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Once upon a time, a silver stone arrive on earth.

This silver stone symbolize life and has a power to grant

any wish. Many adventurer and treasure hunter try to find this stone, but no one can do it. In the
modern world the silver stone is just a fairy tale or an urban legend, but not for Peter. Peter is a
descendants of treasurer hunters and he believe that the stone is real and being buried secretly.

Peter is a typical high school student, like any student he has a normal life routine. He was very
interested about the silver stone amd he want to prove and show to the world that the stone is real.
One day, when he went to the attic he saw an old book right on the left side of the window. He was so
curious about this book, and finally he get it and try to read the said book, after a few minutes, he
noticed that the author of the book was his great grandparents which once a traesurer hunter. When he
was reading, he found out that there is a missing page of the book. He try to find it but he failed and
after a few hours he saw and old picture of his grandparents and when he turn it back he saw something
written on it and it says "to find the final page you must go under six feet under the ground and there
you will found what you're looking for". Peter has a good memory when it comes on puzzle so he think
from the attic six feet under the ground is a basement but he recognized and realized that they have no
basement on thier house, so he came up on a theory that there is a secret basement under the house.

He went to the ground floor of thier house to find any clue about the hidden basement. On the side part
of the wall he noticed a mark like an arrow pointing down, so he follow the pointing part of the arrow
and there he saw a small doorlike on the floor and the door is lock with a combination code. He try the
birthday of his grandparents but he failed. Then he realized that on the picture there was a number
written and he realized that it could be the combination. So he entered it and finally the door is open.
Inside, he saw a key and the final page of the book. The final page was a sketch map by his grand
parents, so he took up the map and the key and drive through the mountains.

While he was driving, he get the map and he realized that the direction of the map was pointing to the
old house of his grandparents. When he arrived, he went to the back yard which is mentioned on the
map with a label of the silver stone. So he was so excited about it then when he arrive he quickly open
the basement but unfortunately there was no stone in there instead an old file compiled by his
grandparents. Some of the files describing the possible location of the stone. He get all of these stuff and
went back home.

When he arrived, he read all the files, annalyze and formulate hypothesis, he made also a map base on
the file discribe. Three months later he successfully locate the stone, he drive went back on the
mountain and found a cave, inside of the cave he saw something glittering, he walk in front of it and he
found what he was looking for a silver stone lying on the rock. When he was about to get it a voice
suddenly appear on his ear and he turn back to see who was it but no one there when he turn back a
young lady appear in front of him and she said " Young man, you must not here, a silver stone is not for
anyone its for the nature. This silver stone is symbolize life and if you will get this, all of the life forms on
earth will die". Peter ask " the silver stone is powerful it will grant my wish right"?. And the young
meiden replied " Yes young man the stone is powerful but can't grant any wish, this stone is suppoting
the life form on earth, so go back and dont say anything about the location of this place can you?" Peter
said "yes od course ". And the young lady give her thanks to him. Peter back with a smile because he
prove to himslef that he found the silver stone and also he prove that the stone was real and not just a

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