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The Scramble for Africa: Imperialism (1880-1914)

Imperialism: domination by one country of the political, economic, and social life of
another country or region. CAUSES OF IMPERIALISM:

1. Economic: The economic cause was the main cause of this issue. The Second Industrial
Revolution required having territories that could supply raw materials for industry and
purchase manufactured products without customs barriers, as production increased. And
colonies provided cheap labor and places to invest capital.
2. Political and strategic: The possession of colonies showed the power and international
prestige of the countries and allowed them to control trade routes and strategic territories.
3. Demographic: The colonies provided territories where the excess population could be
sent to reduce unemployment and relieve internal social tensions.
4. Ideological: Certain ideologies manipulated the ideas of and proclaimed the superiority
of the white race along with its ‘mission’ to ‘civilize’ the rest of the world.

THE SCRAMBLE FOR AFRICA: African territories were separated unnaturally between
European countries. The European presence in Africa had been limited to certain coastal
points until 1870. From then on, the major powers set out to explore the continent and
create continuous empires. -In 1884-1885 they met at the Berlin Conference: To divide up
Africa while avoiding violent conflicts between European nations. To achieve the grabbing
countries must prove their strength to do it. 14 countries went to the conference but just 8
achieved a territory.
Within 20 years, almost the entire continent was claimed. Lines were drawn with little
regard to settlement patterns and ethnic groups’ traditions.

 The United Kingdom: Was the one that achieved the most and was the East part, which
had the best raw materials.
 France extended its rule mainly between Senegal, on the west, and Somalia, on the east.
Also, gained most of the territories as was the second superpower.
 Belgium took the Belgium Congolese. Territories were rich in rubber.
 Portugal: Angola and Mozambique. It was in decadence and losing territories.
 Spain: Río Muni (Equatorial Guinea), West Sahara, and the northern strip of Morocco.
Also, in decadence and losing territories
 Germany: current Namibia, Tanganyika, and Cameroon. It would arrive later but was a
new superpower, they had good raw materials.
 Italy: Libya and the horn of Africa (Somalia). Arrived later as it was a new country like
 Low Countries: Scattered areas across the continent, mainly in South Africa (Boers).

COLONIALISM IN ASIA: There were conquered just the parts that had good raw materials
and were easy to take to their country.
UK: Historical India-France: Indochina-Low Countries: Indonesia -Shien: Buffer country. It
was the separation between France and England.
Historical India was much bigger than current India. -The United States drove Spain out of
the Philippines. In America, it extended its influence on Cuba and Puerto Rico and occupied
the territory where the Panama Canal was being built.

Imperialism had important consequences that still affect the world today :
-The world economy became extremely imbalanced because of the wealthy nations-
controlled industry and trade and exploited less developed countries.
-Colonies were controlled by the minority that imposed European culture. Native people
had second-class status and racial segregation was common.
-Rivalry between the imperial powers was one of the causes of the First World War (1914-
It was mainly a war between Europeans.
Causes of the War
 Nationalism: a devotion to the interests and culture of one’s nation.
 Often nationalism led to rivalries and conflicts between nations (Ex: France and
Germany fought for Alsace and Lorraine, which was from France)
 There were fights for raw materials.
 Various ethnic groups resented domination by others and wanted independence.
Some countries were forced to be under one state. An example is the Austro-
Hungarian Empire’s rule; in which there was a mixture of languages, cultures, and
*Nation: Political community and you feel you are part of a nation. *State: Headmaster and
various nations can be under just one state
 Imperialism: (It will be explained in the previous exercise)
 Militarism: The growth of nationalism and imperialism led to increased military
spending “The bigger the country, the stronger” Depending on your GDP. With more
war more money.
 Alliance system: By 1907 Europe was divided into two armed camps.
 West Side from Germany vs East Coast from Germany
 By 1907 there were two major defense alliances in Europe: The Triple Entente,
later known as the Allies, consisted of France, Britain, and Russia (Supported by
Serbia, Romania, and Greece)
 The Triple Alliance, later known as the Central Powers, consisted of Germany and
Austria-Hungary. (Soon joined by the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria).
 Italy had signed a treaty with the Central Powers, but, in the end, supported the
Allies in exchange for territories.
 The Ottoman declined because of the alliance.
 Spain was neutral as it was having its own crisis.

Serbia will be asked to open an investigation, but they won't take an action and Austria-
Hungary declares war on Serbia. After this, we will have a domino effect based on the
Alliance system.
 Russia declares war on Austria-Hungary.
 Germany declares war on Russia.
 England declares war on Germany and Austria-Hungary.

By the end of 1914, practically the whole of Europe will be in conflict.

In August 1914, Germany started the Schlieffen plan to avoid a two-front war. They aimed
to invade Belgium quickly to get to Paris and then they will attack Russia.
When the Allies realized it was impossible to save Belgium, they stopped the German
advance in September by settling inside trenches in the Marne River.
By the end of 1915, two parallel trenches crossed France, Belgium, and Switzerland
(Maginot Line). The line inside the trenches was horrific and many lives were lost in
exchange for just a few centimeters.
In the Eastern Front, Russia and Serbia are going to be defeated by Germany and Austria-
Hungary. The most important battle took place in Tannenberg (Poland) in 1914. Russia was
easily pushed back and in 1917, Russia accepted its defeat because they were living
through an internal revolution called the Bolchevique Revolution. Germany now only needs
to focus on the Western front.
After fighting at the Battle of Verdún (February-December 1916) and the Battle of Somme
(July-November 1916) against the British and the French, Germany was only 70 km away
from Paris. A bad decision with the US made this country go to war. The USA was providing
dynamite or submarines to the Allies, but they weren’t in the war. Nevertheless, after the
disaster of the Lusitania in 1915 where 125 American tourists died and the Zimmerman
note, the US fought in the First World War on the Allies' side. The US helped to stop and
pushed back the Germans and played an important role in the second battle of the Marne
(July-August 1917).

In 1918 Germany suffered internal revolts after the defeat of Austria-Hungary (November
1918), and the consequences were the abdication of Kaiser William II (November 9, 1918).
Finally, 3 days later, Germany signed the end of the war.
The war had already ended, and Wilson (USA) had a plan for the world, the Fourteen
Points, which defended ideas such as Less colonialism or No secret treaties, and a League
of Nations. However, Europe didn't like this suggestion, so USA, Italy, France, and Britain
worked out the Treaty of Versailles which only accepted the League of Nations, meant the
end of the Austria-Hungary and Ottoman empires, the birth of countries like Poland and
the obligation of Germany to pay 33 billion dollars to the Allies and they return of Alsace-
Finally, the consequences of the war were horrible. More than 10 million people died and
20 million were wounded. Weapons were improved, and the Treaty of Versailles was weak,
the country that proposed even didn’t participate. The harsh treatment of Germany and
the impossible quantity for this country to pay to the Allies was an argument later used by
Hitler in 1933 using German nationalism that would lead to a Second World War.

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