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1 TRAN NGUYEN PHUONG THUY (Chii bién) - 56 THI THANH HA - NGUYEN HUYEN MINH ON TAP - KIEM TRA, DANH GIA NANG LUC HOC SINH MON TIENG ANH i (C6 stta chita, bé sung) NHA XUAT BAN BALHOC SU PHAM UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION PUBLISHING HOUSE ON TAP— KIEN TRA, DANH GIA NANG LYC HOC SINH MON TIENG ANH LOP 4 ~ HQC Kl i “Trén Nguyn Phuong Thuy (Ch bién) ~ 86 Thi Thanh Ha — Nguyn Huyén Minh ‘Bin quyén must an thug vé Nha must bin Bgl hoc Su pharm, Moi hinh thacsaa chép tain bd hey mot phn hoge cc hin hie phat hi ‘ma khng 6 ay cho phep tu bing van bin ca Wha xudt bin Bal hoc Supham du vi ham phép last ‘Ching tun mong mun nhin daze hang kn ding gap cla qu) vd id «sich ngtycang dn tien hon. Mol gdp 9 vEsdch, in he vébdn thdo ve cick wy ban quyén vin uiling giv da chiemat kehoacnxbdhsp.eduyn (wa s6 sch tiéu chun quéc té: ISBN 978-604-54-3289-1 PREFACE. Part |, REVIEW ...ssvesee Unit 11: WHAT TIME IS IT; Unit 12: WHAT DOES YOUR FATHER DO?, Unit 13: WOULD YOU LIKE SOME MILK? Unit 14: WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE? Unit 15: WHEN IS CHILDREN’S DAY? Unit 16: LET'S GO TO THE BOOKSHOF Unit 17: HOW MUCH IS THE T-SHIRT? Unit 18: WHAT'S YOUR PHONE NUMBER?. Unit 19: WHAT ANIMAL DO YOU WANT TO SEE? Unit 20: WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO THIS SUMMER? Part Il. TEST... 15 MINUTE TEST. Unit 11: WHAT TIME IS Unit 12: WHAT DOES YOUR FATHER DO?. Unit 13: WOULD YOU LIKE SOME MILK? Unit 14; WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE? Unit 15: WHEN IS CHILDREN’S DAY? Unit 16: LET’S GO TO THE BOOKSHOP. Unit 17: HOW MUCH IS THE T-SHIRT! Unit 18: WHAT'S YOUR PHONE NUMBER? Unit 19: WHAT ANIMAL DO YOU WANT TO SEE? Unit 20: WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO THIS SUMMER? 35 MINUTE TEST. TEST 1 (From Unit 11 to Unit 15).. TEST 2 (From Unit 11 to Unit 15).. TEST 3 (From Unit 16 to Unit 20).. TEST 4 (From Unit 16 to Unit 20).. FINAL TERM TE: TEST TEST. TEST PREFACE | Tiéng Anh da trd thanh mét yéu cau tat yéu clia méi cong dan toan cau. | Vic hoc tigng Anh nhiing nam gan day ngay cang dug cht trong, 6 bac | Tiéu hgc, hoc sinh dugc lam quen véi mén Tiéng Anh tt 6p, Iép 2 va chinh | thc hoc b6 mén nay tif lép 3 vdi thoi lugng quy dinh Ia 4 tiét / tudn. Du hoc | dt sé thai lugng quy dinh dé, hoc sinh Viét Nam van phai déi mat vdi thach thtic Ién la thiéu mdi truéng thuc hanh tiéng, thiéu thdi gian va cong cu dé luyén tap, thigu chai déng trong viéc ty kiém tra, danh gid qué trinh hoc tap. Vi vay, bé sach On #8; fm tra, danh gia nang fue hoe sinh mén h dugc bién soan nham muc dich: giip hoc sinh tu 6n tap, cling c6 kién thtic d duge hoc trén I6p; tu kiém tra, danh gid trinh dé tiéng Anh sau cdc don vi bai hoc hodc sau méi hgc ki; cung cap tu li¢u cho gido vién dé té chuic 6n tap trén Idp theo cac don vi bai hoc, thuc hién viéc danh gid nang luc hoc sinh qua hé théng cac bai kiém tra 15 phut, 35 phut, hoc ki; va dac biét la hé tro phu huynh hoc sinh trong viéc quan Ii, kiém soat chat lugng hoc tap bé mén. B6 sach xay dung theo Chuang trinh tiéng Anh tiéu hoc va cac quy dinh vé kiém tra, danh gid mén Tiéng Anh tiéu hoc cla BO Gido duc va Dao tao véi cau tric méi cu6n nhu sau: PHAN ON TAP gém 10 bai 6n tap tuang ting vi 10 bai hoc clia mdi hoc ki, tom luge nhiing kién thutc quan trong vé ngéf Am, tt vung va cau tric. PHAN KIEM TRA gém: - 10 bai kiém tra 15 phutt tuong ting vai 10 bai hoc. - 4 bai kiém tra 35 phut, cur 05 bai hoc 6 02 bai kiém tra. —4 bai kiém tra hoc ki. Cac bai kiém tra 35 phut va kiém tra hoc ki dugc thiét ké voi day dui 4 ki nang (Nghe - Ndi - Doc - Viét) trong dé tap trung vao ki nang Nghe, Ndi theo chi dao, dinh huéng phat trién nang luc giao tiép ctia B6 Gido duc va Dao tao. Ching tdi hi vong bé sach sé la céng cu hé tro dac luc cho viéc 6n tap va kiém tra, danh gid mén Tiéng Anh cho hoc sinh tiéu hoc; gop phan nang cao chat lugng hoc tap b6 mén trong cdc nha trudng. Chic cdc em thanh céng! Nhom tac gia A, VOCABULARY 1, Pick and write. get dressed goto school watch television 4 li, Pick and write. (rarely sometimer ofter abvayy 100% always B. STRUCTURE Match and draw. 1. What time is it? A. four o'clock. Cais B. twelve-fifteen. 2. What time do you have lunch at school? five o' } Thave lunch C. five o'clock. ES, ~thavelunchat _________. D. six o'clock. 3. What time does your father get up? (0g My father usually gets up at 4. What time do you go to bed? -|go to bed at . . 5. What time does your mother cook dinner? H. one-thirty. — My mother cooks dinner at . |. six-thirty. E. ten-fifteen. F. ten-forty-five. G. five-twenty-five. { \ A. VOCABULARY Pick and write. clerk farmer pilot sailor | | cook fisherman police woman teacher | doctor hairdresser reporter worker B. STRUCTURE Read and answer. 1. What does your father do? hospital / airport / field / -Heisa school hotel /home/ sea / factory (police station / 2. Where does he work? office / restaurant / shop - He works at /in veg cmt c_cum. g_ ju » STRUCTURE * What is your favourite food / drink, Tom? Would you like some _? : * My favourite food /drinkis___ * Yes, please. * No, thank you. Read and answer. Name eas ee Favourite food beef burger pizza Favourite drink hot chocolate coke 1. What is Akiko’s favourite food? - Akiko's favourite food / It is beef burger. 2. What is Akiko’s favourite drink? 3. What is Phong’s favourite food? 4, What is Phong’s favourite drink? A. VOCABULARY Look and wi (tall / short) (big / small) 1. She is short. B. STRUCTURE : ~ What does she / he look like? ~ Who is.taller? Look and tick. 1, Who is heavier, 0 A or (1 B? 2.Who is shorter, (] A or ( B? 3. Who is younger, OCorOD? 4. Who is taller, CA or 0 B? 5. Who is thinner, [3 C or 1] D? ~She'/heis. : ~ He is taller. ~ He is taller than his father. . VOCABULARY Match the phrases with pictures. 1, New Year <——_—__—__-> A. the first of January a. 2. Women’s Day B. the first of June b. 3. Children’s Day C. the second of September ic 4. Teachers’ Day D. the eighth of March d. 5. Vietnam Independence Day _E. the twentieth of November —_e. B. STRUCTURE _* When is (Children’s Day)? — It’s on (the first of Ju n 2). * What do you do on (New Year)? — | (go to the park). Answer the questions. 1, What do you do on Tet holiday? (visit / grandparents) -| visit my grandparents. 2. What do you do on Women’s Day? (buy flowers /for/ sister) 3. What do you do on Children’s Day? (the zoo) 4, What do you do on Vietnam Independence Day? (wear / beautiful clothes) A. VOCABULARY Look and write. bakery bookshop café cinema qm | pharmacy — stadiunv supermarket sweet shop swimming pool 1. bookshop 5. B. STRUCTURE Match and write the sentences. Why do you want to go to the ~ Because! want to__. 1. 1.bakery <> A. buy a birthday cake. 2. bookshop 3. café 4.cinema 5. pharmacy 6. supermarket 7. sweet shop 8. swimming pool 2. 3. 4. it. 1. Why do you want to go to the bakery? - Because | want to buy a birthday cake. 5. B. buy a book for my sister. C. buy some sweets. D. buy some eggs. E. buy some medicine for my mum. F. have a drink with my brother. G. swim. H. see a film. 6. Zs 8. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. . VOCABULARY Look and write. | hat scarf jacket blowe = T-shirt skirt shorty jeany __trousery __shoey__sandaly _trainery B. STRUCTURE * How much is this jumper? ~ It is one hundred thousand dong. * How much are these shoes? — They are three hundred thousand dong. Look and write. (EHOW, Mitch saneresenesenees/, 45,000 dong 70,000 2.Howmuch_? he | dong 3.Howmuch__? \ 125,000 7 dong ad / 4, How much ; (83 o00 dong * A, VOCABULARY Look and write. | go biking go comping godimbing go fishing i go-for wpicnic: go for wwalk’ go skating go swimming 5. B. STRUCTURE Read and complete. Tony: Would you like to (1) , Akiko? Akiko: (2) , | can’t. 1am busy. Tony: How about you, Tom? Phong: Yes, (3) . But | need to ask my parents. Tony: Ok. Then can you call me back? Phong: Sure. What's (4) Tony: It’s 04 38 642 186. | A. VOCABULARY Look and write. bear crocodile dolphiw 5. 6. cE 8. . STRUCTURE + What animal do you want to see? — | want to st monkeys, — * Why do you want to see them? = Because the Read and complete. elephant / big lion/ scary zebra/ fest kangaroo/ funny dolphin / friendly Mai: What animal do you want to see? Akiko: | want to see (1) Mai: Why do you want to see them? Akiko: Because they are (2) Mai: What about (3) Akiko: | don’t like them. Because they are (4) i A. VOCABULARY Look and write. go-compongy go-scuba-diving goto the wimming pool play video gamey B. STRUCTURE * What are you going to do this summer? ~ | am going to read books. * Where are you going? — 1 am going to the beach. Read and complete. Tony: What are you going to do this summer, Peter? Peter: 1 (1) 5 (stay home) Tony: Why? . Peter: Because | want to read books. Tom: How about you, Akiko? Akiko: | (2) sare (travel) Tom: Sowhere are you going? (3). a (go to Phu Quoc) Sounds great! Part Hi. py A. DRAW AND WRITE THE TIME. What time do you ? goto have lunch watchTV goto bed do school homework get up 1.7.00am 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. 1. What time do you usually get up? ® —/usually get up at 7.00. a.m. i / 2. What time do you usually go to school? 3. What time do you usually have lunch? 4, What time do you usually do homework? 5. What time do you usually watch TV? 6. What time do you usually go to bed? E “i i A, LOOK AND FILL. clerk cook dancer dentiut doctor ariver | farmer hairdresser nurse painter loons singer student tailor teacher _ waiter B, LOOK AND MATCH. Where do they work? hotel hospital office field factory a $ 2 a S 8 @ = = & o s S £ = 3 = & 2 & a z S S Q = | & 3 3 = 5 3 fe z Look and compare. 1. The grandfather is older than the granddaughter. 2. The granddaughter is younger than the grandfather. (old / young) 3. The lion is than the rabbit. 4. The rabbit is than the lion. (big /small) 5. The man is than the boy. 6. The boy is than the man. (old/young) 7. The mother is than the little girl. 8. The little girl is than her mother. (tall / short) 9. The rabbit is than the turtle. 10. The turtle is than the rabbit. (fast /slow) 11. The elephant is than the cat. 12. The cat is than the elephant. (heavy / light) Read and answer. 1, When is your birthday? - It’s on (9" of April). What do you usually do on the day? (have /party) 2. When is Teachers’ Day? What do you usually do on the day? (visit / teachers) 3. When is Children’s Day? What do you usually do on the day? (go/park) 4. When is Women’s Day? What do you usually do on the day? (buy/flowers) A 5. When is New Year? What do you usually do on the day? (visit / grandparents) Read and complete. 1, Where are you going? -1am going to the supermaket. Why do you want to go there? — Because | want to buy (some eggs). 2. Where are you going? -lam going to Why do you want to go there? — Because | want to. 3. Where are you going? -lam going to Why do you want to go there? — Because! 4. Where are you going? Why do you want to go there? Let's together! Great idea! 5. Let's go to together, Tony! - I can’t. am busy. - ody, Maa? Would you like to go with me? ~ Sure, | would. Let's together. XORSHRO>~HOHRTONRHR dong dong HZIYBHOTPORSEVRLAL i SRT RBRBOVSVORXAGH BK OKRSSKXOVHONHNHSE MYIOANBRXQHYAGKRATST HoOkrISRhKZIOx HRT THEATHSTORAMMYMS >PGoesnwrOatrror gS BUH ]SVSRNTENOFLSTHH eee HT ROXo wRRNIS TIHH YS FOekyKA i UONRINZRHOVAH S20 i i QrIZGYD ai NO> HMO RITNZH EO ePetroe@bh A. FIND AND CIRCLE THE WORDS. B. READ AND COMPLETE. 1. How much is the jacket? ~ It's 250,000 dong. 4, How much 2. How much 3. How much Read and complete. 1. Linh wants to go for a walk. 2. Peter wants to 3. Peter wants to 4. Tony wants to 5. They want to 6. Mr. Loc wants to 7. Tom wants to 8. They wants to 9. Mary wants to 10. She wants to Look at the pictures and write full sentences. : (big beautiful fast friendly funny __ ary _dangerowy | 1. [want to see monkeys because they are funny. i 1 don’t want to see monkeys because they are dangerous / they are not friendly. 1. Where are you going tomorrow? —lam going to the park. B. MATCH. . What are you going to do this summer? I'm going to surf the net because | want to practise my English. 1. I'm going to surf the net A. | want to enjoy the sea. 2. I'm going to help at home B. | want to see the undersea. 3. I'm going to go scuba-diving C.1 want to practise my English. 4.\'m going to go on a boat cruise D. | can’t play during the school year. 5. I'm going to play video games E. | want to help mum. 12 A. LISTENING L Listen and write the order. Where is she? Ill. Listen and complete, l.loftengetupat_ 21 breakfast at 6:30 a.m then | go to school. 3.1 at 12:35 p.m. 4 do my homework from 7:30 p.m to 9:00 p.m. 5. [don't like TW very much.” IV. Listen and circle the correct answers. 1. My favourite food is cheese /peas. 2. My favourite drink is apple juice / orange juice. 3.1 don’t like pizza / butter very much. 4. | like orange juice / lemonade. 5. Would you like some more beef/ fish? B. READING AND WRITING Read the letter and do the following a: ee Recipients Subject Dear Mai, Let me tell you about my family. | live with my mum, my dad and my big sister. We live in New York. My mum's name is Yuko. She teaches Japanese language at Lincoln high school. She is short and slim, with long, black hair and brown eyes. My dad’s name is David. He's tall and heavy! He's got short brown hair and blues eyes. He is a clerk and he works in a bank. My sister (Sophia) is 15. She is taller and bigger than me, with short hair. We have a pet dog, Susu. He is small, black and very friendly. Write me soon and tell me about your family. EB Jane. 1. Yuko. 2. David 3. Sophia |. Answer the questions. . How many people are there in Jane's family? . Where do they live? . What does her mother do? . Where does she work? Tick A, Bor C. oF oF u | o> - There are people in her family. © -They live in -Sheisa — She works at . And what is her father’s job? — His job is . Where does he work? i — He works in . Write correct words with pictorial hints. What is the festival? 1. It’s children’s Day. ) ¢. SPEAKING Tell about your day. 1. What time do you usually get up? 2. What do you usually eat for lunch? 3. What is your favourite food and drinks? 4, What do you usually do in the evening? { 5. What time do you usually go to bed? “SA, LISTENING 1. Listen and tick the right pictures. 1. What's his job? 2. Where is she? 3. What time is it? 4, What is the boy doing? 5. What does she look like? i. Listen and tick True (T) or False (F). On Tet holiday, : 5 1. My family cleans the house together. 2. My mother makes banh chung. 3. My mother buys food. 4. We have a small dinner. { 5. We visit our grandparents. . Listen and complete. . Sheis than him. . The man is than the boy. . The lion is than the cat. The rabbit is than the turtle. . Heis than her. READING AND WRITING Match sentences with pictures. . The girls are going to for a walk. . The man is bigger than the boy. . They are going to the swimming pool. . She doesn't like crocodiles because they are scary. . He is going to the beach this summer. 1. The mother is cooking. 2. The father is in the kitchen. 3. The brother is watching TV. 4. The sister is drinking orange juice. 5. Itis in the evening ll, Put the words in order to make correct sentences, 1. usually / What time / you / go to bed / do /?/ 2. lemonade / favourite / is / drink / My /./ 3. brother / taller / My / than /little /is/me/./ 4. is/is/a police woman / and /a teacher / my father / My mother /./ 5. Children’s Day / the first / is / of / June / The /on/./ C. SPEAKING Tell about your birthday. 1. When is your birthday? 2. What do you usually do on your birthday? 3. What are your favourite food and drinks? : / 4, What present(s) did you get on your last birthday? 5. What do you want to get for this birthday? pe e A. LISTENING 1. Listen and number the pictures. Let's go to the i, Listen and tick the correct answers for the questions you hear. 1. A.llike a blue scarf. C. It is very beautiful. 2. A.Itis 0913248804. : C. Sorry, | can’t. z 3. A.I don't like elephants. C. Because elephants are big. 4. A. Sounds great! C.1am going to stay home. 5. A.lam going to Ha Long Bay. C. Itis very beautiful. lil, Listen and complete. B. It is 80,000 dong. B.I'd love to. B. | want to see elephants. B.1 like summer a lot. B. It is 80,000 dong. 1. Let's go to the - Good idea! 2. How much is the ? 3. Itis 4. | want to see . 5.1 like because they are fast. WV. Listen and circle the correct answers. 1. What is your phone number? A. It is 0438643186. 2. Hello. May | speak to Peter? A. Peter speaking. B. It is 0438642185. B, Peter is not in. 3. Can you call me back? A. Sure. What's your phone number? B. Sure. Is your number 0438570570? 4. Where are you going this summer, Tony? A.I'm going to Nha Trang. B. I'm going to go camping. 5. Why are you going to stay home, Phong? A. Because | want to help athome. —_ B. Because | want to read books. B. READING AND WRITING 1, Match descriptions with pictures. Where are they going? 1. want to buy some bread. going to buy a T-shirt. 3. | like to see tigers because they are beautiful. 4. 1am going to go fishing with my Dad this weekend. 5.1am going to learn English this summer. Il, Look at the picture and choose True (T) or False (F). 1, The boy and the girl are in the library. 2. The boy is going to the zoo. 3. The girl is going to the beach. 4. They are wearing jeans. ey 5. The girl is wearing sandals. iil. Put the words in order to make correct sentences. 1. pharmacy /1/the / buy / going to / to / medicine / am /some/./ 2.1/to buy / going /a pair of /am/shoes/./ 3.are/1/to/ they / see / because / beautiful / want / zebras /./ 4. Hakim / crocodiles / does not / because / like / are / they / very scary /./ 5. go camping / Mai / with / summer / is going to / her family / this /./ : C. SPEAKING Tell about your summer plan. 1. Where are you going this summer? Why? . LISTENING Listen and tick the right pictures. What are they going to do? |. Listen and tick True (7) or False (F). 1. Tom is going to the supermarket. 2. Phong wants to buy a hat. 3. Tom does not want to go to the supermarket with Phong. 4. Phong is going to call Tom. 5. Tom’s phone number is 0438242486. {¥. Listen and tick the correct answers. « This T-shirt/shirt is nice. . These jeans are 150,000 dong / 115,000 dong. . My phone number is 0428631281 /0428631218. . Would you like to go skating /camping with me? . We are going to swim in the sea/to the swimming pool. READING AND WRITING Read and tick A, B or C. Hi. My name is Phong. This weekend, my classmates and. i are going fora picnic together. Peter would love to go. with us. But he can’t because his grandparents are going to visit his family: in Vietnam. They. are going to spend the weekend by the sea. Peter is going to swim in the ‘sea and eat seafood so he is very happy. Tomorrow, Nam and | are going tow e supermarket to ay: a few things for the picnic. Nam wants to buy, some ‘food and drinks. And | want to Pity a new pair of trainers because we are going to walk a lot. % We are going to have a lot of fun this weekend. 1. Who is NOT going for a picnic? A. Phong B. Peter Cc.Nam 2. Why is he not going? A. He doesn't like to. B. He is happy. C. His grandparents are going to visit his family . What is Peter going to do this weekend? A. He is going to visit his grandparents. B. He is going to swim in the sea. C. He is going to walk a lot. . Where are Nam and Phong going tomorrow? A. They are going for a picnic. B. They are going to the sea. C. They are going to the supermarket. . Who is going to buy new trainers? A.Phong B. Peter c.Nam rapa Sn A. sandals D. beach E. sea food F. sandcastle Next month, | am going to the (1), with my little brother. He wants to see tigers. He likes them because they are strong. My brother also wants to see (2) but our city zoo does not have those animals. This afternoon, | am going to a shoes store. | want to buy a pair of (3). because | am going to the (4). this summer. | like the idea very much because | can do a lot of things on the beach. | can build (5). ; my brother can play volleyball; and we all can eat delicious @ ()_. Il. Write correct words with pictorial hints. Cc. SPEAKING Tell about your plan for this weekend. 1. What do you usually do at weekends? 2. What are you goil g lo this weekend? 3. Where are you going? Why? 4, Where do you like to go with friends? . LISTENING Listen and tick the right pictures. : B.O 0613 832 198 BO |. Listen and tick True (T) or False (F). C.O 0613 832 819 1. Lusually get up at 6:30 a.m. 2. My birthday is on the 20th of July. 3. She looks short and slim. 4, The blue jeans are 115,000 dong. 5. 1am going to Ho Chi Minh museum. . Listen and number. IV. Listen and complete. 1. My favourite food is 2. The man is than the boy. 3. Let's go to the together. 4, How much is the ? 5. Iwant to see because they are funny. B. READING AND WRITING 1. Read and complete. 1. He doesn’t like because they are not friendly. 2. They are going to the to see a film. 3. Would you like to go with me this weekend? 4. What is your favourite food? - It’s 5. How much is the smaller ? 6. He doesn’t like because it is very cold. 7. How much are the smaller 8, They are going to stay this weekend. 9. What is your favourite drink? - It’s Ul. Read and tick True (T) or False (F). Mary's mother is Jane. She is a teacher. Mary’s father is Nick. He's a bus driver. They are both tall and big with brown hair and blue eyes. Mary has two younger brothers: Sean is six and Peter is eight years old. Every day, the three kids go to school on the same school bus. They don’t have lunch together because they sit with their own classmates. But they come back on together. And after school, they do a lot of things together. They help their mother cook or clean the house. They go fora picnic at weekends or sometimes go for a walk in the evening. In the summer, they usually go to the swimming pool or have an ice cream ina hot day. They + have their friends but they enjoy being together, too. 1, There are 5 people in Mary’s family. d 2. Their parents have brown eyes. 4 3. Mary is older than Peter. 4. The three children don’t have lunch together. 5. They usually go for a walk after school. 6. They don’t like to do things together. C. SPEAKING Tell about your favourite day of the week. 1. What is your favourite day of the week? 2. Why do you like that day? 3. What do you usually do in that day? 4. What are you going to do on the day next week? (Next Thursday / Saturday / a / ) Nae 5. Why are you going to do that? i A, LISTENING 1, Listen and number. A. B. Cc D. E. li. Listen and choose the correct answers for the questions you hear. 1. A. Yes, please. B. Orange juice is delicious. C.1 don’t have orange juice. 2. A. Sorry, | can’t. B. I'd love to. C.0907404515 3. A. Because they are funny. B. | want to see them. C.1 don't like playing with monkeys. 4. A.Sounds great! B. lam going to Da Lat. C.1 like summer a lot. 5.’'sthis Sunday. B. It’s my brother's birthday. —_C. It is big. iil, Listen and complete. 1. What time do you usually 2 2. Whatis your favourite food? It’s 3. Let's go to the - Good idea! 4. How much is the a 5. Ilike because they are friendly. IV. Listen and choose the correct answers. 1. Can you call me back? A. Sure, | can call you back. B. No, I can’t call you back. 2. Would you like some apple juice? A.No, many thanks. B. No, thanks. 3. What do you want to see? A.| want to see a film. B. | want to see a bear. 4. Where are you going this summer? A.I'm going to the beach. B. I'm going to read. 5. Would you like to go for a walk this weekend? ee A. Yes. That's sounds good. B. Yes. That's good idea. B. READING AND WRITING 1, Match sentences with pictures. y i i i What are they doing? ) 1. She is going to school. A a =| ‘ 2. She likes to drink milk before bedtime. B. 3. She is going to visit her teachers c. on Teachers’ Day. 4. She would like to go skating with her sister. D. 5. She is going to Phu Quoc this summer. : ather is a, policeman. His father is a teacher. 5. The boy is taller than th the: itl. : 3 Il, Put the words in order to make correct sentences. 1. chicken / rice / to eat /1/and /like/./ 2. like / to buy / that / a skirt / want /1/./ 3.1/ Sunday / don't / want / this / home / to stay /./ 4. She / crocodiles / does not / because / like / are / they / very scary /./ 5. his family / the beach / is / going / to / with / this weekend / He/./ i | C. SPEAKING ~ Tell i ut your favourite holiday / festival. ‘ favourite holt lay /) festival? 2. When is it? 3 3.Why do you like it? : / *. 4.What do you usually do on this holiday / festival? 5. What are you going to do this year? A. LISTENING I. Listen and tick the right pictures, BO co rc i, Listen and tick True (T) or False (F). 1. Sometimes, Tom plays sports at weekends. 2. Sometimes, Peter goes fishing with his Dad at weekends. 3. This, weekend, Peter is going to the swimming pool. 4. This weekend, Tom is going to stay home to help his mother. 5.Tom likes to swim very much. . Listen and complete the answers. 1. What does your father do in the US, Peter? —He is ina hotel. 2. Howis about your mother? — She works ina 3. How do they look? ~ They are very and 4. What do they like? - They like and books. 5. Whatis their plan for this summer? ~ They are going to Vietnam. . READING AND WRITING 1. Read and choose A, Bor. Every day, Tony gets up at 6.30 a.m. He has breakfast at thirty minutes after that. Then he goes to school by bicycle because it isn't far. from his house. His school doesn’t have a uniform, but he likes it because he can wear different clothes. Tony only studies in the morning. He goes home and has lunch at twelve fifteen. So he is: always very, hungry by that time. In the afternoon, sometimes he does his homework, sometimes, he watches TV, plays video games or reads books. At weekends, his family usually spends time together. They go shopping, eatin a restaurant or just go for a walk together. For next weekend, they are going to visit an old village by motorbike. They are going to have a fun time together, again. 1. Every day, Tony has breakfast at 5 A. 6:30 a.m. B. 7:00 a.m. C. 12:30 p.m. 2. Tony goes to school by A. bicycle B. walking C. motorbike 3. Tony has lunch A. at school B. at 12:15 p.m C. when he is hungry 4. What does Tony NOT do in the afternoon? A. Doing homework —_B. Playing sports C. Reading books 5. Next weekend, Tony's family is going to A. go shopping B. go for a walk C.visit an old village Tomorrow is (1). and Quan doesn’t have to go to school. He wants to go to the (2) but there are going to be a lot of people there. So he is going to go for a picnic with his two friends, Hakim and Linh. Mai can’t go with them. She is going to the(3)__ with herr parents, So Quan, Hakim and Linh are going to meet this afternoon and they are going to buy something to eat and drink tomorrow. Quan and Linh like pizza and coke but Hakim likes (4). and lemonade. So they are going to the (5) because they can find everything there. ll. Write correct words with pictorial hints. . LISTENING Listen and complete. . His father isa . Heworksat . Itis his today. . His two brothers are than him. . Their favourite foods are |. Listen and tick A, B or C, IV. Listen and circle the correct answers, 1. I don't like bears because they are so funny/scary. 2. Iwant to go to the bookshop /sweetshop. 3. Can | see those blouses / trousers? 4. What are you going to do this summer? /Are you going to the zoo this summer? 5. like seafood very much. /1 like to see Phong very much. B. READING AND WRITING i Read and complete. 1. He doesn't like because they are not friendly. 2. They are going to the sweet shop to buy some 3. Would you like to go to the with me this weekend? 4. What is your favourite food? - It’s 5. How much are the bigger ? ll, Read and choose True (7) or False (F). My mother works for a radio. From Monday to Friday, she gets up at half past three. Then she has a cup of coffee and.a small breakfast. She goes to work by car at half past four. She starts working at five o'clock. Her radio “ program! starts at seven o'clock and finishes at nine o'clock. And she can go « home at half past ten. But she usually goes shopping or visits some friends after that. She goes back home at three o'clock. 1 program: chugng trinh. Then my father goes home at half past five in the afternoon. My mother cooks dinner and we eat together. We usually stay at home in the evening. We watch television and talk together. We don't go out because my mother = goes to bed at half past eight. 1. The mother works form Monday to Friday. 2. The mother doesn’t work in the afternoon. 3, My mother often goes back home after work. 4, The family doesn’t eat dinner together. 5. The family often goes out in the evening. lil. Order the sentences to make a complete dialog. What animals do you want to see? A. Because they are different and so beautiful. How about you? . Ilike zebras, too. | like them because they look so strong. . Iwant to see zebras. . Let's buy a zebra T-shirt then. . That's a good idea! There is a souvenir shop over there. . Why do you want to see them? Ok. Let’s go then. 2 mmoan C. SPEAKING Tell about your mother / father. 1, What is his / her job? 2. Where does she / he work? 3. What does she / he look like? 4. What does she / he usually do at weekends? ! 5, What is your family going to do together this weekend?

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