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Sociolingiiistica de la Lengua Inglesa. Grado en Estudios Ingleses NO ESTA PERMITIDO EL USO DE NINGUN MATERIAL . Choose two of the following issues, explain them in your own words and provide examples. Write around 100 words for each of the two questions. a) Explain the relationship between Standard English and World Englishes b) Summarise the sociolinguistic situation in India c) Analyse the use of pidgins and creoles in education. . Define the following six terms taken from the glossary. Provide brief definitions of no more than 60 words each including some examples. a) Simultaneous bilingualism b) Lingua franca c) Language attrition d) Language revitalisation e) Heritage language bilingual education f) Corpus planning . Comment, from a sociolinguistic point of view, on the following excerpt. You are expected to relate this extract to the contents of the subject in no more than 300 words. Research on bilingual education is rarely neutral. Often the researchers have hypotheses that hide their expectations. No educational research can be totally value- free, neutral or objective. The questions asked, the methodological tools chosen, decisions in analysis and manner of reporting usually reveal ideological and political preferences (August & Hakuta, 1997, 1998). Many researchers will be supporters of bilingual education, ethnic diversity, minority language rights and cultural pluralism (Hakuta, 2002). Such supporters may be convinced of the correctness of their beliefs This is definitely not to argue that all evaluation research on bilingual education is invalid Rather, it cannot be assumed that results are not affected by researchers, their beliefs, opinions and preferences. Some of the research on bilingual education is committed, prescriptive in nature, with interests, idealism and ideology mixed with investigation and intelligent discussion. ‘The Effectiveness of Bilingual Education’, in Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Colin Baker, 2006: 287.

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