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10:55 0.0KB/s & “ull C74 x @ Instagram - ModPremium < : . 3 OMGt! 8 It's REZ | saw many people searching for the Instagram following bots and stuff which make them famous (kinda ) in like few minutes. Now, | ant criticizing those bots. They work, some do and some dont but those which will work will be banned by the Instagram. So, there isn’t any way where you can get followers in like few minutes through bot. But, hold on.... This trick will really send you around 500 followers in every 20 min and more over its repeatable!! Create a new Instagram account to use it for the tool, dont share your account PASSWORD because your account will follow other guys that are using this trick! New Instagram account in the sense, a fake one which will be used for this site. Go to and in the upper right corner you will see a blue button, click it to Login with your new Instagram account (DON’T USE YOUR MAIN ACCOUNT TO LOGIN). The site is slow so the login will be slow, around 4/5 mins. Have a little patience. Once you login there will be Send Followers, likes, Story views options presented to you by the site. Click on Send Followers which we want here. Enter your Instagram Username for your main account and click the green button. (use the account which you want the followers to be added) Then enter how much IG Followers you need, the max is 500. Dont overdo it . Go with baby steps. Being greedy may not give you expected results. Click the green button again and wait a couple of minutes, this can take up to 10 minutes or so. Once you are done, Logout from the website and check your main Instagram account which you've sent the followers to. IF YOU WANT ANOTHER 500 FOLLOWERS CREATE NEW INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT SO YOU CAN LOGIN TO THE WEBSITE AND YOU WILL HAVE NEW 500 FOLLOWERS TO SPEND. USE IT WISELY. Recommended: Use VPN when Sending Followers cuz i think the website will ban your IP. Dont spam and make use of it so that it will profit you Raw paste :

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