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ISO Certification, The ISM Difference and What It Means to Us

The ISM Difference is a way of describing how we maintain our focus on customer needs and customer
satisfaction. ISO certification means our customers can be secure that our company follows strict quality
control processes in every area of the business operations. It also means we are constantly working on
continuous quality improvement. This includes every aspect of our business: design, production, shipping,
receiving and all customer service activities.

Learn More About the ISM Difference

Some useful FAQS related to ISO certification

What is ISO?
ISO, or the International Organization for Standardization, is comprised of multiple groups of industry
leaders responsible for the development of standards. The standards range from quality management
system standards to technical standards.

What is an ISO certified company?

An ISO certified company meets the ISO requirements for its quality management system. Becoming ISO
certification requires regular auditing to demonstrate an ongoing commitment to this system. An ISO
certified company is serious about maintaining appropriate specifications for every product, service and
system. It is also a committed to quality, safety and efficiency.

What are the benefits of ISO certification?

ISO certification is not just for large organizations. Small businesses also benefit from adopting efficient
quality management systems because it helps them save on time and cost, improve efficiency and improve
customer relationships. In other words, it helps them stay successful, which makes it worth the investment
in resources and effort.

Why are ISO standards important?

Manufacturing sectors have adopted ISO standards for three reasons
 ISO standards provide sales and marketing advantages
 ISO standards deliver real value through material and resource savings
 ISO standards represent a commitment to meet customer and partner requirements
Companies appreciate how ISO standards can improve their business processes and reduce scrap, non-
conforming products and costs.

What is the purpose of the ISO?

ISO international standards ensure that products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality. For
businesses, ISO standards are also strategic tools because they reduce costs by reducing waste and errors
while at the same time increasing productivity and customer satisfaction.

What are ISO standards?

ISO creates documents or standards that provide requirements, specifications and guidelines. They are
used to measure the consistency of materials, products, processes and services. These efforts allow
organizations to move from goals to results and make continuous improvements in how they do business.

What are the goals of ISO certification?

The goal of ISO certification is to develop, maintain and place quality management system guidelines at
the center of an organization’s way of doing business. The goal of these are to increase productivity,
reduce unnecessary costs and guarantee the quality of processes and products. Both customer satisfaction
and business efficiency benefit from these efforts.

Related resources
 Industrial Specialties Mfg. and IS Med Specialties (ISM) ISO 9001:2015 Certification
 ISO -- International Organization for Standardization
 International Organization for Standardization at Wikipedia

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