt signals sent to an on-land computer hand panels). Maximum cell densities for CSB were
for further analysis. found in the 5-10 mm depth layer (7 x 108 cells cm -3),
During a diel cycle, measurements were repeated but counts were still 106 cm -3 in the 30-50 mm layers.
each hour and the horizontal spacing between mea- As at Station A, low numbers of PSB were encoun-
surements was 2.5 cm. tered. The average popUlation density in the 0-2 cm
layer, containing 70% of the cells in the 0-5 cm layer,
was 3 x 103 cells cm- 3 . As at Station A, CSB domi-
Results nated over the PSB.
For the SRB, maximum counts were obtained in
Bassin d'Arcachon the 10-15 mm depth layer (6 x 107 cells cm- 3 ). As in
Station A, 90% of the popUlation of this group revealed
Station A to be present in the 0-2 cm depth layer, numbers close
Data on the vertical distributions of sulfur bacteria in to 106 cm- 3 were observed in the deeper layers.
the sediments of the Bassin d' Arcachon are presented In June 1994 a comparison was made between
in Figure 1. the numbers of CSB and PSB inside and outside the
At station A (Figure 1, left-hand panels) CSB were Zostera beds. In both conditions, the majority of CSB
present in relatively high numbers with cell densities and PSB were present in the upper 20 mm of the sedi-
up to 109 cells cm -3 sediment in the upper 5 mm of the ments, for CSB being 96% and 93%, respectively, and
sediment. The average cell count in the top two cm was for PSB being 84% and 98%, respectively. For CSB,
6 x 108 cm- 3 , which accounted for 99.5% of the total the average count for the top 20 mm inside the Zostera
population ofCSB in the 0-5 cm depth layer. In the 30- bed was 4.6 x 106 cm- 3 , and outside the seagrass bed
50 mm layer maximum counts were 2 x 106 cells cm - 3 30.4 x 106 cm -3. For the PSB the corresponding num-
sediment. PSB were detected in all depth layers from bers were 2.1 x 103 cm- 3 and 2.0 x 106 cm-3, respec-
0-5 cm, however, numbers were low when compared tively. The impact of the seagrass on the abundance
to CSB. Maximum population densities were found in of sulfide-oxidizing bacteria is elegantly illustrated by
the 10-15 mm depth layer (3 x 105 cells cm- 3 ), cell comparing the ratio CSB/PSB on a biomass basis. Out-
densities in the other depth layers were two orders of side the Zostera beds the contribution of CSB to the
magnitude lower. The average count in the top two cm total biovolume of the populations of CSB and PSB
of the sediment was 8 x 104 cells cm-3, accounting was 60.8%, inside the Zostera beds the corresponding
for 98% of the popUlation from 0-5 cm. At this site figure was 99.5%. It thus appears that the competitive
the CSB clearly outnumbered the PSB. The same was position of colorless sulfur bacteria was enhanced in
found during the campaigns in June 1993 and June seagrass beds.
1994. For a proper evaluation of functional groups, the During the June campaign 1994 data were collected
average individual cell size of each groups has to be on the profiles of oxygen and sulfide in sediment cov-
taken into account, for PSB this value is approximately ered with Zostera sp. (Figure 2, left-hand panels) and in
1 O-times higher than for CSB (Visscher & Van Gemer- an area from which the leaves of Zostera were removed
den, 1993; Van den Ende et aI., 1995). At Station A, the while the root system was left intact (Figure 2, right-
total biomass of CSB thus was approximately 100-fold hand panels). Cores were taken at 2-h intervals, except
higher than that of the PSB. when the sampling site was submerged. The differ-
Highest population densities of SRB also were ences observed between four different electrodes used
found in the 0-2 cm layer (2 x 107 cells cm- 3 ), repre- for each parameter were minimal, except for 18:50 h
senting 90% of the population present in the layer of when one electrode showed much deeper penetration
0-5 cm. In the deeper layers cell numbers decreased to of oxygen than the others. At the surface of the Zostera-
106 cm -3. covered area, oxygen concentrations were maximal in
the late afternoon (200-300 flmoll-I), but otherwise
Station B showed little variation with time. The depth of oxygen
The vertical distribution, as well as the abundance, of penetration was <5 mm during the night and up to
the three groups of sulfur bacteria was comparable to 10 mm during the day. The removal of the Zostera
Station A, i.e. highest population densities were found leaves resulted in lower maximum oxygen concen-
in the upper two cm of the sediments (Figure 1, right- trations in the superficial layers, and in much shal-
lower penetration. No clear differences were observed

o~n _A______~11 ~I_______
~ depth (mm) - cells (log N/cm 3) ~ depth (mm) - cells (log N/cm 3 )
3 458 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10
0 ~•. ,7
,: ~·'·~
'· ===7=2


"", I
30 =' ;===.===J:!.....-I


~ depth (mm) - cells (log N/cm 3 ) ~ depth (mm) - cells (log N/cm 3 )
3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10
0 O F=~-.---.----,_---.----._--_.--_.




30 30

40 40 t--


. iIffn 0_ 1im

~ depth (mm) - cells (log N/cm 3) ~ depth (mm) - cells (log N/cm 3)
3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10

10 10

20 20

30 30

Figure 1. Vertical distribution of sulfur bacteria counted by the MPN-method in the top 50 mm at the outer station (Station A) and the inner
station (Station B) in the Bassin d' Arcachon. Cores were collected on September 3Td 1993. Sulfate-reducing bacteria were enumerated with
lactate and acetate; colorless bacteria with thiosulfate and anoxigenic phototrophic sulfur bacteria with sulfide and thiosulfate. Error bars indicate
95% confidence intervals after Klee (1993).

at different times, indicating that oxygen production (:::::: 5 x 104 cells cm- 3 sediment) spread over the entire
was primarily due to Zostera together with the epi- depth layer analyzed.
phytes removed with the leaves of the latter. It thus Although maximum numbers of SRB were found
appears that sediments with intact Zostera plant are in the upper cm of the sediment (106 cells cm- 3 ), a
more oxygenated than those from which the leaves substantial number of viable cells was present in the
were removed. Free sulfide could not be detected, deeper layers, resulting in an average of 3 x 105 cells
neither underneath the Zostera beds, nor in the sed- cm- 3 over the entire depth horizon from 0-50 mm.
iment from which the Zostera leaves were removed. In August 1994 depth profile data were collected
The m V-signal of the sulfide electrode did not allow on the distribution of oxygen and sulfide. Oxygen con-
calculation of concentrations, nevertheless the trend centrations in the water phase just above the sediment
observed was that sediments without Zostera leaves ranged from 75 /lmoll- I to 250 /lmoll- I . Concentra-
were more reduced than the sediments without Zostera tions were low in the early morning and progressively
leaves (Figure 2). increased during the day to become maximal in the
In August 1994, data were collected at I-h inter- afternoon. The oxygen penetration depth into the sed-
vals on the distribution of oxygen and sulfide in the iments was fairly constant over time. In general, dur-
Zostera beds during a full diel cycle. Oxygen concen- ing the day anoxic conditions were observed at depths
trations, in general, were lower than in June (data not exceeding 5 mm, during the night oxygen penetration
shown). The oxygen concentration in the 10 mm water was less. The maximum oxygen concentrations at this
phase just above the sediments and in between the site never exceeded 100% saturation levels. During the
Zostera leaves ranged from 25 to 150 /lmoll- I , indi- 24-h period sulfide was detected incidentally at very
cating under-saturation. Maximum oxygen concentra- low concentrations.
tions were observed in the late afternoon, while min-
imum concentrations were found between midnight Station 11
and early morning. At all times, concentrations in the At Station 11 (Figure 3, right-hand panels), 8 x 107
sediments gradually decreased to zero. Again, oxygen cells cm -3 of CSB were found in the top 5 mm of the
penetration depth was highly variable and ranged from sediment. The average number in the top 20 mm was
only a few mm to more then 10 mm. On one occasion, 2 x 107 cells cm- 3 sediment, accounting for 90% of
concentrations up to 50 /lmoll- I O2 were observed the viable population of CSB from 0-5 cm.
in the deeper depth layers (8-30 mm) while oxygen in Relatively high PSB numbers (5 x 107 cm- 3 ) were
the 6-8 mm was absent. This phenomena, is proba- found in the top 10 mm of the sediment, and 96% of the
bly due to the presence of Zostera roots. In contrast to viable popUlation was enumerated in the top 20 mm.
measurements performed in September 1993 and June At this location, PSB were more numerous than CSB.
1994, sulfide could be detected in the sediments of Sta- When the numbers were transformed to biomass PSB
tion B, although at very low concentrations «6 /lmol dominated the CSB by a factor of 11. Highest cell
I-I S2-). densities for the SRB likewise were encountered in
the top layers, with a maximum of 6 x 108 cells cm- 3
Etang du Prevost sediment in the upper 5 mm. The numbers of SRB
showed a remarkable decrease of two to three orders of
Station X magnitude between the upper 5 mm and the 5-10 mm
The vertical distribution of sulfur bacteria at the outer layer. The high numbers of SRB in the surface layers
Station X is shown in Figure 3 (left-hand panels). of the sediment may explain the formation of 'white
CSB attained maximum population densities in the water' observed in the days before sampling. If so, it
upper 3 cm of the sediment with an average density may reflect a faster response of SRB to an increase in
of 107 cells cm- 3 , whereas in the 30-50 mm layer the substrate availability when compared to the response
population density was two orders of magnitude lower. of CSB and PSB to increased sulfide concentrations.
Of the entire population in the top 50 mm, 75% was Free sulfide was clearly present in Station 11, the
found in the top 20 mm. maximum concentration observed was 6 mmol I-I.
The popUlation of PSB exceeded that observed The data on oxygen concentrations in the water phase
in the Bassin d' Arcachon and was rather uniformly were comparable to those measured at Station X in the
Etang du Prevost, however the pattern in the diel cycle

• DEPTH (mm) - OXYGEN t/Jmolil), SULFIOE (mV) I DEPTH (mm) - OXYGEN (jm1oII1), SULFIDE (mV)
O~i=-_ _ _-='OO::::=~2OO:;;;,==".::300::::..._ ___;:-=:400::---~5OO 0 100 200 300 400 500

'0 i'~
'0 GEN


~ !==========;;~~~=======;~~i~=!1=~=.OO==~'i ~ i~;;~~=======================!=l~~=25=='=:
,: ~ ~ ~ULFIDE ,:
t~ // i
::- I
20' r
~ i
30 1/ i 30 ~ 18'.30 .'

~• i "8;~;;;;;;;;;:===================:::::;~==:::::I

/ (I I

o ~ r
10 t

I lOr=- _ _S- I
20 f 2O!. ~ i
30 ~f'
~ i
\ i:1fl :
120:45 I
~ ~======- .;;:=;:::::==============~1:::::~1 ~ L. ___ .____ . _.. ==========~ ~
,: (~;:'GE>l .~ 1: rGE~:-~-=-'.=-·- SULFIC£ -n
~ ~ I

~rc::~~=======~ : I C
20 20 -------



~I :t
= ~

o ~~;;:;;;;~;;;:;;:::::::=======::;:;~~ 0 ~;;;;;;;;:::::============~==~






10 10

20 20

30 30

L -________________________________
~ ~

Figure 2. Concentration of oxygen and signal of sulfide needle sensor in cores taken in a Zostera bed at different times at Station B in the Bassin
d' Arcachon. Left column: intact Zostera plants; right column: leaves of Zostera cut off on June 2 1994 at 15-16 h, Data were collected on
2-3 June 1994. High tides were at 0:23 h and 13:05 at June 2, and at 1:33 and 14: 18 on June 3. Low tides were at 6:19 and 18:49 at June 2, and
at 7:23 and 19:54 on June 3.

Station X Station 11
~ depth (mm) -+ cells (log N/cm 3 ) ~ depth (mm) -+ cells (log N/cm 3 )
345 6 7 8 9 10 3 4
8 95 10 6 7

° CE:~~n
O F=~~================~'----'---'

10 ~ --+f-

2O =~~J
I',',' . :. ~
30 I====,.--rl 30 :,,::,............ '



~ depth (mm) -+ cells (log N/cm 3 ) ~ depth (m m) -+ cells (log N/cm 3)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
o :>

10 10

20 20
I 30

40 40


~ depth (mm) -+ cells (log N/cm 3) ~ depth (mm) -+ cells (log N/cm 3 )

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



30 3O rij_ii
40 :..:..~,;: 40


Figure 3. Vertical distribution of sulfur bacteria counted by the MPN-method in the top 50 mm at the outer station (Station X) and the inner
station (Station II) in the Etang du Prevost. Cores were collected on September 6 th 1993. Sulfate-reducing bacteria were enumerated with
lactate and acetate; colorless bacteria with thiosulfate and anoxigenic phototrophic sulfur bacteria with sulfide and thiosulfate. Error bars indicate
95% confidence intervals after Klee (1993).

was more pronounced. During the night concentrations 5 X 103 cm- 3 (Visscher et aI., 1992a; Visscher & Van
decreased progressively to reach lowest values in the Gemerden, 1993).
very early morning (::::: 10 /Lmol I-I at 10 mm above The MPN counts obtained, particularly those of
the water-sediment interface), while highest oxygen SRB, are generally assumed to be gross underesti-
concentrations were observed between 18 and 20 h. mates due to the use of highly selective media (Her-
bert, 1985). Recovery percentages as low as 0.011 %
have been reported (Gibson et aI., 1987), however, a
Discussion careful choice of conditions, in particular with regard
to the composition of the growth medium, resulted in
Vertical distribution and abundance of sulfur bacteria much higher recoveries (Bak & Pfennig, 1991). Fur-
ther improvements were obtained by using water from
Two principal conclusions can be drawn from the data the sampling site in the preparation of media (Visscher
on the vertical distribution of sulfur bacteria. First- et aI., 1992a).
ly, the substantial numbers observed for the colorless High numbers of SRB were not only found at the
sulfur bacteria (CSB), the phototrophic sulfur bacte- inner station in the Etang du Prevost, but also at the
ria (PSB), and the sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), sampling sites in the Bassin d' Arcachon. This may
demonstrate that the sulfur cycle is of major impor- be regarded as indicative for the importance of the
tance both in the Bassin d' Arcachon and the Etang du input of organic matter. The prominent role of SRB in
Prevost. When cell counts were transposed to biomass, the mineralization of organic matter is demonstrated
it was generally observed that the sum of the biomass of by the high rates of sulfate reduction observed in the
CSB and PSB was roughly proportional to the biomass zones colonized by Zostera sp. and Ruppia sp. (Finster
of the SRB. Secondly, the fact that the bulk of the pop- et aI., 1994). No significant accumulation of reduced
ulation of all three groups were found in the surficial sulfur compounds was observed, suggesting that most
layers of the sediments, indicates that the processes of the sulfide produced by SRB was re-oxidized, either
primarily take place in the top layers of the sediments. biotically or abiotically. However, the rate of oxygen
The high popUlation density of SRB measured at the uptake, as measured by the diffusive flux of oxygen
continuously submerged Station 11 (Etang du Prevost), into the sediments, was too low to account for the re-
probably was the consequence of the massive decay of oxidation. In order to explain this discrepancy, Finster
macroalgae in the days before sampling. The observed et ai. (1994) proposed that rooted plants play an impor-
'white water' could be the result of sulfur particles, tant role in the influx of oxygen in these 'anoxic' sed-
either produced biotically by CSB and/or PSB, or abi- iments. In the sediments of stations devoid of rooted
otic ally. However, carbonate precipitation may also plants (e.g. Station 11, Etang du Prevost), bioturba-
have contributed to the formation of 'white water' tion by bivalves may act as the major way to introduce
(Caumette & Baleux, 1980). oxygen into the sediment.
The population densities of sulfur bacteria observed The hypothesis proposed by Finster et ai. (1994)
in general are high compared to other observations. may also explain the high numbers of CSB observed
Caumette (1987) reported maximum numbers of SRB at sites colonized by eelgrass (Figure 1), since oxygen
and PSB at an inner station in Etang du Prevost in the is a key environmental factor for the development of
order of 106 cm- 3 and 105 cm-3, whereas in the inner CSB.
station of Bassin d' Arcachon PSB counts maximally The simultaneous presence of light and reduced
were 3 x 104 ml- I , respectively. In the Ems-Dollard sulfur compounds is favourable for the development of
Estuary maximum numbers of SRB were present just phototrophic sulfur bacteria. The presence of PSB in
below the oxic/anoxic and accounted to 104 colony- cell densities upto 8 x 107 cm- 3 and 3 x 106 cm- 3 in
forming-unit (Laanbroek & Pfennig, 1981), whereas the sediments of the Etang du Prevost and the Bassin
in the Kattegat the populations of SRB were report- d' Arcachon, respectively, may be explained in this
ed to be no higher than 106 cm- 3 (Jorgensen & Bak, way. The re-oxidation of sulfide without the availabil-
1991). However, higher numbers were observed in ity of sufficient oxygen (Finster et aI., 1994), could be
a well developed Microcoleus-dominated microbial explained by the presence of phototrophically grow-
mat on the island of Texel (The Netherlands), in ing PSB, although growth and activities of PSB in
which the population densities ofCSB, PSB, and SRB these ecosystems likely are restricted by the limited
respectively were 2 x 109 cm- 3 , 5 x 107 cm- 3 , and availability of light. Tidal movements, resulting in

resuspension of sediment particles create a shadow- The oxygen concentrations observed in June 1994
ing effect. Also the small particle size of the sediment at the surface of the sediments in Station B, were
and the presence of high concentrations of FeS (data higher then those recorded in August. The commu-
not shown; Stal et al. 1994) are likely to reduce the nity at this site was less healthy in August com-
light intensity in deeper layers.Light penetration in sed- pared to June, when oxygen saturating conditions were
iments is restricted to the upper few mm (J0rgensen, measured at the sediment surface. At the end of the
1989; Lassen et aI., 1992; Lassen & De Wit, 1994;). At Zostera growing season (August-September), oxygen
station B, the shadowing effects of dense Zostera cov- concentrations in the sediment between the Zostera
erage, results in low photosynthetically available radi- leaves were lower, which can be explained by a high-
ation (PAR) in the surface layers of the sediments, how- er oxygen demand resulting from the accumulation of
ever, near infrared radiation was less affected (Lassen organic debris and decomposition the Zostera leaves.
et aI., 1994). The significance of the very low num- In August-September low oxygen concentrations or
bers of PSB (1 % of the surface abundance) detected even anoxia may be expected, and red colored patch-
in the deeper layers of the sediments, is marginal. Lit- es of phototrophic sulfur bacteria have been observed
tle is known about the survival characteristics of PSB between decaying Zostera leaves (P. 1. Labourg, pers.
under the prevailing environmental conditions. Possi- comm.).
bly, bioturbation could be responsible for the presence At Station 11, oxygen concentrations in the water
of phototrophic bacteria in deep and dark depth hori- phase were below 25 {1moll- 1 during the night. At this
zons. site the pelagic alga Viva, whose standing crop may
exceed 500 g dry weight m- 2 (Viaroli et aI., 1994)
Profiles of oxygen and sulfide constitutes an important source of organic matter, and
respiration and mineralization results in a high oxy-
Oxygen and sulfide are parameters of crucial impor- gen demand. Comparable low oxygen concentrations
tance, either stimulating or inhibiting the development were observed in 1993, and appear to be the result of
of CSB and PSB. In general, oxygen is required for the increased respiration rates, and not decreased rates of
proliferation of CSB. Nitrate, the alternative electron primary production (Viaroli et aI., 1994).
acceptor for these organisms, is only present at very At station X, variations in oxygen concentration
low concentrations and, consequently, nitrate plays a during the diel cycle were less pronounced. The organ-
minor role (Herbert & Welsh, 1994; Sloth et aI., 1994). ic matter content of the sediments was low in compar-
In addition to oxygen, CSB require sulfide, or another ison to site 11 (De Wit et aI., 1994). The absence of
form of reduced sulfur, as electron donor. a dense Viva community and the location adjacent to
CSB and PSB, although competitors for reduced the exchange channel may be important factors in this
sulfur compounds, might not be expected to thrive in respect.
the same habitat since CSB require oxygen, where- In general, oxygen penetration into the sediments of
as PSB primarily are anoxygenic phototrophs whose the Etang du Prevost was limited to the upper 10 mm
pigment synthesis is inhibited by oxygen (De Wit & of the sediments. However, oxygen penetration may
Van Gemerden 1990a, b). However, when oxygen con- extend to depths of 20 mm or more. Deeper oxygen
centrations show (die!) fluctuations and/or are limiting penetration may result from the presence of roots (e.g.
co-existence is feasible. The co-occurrence of CSB Zostera), animal burrows, or sea water seeping down-
and PSB in these sediments can be explained by the wards through the sediments due to tidal movements.
phenomenon that PSB can oxidize intermediate forms Although tidal differences are small in the Etang du
of sulfur - such as thiosulfate, elemental sulfur, and Prevost (about 20 cm), the coarse sediment will result
poly-sulfide - which are produced by CSB from sul- in exchange phenomena. In the Etang du Prevost ani-
fide upon oxygen limitation (Van Den Ende and Van mal burrows may be the most likely explanation. Fur-
Gemerden, 1993, 1994).It is evident from the data pre- thermore the surface structure of the sediments is high-
sented in Figures 1 and 2 that, the conditions required ly variable in these systems particularly at Station 11
by CSB for growth were met in sediments covered (Etang du Prevost).
with Zostera (Station A and B, Bassin d' Arcachon). The hypothesis put forward by Finster et al. (1994),
These data infer that oxygen was introduced into the that Zostera plants enrich the superficial layers of sedi-
sediments via the eelgrass roots. ments with oxygen, is substantiated by the vertical dis-
tribution of CSB inside and outside the Zostera beds.

Removal of Zostera leaves, which prevents transport the Bassin d' Arcachon cannot be explained by a lower
of oxygen from the leaves to the roots, was found level of eutrophication of the Bassin compared to that
to coincide with reduced concentrations of oxygen in of the Etang du Prevost.
the surface sediment layers, and, more importantly, A number of explanations can be invoked to explain
to result in reduced depth of penetration of oxygen the differences between the Bassin d' Arcachon and the
(Figure 2). Although numbers of CSB inside and out- Etang du Prevost, but it appears that two factors are
side Zostera beds were not substantially different, the of major significance. Firstly the strong currents in
ratio CSB/PSB was higher inside compared to outside the Bassin d' Arcachon, due to the large tidal differ-
Zostera beds. CSB were found to dominate ecosystems ence between low and high water, as compared to the
covered with Zostera (Stations A and B), whereas PSB Etang du Prevost, ensure a thorough mixing of the
dominated systems devoid of Zostera Beds (Station B water column, and as a consequence increased oxygen
and 11). availability. Secondly, the higher iron concentrations
The high oxygen-uptake rates of these systems in the Bassin d' Arcachon as compared to the Etang
(Sloth et al., 1994) are in agreement with the dense pop- du Prevost, which effectively and efficiently removes
ulations of CSB, although aerobic heterotrophic organ- free sulfide (Stal et al., 1994) and thus may limit the
isms can be expected to have contributed. Since the activities of PSB and CSB.
complete oxidation of the sulfide formed by the high
sulfate-reduction rates observed did not correspond to
the uptake of oxygen, Finster et al. (1994) postulated Acknowledgments
that sulfide was only partially oxidized, resulting in the
temporary accumulation of reduced intermediates. The authors would like to acknowledge Frank P. van
In this study the hypothesis that cutting of the den Ende, Henk M. Jonkers, Jutta Meyer and Mar-
Zostera leaves might limit aerobic respiration by elimi- cel van der Meer for help and stimulating discus-
nating an important way of introducing oxygen into the sions. We particularly like to thank Wim J. Beuke-
sediment was tested. Although the sediment became ma, Joost H. Roede (Electronic Workshop Biolo-
more reduced free sulfide did not accumulate under gy, Haren), Karel Visser, E. Joop Wittenaar and
these conditions. Bert L. A. Cazemier (Mechanical Workshop Biolo-
Free sulfide, in considerable concentrations, was gy, Haren) for the precision and craftsmanship during
only observed at Station 11 in the Etang du Prevost, the development and construction of the submersible
and not in the sediments of Station B in the Bassin multiple-electrode measuring device. This study was
d'Arcachon. While little organic matter was found at financed by a joint EU project on 'Coastal Lagoons,
Station X, Station B was characterized by high organic Eutrophication and ANaerobic processes (CLEAN)',
matter content and high rates of sulfate reduction (De contract number EV5V-CT92-0080.
Wit et al., 1994; Finster et al., 1994). At Station 11
(Etang du Prevost) the sulfide concentrations in the
sediments were undoubtedly related to the dense Ulva References
populations. Laboratory experiments showed that the
mineralization of 1 g dried Ulva resulted in the produc- Bak, F. & N. Pfennig, 1991. Sulfate-reducing bacteria in littoral
sediment of Lake Constance. FEMS Microbio!' Eco!. 85: 43-52.
tion of approximately 10 mmo1 sulfide (unpublished). Bogorov, L. v., 1974. About the properties of Thiocapsa roseop-
ersicina strain BBS, isolated from the estuary of the White sea.
Comparison between the two ecosystems Microbiology (Trans!.) 43: 275-2801.
Bourgues, S., O. Pringault & R. De Wit, 1995. Spatial and temporal
variations of oxygen uptake, sulfide production and population of
On the basis of the population densities of the function- sulfur cycle bacteria at the C.L.E.AN. stations. C.L.E.AN. Proc.
al groups of sulfur bacteria, one might expect the inner Prog. Rep. II: 109-132, E.U., Environment, Brussels.
stations of the Bassin d' Arcachon and the Etang du Caumette, P., 1987. Role des bacteries phototrophes et des bacteries
Prevost (Stations Band 11, respectively) to be compa- sulfato-reductrices dans les milieux lagunaires. Editions de
I'ORSTOM., Paris: 1-305.
rable with respect to eutrophication levels. Assuming Caumette, P., K. Schmidt, H. Biebl & N. Pfennig, 1985. Char-
that the number of SRB reflects the availability of sub- acterization of a Thiocapsa strain containing okenone as major
strates for these bacteria, which is substantiated by the carotenoid. System. app!. Microbio!. 6: 132-136.
numbers of CSB and/or PSB, it can be inferred that Caumette, P. & B. Baleux, 1980. Etude des eaux rouges dues 11
la proliferation des bacteries photosynthetiques sulfo-oxydantes
the apparent absence of free sulfide in the sediments of

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Sulphide release from anoxic sediments in relation to iron availability and

organic matter recalcitrance and its effects on inorganic phosphorus

Gianmarco Giordani, Marco Bartoli, Matteo Cattadori & Pierluigi Viaroli

Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Universita di Parma, 43100 Parma, Italy

Key words: Sulphide, orthophosphates, iron, organic matter, buffer capacity


This research aims to analyse the sediment capacity to buffer free sulphide release in three coastal lagoons which
differ in terms of eutrophication level, tide influence and primary producer communities. A preliminary estimate
of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) regeneration coupled with sulphide fluxes is also made. Sediment profiles
of ferrous and ferric iron and reduced sulphur pools were determined in three stations in the Bassin d' Arcachon
(South West France), in one site in the Etang du Prevost lagoon (Southern France), and in three stations in the Sacca
di Goro lagoon (Northern Italy). Laboratory experiments were also conducted by incubating sediment slurries.
Slurries from the French lagoons were also enriched with about 2% d.w. of organic detritus obtained from the
dominant macrophytes of each site, namely Zostera noltii and Ruppia cirrhosa (Bassin d' Arcachon), and Ulva
rigida (Etang du Prevost). In the Sacca di Goro, slurry experiments were conducted at two sites with different
salinity range, sediment composition and hydrodynamics.
Field data showed that concentrations of available iron (Fe(II)+Fe(III» ranged from a minimum of 28.5 /lmol
cm- 3 (Etang du Prevost) to a maximum of 275.7 /lmol cm- 3 (Sacca di Goro). Moreover, in the French lagoons,
acid volatile sulphide (AVS) accumulation in the superficial sediment was related to ferrous iron concentrations.
Laboratory experiments showed that in spite of strong reducing conditions, sulphide and SRP release was weaker in
iron-rich sediments and in those enriched with the most refractory organic matter. The highest fluxes were detected
in sediment slurries from the Etang du Prevost, which had the lowest iron content, supplied by 2% of the labile
detritus from Ulva rigida. In this case, SRP release was directly related to sulphide production.
Two factors seem significant to evaluate the buffer capacity against free sulphide and SRP release from anoxic
sediment: organic matter biodegradability, which forces sediment toward reducing conditions, and iron availability,
which can affect sulphide mobility as well as the ironhydroxide-phosphate-sulphide system.

Introduction (Caumette, 1986),. the lagoons of Orbetello and Val-

li di Comacchio (Izzo & Hull, 1991), the lagoon of
Most of the lagoons along the Northern Mediterranean Venice (Sfriso et aI., 1992) and the Sacca di Goro
coast suffer high trophic levels, with the production (Viaroli et aI., 1992). Although rarer and significantly
of excess macroalgal biomass, mostly in the warmer less intense, dystrophic events have also been observed
months. The decomposition of such large amounts in some sheltered lagoons and impoundments along the
of organic matter, coinciding with high water tem- French Atlantic coast (Labourg, 1975). However, in
perature and slow water renewal, renders the superfi- most of this coastal area lower temperature and larger
cial sediment completely anoxic and causes so-called tidal amplitudes prevent the accumulation of organic
dystrophic crises. Anoxia and dystrophic crises, have matter and keep the sediment oxidised.
been described as particularly severe in the Etang du Under the high summer temperature, organic mat-
Thau (De Casabianca, 1993), the Etang du Prevost ter delivered in the sediment undergoes rapid decompo-

sition with sulphate reduction and associated fermen- in the French lagoons and at two sites in the Sacca di
tative reactions exceeding oxic respiration (J0rgensen, Goro.
1983; Giblin & Wieder, 1992). In the anoxic sediment,
sulphides produced by sulphate reduction are rapidly
precipitated, for the most part as iron sulphides (Can- Study area
field, 1989; Howarth & Stewart, 1992). The buffering
capacity exerted by iron against sulphide keeps free- The Bassin d' Arcachon is located on the French
sulphides at very low levels minimising their toxic Atlantic coast (Figure 1, see also Castel et aI., 1996).
effects, since free-sulphides are highly toxic to aquatic Sampling station A lies in the mesotidal centre of the
life (Koch et aI., 1990). However, in sheltered lagoons lagoon and station B in the inner tidal mud-flat. In
with excess macroalgal production (up to 103 g m- 2 both stations, the phanerogam Zostera noltii Hornem.
as dry weight), when water renewal decreases, the is forming large permanent meadows. The third site
sulphide produced from biomass decomposition can (station Cl) is located along the eastern shore of the
exceed the buffering capacity of the system. Thus, Bay, in the artificial impoundments of Certes covered
a considerable amount of free-sulphides can diffuse by large stands of Ruppia cirrhosa (Pet.) Grande.
upwards to the overlying water leading to the ultimate The Etang du Prevost is a sheltered lagoon locat-
stage of dystrophic crisis. ed on the Mediterranean coast of France. The cho-
During dystrophic events, noticeable fluxes of solu- sen station (station 11) lies in the western area of the
ble reactive phosphorus (SRP) have also been observed lagoon, where high production of the seaweed Ulva
as the result of detritus decomposition and strong anox- rigida C. Agardh occurs and since water renewal is
ia (Viaroli et aI., 1992). Even though most organ- limited results in the accumulation of large quanti-
ic phosphate compounds are readily metabolised by ties of macroalgal detritus (see also Caumette, 1986;
microbes, their mobility and availability appear to be Viaroli et aI., 1996).
controlled by the formation of complexes with met- The Sacca di Goro is a microtidal lagoon in the
al ions and hydroxides (De Groot, 1991; De Groot southern part of the Po Delta (Northern Italy). Fresh
& Golterman, 1993). Sediment can accumulate phos- water flowing into the lagoon from the Po di Volano
phate throughout adsorption on ferric hydroxides, pre- Canal and from the Po di Goro deltaic branch determine
cipitation with calcium ions and adsorption on clay par- the salinity gradient. The zonation of the lagoon also
ticles (Ponnamperuma, 1972; Golterman, 1984, 1995). depends on Viva rigida growth. We considered four
Among these complexing compounds, ferric oxides sites located in different zones of the lagoon. Station G
and hydroxides have been considered to playa key role is close to the Po di Volano mouth where mean depth
in marine environments, where iron reactivity is strict- is about 50 cm, salinity range is high and macrophyte
ly linked to sulphide production (Coleman et aI., 1993; cover is negligible. Station 4 (150 cm deep), located
Jensen & Thamdrup, 1993; Golterman, 1995). Thus in the central area of the lagoon, is affected mainly by
phosphorus cycling can be viewed as strictly related to Gracilaria spp. but also by Viva rigida growth. Station
reduced sulphur metabolism. 8 is located in the shallowest (about 30 cm deep) and
Data presented in this paper describes free-sulphide most sheltered area of the lagoon. Station 7, along the
fluxes in three coastal environments which differ in southern sand bank, is about 50 cm deep and is covered
terms of eutrophication level, tide influence and pri- in spring and early summer by Viva rig ida. The latter
mary producer communities. A preliminary estimate of site was considered only for slurry experiments.
soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) regeneration cou-
pled with sulphide fluxes is also described.
Sediment profiles of ferrous and ferric iron and Materials and methods
reduced sulphur pools were determined in three sta-
tions in the Bassin d' Arcachon (South West France), Sediment profiles
in one site in Etang du Prevost lagoon, (Southern
France), and in three stations in the Sacca di Goro In the Sacca di Goro triplicate sediment cores (inner
lagoon (Northern Italy). diameter 50 mm, length 300 mm) were collected at
Laboratory experiments were also conducted by stations G, 4 and 8 with a hand corer. Samples were
incubating slurries of sediment collected from all sites collected on the 16 March, 15 July and 12 December
1994. In late summer 1994, in the French lagoons
Bassin d' Arcachon
Sacca di Gore


I.:. ..I,
,'* .. .
.. ,..
. ..
r ;:; . '(
~ ,.- .~ \. ",

'\.. ..'\. ~~'~. .......... _.
.. ._":.:':,J.
Adriatic Sea

1 km

Etang du Prevost
Figure 1. Map of the sampling stations.

triplicate sediment cores (inner diameter 50 mm, length Slurry experiments

300 mm) were collected by hand at low tide on 18
August at station 11, on 29 August at station C 1, on 30 In late August 1994, ten sediment cores (i.d. 5 cm,
August at station A and on 1 September at station B. height 30 cm) were collected at station II (19 August),
For each station one core was sliced every two cm at station Cl (26 August) and at stations A and B (30
from 0 to 10 cm; each sediment section was immediate- August), The upper 5 cm of sediment were removed
ly fixed in 10 ml of 20% w/v Zn acetate and kept frozen from each core collected at each station, mixed and
at -20°C until the determination ofreduced inorgan- screened through a 1 mm sieve, The material obtained
ic sulphur pools. In parallel, one core was sliced in was mixed with water collected at the corresponding
the same way and immediately after the slicing, 1 cm3 site to form a slurry of about 30% (by wet sediment).
of sediment was fixed with 5 cm 3 of 0,5 M HCI for Slurries were stirred and aerated for 1-2 days until they
the determination of ferric and ferrous iron. For the reached positive Eh values, Then, 1 litre dark bottles
Sacca di Goro, cores for iron analyses were frozen were filled with 750 cm 3 of the slurry, Half of the bot-
after collection and sliced within I month. Finally, the tles were left untreated and considered as blanks, while
remaining core was sliced in the same way to determine the remaining ones were treated by the addition of a
sediment density and porosity. fixed amount of organic matter (Table 1). Organic mat-
ter was obtained from the dominant primary producer
of the corresponding site and was added as a finely
ground powder: Ulva was added to the slurry from

station 11, Ruppia and epiphytes (50% each compo- blue method (Cline, 1969) after fixation with 2% w/v
nent) to the slurries from station C 1, and Zostera to the zinc acetate.
slurries from stations A and B. Reduced sulphur pools, namely acid volatile sul-
On 5 July 1994, similar experiments were conduct- phide (AVS) and chromium reducible sulphur (CRS),
ed with slurries obtained from stations G and 7 in the were determined by means of two sequential distilla-
Sacca di Goro. Sediment and slurries were treated iden- tions under anoxic conditions (Fossing & J0rgensen,
tically to those of French lagoons except for the organic 1989). AVS was detected as H2S released by the addi-
matter treatment which was omitted. Incubation times tion of 10 cm 3 of 5 M HCI to about 1 g of sediment
were also shorter than those adopted for experiments fixed in 2% w/v zinc acetate. CRS, which represents
carried out in the French sites. the remaining reduced inorganic sulphur, was extract-
Sediment manipulation and organic matter (O.M.) ed with lO cm 3 of 1 M CrCIz in 0.5 M HC!. The latter
addition resulted in small variations of O.M. concen- extraction was carried out at room temperature for 20
trations and redox of the slurries in comparison with minutes and at boiling temperature for 40 minutes. At
those normally observed in the field. each step, the sulphides produced were removed in a
. After the collection of the initial samples, the bot- N2 gas stream, fixed in 2% w/v Zn-acetate and then
tles were incubated in the dark under constant N2 flux measured by the methylene blue method.
and stirring for about 2 days in a water bath at con- Ferrous iron was measured after fixation of 1 cm3
trolled temperature. All the sulphide produced in the of sediment in 5 ml of 0.5 M HCI with the phenanthro-
slurry was carried in N2 gas flow and trapped in 100 ml line method (A.P.H.A., 1975). Reactive ferric iron was
of2% w/v Zn acetate. At selected time intervals during determined as ferrous iron after reduction with 10%
the experiment, 40 cm3 of slurry were withdrawn with a ascorbic acid.
syringe from a valve located in the N2 inlet tube. These Dry weight was determined at 70°C until a constant
samples were taken more frequently at the beginning weight was reached. Organic matter content (O.M.)
than at the end of the incubation period. Immediately was measured as weight loss after ignition of 2-3 g of
after collection, the Eh was determined and 3 cm3 of finely powered dry sample at 550°C for 24 hours.
slurry were fixed with 2% w/v zinc acetate for the anal- Total phosphorus was determined spectrophoto-
ysis of reduced sulphur pools. The remaining material metrically after extraction with 20 cm 3 of 1 M HCI
was centrifuged within a few minutes and the super- from 1 g of sediment ash (Aspila et aI., 1976).
natant was filtered through GF/C filters (Whatman) for
porewater analysis (pH, NHt and SRP). In parallel, the
zinc acetate trap was vigorously shaken and a subsam- Results
pie was taken for free sulphides analysis. Density, dry
weight, organic matter, total phosphorus and ferrous Sediment profiles of iron and reduced sulphur pools
iron as well as the above mentioned variables were
determined on the initial and final samples. Measurements conducted in the French lagoons are
restricted to short periods of observation. However,
Analytical determinations they cover the transitional phase from active growth
towards biomass decay of the dominant macrophytes.
Eh was measured with a pH/m V-meter (TIM 90, We thus assumed that this step would be representative
Radiometer) by using a platinum electrode (P1Ol, of the most critical conditions for the biogeochemistry
Radiometer) and saturated calomel reference (K701, of inorganic sulphur and iron.
Radiometer). pH was measured with a combined elec- In the Bassin d' Arcachon and in the Etang du
trode (GK240 1C, Radiometer) and a temperature probe Prevost, the first 10 cm of the sediment horizon were
(T801, Radiometer) for temperature compensation. characterized by a wide range of iron concentrations
Dissolved oxygen was determined by the Winkler (Fe(I!) and Fe(III)) (Figure 2). Maximum values were
method (A.P.H.A., 1975). Soluble reactive phospho- found at station Cl 006.5 to 152.7 /Lmol cm- 3 ) and
rus (SRP) was measured by means of the ascorbic acid to a lesser degree in the uppermost sediment layer
method (Valderrama, 1977), and ammonium by the (0-6 cm) of station B (93.9 to 130.6 /Lmol cm- 3 ).
indophenol blue method (Koroleff, 1970). Sulphide Noticeable differences were found between station B,
concentrations were determined with the methylene in the inner mud-flat, and station A, located in the
central sand bank. The lowest concentrations (28.5
Table 1. Experimental design of the slurry experiments. Initial values of organic matter (O.M.),
total phosphorus (TP) and Fe(lI) are reported.

St. O.M. added g dry sed. per O.M. TP Fe(lI)

%d.w. litre of slurry %d.w. fl mol cm- 3 fl mol cm- 3

A 120 10.0 12.2 33.0

A +2.6% Zostera 120 11.9 13.2 33.0
B 140 13.0 9.8 58.8
B +2.2% Zostera 140 14.7 10.6 58.8
CI 116 18.0 21.7 67.2
CI +2.2% Ruppia + epiphytes 116 18.8 22.6 67.2
II 120 17.0 11.7 29.2
II +2.8% Ulva 120 19.2 13.1 29.2
G 60 7.1 23.0 43.4
7 100 2.7 9.3 7.5

-3 -3
!1mol em -3 !1mol cm !1molem I1ffioI em -3
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150

0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2

2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4

:r 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6
6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8

8-10 A 8-10 B 8-10 8-10 11

Figure 2. Depth profiles of ferrous (light) and ferric (dark) iron concentrations in the sediments collected from stations A, Band CI in the
Bassin d' Arcachon, and station II in the Etang du Prevost.

to 48.6 /Lmol cm- 3 ) were detected in the dystrophic ed water renewal. In late August 1994, settling of
Etang du Prevost, which was already known to have large amounts epiphytes growing on Ruppia cirrhosa,
a very low iron content (Stal et aI., 1994). Neverthe- increased the O.M. content in the surface sediment
less, at this site the limited iron supply was coupled to 24.6 ± 1.4% d.w. (Bartoli et aI., 1996). Such an
to AVS concentration up to 33 Itmol cm- 3 (Figure 3). increase in O.M. availability would stimulate sulphate
In the Bassin d' Arcachon, AVS concentrations in the reducing bacteria activity which would account for the
first 10 cm of sediment followed a similar pattern to AVS accumulation (see also Viaroli et aI., 1996).
iron distribution. Maximum AVS concentrations (60.5 Low iron content in the surficial sediment at sites
to 79.9 /Lmol cm- 3 ) were detected in the uppermost A and 11 was also coupled to low CRS concentra-
sediment layer (0-6 cm) at station Cl, while minimum tions compared with those detected at stations Cl and
concentrations occurred at station B (less than 10 /Lmol B. At the latter site, CRS levels exceeding 500 /Lmol
cm- 3 ) and A (less than 20 /Lmol cm- 3 ). At these sites, cm- 3 could be achieved due to high iron availability
even though sulphate reduction rates reached the same and the reoxidation of reduced sulphur induced by the
order of magnitude as at station 11 (Bourgues et aI., sediment surface drying out at low tide and by oxygen
1994), AVS accumulation was low in the superficial diffusion from the plant roots (Canfield, 1989; Finster
sediment. This may be due to AVS reoxidation which et aI., 1994).
occurs at low tide when the sediment surface is exposed The relationship between iron and reduced sulphur
to the air. Station Cl is different because of the high pools was also analysed in the Sacca di Goro where
O.M. content in the surface sediment and the limit- three sites located in different zones of the lagoon were
-3 -3 -3 -3
/lmolem /lmol em /lmolem /lmo/em
0 10 20 0 10 20 0 4(; a~ 0 20 40

0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2

2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4

4-6 4-6 4-6
~ 4-6
2- 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8

8-10 8-10 B 8-10 8-10


-3 -3 -3 -3
/lmolem flr.·,)! em ~1;'VI em /lmo/em
0 100 200 0 500 1000 0 500 1000 0 100 200

0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2

2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4

"0 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6
2- 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8

8-10 8-10 8-10 8-10 11

FiRure 3. Depth profiles of AVS (upper panels) and CRS (lower panels) concentrations in the sediments collected from stations A, Band CI in
the Bassin d' Arcachon, and station II in the Etang du Prevost.

-3 -3 -3
l'ITlolcm IUIlOI em l'ITlolem
0 200 400 0 200 400 0 200 400

0-2 0-2 0-2

2-4 2-4 2-4


2- 4-6 4-6 4-6

n.d. 8-10
8-10 8-10
st. 8 st. 4 5tG

0 16 March II 15 July I?J 14 December

FiRure 4. Depth profiles of total available iron (Fe(II) + Fe(III)) concentrations in the sediments collected from Stations 8, 4 and G in the Sacca
di Goro in 1994.

studied: station G near the freshwater outlet from the both freshwater inflow from the Po di Goro and marine
Po di Volano Canal, station 4 affected by tidal currents inputs determine the salinity regime. Total available
and station 8 in the sheltered part of the lagoon where iron (Fe(II) + Fe(III)) concentrations were on average

-3 -3 -3
j.lmolcm j.lmolcm j.lmolcm
o 25 50 75 o 25 50 75 o 25 50 75
51. G
0-2 laB_III 51. 8 51. 4


oco 2-4 ~""PllIIII

~ 2-4 ~"~"".!,
. ~.,. ~., 2-4._
% ~
~ ,.~ ~ "111
4-6 ....... ....' .... ..:.. 4-6 !. . .!,. . ~
~_.•. . . . !. : _ 4-6

8-1 0
"":'" ""
8-10 ~~~,... ~. . • •III
..• 8-10\ii.~~
........ ......... .
', ; ,

-3 -3
j.lmolcm j.lmolcm j.lmolcm
0 200 400 0 200 400 o 200 400

51. 8 51. 4 51.G

0-2 0-2 0-2

n 2-4 2-4 2-4

4-6 4-6 . . . . ._

8-10 • • •_ _
8-10 8-10 " ............... .

IE] 16 March II 15 July FlJ 14 December

Figure 5. Depth profiles of AVS (upper panels) and CRS (lower panels) concentrations in the sediments collected from stations 8,4 and G in
the Sacca di Goro in 1994.

higher than those determined in the French lagoons, the course of the experiment, the Eh decreased to
with minimum values ranging from 100 to 110 /Lmol highly negative values, mostly in slurries with O.M.
cm- 3 and maximum values of about 310 /Lmol cm- 3 added (Table 2). In these experiments, wide differ-
(Figure 4). AVS concentrations showed wide seasonal ences between sites was also found, with the most
variations, with maximum values in July. CRS fol- negative value at station 11 (-315 mY). In the case
lowed similar patterns with maximum values in the of station C 1, O.M. addition resulted in only a slight
warmer summer months and minimum concentrations decrease in Eh in comparison with the untreated slur-
in December (Figure 5). This clear seasonal trend sug- ry. Moreover, slurries from station Cl showed the least
gests that reduced sulphur pools are controlled by 'iron negative Eh values under the experimental conditions
availability' as well as reoxidation processes. Howev- tested. The differences indicated by the Eh values, con-
er, the parallel decrease of AVS and CRS in December form to those shown by trends of free sulphide, AVS
appears to show that most of the reduced sulphur is and SRP (Figure 6). For all these variables, differences
reoxidised, minimising sulphur burial through pyrite between treated and untreated slurries were in the range
deposition. of approximately one order of magnitude, except for
the free sulphide and SRP at station Cl, which did not
Sediment slurry incubation appears to be affected by O.M. addition.
Sulphide production increased exponentially in the
The sediment capacity to buffer free sulphide release treated slurry for station 11, where the final concen-
was tested by incubating sediment slurries both with tration of 4.3 /'Lmol cm- 3 was reached. Considerable
and without organic matter (O.M.) added. During release of sulphide was also detected in the treated slur-

'? e 300 free sulphide '? E 15 AVS '? e 40 SRP

() ()

"0 /,. "0 ~30

, ~ 10 ,
~ 200 ,,
c ,,
" ",; .... .
,, 5
10 ............... ," " I "'""'a

_-12"---a _O' .. _o--~_ . _. . . . .
o 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
hours hours

'? E 5000 free sulphide '? E 40 AVS , ;l

400 SRP ,,
p ,,
(.) (.)
"0 4000 , ~300 ,',
I "030
E ,11 c "
c 3000 I
;,. I
20 200 "
...... '
, I

11 ...... - ".d
I , ,
,, " 10 100
.. ......
1000 I
.. ......................
0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 ;0 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
hours hou~s hours

--- ... -_. 5t. A - 5 1 . B - 5t. C1 --~-- 5t. 11

Figure 6. Changes of free sulphide (nmol AVS (J.imol and SRP (nmol cm- 3 ), cm- 3 )
concentrations during the incubation of sediment cm- 3 )
slurries from stations A, B, Cl and II without (upper panels) and with (lower panels) organic matter added. X-axis: incubation duration (hours),
Y-axis: concentrations.

'? 150 40 800 SRP

free sulphide '? AVS '?
E (.)
30 600
~c: 100 "0
~::I. E
c: 400
10 ~~
~o 200

.G "OGtfDIJ ~ ~ ~ a-a---------a
f) 0 -·r---. 0
{) 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 oj 5 10 15 20
hr;urs hours hours

Figure 7. Changes of free sulphide (nmol cm- 3 ), AVS (J.imol cm- 3 ) and SRP (nmol cm- 3 ) concentrations during the incubation of sediment
slurries of stations 7 (open symbols) and G (black symbols). X-axis: incubation duration (hours), Y-axis: concentrations.

ries from stations A (2.5 /-Lmol cm- 3 ) and B (0.6 /-Lmol Free sulphide and AVS release was coincident with
cm- 3 ). significant SRP-ftuxes, except for station CI, which
AVS concentrations followed an almost linear did not show appreciable release of SRP.
increase under all the conditions investigated, show- Preliminary experiments were also conducted in the
ing a clear gradient with maximum values in the treated Sacca di Goro by incubating slurries of sediment col-
slurry from station 11. lected from two distinct sites: the sandy station 7 and
the muddy station G. Changes of free sulphide, AVS
and SRP concentrations conformed to those observed
Table 2. Main characteristics of slurries without (-) and with (+) organic matter added at the end of
incubation period. Data were adjusted to 40 hours of incubation for stations A, B, C I and II and to 15
hours for stations G and 7. Final values of Eh and CRS mean value of the whole incubation period were

Station Eh Fe 2+ S2- AVS CRS SRP

mV Jimol cm- 3 Jimol cm- 3 Jimol cm- 3 Jimol cm- 3 nmol cm- 3

A -201 46.0 0.247 1.65 123.3± 9.9 27.5

B -184 64.2 0.045 6.47 308.7±12.3 33.7
CI -171 82.6 0.034 12.58 174.3± 6.3 1.3
II -219 43.1 0.025 2.90 78.2± 1.7 12.4
A + -264 50.2 2.490 5.54 111.6± 3.6 399.3
B + -238 77.4 0.633 15.69 328.6±28.2 276.6
CI + -203 83.7 0.085 17.03 145.6± 9.1 2.2
11 + -312 43.1 4.141 34.49 72.3± 6.8 236.9

G n.d. 72.4 0.114 30.9 90.6±13.2 655.9

7 n.d. 53.2 0.034 10.0 6.3± 3.2 49.8

in the French lagoons, with a significant relationship 2

between AVS and SRP (Figure 7). ° st. C1
• st. 11
• • II st. A
Discussion ---"-_. - - ' ___°""""'0
• • • 'I B

Several studies have demonstrated that in coastal o

marine environments most of the organic matter is

I. 00
mineralised by means of sulphate reduction (Giblin o~---.-----r----.----.
& Wieder, 1992). Nevertheless, sulphide produced by o 20 40 60 80
sulphate reduction remains at very low levels, except AVS

in a number of dystrophic lagoons which are charac- Figure 8. Relationship between AVS concentration (Jimol cm- 3 )
terized either by limited water renewal or abnormal and the AVS/Fe(II) molar ratio. The horizontal line refers to the
primary production. theoretical ratio of iron monosulphide.

The sulphide pathway is based on ferric iron reduc-

tion by sulphide, which in turn is oxidised to zero-
valent sulphur. This step is followed by the reaction the sediment capacity to precipitate free sulphide. This
of the produced ferrous iron with another sulphide to level can also be inferred from the fact that sulphide
form ferrous monosulphide (FeS). This sequence of is precipitated mainly as insoluble monosulphuric fer-
reactions which either reoxidises or precipitates free rous iron (Canfield, 1989). Thus we can show that
sulphide in effect functions as a buffer against sulphide at station 11, the sediment capacity to take up sul-
mobilisation (Canfield, 1989). Therefore, the reactions phide was exceeded at very low concentrations (around
which detoxify free sulphides are for the most part 30 /Lmol S2- cm- 3 ), while at station Cl the saturation
based on iron availability. Likewise, the latter would be threshold was reached approximately at 80 /Lmol S2-
considered as an indicator of lagoon resistance against cm- 3 . Moreover, in the uppermost sediment layers
the harmful effects of sulphide, e.g. the ultimate stage (0-4 cm) of station 11, the AVSlFe(Il) ratio, was 1.4,
of dystrophy. which suggests that available ferrous iron was over-
As for the sediment profiles determined in the saturated by sulphide. At station C 1, the iron system
French lagoons we found a significant relationship appears to be only saturated in the most superficial lay-
between AVS concentration and AVSlFe(II) ratio (Fig- ers, where sulphate reduction was probably high (see
ure 8). We have been tentatively able to establish that Viaroli et aI., 1996). At stations A and B, and in the
the ratio AVSlFe(II)= 1 represents the threshold level of deeper sediment layer of station C1 AVSlFe(II) ratio

T: y= 119.90 + 51.68X T: Y= -121.92 + 22.89X

a.. 400 r= 0.975 a.. 300
a: a: r= 0.817 0

(/) 300 (f)

200 U: Y=3.18+ 14.14X
r= ()884 0
100 -S1. A 0
St. 8
o 0
o 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 8 10121416

a.. 400 a.. 800

a: a:
(/) 300 (f) 600
200 400
Y= 9.23 + 4.50X
100 St. 11 200 r= 0.728
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Figure 9. Relationship between AVS (J.lmol cm- 3 ) and SRP (nmol cm- 3 ) concentrations during slurry incubation.

was less than 0.5. The latter value might indicate that ble free sulphide fluxes_ A significant sulphide flux
the buffering capacity of ferrous iron was greatly in without relevant AVS accumulation was found in the
excess of sulphide production_ However, at stations treated slurry from station A, similar to that observed in
A and B, sulphide mobility as well as AVS precipi- the untreated slurry_ In the case of station 11, sulphide
tation may not be simply related to iron availability production greatly exceeded the sediment capacity to
since the effects of tidal currents are also involved. precipitate AVS, leading to an AVSlFe(II) ratio of 1.2
In fact, drying out of the sediment at low tide allows and to 4_14 /Lmol cm -3 of free sulphide concentration_
oxidation of the superficial sediment, thus enabling This wide range of AVS and free sulphide concen-
sulphide to be reoxidised. The recorded sediment pro- trations can be explained to some extent by consider-
files do not conform completely to those obtained with ing ferrous iron availability as well as organic detritus
sediment slurry incubations (Table 2). In the sediment quality. Detritus from Viva can undergo more rapid
slurries without a.M. addition, we found that station decomposition than that from Zostera and Ruppia, due
Cl accumulated AVS, with an AVSlFe(II) ratio =0_15 chiefly to the higher content of soluble carbohydrates
resembling those of the sediment profiles_ Unexpect- (Lahaye & Jegou, 1993; Viaroli et aI., 1996).
ed significant production of free sulphide was found With regard to the slurry experiments we found a
at station A. This was probably due to the high sul- clear relationship between AVS and SRP concentration
phate reduction rates (SRR) (Bourgues et aI., 1994) (Figure 9). This aspect may be of considerable signifi-
as well as sediment porosity, which would make free cance in the analysis of lagoon eutrophication, since it
sulphide stripping by the N2 gas stream easier. More- can be considered as a form of positive feedback due to
over, free sulphide removal might stimulate SRR, since significant SRP recycling. Inorganic phosphate is usu-
this is controlled by sulphide concentration. Organic ally assumed to be present in the sediment as iron and
matter addition (approximately 1-2% by final concen- calcium bound phosphate (Golterman, 1995). Howev-
tration) enhanced microbial processes as evidenced by er, for a given sediment, the distribution of SRP within
the abrupt decrease in Eh_ However, station C I still the inorganic sedimentary pool is mostly controlled
maintained a good capacity to control sulphide release, by the iron hydroxide-sulphide system (Davison and
with an almost balanced AVSlFe(II) ratio and negligi- Heany, 1978; De Groot, 1991; Golterman, 1995). This

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(Coord.), C.L.E.A.N. Progress Report, European Commission:
Amministrazione Provinciale di Ferrara, Assessorato 223-252. European Community Environment Programme, DG
Ambiente) and Mr Vittorio Gaiani (Dipartimento di XII. Brussels.
Biologia, Dniversita di Ferrara) for the support during Fossing, H. & B. B. J~rgensen, 1989. Measurement of bacterial sul-
sampling in the Sacca di Goro. This study was financed phate reduction in sediment: evaluation of a single-step chromium
reduction method. Biogeochemistry 8: 205-222.
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Subject index
Page numbers refer to the ftrst page of an article in which the entry is discussed. As regards biological
organisms, only genera and, when appropriate, higher taxonomic categories are indexed.

Acetylene reduction activity, 161, 175 Carbon availability, 175

Acid-volatile sufiide, 185,211 Carotenoids, 33
Algal biomass, 93 Chlorophyll, ix, 45, 185
Ammonium fiuxes, 133, 143 Chromium reducible sulfur, 211
Ammonium release, 121 Colorless sulfur bacteria, 199
Amonardia normani, 69, 79 Community structure, 57, 69
Amphiascus parvus, 69 Copepods, ix, 45, 57, 69, 79
Anabaena, 185 Coupled nitrification/denitrification, 121
Anaerobic conditions, 33, 93, 211 Crystallizer ponds, 19
Anaerobic decomposition, 121 Cyanobacteria, 3,185
Anoxygenic photosynthesis, 33,185 Cyanobacterial mats, 185
Archaebacteria, 19
Decomposition rates of macroalgae, 121
Bacterial community structure, 33 Decomposition, 105
Bacterial densities, 3, 33, 199 Denitrification, ix, 133
Bacterial diversity, 3,19,33 Dissolved organic nitrogen, 143
Bacterial phylogeny, 3 Diversity, 57
Sr DNA sequences, 3, 19 Dryweight loss, 121
DNA probes, 19 Dystrophic crisis, ix, 45,93, 143,211
Finger print technic, 19
PCR amplification, 3, 19 Elemental composition, ix, 105
Bacteriochlorophylls, 33 Emergence traps, 69
Bassin d'Arcachon, ix, 19, 33, 121, 143, 161, 175, Enteromorpha, ix
185, 199 Epiphytes, ix, 105
Benthic chambers, 105, 143 Etang du Prevost, ix, 19,33,143,185,199
Benthic microalgae, 133 Eutrophication gradient, ix
Benthic respiration, ix, 143 ExcahngeableNH 4+, 121, 175
Bioavailable acetate, 175 Exchangeable P, 143
Biogeochemical cycles, ix Fe distribution, 199
Bioturbation, 199 Ferric compounds, 185
Buffer capacity, 211 Ferrous compounds, 185
FeS, 185, 199
C/N ratios, 121 Fermentative bacteria, 3, 121
Calanoids, 45 Bacteroides, 3
Canuella perplexa, 57, 69 Clostridia, 3

Fingerprint technic, 19 fixing cyanobacteria, 185

flux, 105, 133
Green sulfur bacteria, 33 limitation, 93, 185
Needle electrodes, 199
Halobacteriaceae, 19 Nematodes, ix, 57
Halobacterium, 19 NH4+ pool, 161
Halococcus, 19 Nitrate ammonification, ix, 133
Haloferax, 19 Nitrate pool, 93
Halophilic Archaea, 19 Nitrification, ix, 121, 133
Halophilic eubacteria, 19 Nitrogenase, 161, 185
Heterocystous cyanobacteria, 185 Nitzschia constricta, 79
Heterotrophic activity, 3 Nutrient recycling, 121
Thumidine, 3 Nutrients flux, ix, 105, 133
Heterotrophic bacteria, 3
CytophagalFlexibacter group, 3 Organic enrichment, 57
Enterobacteriaceae, 3 Oscillatoria, 185
Faecal coliforms, 3 Oxidized iron, 143, 185,211
Pseudomonas, 3 Oxygen
Salmonella, 3, 19 concentration, 69
Vibrio, 3 consumption, ix
Heterotrophic nitrogen fixation, 175 Oxygen fluxes, 105, 133, 143
Hydrogen sulphide, ix Oxygen penetration, 121,175, 199
Hypersaline environments, 19 Oxygenic photosynthesis, 185

Inorganic phosphorus, 93,143, 185,211 Peridinians, ix

Ion-specific electrode, 105 Phanerogam biomass, 121, 175, 199
Iron depth profiles, 185 Phanerogams, ix, 105,133
Iron immobilization, 185 Phototrophic bacteria ecology, 33
Iron pool, 143, 185,211 Phosphate limitation, 93
Phosphate pool, 93, 143, 185,211
Litter bags, 121 Phosphorus
cycling, 211
Macroalgae decomposition, 93 flux, 105
Macroalgal beds, ix, 93 regeneration, 143, 185
Macroalgal composition, 121 release, 121
Macroalgal standing crop, ix, 105 Photoheterotrophy, 33,185
Macrophytes, ix, 105 Photosynthetic oxygen production, 185
Meiobenthos, ix, 57, 69, 79 Photosynthetic pigments, 33
Methylene blue method, 211 Phototrophic bacteria, 33
Micro-electrodes, 199 Chlorobiaceae,33
Microphytobenthos, ix, 185 Chromatiaceae,33
Modelling, 121 Chromatium, 3, 33, 79
Molybdate inhibition, 161 Chromatium gracile, 33, 79
Monostroma obscurum, ix, 121, 175 Phototrophic sulfur bacteria, ix, 33, 79, 199
Most probable numbers, 199 Prothecochloris, 33
Purple non sulfur bacteria, 33
Nitrogen Purple sulfur bacteria, 33
assimilation, 133 Rhodobacter, 33
budget, 133 Rhodobium, 33
cycle, ix, 121, 133, 161, 175 Rhodopseudomonas, 3, 19,33,79
fixation, 161, 175, 185 Rhodospirillum, 33

Thiocapsa, ix, 33, 79 Ulva lactuca, 20

Thiociplis, 33 Ulva rigida, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11
Phytoplankton Ulva sp., 1, 10
Peridinians, ix Ulva thalli, 6
Tintinnids, 45
Plant roots release, 161 Vertical distribution, 17
Population dynamics, 79 Volatile fatty acids, 19
Pore water nutrients, 143
Porewater acetate, 175 White-water, 1,20
Proteobacteria, 3, 19
Pyrite, 185, 199 Zooplankton, 1, 3
Zostera biomass, 18
Recolonization, 37 Zostera noltii, 1,4,5,10,15,18,19,20
Redox,57,105 Zostera rhizosphere, 18
Reduced iron, 143, 185,211
Reduced sulfur pools, 211
Red water, ix
Rhizome biomass, 161
Rhizosphere, 161
Ruppia cirrhosa, ix, 105, 143,211

Sacca di Goro, 45, 93, 143, 211

Salmonella, 3, 19
Schizopera compacta, 57, 79
Seasonal variations in biomass, 121
disturbance, 57
exchangeableNH4+, 93,143,161
oxygen demand, 143
phosphate release, 185
slurries, 175
water exchanges, 143
Soluble reactive phosphorus, 93,143,211
SRB populations, 161
Sulfate reducing bacteria, 121, 161, 175, 199
Sulfate-reducing bacteria counts, 161
Sulfate reduction, 161
rates, 161, 175
inhibitors of sulfate reduction, 175
Sulfide profiles, 199
Sulfur cycling, 199
Sulphate reduction, ix
Sulphide, 105

Thiobacillus, ix
Total kjeldahl nitro gene, 93
Trichodesmium, 185
Trophic relationship, ix, 79

Ulva growth, 93,143

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