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When we say start,we all know what it means.

To start means to *begin*. This means setting a foundation upon which you build many other things.

For example,when you want to build a house, you start with the foundation which must be very strong
because it will Carry the main building:rooms,toilet, bathroom,kitchen,open yards, courtyards
etc....many things in the building resting on the foundation. If the foundation is not strong,the building
will collapse soon but when it is strongly built,u will be rest assured in it.

Same way,when you start with God, you will receive inner strength that carries one even when trials and
tribulations surfaces.

Eph3:16 says: *that he would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with
might by His Spirit in the inner man.*

When a man lacks inner strength, physical strength strength may be useless. Inner strength breeds faith,
courage,trust,hope and great ideas. This inner strength comes through the help of the Holy ghost. This
strength draws you more closer to God, you'll always have the urge to commune with God,you pray
more and seeks the mind of God concerning *"everything"*

For example, something as small as choosing clothes to wear when you are going out,when you decide
to allow God choose for you,then you will be seen in His Royalty, I mean a royal apparel will be seen on
you and you will hear people giving you different accolades. Thought the cloth is not new and it may
seems awkward to you at first because you have a better one in mind. But because God is involved, you
will be honored in it.

This is what I have practically noticed.

What I am saying in essence is that whatever you commit into God's hands this year will yield bountiful
harvest. Let us start with God.

Jesus our great master,started with God, despite being God himself, He allowed his father to help him
and this made him fulfill purpose,His ministry was fulfilled despite all odds, trials and temptations.
Matt3:13 showed us that he surrendered to God, he identified himself with God and vs 16 confirmed
this as the Spirit of God descended on Him and show cased him to all.

Then matt 4:2 says he fasted,he started with God because he needed the help of His father. We have to
follow the footstep of our master. Start with God.

Abraham put God first in all he did and this was why God made him His friend.Because of his
relationship with God, his family members like Lot enjoyed God's mercy as he was brought out of
destruction awaiting Sodom and Gomorrah.
When Abraham made the mistake of not seeking God when his wife gave him an advice to have an heir
through her maid.. we all know the aftermath. I pray we will not miss it this year in Jesus name. Brethren,
do not let your year be desolate, desist from the sinful ways of the past years. The Lord is ready to
accept as many as are ready to start afresh with Him. The year is still young. You can start with him.

He says in Isa 1:18*Come now let us argue it out says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet,they
shall be like snow, though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.*

Vs 19 then says: *if you are willing and obedient,you shall eat the good of the land.*

This means if you and I are ready to follow the leadings of God this year, then we shall see wonders of
God. However,vs 20 says:

*But if you refuse and rebel,you shall be devoured by the sword: for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.*

Now mummies, can we withstand the evils in the year Without God on our side?

I know our answers will be "NO".

Then,we need to start with the Lord.

- In our homes- let's make Christ the head, let's follow His leading, don't run the affairs of your home
with your brain this year. It won't work, release the wheel to Christ.

- Your work and business needs a fresh touch, a new plan to make it 10times better than other people's
own. Allow God.

- In Your compound,yes other neighbors are naughty,they are taking you for granted and you have
decided to pack them in their place. Hnmmmm... God is saying *start with Me*, let your light so shine to
them,it has a reason why God kept you there. Please start with God this year.

Now, how do we start with God?

1. You go to him in prayer( for those who are His children).

For mummies that are yet to accept Christ,the first step is to confess your sins and accept Him into your
life. Forsake your old ways and follow the path of righteousness.

2. Release the wheel to Him. Ask Him to direct your life this year. Genuinely surrender the key to Him.

3. Ask for the direction to go this year,talk to Him and make sure you hear back from Him so that you
will be certain about what you are doing.

4. Make conscious effort of not doing things on your own but receiving His instructions on what to do.

I pray the Lord will journey with us this year. He will lead us through.
We will not make mistake, we will not miss it. All will be Wonder filled for us and our families in Jesus

Thanks for having me mummies.


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