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Answer keys:

1. Smith
2. Six/6
3. Sites/tour of London
4. 6.30 (pm)
5. eat/drink/eat and drink
6. Paris
7. King George
8. 8 (pm)
9. because of elections/blocked off roads
10. Van Gogh (Goph/Goff) exhibition
11. handouts
12. costing
13. experience
14. smaller companies
15. two/2
16. having (minor) surgery/in hospital
17. Debbie and Andrew
18. Thursday/next Thursday
19. B
20. D
21. Gina
22. father (in London)
23. Thursday afternoon/2 o’clock
24. Yes
25. for two summers
26. Master’s (course)
27. Italian media
28. money
29. (her) college (accommodation)
30. couple of weeks/two weeks
31. D
32. A
33. Cutlery
34. brightest
35. famous/known
36. 300
37. because of illness
38. (Bell) racing engine
39. bridge building (technology)
40. 12 years/a dozen years

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