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AIways Been, And AIways WiII... Be Around.

Nothing can stop the True Understanding of the

Substances... The Importance of It...
by Espen G. Nilsen on Friday, April 15, 2011 at 6:57am

The Substances of Eternal Joy is covered in a Negativ Veil, which
we must as individuals unveil, understand and seek occult
knowledge through to Reach the Map of the nternal Universe,
and befriend ourselves with the nternal Cosmic Agents to get to
the Smooth Point. All our available Substances are covered with
Qlipphothic experiences, and it is to easy for humans to submit to
this Negativ Veil. When this happens and loops too often, try to
see the Worthless nformation (confusion of thoughts) and its
Structure and the mpact on your Mind. Understand the Non-
gaining Knowledge and Clearify your Mind. Start to Meditate Upon
the Opposing Forces and begin the Focus on the Mighty Mind.
Stay focused, and reach for the Supporting Energy to stand by
you and your know nternal Mission and begin the Exploration of
the True Mind. One good tool is to Focus on the One Point,
OnePointedness is the Key to get through the Negativ Veil and
into the Positiv Core. Behind this Negativ Veil in the experience of
the Substance, it is the Core of the Substance. There is always a
Point, a Core, which is Positive in every Way. Not Positiv as in the
Yin/Yang experience. t is beyond the Understanding of Opposing
Forces. But Positive in the way that it is NOT disturbed by the
Outer Layering Forces. t is the Core of the Substance, and this
Core produces the Smooth Point Experience in your Mind/nternal
Universe. The True/Positive Core of every Substance will never
make a wreck of the individual, if the individual understands that
the State of Experience which she is experiencing is in fact the
Core of the type of ngested Substance. The Core of the
Substance will never make any individuals an Addict, but the
Negativ Veil will. Thats why we have Drug Addicts in the society
because too many individuals are in fact drawn to the Confusion
of Thoughts/Behaviour of the Negativ Veil, and the Sedative and
very Pleasant Experience by this State of Confusion. Psychotic
Experience may be a very Drugged and Pleasant State of Mind.
The Negativ Veil is to easy to handle, and it really makes you
forget about the Positiv Core of Every Substance. The Negative
Veil is also approached by individuals who make no effort in
taking responsibility of their behaviour or their handling towards
other Humanoids/Beings or the Wibe of the Thinking Process
taking place in that specific Time/Space. Please DO NOT take
every Substance available, but try to see the Benefit of the
Outcome by the Substance. Ask yourself this:

1. What insight may i Understand by this Substance?

2. What is the Outcome of my Creative Energy, and how may
best function in this Dimension, physically, to promote the
Outcome of this Energy ingested by this specific Substance?

3. Why do use Substances to induce Sedative Effect upon my

Be alert, be awake... The Sleep of the Mind is the most dangerous
weapon/tool the Governments use to Control their nhabitants, in
that specific region. They use TV and commercial Sedative Drugs,
which the doctors have no trouble giving it to their pasients, or
anyone at all. DO NOT use Sedative Drugs!!! DO Substances that
may Enlighten your Mind and Broaden Your Thinking, and Heal
your Bodily and Mentally Energies which floats through your entire
Body/Being. The Future of Our Planet and the Future of
Humankind is dependent on Our Attitude, Use and Understanding
of the Sacred Substances of Eternal Joy. Go to the Core,
nevermind the Outer Layers, the Outer Layers are only there to
Protect the Smooth Point, the nner Core. Remember: Your Mind
is Your worst Enemy, and Your Best Friend. Treat them both well,
and Understand them both well. But never turn Your back to any
of Them. The Core of the Substances inhabit the Experience of
the Smooth Point. When you Understand the mportance of the
Positiv Core, you will Understand the mportance of the
Substances of Eternal Joy and foremost YOU will understand
YOU. How, why and where to, will soon be very clear and you
start doing things the Right Way. Not just Artistic Luck, but a
Profound Understanding of what choice to make and what True
Path to choose. The Understanding of the Positive Core DO NOT
make loosers or screw-ups of its Spectaters or its Contributors
(those experiencing the Positiv Core.) But real Humans, Honoured
the Title: COSMC BENG. n the Order of Beings, the Lodge of
Humanity. t is time to step into the Core of Substances of Eternal
Joy and be part of the Living Universe, with ALL its inhabitants
and weird Experiences. The Prophet said: "Fair S Failure." And
the Conclousion is: MAKE NO MSTAKES. Take heed and
afterthought, make the Right Choice. t is more than YOUR Life at
stake. t is Humanity, for what thats worth and the well-Being of
our Dare Home, the UNVERSE. DO NOT listen to your National
Authority, telling you that Substances will kill you and Destroy your
Life. f you DARE use it, and make the Right Choices on your
Path while traveling through the Experiences of the Substances of
Eternal Joy, your Life will be enriched and Empowered with
Understanding of the Hidden Knowledge about: YOU and the
Worlds Around YOU, with ALL its Beings. Do well, do Good and
Never look back at the De-Faults. n Silence, LSTEN!!! n
Thinking, LSTEN!!! n Observing, Observe everything you
Experience and make conclusions about what you Observe and
foremost Observe the Observer, which is Observing Everything
and t-Self Observing while Observing... Ask Yourself this: What is
Abstract Thinking, and how may apply it to my Own Thinking in
this State of LFE? To WLL much, is to LVE much...

:. Mehtalahz .:

The ndividual Who Makes No Differences Between Two or More

Infinite Thoughts Between Non-Regulai Abstiacteu Iueas...

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