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Orthodontic dentistry

Which statement describes Class 2 Div 1?

 The mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar occluding posterior to the buccal groove
of the mandibular first molar

 The mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar occluding anterior to the buccal

groove of the mandibular first molar with forward inclined incisors

 The mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar occluding in line with the buccal groove
of the mandibular first molar’

 The mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary second molar occluding posterior to the distal

groove of the mandibular second molar

 The mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar occluding anterior to the buccal groove of
the mandibular first molar with retroclined incisors

Where are canines most commonly impacted?





Attaching a gold chain is an example of...

 Closed exposure


 Open exposure

 Interceptive treatment

Which of the following statements is false for the prevalence of malocclusion?

 Class I 58-74%
 Class II 14-33%
 Class II div 2 2-6%
 Class III 1-3%
It’s difficult to maintain patient cooperation at both fixed and removable orthodontic
treatment, at a specific age period it’s much easier to get maximum cooperation and
treatment success, we name this group of children as “good patients”. Which of the
following groups explains the best cooperative patient figure?
 5-7 year
 7-10 year
 10-13 year
 13-16 year
Which is not suitable treatment protocol for class III?
 Chin-cup therapy early stages of growth
 Chin-cup in adolescent stage
 Face mask therapy will over expand maxilla
 Class III elastic with skeletal bone anchorage

The immediate management of a newborn with Pierre Robin sequence should include:
 Palate obturation
 Nasopharyngeal intubation
 Hearing aid device
 Palate repair
 Lip repair

Maksat is a young male who has his fixed appliance fitted few days ago. A week after the
bond up visit, he presented with a loose upper left first molar band and most of the glass
ionomer cement was left on the tooth surface rather than the inner surface of the band. The
most probable cause of failure could be 
 moisture contamination 
 low powder/ liquid ratio 
 high aprismatic enamel 
 heavy occlusal forces 
 high powder/ liquid ratio 

Which of the following wire materials is commonly used for making retraction loops in
fixed orthodontic therapy? 
 Eligiloy 
 Stainless steel 
 beta titanium 
 nickel titanium 
 cobalt chromium

Arman is a 12-year-old boy who is suffering from controlled epilepsy and he was treated
with the modified twin block appliance. Initially he presented with full unit Class II molar
relationship and retrognathic mandible with an average vertical proportion. After 9
months of an active phase of twin block therapy, a bilateral posterior open bite developed.
How will you practically settle this issue? 
 low pull head gear post treatment to close the posterior open bite 
 gradual trimming of twin block 
 early Class 2 elastics with aligners 
 bionator on existing bite 
 Upper removable retainer with flat anterior bite plane 

Syrym is an 8 year healthy boy presented in the mid mixed dentition with a crossbite of
upper left central incisor and 3mm overbite. The crossbite is associated with forward
mandibular displacement. The treatment is planned to correct the single tooth crossbite
using an upper removable appliance (URA). The design of the URA should incorporate an
active, retention, anchorage components as well as a base plate with a posterior bite plane.
What is the most common design and range of activation of the active component? 
 0.6mm Z spring with 3mm activation 
 0.5mm finger spring with 3mm activation 
 0.7mm T spring with 3mm activation 
 0.6 fingers spring with 1mm activation 
 0.5mm Z spring with 3mm activation 

Orthopantogram (OPG) is commonly used for pre-treatment scanning of the dentition in

orthodontic patients. It is widely accepted that the effective dose of a single OPG exposure
is equivalent to the background radiation of ….............. days when living in an urban area. 
 14 
 7 
 10 
 5 
 ½ 

Daniyar is a 14-year-old boy who is taking a steroid inhaler regularly for bronchial asthma.
He has just completed the active phase of his comprehensive orthodontic treatment which
involved upper and lower fixed appliance along with the extraction of upper first
premolars and lower second premolars. You planned to provide Daniyar with a full time
upper and lower removable Hawley retainer. What special oral hygiene instruction will
you give to Daniyar during the retention phase? 
 rinse with Corsodyl mouthwash every time after taking steroid inhaler before replacing
the retainers 
 rinse with Chlorhexidine mouthwash every time after taking steroid inhaler before
replacing the retainers 
 Rinse mouth with normal water every time after taking steroid inhaler before
replacing the retainers 
 Rinse with Nystatin mouthwash/gel every time after taking steroid inhaler before
replacing their retainers 
 Rinse with Triclosan mouthwash/gel every time after taking steroid inhaler before
replacing their retainers 

Serik is a 14-year-old autistic child who visited you for an orthodontic consultation. Which
technique would be your first choice for his behavioral management before commencing
orthodontic appliance bond-up? 
 positive reinforcement 
 desensitization  
 cognitive behavior therapy 
 Modeling 
 voice control 

Jenis is a 9-year-old male patient presented to the orthodontic department with the chief
complaint offer prognathic maxilla. On clinical examination, Jenis has a Class 2 canine
relationship and class two division 1 incisor relationship. On the cephalometric
examination, SNA measured 870, SNB measured 760 and ANB measured 110. The treatment
plan involved a high pull retraction headgear therapy. If the line of force of the headgear
passes through the center of resistance (Cre) of the 16 and 26 (FDI), in which direction will
the upper molars move? 
 bodily distal movement and intrusion 
 bodily movement in distal direction 
 mesial tipping and intrusion 
 distal tipping and intrusion 
 Root distal tipping and extrusion 

Alisher is 12-year-old male patient presented to the orthodontic department with unilateral
crossbite on the right side with displacement. Alisher had an impacted left canine, upper
midline shift by 2 mm to the left side, an overjet of 4 mm and overbite of 2.5 mm complete
to the teeth. A quadhelix appliance was given to correct the crossbite. How would you
activate this appliance? 
 ¼ molar width on left side only 
 ¼ molar width on right side only 
 ½ molar width on each side 
 ½ molar width on left side only 
 ½ molar width on right side only 

Ainur is a 10-year-old female with a history of controlled asthma. Ainur presented with
retained and infraoccluded tooth number 75 (FDI) and missing 35 and 25 (FDI). Upper
teeth are well aligned with complete natural loss of the space of 25 while the lower arch is
spaced. The overjet and overbite are rather normal. Tooth number 75 is below the cement
enamel junction(the infraoccluded classified as type 3) and it has a dull sound on
percussion with the loss of lamina dura continuity on the periapical radiograph. What is
the best approach to preserve the alveolar bone height? 
 extraction of 75 combined with space maintainer 
 leave and monitor the tooth 75 
 extraction of 75 followed by dental implant placement 
 extract 75 and allow 36 to drift forward 
 composite buildup of 75 followed by an implant at the age of 17 years 

Several orthodontic modalities are used to correct deep bite malocclusion including
Ricketts and Burstone arches. For the appliance shown below, which wire is most
commonly used for its construction? 

 0.019 x 0.025 Stainless steel 
 0.019 x 0.025 titanium molybdenum alloy 
 0.017 x 0.025 Stainless steel 
 0.016 x 0.025 blue Elgiloy 
 0.018 x 0.025 blue Elgiloy 

Different colors have been assigned to the virtual teeth based in ClinCheck provide an
assumption on the difficulty with which of the teeth could be moved using the clear aligner
Invisalign system. According to this system, what does the color of the highlighted tooth in
the picture below denote? 

 movements programmed have poor results 
 movements programmed have shown moderate results 
 shows no movement (locked tooth) 
 movements programmed have shown good results but require additional orthodontic
 movements programmed have shown good results 

Clear aligners are orthodontic devices that are transparent, plastic form of orthodontic
appliance used to treat mild to moderate orthodontic cases. What movements are these
attachments intended to perform in clear aligners? 

 Bodily movement 
 Intrusion 
 Rotation 
 Extrusion 
 torque correction

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