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LOI TUA SACH Chao ban, Minh la Thanh Loan - Founder cia Etrain English Center va g thdi cing lA mét trong so nhiing thanh vién tham gia viét cudn sch “101 bai mau IELTS Writing task 1 & 2 band 8.0+ (xéc suat triing tu cao)”. Minh cing da ting tu hoc IELTS va minh hiéu rang IELTS Writing khé dén ching nao. Cé hic, chang hiéu minh cn phai lam gi véi cau hoi ma dé bai dua ra. Khi da xe dinh duge hwéng di, nhiéu khi minh lai roi vao tinh trang bi ¥ tudng, hay khong biét phat trién ¥ ra Am sao. Réi déi khi, minh lai thay 6i sao tit vung minh sti dung “soang” qua, hay 1A ngit phap sao ett bi lap lai ... Thé rdi, minh d& hoc qua cde bai mu chat ludng, doc va tiép thu tinh tuy cua ho, va minh da thue su tién b6 voi ky nang Writing. Cuén sich nay cung cp cho cdc ban 101 bai mu véi writing ca task 1 va task 2 chat lugng véi su phan tich cuc ki ti mi, k¥ cang. Cuén sch nay dugc thiét ké véi muc dich nhAm gitip cdc ban chuan bi dy thi IELTS cé thé cai thién ki naing Writing ca minh. Cu thé hon, né gitip cae ban quen thudc véi cach tra ldi cho tig dang bai; c6 thém phuong phap cdc ban cé thé 4p dung dé luyén tap va cai thién ki ning Writing cia minh; biét cach phan bé thdi gian hgp ly dé hoan thanh mét bai Writing task 2; biét cach phan tich dé bai truée khi bat tay vao viét bai dé bai viét dugc hiéu qua hon; duge cung céip cac ideas khi bi bi y tudng; duge cung céip cae tt vung hay, cau truic tot dé nang cao band diém cho mot bai viét. Lutu y rang cuén sach khong huéng dan ban kién thtte IELTS Writing co ban hay cach tra léi tiing dang cau héi trong task 1 va task 2. Dé tim hiéu kién thite trén, ban nén sé hitu thém cuén Hung dan hoc IELTS Writing cho nguéi mdi bat dau (ti? co ban dén nang cao) Cuén sach nay dude bién soan chinh bdi cé Thanh Loan - the founder ctia Etrain English Center va su hé tro caia team viét sach Etrain. Ngoai ra, cuén sach nay cing dude hé trg bi trang tit dién online Oxford Dictionary. Dé phan tich cdc tit vung hay trong bai m4u, team viét sich Etrain da danh thdi gian dé kiém tra nghia, cach dung cita tiing ti, cum collocation trong nhiing van canh cu thé dé dam bao d6 chinh xac nht dén véi ban doc. Etrain hy vong rang cudn sach nay sé hitu ich va la ngudi ban déng hanh than thiét véi ban trén con dudng chinh phuc IELTS! IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER Huong dan cach si dung cu6n sach Dé sti dung cuén sch nay mét cdch hiéu qua, Etrain xin giii dén ban doc huéng din vé cach sti dung cuén sach nay tién, ban cdn nAm ving cac dang cau héi trong Writing task 2, vA cach tra lai cho tiing dang cu héi cu thé. Vay phai chang nhiing ban chia cé kién thite vé nhiing dang cau héi Writing task 2 khéng thé sti dung cuén sach nay? Ban c6 thé tham Khao cuén Ebook “Huéng dan hoc IELTS Writing cho ngwi méi bat dau (tit co ban dén nang cao)” do Etrain bién soan, hoac dang ky tham gia khéa hoc online Writing task 1 va khoa hoe online Writing task 2 do Etrain xay dung trudc khi sti dung cuén séch nay. Butée hai, ban can phai doc dé bai dé hiéu néi dung va cht dé ma dé bai dang mudn. ban luan dén, rdi sau dé phan tich dé bai dé va lén outline cho bai viét cua minh. Bue ba, d6i vi nhiing ban bi ¥ tudng c6 thé tham khdo outline mu trong cudn sich dé cé thém ideas cing nhu mot s6 tit vung thudc chi dé trong c4u héi. Nhiing ideas trong outline m4u chi mang tinh chat tham khao, vi vay ching ta khéng can. phai bam theo tat ca nhiing ideas cé trong bai mau nhé. Butéc b&n, céc ban cén doc bai mau dé note ra cdc ti vung cing nhu ideas, hay céch phat trién 1am r6 c&c main ideas dé hinh thanh duoc 1éi tu duy viét mét doan van sao cho ré rang va mach lac. Céc ban nén hoe ti vung theo céc cum collocations dé Ap dung cae tit vung vao nhiing van canh khac mét cach chinh xéc. Buéc nam, sau khi da cé outline chi tist kém véi céc ideas va tit vung hay st dung cho bai viét, cac ban can tu viét bai cua minh. Cac ban can dat théi gian viét mét bai Writing task 2 ding trong 40 phiit dé lam quen véi 4p luc thdi gian khi thi that. Tuy nhién, khéng can thuc hanh viét qua nhiéu ma hay 4p dung nguyén tic 5-1 (Viét outline chi tiét cho 5 bai thi viét 1 bai hoan chinh) Bue cudi cing, sau khi ban da hoan thanh bai viét caa minh, diing quén doc lai bai viét va nhé ngudi cé ki nang viét t6t stia lai bai viét cho minh. Viée stia lai bai viét la rat quan trong, vi bang cach d6, cc ban mdi nhan ra nhiing Idi sai, nhiing diém yéu ma ban can cai thién dé lan tiép theo khong mic lai nhiing 16i dé ntia. Do la cach hiéu qua dé ban cai thién ki nang Writing Sau méi bai viét nhu vay, cdc ban cdn note lai nhiing tit vung, ctu trtic tét, va nhiing 16i sai minh mac phai au dé c6 gang 4p dung nhiing ti vung va cau tric tét khi viét bai tiép theo va tranh nhting 1di da mac phai trong bai trudc. Cac ban c6 thé st dung cudn sach nay kem theo cuén “Phat trién ti vung va ¥ tuéng theo chi dé cho bai thi IELTS” do Etrain bién soan dé c6 thém nhiéu tit vung va ideas sti dung trong méi bai viét hon, tranh tinh trang tAc/ bi y tuéng khi viét bai. Chtic eae ban hoc tét. IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER MUC LUC PHAN 1: OPINION DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 19/01/2018. 01 Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the governments rather than private companies. Do you agree or disagree? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 03/02/2018... 08 The only way to improve road safety is to give much stricter punishments on driving offenses. To what extent do you agree or disagree? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 10/03/2018... AS When designing a building, the most important factor is intended use of the building rather than its outward appearance. To what extent do you agree or disagree? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 15/01/2018... 18 Some people believe that it is more important to teach children the literature of their own country than other countries. Do you agree or disagree? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 24/03/2018... 24 Museums and art galleries should concentrate on works that show history and culture of their own country rather than works of the other parts in the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 14/04/2018... 130 In today’s world of advanced science and technology, we still greatly value our artists such as musicians, painters and writers. What can arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 21/04/2018. 36 Organized tour to remote areas and community is increasingly popular. Is it a positive or negative development for the local people and the environment? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 0206/2018... AD Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 07/06/2018... 48 Traffic and housing problems could be solved by moving large companies, factories and their employees to the countryside. Do you agree or disagreo? IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan) ENGLISH CENTER DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 30/06/2018... 55 Today large shopping centers and supermarkets are more common than small local shops. Is this a negative or positive development? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 19/07/2018... 62 Education for young people is important in many countries. However, the others think government should spend more money for education in adult population who can not read and write. To what extent do you agree or disagree? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 19/07/2018. 68 It is a natural process for animal species to become extinct (e.g. dinosaur, dodos .. There is no reason why people should try to prevent this from happening. Do you agree or disagree? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 25/08/2018... 76 For school children, their teachers have more influence on their intelligence and social development than their parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 08/09/2018... 81 In some countries where the unemployment rate are high, most students should be offered only primary education. There is no point in offering secondary education to those who will have no hope of finding jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 13/09/2018... 89 Some people believe that the most important thing of being rich is that a person has more opportunities to help others. What extent do you agree or disagree? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 15/09/2018... 96 Most of the world’s urgent problems are caused by overpopulation. Do you agree or disagree? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 11/10/201 104 Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment; only governments and Jarge companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 03/11/201 112 There are more workers working from home and more students studying from home. This is because computer technology is more and more easily accessible and cheaper. Do you think it is a positive or negative development? IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 17/11/2018... 119 The tendency of news reports in the media to focus more on problems and emergencies than on positive developments is harmful to the individuals and the society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 11/02/2017... 127 Most of the world’s urgent problems are caused by overpopulation. Do you agree or disagree? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 18/02/2017... 134 Do you agree or disagree with the statement that government should invest more money in science education rather than other subjects to develop the country: DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 12/01/2017... 142 It is neither possible nor useful for a country to provide university places for a high proportion of young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree ? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 13/05/201 149 People should look after their health as a duty for a society, rather than for personal benefits. To what extent do you agree or disagree? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 17/06/201 156 Space travel has been possible for some time and some people believe that space tourism could be developed in the future. Do you think it is a positive or negative development? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 2004/2017... 163 Scientists say that in the future humanity will speak the same language. Do you think this is a positive or negative social development? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 25/03/2017... 171 The best way to solve the world’s environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 22/04/2017... 178 Some people think that people who choose a job early and keep doing it are more likely to get a satisfying career life than those who frequently change jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 28/10/2017... 185 Students learn far more with their teachers than other sources (internet or television). To what extent do you agree or disagree? IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 25/11/2017... 92 The news media have become too much influence in people lives today and this is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 26/08/2017... 199 In many countries, children are becoming overweight and unhealthy. Some people think that the government should have the responsibility. To what extent do you agree or disagree? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 09/09/2017... 206 Anybody can use a mobile phone to answer the work and personal calls at any time or 7 days a week. Does this development have more positive or negative effects on both individuals and socioty? PHAN 2: DISCUSSION DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 06/01/2018... 215 Some people think that it is more beneficial to take part in sports which are played in teams, like football, while other people think that taking part in individual sports, like tennis or swimming, is better. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 2001/2018... 222 Research shows that business meetings, discussions and training are happening online nowadays. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 08/03/201. 228 Some people think that newly built houses should follow the style of old houses in local areas. Others think that people should have freedom to build houses of their own style. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 07/04/2018... 233 Some people think the government funding should not be used for supporting art and culture, while others think supporting cultural activities may be beneficial for the population and the culture. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 23/06/201 239 In many places, people's lifestyle is changing rapidly and this affects family relationship. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 07/07/2018... 246 Many people say that universities should only offer to young students with highest marks, others say they should accept people with all ages, even if they did not do well, Discuss both views and give your opinions. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 21/07/2018. 254 Many university students live with their families, while others live away from home because their universities are in different places. Do you think the advantages of living with their families outweigh the disadvantages? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 28/07/2018... 261 Some people say that economic growth is the only way to end hungor and poverty, while others say that economic growth is damaging the environment so it must be stopped. Discuss both views and give your opinion DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 02/08/2018. 268 Some cities have few control over design and construction on housing and oftice buildings. People think that they are free to choose the design they like. Do you think the advantages outweigh disadvantages? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 11/08/2018... 275 Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others, however believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime. Discuss both views and give your opinion. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 18/08/2018... 283 In the modern world it is possible to shop, work and communicate with people via the internet and live without any face-to-face contact with others. Is this a positive or negative development? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 29/09/2018... 290 Some teachers think that international student exchange would be beneficial for all teenage school students. Do you think its advantages will outweigh the disadvantages? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 10/11/2018... 297 Some people think governments should spend money on faster means of public transport. However, others think money should be spent on other priorities (eg cost, environment). Discuss both view and give your own opinion. IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 01/12/2018... 304 Some people think that it is more effective for students to study in a group while others believe that it is better for them to study alone. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 13/12/2018. 312 Some people say that sport is important to society. Others think that sport is nothing more than a leisure activity. Discuss both views and give your opinion. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 15/12/2018. 319 Some people do not go directly to college but travel or work for a short time. Do you think it has more advantages or disadvantages? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 19/01/2019... 328 Some people think that newspapers are the best way to learn news. However, others believe that they can learn news better through other media. Discuss both views and give your opinion? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 25/02/2017... 335 Some people think international car-free days are an effective way of reducing air pollution, others think there are some other ways. Discuss both views and give your own opinion DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 04/03/2017... 343 Some people think that developing countries need financial help from international organizations. Others think that it is practical aid and advice that is needed. Discuss these views and give your own opinion. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 03/06/2017... 351 As the number of cars increases, more money has to be spent on road systems. Some people think the government should pay for this. Others, howover, think that the user should cover the costs. Discuss and give your opinion DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 06/05/201 358 Some people think that good health is very important to every person, so medical service should not be run by profit-making companies. Do the advantages of private health care outweigh the disadvantages DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 18/03/2017... 366 Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports, while others think people should have freedom to do any sports or activity: IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 08/06/2017... 374 Some people say that it is possible for a country to be both economically successful and have a clean environment. Others disagree. Discuss both view and give your opinion. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 02/11/2017... 382 The aging population is good for business, the economy and society. Others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 20/05/2017... 390 Some people think a job not only provides income but also social life. Others think it is better to develop social life with people you do not work with. Discuss both view and give your opinion. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 16/12/2017. 397 The use of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, are replacing face-to-face contact in this century. Do you think the advantages of this way outweigh the disadvantages? PHAN 3: CAUSE - EFFECT - SOLUTION DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 1002/201 402 The tradition that the family gots together to eat meals is disappearing. What are the reasons? What are the impacts? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 13/10/201. 410 Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists but not local people. Why is it the case? What can be done to attract local people to visit these places? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 01/11/2018... 416 Cycling is healthier and environmentally friendly form of transport. Nevertheless, cycling is getting less popular. What are the reasons of this trend? What can be done to make cycling more popular? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 08/12/2018... 424 Most people try to balance between work and other part of lives. Unfortunately, not many achieve this balance. What are the problems and how can this situation be solved? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 11/11/2017.. 431 People in many countries are spending less time with their family. What are the reasons and effects of this? IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 15/07/2017... 439 The animal species are becoming extinct due to human activities on land and in sea. What are the reasons and solutions? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 08/04/2017... 146 Consumers are faced with increasing numbers of advertisements from competing companies. To what extent do you think are consumers influenced by advertisements? What measures can be taken to protect them? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 04/11/2017. 454 It is difficult for people in the cities to get enough physical exercise. What are the causes and solutions? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 16/09/2017... 461 Students leave high school without learning the way how to manage their money. What are the reasons and solutions of this issue? PHAN 4: TWO-PART QUESTION DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 13/01/2018... People living in large cities today face many problems in their evoryday lifo. What are these problems? Should governments encourage people to move to smaller regional towns? 469 DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 24/02/201 AT6 Nowadays, some employers think that formal academic qualifications are more important than life experience or personal qualities when they look for new employees. Why is it the case? Is it a positive or negative development? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 20/10/2018... In recent years, the family structure has changed, as well as family roles. What are the changes occurring? Do you think these changes are positive or negative? DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 25/05/2017... 491 Parents often give children everything they ask for and do what they like. Is it good for children? What are the consequences when they grow up? PHAN 5: WRITING TASK 1 DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 06/01/2018... 499 The graph below shows the number of enquiries received by the ‘Tourist Information Office in one city over a six-month period in 2011. A83 IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 13/01/2018, 503 The table below shows the primary funding sources of international students in the US during the years 2003/04 and 2013/14. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 1801/2018... The diagram below shows how orange juice is produced. 506 DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 01/02/2018... 509 The table below shows the percentage of the population by age groups in one town who rode bicycles in 2011. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 03/02/201 514 The information below gives details about household income and spending on food and clothes by an average family in one UK city in 2010 and 2013. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 102/201. 518 The charts below show the results of a survey conducted by a university library to find out the opinions of full-time and part-time students about its services. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 24/02/201. 521 The chart below shows the percentage of the population in the UK who consumed the recommended daily amount of fruit and vegetables in 2002, 2006 and 2010. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 03/03/2018. 524 The chart below shows the annual pay (thousands of US dollars) for doctors and other workers in seven countries in 2004 DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 10/03/2018. 528 The table shows the amount of money given in aid of technology of developing countries by charities in the US, EU and other countries from 2006 to 2010. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 15/03/2018... 531 The chart shows the proportion of people in a UK survey carried out in three different years who said they were interested in certain sports. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 24/03/2018... 534 The charts below show the percentage of people aged 23-65 in different occupations in one UK town (Ashby) and in the UK as a whole in 2008. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 07/04/2018... 537 The chart below shows the average cost of monthly contract for four different mobile (Cell) phones in a European country from January to September 2002, measured in euro. IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 21/04/2018... 540 The chart below shows the Japan's population by age groups starting in 1960 and including a forecast to 2040. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 2604/2018. The maps below show Hunderstone town at present and a proposed plan for it. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 05/05/2018... 547 The table below shows the weight of people in a particular country from 1999 to 2009 DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 19/05/7201 551 The table and graph below give information about cinema attendance in Australia between 1994 and 2002 DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 24/05/201 Water usage in Sydney The chart below show the percentage of water used by different sectors in Sydney, Australia. in 1997 and 2007. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 02/06/2018... 557 The charts below show the percentage of electricity consumed by different sectors in Eastern Australia in 2007 and 2010. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 07/06/2018... 561 The charts below show the number of magazines sold per person in five countries in 2000 and 2010, with projected sales for 2020. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 3006/2018... 565 The chart below shows the number of passengers who used public transport in Somewhere town from 2012 to 2015. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 07/07/2018... 569 The table below compares actual and predicted figures for populations in three different cities. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 19/07/201 S74 The chart below shows the number of jobs in tourism-related industries in one UK citiy between 1989 and 2009. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 21072018... Air pollutants in UK The graph below shows different sources of air pollutants in the UK from 1990 to 2005. 544 554 577 IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 28/7/2018... People living alone in the USA The bar chart below shows the percentage of people living alone in 5 different age groups in the USA between 1850 to 2000. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 0208/2018... 565 The line graph below shows the oil production and consumption in China between 1982 and 2006. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 18/08/2018... 570 The chart below shows the figure for international conferences held in three different cities between 1980 and 2010 DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 25/08/2018... 573 The charts below show the number of people in Europe who were affected by four types of noise by day and by night in cities and rural areas in 2007. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 08/09/201 577 The diagram below give information about two road tunnels in one Australian city. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 1509/2018... 580 The pie charts below show the main regions that recoived exports from three Latin American countries in 2004. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 29/09/2018... The pictures below show the recycling process of wasted glass bottles. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 27/10/2018... The tables show the information about temperature and hours of daytime in two cities during a weekend in May 2003. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 10/11/2018... 590 The graph below shows the population of particular country by age group starting in 1960 and including a forecast to 2040. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relavant. DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 17/11/2018... 59S The line graph below shows the telephone subscribers per 100 inhabitants in Africa from 1995 to 2004 DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 01/12/2018... The chart below gives information about types of waste in one city. 561 598 IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 08/12/2018... 601 The graphs below gives information on the performance of a train company in October and November in 2008 DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 13/12/2018... The bar chart compares car ownership in Britain between 1971 and 2001 DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 1 NGAY 15/12/2018. 608 The graph belows shows the price of different kinds of bread, in dollars, from 2001 to 2005 605 IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER mmm DE THI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 NGAY 13/01/2018 SO Ce Ciera Uber cekorko east tae onrataosty Boole ls oe Me ee Me ye governments rather than private companies. Do you agree or pleated (Ree eRe ae ECR ROOT CR atc ont CoE cre Mctes Pee Ce eeet ts eects chinh phi chit khong phai céc cong ti tu nhan. Ban déng y hay khong? IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CED @ PHAN TicH DE BAI Dang cau héi: Opinion question Nhiém vu cia nguéi viét nhu sau: - Thé hign rd quan diém cata ngudi viét (dng § hay khong déng §, hay niia voi) - Néu luan diém, luan ct dé lam 16 quan diém cia minh Cau tric bai vi Pe Nhu thing 18, ban céin 2 cu cho phan Introduction 1. Paraphrase céu hoi Car luct = perfor Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the governments rather than private companies, Control handle 2. Khang dinh ré ¥ kién c4 nh4n 1A déng ¥ véi quan diém rang céc nghién ctu khoa hoe nén duge Body paragraph 1 - Topic sentence: Néu chinh phi kiém soat thi qué trinh thyc hién research sé tét hon. - Supporting idea 1: Nhiéu research yéu cau su hgp tae cla nhiéu quéc gia va cae céng ty tu nhan chua di site dé giai quyét. Vi du research vé van dé néng Jen toan céu - Supporting idea 2: Government cé nhiéu tién dé thuc hién research hoac xt ly nhting véin dé back up Body paragraph 2: - Néu chinh pha kiém sodt thi dam bao rang nghién cttu duge thuc hién nham , ho c6 thé thuc hién muc dich phuc vu cong déng. Néu do céc céng ty thuc hi sai mye dich Khang dinh lai quan diém IELTS ETRAIN 02 Thanh Loan) ENGLISH CENTER Some people enunciate the idea that governments should take responsibility of conducting and controlling scientific research. I totally concur with this view because the interference of governments will have profound impacts on the success and usefulness of it. On the one hand, the outright control of governments over the process of carrying outa research project is of significant benefit. Firstly, every research requires an enormous amount of effort, so the co-operation of many governments of different countries is of necessity. For instance, in order to find out radical solutions to global warming, both developed and developing countries have to do research to deal with environmental problems in their own countries. The act of only private companies or a small organization is not enough. Secondly, only the government is capable of providing financial assistance to various research projects. If the project fails to achieve its objectives, the government has the resources to cope up with the losses incurred. On the other hand, the main motive of the government in conducting research is public welfare. If a scientific project is funded and managed by private companies, its credibility would suffer, Pharmaceutical companies, for example, tend to provide financial support for clinical trials that bring benefits for their marketing strategies so as to maximize their profit. Without government control, some companies could carry out illegal research related to nuclear weapons or unethical human experimentation, which poses a serious threat to society. In conclusion, I agree with the idea of putting the scientific research conducting process under government control so that the success, accuracy and applicability can be secured. (266 words) IELTS ETRAIN 03 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER -Enuneiate (verb) Dich: Thé hién, duara Nghia: To express and explain a plan or principle clearly or formally Vi du: In the speech, the leader enunciated his party's proposals for tax reform. + Concur with (verb phrase) Dich: Déng tinh Nghia: 7b agree or have the same opinion as someone else Vi du: The new report concurs with previous findings. + Profound impacts (noun phrase) Dich: C6 tac d6ng su sac Nghia: A powerful effect that something, especially something new, has on a situation or person Vi du: The increase in the number of young people leaving to work in the cities has had a profound impact on the demography of the villages. + Outright (adj) Dich: Ngay lap tie Nghia: Completely or immediately Vi du: I think cigarette advertising should be banned outright. + Be of significant benefit (phrase) Dich: Loi ich dang ké Nghia: To have many advantages = to be beneficial + Be of necessity (phrase) Dich: Cin thiét Nghia: The need for something + Radical solution (noun phrase) Dich: Gidi phap triét dé Nghia: The answer to a problem Vi dy: Governments and each citizen should take radical solutions to address the severe pollution in big cities. -Be capable of (phrase) Dich: C6 kha nang lam gi Nghia: Able to do things effectively and skilfully, and to achieve results Vi dy: Only the Democratic Party is capable of running the country. IELTS ETRAIN o4 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER -Financial assistance (noun phrase) Dich: Hé tr¢ tai chinh Nghia: Help in supply of money Vi du: The company needs more financial assistance from the government. -Achieve objectives (noun phrase) Dich: Dat duge muc tiéu Nghia: Obtain something that you plan to do Vi dy: Can the sales team achieve/meet its financial objectives? + Public welfare (noun phrase) Dich: Phi lgi xa hoi Nghia: Community benefits +Credibility (noun) Dich: Sy dang tin Nghia: Things that may be believed Vi du: His conclusions lack credibility because of the lack of supporting evidence. + Financial support (noun phrase) Dich: Hé tro tai chinh Nghia: Assistance of money Vi du: Government should offer financial support for domestic companies + Marketing strategies (noun phrase) Dich: Chién luge kinh doanh Nghia: Detailed plan for marketing Vi dy: The family business is successful because of great marketing strategies - Without government control (phrase) Dich: Khéngcé su diéu khién cua chinh phi Nghia: Without the supervision of government Vi du: fany clinics operate without government cont +To carry out illegal research (verb phrase) Dich: Tién hanh nghién citu bat hgp phap Nghia: To implement research that does not follow the law Vid le carries out illegal research in the field of disease prevention + Nuclear weapons (noun phrase) Dich: Va khi hat nhan Nghia: Nuclear object used in fighting or war Vi du: The government has authorized the army to sell its nuclear weapons. IELTS ETRAIN 0s Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER - Unethical human experimentation (noun phrase) Dich: Thi nghiém phi dao dic trén ngubi Nghia: Not ethical human experimentation Vi du: Unethical human Experimentation is dangerous. - Poses a serious threat to (verb phrase) Dich: Gay ra méi de dea Nghi Vi dy: Drunken drivers pose a serious threat (= cause a lot of harm) to other road users Tause a lot of harm + Applicability (noun) Dich: Kha nang ung dung The fact of affecting or relating to a person or thing yi Most of the studies are from third world countries and their applicability to women in industrialized countries is unclear. IELTS ETRAIN 06 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER ‘M6t s6 ngudi cho rang chinh phi nén chiu trach nhiém trong viée tién hanh va quan ly nghién ctu khéa hoc. Téi hoan toin déng ¥ véi ¥ kién nay vi su can thiép cha chinh phi cé anh hudng sau sac dén su thanh cong va hi ich cia n6. Mot su diéu khién tie thdi cua chinh pha vé qua trinh tién hanh cdc du an nghién ctu cé nhiéu loi ich. That nhat, méi nghién citu cdn rat nhiéu su nd luc, vi su két hgp gitia chinh phi cic nuéc 1a rat can thiét, vi dy, dé tim ra gidi phap tri dé cho vain dé néng lén toan cau cac nude da va dang phat trién phai nghién cttu dé gidi quyét nhting van dé vé méi truéng cia nuéc minh. Su dong gop cac cong ty tu nhan va cac t6 chtic nhé 1a khong di. Thi hai, chi chinh phi c6 thé hé trg tai chinh dé tién hanh nhiéu dy 4n nghién cdu.Néu nhu dy an khong dat duge muc tiéu, chinh phi cé cing c6 nguén dé déi mat véi su mat mat xdy ra. ‘Mat khac, déng luc chinh cia chinh pha trong viéc tién hanh nghién cttu d6 1a phic Igi ca xa hdi. Néu du an khoa hoc dudc hé tr¢ va quan li béi cae cong ty tu nhan, su tin cay sé bi anh hudng. Cac céng ty duge thudng c6é xu hu6ng hé tro cac phong kham ma mang lai Igi {ch cho chién luge kinh doanh cing nhu tang Igi nhuan cho ho. Néu khéng cé su quan ly cua chinh phi, mét so cong ty sé tién hanh nhiing nghién bat hgp phap lién quan dén nang lugng hat nhan hoac thi nghiém trén ngudi, gay méi de doa 1én cho xa héi. Noi tom lai, toi déng y véi viée chinh pha quan ly céc nghién ctu khoa hoc dé dim bao d0 chinh xée va kha nang Ung dung cia thi nghi¢m. IELTS ETRAIN 07 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER A Steerer ee teat Sa Many ee Tae CC The Co Meo punishments on driving offenses. To what extent do you agree or Cree raacord CRE ORCL a CR ORCC cmc) ) Comat eg ets Dich cau héi: Céch duy nhat dé nang cao su an toan trén dudng dé la ap dung nhiing hinh phat nghiém khée hon khi ngudi tham gia giao thong mac Id khéng. Ban déng ¥ hay IELTS ETRAIN 08 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER Dang cau héi: Opinion question. Nhiém vy cia ngudi viét nhu sau: - Khang dinh quan diém cia minh 1a déng y hay khong - Giai thich, ching minh quan diém trén Luu ¥: Véi nhiing dé cach dé nhait 1A Iya chon huéng viét balanced i opinion question ma cé nhiing tt tuyét déi hoa nhu “only! most/ best. Cau tric bai vié Improve road safety = make transportation safer = increase road safety Driving offenses = violate the traffic rules 2. Khang dinh quan diém cita ngudi viét: déng ¥ ring day lA bién phap hiéu qua dé tang cuiing an toan giao thong, nhung khéng cho ring day la bién phap duy nhat - Body 1: Déng bi phat nang thi nguéi tham gia giao théng s6 khéng vi pham ~ Body 2: Khing déng y day 1a phap duy nhdt dé tang an toan dung pho vi cé nhiing bién phap khéc. Vi du: lip camera gidm st dé gidm sat nguédi l4i xe At giao théng ciing sé bi giam i quan diém rang day la bién phap hiéu qua. Néu biét la sé moi hic moi ndi > vige vi pham | mn set ‘Két Juan va tra Idi lai cau hdi. IELTS ETRAIN 09 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER BAI MAU Many might blame the increasing number of road accidents on lenient fines; and therefore, harsher punishments should be imposed to ensure traffic safety. I entirely concur with this view, but to consider this as the only solution, in my opinion, does not seem perfectly reasonable as there are many other effective measures that could also be taken. On the one hand, it is true that stricter punishments can solve the problem of road accidents because the most common reason for traffic accidents today comes from drivers’ irresponsibility when they exceed the speed limit or use mobile phone while driving. If people know that they might receive more severe sanctions when violating the law, they will likely become law-abiding citizens and take more responsibilities for their driving. This, therefore, results in a decrease in the number of crashes. On the other hand, I believe that this is not the only method to enhance traffic safety because having more surveillance cameras installed on the street is also another viable solution. Stricter punishment can only ensure road safety at the places where there is a traffic officer but fail to guarantee law-abiding behaviors among traffic participants everywhere. For this reason, if drivers are aware that their actions are constantly watched through the cameras system and they can be punished later on if breaking the traffic laws, they certainly do not take risk. Inconclusion, heavier punishment is undoubtedly a promising measure to reduce the number of traffic accidents, but I believe that there are other solutions that can also deal with this problem. (260 words) IELTS ETRAIN 10 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER -Harsher punishment = heavier punishment = stricter punishment (collocation): Dich: Hinh phat nang Vi du: These trucks are designed to take a lot of harsher punishment. -Impose punishment on somebody (collocation): Dich: Phat aid6 ‘Vi du: My exboyfriend often imposes punishment on me +Lenient (adjective) Dich: Nhe, khoang dung Vi du: I'ma very lenient girl -'Traffic safety (compound noun) Dich: An toan giao thong Vi dy: Strict punishments are the key to boost traffic safety +Exceed speed limit (collocation) Dich: Vugt qua toe a6 ‘Vi dy: You will be fined if you exceed speed limit “Traffic participant (compound noun) Dich: Nguoi tham gia giao thing Vi du: Traffic participants have to abide the traffic rules +Sanction (noun) Dich: Hinh phat Vi du: Without realistic sanetions, some teachers have difficulty keeping order in the classroom. -Law-abiding (adjective) Dich: Ton trong ludt phap Vi du: Law-abiding is necessary to prevent traffic accidents + Surveillance cameras (compound noun) Dich: Camera gidm sat Vi dy: Surveillance cameras are installed along the streets +Violate the laws = break the laws (collocation) Dich: Vi pham luat, pha luat Vi du: Many drivers violate the laws which causes many accidents IELTS ETRAIN " Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER Rat nhiéu ngwdi c6 thé dé iéc sd lung tai nan giao thong tang lén 1a do mute phat con khoan dung, va vi vay, hinh phat nang nén dugc thuc thi dé dam bao an toan giao théng. Téi hoan toan déng ¥ vdi quan diém nay, nhung dé coi day 1a gidi phap duy nhat thi theo théi khéng hoan toan hgp ly bdi cn cé nhiéu bién phap hiéu qua khac niia cing c6 thé dude lam Vé mét mat, hinh phat nang co the giai quyét do phé bién nhat cho van dé nay dén tit viée thiéu ¥ thite trach nhiém cia ngudi lai xe khi ho vugt qua téc dé hay sit dung di i lai. Néu moi ngudi biét rang ho cé thé bi phat nang hon khi vi pham luat phap, ho sé cé thé trd thanh nhiing cong dan tuan tha luat phap va co trach nhiém hon véi viée lai xe cia minh. Diéu nay vi thé ma cé thé giip giam duge sé lugng vu va cham. Vé mat khac, téi tin ring day khéng phai la giai phap duy nhat dé tang cudng an toan giao théng bdi lap dat thém cdc camera gidm sat trén dudng phé cing 1A mét giai phap hiiu hiéu. Hinh phat nang chi c6 thé dm bao an toan 6 nhiing noi cé nhan vién giao thong nhung khong thé dam bao nhiing hanh vi tuan tha luat phap cia ngudi tham gia giao thong 6 moi noi duge. Do d6, néu nguéi lai xe biét duge ring hanh dQng cia minh lién tuc bi giém sat qua hé thOng camera va ho c6 thé bi phat sau d6 néu vi pham luat giao thong, nhiing ngudi nay chdc chin sé khong mao hiém. ‘Tom lai, hinh phat nang hon cha chan la mét bién php day hita hen dé giam sé lugng tai nan giao théng, nhung toi tin rang con co nhiing bién phap khae cing co thé giai quyét duge van dé nay. IELTS ETRAIN 2 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER Bee TCE Oa srt ee ma CRctl Aeterna ate i) ease i ete ae Teche ace ee ceed of the building rather than its outward appearance. To what extent do Reser east CRS ees ORC aCe ae Cen OnC CR moc aoc tence: eto eceen tis IELTS ETRAIN 13 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER Dang cau héi: Opinion question Luu ¥: Véi dang cau héi opinion mA trong cau héi cé so sanh hon nhat bang nhiing tiv nhu most hay best thi cach da ra cau tra 14i tét nhat 1a: balanced view. Téi déng § véi ¥ kién due néu ra nhiing phan déi véi nhiing tit nhu most hay best. Cau trie bai viét: Introduction ~ Gidi thigu topic: Design = construct = decide the architecture When designing a building, the most importani factor is intended use of the building rather than its o Intended use = function = purpose of using - Tra ldi cu hi: Déng y véi quan diém trén, nhung cing cho ring bé ngoai cua mét c&in nha eiing quan trong khong kém Important factor = crucial consideration = essential criteria Outward appearance = exterior! external appearance/ design peer Body 1: - Topic sentence: Mue dich sit dung ciia toa nha 1A diéu dau tién cn can nhc truée khi xay - Supporting idea: Néu khong can nhdc k¥ muc dich sit dung, sé dé din dén viée sita chiia vé sau, gay thiét hai, ton kém. Body 2: - Topic sentence: Bé ngoai cling quan trong khong kém - Supporting idea 1; Vé bé ngoai co thé déng vai tro la cong cu quang cdo cho toa nha - Supporting idea 2: Kién tric bén ngoai néu déc dao sé duige luu gitt lau dai. Vi du: Chia Mot Cét Lease Restate your answer. IELTS ETRAIN 14 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER Many may claim that the value of a building lies in whether its functions can be performed or not. I totally agree with this, but I also believe that the external design and architecture also play an equally important role and should not be overlooked. On the one hand, how a building will be utilized for its purposes is the initial consideration in the designing stage because without fulfilling its intended functions, the building will become useless and probably need repairing and refurbishing later on, resulting in a waste of finance in the future. For example, if'a building is intended to serve as a library, architects should think about how this construction can be used to display and store a large number of books and how the acoustics system should work to keep self-study room in the library as quiet as possible. If these factors are not given sufficient attention to, there are likely some restorations in the future, causing a waste of moncy. On the other hand, I believe that the outward appearance of any construction is just as important, especially in terms of commercial values. For example, when a shopping mall is aesthetically valued, this can create a good first impression for people. Thanks to this, more people can be attracted and drawn to the shopping mall to ask for services. In other words, the outlook can play its part as an advertising tool for the owner. Moreover, the appearance of a building represents typical architecture of modern-day society. If it possesses an attractive and distinctive outer appearance, it is likely to he preserved to symbolize historical process of that era. One-pillar Pagoda in Hanoi is a telling example for this. Its sole function was originally for the worship and superstition of Vietnamese people, but thanks to its unique architecture, it has been preserved for such a long time. In conelusion, whereas I agree that the intended use is undoubtedly important for a building, it is also crucial to take into account the outlook of that construction. (340 words) IELTS ETRAIN 15 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER + Lies in something (verb) Dich: Nim 6 cai gi dé Nghia: (of ideas, qualities, problems, etc.) to exist or be found Vi du: Many may claim that the value of a building lies in whether its functions can be performed or not + Perform/fulfill the function (collocation) Dich: Thue hién chute nang nao do Vi du: The machine perform the function exactly + External (adjective) Dich: Bén ngoai Nghia: Outside Vi du: You shouldn't judge people by their external appearances - Overlook something (verb) Dich: Khéng nhan ra cai gi, bé qua cdi gi Nghia: b fail to see or notice something Vi du: I think there is one key fact that you have overlooked. + Refurbish (verb) Dich: Don dep va trang tri lai Nghia: To clean and decorate a room, building, etc. in order to make it more attractive, more useful, etc. Vi dy: Vietnamese people will refurbish their house to welcome Tet IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER + Acoustics (noun) Dich: Cach am Nghia: The shape, design, etc. of a room or theatre that make it good or bad for carrying sound Vidu: The acoustics system should work to keep self-study room in the library as quiet as possible + Restoration (noun) Dich: Trang tu, siia cha Nghia: The work of repairing and cleaning an old building, a painting, ete. so that its condition is as good as it originally was Vi dy: The restoration of broken parts of the roads is necessary + Aesthetically (adverb) Dich: Vé mat tham my Nghia: In an artistic way that is beautiful to look at Vi du: Aesthetically, It is really suitable to put the bed there +Modern-day (adjective) Dich: Hign tai Nghia: Of the present time Vi du: In modern days, many people are turning toward fast food for their main meals + Outer (adjective) Dich: Bén ngoai Nghia: Outside Vi du: The outer leaves of the cabbage should be removed. 16 Rat nhiéu ngudi cho rang gia tri cua mot toa nha nam 6 viéc liéu chtic nang cua no 6 duge thuc hién hay khong. Toi hoan toan déng ¥ v6i diéu nay, nhung toi cang tin rang thiét ké va kién tréc bén ngoai cing déng mét vai tro quan trong khéng kém va khéng nén bi bé qua Vé mét mat, lam thé nao ma mét toa nha s€ duge st dung cho muc dich cita n6 1a can nhac tién trong trong qua trinh thiét ké béi vi néu khéng thyc hién duge chtic nang cua né thi téa nha sé trd nén vé dung va 6 thé sé can stia chita va trang tri lai sau dé, gay ra lang phi tai chinh trong tuong lai. Vi dy, néu mét toa nha duge x4y vdi mue dich 1A 1am thy vién, cic kién trac su nén nghi lam thé nao dé téa nha nay cé thé trung bay va luu tri mét sé ludng sach lén va lam thé nao dé hé théng cach am hoat dong hiéu qua gitip cho phong tu hoe trong thu’ vién yén tinh nhat co thé. Néu nhiing yéu té nay khéng due chu ¥ dén mét cach day du, rat c6 thé sé phai sita chita va trang tu trong tudng lai, gay ra lang phi tién bac. IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER Vé mat khae, téi tin rang bé ngoai cua bat ky kién trtic nao cing quan trong tuong tu, dac biét vé mat gia tri thuong mai. Vi du, khi m6t trung tam mua sim duge danh gid cao vé thdm my, nd cé thé tao An tugng dau tién tét cho moi ngudi. Nhé c6 diéu nay, sé 06 nhi ngudi bi 16i kéo dén trung tam mua sim nay dé mua sim. Néi cach khc, kién tric bén ngoai c6 thé déng vai trd nhu mé6t céng cu quang cao cho tda nha. Hon i cha mét toa nha thé hién duge kién tric tiéu biéu cia xa héi hién dai. Néu toa nha nay sd hitu vé bén ngoai de dao va 16i cuén, r&t c6 thé 14 n6 sé dude bao tén dé tong trung cho tién trinh lich st dé. Chia Mét Cot é Ha Noi la vi du dién hinh. Chitc nang duy nhat cua né ban dau chi la dé phuc vy cho viée thé cuing va tin ngudng ca ngudi Viét Nam, nhung nhd c6 kién tric déc do, n6 di duge bao tén cho mét thdi gian r&t lau va tré nén phé bién véi du khach. Tom lai, trong khi toi déng y rang muc dich sit dung chdc chdn 1a rat quan trong déi vdi mot toa nha, thi kién tric bén ngoai cing can duge can nhac ky. 17 rita rola Cone a Toes ie BCR Ce sees a eects el ches ora een Le ae niTcee kt steed Cer aed CR nae Rae econ Cenc crn Going Seiten erettceete Dich cau hoi: Mét s6'nguéi tin ring viée day tré em vé van hoc cia quéc gia ho quan trong hon viée day van hoc cita cdc quée gia khéc. Ban déng y hay khong? IELTS ETRAIN 18 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER Dang cau héi: Opinion question Latu y: Trong cau héi nay cé6 xuitt hién so sanh han véi tt! more nén mét eéch tiép cn t6t dé 1a ech ban cé thé dua ra cau tra 1di theo hudng balanced view (day van hoc dja phuong 1a quan trong nhung khéng phai quan trong nhat) Tuy nhién, trong bai sample nay minh sé gidi thiéu cho c4c ban mot cach tra ldi khae la dua ra quan diém hoan toan déng ¥ va sii dung mét doan van phan ching C4u trie bai vi Introdu oat ~ Gidi thigu topic ma eu héi dang &8 cap bang céch paraphrase lei cu héi Some people believe= it) (Important = crucial = ) ‘Teach = instruct = impart Some people‘ believe that it is more important to teach children the literature of their own country than other countries. - Dua ra cau tra ldi rang ban hoan toan déng ¥ véi viéc hoc van hoc trong nuée quan trong hon van hoc nude ngoai Body 1: - Topic sentence: Van hoc trong nuée gitip phat trién nhiing hanh vi tét cho tré nhé - Supporting idea 1: C4c tac pham van hoc ké nhiing cAu chuyén gitp minh hoa cac chuan muc dao diic va hanh vi (correct etiquettes and manners) trong x4 héi > tré em cé thé hoc va tit dé c6 thai dé tt véi nhiing ngudi xung quanh. Nguge lai, hoe van hoc nuée ngoai > phat trién nhiing hanh vi khéng phi hgp véi van hoa quéc gia ho > khé hoa nhap véi xa h6i (hinder them from integrating into the society). Vi du, vain hoe phuong tay néu cao cha nghia ca nhan (emphasize the importance of individualism) > néu tré em Viét Nam Ap dung thi sé duge coi 1a ich ki va bi xA hdi loai trit. - Supporting idea 2: Hoc van hoc nuéc minh con gitip tré em hiéu hon vé lich sti, hiéu su hy sinh (sacrifice) cua ong cha > c6 sui biét dn/ ton trong véi ong cha IELTS ETRAIN 19 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER Body 2: Doan van nay duge phat trién theo huéng phan ching, ttc dva ra quan trai nguge vdi quan diém cia ban va chting minh né sai, dé tit d6 lam néi bat su hgp li, ding ddn trong quan diém cia ban. - Quan diém cia nguéi khac: Van hoc trong nue va nuéc ngoai cé méi lién quan sau sc > hoc van hoc nuéc ngoai giip chung ta hiéu r6 hon vé van hoc trong nude - Khang dinh: Quan diém trén 1a khéng ding Giai thich: Dé hiéu 1 tae phém, ta céin phai hiéu ngit canh lich sit va vin hoa cua tac pham dé. Mét dita tré viia thiéu kién thic, vita thiéu dé truéng thanh > day van hoe nuée ngoai kh vé nghia véi n6. Nén dé khi né 1én hon fe 101 Téng két va tra Ii lai cau héi - Main idea 1; anh hudng hanh vi cdia né ~ negatively affect their behaviors - Main idea 2: tré kh6 6 thé hiéu hét ~ beyond their understanding IELTS ETRAIN 20 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER Some people argue that it is of greater importance for children to learn about literature of their own country rather than that from overseas cultures. I completely agree with this statement. The most radical explanation why domestic literature should be given higher priority at school is that this can help develop good behaviors in children. Stories in each work of literature is said to illustrate correct etiquettes and manners of that society. By reading masterpieces from their own country, children may then have good attitudes towards surrounding people. By contrast, constant exposure to an unfamiliar culture can develop inappropriate behaviors among children, hindering them from integrating into the society. For example, while literature from oriental countries such as Vietnam or China praises the idea of collectivism and appreciate the solidary, works of art from Western countries emphasize the importance of individualism, highly valuing each individual’s ego. Thus, if children from an eastern culture exhibit the typical behaviors in Western culture, they may be considered as selfish and rejected by the society. Another reason is that literature depicts the history of each country. Thanks to this, students will parents had gone through more. This may be beneficial for children to have good relationships with their predecessors, bridging the gaps between the young and the old generation. Some people may argue that there is always a correlation between national and international literature, so learning foreign literature can boost the understanding of the local one. I do not agree with this view because in order to deeply understand a work of art, people need to have an in-depth overview of the social and historical context at the time. Therefore, hardly can a child from a far-flung country understand the values of a novel or a poem from a different culture, not to mention that their immaturity can hinder this. For this reason, there is no point in trying to teach children about foreign literature. Instead, it would be better if it is taught when they are already grown-ups. In conclusion, I entirely concur with the idea of teaching children the literature of their own nation because constantly exposing to exotic literature can negatively affects their behaviors and learning exotic masterpieces at an carly age is sometimes beyond their understanding. i ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' { ' ' ' ' ' ' ' appreciate the hardships and sacrifice that their grandparents and their | ' { ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ' IELTS ETRAIN 21 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER + Btiquettes(n) Dich: Chudn mute dao dite Nghia: polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession Vi du: Advice on etiquette The formal rules of correct or +Masterpiece(n) Dich: Tac pham bat hu, kiét tac Nghia: A work of art such as a painting, film/movie, book, ete. that is an excellent, or the best, example of the artist’s work Vidy: The museum houses several of his Cubist masterpieces + Exposure (n) Dich: Su don nhan, hing chiu Nghia: The state of being in a place or situation where there is no protection from something harmful or unpleasant Vi dy: Exposure of the body to strong sunlight can be harmful + Depict (v) Dich: Chi ra, thé hién Nghia: To show an image of somebody/something in a picture Vi du: A painting depicting the Virgin and Child IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER + Predecessor (v) sh: Ngudi di truéc, tién phong, tién nhiém, té tién Nghia: A person who did a job before somebody else Vi du: The new president reversed many of the policies of his predecessor. + Far-flung (v) Dich: Xa x0i Nghia: A long distance away Vi dy: Expeditions to the far-flung corners of the world. + Concur (v) Dich: Déngy Nghia: To agree Vi du: Historians have concurred with each other in this view. 22 s6 ngudi cho rang tét hon 1a tré em phai hoc vé van hoe cua dat née minh thay vi van héa nuée ngoai. Téi hoan toan déng ¥ vdi khang dinh nay. Van hoc trong nuéc nén duge wu tién nhiéu hon vi diéu nay cé thé gitip phat trién cac hanh vi d tré em. Cau chuyén trong méi tac phim van hoc minh hoa cdc chudn mue dao dite va cach cu xtt ding din cia xa hdi. Bing cach doc kiét tac vain hoc nuée minh, tré em cé thé c6 thai d6 tot déi véi nhiing ngudi xung quanh. Nguige lai, vie tiép xtic thudng xuyén vdi mét nén van héa xa la cé thé phat trién nhiing hanh vi khéng thich hgp étré em, can trd ching héa nh4p vao x4 héi. Vi du, trong khi van hoe tit cae nuée phuong Dong nhu Viét Nam hay Trung Quéc ca nggi y tuéng tap thé va danh gia cao su kién c@, tac phdam nghé thuat tit cac nude phuong Tay nhan manh quan trong cia chit nghia c nhan, danh gia cao cai toi ca méi ca nhén. Vi vay, néu tré em tii mt nén van hoa phuong Déng thé hién nhing hanh vi dién hinh trong van héa phuong Tay, chting cé thé duge coi lA ich ky va bi xa hdi tix chéi. Mot ly do khac la vain hoc mé ta lich sit cia méi quéc gia. Nhé diéu nay, hoc sinh sé hiéu hon nhiing khé khan va hy sinh ma 6ng ba va cha me cia ho da trai qua. Diéu nay c6 thé mang lai loi ich cho tré em, giip ching c6 méi quan hé tét véi nguidi lén. Mét sé ngudi cé thé lap luan ring luén luén cé su tugng quan gitia van hoc quéc gia va quéc #6, vi vay vige hoc van hoe nude ngoai gitip tré e6 nhiéu kién thuic hon. Téi Khong déng ¥ voi quan jém nay béi vi dé hiéu sau sée t tae phdm nghé thuat, moi ngudi can ¢6 mét cdi nhin téng quan sfu sée vé béi cdnh xa héi va lich sit vao thai diém dé. Do dé, khé cé thé mét dita tré tix mét d&t nude xa xdi hiéu dude gid tri cia mét cuén tiéu thuyét hay mét bai the tiv mét nén van héa khéc, chua ké dén vié chiing con chua di trudng thanh. Vi ly do nay, khéng c6 van dé gi trong viée c6 day tré em vé van hoc nude ngoai. Thay vao d6, né sé tét hon néu chting duge day khi da trudng thanh. ‘Tém lai, tdi hoan toan déng ¥ véi f kién day tré em van hoe cia nude nha bai vi lién tuc phai truyén giang vin hod la cé6 thé anh huéng xau dén hanh vi cha tré va hoe nhiing tac phm la 6 d6 tuéi sém déi khi vugt qua su hiéu biét cua ching. IELTS ETRAIN 23 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER DGS ene p TCR oma vom E Te Write about the following topic: De eM CL ELL ed in the world. To w! Corre ORAL Se RS ee Rae EE ae ELC CRO Cntr Coe toad knowledge and experience Dich cau héi: Bao tang va trién lim nghé thuat nén chi trung bay cdc tac pham lich stt va van hod cia riéng quée gia ho thi, chtt khéng cén triing bay tac pham ciia cdc quéc gia khac. Ban cé déng y véi quan diém trén hay khong? IELTS ETRAIN 24 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER Dang cau héi: Opinion. Kha tuong ty véi cde cau héi true @6, ngudi viet lai duge tranh lun vé viée trung bay cae tae phém lich sit trong nuiée/ nude ngoai Véi bai nay, minh nghia ring céch tip can dé nhat c6 thé 1A huténg balanced view: viia trung bay tac phém trong nuéc, vita cén trung bay tac phdm nuéc ngoai. Cau trie bai viét: Introduction - Giéi thigu topic dang duge thao ludn bang cach paraphrase lai cu héi Concentrate on = focus on = emphasise on= st should be prioritised Works = artefacts / exhibits Museums and art galleries should concentrate on works that show history and culture of their own country rather than works of the other parts in the world. ‘Works of the other parts in the world = exotic works of art = foreign works of art - Dua ra quan diém cia minh: bao tang trung bay lich sti trong nuéc, nhung cing nén trung bay lich sit van héa nuéc ngoai. Body 1: - Topic sentence: Dang ¥ vai viée tap trung vio trung bay (display) cdc tae pham c6 gid tri lich sti/ van hod trong nuéc > gin gitt nhiing gid tri dan téc (to preserve national values). - Supporting idea: Do nhiing gi lién quan dén truyén théng (thu céng hay trang phuc - handicrafts or costumes) dang tré nén 1éi thdi (obsolete) > cach duy nhat bao tén la dua vao trong bao tang > Gitip khoi ggi ling yéu nude (arouse patriotism | take pride in their origin) History and culture of their own country = national historic and cultural values = national history and cultural identities IELTS ETRAIN 2s Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER Body 2: - Topic sentence: Trung bay van héa nude ngoai khong nén bi bé qua vi nhiing Igi ich ma n6 dem lai - Supporting idea 1; Lich sit trong nude ludn c6 méi quan hé mat thiét véi lich st quéc té. Do dé, ngudi xem sé khong cé mOt cdi nhin toan dién néu chi duge biét vé lich sti quéc gia minh. ~ Supporting idea 2: Trung bay thém vé lich sii nuée ngoai cing gitp thu hut nhiéu khch du lich dén bao tang hon, dic biét 1a gidi tré Lesa USC Restate your answer. IELTS ETRAIN 26 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER I MAU Some people argue that it is of greater importance for museums or galleries to display the historical relics and works of arts from its own country rather than those from overseas cultures. I partly agree with this statement as exhibiting artefacts from other civilizations can provide as many benefits as those from the local one do. On the one hand, I concur that domestic history and local tradition should be the focus of any museums or art galleries in order to preserve these national values. Since traditional handicrafts and costumes are becoming obsolete and outdated, the only way to bring them back to the modern-day life is to place them in the museum exhibitions. The more people understand about their past, the more pride they can takein their origin. For this reason, it is totally understandable when historic relics and works of art from the country always have special places in any museums or galleries. On the other hand, I believe that the exhibition of other cultures should not be overlooked because of the benefits it can bring about. The rational explanation for this belief is that there are always close relations between national and international historical events. For this reason, hardly can a person have a full understanding of their local history or culture without being informed of the history from other civilizations. In addition, if some parts of the muscum are devoted to exotic cultures, more visitors can be drawn to the museum because people, especially young people, are always curious about unfamiliar customs. The Vietnam Museum of Ethnology, which is one of the most commonly-visited museums in Vietnam, is a telling example for this. This place does not only present Vietnamese cultures but also the history of Korea, Thailand or Laos, which attracts a lot of young visitors. In conclusion, while some may advocate the idea of museum concentrating on preserving the culture of its own country, I believe that historical objects from other civilizations should also be included. (333 words) IELTS ETRAIN 27 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER J THICH - Display something = Exhibit something (verb) Dich: Trung bay cai gi dé : Show something Family photographs were displayed on the wall. + Historical relics (compound noun) Dich: Di vat lich str Nghia: An object that has survived from the past Vi dy: During the dig, the archaeological team found some historical relies + Work of art (noun phrase) Dich: Tac pham nghé thuat Nghia: A book, a painting or a piece of mu: Viduy: His picture is a work of art + Artefact (noun) Dich: Vat tao tac Nghia: An object that is made by a person, especially something of historical or cultural interest Vi du: ariefacts dating back to prehistoric times. The museum's collection includes + Civilization (noun) Dich: Nén van minh Nghia: A society, its culture and its way of life during a particular period of time or in a particular part of the world Vidy: Some people think that nuclear war would mean the end of civilization. + Coneur (verb) Dich: Dingy Nghia: To agree Vi dy: He said the mayor should not be reelected, and the voters concurred. IELTS Thanh Loan ETRAIN ENGLISH CENTER + Handicraft (noun) Dich: Dé thi cong Nghia: Activities such as sewing and making cloth that use skill with your hands and artistic ability to make things Vi dy: The sources are impressive in their detailed description of the manufacturing of each handicratt - Costume (noun) Dich: Trang phue Nghia: The clothes worn by people from a particular place or during a_ particular historical period Vi du: The dancers dressed in national costume. + Obsolete (adjective) Dich: Léi thoi Nghia: No longer used because something new has been invented Vi di Gas lamps became obsolete when electric lighting was invented. + Take pride in something (phrase) Dich: Ty hao vé cai gi Nghia: Be proud of something Vi du: If you don't take professional pride in your work, you're probably in the wrong job. + Overlook (verb) Dich: Bé qua, khong dutge chii ¥ tai Nghia: To fail to see or notice something Vidu: I think there is one key fact that you have overlooked - Inform of something Dich: C6 thong tin vé cai gi Nghia: Tb find out something Vi du: Walters was not properly informed of the reasons for her arrest. information about 28 - Exotic (adjective) Dich: Nude ngoai Nghia: From or in another country Vi du: Exotic pets like snakes and tropical birds M6t vai ngudi cho rang bao tang va cac khu trung bay nghé thuat nén trung bay cac di vat lich sti va cde tae phdm nghé thuat ctta chinh quéc gia minh thay vi cdc dé vat tit nén van héa nuée ngoai. Téi déng ¥ mét phan véi quan diém nay béi cdc dé tao tac tiv cae nén van minh khac cing cé thé dem dén nhiéu Idi ich nhu nhiing tht dén ti nén van héa dia phudng vay Vé mét mat, téi déng y ring lich st trong nuéc va truyén théng dia phuong nén 1a diéu ma bat ky bao tang hay khu trung bay nghé thuat nao nén tap trung dé cé thé bao tén céc gid tri dan tdc. Do cae dé thit cng va trang phuc truyén thong dang ngay trd nén 16i thdi va lac hau, edich duy nhét ¢6 thé dem chting dén cue song hién tai ngay nay 1a dat 6 trong cdc khu trung bay bao tang. Ngu@i ta cng hiéu vé qua kha cia minh thi ho cang tu hao vé nguén géc cua ban than. Vi ly do nay, hoan toan dé hiéu khi ma cde di vat lich stt va cdc tac phim nghé thuat ciia dan téc ludn cé vi tri dc biét trong bat ky bao tang nao. Vé mat khéc, téi tin rling viée trung bay cac nén van h6a khéc cing khong nén bi phét 1d di béi nhiing Igi ich ma né c6 thé dem Iai. Lai giai thich cho niém tin nay d6 chinh 1a luén luén cé nhiing méi lién hé khang khit gitta cdc su kién lich sit trong nuiée va quéc té. Do dé, mot ngudi khé c6 thé cé duge mét kién thtic toan dién vé lich sit va van héa dja phuong ma khong duge biét dén lich sit cla cdc nén van minh khéc. Hon nifa, néu mt vai khu vuc ciia bao tang duge dinh cho viée trung bay vin h6a nuéc ngoai, nhiéu du khéch sé co thé dén bao tang hdn bai moi ngudi, dic biét la gidi tré, luén lu6n to mo vé nhiing truyén théng la. Bao tang dan téc hoc Viét Nam, m9t trong nhiing bio tang duge ghé tham nhiéu nhit, 1a mot vf dy dién hinh. Noi nay khong chi trinh bay vé van héa Viet Nam ma cda vé cae 6 ahu Han Quéc, Thai Lan hay Lao, gitip i cuén rat nhiéu du khach tré. Tom lai, trong khi mét vai nguéi c6 thé déng y rang bao tang nén tap trung vao bao tén nén van hoa ciia quéc gia minh, téi tin rang dé vat lich sti ttt cc nén van minh khde cing nén duge trung bay thém. IELTS ETRAIN 29 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER GES ete ona (bse toma cee Drm aie ONO Tac ted In today’s world of advanced science and technology, we still greatly value our artists such as musicians, painters and writers. What can Pee CE eae Eee ee Re Came ed Len Pa eceee tee Dich céu héi: Trong théi dai phat trién khoa hge va céng nghé hién nay, ching ta van cuc ki coi trong nhiing nghé si nhu cae nhac si, hoa siva nha van. Nghé thuat 06 thé néi véi ching ta diéu gi vé cuéc séng ma khoa hoc va céng nghé Khéng thé? IELTS ETRAIN 30 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER &t cdu hdi cua dé nay cé phan la lAm vi né khong st dung cach dat cau héi quen thuéc trong Writing task 2. Tuy nhién thuc ra né van chi 1A opinion question Cau tric bai vi - Nhdc lai topic bang tit vung ciia riéng minh, trénh copy toan bd cau héi vao phan Introduction. ‘In today’s world of advanced science and technology = Despite the revolution of scientific advanced and technological innovation In today’s world of advanced science and technology, we still great value our artists such as musicians, painters and writers. - Néu y kién ca nhan rang nghé thuat van dug coi trong vi né cé gia tri vé van hoa, x héi va truyén théng, trong khi cong nghé khéng 6. Body 1: - Topic sentence: Cac nghé si duge coi trong vi ho day ching ta vé van hoa va truyén théng. Ban dua vi du vé mot tac phdm nghé thuat, da day ban diéu gi vé van hoa truyén théng cua mét quéc gia nao dé va réi khang dinh khoa hoc, cong nghé khong cho chiing ta gia tri nay. Body 2: - Topic sentence: Nghé thuat gitp chting ta hiéu hon vé lich sit bang cach t6m tat nhiing giai doan lich sti, dua ra nhiing gid tri, bai hoc tii nhiing giai doan “ang khéng bao gid nhc vé lich si nay va tudng tu, khoa hoe hay eéng nghé Khia canh nay. ‘Tong két lai ring nghé thuat c6 néi dén van hoa - truyén thong - lich sit trong hi céng nghé/ khoa hoc khéng dé cp dén > nghé thuat luén duge tran trong IELTS ETRAIN 31 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER BEy.N BU PNG) It is incontrovertible that science has had a profound impact on all life aspects by introducing humankind to constant ground-breaking discoveries and inventions. In other words, science serves as an indispensable means to impart insights regarding how the world operates with its branches ranging from physics, chemistry, and biology to astronomy. However, this particular field of study does not seem to fully satisfy people’s boundless curiosity about other domains such as social matters or cultural and traditional values, while arts prove to convey such ideas effectively. Arts reflect and inform us about cultural and traditional traits of a certain region. Journey to the West, one of the four outstanding classical novels of Chinese literature, is a remarkable example when it comes to conveying long-established Taoist and Buddhist philosophy as well as Chinese religious beliefs. These matters can hardly be discussed within the realm of science. In addition, artworks can be used as historical evidence to teach history. Via their paintings, artists can represent major historical periods and create strong impressions about certain events on art admirers. For instance, Guernica, probably the most famous work by Pablo Picasso, succeeded in depicting the tragedy of war and the sufferings people had to incur after Nazi’s bombing on Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. In conclusion, arts are of great significance when it comes to expanding people’s horizons in various subjects, an aspect which most sciences and technologies fail to do. IELTS ETRAIN 32 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER -‘To have a profound impact on st/sb Dich: C6 inh hung én dén Nghia: To have powerful effect on somebody or something Vi du: The development of eco-tourism has had profound impacts on the environment by cutting off the amount of waste released by tourists -Ground-breaking discoveries and inventions Dich: Nhing khém phé va phat minh 6 tinh d6t pha Nghia: A thing, fact or person that is found or learned about for the first time Vi du: The drug is a groundbreaking discovery, saving the life of thousands of people suffering from malaria. -To serve as an indispensable means Dich: Dong mét vai tré khong thé thay thé Nghia: To play a role that is too important to be without Vi du: Cars have served an indispensable means in our modern life -To impart st to sb Dich: Day cho ai cdi gi~ to convey Nghia: 1b pass information, knowledge, ete. to other people Vi du: History lessons at school impact patriotism and national pride to younger generations “To satisfy sb’s boundless curiosity about st Dich: Thda man sy to mé ctia ai vé cai gi Nghia: ‘lo satisfy a strong desire to know about something Vi du: His answer did not satisfy my curiosity about the way she boosted sales of her own business. + Cultural and traditional traits Dich: Dae diém van hoa va truyén théng Nghia: The most important features of a culture or a tradition Vi du: The council can preserve the cultural and traditional of the region by constantly renovating historical sites and holding festivals. + Philosophy (noun) Dich: Triét hoc Nghia: The study of the nature and meaning of the universe and of human life +Realm (noun) Dich: Linh vue Nghia: An area of activity, interest, or knowledge Vi du: At the end of the speech he seemed to be moving into the realms of fantasy. IELTS ETRAIN 33 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER + To create strong impressions about st Dich: Tao dn tuong sau sac vé diéu gi Nghia: To have the strong effect from an experience or a person on somebody/something Vi du: The trip to Danang created a strong impression about the friendliness of indigenous inhabitants. -To depict (verb) Dich: Miéu ta Nghia: To show an image of somebody/something in a picture Vi dy: The novel depicts French society in the 1930s. + To incur a tragedy (verb phrase) Dich: Ganh chju bi kich Nghia: especially one that involves death Vi dy: People in the world daily incur a tragedy that hundreds of people are die of cancer. To be in a situation in which you have to deal with a very sad event or situation, -To be of great significance Dich: Cue quan trong ~ to attach importance to st/sb Nghia: Having a great effect on people or things; of great value Vidu: It’s a matter of the greatest importance to me. + To expand sb’s horizons (verb phrase) Dich: Mé rong hiéu biét Nghia: To have more knowledge about st Vi du: Reading books is the most simple way to expand knowledge about the realms someone concerns. To fail to do something (verb phrase) Dich: Khong thanh cong trong ... Nghia: To not be successful in achieving something Vi du: She failed to get into art college. | The song can't fail to be a hit (= definitely will be a hit). IELTS ETRAIN 34 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER Khong thé chéi cai rang khoa hoc da c6 tac déng sau sic dén tat ca cc khia canh cita cude s6ng bang cach mang lién tuc dén cho ching ta nhing khém pha va phat minh dét pha. Noi cach khac, khoa hoe déng vai tro 1a phuong tién khong thé thiéu dé truyén dat nhiing hiéu biét vé cach thé gidi van hanh véi cdc linh vue nhu vat ly, h6a hoe va sinh hoc dén thién van hoc. Tuy nhién, nhiing phat minh nay dudng nhu khéng théa man hoan toan su td md caa moi ngudi vé cae linh vuc khéc nhu cac van dé x4 h0i hoac van héa va truyén théng, trong khi nghé thuat chtmg minh truyén dat nhiing ¥ tudng d6 mot céch higu qua. Nghé thuat phan anh va théng bao cho ching téi vé nhiing dac diém van héa va truyén thong cia mot khu vuc nhat dinh. Journey to the West, mét trong bén tiéu thuyét cé dién néi bat cua van hoc Trung Quéc, 1a mot vi du dang chu y khi truyén tai triét ly Dao gido va Phat gio lau ddi cing nhu tin ngudng ton giao cia Trung Quéc. Nhiing van dé nay khé cé thé duge thao luan trong linh vue khoa hoc. Ngoai ra, tac phdm nghé thuat c6 thé duge st dung lam bing chiing lich st dé day lich st. Thong qua cac tae phim nghé thuat, cdc nghé si cé thé dai dién cho céc giai doan lich st lén va tgo 4n tugng manh mé vé cac su nhat dinh. Ching han, Guernica - cé 1é 1a tac phim néi tiéng nhat cita Pablo Picasso - da thanh eéng trong viée miéu ta bi kich chién tranh va nhiing dau khé ma moi ngudi phai génh chiu sau khi Dic Quéc x4 ném bom vio Guernica trong Néi chién Tay Ban Nha. ‘Tom lai, nghé thuat ¢6 ¥ nghia rét lén khi gitip con ngudi cb thém kién thttc vé mét sé linh vue, nhung khoa hoc va céng nghé thi lai ching lam duge di IELTS ETRAIN 35 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER BUS OR PN RS Ra U MINCE VAN Vea 0 Ee) SQM ONG eC ate Unetitcenr a te Mer atac ce oleate: nized tour to remote areas a aareT eon d he popular. Is it a positive or negative development for EUROS haley tt ee PCR ORCC gets Serato ce oc ict a» Dich cau héi: Nhiing chuyén di du lich dén cdc khu vue hay cong déng xa xoi dang ngay cang tré nén phé bién hon. Day la mét xu huéng tich cuc hay tiéu cule cho nguéi dan va méi truéng 6 noi 46? IELTS ETRAIN 36 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER cAch tiép cn tét nhat cho ngudi viét dé la khing dinh ring xu hudng dang duge dé cAp c6 ca anh hwng tich eye va tiéu crfe. Véi dé bai nay ngudi viét dA duge goi ¥ ring nhiing main ideas duge dua ra chi nén tap trung vao hai khia canh: nguai dan dia phuong + méi trudng. Nhiém vu ctia ngudi viét nhu sau: - Néu ra mat Idi cia viée ngay cang c6 nhiéu chuyén di téi cde vang/ cong déng xa x6i di véi ngudi dan dia phuong va d6i véi méi trudng - Néu ra mat hai cua xu huéng trén véi ngwéi dan dia phuong va méi truéng Cau tric bai viét: Introduction - Gidi thiéu topic bing cach paraphrase céu héi ‘Organized tour to = Remote = far-away = isolated = far-flung trayelling to = tourism to Organized tour to remote areas and community is_increasingly popular. Ts increasingly popular = gains more popularity =is a burgeoning trend - Tra léi cau héi ring xu huéng trén sé c6 cd nhiing anh hudng tich cue cing nh anh hung tiéu cuic Body Body 1: - Topic sentence: Du lich ¢€n nhiing noi xa xi héo lanh c6 mat tfch cue. ~ Supporting idea 1: Ngudi dan dja phuong c6 nhié nhap én dinh hon vi nhiéu ngan dich vy 06 thé duge mé ra cing vdi sy phat trién cla du lich (@n uéng, huéng dn vién du lich, ban dé liu niém ...) - Supporting idea 2: Méi trutng sé duge dau tu hon, bing viée xfy dung nhiéu céng trinh céng cng, dam bao si sach sé... dé thu huit khach du lich IELTS ETRAIN 37 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER Body 2: - Topic sentence: Du lich dén nhiing noi nay cing cé hai cho méi trudng va ngudi dan dia phuong. - Supporting idea 1: Méi trudng bi 6 nhiém do lugng khach dén thm gia tang > tang lugng rac thai ra. - Supporting idea 2: Su phat trién qua mtc cing dan dén su xuat hién cia cac loai hinh toi pham > Anh huéng dén su an toan trong cudc séng hang ngay cua dan dia phuong. Conclusion Téng két lai rang xu hudng di du lich tdi cac vang/ cong dng xa sé co ca Idi ca hai, va ngudi viét cé thé tom tat lai ca lgi va hai cua xu hudng trén la gi IELTS ETRAIN 38 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER Traveling to far-flung lands and immersing in the indigenous culture are a burgeoning trend today. | think this development could have both positive and negative influences in equal measure, as now will be discussed. On the one hand, organized tours to isolated areas can be seen as economically and socially beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, the increasing arrivals of visitors give rise to the development of service industry in which native residents can run their own business such as providing accommodation and restaurants or operating tours for travelers. This helps to create a promising job market with stable income for local community. Secondly, thanks to the development of tourism industry, local government can gain more taxes and then use this revenue for constructing and upgrading more social infrastructure such as parks, museums or squares, which both serve the demand of the local and tourists. On the other hand, I believe that the invasion of visitors to the area can also be detrimental, especially to local environment and community. Firstly, more tourists coming means more waste is dumped into the area. Without quick and proper treatment, the air, water and land, which were once pristine, will soon be polluted. Secondly, local traditions and customs might be negatively affected by the arrival of people coming from so many different cultures. In some cases, indigenous residents may copy the lifestyle brought by these visitors, which results in the loss of native culture. Mass tourism can cause an increased level of crime such as pickpocket, drug or alcohol abuse, threatening the safety of local residents. In conclusion, despite some positive impacts, I still hold the opinion that tourism to the remote areas can also be detrimental to the environment and local community. IELTS ETRAIN 39 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER

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