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I. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a,b,c, atau d untuk jawaban Yang kamu anggap benar!

1. What is Nunu’s hobby?

a. His hobby is swimming
b. His hobby is fishing
c. His hobby is snorkling
d. His hobby is diving
2. Ronald :What is your hobby Tigor?
Tigor : ... hobby is reading books.
a. I am
b. Me
c. My
d. Hi

3. .... do you spell your name? A-R-D-I

a. How
b. Excuse me
c. Sorry
d. Why
4. What is your address?
a. My name is Rayya
b. It is okay
c. R-A-Y-Y-A
d. It is Jl. Garuda 10

5. What is his hobby?

a. His hobby is dancing
b. His hobby is swimming
c. His hobby is fishing
d. His hobby is cycling
6. He is a …
a. fisherman
b. fire
c. Dentist
d. Fire fighter

7. .... is your hobby, Ana? My hobby is dancing

a. Why
b. Where
c. What
d. Where

8. Meilin ….. playing volley ball

a. Likes
b. Like
c. Like to
d. Love
9. What do you want to be in the future?
a. I want to be a doctor
b. I am in grade five
c. She wants to be a scientist
d. I like playing guitar
10. She …. To be a musician.
a. Want
b. Wants
c. Wanted
d. Like
11. …. Where is the laboratory?
a. Excuse me
b. Sorry
c. What is
12. …….. is the canteen? It is the next of parking lot
a. What
b. Where
c. Why
d. When
13. “ di atas” in English is ...
a. in
b. under
c. between
d. on

14. The students are in the ...

a. Classroom
b. Canteen
c. Library
d. Laboratory

Class 1 Calss 2 Class
Class 2 is ... class 1 and class 3

a. behind
b. beside
c. in front of
d. between

16. “Laboratorium berada di samping perpustakaan” in English is ....

a. The laboratory is behind the library
b. The laboratory is next to the library
c. The laboratory is beside the library
d. The laboratory is opposite the library

4. According to the picture

a. Edo has a fever
b. Edo has a headache
c. Edo is fine
d. Edo has toothache
5. Sakit perut in Englishh is ...
a. Fever
b. Stomachache
c. cold
d. toothache
6. Does she have a fever?
a. She has a fever
b. Yes, she did
c. Yes, she does
d. Yes, she is
7. Take this ....and then take a rest
a. drink
b. water
c. biscuits
d. medicine

8. Don’t forget after take a medicine, you have to ...

a. Take a bath
b. Drink much water
c. Eat much water
d. Take a rest
9. What ... she look like ? she looks beauty
a. is
b. did
c. do
d. does
10. Rani .... long hair
a. has
b. have
c. is
d. had
11. Feni has ... (kurus) body
a. Fat
b. thin
c. small
d. big
12. I am .... for ( mencari) my friend.
a. look
b. looks
c. looked
d. looking
II. Isilah titik titik di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang tepat!

17. Mr. Jhon : Excuse me, Andrew. ... is the teacher’s office?

Andrew : It is the next to principal’s office.

18. The second floor is ….the first floor and the third floor.
19. My name is Hana. I am a student of grade five. Now me and my friends are studying English in the

Where is Hana now? She is ...

20. The principal’s office is next to the library

The correct question based on the statement above is …

21. Where is the library ? …. Is next to the principal’s office

22. It is a picture of ….

23. “ My house is behind the mosque” in Indonesian is …

24. “Infimary” in Indonesian is ....

25. The clock is …. The wall

26. He …drum

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