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Urbanization is on the rise all over the globe and as the time goes it gradually increases
the competitiveness. Moreover, urbanization is the increase in the proportion of people living
in towns and cities. As we know that Urbanization occurs because people move from rural areas
or in the countryside to urban areas. This usually occurs when a country is still developing. The
development has positive and negative effects, but now we will be focusing on the negative
approach of urbanization.
Urbanization affects how we live, and if we are really observing on the big towns and
cities the initial problems we are looking when talking urbanization is the things that our health
is involve and the high demand of living in urban places. First is the Poor air and water quality,
The sources of air pollution are intrinsically linked to how we live in cities. While many people
see cars as transportation but it’s the most obvious causes of air pollution, affects water quality
because more pollutants are produced in urban settings, and the watersheds lose the ability to
hold and retain water because of the increase in impervious surfaces. Second is waste-disposal
problems, The problem is more acute in the urban areas, where rapidly growing populations
generate increasingly larger quantities of solid waste that urban local bodies are unable to
manage effectively. Thus, Improper management of solid waste poses risks to the environment
and public health.
Third is the high energy consumption that are worsen by the population density and
demands of urban environments. As the areas expand, so does the demand for energy. Urban
energy is required for everything from providing citizens with water, heating and cooling, to
other community functions such as powering homes, electrical vehicles, traffic control systems
and communications. Furthermore, There are lots of major effects that distracts our
environment, such as areas can grow from increases in human populations or from migration
into urban areas. Urbanization often results in deforestation, habitat loss, and the extraction of
freshwater from the environment, which can decrease biodiversity and alter species ranges and
It appears that in industrialized nations, urbanization originally resulted in greater
mortality rates in urban than in rural regions. This is mostly because of extreme overcrowding
paired with poor sanitary conditions. The saddest reality is whether we like it or not no one has
able to successfully halt or reverse the trend of urbanization. Hence, any time soon 20 plus
Years from now there will be a massive change in all areas even in our own. It will now depends
on how we manage securing ourselves in the future.

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