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Simple Regression Analysis

and Correlation
Learning Objectives:
1. Calculate the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient to determine if there is
a correlation between two variables.
2. Explain what regression analysis is and the concepts of independent and dependent
3. Calculate the slope and y-intercept of the least squares equation of a regression line
and from those, determine the equation of the regression line.
4. Calculate the residuals of a regression line and from those determine the fit of the
model, locate outliers, and test the assumptions of the regression model.
5. Calculate the standard error of the estimate using the sum of squares of error, and use
the standard error of the estimate to determine the fit of the model.
6. Calculate the coefficient of determination to measure the fit for regression models,
and relate it to the coefficient of correlation.
7. Use the t and F tests to test hypotheses for both the slope of the regression model
and the overall regression model.
8. Calculate confidence intervals to estimate the conditional mean of the dependent
variable and prediction intervals to estimate a single value of the dependent variable.
9. Determine the equation of the trend line to forecast outcomes for time periods in the
future, using alternate coding for time periods if necessary.
10. Use a computer to develop a regression analysis, and interpret the output that is
associated with it.
 Itis a measure of the degree of relatedness
of variables.

Coefficient of correlation, r
 This measure is applicable only if both
variables being analyzed have at least an
interval level of data.
r (Pearson product-moment
correlation coefficient)
 The term r is a measure of the linear correlation of
two variables.
 It is a number that ranges from -1 to 0 to +1,
representing the strength of the relationship
between the variables.
 An r value of +1 denotes a perfect positive
relationship between two sets of numbers.
 An r value of -1 denotes a perfect negative
correlation, which indicates an inverse relationship
between two variables: as one variable gets larger,
the other gets smaller.
 An r value of 0 means no linear relationship is
present between the two variables.
Pearson Product-Moment
Correlation Coefficient
Five correlations
Sample Problem
Introduction to Simple Regression
 Itis is the process of constructing a
mathematical model or function that can
be used to predict or determine one
variable by another variable or other
 It involves two variables in which one
variable is predicted by another variable.
Dependent variable (y)
 the variable to be predicted

Independent variable (x)

 the predictor
 explanatory variable
Determining the equation of the
Regression line
Deterministic and Probabilistic
Deterministic Model
 These are mathematical models that
produce an “exact” output for a given

Probabilistic Model
 It includes an error term that allows for
the y values to vary for any given value
Random error will occur in the
prediction of the y values for
values of x because it is likely that
the variable x does not explain all
the variability of the variable y.
Least square analysis
 It is a process whereby a regression
model is developed by producing the
minimum sum of the squared error

 The least squares regression line is the

regression line that results in the smallest
sum of errors squared.
Plot of the Regression Line
Slope of the Regression Line
y intercept of the Regression line
Sample Problem
Residual analysis
 Each difference between the actual y
values and the predicted y values is the
error of the regression line at a given
point, 𝑦 − 𝑦, and is referred to as the

 It is the sum of squares of these residuals

that is minimized to find the least squares
 These are data points that lie apart from
the rest of the points.
 It can produce residuals with large
magnitudes and are usually easy to
identify on scatter plots.
 Outliers can be the result of
misrecorded or miscoded data, or they
may simply be data points that do not
conform to the general trend.
Assumptions of Simple Regression
1. The model is linear.
2. The error terms have constant
3. The error terms are independent.
4. The error terms are normally
Residual plot
 It is a type of graph in which the residuals
for a particular regression model are
plotted along with their associated value
of x as an ordered pair (x, 𝑦 − 𝑦).
 It is more meaningful with larger sample
Homoscedasticity and
 constant error variance

 error variance are not constant
Constant Variance
Non-constant variance
Sample Problem
Compute the residuals for table in which a
regression model was developed to predict
the number of full-time equivalent workers
(FTEs) by the number of beds in a hospital.
The data and computed residuals are
shown in the following table.
Continuation of the solution
Note that the regression model fits these particular data
well for hospitals 2 and 5, as indicated by residuals of -.62
and 1.37 FTEs, respectively. For hospitals 1, 8, 9, 11, and 12,
the residuals are relatively large, indicating that the
regression model does not fit the data for these hospitals
well. The Residuals Versus the Fitted Values graph indicates
that the residuals seem to increase as x increases,
indicating a potential problem with heteroscedasticity. The
normal plot of residuals indicates that the residuals are
nearly normally distributed. The histogram of residuals
shows that the residuals pile up in the middle, but are
somewhat skewed toward the larger positive values.
Residual plot for FTEs
Sum of squares of error (SSE)
 Thetotal of the residuals squared

Standard error of estimate

Sample Problem
Compute the residuals for table in which a
regression model was developed to predict
the number of full-time equivalent workers
(FTEs) by the number of beds in a hospital.
The standard error of the estimate is 15.65
FTEs. An examination of the residuals for
this problem reveals that 8 of 12 (67%) are
within ±1𝑆𝑒 and 100% are within ±1𝑆𝑒 .

Is this size of error acceptable? Hospital

administrators probably can best answer
that question
Coefficient of determination, 𝑟
 It is the proportion of variability of the
dependent variable (y) accounted for or
explained by the independent variable (x).
 An 𝑟 2 of zero means that the predictor
accounts for none of the variability of the
dependent variable and that there is no
regression prediction of y by x.
 An 𝑟 2 of 1 means perfect prediction of y
by x and that 100% of the variability of y
is accounted for by x.
Coefficient of determination
Sample Problem
Compute the residuals for table in which a
regression model was developed to predict
the number of full-time equivalent workers
(FTEs) by the number of beds in a hospital.

This regression model accounts for 88.6% of the

variance in FTEs, leaving only 11.4% unexplained variance.
T test of slope
Sample Problem
Test the slope of the regression model
developed in the table to predict the
number of FTEs in a hospital from the
number of beds to determine whether
there is a significant positive slope.
Use a = .01.
The observed t value (8.84) is in the
rejection region because it is greater than
the critical table t value of 2.764 and the
p-value is .0000024. The null hypothesis is
rejected. The population slope for this
regression line is significantly different from
zero in the positive direction. This
regression model is adding significant
predictability over the 𝑦 model
F test
Confidence interval to estimate
𝐸 𝑦𝑥 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑥.
Prediction interval to estimate y 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑥.
Sample Problem
Construct a 95% confidence interval to
estimate the average value of y (FTEs) for
table when x = 40 beds. Then construct a
95% prediction interval to estimate the
single value of y for x = 40 beds.
With 95% confidence, the statement can be
made that a single number of FTEs for a
hospital with 40 beds is between 83.5 and
156.84. Obviously this interval is much
wider than the 95% confidence interval for
the average value of y for x = 40.
Using Regression to develop a
forecasting trend line
Time-series data
 Data gathered on a particular
characteristic over a period of time at
regular intervals.

 It is a long-term general direction of data.

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