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Cartoon Strip Analysis

1. The facial expressions illuminate what type of client they really are along with their titles.
2. The story behind the strip represents the context of freelance and the different ways clients
handle their own decision making.
3. The use of warm colors such as the shades of red represents anger and frustration in being self-
employed and orange attracts the audience’s attention.
4. The different titles represent the personalities of each client and their perspective towards
decision making as freelancer.
5. Satire is used to explicate the reality of “The insane” which represents her style of working.
6. Exaggeration is used in the dialogue of “the obsessive,” to portray his personality as a
perfectionist that takes every tiny detail into concern as a desire.
7. The theme of freedom is alluded in the cartoon strip as each of the freelancer portrays his/her
method of working which satisfies them.
8. The words in bold emphasize on “the obsessives’,” emotions throwing more light on what type
of personality the client holds.
9. The fly from the cheapo’s wallet symbolizes to the money he has left which can barely help him
out on his business.
10. The cup of tea in the hands of “the know it all,” demonstrates the setting of the cartoon strip
which is the freelancer’s office where he mostly gets comfortable and enjoys working.

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