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A happy event

A happy event was when I hiked in the Bucegi Mountains, last summer,
with my friends.
The hike started at 9 o’clock from Moeciul de sus. The weather was
sunny. We went through the threes. After 2 hours of continuous walking, we
reached a glade. There were a lot of people had a picnic. After that we went in
a dark forest. The path was more difficult to went.
In the evening we found a good place for camping. Four boys prepare
tents for sleep and the rest, that was, the girls cooked a goulash. After dinner,
everyone sat around a campfire. Mihai told us a horror story with a dangerous
animal as big as a bear that killed 2 climbers many years ago. Vlad was
frightened by what they said and thought the big animal was in the bushes. He
went to see who made this noise. There was a baby rabbit who was lost its
In the end the monster did not exist and we laughed out loud.

I am always the first person my friends call because they know

I am always there for them. Night or day, I make sure to take
care of the people in my life. I put the same effort into making
sure my work is done correctly, and I am always available to
help my team members. We made underwater videos and the
phone still worked. Once my manager found out, he made this
a mandatory practice for all 150 locations. I tend to be very
driven in my approach to life and work. Throughout college, I
was active in three clubs, worked full time, and still managed
to graduate at the top of my class. Ever since I was a little
kid, I have tried to practice honesty. I remember one time I
found six Disneyland tickets and $200 cash in an envelope. I
turned the envelope into the store where I found it. My
honesty paid off when no one came to claim it and I was able
to keep the content.

My house is very cool. I have living room, a bathroom, bedrooms, and a kitchen.
We, me and my parents love this house. Is little, but never boring. Everyday, i watch
TV in my room, or in living. When im little bit sad, i go on my room where is a big
box and i put in it. I love bathroom. Is big and bath is blue. Kitchen is big too for
I love my house!

 My favorite person
Every person in this world has someone to follow and look to that person as his or
her idol, and yes it is not necessary all the time. A favorite person means that the
person has a great influence on that person, who has made his or her favorite. My
favorite person is my father.
From my childhood, I had always tried to follow my father and I believed that
whatever my father was doing, he was doing for the right cause and that is getting
true as the days goes by. My father had served the Romanian Air Force(IAF) for a
period of 20 years and when I hear different stories from him, I feel proud and at the
same time, the reason why I choose him as the favorite person becomes more
prominent. I learn some essential qualities from him like how to take responsibility,
leadership quality, and how to be a disciplined individual in life, and I feel if I acquire
these qualities in life, then I will definitely be a successful person. I have always
taken all the decisions by discussing with my father as I believe if he involves with
my decisions, then the success rate of that decisions increases.
My father is my idol and every day he inspires me a lot and I will implement the
same to my life to be a successful person.

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