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Subject: ENGLISH Date: Mahalingapur Road Kodihal ,

Topic: LETTER WRITING Name: Ranna- Belagali-587113

Grade : IX
Ref No: DVVS/22-23/I/WS/English/001
Parent/Guardian signature: ASSESSMENT


Letter writing is an important means of communication in both the workspace as well as our
personal lives. A letter is a written message that can be handwritten or printed on paper. It is
usually sent to the recipient via mail or post in an envelope. Any such message that is
transferred via post is a letter, a written conversation between two parties.


Let us first understand that there are broadly two types of letter, namely Formal Letters, and
Informal Letters. But then there are also a few types of letters based on their contents, formalities,
the purpose of letter writing etc. Let us have a look at the few types of letters.

 Formal Letter: These letters follow a certain pattern and formality. They are strictly kept professional in
nature, and directly address the issues concerned. Any type of business letter or letter to authorities
falls within this given category.

 Informal Letter: These are personal letters. They need not follow any set pattern or adhere to any
formalities. They contain personal information or are a written conversation. Informal letters are
generally written to friends, acquaintances, relatives etc.

 Business Letter: This letter is written among business correspondents, generally contains commercial
information such as quotations, orders, complaints, claims, letters for collections etc. Such letters are
always strictly formal and follow a structure and pattern of formalities.

 Official Letter: This type of letter is written to inform offices, branches, subordinates of official
information. It usually relays official information like rules, regulations, procedures, events, or any
other such information. Official letters are also formal in nature and follow certain structure and

 Social Letter: A personal letter written on the occasion of a special event is known as a social letter.
Congratulatory letter, condolence letter, invitation letter etc. are all social letters.

 Circular Letter: A letter that announces information to a large number of people is a circular letter.
The same letter is circulated to a large group of people to correspond some important information
like a change of address, change in management, the retirement of a partner etc.

 Employment Letters: Any letters with respect to the employment process, like joining letter, promotion
letter, application letter etc.

NOTE: It is reference notes for more reading. Focus should be more on Formal and Informal letters
3-B Model Town Senders’ Address
New Delhi-110088

August 25, 2022 Date

Dear Mom, Salutation

You will be pleased to know that I am coming home for

the weekend. I am very excited to meet you all after so

I feel elated to share that the project I had been working

on has been selected by America’s Library Council. It was
a very challenging task for me but I am glad that my hard
work has paid off. Body or content

Leaving aside my chores, I have also started taking care

of my diet as you suggested.
How is everyone at home? I hope Ritu’s dance classes are
running well.

Update me about everything soon and please do not

forget to visit the doctor for your routine check-up.
Convey my regards to Papa and love to dear Ritu. Concluding Remarks

Yours lovingly
6 Remarks
Complimentary closure
Signature or Name
Parts of Informal Letter

1. Senders’ Address It includes house number, street/area, pincode and country.

2. Date It includes the date on which the letter is written.

3. Salutation It is a customary greeting to the reader depending upon the intimacy between the
writer and the reader.

4. Body of the Letter It includes the text that embodies the purpose of writing. It may consist one or
more paragraph. Each paragraph focuses on a different idea/query/event.

5. Concluding Remarks This part indicates that the letter is going to end. A concluding remark
‘missing you Mamma and Appa ’ words can be written in this part.

6. Complimentary Closure It is a warm subscription for the reader. It is also followed by the name of
the writer. The first word in the complimentary closure always starts with capital letter.

7. Signature Line It mentions the name of the writer. The handwritten signature goes above this line,
below the closure.
Sample Salutations:

Dear Mom/Dad/Grandma/Grandpa,

My dear……

Sample beginning sentence:

I am pleased to inform you all…….

I am excited to convey you all that ….

I was happy to receive your letter……

I am happy to share….

Sample Complimentary Closure:

a. For friends : ‘With best regards’, ‘With best wishes’ Yours loving, yours
b. For parents and elders : ‘With love and respect’, ‘‘With respect and affectionate regards’
c. For younger relatives :‘With love’, ‘Best wishes’, ‘With best wishes’
d. For official letters :‘Thanking you’, ‘With best regards’, Yours obediently


1.Write an application to the principal complaining against a senior student of your school,

The Principal
BCM Arya Model Senior Secondary School

Respected Madam,

I am a student of class VIII. I want to bring to your kind notice the rude behaviour of Sohan
Sharma of Class X- A. He calls us bad names and disrupts our studies. He makes all kinds of
mischief. I request you to kindly investigate the matter and take stern action against him. It is
really shameful that a senior student of our school should behave so rudely with a junior like

Yours obediently,

Ankit Mahajan
2. Letter from a son to his father expressing dislike of his present job

18, Link Road

August 18, 20XX

Dear Father.

I received your letter yesterday asking me how I like my present job.

I hope you will take my reply in a positive way. Frankly speaking, I do not like my job. It is a
routine clerical type work where no intelligence is required.

I have completed more than six months here and I find it as little to my taste as on the first day. I
have tried my best to adjust to this work, but I feel quite unchallenged. I can’t adjust myself to
this type of work.

I would rather like the work that challenges my intellect, polishes my skills and refines me as a
team worker and a leader. I have applied for jobs at New Delhi in two MNCs and I think I’ll bag
a new one soon.

Please don’t worry about all this. I’ll manage everything.

Love to all at home.

Your loving son


3. Letter to a father asking him for some money

415, Lajpat Nagar

Alwar (Rajasthan)

February 23, 2022

My dear father

I hope this letter finds everybody at home in the best of health and happiness. I am well here.
You might have received my progress report from the school.

You will be glad to know that I have secured first position in my terminal examination.

I assure you that I will maintain this position in the Annual Examination too. As you know my fees
for the next quarter is due. Therefore, kindly send me ` 11000/- by bank draft at the earliest.

Please pay my respects to dear mother and convey my love and affection to Sanya and Rajiv.

Your loving son

4.Letter to a cousin informing him about your future plans of action

13, Meera Lane

Bani Park

July 10, 2022

My dear brother

I am glad to receive your letter. You have asked me about my future plans after completing my
Sr Secondary. My examination result is going to be declared soon. I hope to pass with a good
percentage. I want to join the army. I like military service. There, I can serve my motherland. So
after my Sr Sec I’d like to attempt NDA examination, for which I have already started my

Regards to Aunt and Uncle.

Yours affectionately

5.Letter to a friend describing the Annual Day celebrations in your school

23, Ram Nagar

New Delhi

January 10, 2022

Dear Sahana

The annual function of my school was held on Tuesday, the 2nd of January. A stage was built up.
Three big ‘Shamianas’ were fixed. The Education Minister was our Chief Guest. A cultural show
was organised in which one-minute plays, folk dances and songs were presented.

After the cultural show, the Principal read the Annual Report. The Chief Guest distributed prizes
to the meritorious and the best performers. He praised the efforts made by our school in
preparing the students for the annual function.

The function ended after a tea party. It was a nicely arranged and well managed function.

With lots of love to you and Kiaan.

Yours loving

6. Letter to a friend inviting him to your village during summer vacations

B-121, Anand Colony


May 15, 2022

Dear Samar
I earnestly desire that you should come to my village during the summer vacations. We both
shall enjoy ourselves here and I am sure that you will certainly like the village life. It will be a
delightful change for you. Rampur is famous for mountains, lakes, rivers, green forests and for its
natural beauty. There aremany beautiful picnic spots near my village. Kali Ghati, Bhujang Shiv,
Jharna, etc are some of them which are famous for waterfalls and natural beauty.

City life is full of hustle and bustle, and has become very polluted. You will find the village life
very peaceful, with clean air and greenery all round. You will feel as if you are at a hill station.

Please confirm your date of arrival.

Yours affectionately

7.Letter of invitation to a dinner party

12, Alka Marg

New Delhi

July 15, 20XX

Dear Venkatesh

I hope you find my letter in the best of health and happiness. I am very pleased to request the
pleasure of your company at a get together organised by our family to celebrate and cement
the bond we share.

I look forward to see you, along with your entire family at Jai Palace, Jaipur on 24th July, 20XX
at 8 pm. Please confirm your presence at 9838116XXXX for the same.

Yours lovingly

8. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him/her on his/her success in class 10 board exam.

B-32, sector-11
New Delhi-110034

January 10, 2021

Dear Muskan

My happiness knew no bounds when I got to know that you have topped your school and
achieved your dream. I felt so pleased that I wish I were there to congratulate you personally.
The result has proved that hard work, determination, and perseverance bring good results. You
were so laborious and passionate about it. I know you were very nervous too, but I was always
very confident that you would come out with flying colors. I apologize that I couldn’t even
attend the celebration party despite my wishes.

Hope to see you soon. Please be encouraged and continue your hard work. Your future is very
bright. My parents and elder sister have sent lots of love and heartiest congratulations.

With lots of love and best wishes.

Yours lovingly

B-7, Club Road Senders’ Address
Shalimar Bagh
New Delhi-110088
September 25, 2022 Date

The Editor
Receivers’ Name/
The Times of India
Rank and His /Her Address
New Delhi

Subject : Empowering People with Literacy
Subject of the letter

Sir/Madam 5 Remarks
Subject of the letter
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like
to draw the attention of people towards the issue of illiteracy
which is the root cause of increasing problems of population and
unemployment. I wish to make an appeal to the people of our 6
country to come forward and be a part of ‘Literate India’ Body or content
Imparting knowledge will not only bring about a platform to
equip the unprivileged with basic education but will also nurture
and develop their budding talent which can guide them further.

Starting with innovative and sustainable programmes, we can 7

support active home-schooling to provide a minimum level of
literacy and empower people from rural areas to become self-
Yours Sincerely Complimentary closure

Rajiv Sharma

Parts of Informal Letter

1. Senders’ Address Writer’s address is written here. Never put His/Her name here.

2. Date The date appears directly below the address after leaving a line

3. Receivers’ Name/Rank and His/Her Address It includes the designation (if known), name of the
organisation (if appropriate) followed by the street/area, state/town and country (if writing
internationally) of the person to whom the letter is being sent.

4. Subject of the Letter It indicate the theme of the letter here.

5. Salutation It is a customary greeting with which the sender opens the letter.

6. Body of the Letter It includes the main text of the letter. It puts forward the message that the writer
wants to convey. It embodies introduction and purpose.

7.Conclusion: It includes final endings remarks or request

8. Complimentary Closure It is a warm subscription for the reader. It includes name and designation
of the sender.

1. Letter to the Editor of a newspaper about very irregular and short water supply in your locality

Central Road
New Delhi-110031

November 1, 2021

The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi

Subject : Irregular Water Supply


I crave the hospitality of the columns of your esteemed newspaper to draw the attention of local
authorities, particularly the ‘Water Supply Department’, towards the problem of water supply in our

For the last seven days, the water supply in our colony has become very irregular. Water was
supplied for just three days and that too for one hour per day.

When contacted, the Assistant Engineer concerned replied that the problem has reaped due to
some electricity issue. I was not satisfied with the cause stated. It appears that the concerned
official is not taking the problem seriously.

I hope you will be kind enough to publish this letter in your daily, so that the higher authorities can
steer to solve this acute problem immediately.

Yours truly
Rasik Lal

2.You are Praveen the incharge of tour and excursion club of Grand Public School, Agra. During
the summer break, you are planning to organise a tour to a place of historical importance.
Write a letter to the India Travel and Tour Agency, Agra, enquiring about the charges, facilities
and all the other necessary details.

Grand Public School,

6th April, 2021

The Manager,
India Travel and Tour Agency

Subject: Enquiry about the charges and facilities


Grand Public School, Agra is organising a tour to a place of historical importance during the
summer break. We are planning a tour in the first week of May. It would be a tour for three
days. We are a group of twenty–five students, four teachers and two peons. Kindly furnish the
following details regarding the tour and oblige.
 Information regarding the package tours provided by your agency.
 Arrangement for accommodation of the students, the teachers and the peons.
 Number of rooms and their total charges.
 Arrangements of breakfast, lunch and dinner and the charges per head.
 Arrangement of luxury buses and the charges for each bus.
 Any other information or relevant details regarding the tour.

Yours faithfully

(Tour Incharge)

3. You are Melody living at 7/31, Karla Nagar, Kanpur. There are many stray dogs in your
colony. They chase vehicles, trouble strangers and sometimes bite the children. They are a
nuisance. Write a letter of complaint to the Municipal Commissioner, Kanpur requesting
him to instruct the concerned staff to take appropriate action.

Kamla Nagar

5th April 2020

The Municipal Commissioner

Kanpur Uttar Pradesh

Subject : Trouble caused by stray dogs in our colony

Dear sir,

With great respect and humble submission, I, Melody would like to inform you of the
troubles that the residents of my colony at 7/31, Kanpur, are experiencing as a result of stray
dogs that are always roaming in and around our 8 street. These stray dogs arrived
approximately two weeks ago and are causing a slew of issues for the locals. These dogs chase
the vehicles that come and go from our street, making it difficult for many people, particularly

those with children, to leave their homes to buy vital goods. Not only have these stray dogs
begun assaulting residents, but one of them recently bit a child who was playing with his
buddies in the park. Many residents have written letters of complaint to the municipality, but no
action has been taken.

As a result, we would like to ask you to be so kind as to look into and address our problem, for
which we would be eternally grateful.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely

4. Accidents in big cities is a common phenomenon. Unfortunately, hardly anyone comes to
the rescue of road victims because of fear of harassment by the police. Now that the Supreme
Court has issued guidelines that people who take road victims to a hospital will not be
questioned or detained, there is no reason why bystanders/passersby should hesitate to help
road victims and thus discharge their duty as responsible citizens. Write a letter in 100–120 words
to the editor of a national daily requesting him to make people aware of Supreme Court
guidelines and urge them to help people in distress. You are Shom / Shobha, 24, Raj Nagar,

12 Station Road Delhi

12th March, 2021

The Editor
The New Indian Express
New Delhi

Subject: Problems faced by outstation students in Delhi


I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the problems students from
other states face when they join universities in Delhi. One of the major problems is that of finding
an affordable accommodation. Institutions are not equipped to accommodate all the
students. The rent charged by local landlords is exorbitant, rules and regulations they put
forward are unreasonable, convenience that they provide is minimal, and security is not their
responsibility. Students belonging to specific cultures are denied accommodation. May I
suggest the following measures to solve the problems:

 government set a slab and pull up errant landlords

 Make it mandatory for educational institutions to cater to students requiring
accommodation, along with meeting their food and medical needs.

Through the columns of your esteemed daily I request you to bring our problems out in the
public domain and help bring about a respite to the students who are miles away from their

Yours faithfully
Raman Lyer

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