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0=2 Through the Ages and Ever...

by Espen G. Nilsen on Thursday, April 28, 2011 at 2:40am

Uniting of the Opposing Forces... Who Says Dont Do

heard through a voice from a person who supposedly
knew anything about the Greatest Sin a man could
excecute, and that the knowledge about it was very
hidden. Why this person would say that this is the
Greatest Sin Spiritualy known to Man, do not know. Or
where he got the dea from is to me a question without
answer. The Key to unlock this supposedly Sin was
situated deepest in the Mind. Now, it is said that you
should leave the Opposing Forces to themselves. But Sin
is beautiful and it is the most Natural a human being can
experience. The result of this Excercise is the most
magnificent Experience known to common man. Why are
there forces not willing for us to partake in this Experience,
or seeing something greater in our everyday life? Some
egotistical gods/humans that wants it all for themselves,
because they live in fear and need oppressing rules to get
through their life/excistence. Ok, the Technique on which
to produce this "Sin" is quite abstract. The thing you do is
that you take the concentrated Core of a Force, like
"Belonging", and take its Opposing extreme Force, "Not-
Belonging", and Conjoin these two extreme Yin&Yang
Forces into, One. That is, you create the Third Force of
the two + and - extremes. t is much like clashing two
"balls" of Energy into each other. When you have done
this, you must concentrate your thought into the Third
Force created. Cling to this Third Force and Observe the
Unleashed Result. The Result is that both of the Yin/Yang
Forces ceases to excist, they disappear. What you have
left is something thats not there anymore, you become
lighter. You cannot do this only once, you have to
meditate and keep doing it with every possible idea that
excicts in our world/your Mind. Keep doing this and
ascend/rise upward through the Higher Planes until you
reach the uppermost (the most far away) Plane, the roof of
your Mind. What happens beyond this State do not know.
have never gone further. The State you reach when you
cannot go any further can be much similar (or in fact it is
that State) to Samadhi. will not in this paper disclose the
shortcut used to get into the meditation in the first place.
f this is the Greatest Sin, do not know. What do know is
that certain individuals claim that it is a "Sin". have never
read anywhere else that this is the Greatest Sin a man
can perform. But the Uniting of Opposite Forces may be
another shortcut for meditators to get to the Smooth Point.
Other yogis may have another approach through their
attainment to achieve the Great State of Living
Man(Samadhi). n the East they may say that the Karma
of setting Opposing Forces up against each other might
be "Bad Karma". dont know. What do think is that the
Uni-Verse will not punish you for doing it, the Uni-Verse
dosnt see one way better than the other. But the feeling
of doing it is similar to that of stealing apples from your
neighbour when your a kid. The point is that you get
there... (Though hard work and longtime dedication to
Meditative Excercises might make you more "ready" for
the Experience). the Smooth Point. When you have
reached the Uppermost Plane you must understand that
normal thinking will do no good. You really have to let go
of the Thinking. You must be completely Slent, and never
try to express what is going on. Or try to ask questions or
defining the Truth you Experience. f you do this, and
maybe start rational thinking you will fall downward and
away from that state. But immidiately you stop the thinking
and clense your mind for any disturbing thougths, you will
yet again enter the Smooth Point, or the State of Eternal
Bliss, and rise again uppwards. The main purpose when
you are in the Samadhi is to hold on, and to stay in that
State for as long as possible. You will receive pure visions
of Light that is so strong that your Eyes and Mind feels like
its burning, but the feeling of Delight keeps you holding
on to that State of Mind no matter what. You really want
the Experience to last as long as possible. The Effect of
being in that state is increase of Life Energy, and lots of it.
How to descend from this State do not know. n my case
was thrown out and crashlanded, so to speak. The
Reason was the Malkuth/Qlippothic environment around
me that disturbed me so much that lost all Consentration
and fell out. This was not ideal or healthy for me. The
disturbance from Malkuth was a fire alarm which was
attached directly above my head in the ceiling. When it
suddenly went of, it was like thousands of Volts
penetrating me from my head and down my spine. My
nervous system was really filled with Pain and was
"overloaded". The memories of this State of the Smooth
Point never seem to disappeare. can still think about it
and "see" the vision. f ever Experience this State of
Mind again, dont know, but hopefully will...
93 93/93!!!

. MehtaIahz .

The Horns Which Consists of Power of the Hidden ONE...

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