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¡. Pin Rally coach, answer the following question

Base fact Value ( True /False)

Martin Luther was catholic
Martin Luther just wanted the Catholic church to correct its ways.
Martin Luther was offered a powerful position in the Catholic church
Martin Luther was excommunicated.
Martin Luther translated the Bible to German
Martin Luther based all of this teaching in the Bible only.
There is biblical background in Martin Luther’s teaching
The Catholic church was facing corruption charges
The Catholic church was selling salvation
The Catholic church was the only road to salvation
The Printing Press was important for the spreading of ideas.
Education became common.

2. Answer the following questions

• What did Protestants protest about?

• What are the causes of the Protestant Reformation?

• Which are the SOLAS?

• What is the TULIP?

• What is the source of information of the Protestants? (book)

• How did the Protestants get to their conclusions on the Bible?

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