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Public Class frmRestaurantBill

Const pizzaPrice as Double = 1.75

Const friesPrice as Double = 2.0
Const drinkPrice as Double = 1.25

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

Dim pizza, fries, drinks as Integer
Dim total as Double

If Integer.TryParse(txtPizza.Text, pizza) And Integer.TryParse(txtFries.Text,

fries) And Integer.TryParse(txtDrinks.Text, drinks)
total = Calculate(pizza, fries, drinks)
displayBill(pizza, fries, drinks, total)
MessageBox.Show("Please correct your input","Invalid
input",MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
End If
End Sub

Function Calculate(pizza As Integer, fries As Integer, drinks As Integer) As

dim total as Double

total = (pizza * pizzaPrice) + (fries * friesPrice) + (drinks * drinkPrice)

return total
End Function

Private Sub displayBill(pizza As Integer, fries As Integer, drinks As Integer,

total As Double)
lstDisplay.Items.Add("ITEM" + vbTab + " QUANTITY" + vbTab + "PRICE")

If pizza > 0
lstDisplay.Items.Add("Pizza" + vbTab + vbTab + pizza.ToString() + vbTab +
FormatCurrency(pizza * pizzaPrice))
End If

If fries > 0
lstDisplay.Items.Add("Fries" + vbTab + vbTab + fries.ToString() + vbTab +
FormatCurrency(fries * friesPrice))
End If

If drinks > 0
lstDisplay.Items.Add("Drinks" + vbTab + vbTab + drinks.ToString() + vbTab +
FormatCurrency(drinks * drinkPrice))
End If

lstDisplay.Items.Add("TOTAL: " +vbTab + FormatCurrency(total))

End Sub
End Class

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