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Electrical Safety Training

For Firefighters

Knowledge Objectives
Upon completion of this training the trainee shall be able to:
1. Explai n the basic funct ion of the overh ead wi res and
eq u ipm en t rel ated to de-en ergiz i n g a bu i l d i ng in an
emergency situation.

2. Identify Type A and Type S meters.

3. Expla in the hazard s of step potentia l, tou ch potential,

vehicles in contact with energized lines, and downed wire

Performance Objectives
Given the proper tools and personal protective equipment, the
trainees shall be able to:
1. Remove residential meters.

2. Conduct low voltage electrical tests.

3. Cut service entrance wires "drip loops".

I Eiectrucai
!rt Tenns
The fol lowing definitions of electrical term s wi ll help you
understand the language used as this training continues.
Voltage - A m easu re of th e pressu re, or force, w h ich
transmits electricity. Similar to the measurement of water
pressure in a fire hose.

Cmrremt - The rate at wh ich e lectri city flows. Th is is

measured in amperes. Current can be compared to the ability
of a 3 inch hose to carry more water than a 1 3/4 inch hose
when both lines have the same water pressure.
Transmission - An electric system operating from 138kV up
to 765kV. (Kilovolts)

Pri ma ries - A n electric d istri bution system general ly

operating from 2,400 up to 34,000 volts.

Secondaries - An electric distribution system operating at

600 volts or lower.

Service Drop - Overhead wires running from a pole a house.

Service drops usually have two 120 volt lines and a neutral
line. With this type of service, a customer can obtain either
120 or 240 volts of power. When these wires are twisted
together, they are called triplex cable.

Service entrance - The wires running down the side of a

customer's house to the meter. Generally, these wires are
located in pipe, but there are older installations where these
wires are incased in a cloth sheathing. This equipment is
owned by the customer and its maintenance is the customer's
responsibi I ity.

Voltage grad ie1111 t - A condition created by an energized

downed wire. The ground, or water, becomes energized. The
voltage level on the ground decreases as distance from the
point of contact increases.

Backfeed - Presence of voltage on conductors or associated

equipment that originates from somewhere other than its
normal source of feed. Backfeed can exist at both secondary
and primary voltages. It may be present when electrical
equipment is intact, or at trou ble scenes such as downed
Open neutrall - A wire that is normally at ground potential,
but when broken or opened can produce primary voltage.

1'eRepillorrne aJIDd calbiHe 'f V - Communication cable located on

the lower portion of a pole. These cables can carry low

Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters 3

T&D S}'stem Overview

The Transmission and Distribution System (T&D System) is a

network of components designed to carry electricity from a
power source and del iver it to the consumer in the form
necessary to meet the consumer's demands.

The components of a T&D system are: power plants, switch

yard s, transm i ssion l ines, su bstations, d ist r i bution l ines,
distribution transformer, and secondary voltage systems.

4 Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters

Power Plants
The energy source for a T&D system is a power plant. Power
plants are classified by the type of fuel they use to produce
electricity. Three common types of power plants are: fossil fuel
plants (coal, oil, or gas), nuclear plants, and hydroelectric plants.
Power plants commonly generate electricity at 13,200 volts.

A switchyard is an area usually located just outside a generating
stat i on . I n a switch yard th ere are dev ices ca lled u n i t
transformers. These unit transformers increase the level of the
generated voltage from generated voltage levels to transmission
voltage levels of between 138,000 volts and 765,000 volts
(transmission voltage). As an example, a unit transformer can
increase generated voltage of 22,700 volts to 345,000 volts.

These transformers "step up" the voltage level, and at the same
time lower the amount of current present to a point where a
sm al l er cond uctor can be u sed to m ak e l ong d i stan ce
tran smission practical. The smaller cond uctor req u ires less
material investment, and is easier to install.

Transmission lines
Tran sm iss i on l ines are cond u ctors that are energ i zed at
extremely high voltages. Many utilities locate these conductors
on steel poles and towers, although in some cases they can be
found on wooden poles. Transmission lines perform three major
functions in an electrical system.
1. They carry high-voltage electricity from the generati ng
station switchyard to sub-stations.

2. They link the switchyards of individual electric utilities to

power grids. This allows for more flexibility and reliability.

3. They carry power at extremely high voltage over the long

d istances from where it is produced to where it is used by

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Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters 5

The next change to the voltage occurs in a fenced or enclosed
area called a substation . There are several different types of
substations, but they all perform the same basic function. A
substation receives electricity at high voltages (34kV to 765kV),
and red uce s it (steps it down ) so that it can be passed to
d istribution lines (34kV, 12kV, and 4kV) for delivery to the

Distribution Lines
Overhead distribution lines are generally the wires found in the
top position on wooden poles. There can be three wires (known
as a full circuit or three phases), two wires, or just one. The
number of wires is determined by the electrical needs of the
customers in the area. Distribution lines can carry power from a
substation to local consumer areas where the voltage is again
reduced to meet consumer needs, or in some cases deliver high
voltage power directly to large accounts.

There are two general types of distribution systems:

I . Overhead Dist ributnon Systems deliver power through
conductors that are strung above the ground from po le to

2. Undergrou nd Distribution Systems deliver power through

cables that are directly buried in the ground, or run through
cond u it or ducts. Many util ities have almost as m uch
underground distribution cable as overhead wire.

6 Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters

Distribution Transformers

I Distribution transformers come is a wide range of sizes and

shapes. It is only important to distinguish a transformer itself
for comm unicating with the uti l ity company i n emergency
situations. These transformers are generally used to reduce (step
down ) th e pri m ary volta ge (34k V, l 2k V, and 4k V) to a
secondary voltage which meets the consumers requirements.
For example:
• Industrial Customers - 12kV down to 4kV (or those below).

Commercial Customers - 4 or 12kV down to 277/480V and 4

or 12kV down to 120/208V.

Residential Customers - 4 or 12kV down to 120/240V.

Three types of distribution transformers are most commonly


Overhead Transformers
Overhead transformers are used throughout a d istribution
system , and are probably the most recognizable. Overhead
transformers are generally mounted on poles, but they also can
be fou nd in u nderground vaults such as in schools where
exposed conductors are undesirable. Most of these units are
single phase with 120/240 volt secondaries. These transformers
can be used by themselves or wired together to form transformer
banks, and depending on how they are wired can supply several
different secondary voltages.

Pad-Mounted Transformers
Pad-mou nted transformers are so called because they are
installed on concrete pads . They are used in underground
distribution systems and perform the same task as the overhead
transform er. Single phase and th ree phase pad mou nted
transformers are available in a wide range of sizes and voltages.
Often, two single pha se pad-mou nted transformers will be
banked together.

'. .

Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters 7

Dry-Type Transformers
Dry-type transfonners are cooled by the circulation of air arounc
the core and windings. Louvers or screens are installed in thf
transformer case to al low air flow thru the equ ipment foi
cool ing. (Overhead and Pad mou nted transformers use ar
insulating oil for this function). Dry types require dry room
with special ventilation. These transfonners are used in high·
rise buildings to eliminate the possibil ity of the spread of an oil

Secondary Voltage Systems

Secondary voltage systems consist of conductors energized at
less than 600 volts. It is important for a fire fighter to have the
knowledge necessary to make the distinction between a single
phase residential service, and other secondary services. Single
phase residential services nonnally consist of three conductors.
One neutral conductor.

One or two cond uctors (X and Y) that when energized

measure 120 volts to ground or the neutral, and 240 volts
from one to the other.
This will be covered more in depth, later in this training .

Overhead Wires and Equipment

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Wire Configuration
Utility poles MAY carry conductors for electric, telephone,
cable TV, and school alann systems. You will not always find
: i
all of these on every pole. Overhead equipment can range in
,L f voltage from 120 volts to 765,000 volts.

:.. / ...=
Before we continue, we wi ll learn to recognize some of the
··· .\ J·": conductors and equipment that comprise an overhead system.

. :·
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. i ;
··l : : . In general, overhead electric wires are installed in the following
positions from top down. This means that generally, the higher

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the conductors are located a pole, the higher the voltage on the

High voltage conductors are located in the top position(s) on a

wood pole.

8 Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters

There could be several circuits of three phase or single phase
primaries. These conductors feed the transformers used in the
overhead distribution system and substations. The following are
voltage levels that may be found on wood poles.

Transmissiolll (if present)

345,000 volts
138,000 volts
69,000 volts

34,000 volts
12,000 volts (7,200 phase to ground)
4,000 volts (2,400 phase to ground)
Secondaries operate from ground potential u p to 600

Overhead Wire
Three different metals are used for overhead wire in a T&D
system. Each type is chosen to fill specific needs of various
1. Copper (Cu)
2. Aluminum (Al)
3. ACSR (Aluminum conductor steel reinforced)
Wire sizes for primary voltages vary from #8 solid (about the
width of a golf tee) thru 477 MCM stranded (about the width of
a large garden hose). It is important to understand that the size
of a wire is in no way an indicator of it's voltage level. Small
wires or large wires can both be energized at thousands of volts,
or as low as 120 volts.

Conductors can be bare metal , or have a weather resistant outer

covering. Th is coating can be black or grey in color. The
coating can be made of either plastic, rubber, or a tar cloth
m ateria l. Th i s cover i ng mMst IDJ ever !be c1rmsndleredl as
insulatiollll or protection.

Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters 9

Dry-Type Transformers
··:···'."'·> ···:·
Dry-type transformers are cooled by the circulation of air around
the core and wind ings. Louvers or screens are installed in the
tra nsform er case to al low a i r flow th ru the equ ipment for
cool ing. (Overhead and Pad mou nted transformers use an
'• : -;:;.·:
insulating oil for this function). Dry types requ ire dry rooms
with special ventilation. These transformers are used in high­
rise buildings to eliminate the possibility of the spread of an oil

..·.,..•.... .:................:............... -...•

Secondary Voltage Systems
Secondary voltage systems consist of conductors energized at
less than 600 volts. It is important for a fire fighter to have the
knowledge necessary to make the d istinction between a single
phase residential service, and other secondary services. Single
phase residential services normally consist of three conductors.
Q One neutral conductor.

One or two cond uctors (X and Y) that when energized

measure 120 volts to ground or the neutral, and 240 volts
from one to the other.

This will be covered more in depth, later in this training.

Overhead Wires and Equipment

Wire Configwratffotril
Utility poles MAY carry cond uctors for electric, telephone,
cable TV, and school alarm systems. You will not always find
all of these on every pole. Overhead equipment can range in
voltage from 120 volts to 765,000 volts.

Before we continue, we will learn to recognize some of the

conductors and equipment that comprise an overhead system .

In general, overhead electric wires are installed in the following

positions from top down. This means that generally, the higher
the conductors are located a pole, the higher the voltage on the

High voltage conductors are located in the top position(s) on a

wood pole.

8 Electrical Safety Training For FirefighteU"S

The term triplex refers to overhead cable that is manufactured
with three wires spiraled together. Two of the three wires are
energ i zed at 120 volts each (X and Y ph ase), and can be
identified by the weather proof covering on them.

Note: This covering is not insulation even though it does isolate

the wires from the neutral and each other. The third wire is a
bare wire which is the neutral and also serves as the messenger
wire that carries the weight of the service.

To m a in tain proper serv ice height above the grou nd it is

sometimes necessary to install a steel pipe riser or wooden riser
to hold the attachment and weather head.

#dentifyffng Telephone and Cabie TI! Win".

AHways tireat aRI wiires as fiff ttlllley me eJmeirgn7leidl. Usually cable
TV and telephone wires are the lowest wires on a pole. Because
they use similar devices to attach their wires from a pole to a
residential building it sometimes can be difficult to distinguish
comm unication wires from electrical wires.

When tracing these wires out, start from the house. Telephone
and cable TV wires are usually single cables and will not have
multiple connections at the point of the house attachment. From
the pole, through the house attachment, to the point where the
\\f ires enter the building there will be continuous wire with lllllOl
eledirfic meeir.

The absence of an electric meter is usually another sign that they

are not electric wires. But remem ber, some structures have
meters located on the inside of the bui lding. Finally, trace the
wires back to the pole. If they are the lowest wires on the pole,
th is wou ld be another good ind ication that they are not electric,
ibil.llt llllO nllll allll asies.

12 Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters

Residential Meters

De-energizing Residences
There are many types of meters used to measure electricity. It is
necessary to familiarize yourself with some of these meters in
order make you r pu ll ing m eters safer. It is im portant to
remember that a meter is a device for measuring electricity not a
switch for turning the power on and off.

When it becomes necessary to cut the power, an attempt to open

the building's main breakers must be your first step. In some
cases, this will be sufficient in order to make the residence safe
to perform your job. If, for some reason, the main cannot be
reached it may be necessary to remove the meter. Removing a
meter with a large amount of electrical load on it, if not done
properly, can be dangerous.

Meter Types
There two main types of residential meters: removable and non­
removable .

Removable (Type S)
Most residential buildings use a 120/240 volt removable meter.
It is designed with 4 plugs on the back that insert into the meter
socket. The removable type meter is now the most commonly
used because of the ease of installation and removal.

There may be times, as shown in this picture, that there is a need

for the installation of an anti-tamper device on a meter or meter
box. These devices are generally brass in color, and can not be
removed with out a specially designed key. If one or more of
these locks are found at a meter location, this meter must be
considered non-removable.

-.JI · '

Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters 13

There are four clips located in all 120/240 volt Type S meter
sockets to accept the plugs of the meter. The top two clips are
known as the Rine sidle because they are fed from the source
(service wire). The bottom two clips are known as the load
side because they are connected to the buildings main panel by
which the electrical system in the house is fed.

There is a terminal block usually located in the middle of the

four clips where the neutra l wire is connected. If a volt meter
was placed between the two energized line side clips it would
read 240 volts. The same volt meter placed between either line
side clip and the neutral or cabinet ground would read 120 volts.
When the electrical m eter is removed, there shou ld be no
voltage present on the bottom load side clips. If voltage is
present on the load side clips when the meter is removed, the
house is still energized from another source offeed (backfeed).

In some cases, m ultiple meters will be located on an apartment

building, in which case pulling one meter will not de-energize
the entire building. If one meter is remaining, the wiring in the
structure must be considered energized .

Some m ultiple meter cabinets have a main disconnect switches.

These switches are normally located on the cabinet next to each
meter. Ifthis were the case, these breakers should be utilized to
de-energize the structure.

14 Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters

Removing (Type S) Meters
Most of us are aware that electricity and water do not mix. It is
for this reason that a firefighter's first instinct is to interru pt
electrical service.

Ironically, in some cases it may be beneficial for firefighters to

leave the electricity on, but in the event that electrical service
must be interrupted it is important to have a set procedure to

Iftime does not permit waiting until the utility company arrives,
it may become necessary to disconnect power to the structure .
When the person in charge (the Incident Commander in most
cases) determines that the electricity must be interrupted the first
step is to:
I. Notify the utility company, but if times does not allow
waiting for a utility crew to arrive;

2. Attempt to shut off the main circuit breakers at the structures

electrical service panel.

However, whenever possible, notify the utility company, and wait

for a utility crew to arrive.

Procedure - Shutting off the Main Circuit Breakers at the

Electrical Service Panel
I . Acq uire and outfit necessary personnel with appropriate
protective equipment including:
Rubber gloves and protectors.
Face shield (shield down).
·Tum out gear.
2. Open building's main disconnect (if possible). If this is not
possible, continue to step 3.

3. Remove the meter.

• Cut the meter seal with side cutters.

Remove the meter retaining ring, or cover plate of the
meter cabinet (whichever is applicable).
Firmly contact the top outer edge of the meter with a
downward and outward angle. This will cause the two
line side (top) plugs to disconnect from their receptacles,
thus breaking load. This must be a smooth quick motion
with the palm of the hand. Be careful not to contact tlbe
meter lens with excessive force. Some meter lenses are
glass. If too much force is applied, there is a danger of
' . breaking the glass.

Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters 15

It is better to use two or three medium blows, rather than
attem pting to disconnect the meter with one blow alone.
F i rm l y grasp t h e m eter w ith two han d s an d pu l l it
s11:iranght out. This will disconnect the bottom two prongs
from their receptacles. Do illl011: twist 11:11ll e metew from sndle
11:0 slide dlll!rnl!llg riemovall. Ifthis is done, the chance of the
su pportin g equ ipment in the meter cabinet fai l ing is
great ly elevated . A sl i gh t u p and down m ot ion i s
necessary at times, but over doing this cou ld also resu lt in
equipment fai lure.
Conduct low voltage tests to assure the internal wiring in
the structure is de-energized.
Install a plastic protective cover.
Reinstall the meter cabinet cover (where applicable).

!NotrHremovable (Type A)
Type A meters (commonly called A-base meters) are u sually
found on older homes. They can be easily identified by several
characteristics. The first, and most obvious, is the cabinet that
houses the meter. Most A-base meters are completely enclosed
in a metal cabinet rather than being entirely exposed as is the
Type S meter. A small sight glass is located on the front of the
cabinet for viewing the meter's d ials.

If, for some reason a distinction still cannot be made, removing

the front cover of the meter cabinet will give way to the second
difference from Type S meters. The physical connections for the
line and load side consist of four screw type terminals located on
the bottom front of the meter. The back of the A-Base meter has
no pl u gs. In many instances, the meter is screwed to the

16 E!ectricai Safety Training For Filrefighters

Type-A meters can be found in what are called "Gang Fittings".
These m ultiple meter cabinets can house two, three, or four A­
base meters.

Trying to remove an A-base meter using the same method as a

Type-S meter can result in a severe flash which could blind,
bum, or cause electrical shock.

It is for this reason that all A-Base meters m ust be considered

non-removab le.

Downed Wires
Two people are killed by electrical contact every day in the
United States.

Everyone is exposed to hazards every day: crossing a busy

street, driving a car, crime, etc. It is how we react to these
hazards that will determine if we become a statistic, or make it
through the day safely.

This information is intended to inform and educate emergency

response person nel. It is essent ial to have the abi l ity to
recognize and safeguard yourselves from potential electrical
hazards that exist when work ing around overhead wires and
equ ipment, w ire down incidents, vehicle accidents where
electr ical eq u i pm ent i s i nvol ved , as we ll as a gen era l
understanding of OSHA minim um clearance standards for non­
qualified workers.

Response Times
Fire call is a term given to any request for assi stance by fire
departments. Dispatchers give fire calls a h igh priority status.
Some examples of fire calls are:
Response to structure fires.

Wires down.

Vehicle accidents where electrical equipment is involved.

Although response to fire calls is high priority, there may be
instances when trouble crews are unavoidably delayed .

Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters 17

In some regions, districts are not staffed around the clock.
This means that at certain times of the day or night response
crews are called at home, drive to their reporting center, and
respond from there.

The troublec rew's job is set up so that they are only given
tasks that take a short time to complete . This assures their
availability for trouble calls. But, if a trouble crew is tied up
(on trouble, or possibly another fire call) it is necessary for
another crew to be dispatched from a nearby area.

I n certai n areas, or at certai n tim es of the day, traffic

congestion may inhibit the troublecrew.

When a storm rolls through, wires may be down in multiple

locations. Many of these locations may be safeguarded by
the efforts of area fire departments. Although these scenes
are safeguarded, there may be locations where no trai ned
personnel are at the downed wire to safeguard the public.
When this situation exists, utility company d ispatchers must
send response crews to the unguarded wires first, then to the
wire down locations where fire fighters are standing by.

Incident Location
Because minutes count in fire emergencies, a correct incident
location is essential to a fire department response crew. This
holds true for utility response crews also. A correct address is
the best resource dispatchers can have when routing personnel to
a fire call. Whereas a cross street will help locate the scene
geograph ical ly, a correct address wi ll allow d ispatchers to
display a complete electrical diagram of the area. This ability
can be of great value when high voltage equipment is involved.

There may be times when an address is not obtainable at an

emergency scene. Ifthis is the case, there are other options.

On poles where electrica l equ ipm ent is located (such as

overhead transformers) location numbers are u sually present.
These numbers are located either on crossarms at the top of the
pole, or on the side of the pole itself. These numbers are unique
to that specific piece of equipment. This can help identify the
location electrically as well as geographically.

18 Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters

Another source of equipment num ber locations is on electrical
equipment that is located on the ground (such as a pad-mounted
transformer or switchgear). This equipment also has numbering
that is specific to each.

OSHA Minimum Clearances

As was noted earlier, 2 people are killed in the United States
every day by electrical contact. The worst thing about these
deaths is that they are avoidable. When appropriate clearances
are maintained, the threat of an electrical contact is erased.
OSHA m i n im u m c l earan ce stan dard s a re in p lace for
"qualified", as well as "non-qualified" workers.

OSHA defines a qualified worker as: "One knowledgeable in the

construction and operation of the electric power transmission ,
and d istribution equipment, along with associated hazards."

A non-qualified worker is everyone else.

The first step in determ in ing clearances is to recognize the

hazard . Due to the amount of overhead electrical equipment in
place, there is a fairly good chance that electrical hazards may
be found at most fire scenes.

When firefighters arrive at a fire scene, an initial plan of action

is formed . A survey for electrical hazards should be part of this.
A good phrase to remember is: "Look-u p before you set-up."
You can not keep clear of something that you do not know is

It is important to remember that aerial ladders and baskets are

not the only equipment used by firefighters that are capable of
contacting energized conductors. Some high voltage conductors
are located beside buildings . A fire fighter using a pike pole
could possi bly contact conductors while working on a roof, or
from a ladder. An aluminum ladder is also a threat. Anything
capable of entering the area of energized conductors could act as
a conductor.

Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters 19

The OSHA Clearance Standard 29 CFR 1926.550 has references
covering all voltages. The following are standard voltage levels
used around the country, and the necessary m inimum clearance
necessary for each voltage range.

The clearance distance for conductors energized at 50,000 volts

and below is a m inimum of 10 feet. This I 0 foot distance must
be kept from conductors and energized equi pment. In other
words, at no time should personnel or equipment ever be
closer than 10 feet from the energized equipment. As voltage
levels increase, so do the m inim um clearances.

The formula for determining proper clearances is; an additional

.4 inches m ust be added to the initial 10 feet for every 1kv
voltage increase over the initial 50kv.

The following is a reference for distance from line requirements.

Voltage Minimum Clearance
O to 50,000 10'-0"
50,000 to 69,000 10'-8"
• 69,200 to 92,000 11'-5"
92,000 to 1 15,000 12'-2"
• 115,000 to 138,000 13'-0"
138,000 to 161,000 13'-9"
161,000 to 196,000 14'-l l"
196,000 to 230,000 16'-0"
230,000 to 287,000 17'-11"
287,000 to 345,000 19'-10"
345,000 to 500,000 25 '-0"
500,000 to 700,000 31 '-8"
700,000 to 765,000 34'-0"

This training will not give you the skills to look at a utility pole
and be 100 percent sure what each of the voltage levels are for
each of the conductors. When dealing with high voltage, being
correct 99 times out of 100 is not good enough. Because of
overhead construction standards, there is a way to be 100
percent correct when determ ining clearance distances.

• Utilities may have cond uctors energized at up to 345,000

volts located on wooden poles. Using this voltage as a worst
case example, and knowing that the clearance for 345kV
conductors is 20 feet, would allow the firefighters to be 100
percent correct if they kept 20 feet from any conductor on a
wooden pole.

20 Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters

The highest transm ission voltage in the United States is
765,000 volts. Condutors energized at this voltage level are
always located on a steel poles or steel towers. The OSHA
clearance for this voltage is 34 feet. If firefighters and their
equipment maintained 34 feet from energized equipment on
steel poles and steel towers, there would be no doubt that
they were correct.

Hazardous Potentials
Potential is a term used to define the electrical d ifferences
between two energized conductors, or most often the voltage
difference between an energized conductor and the ground or

Compared to the ground or earth, the difference of potential

present on conductors of a Transmission and Distribution system
can vary from 120 volts up to hundreds of thousands of volts.

Two basic factors need to be in place for electricity to flow.

This is a simplified explanation, but if the following two factors
are in place, and the human body is involved, it will set-up the
possibility of an injury or death.
A conductor or path on which to travel.

• A difference of potential from one side of the path to the


Voltage Gradient
A downed wire that remains energized can create a hazardous
condition known as voltage gradient A voltage gradient can
exist not only when a wire is on the earth, but could also be
formed on concrete, asphalt, or gravel. It may also be present
when an energized wire is on a fence, or on a car. Basically, if
an energized wire is on any object that will allow voltage to
travel through it and into the earth, there is an opportunity for a
voltage gradient to be formed.

Step Potential
The hazard present when a voltage gradient is formed on the
ground is called step potentiat Step potential is the difference
of potential between two separate points on the ground at the
time fault current is flowing. This wou ld cause the voltage
levels 5 feet from the point of contact to be more severe than the
levels present at 6 feet from the point of contact.

If a person were to enter a step potential situation, he or she

would encounter a possible voltage difference between one leg
and the other.

Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters 21

This difference could result i n a serious injury or death. If an
ind ividual unknowingly enters a step potential condition, the
person may feel a tingling sensation in their feet and legs. This
tingling is caused by the less severe voltage difference in the
outer rings of the gradient flowing through the person's legs and

In other words, the closer a person moves toward the downed

conductor the h igher the amount of voltage could be present
between their feet.

Touch Potential
Another hazard that can injure the human body is referred to as
touch potential. This refers to the difference of potential from a
person's feet to hands, or hand to hand.

When a piece of aerial equipment, such as a crane, comes in

contact with an overhead energized conductor, the majority of
the time the person in the equipment is unharmed. Generally, it
is the person on the ground touching the equipment, or anyone
nearby that is injured.

The person in the equipment is like a bird on a wire. When a

bird is sitting on an energized wire, it is at the same potential as
the wire, so electricity will not flow through it.

Hazards of Downed Wires

Working to restore power after a storm is one of the most
hazardous times to be an overhead electrician. Energized
downed wires create many hazardous situations. It is imperative
that an electrical worker evaluates the hazards of each situation,
and then takes appropriate action. An action that will ultimately
prov ide for their protection.

Due to the magnitude of energy available on high voltage wires

anything can become a cond uctor. Even objects that are
normally not energized such as fences, playground equipment,
vehicles, gutters, patio furniture, or aluminum siding.

If a wire is down and lying on or near a fence, the entire fence

m ust be considered energized. If that fence is touch ing a
neighbor's fence, both fences must be considered energized. If
all the fences in all the backyards touch or connect, they must all
be treated as energized.

If a wire is d own on a vehicle, the whole veh icle could be

energized. In some instances, the ru bber of the tires has the
ability to insulate the flow of voltage into the ground.

22 Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters

If this were the case, the vehicle would sit perfectly quiet even
though it is energized at thousands of volts.

Many times an energized downed wire will lay qu ietly and

motionless. Remem ber, the threat of wire movement is always a

The energy flowing from a wire into the ground can cause a wire
to change location in the blink of an eye.
Wire can change location from tree to tree. It can be high in
a tree at one moment, and in a different tree (lower to the
ground) the next.

When wire is initially installed, it is payed out from a round

reel. Wire can retain its "memory". Ifthis were the case, the
downed wire could form a "coil" and roll along the ground.

A wire could swing across a road or field like a swinging

gate. Anyone in the path of the wires movement would be at
great risk.

Watching wires
When watching wires, it is essential to safeguard against the
hazards of step potential and wire movement.
One and one half spans is the suggested minimum distance that
emergency personnel should keep from any downed wire. A
"span" is the distance from one pole to the next.

It is also important never to position equipment or personnel

u nder the equ ipment that has been com prom ised . If th e
supporting equipment of the affected wires were to fail, the
adjacent spans of wire could fall or lower to the ground creating
a larger hazard area. Anything in this area would be at risk.

When emergency crews respond to vehicle accidents where

electrical equipment is involved (such as a wire on a vehicle),
how they react to the potential hazards is vital to their personal

A rescue worker's first instinct may be to approach the vehicle

and attempt to remove the injured person(s). If this is done, the
rescue worker is exposing himself or herself, as well as the
person(s) in the car to great risk.

When a car is energized both step potential and touch potential

are a definite threat.

Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters 23

Another problem could arise if an attempt were made to move or
change the position of the fallen wire. Altering the position of
the downed wire could cause additional supporting equipment to
fail, creating a larger area affected, as well as the threat of wire

The safest action for a person in a potentially energized vehicle

to take is to stay in the vehicle. This is, if the vehicle is in a
stabilized condition. There may be times when staying in the
vehicl e would not be an option. For example: when the vehicle
is on fire, or the tires are starting to bum. It is at this time that
evacuat ion of the car m i ght be attem pted . The Working
Together video shows a suggested method for these times. It is
important to remem ber that any evacuation of an energized
vehicle is a hazardous undertaking .

Firefighters know that no two fires are exactly the same. The
same holds true in the electrical field. Electric ity is silent,
odorless, invisible, and potentially deadly. Usually electricity
does not give second chances, so the best safeguard when
working near energized conductors or downed wires is distance.
R em em ber, t h e m ost im porta n t too l yo u can possess i s

interrupting Service At A Fire Scene

In any fire em ergency, u tility co m panies prefer that the
electrical service be left intact u ntil their arrival. Leave the
power on as long as possible. The power may be needed to
operate certain pumps or other equipment which, if interrupted,
would cause additional damage to the building. Another reason
for leaving the power on is that the firefighters may be aided in
their work by having the lights on. However, if the Incident
Commander in charge decides the electrical service must be
disconnected, the utility company must be contacted and
dispatch crew to do this.

If the person in charge (the Incident Commander in most cases)

decides that the service must be disconnected prior to the arrival
of the utility company person nel, only then should a firefighter
take action to de-energize the structure if possible using these
steps in the following order:

Procedure - De-energizing the Structure

1. Open the buildings main disconnect. (If possible)

2. Remove meter if necessary.

3. Cut drip loops when meter cannot be removed.

24 Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters

Firefighters aire only to Iremove the meter to the Iresidence that
is on fire.

Low voltage (120/240 volts) is common to practically every

residential building a firefighter may be called upon to enter in
an emergency. In general, this equipment presents less danger to
the firefighters than does high voltage. However, even low
voltage presents a real hazard and m ust be respected.

When an Incident Commander decides that the service is to be

interrupted, put on personal protective equipment, and follow
these steps:
Open the main breakers if possible .

Ifopening the breakers is not possi ble, remove the meter and
test for backfeed.

If the meter can not be removed cut the service entrance

wires (Drip Loops) at the house.

Services m ust be cut one wire at a t ime and in a specific

sequence. Failure to do this could result in a serious flash and
damage to expensive cutter heads or additional damage to the
residential equipment.
Identify the neutral first. (Do not cut at this time.)

X and Y conductors should be cut one at a time and trained

back away from contacting any other possible conductor or
surface. Take great care in not letting the cutter head contact
anything but the wire being cut.

Cut the neutral wire. Warning: A neutraH shoullld never be

disconnected until X and Y have been disconnected. If a
neutral is cut before X and Y a unbalanced voltage condition
could be created. This could cause additional damage to the

• Always cut conductors in the drip loops to avoid dropping an

energized service in the yard or alley.

Rubber Gloves and Protective Equipment

Insulate and Isolate
Electrical hazards cannot always be eliminated, but they can be
m i n im ized w ith th e use of personal protective eq u ipment.
Whenever work is to be done on or near electrical equipment it
is important to isolate your body from possi ble contact with any
energized equipment or wires. To isolate your body electrically
means to avoid body contact with any electrical source or path to
ground. Isolation is possi ble with the insulation provided by
rubber gloves.

Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters 25

Insulate means to use or create a layer (or multiple layers) of non­
conductive material between energized equipment, or equipment
that may become energized, and any workers potentially exposed
to that equipment. Rubber gloves and rubber glove protectors are
insulating devices and m ust always be worn when working with
energized equipment to provide that insulation.

The rubber gloves that are being issued are rated at 600 volts.
They come in sizes ranging from 8 through 12. Size I 0 gloves
have been chosen for issue to fire departments.

Rubber glove protectors are leather gloves worn outside rubber

gloves. The leather surface of the rubber glove protector helps
to prevent damage to the ru bber glove from nicks, cuts, and
Avoid handling sharp objects while wearing rubber gloves
and always wear the approved glove protectors over the
rubber gloves.

Never wear ru bber gloves inside out, or use the glove

protectors as work gloves.

R u bber gloves m u st be worn wh i le usi ng the voltage


Rubber gloves must be worn while working on energized


Remove jewelry before putting on the gloves, and when

working on or near energized equipment.

Glove bags are special bags used to store your rubber gloves.
The bag protects the rubber gloves from damage and moisture .
Gloves should always be inserted into the bag unfolded and cuff
first. This prevents debris and moisture from settling in the

Testing and Inspecting Rubber Gloves

OSHA mandates specify that ru bber gloves m ust be tested
before each use, and as necessary throughout the day. A good
rule of thum b is to assure the rubber gloves tested after each use
and stored in the protective bag. This will assure that they are
tested and ready for use at a fire scene where a 5 minute delay
for glove inspection is not desirable.

26 Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters

Another option is to inspect and air test the ru bber gloves at the
beginning of each shift. The first of two tests is called the v isual
test (illustrated to the left).

Procedure 1 - Visual Testing Rubber Gloves

The first test is called a visual test. Perform this by
I. Stretch a small area of the glove.

2. Closely examining the stretched area for any defects.

3. Repeat this over the entire glove.

Procedure 2 - Air Testing Rubber Gloves

The second test is called the air test. Perform this by:
I . Hold the glove at the ends of the cuff, opening the gauntlet
(the opening of the glove) with your thumbs and forefingers.

2. Quickly twirl the glove around to fill it with air.

3. Trap the air by squeezing the gauntlet closed with one hand.

4. Use the free hand to look for defects.

5. Hold the glove up to your face and listen for leaks, while also
feeling for escaping air.

Live Line Tools

The term live line tool or hotstick refers to the variety of tools
made especially for energized work. Hotstick tools are made
using an epoxy resin glass fibers wrapped around a foam core.
A damaged hotstick will not perform well, or protect a worker
from energized conductors.

Routine inspection of live line tools is critical. It is particularly

important to check tools at the actual work site just before use.
Each tool should be inspected for proper operation as well as for
( signs that might indicate that the tool will not provide proper

Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters 27

Repai r or rep l ace too l s that d ispl ay any of the fol low i n g
cond itions during the inspection:
Cut or broken glass fibers on the tool. Cut glass fibers
reduce the strength and insulating protection of the tool.

Longitudi nal cracks caused by crushing the tool. Tools with

this damage must be replaced.

Distortion from high heat or physical abuse.

Loose, broken, or otherwise defective fittings.

Light spots accompanied by a noticeable roughness. This
type of damage is from hard blows impacting the material or
by dropping the tools to the ground .

Surface ruptures caused by excessive bending or twisting.

The presence of moisture reduces the insulating capabilities of

the tool and allows corrosion to form. Remove any moisture,
apply silicone spray that is approved by the manufacture, or
wipe the tool with a silicon cloth.

The presence of dust and d irt al so red uces the i n su lat ing
capabi l ities of the tool and allows the mechanisms to jam .
Should any dirt be found, clean the tool with a silicone cloth
(OSHA Reg.).

The Lever Type Hot Stick Cutter is a wire cutting head attached
to a long fiberglass pole with a lever-operating handle. The
cutter head is heat treated steel designed to cut aluminum or
copper conductors.

Remem ber, the cutting head of the tool is made of steel which is
a conductor of electricity. If any other wire or equipment is
contacted while the the cutting jaws are in contact with an
energized conductor, an electrical flash may result.

28 Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters

Low Voltage Tester
OSHA mandates that no piece of electrical equipment may be
considered de-energized un less it is proven de-energized by

How a Voltage Tester Works (Solenoid type)

A low voltage tester is a sim ple piece of electrical testi ng
equipment used to determ ine whether there is secondary voltage
present at a power source, or to make sure that a circuit is de­
energized before working on it.

Probes are placed across a possible source of voltage. Ifvoltage

is present, current flows throu gh the coil inside the tester,
creat ing a m agnetic field. The magn etized coil pu lls t h e
indicator along the scale until it reaches a point corresponding to
the approximate voltage (the neon light will also glow). Ifthere
is no voltage, there is no current flow, the ind icator on the scale
does not move, and the neon light does not glow.

The range and the type of current (AC or DC) that a voltage
tester is capable of measuring are usually indicated on the scales
that display the reading. The scales for each type of current are
marked according ly. The tester can be used to measure voltage
within a range from 120 volts to 600 volts.

Two leads are connected into the base of the tester. The black
lead terminates in a probe which can be attached to the back of
the case to simpl ify handling during testi ng. The red lead
term inates in either an alligator clip or a test probe.

Checking and Using a Voltage Tester

A voltage tester should always be checked before each use to
make sure that it is in good condition and operating correctly.
The external check of the tester shou ld incl ude a carefu l
inspection of the insulation on the leads for cracks or frayed
areas. Faulty leads constitute a safety hazard, so they must be

To ensure make sure that the voltage tester is operating correctly,

the probes of the tester should be connected to a power source
that is known to be energized. The voltage ind icated on the
tester should match the voltage of the power source. If there is
no indication, the voltage tester is not operating correctly, and it
m ust be repaired or replaced . It m ust also be repai red or
replaced if it ind icates a voltage read ing d ifferent from the
known voltage source.

It is essential to check a voltage tester before use. A faulty

voltage tester can be dangerous to the anyone using it.

Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters 29

For exam ple, damaged insu lation, or a cracked casing cou ld
expose the firefighter to electrical shock. Also, a faulty voltage
tester might ind icate that the power is "off ' when it is really
"on ". Th i s would create a serious safety hazard for fellow
workers involved on the job.

Camtiollll: Care should be taken when plac ing the probes of the
tester across the power source. A voltage tester is designed to
take a quick reading. If the probes are left in the circuit too
long, the tester 's solenoid may bum out. A voltage tester should
never be connected for more than a few seconds at a time.

Interpreting the Tester Readings

Low voltage testers can be used to analyze the status of electrical
equipment with voltage capacity up to 600 volts.
The status of electrical equipment must be verified first to
"ground" and then to one another.

The tester will only tell you if the equipment is energized

(l ive) or not energized (dead).

The tester cannot tell the d ifference between "load" or


When "load" is suspected, add itional tests are req uired before
an attempt to connectthe cables is made.
To find an energized conductor you must have a known ground
or neutral. Energized conductors of the same potential will not
light the tester.
The tester wi l l l ight when one l ead is on an energized
conductor and the other is on a: ground, neutral, different or
opposing phase, or load.

To prove a residence dead or de-energized refer to the following


Procedure - Testing a Residence as Dead, or De-energized

1. Test between the neutral and each line ·side clip. (reading:
120 volts)

2. Test between the two line side cl ips. (reading: 240 volts)

3. Test between the neutral and each load side clip. (reading
should be "O")

4. Make a final test from the neutral to one of the top line side
clips. (reading: 120 volts)

30 Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters

Firefighters know that no two fires are exactly the same. The
sam e hol d s true w i th the tra n sm ission and d istri buti on of
electricity and service connections made to buildings. Although,
the industry has construction standards as well as village and'
national electrical codes that should be followed, standards and
codes change through the years. Also, homeowners sometimes do
not follow or understand the proper codes. Therefore, it is
impossi ble to be prepared for every situation.

Electrical Safety Training for Firefighters was designed to give

firefighters a basic knowledge of transmission and distribution and
provide the necessary knowledge and abilities to safely disconnect
power to single phase residential structures. The first step to de­
energize any structure is to call the local utility company to
provide that service. Because it may not be possible to wait, we
have provided specific content related to the function of overhead
wires and equipment, especially the types of meters used in
electrical services. Hazard s related to step potential, touch
potential, vehicles in contact with energized line's and downed
wire movement were also d iscussed. Specific performance
exercises req uired participants to remove residential meters,
conduct low voltage electrical tests and cut service entrance
wires "drip loops".

Electrical Safety Training for Firefighters emphasized one

primary point Eliminate or minimize hazards whenever
possible and always use the proper protective equipment. When
time allows, wait for the local utility, when it does not, do things
the right way...the safe way

•<.'...._ .

Electrical Safety Training For Firefightera 31

MABAS Eectuicai afe Trainnng_._
R_e_v_ie_w__ ---·
I . What are the three types of d istribution transformers found
on the Edison System?

2. Overhead distribution primaries are defined as:

a. An electrical system energized from 138,000 to 765,000
b. An electrical system operati ng from 2,400 to 34,000
c. Wires located between a pole and a house.
d. The first wires encountered as you ascend a po le.
3. What is the definition of a voltage gradient?

4. . Backfeed is defined as:

a. When TV or telephone equipment become energized.

b. When ground wires become severed or broken with the
possibility of primary voltage existing.
c. The presence of voltage on a cond uctor or piece of
equipment originating from somewhere oth er than its
norma l source of feed.
d. When voltage is present on objects that are not normally
5. True I False The load side clips in the meter cabinet remain
energized after the meter has been removed because they are
fed directly from the service wires.

6. Open neutrals are defined as:

a. Electricity flowing opposite from its normal source of

b. When a cable TV or telephone cable becomes energized.
c. When a neutral conductor becomes severed or broken.
d. The presence of voltage on a cond uctor or piece of
equ ipmen t generated from somewhere other than its
normal source of feed.
7. True I False Primary conductors are easi ly recognizable
because their size is much smaller that secondary cable.

32 MABAS Fire Fighter Safety

8. True I False When a neutral conductor is cut or broken, treat
it as if it were a primary conductor.

9. When working near conductors energized at 138,000 volts

the clearance is:

a. 10 ft.
b. More than 10 ft.
c. Less than 10 ft.
d. No clearance is required.
10.Electrical conductors and equipment located on wood poles
can be energized at:

a. 12kV.
b. 34kV.
c. 138kV.
d. All of the above.
11. What is the best way to move from an area that has a voltage

a. Walk slowly.
b. Walk rapidly.
c. Shuffle.
d. Crawl.
12. How far does voltage gradient radiate?

a. 10 ft.
b. It depends on the conditions present.
c. Until it reaches a grounded object.
d. Only a few feet.
13. Secondary conductors energized at 120/240 can be:

a. Open wire construction.

b. Cable (wrapped triplex) construction.
c. A house serv ice.
d. All of the above.
14.True I False When a severe fire i s encou ntered, i t is
permissible to violate safe body clearances .

15.True I Fa lse Cyclone fences can not become energi zed

because they are driven in the ground .

'· v

Electrical Safety Training For Firefighters 33

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