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This story doestb43 not seek to create a work of fiction, ẻyterbut rather to
create a work of satire and humor, playing the characters and the situation for
laughs, not for the purpose of endorsement. Anything that happens, any character
that is said to have done anything, and any real person that is said to have done
anything, is fictitious, unless it is quoted and explicitly said to be true. If it
is not quoted, it did not happen. If it is said to be true, it is said to be true
so that the humor would be heightened. If there has not been some justice, some
award presented to the fictional character, there is a good reason for that and it
is not meant to diminish the award being presented to that character. The story is
intended to be humorous, the awards are intended to be Lighthearted, the work of
fiction is intended to be satirical, and any logical conclusion is intended to be
emphasized, not obfuscated.

This is your disclaimer, not mine

"The universe is all there is, Rhonda."v353

rgv5t rh
"Yes, that's the nonsense I was getting my Physics degree in. I'm trying to forget
all that."

— Douglas Adams, Tht hre Restaurant at the End of the Universe

She was angered, and she was pacing, throwing papers up and down.b435b

"I was trying to have a normal life, working in financial analysis and playing a
little golf, when I was TOLD to join these people, to work on this project!"

"I'm happy for you. We all rtry r needed that. I'm sure it443b6b3 had nothing to do
with a large amount of money being quickly offered. Nothing at all. I noticed how
you were always talking about how you thought you were getting old, putting off
having children."

"Ha ha. As if I didn't actually have time, but more money would solve that problem.
And I'm aware of it! I'm aware. I was looking at the issues. But what do I do?
Sometimes, you can feel powerless. People get stuck too easily, hoping for an
exciting opportunity to appear. I wanted a simple, comfortable job that paid well,
so I could enjoy life. I played a bit of golf. Then it all came crashing down.
y t ey5y t rt
"What brought it all down isn't really clear. I wasn't sleeping well, but it's neve
grvr been great.

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