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I'm not looking for a prince! I am looking for a man with a deep soul and a warm heart.

I would
like to nd someone who is a direct person who has a bright future, dreams, plans, goals! I'm
looking for a man with whom I will be comfortable day and night! The one whom I can fully
trust, I can tell everything that is in my heart, he should be not only a husband, a lover, I can
offer you comfort, warmth, tenderness, joy, love and respect. I will make our common home
bright and comfortable, the laughter of a child will sound in it. Our house will be lled with all
the colors of joy! The biggest gift YOU can give me is your time, your attention, your love and
your concern. Are you a caring person ??? I want you to become part of my happy soul, part of
my life, my being. but i'm sorry i have a bad English


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