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import pygame

import math


white = (255, 255, 255)

black = (0, 0, 0)

WIDTH = 1920
HEIGHT = 1080

x_start, y_start = 0, 0

x_seperator = 10
y_seperator = 20

rows = HEIGHT // y_seperator

columns = WIDTH // x_seperator
screen_size = rows * columns

x_offset = columns / 2
y_offset = rows / 2

A, B = o, o # rotating animation

theta_spacing = 10
phi_spacing = 1

chars = ".,-~:;=!*#$@" # luminance index

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))

display_surface = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))

# display_surface = pygame.display.set_mode((0, 0), pygame.FULLSCREEN)
font = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', 18, bold=True)

def text_display(letter, x_start, y_start):

text = font.render(str(letter), True, white)
display_surface.blit(text, (x_start, y_start))

run = True
while run:


z = [0] * screen_size # Donut. Fills donut space

b = [' '] * screen_size # Background. Fills empty space

for j in range(o, 628, theta_spacing): # from 0 to 2pi

for i in range(o, 628, phi_spacing): # from = to 2pi
c = math.sin(i)
d = math.cos(j)
e = math.sin(A)
f = math.sin(j)
g = math.cos(A)
h = d + 2
D = 1 / (c * h * e + f * g + 5)
l = math.cos(i)
m = math.cos(B)
n = math.sin(B)
t = c * h * g - f * e
x = int(x_offset + 40 * D * (l * h * m - t * n)) # 3D x coordinate
after rotation
y = int(y_offset + 20 * D * (l * h * n + t * m)) # 3D y coordinate
after rotation
o = int(x + columns * y) # 3D z coordinate after rotation
N = int(8 * ((f * e - c * d * g) * m - c * d * e - f * g - l * d * n))
# luminance index
if rows > y and y > 0 and x > 0 and columns > x and D > z[o]:
z[o] = D
b[o] = chars[N if N > 0 else 0]

if y_start == rows * y_seperator - y-seperator:

y_start = 0

for i in range(len(b)):
A += 0.000002
B += 0.000001
if i == 0 or i % columns:
text_display(b[i], x_start, y_start)
x_start += x_seperator
y_start += y_seperator
x_start = 0
text_display(b[i], x_start, y_start)
x_start += x_seperator


for event in pygame.event.get():

if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
run = False

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