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To grasp the emotions of customers, and to increase customer engagement to the brand (ditto nalang
po ako nag base hahaha)
-To empathetic understanding of consumer feelings and increased brand awareness
-To Understand customer emotional states and increasing customer engagement with the brand
-To increase brand awareness among prospective customers and to grasp their emotions
The researchers proposed a daily posting of kemil takoyaki in their Facebook page to boost customer
interaction with the brand because many people can relate to quotes and memes. Since there are
numerous users of social media, which are primarily young adults, this proposal can help kemil takoyaki
become more popular through the utilization of social media because many people can be interested in
and relate to it.

The researchers proposed a daily posting of kemil takoyaki to increase customer engagement with the
brand because many people can relate to quotes and memes. This proposal can help make kemil
takoyaki more popular through social media because many people can be interested in and relate to it
because there are many social media users, the majority of whom are young adults.


To grasp the emotions of customers, therefore, bring the brand to customer attention.
The researchers proposed this activity to increase engagement with the customer. In this contest,
customer can comment with a photo of their fun tako experience and unforgettable moment eating
Takoyaki in the posted poster. The uploader should use the hashtag #kemiltakoyakibalayan #kemiloves
to be considered participants in the activity. The owner of the business will choose the best photo and
then the chosen customer can get a chance to win prizes.
The following are the mechanics of the activity.
•The participants must like and follow all social media account of Kemil Takoyaki Station
• Participants must simply comment their fun tako experience
•Anyone can join the activity, solo, duo, with friends, with family, or with special someone
• All entries must be submitted in the comment section
• The uploader must use the hashtag #kemiltakoyakibalayan #kemiloves to be considered as a
participant in the activity
• The owner will choose the best photo and get a chance to WIN PRIZES!

To increase customer engagement to the brand
The researchers recommend this activity to enhance the popularity of the product Itself. The customers
can share their best photo with Kemil Takoyaki product. Any Photo related to Kemil Takoyaki’s product
will be qualified on the said activity.
The following are the mechanics of the activity.
•The participants must follow and like the Facebook page of Kemil Takoyaki Station
•Like and share the post
• Participants must simply share their best shot of the product and all entries must be submitted in the
comment section.
• No edited and filter required
• The uploader used the hashtag #kemiltakoyakibalayan #kemiloves #kemilyenda to Be considered as a
participant in the activity
• The owner will choose the best photo and get a chance to WIN PRICES!

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