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Full Entry Test
1 For questions 1–50, read the sentences below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits
each gap.
1 Justin Bieber _____ in concert at the local stadium tonight. Tickets were sold out within ten
minutes of being put online.
A appears B has appeared C was appearing D is appearing
2 People _____ to the same empty promises from the government for years and don’t believe
anything they say now.
A would be listening B are listening C were listening D have been listening
3 I think I _____ this film before, but I’m not sure.
A have been seeing B had seen C am seeing D have seen
4 I _____ to London until I was sent there last year.
A wasn’t going B didn’t go C hadn’t been D haven’t been
5 The company _____ a lot of success lately.
A might have B has had C had had D could have
6 By the time we get to the cinema, we _____ the first ten minutes of the film, so there’s no
point going.
A will miss B will be missing C will have missed D will have been missing
7 Don’t worry, the report _____ by the end of the day.
A will be finishing B will be finished C will have finished D will finish
8 Your essay _____ in on Monday. Why wasn’t it on my desk?
A should be B must have been C should have been D could be
9 There _____ to be fewer people attending university this year.
A is considered B are thought C are appearing D might
10 _____ my opinion, you should dress more smartly for the job interview.
A In B From C By D For
11 If she hadn’t got that job, she _____ her flat.
A wouldn’t buy B wouldn’t have bought C mustn’t buy D shouldn’t have bought
12 They have not found a _____ to the problem yet, but they will soon.
A solution B result C reaction D reply
13 They had _____ seen him for the last ten years and now here he was on their doorstep with his
A not quite B only just C no sooner D hardly
14 You _____ to have your own ski equipment because you can hire it at the centre.
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A mustn’t B don’t need C oughtn’t D needn’t
15 Can you tell me what the job _____ ?
A occupies B encloses C entails D implicates
16 The man’s choice to run away virtually _____ to an admission of guilt.
A resulted B came C amounted D added
17 James has great _____ and could go far in this job.
A potential B possibility C opportunity D chance
18 The other people in the group all _____ my ideas, which was very disappointing.
A prohibited B repelled C denied D rejected
19 The global recession has had a major _____ on every economy in the world.
A crash B impact C consequence D impression
20 The three friends decided to _____ up their own company.
A make B get C set D put
21 This is Josh, _____ artistic talents are going to astound the world.
A who B of whom C whoever D whose
22 The Grand Hotel on the coast is the one _____ we used to stay every summer.
A which B that C in where D in which
23 I recommend that you ______ out the information for the courses online. You’ll find
everything you need there.
A checking B to check C check D for checking
24 Leona _____ me to take up Pilates and it’s changed my life.
A advised B offered C suggested D claimed
25 He regrets not _____ a year out to travel before he started working.
A to take B being taken C having taken D to taking
26 It sounds _____ you are having a great time.
A if B like if C as if D as
27 The company _____ its waste by over 90% this year.
A diminished B reduced C dwindled D condensed
28 Is there any _____ of our winning the cup this year?
A liking B likeness C likewise D likelihood
29 _____ of having little formal education, he has become a very successful businessman.
A Despite B Although C In spite D Nevertheless
30 People _____ to be less tolerant of noise, the older they get.
A bound B inclined C tend D apt

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31 The information he gave us was _____ useless. It didn’t help us at all.
A deeply B utterly C extremely D painfully
32 You’ll be pleased to know that you are _____ for a scholarship if you wish to apply.
A entitled B eligible C appropriate D particular
33 His actions will _____ lead to dismissal, I’m afraid.
A deliberately B taken C unavoidably D inevitably
34 It never _____ my mind that he was lying to me.
A crossed B racked C took D put
35 Information on the author is _____ available on the Internet.
A rather B widely C quite D broadly
36 The children’s diet was _____ in Vitamin C, which has caused a lot of problems.
A absent B faulty C deficient D missing
37 The old friends spent the afternoon _____ about their schooldays.
A reminiscing B recollecting C recalling D remarking
38 Under the _____ , I think we should do more advertising.
A situations B circumstances C conditions D positions
39 They apologised _____ late, which they said was due to the terrible traffic that day.
A to be B they were C for being D being
40 Everyone on the boat was _____ with a life jacket.
A provided B afforded C offered D given
41 I have to stress that the _____ is on you to achieve the sales figures each month.
A duty B charge C onus D liability
42 You need to pay a deposit for the furniture _____ .
A forward B in front C in advance D up ahead
43 I think you should call him _____ he’s forgotten we’re coming.
A unless B providing C in case D otherwise
44 We are _____ to the fact that we will never make our fortunes, but we are happy nevertheless.
A resistant B resilient C resigned D relieved
45 My brother is a very _____ -qualified engineer.
A greatly B highly C overly D extremely
46 Now that we have made the decision, we need to _____ our plans as soon as possible.
A implement B practise C operate D utilise
47 _____ you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you do?
A Suggesting B Believing C Supposing D Guessing
48 _____ do I realise how difficult it must have been for my family to leave their country.
A If only B Now only C Only when D Only now

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49 Don’t interrupt me, you’ll break my _____ of thought.
A train B track C trace D trail
50 The law needs to act as a _____ to criminals if it is going to be effective.
A evasion B detraction C prevention D deterrent

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2 For questions 1–25, read the sentences below. Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of
each sentence to form a word that fits in the space.
1 Many sharks are now on the __________ species list because they have been hunted to near
extinction. DANGER
2 We need to improve __________ around the office as several bags have been stolen.
3 The company is taking on over a hundred new __________ this month. EMPLOY
4 The lions celebrated their __________ from captivity by chasing a few zebras. FREE
5 Unfortunately his __________ attempt to climb Mt Everest will be his last, so it will be the
only mountain whose summit he hasn’t reached. SUCCESS
6 Her __________ with the local people helped her to achieve a lot with them. FRIEND
7 There have been a number of __________ about bad service this month, so we need to address
the problem and contact those unhappy customers. COMPLAIN
8 I’m afraid there is __________ time to complete the work today. SUFFICE
9 There was a __________ between the two men and that’s why they were arguing. It’s all
sorted out now. UNDERSTAND
10 I think it would be __________ for us if we attend the trade fair this year as it will help to
raise our profile in the industry. ADVANTAGE
11 Young children are constantly looking for their parents’ __________ in everything they do.
12 What you said is totally __________ and has nothing to do with this situation. RELEVANT
13 The new _________ of the Shakespeare play has been a huge success. PRODUCE
14 The students went on a __________ exchange to Italy to study Renaissance art. CULTURE
15 She remembers her __________ as being a very happy one. CHILD
16 Although they didn’t want to go to the lecture, they found it __________ interesting.
17 The kind of work she was doing was very __________ and therefore extremely boring.
18 I seem to have __________ my bag and I can’t find it anywhere. PLACE
19 The mountain __________ was absolutely spectacular so we took lots of photos. SCENE
20 What I like about Joe is his __________ for everything he does. He’s great to work with.
21 It’s not __________ to leave your mobile phone on when you are watching a play in a theatre.
22 This genre of novel is a __________ for the author, who has only written historical novels up
to now. DEPART
23 The company wasn’t __________ in buying our products, which was a shame. INTEREST
24 The actors gave the best __________ of their lives. PERFORM
25 Constant __________ from your boss can be very demotivating. CRITIC

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3 For questions 1–25, read the text below and think of the word that best fits each space. Use
only one word in each space.
The Tower of London is the city’s oldest palace and has become an iconic landmark, recognised
(1) __________ over the world. The very first foundations of the current building (2) __________ put
down in 1078 (3) __________ that William, later King William, would be protected (4) __________
the hostile Londoners. (5) __________ then, it has been improved and extended several times
(6) __________ it became the building we recognise today. However, it wasn’t the first building on
that site because the Roman Emperor, Claudius, (7) __________ built a fortress there more
(8) __________ 1000 years earlier. (9) __________ first the building (10) __________ constructed of
timber and stone with the addition of a ditch and palisade along the north and east sides,
(11) __________ were finally completed in stone. Originally, the building was known
(12) __________ the Great Tower, and then the White Tower. This was (13) __________ Henry III
whitewashed the building when he made (14) __________ his home. Over the years the tower has had
various other uses: a library, a mint, a treasury, a bank, an arsenal and an observatory. However, it is
probably best known today for (15) __________ the infamous prison (16) __________ Henry VIII
jailed his enemies and wives (17) __________ they were beheaded.
As (18) __________ as all the uses mentioned above, the Tower also functioned as a zoo for over
600 years. It was home to a menagerie of exotic animals, starting with three lions, or leopards, given to
Henry III by Emperor Frederick in 1235. The lions matched (19) __________ ones on the King’s
shield and they can still (20) __________ seen today on the badges of the English football and cricket
teams. Then a polar bear, that regularly (21) __________ to swim in the Thames and catch fish,
arrived from Norway. But the biggest animal ever housed in the zoo was an elephant, a gift (22)
__________ King Louis IX of France in 1255. It (23) __________ have been strange for visitors to the
King to be welcomed (24) __________ the roaring of wild animals. Currently there is an interactive
exhibition about the exotic creatures which lived there all those years (25) __________ .
TOTAL /100

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