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Consumption Note

Project ID CI-10133,10134,10135
Date 22/01/2022

Used from Inventory /Arranged by Supply Chain

S no. Item name Item Description Cost (PKR) From Inventory Purchased


S no. Item name Item Description Cost (PKR) Bill Attached

1 Contigency 100,000

Total 100,000

Project Interloop Fsd

Project Manager Ahmad Masood


Rs. 100,000/- as a advance was transferred in Mr. Ahmad Masood's account

CI-10133,CI-10134,CI-10135 Interloop Fsd CI
Sr. # Date Description Expense Total Expense Total Cash Remarks
11/6/2022 Sabih travelling lhr 950
11/16/2022 Bike maintanance 130
11/18/2022 Bike maintanance 800
11/18/2022 Sabih Mobile package 1050
11/20/2022 Sabih travelling Fsd 950
11/21/2022 Abid travelling Pezu 1100
11/21/2022 Print 60
11/22/2022 Bike fuel 1050
11/23/2022 Bike maintanance 280
11/25/2022 Print 160
11/30/2022 Bike fuel 1020
12/2/2022 Sabih travelling Fsd-lhr 1640
12/3/2022 Deisel for compactor 2000
12/5/2022 Bike fuel 200
12/6/2022 Bike fuel 1010
12/7/2022 Lifter 14000
12/7/2022 Room rent Nov/Dec 25500
12/7/2022 Print 290
12/7/2022 Device Package 1000 91263 100,000
12/8/2022 Print 210
12/8/2022 Bike fuel 500
12/9/2022 Vehicle expensese 20,000
12/9/2022 Bike fuel 510
12/9/2022 Builty 370
12/11/2022 Transportation of Panel from ppl to shed 7000
12/11/2022 Builty 670
12/12/2022 Bike fuel 500
12/13/2022 Bike fuel 500
12/13/2022 Labour excavation for trench 8913
12/13/2022 Transportation of Panel from ppl to shed 1800
12/14/2022 Bike maintanance 640
12/15/2022 Bike fuel 500
12/17/2022 Bike fuel 500
12/19/2022 Bike fuel 500

Total Remaing amount to be returned=100000-91263 = -8269 Rs

Cash Register
Cash in flow Cash Out flow
Sr. No. Disc. Cash Sr. No. Disc. Cash
Advance Ahmed Masood
1 100,000 91,263
account 1
2 2
3 3
Total 100,000 Total 91,263

Need to return to Company 8,269

Remaining Cash



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