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School shootings have become a tragic reality in the United States. In
the past two decades, the number of school shootings has dramatically
increased, making them one of the most serious threats to the safety of
children and society.

School shootings are not a new phenomenon. However, the frequency of

these tragedies has increased significantly in recent years. According to
the Center for Homeland Defense and Security, there were 41 school
shootings in the United States between 2000 and 2009. Between 2010
and 2019, that number jumped to 228 school shootings. This is an
alarming increase that cannot be ignored.

The causes of school shootings are complex and varied. Mental health
issues, gun availability, a lack of security measures, and a culture of
violence are all contributing factors. It is important to note that not all
school shootings are caused by the same factors, and there is no single
solution to the problem.

From my point of view, a comprehensive approach to the issue is

necessary in order to prevent future school shootings. I would argue that
the government should reduce access to guns, increase security
measures in schools, and improve mental health services for children
and teenagers in order to create a secure learning environment. Only
then the tragedy of school shootings can end.

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