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Mixed Tenses Test Exercises - Multiple Choice Questions With Answers - Advanced

Level 2

1. A: I must call the police. B: Why? A: Because

somebody ____ my cheque book. B: I am sorry to hear 6. He ____. Everything he ____ us so far is true.
that. I hope it will soon be recovered.
A) doesn't lie / told
A) stole B) hasn't lied / tells
B) is stealing C) isn't lying / has told
C) has stolen D) wasn't lying / is telling
D) steals E) didn't lie / was telling
E) was stealing

7. I ____ in the garden. That's why I'm so dirty.

2. I ____ a pain in my stomach but it ____ better.
A) had worked
A) am still having / gets B) had been working
B) have still had / has got C) have been working
C) was still having / got D) could work
D) still have / is getting E) was working
E) still had / has got

8. I ____ him all day but the line is still engaged.

3. I guess that my parents ____ the good news yet
A) was ringing
A) didn't hear B) rang
B) don't hear C) ring
C) isn't hearing D) have been ringing
D) haven't heard E) am ringing
E) won't hear

9. It is nice to see that after three days of strikes, the

4. At present, he ____ in an ice-cream factory. This is the buses____ today.
third factory in which he ____ this year.
A) worked
A) is working / has worked B) has worked
B) works / worked C) was working
C) has been working / works D) work
D) works / has been working E) are working
E) worked / has been working

10. Zeynep is really a good friend and she ____ to send

5. Oh dear, I ____ my books in the class. Could you go me a letter each month.
and fetch them for me?
A) never failed
A) left B) never fails
B) am leaving C) is never failing
C) have left D) had never failed
D) was leaving E) was never failing
E) leave

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Mixed Tenses Test Exercises - Multiple Choice Questions With Answers - Advanced
Level 2

15. While my mother ____ in the kitchen, I ____ after my

small brother.

11. ____ to his office last weekend but there ____ only A) had cooked / looked
workers in the building.
B) was cooking / had been looking
A) go / are C) was cooking / looked
B) went / have been D) had been cooking / was looking
C) have gone / were E) is cooking / will look
D) has gone/are
E) went / were

16. Yesterday, I ____ to my son's ceremony when a plane

____ to that part of the city.

12. One afternoon last August, the director ____ staff in A) went / fell
some stores and ____ them to fair.
B) was going / was falling
A) selected / sent C) went / was falling
B) has selected / has sent D) was going / fell
C) selects / sends E) have gone / falls
D) is selecting / sends
E) was selecting / was sending

17. He didn't know what the boy ____ about with the man
outside before he ____ in.

13. Once upon a time, a small person named Little Red A) was talking / was coming
Riding Hood ____ plans for the preparation of
B) talked / came
foodstuffs for her grandmother.
C) was talking / had come
A) is initiated D) talked / was coming
B) has initiated E) was talking / comes
C) had been initiating
D) initiated
E) is going to initiate
18. In the middle ages the means of transportation ____
few when compared with today.

A) were
14. In an effort to make the classics accessible to B) was
contemporary readers, I ____ them into the modern
American language now. C) have been
D) were being
A) translate E) are being
B) am translating
C) have been translated
D) had been translating
E) translated
19. He ____ to the locksmith who ____ the combination of
the safe.

A) hurried / checks
B) was hurrying / checked
C) was hurrying / was checking
D) hurries / checked
E) hurried / was checking

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Mixed Tenses Test Exercises - Multiple Choice Questions With Answers - Advanced
Level 2

20. You can't see him now. He ____ to Norfolk he ____ on


A) goes / arrives 25. How many books ____ you ____ so far?
B) went / returned
A) did / read
C) has gone / arrives
B) will / read
D) went / has arrived
C) had / read
E) went / arrives
D) are / going to read
E) have / read

21. People of the area ____ many attempts to improve

living conditions but it can't be said they ____
successful so far. 26. I ____ since I learnt that it causes lung cancer.

A) made / were A) will not smoke

B) are making / have been B) had smoked
C) make / are C) haven't been smoking
D) made / are D) weren't smoking
E) have made / have been E) used to smoke

22. She ____ for her husband since he left for Ohio last 27. I ____ even one cigarette since I gave up it five
month. months ago.

A) longs A) have smoked

B) is longing B) hadn't been smoking
C) was longing C) hadn't smoked
D) has been longing D) haven't been smoking
E) longed E) wouldn't have smoked

23. We ____ here to watch the sunset. This is what we 28. She ____ in that company since she graduated from
____ at the weekends. university

A) have gathered / do A) will have worked

B) are gathering / do B) has been working
C) gathered / did C) would have worked
D) gather / have done D) was working
E) gathered / have done E) will work

24. She ____ everyone by coming one day earlier. We ____ 29. Where have you been? I ____ for you fifteen minutes.
happy to see her.
A) had waited
A) has surprised / will be B) had been waiting
B) has surprised / are C) would be waiting
C) surprises / were D) was going to wait
D) has surprised / were E) have been waiting
E) is surprising / are

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Mixed Tenses Test Exercises - Multiple Choice Questions With Answers - Advanced
Level 2

30. Scientists ____ the time the cure of the disease since

the P.M. ordered them to do so.

A) have searched
B) were searching
C) had been searching
D) had searched
E) have been searching

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Mixed Tenses Test Exercises - Multiple Choice Questions With Answers - Advanced
Level 2

Answer Key:

1: C 16: D
2: D 17: B
3: D 18: A
4: A 19: E
5: C 20: C
6: C 21: E
7: C 22: D
8: D 23: A
9: E 24: B
10: B 25: E
11: E 26: C
12: A 27: D
13: D 28: B
14: B 29: E
15: C 30: E

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