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approval (n) agreement that someone or something is acceptable

article (n) a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine
astonish (v) to surprise someone very much
awkward (adj) difficult to deal with
baron (n) a title for an upper-class man
bless (v) to ask God to protect someone or something; a blessingis
something that improves your life
candle (n) a stick of wax that gives light when it burns
charm (n) the special quality that someone has which makesother
people like them
companion (n) someone who you spend a lot of time with
courtship (n) an old-fashioned word for a romantic relationship before
determined (adj) wanting to do something very much, so you will not
let anyone or anything stop you
doll (n) a toy that looks like a child or a small person
edit (v) to prepare a book or a newspaper by correcting mistakes and
deciding which parts to keep
fete (n) an outdoor event with games, competitions and things for sale,
to collect money for a special purpose
gratitude (n) the feeling of being grateful
inn (n) a small hotel in the country
ladyship, lordship (n) a respectful way of talking to or about a lady or
millionaire (n) someone who has at least one million pounds
miracle (n) an action that seems to be impossible and is thought to be
caused by God
misery (n) a feeling of great unhappiness
nut (n) a large seed that you can eat, which usually grows in a hard,
brown shell
proposal (n) a plan that is suggested formally or officially
psychoanalyst (n) someone who treats people who are mentally ill by
talking about their life and feelings
rank (n) a person’s level of importance in society
roar (n/v) a deep, loud, continuous noise
Share (n) one of the equal parts in which a company is owned, which
are bought and sold
shilling (n) old British money; there were twenty shillings in a pound
Straw (n) the long, thin parts of crops like wheat, dried and used for
animal feed or for making things
top hat (n) a tall hat with a flat top, worn by men in the past
tremble (v) to shake because you are worried, afraid or excited

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