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by Your Name (2023)

Rhyme Scheme # of Syllables
[Verse 1]
[Line 1] __________________________________ A 11
[Line 2] __________________________________ B 10
Use the first two [Line 3] __________________________________ C 11
verses to establish [Line 4] __________________________________ B 10
the exposition
(setting and/or [Verse 2]
characters) in your [Line 5] __________________________________ C 11
[Line 6] __________________________________ D 10
[Line 7] __________________________________ E 11
[Line 8] __________________________________ D 10
Use the chorus to
[Chorus 1]
emotionally convey
[Line 9] __________________________________ E 11
the message of your
ballad as a whole or [Line 10] _________________________________ F 10
to introduce a [Line 11] _________________________________ G 11
pivotal point in your [Line 12] _________________________________ F 10
[Verse 3]
[Line 13] __________________________________ G 11
[Line 14] __________________________________ H 10
[Line 15] __________________________________ I 11
Use the third and
[Line 16] __________________________________ H 10
fourth verses to
describe the conflict
[Verse 4]
or problem in your
[Line 17] __________________________________ I 11
[Line 18] __________________________________ J 10
[Line 19] __________________________________ K 11
[Line 20] __________________________________ J 10

[Chorus 2 – Can be a repeat of Chorus 1, if you prefer]

[Line 21] __________________________________ K 11
[Line 22] __________________________________ L 10
[Line 23] __________________________________ M 11
[Line 24] __________________________________ L 10

If you do not choose to refrain the first chorus, use the

second chorus to make another generalization about your
ballad as a whole or introduce another pivotal point in your
narrative. IMPORTANT: If you chose a pivotal point for
Chorus 1, do not simply repeat it in Chorus 2! It will make no
sense in the flow of your story.
Rhyme Scheme # of Syllables
[Verse 5]
[Line 25] __________________________________ M 11
[Line 26] __________________________________ N 10
Use the fifth and [Line 27] __________________________________ O 11
sixth verses to [Line 28] __________________________________ N 10
describe the
resolution of the [Verse 6]
conflict or problem. [Line 29] __________________________________ O 11
[Line 30] __________________________________ P 10
[Line 31] __________________________________ Q 11
[Line 32] __________________________________ P 10

[Chorus 3 - Outro]
[Line 33] __________________________________ Q 11
[Line 34] __________________________________ R 10
[Line 35] __________________________________ S 11
[Line 36] __________________________________ R 10

Use the third chorus (or outro) to sum up the meaning of your
ballad. Do not just repeat the other choruses here; use this
segment as the final message for your story.

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