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Translate the following texts:

A. „Întotdeauna în casa noastră, una dintre principalele plăceri senzuale ale

vieții a fost să miroasă a cafea proaspătă. Aș merge la Sheffield cu mama, la
magazinul de provizii al lui Davey; acolo iau o cafea matinală la o masă
joasă și apoi te însoțește compania sa în jurul diferitelor tejghele pentru
sunca presată, cornete crocante de zahăr prăjit în grăsime și cafeaua proaspăt
măcinată care a venit în pungi verzi foșnitoare legate cu sfoară subțire. Când
ajungeam acasă, era întotdeauna treaba mea să golesc cafeaua în cutia de
cafea, strângând punga până nu mai rămânea nici măcar un bob. Apoi a venit
savurarea în timp ce roteam cutia, adulmecând cu grijă ca să nu inhalăm
a. She hadn't seen him so disappointed in a long time.
b. The children play in the garden every afternoon.
c. Look! Moon rise!
d. As soon as we entered Predeal, it started to snow.
e. I met him a few days ago while I was walking on the street.
f. I will go to the mountains next week.
g. I have already finished the first chapter of the book.
h. Have you ever seen water lilies?

"The judgment was a scandalous injustice and it could be seen that it only comes
from malice. Pascalopol tries to tame the situation.
- Madame Aglae, you are in a bad mood today. Miss Otilia sings beautifully, she is
an artist.
Aurica lowers her head, pressing her lips between her teeth.
- That's how you are, gallant, Aglae throws another jab. You'd better tell me what
to do with Titi, because I'm very upset. He left him correct and persecuted him
because he is shy, he is not brave like others and he was sick.
Maybe you know someone, put in a good word in the fall.
- We put it, we put it, how can we not, offered Pascalopol, always obliging, but I
say that until then someone should prepare it, so that we can be sure."

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