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# Código de Vuelo

# World map is available in the maps package


# No margin

# World map
col="#f2f2f2", fill=TRUE, bg="white", lwd=0.05,
mar=rep(0,4),border=0, ylim=c(-80,80)

# Dplyr for data wrangling and pipe function


# Cities (Longitud, Latitud)

City_1 <- c(-134.146, 63.5125)
City_2 <- c(-119.366, 61.543)
City_3 <- c(42.314, 30.317)
City_4 <- c(63.5125, 45.854)
City_5 <- c(119.366, 21.157)

# Data frame
data <- rbind(City_1, City_2, City_3, City_4, City_5) %>%
colnames(data) <- c("long","lat")

# Show the cities on the map

col="#f2f2f2", fill=TRUE, bg="white", lwd=0.05,
mar=rep(0,4),border=0, ylim=c(-80,80)
points(x=data$long, y=data$lat, col="slateblue", cex=3, pch=20)

# Load geosphere

# Background map
col="#f2f2f2", fill=TRUE, bg="white", lwd=0.05,
mar=rep(0,4),border=0, ylim=c(-80,80)

# Dot for cities

points(x=data$long, y=data$lat, col="slateblue", cex=3, pch=20)

# Compute the connection between City_1 and City_2

inter <- gcIntermediate(City_1, City_2, n=50, addStartEnd=TRUE, breakAtDateLine=F)

# Show this connection

lines(inter, col="slateblue", lwd=2)

# Compute the connection between City_1 and City_3

inter <- gcIntermediate(City_1, City_3, n=50, addStartEnd=TRUE, breakAtDateLine=F)
# Show this connection
lines(inter, col="slateblue", lwd=2)

# Compute the connection between City_1 and City_4

inter <- gcIntermediate(City_1, City_4, n=50, addStartEnd=TRUE, breakAtDateLine=F)

# Show this connection

lines(inter, col="slateblue", lwd=2)

# Compute the connection between City_1 and City_5

inter <- gcIntermediate(City_1, City_5, n=50, addStartEnd=TRUE, breakAtDateLine=F)

# Show this connection

lines(inter, col="slateblue", lwd=2)

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