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My Family Vocabulary handout

Immediate Family
wife + husband = spouses
father + mother= parents
son(s) + daughter(s)= children
brother(s) + sister(s) = siblings
child= neutral word to refer to either son or daughter, only used as a
singular noun. For example: I am a child of God.
Extended Family
grandfather + grandmother = grandparents
grandson + granddaughter= grandchildren
uncle + aunt= there is no word that refers to both, you just say uncle
and aunt, and if you have more than one “uncles and aunts”
nephew and niece= there is no word that refers to both, you just say,
“nephew and nice,” and if you have more than one “nephews and
cousin= cousin is either your uncle’s or aunt’s child
cousin is used for both sexes. For example: Elena is my cousin, Pedro is
my cousin.
Plural form of cousin is cousins
In laws
My wife’s/husband’s mother is my mother in law
My wife’s/husband’s father is my father in law
My wife’s/husband’s brother is my brother in law
My brother’s wife is my sister in law
My sister’s husband is my brother in law
My wife’s brother is my brother in law
My wife’s sister is my sister in law
My husband’s brother is my brother in law
My husband’s sister is my sister in law
Half and Step (Only in Dysfunctional Families)
My mother’s husband who is not my father is my stepfather
My father’s wife who is my mother is my stepmother
My mother’s son who is not my father’s son is my half brother
My mother’s daughter who is not my father’s daughter is my half sister
My father’s son who is not my mother’s son is my half brother
My father’s daughter who is not my mother’s daughter is my half sister
My stepfather’s/stepmother’s son from a previous relationship than my
dad’s/mom’s is my stepbrother
My stepfather’s/stepmother’s daughter from a previous relationship
than my dad’s/mom’s is my stepsister
stepson(s) + stepdaughter(s) = stepchildren

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