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Mobs are computer-contro

Dungeons Mobs
Spooky Mobs
Sea Creatures
Mythological Ritual Mobs
Main article: Slayer
Bosses only appear when completing a Slayer quest. Slayer minibosses can also spawn
when a Slayer quest is active, and are stronger than normal mobs, but weaker than
Slayer bosses.

Dungeons Mobs
Main article: Dungeon Mobs
Dungeon mobs spawn in Dungeons. They have high amounts of ❤ Health, damage and
defense compared to regular mobs. Some need to be killed to earn a secret, whilst
others protect rooms.

Spooky Mobs
Main article: Spooky Mobs
Spooky Mobs spawn during the Spooky Festival and have a chance to drop Green Candy
Green Candy or Purple Candy Purple Candy. Collecting candy grants points towards
the Spooky Festival.

Sea Creatures
Main article: Sea Creatures
Sea Creatures have a chance to spawn when Fishing Rod.png Fishing. α Sea Creature
Chance is the chance to fish up a Sea Creature. They drop unique fishing drops.

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