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Narrator : a-a-a-a long time ago there lived a shepherd. Every day, he keep
well the sheep on the side of the hill.

Jarjit : Hi! Hehehe

Jarjit : I am a shepherd, everything is well taken care of

Jarjit : Already brought here to eat

Jarjit : I can rest happily with no worries

*Sheeps enters

Sheeps : We are jarjit sheeps

Sheeps : Every day we eat grass

Sheeps : Walking together uphill

Sheeps : Enjoying the beauty of the world

Ehsan : I am the healthiest sheep

Fizi : He says I am the squishiest

Mei-mei : I am the prettiest sheep

Mei-mei : I like it! I like it!

Everyone : Come together and listen to our story!

Everyone : The story of the shepherd and the sheep

Narrator : The shepherd take care of his sheeps everyday

Narrator : After a while he got bored of his job

Narrator : But, one day

Sheeps : Mbekk.. Mbekk.. Mbekk..

Jarjit : I know! I know! Marvelous! Marvelous!

Narrator : He then screamed

Jarjit : Help.. Help.. There is a wolf here

Jarjit : Help.. Help.. Save my sheeps

Upin-ipin : Wolf? Wolf? Where? Where? We are here to help

Upin : Where is the wolf?

Jarjit : Hahahaha!

Jarjit : My sheep is still here! But, the wolf was never here! Hahaha

Upin-ipin : What? No wolf?

Jarjit : Don't be mad, I was just playing!

Upin-ipin : Heh!

Narrator : The shepherd was not sorry for what he had done

Jarjit : Hahaha!

Jarjit : well, That was fun.

Jarjit : Let's call them one more time, that's fine right?

Jarjit : Help!

Flower : Don't do that!

Jarjit : Help!

Flower : Don't do that!

Jarjit : There is a wolf here!

Jarjit : Help me, help!

Upin-ipin : Wolf? Wolf? Where? Where? We are here to help

Jarjit : Hahahaha, hahahaha

Upin : Oh, you are lying again?

Jarjit : I'm just joking, hahaha!

Upin : Ow, shepherd, if you call us again we want to leave you again!

Ipin : Yes, yes, yes! Lies!

Jarjit : Hahaha, hahahaha, my stomach hurt, hahaha

Jarjit : Ok, ok, I won't do it again

Narrator : The citizen left with anger, because jarjit lied to them

Narrator : Suddenly

Wolf : Auuu.. Auuu!

Jarjit : Hah?

Wolf : I'm hungry, I want to eat sheeps

Mei-mei : Aaaaa...

Wolf : Auuu, auuu, auuu, aumm.. Hahaha

Sheeps : Aaaa.. Aaaa.. Mbekk..

*The wolf pull fizi (the sheep)

Jarjit : Help.. Help.. There is a wolf here

Jarjit : Help.. Help.. My sheeps are all gone

Upin-ipin : Wolf? Wolf? We don't believe anymore, he always lies to us

Upin : Let him be

Ipin : Let's continue our job

Upin-ipin : Let's go

Ehsan : Aaaa... Aaaa.. Aaaa.. Mbekk

Wolf : Hahaha! How fat these sheeps are. I'm gonna be full after meal

Ehsan : Help, mbekk..

Wolf : Auuu!!

Mei-mei : Aaaa, help.. I don't want to be a eaten by a wolf

Upin : What's wrong with you, shepherd?

Jarjit : My sheep have gone, they got eaten by a wolf

Jarjit : All of you! Don't want to help!

Jarjit : Only i'm left

Upin : Like we said, do not lie

Upin : People are not gonna believe you, if you lie

Jarjit : Huhuhu, I'm sorry, I regret it. Huhuhu

Upin : My friends, don't lie to me!

Upin : When we tell the truth even one, people already done leaves

Ipin : Yes

Narrator : This is the end of our story, that all from us and the moral value
is "Don't tells a lie to others because they will not trust us anymore."

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