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HDP Profile for module -one

NAME- Getachew Mulate Department of Economics

Unit Two: The Role of Reflection among Higher Education Teachers

Reflective Activity 4 - P. 12
1. What do reflection, reflective practice and reflective teaching mean to you?
Reflection in teaching refers to a teacher's capacity to instruct students by bridging
theoretical knowledge with the real world. Reflective educators consider the relevance of
the subject matter to the student's daily lives when educating their students. To do this, he
or she makes use of introspection before, during, and for action.
2. How well do you practice reflective thinking to deepen your understanding and
improve your teaching competence?
Reflection in action is one of the three types of reflection that has been thoroughly
developed. I am effective at managing the classroom. This aids in determining my pupils'
performance, which is a crucial component of evaluation preparation.
3. Based on your teaching experiences, give examples of reflection on, in and for action.
Action-based reflection: I attempt to use examples from the actual world, such as the
entertainment sector, when I teach theatrical concepts. To foster reflection, I occasionally
ask seniors in the class if they think the kids are learning the material well. An example of
a company's or person's track record of success.
4. How well have you handled the technical, practical and critical levels of reflection?
It takes years of expertise to manage the technical, practical, and critical levels of reflection
competence. In keeping with this, I believe my strong suit is technology. Additionally, I'm
working to raise my level of critical and piratical reflection.
Reflective Activity 5 - P. 14
1. What are the different techniques of reflection that you have been using in your
reflective learning endeavours? Why did you use them and how?
A. I use these strategies, for example, when kids act badly in class. I periodically deal with
pupils who are disruptive to other students. I immediately make some suggestions on how to
keep from making the same mistake again.
2. Which reflective technique is preferable and appropriate for teaching/learning and
lifelong learning? How?
There is, in my opinion, no ideal strategy. One approach may be preferred over another
depending on the situation. Each technique also has an objective that must be accomplished
after it is used. They all use a different approach to teaching through reflection, which
enhances professors' skills in higher education.
Reflective Activity 6 - P. 15
1. What have you understood about reflective higher education teachers in higher
education from the above cases?
Balcha, Endelibu, and Tsion were three cases that let me comprehend the skills of the three
teachers. In the beginning, Balcha is a reflective teacher because he satisfies the criteria for
reflective teachers: he develops classes, oversees the classroom, finds quick solutions to
problems that happen in the classroom, and continually assesses his strengths and
flaws.Endelibu is a thoughtless and unreflective teacher, as his name would suggest. None of
Balcha's reflective teaching methods is used by this teacher. When you arrive at Tsion, she is
an instructor who is somewhat reflecting. Balcha lacked the reflecting instructors' inability to
control the classroom and their reluctance to approach senior staff to further their careers. She
was missing some introspective qualities.
2. How effective are the above cases in changing your attitude towards applying
reflective thinking in your study and your teaching? Explain.
The cases are effective because they identified three distinct teacher behaviours per how
effectively they employ reflective teaching. Balcha is/will be my biggest role model for both
my current endeavours and those in the future.
3. After going through the cases, do you feel you should change your attitude towards
the application of reflection in your practice? Explain.
Yes, I need to develop all levels and types of reflection to both deepen my understanding and
increase my teaching effectiveness. As long as I stay in academic it is not an option rather it
is a necessity to adjust my attitude in line with the application of reflection practices. BY:-
Unit Three: Professionalism in Higher Education

Reflective Activity 7 - P. 23
1. My significant role model: Belayneh Kassa (PhD)

Characteristics/e.g. competence and Behavior /e.g. punctuality; responsiveness/

interest in the subject area; years of service/

 He is competent enough in subject  He is punctual

matter Knowledge.  He is also confident
 He has the smart ability to relate theory  He appreciates students who ask and
with real words by using simple answer questions
examples.  He is supportive
 Class management skill is very good  He is a role model in every aspect

2. Which of the characteristics and behaviours you listed above do you think are
particularly important in influencing student values and conduct?

My opinion is that the teaching profession calls for particular traits and conduct. In the
beginning, teachers must be knowledgeable in the subject matter to assist students to develop
confidence. Additionally, abilities like time management and class management are crucial in
shaping students' values and behaviour.
Reflective Activity 8 - P. 25
1. What is your best characteristic as a teacher?
 In my role as a teacher, I always get myself ready for class, do my best to connect
theory to real-world situations by utilizing straightforward examples, and have good
classroom management skills.
2. Which role model characteristic do you most want to develop?
 Being supportive of my students.
3. Write three things you can do to develop the character you identified above.
 Being competent and knowledgeable in the subject matter
 Being supportive of my students.
 Being punctual and ethical.

Unit Four: Diversity Management

Reflective Activity 9 - P. 27
1. Is diversity a problem or an opportunity for students learning? Yes/No, Why?
Since the students enrolled come from different cultures, languages, and religions, the issue
of diversity is crucial for our intuition. It demands equitable treatment, among other things.
Our university has been putting this into good practice.
2. In your opinion, how fairly do teachers in your university treat students with diverse
backgrounds? For teachers, all students are his/her son/daughter. As a mother or father treat
his/her son/daughter fairly the teachers must do also.
3. You most probably had the experience of teaching students with different attributes
(linguistic, socioeconomic, etc). How well did you manage the task? If you facing
problems in this regard, how did you resolve them?
Diversity can easily be managed by treating and respecting others fairly. For example, I give
chance for my students to ask what they need freely without any frustration.
4. How can the issue of diversity and equity be best addressed in your institution?
Discuss in group
Since the students enrolled come from a variety of cultures, languages, and religions, among
other things, they must receive equal treatment. Our university has been putting this into good
Reflective Activity 10 - P. 29
Identify at least three major problems that hinder the education of persons with disability or
other marginalized groups and suggest possible solutions.

Observed Problems or Issues Suggested Solutions and Actions

1. Negative Community attitude 1. Awareness creation on disability is

2. Lack of infrastructure not inability
3. Available job opportunity 2. Developing good infrastructure like
3. Facilitating job opportunities for
disabled people by considering their
End-of-Module Self-Assessment - Module One

Write a reflective comment on your overall performance and achievements in Module One
concerning each of the following areas.
1. Reflective activity: I have excellent feedback regarding the idea of reflective activity,
varieties of reflection, and how to utilize it in managing a classroom. I learned a useful
2. Planning sessions, and conducting observations and evaluations: These issues are very
important and have good relevance for my future endeavours.
3. Contributions to group work: Students require group work to enhance collaboration and
finish projects. The information in this session can be used to establish groups based on
student performance and other considerations.
4. Carrying out projects: helps me to plan smartly and perform my work properly
5. Attendance and punctuality: I was in the class the entire time. But I had to miss two days
of class because of an unexpected problem. I had to justify my motivation to HDP facilitators
as a result.
How would you evaluate your overall performance in Module One? Circle one.

Signature of candidate: _____________________ Date: 10/05/2015 E,C


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