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Assalamualaikum wr wb, my name is Asheylla Etrian Anbiyyani I am student of ten mipa three I will

describe about my house.

My house is in the warnasari housing, with a comfortable environment and I really feel happy at home
even though sometimes I get a little bored because of the quarantine. my house is surrounded by many
relatives so it is very comfortable in my home environment

My house is big but is not big enough I will mention what is in my house I have 2 floor I also have a
flower on the 3th floor and I have 4 bedroom in my bedroom I have a fan, I have a mirror and I also have
a door (a wooden door) I have a money I have a skincare routine and i have blanket and pillow I have air
conditioner I have a 21 lamp and many more that I can't mention one by one.

And my house behind the field so very effective when used for sports or other things. my house has a
mango tree in front of it so the atmosphere is cool and comfortable to relax.

The following is a description of my house, sorry if there is a wrong word, Wassallamualaikum wr wb

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