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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

4 QUARTER: Module 1
Quarter 4: Module 1
Prevention and Control
Prevention of Diseases
and Control
and Disorder (Non-Communicable
Of Diseases and Disorder
Diseases Diseases)

Name of Learner: ___________________________

Grade & Section: ___________________________

Name of School: ___________________________

Name of Learner: ___________________________

MAPEH-Health Grade 7

Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 1: Prevention and Control of Diseases and Disorder (Non-
Communicable Diseases)
First Edition, 2020

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Published by DepEd-Regional Office IX

Regional Director: Isabelita M. Borres, EdD.
Development Team of the Module
Writer: Luzel H. Carreon
Loriza O. Manugas
Editor: Araceli D. Magsanay, Mary Nenen Charis A. Isaw, Clifford L. Gingoyon,
Ma. Jessica M. Saldon, Kimberly M. Asister, Arlou B. Alano
Reviewer/Evaluator: Arthuro J. Lamdag - EPS, Fhebe S. Selorio-MT-I,
Ellen A. Olario-MT-II, Jayson A. Dapiton-MT-I,Fe G. Jebone,EPS-I,
Nymross U. Sugod
Illustrator: Dominic D. Acaso, Jose Roger B. Acabo
Layout Artist: Dominic D. Acaso, Jose Roger B. Acabo
Management Team: Ma. Liza R. Tabilon Ed. D., CESO V -Schools Division
Judith V. Romaguera, CESE - ASDS
Ma. JudelynJ. Ramos, CESE -ASDS
Lilia E. Abello Ed. D. - CID Chief
Evelyn C. Labad - EPS, LRMS
Arthuro J. Lamdag - EPS, MAPEH
Department of Education – Region IX
Office Address: Department of Education Schools Division of Zamboanga del
Norte Capitol Drive, Estaka, Dipolog City
Fax: (065) 908 0087 | Tel: (065) 212 5843, (065) 212 5131
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Quarter 4: Module 1

Prevention and Control of Diseases and

Disorder (Non-Communicable Diseases)


A disease is a particular abnormal condition and disorder of a structure or

function that affects some or all parts of an organism. It is often interpreted as a
medical condition associated with sign and symptoms. There are two categories of
disease. First is the Communicable disease that is caused by a pathogens or disease-
causing organisms and can be transmitted from one person to other person or from
animals to people. Examples include common cold, influenza, cholera, dengue fever,
tuberculosis and warts. These diseases can be avoided by taking preventive
On the other hand, Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) cannot be transmitted
from one person to other. Many of these diseases are caused by unhealthy lifestyle.
Some do not cause problems until the person is quite old. Examples of Non-
Communicable Diseases include cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes.
As grade 7 students, it is your responsibility to impart knowledge and advocate
for health to your fellow students, family and community that you live in. With that
responsibility on your shoulder, this module will help you equipped with vast
knowledge and understanding about prevention and control of non-communicable

What I Need to Know

Learning Competencies:
• Explains Non-Communicable disease based on cause and effect, sign
and symptoms, risk factors and protective factors and possible
complications (H7DD-IVb-d-25)

Specifically, after working on this module, you should be able to:

▪ explain the nature of non-communicable diseases based on its
cause and effects.
▪ identify the sign and symptoms of non-communicable diseases;
▪ enumerate the risk and protective factors of non-communicable

What I Know
Task 1: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which is a non-communicable disease?
A. Cancer B. Dengue C. Hepatitis D.Tuberculosis
2. Which statement best summarizes the modern concept of health?
A. Health is proper hygiene C. Health is being disease free
B. Health is a state of wellbeing D. Health is a source to have a
quality of life
3. It is a misguided reaction to foreign substances by the immune system.
A. Allergy B.Cancer C.Diabetes D. Renal failure
4. Which of the following is not included from the group?
A. Chest tightness B. Sneezing C. Itchy ears D.Runny nose
5. It is a chronic lung disorder that causes airways to become inflamed.
A. Allergy B. Asthma C. Hypertension D.Renal failure

6. The following are sign and symptoms of cancer except one.
A. Excessive thirst
B. A sore that does not heal
C. Unusual bleeding or discharge
D. Change in bowel or bladder habits
7. What do you call the inflammation of joints?
A. Arthritis B. Bone cancer C. Fracture D. Osteoporosis
8. What causes allergic shock?
A. Allergic rhinitis B. Coughing C. Dilated and leaky blood vessel
D. Food
9. What causes cancer?
A. Cells are growing
B. Cells are not growing
C. Abnormal cells form into blood clot
D. Abnormal cells growing without control

10. What do you call the disease that prevents the body from converting food
into energy?
A. Diabetes B. Heart attack C. Hypertension D. Stroke
11. The following are signs and symptoms of diabetes except one.
A. Excessive hunger
B. Excessive thirst
C. Excessive urination
D. Low blood pressure
12. Do you think alcohol consumption is one of the risk factors of non-
communicable disease? Why?
A. Yes , because it is too risky to a unhealthy person
B. No,if it takes moderately
C. Maybe, if they take it everyday
D. Never, because it can help the flow of oxygen in the body
13. The following are risk factors of non-communicable disease except one.
A. Healthy eating B. Obesity C. Physical inactivity D.
Tobacco use
14. Do you agree that regular exercise is one of the protective factors of non-
communicable disease? Why?
A. Agree, because it can prevent health problems
B. Disagree, because it cannot prevent health problems
C. Maybe, because without exercise we can prevent health problems by
eating any kinds of foods
D. Sometimes, because it can lessen health issues
15. When do you say that you have hypertension?
A. When you feel dizzy
B. When blood pressure lowers
C. When blood pressure is higher than normal
D. When a fatty substance is deposited on the walls

What’s In
I. Think of everything you know about Non-Communicable Diseases. Write
down words or phrases that you associate with non-communicable disease.


Stroke DISEASE Stroke

Stroke Stroke

II. Odd word out

Directions: Analyze the series of words in each item and cross out the word
that does not belong to the group.

1. Mosquito Virus Bacterium Worm

2. Tuberculosis Heart failure Malaria Covid-19
3. Handwashing Cough etiquette Smoking Regular exercise
4. Therapy Immunization Proper nutrition Environmental
5. Acne Warts Tinea Common colds
6. Hepatitis B Tuberculosis Diabetes Dengue fever
7. Goiter Pnuemonia Hypertension Nervous
8. Cough Gastrointestinal disease Stroke Bronchitis
9. Heart attack Diabetes Cancer disease Tuberculosis
10. Cancer Alzheimer’s heart disease Tuberculosis

What is It

Non-communicable diseases are not caused by pathogens or disease causing

organisms such as bacteria or viruses, but rather how people live, by the conditions
with which they are born or by the hazzard around them. It also includes diseases
caused by breakdown of the body tissues (degenerative diseases) poor diet,
environmental and occupational hazards, stree and tension.

Here are some common Non-communicable Diseases

1. ALLERGY- is misguided reaction to foreign subtances by the immune system.
The allergic reaction is misguided in that these harmless. The substances are
usuallly harmless. The substances that trigger allergy is called allergen.
Examples include pollens, dust ,mite, molds, danders and certain foods.
Example of ALLERGY.

a. Hay fever (allergic rhinitis) is the most common of the allergic diseases and is
characterized by seasonal nasal symptoms that are due to pollens.
The most common sign and symptoms:
▪ Runny nose
▪ Stuffy nose
▪ Sneezing
▪ Nasal itching
▪ Itchy ears and throat
▪ Post nasal drip (throat clearing)

b. Allergic conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the tissue layers(membranes)

that cover the surface of the eyeball and the undersurface of the eyelid.
The most common sign and symptoms:
▪ Redness under the lids and the eyes
▪ Watery, itchy eyes
▪ Swelling of the membranes

c. Allergic eczema is an allergic rash that is usually caused by skin contact

with an allergen and features the following signs:
▪ Itching, redness and or dryness of the skin
▪ Rash on the face, especially among children
▪ Rash around the eyes, in the elbow

d. Hives (urticaria) are skin ractions that appear as itchy, swellings and can
occur on any part of the body.

Signs and symptoms

▪ Raised red welts or swollen mark
▪ Intense itching
e. Allergic shock or (anphylactic shock) is a life threatening reactions that can
affect a number of organs at the same time. It typically occurs when the
allergen is eaten example, foods or injected for example, a bee sting)

Signs and symptoms:

▪ Hives or reddish discoloration of the skin
▪ Nasal congestion

▪ Swelling of the throat
▪ Stomach pain, nausea, vomiting
▪ Shortness of breath, wheezing
▪ Low blood pressure

2. ASTHMA- is a chronic lung disorder that causes airways to become inflamed,

which means that they swell and produce lots of thick mucus.

Sign and symptoms:

▪ Shortness of breath
▪ Wheezing
▪ Coughing
▪ Chest tightness

3. CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE- is the disease of the heart and blood vessel.

▪ Congenital heart disease- is the abnormality in the heart structure
▪ Congestive heart failure- is an abnormality in the heart to keep up with
the demends on it
▪ Arrhythmia- a condition in which the heart beats with an irregular or
abnormal rhythym
▪ Rheumatic heart disease- active or inactive disease of the heart that results
from rheumatic fever.
▪ Myocardial infraction(heart attack) occurs when the heart muscle tissue
dies from lack of oxygen because of reduced blood flow.
a. VASCULAR (blood vessel) DISEASE
▪ Arteriosclerosis is a group of vascular diseases characterized by thickening
and loss of elasticity of arterial walls.
▪ Hypertension or high blood pressure occurs when blood pressure is higher
than normal.
▪ Srtoke occurs when a clot blocks a small blood vessel in the brain, thus
brain cells die from lack of oxygen.
▪ Aneurysm is an excessive localized enlargement of an artery caused by a
weakening of the artery wall

4. CANCER-is caused by abnormal cells growing without control. As these

abnormal cells grow, they form into masses called tumors. It can be benign or

a. BENIGN- masses of cells that are not cancerous and do not spread
b. MALIGNANT –masses of cells that are cancerous.

Most common cancer:

1. Skin
2. Colon and Rectum
3. Lungs
4. Breast
5. Reproductive Organ
6. Bone Marrow (leukemia and lymphoma)

Signs and symptoms:
C- hange in bowel or bladder habits
A-Sore that does not heal
U-nusual bleeding or discharge
T- hickening or lump in breast or elsewhere
I- ndigestion or difficulty in swallowing
O-bvious change in wart or mole
N-aging cough or horseness

U-nexplained weight loss

P- resistant hoarseness
Cancer maybe diagnosed in different ways:
▪ Biopsy- the Doctors may take a piece of tissue
▪ Curretage- a tissue from within the body is removed
▪ X-ray- a quick painless test that produces image of the structures inside
your body

Treatment of Cancer:
▪ Surgery- the involves removal of tumor and repair of the affected organ
▪ Radiation Therapy- this involves attacking the cancer cells with x-rays.
▪ Drug therapy or Chemotherapy- this has become an increasingly
important method of cancer treatment.

5. DIABETES- is a disease that prevents the body from converting food into

Types of Diabetes
▪ Type I diabetes is the result of little or no insulin produced by the pancreas.
▪ Type II diabetes- is the result of too little insulin produced by the pancreas
or failure of the insulin to function normally.

Signs and Symptoms

▪ Excessive Urination (Polyuria)
▪ Excessive Thirst (Polydipsia)
▪ Excessive Hunger (Polyphagia)

6. ARTHRITIS- refers to the inflammation of joints. It usually occurs during old


▪ Rheumatoid arthritis causes pain and swelling in many joints throughout

the body
▪ Osteoarthritis is a disease of older people

7. KIDNEY OR RENAL FAILURE is a medical condition in which the kidneys fail

to adequately filter waste products from the blood.

What’s More

I. Fill in the table below with the appropriate information about the common non-
communicable diseases.

Cause Signs and Symptoms
Non-Communicable Diseases
1. Allergy
a. Hay fever Indoor allergen (dust
b. Allergic eyes mites) Watery, itchy eyes
c. Eczema
d. Hives
e. Allergic shock Nasal congestion
Bee sting
2. Asthma Shortness of breath

3. Cardiovascular Disease

4. Cancer

5. Diabetes

6. Arthritis

7. Renal failure

Process Questions: (Answers may vary)

I. What can you say about nature of Non-communicable disease

based on its cause and effect?

II. Give at least 5 examples of risk factors of non-communicable


III. Give at least 5 examples of preventive factors of non-

communicable disease.

What I Have Learned

II. To know how much you have learned about the nature of non-communicable
disease, complete the statement and write something about what you learned on
non-communicable diseases.

Health Diary,

Today I learned that ____________________________________________________

This learning is important because_______________________________________________
I realized that _______________________________________________________________
I feel_______________________________________________________________________


Non-communicable diseases are not caused by pathogens bur rather, by how

people live, by conditions with which they are born or by the hazards around them.
It also includes diseases caused by a breakdown of the body tissues (degenerative
diseases), poor diet, environmental and occupational hazards, stress and tension.
The common Non-communicable Diseases are allergy, asthma, cardiovascular
diseases, cancer, diabetes, arthritis and renal failure. They can be prevented and
controlled by physical activities or regular exercise, healthy eating, not smoking,
weight management, routine medical check-up and stress management.

Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which is a non-communicable disease?
A. Cancer B. Dengue C. Hepatitis D.Tuberculosis
2. Which statement best summarizes the modern concept of health?
A. Health is proper hygiene C.Health is being disease free
B. Health is a state of wellbeing D. Health is a source to have a quality of
3. It is a misguided reaction to foreign substances by the immune system.
A. Allergy B.Cancer C.Diabetes D. Renal failure
4. Which of the following is not included from the group?
A. Chest tightness B. Sneezing C. Itchy ears D.Runny nose
5. It is a chronic lung disorder that causes airways to become inflamed.
A. Allergy B. Asthma C. Hypertension D.Renal failure
6. The following are sign and symptoms of cancer except one.
A. Excessive thirst
B. A sore that does not heal
C. Unusual bleeding or discharge
D. Change in bowel or bladder habits
7. What do you call the inflammation of joints?
A. Arthritis B. Bone cancer C. Fracture D. Osteoporosis
8. What causes allergic shock?
A. Allergic rhinitis B. Coughing C. Dilated and leaky blood vessel
D. Food
9. What causes cancer?
A. Cells are growing. C. Abnormal cells form into clot
B. Cells are not growing. D. Abnormal cells growing without

10. What do you call the disease that prevents the body from converting food
into energy?
A. Diabetes B. Heart attack C. Hypertension D. Stroke
11. The following are sign and symptoms of diabetes except one.
A. Excessive hunger
B. Excessive thirst
C. Excessive urination
D. Low blood pressure
12. Do you think alcohol consumption is one of the risk factors of non-
communicable disease? Why?
A. Yes , because it is too risky to a unhealthy person
B. No,if it takes moderately
C. Maybe, if they take it everyday
D. Never, because it can help the flow of oxygen in the body
13. The following are risk factors of non-communicable disease except one.
A. Healthy eating B. Obesity C. Physical inactivity D.
Tobacco use
14. Do you agree that regular exercise is one of the protective factors of non-
communicable disease? Why?
A. Agree, because it can prevent health problems
B. Disagree, because it cannot prevent health problems
C. Maybe, because without exercise we can prevent health problems by
eating any kinds of foods
D. Sometimes, because it can lessen health issues
15. When do you say that you have hypertension?
A. When you feel dizzy
B. When blood pressure lowers
C. When blood pressure is higher than normal
D. When a fatty substance is deposited on the walls

II. Identifications: Supply the correct answer in the following statement. Write
your answer on the space provided.
The two types of cancer are:
1. _______________ 2. ________________________

A. Types of cardiovascular disease are:

1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________

B. Give 5 examples of risk factors of non-communicable disease.

1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________
6. Give 5 examples of protective factors of non-communicable disease.
1. _______________________________________
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________

What I Have Learned


Teacher’s Guide for Grade 7 MAPEH- P.E and health, pp. 415-434

Learner’s Material for Grade 8 MAPEH- Music and Arts, pp. 374-396

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education
Schools Division of Zamboanga del Norte
Capitol Drive, Estaka, Dipolog City
Fax: (065) 908 0087 | Tel: (065) 212 5843, (065) 212 5131

Our Eden Land
Region IX- Zamboanga Peninsula Hymn

Here the trees

And flowers bloom
Here the breezes gently
Here the birds sing
The liberty forever

Here the Badjaos roam the seas

Here the Samals live in peace
Here the Tausogs thrive so free
With the Yakans in unity

Gallant men
And Ladies fair
Linger with love and care
Golden beams of sunrise and sunset
Are visions you’ll never forget
Oh! That’s Region IX

Hardworking people
Every valleys and Rale
Zamboangueños, Tagalogs, Bicolanos,
Cebuanos, Ilocanos, Subanons, Boholanos,
All of them are proud and true
Region IX our Eden Land

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